OVER ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column]
[ROWS or RANGE expression_to_bound_rows_withing_the_group]] | [window_name])
FROM table_name
WINDOW window_name as ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column])
For more detail on window function syntax see: [Window Functions - Syntax](./index.md/#syntax).
-`x` — Column name.
-`offset` — Offset to apply. [(U)Int*](../data-types/int-uint.md). (Optional - `1` by default).
-`default` — Value to return if calculated row exceeds the boundaries of the window frame. (Optional - `null` by default).
**Returned value**
- Value evaluated at the row that is at a specified physical offset before the current row within the ordered frame.
This example looks at historical data for a specific stock and uses the `lagInFrame` function to calculate a day-to-day delta and percentage change in the closing price of the stock.