Outputs data in JSON format. Besides data tables, it also outputs column names and types, along with some additional information: the total number of output rows, and the number of rows that could have been output if there weren't a LIMIT. Example:
SELECT SearchPhrase, count() AS c FROM test.hits GROUP BY SearchPhrase WITH TOTALS ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 5 FORMAT JSON
The JSON is compatible with JavaScript. To ensure this, some characters are additionally escaped: the slash ` /` is escaped as ` \/`; alternative line breaks ` U+2028` and ` U+2029`, which break some browsers, are escaped as ` \uXXXX`. ASCII control characters are escaped: backspace, form feed, line feed, carriage return, and horizontal tab are replaced with `\b`, `\f`, `\n`, `\r`, `\t` , as well as the remaining bytes in the 00-1F range using `\uXXXX` sequences. Invalid UTF-8 sequences are changed to the replacement character <20> so the output text will consist of valid UTF-8 sequences. For compatibility with JavaScript, Int64 and UInt64 integers are enclosed in double quotes by default. To remove the quotes, you can set the configuration parameter output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers to 0.
`rows`– The total number of output rows.
`rows_before_limit_at_least` The minimal number of rows there would have been without LIMIT. Output only if the query contains LIMIT.
If the query contains GROUP BY, rows_before_limit_at_least is the exact number of rows there would have been without a LIMIT.
`totals`– Total values (when using WITH TOTALS).
`extremes`– Extreme values (when extremes is set to 1).
This format is only appropriate for outputting a query result, but not for parsing (retrieving data to insert in a table).