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2019-10-10 16:30:30 +00:00
#include "IMergeTreeDataPart.h"
#include <optional>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Compression/CompressedReadBuffer.h>
#include <Compression/CompressedWriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/HashingWriteBuffer.h>
#include <Core/Defines.h>
#include <Common/SipHash.h>
#include <Common/escapeForFileName.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <Common/localBackup.h>
#include <Compression/CompressionInfo.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeData.h>
#include <Poco/File.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <Poco/DirectoryIterator.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <common/JSON.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST;
extern const int NO_FILE_IN_DATA_PART;
extern const int EXPECTED_END_OF_FILE;
extern const int CORRUPTED_DATA;
extern const int BAD_SIZE_OF_FILE_IN_DATA_PART;
extern const int BAD_TTL_FILE;
extern const int CANNOT_UNLINK;
static ReadBufferFromFile openForReading(const String & path)
return ReadBufferFromFile(path, std::min(static_cast<Poco::File::FileSize>(DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), Poco::File(path).getSize()));
void IMergeTreeDataPart::MinMaxIndex::load(const MergeTreeData & data, const String & part_path)
size_t minmax_idx_size = data.minmax_idx_column_types.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < minmax_idx_size; ++i)
String file_name = part_path + "minmax_" + escapeForFileName(data.minmax_idx_columns[i]) + ".idx";
ReadBufferFromFile file = openForReading(file_name);
const DataTypePtr & type = data.minmax_idx_column_types[i];
Field min_val;
type->deserializeBinary(min_val, file);
Field max_val;
type->deserializeBinary(max_val, file);
parallelogram.emplace_back(min_val, true, max_val, true);
initialized = true;
void IMergeTreeDataPart::MinMaxIndex::store(const MergeTreeData & data, const String & part_path, Checksums & out_checksums) const
store(data.minmax_idx_columns, data.minmax_idx_column_types, part_path, out_checksums);
void IMergeTreeDataPart::MinMaxIndex::store(const Names & column_names, const DataTypes & data_types, const String & part_path, Checksums & out_checksums) const
if (!initialized)
throw Exception("Attempt to store uninitialized MinMax index for part " + part_path + ". This is a bug.",
for (size_t i = 0; i < column_names.size(); ++i)
String file_name = "minmax_" + escapeForFileName(column_names[i]) + ".idx";
const DataTypePtr & type =;
WriteBufferFromFile out(part_path + file_name);
HashingWriteBuffer out_hashing(out);
type->serializeBinary(parallelogram[i].left, out_hashing);
type->serializeBinary(parallelogram[i].right, out_hashing);;
out_checksums.files[file_name].file_size = out_hashing.count();
out_checksums.files[file_name].file_hash = out_hashing.getHash();
void IMergeTreeDataPart::MinMaxIndex::update(const Block & block, const Names & column_names)
if (!initialized)
for (size_t i = 0; i < column_names.size(); ++i)
Field min_value;
Field max_value;
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = block.getByName(column_names[i]);
column.column->getExtremes(min_value, max_value);
if (!initialized)
parallelogram.emplace_back(min_value, true, max_value, true);
parallelogram[i].left = std::min(parallelogram[i].left, min_value);
parallelogram[i].right = std::max(parallelogram[i].right, max_value);
initialized = true;
void IMergeTreeDataPart::MinMaxIndex::merge(const MinMaxIndex & other)
if (!other.initialized)
if (!initialized)
parallelogram = other.parallelogram;
initialized = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parallelogram.size(); ++i)
parallelogram[i].left = std::min(parallelogram[i].left, other.parallelogram[i].left);
parallelogram[i].right = std::max(parallelogram[i].right, other.parallelogram[i].right);
MergeTreeData & storage_,
const String & name_,
const DiskSpace::DiskPtr & disk_,
const std::optional<String> & relative_path_)
: storage(storage_)
, name(name_)
, info(MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(name_, storage.format_version))
, disk(disk_)
, relative_path(relative_path_.value_or(name_))
2019-10-11 15:37:16 +00:00
, index_granularity_info(shared_from_this()) {}
2019-10-10 16:30:30 +00:00
const MergeTreeData & storage_,
const String & name_,
const MergeTreePartInfo & info_,
const DiskSpace::DiskPtr & disk_,
const std::optional<String> & relative_path_)
: storage(storage_)
, name(name_)
, info(info_)
, disk(disk_)
, relative_path(relative_path_.value_or(name_))
2019-10-11 15:37:16 +00:00
, index_granularity_info(shared_from_this()) {}
2019-10-10 16:30:30 +00:00
ColumnSize IMergeTreeDataPart::getColumnSize(const String & column_name, const IDataType & type) const
return getColumnSizeImpl(column_name, type, nullptr);
ColumnSize IMergeTreeDataPart::getTotalColumnsSize() const
ColumnSize totals;
std::unordered_set<String> processed_substreams;
for (const NameAndTypePair & column : columns)
ColumnSize size = getColumnSizeImpl(, *column.type, &processed_substreams);
return totals;
String IMergeTreeDataPart::getNewName(const MergeTreePartInfo & new_part_info) const
/// NOTE: getting min and max dates from the part name (instead of part data) because we want
/// the merged part name be determined only by source part names.
/// It is simpler this way when the real min and max dates for the block range can change
/// (e.g. after an ALTER DELETE command).
DayNum min_date;
DayNum max_date;
MergeTreePartInfo::parseMinMaxDatesFromPartName(name, min_date, max_date);
return new_part_info.getPartNameV0(min_date, max_date);
return new_part_info.getPartName();
DayNum IMergeTreeDataPart::getMinDate() const
if (storage.minmax_idx_date_column_pos != -1 && minmax_idx.initialized)
return DayNum(minmax_idx.parallelogram[storage.minmax_idx_date_column_pos].left.get<UInt64>());
return DayNum();
DayNum IMergeTreeDataPart::getMaxDate() const
if (storage.minmax_idx_date_column_pos != -1 && minmax_idx.initialized)
return DayNum(minmax_idx.parallelogram[storage.minmax_idx_date_column_pos].right.get<UInt64>());
return DayNum();
time_t IMergeTreeDataPart::getMinTime() const
if (storage.minmax_idx_time_column_pos != -1 && minmax_idx.initialized)
return minmax_idx.parallelogram[storage.minmax_idx_time_column_pos].left.get<UInt64>();
return 0;
time_t IMergeTreeDataPart::getMaxTime() const
if (storage.minmax_idx_time_column_pos != -1 && minmax_idx.initialized)
return minmax_idx.parallelogram[storage.minmax_idx_time_column_pos].right.get<UInt64>();
return 0;
// if (on_disk && (state == State::DeleteOnDestroy || is_temp))
// {
// try
// {
// std::string path = on_disk->getFullPath();
// Poco::File dir(path);
// if (!dir.exists())
// return;
// if (is_temp)
// {
// if (!startsWith(on_disk->getNameWithPrefix(), "tmp"))
// {
// LOG_ERROR(storage.log, "~DataPart() should remove part " << path
// << " but its name doesn't start with tmp. Too suspicious, keeping the part.");
// return;
// }
// }
// dir.remove(true);
// }
// catch (...)
// {
// tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
// }
// }
UInt64 IMergeTreeDataPart::getIndexSizeInBytes() const
UInt64 res = 0;
for (const ColumnPtr & column : index)
res += column->byteSize();
return res;
UInt64 IMergeTreeDataPart::getIndexSizeInAllocatedBytes() const
UInt64 res = 0;
for (const ColumnPtr & column : index)
res += column->allocatedBytes();
return res;
String IMergeTreeDataPart::stateToString(IMergeTreeDataPart::State state)
switch (state)
case State::Temporary:
return "Temporary";
case State::PreCommitted:
return "PreCommitted";
case State::Committed:
return "Committed";
case State::Outdated:
return "Outdated";
case State::Deleting:
return "Deleting";
case State::DeleteOnDestroy:
return "DeleteOnDestroy";
String IMergeTreeDataPart::stateString() const
return stateToString(state);
void IMergeTreeDataPart::assertState(const std::initializer_list<IMergeTreeDataPart::State> & affordable_states) const
if (!checkState(affordable_states))
String states_str;
for (auto affordable_state : affordable_states)
states_str += stateToString(affordable_state) + " ";
throw Exception("Unexpected state of part " + getNameWithState() + ". Expected: " + states_str, ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_EXPECTED_DATA_PART);
void IMergeTreeDataPart::assertOnDisk() const
if (!isStoredOnDisk())
throw Exception("Data part '" + name + "is not stored on disk", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
UInt64 IMergeTreeDataPart::getMarksCount() const
return index_granularity.getMarksCount();
size_t IMergeTreeDataPart::getFileSizeOrZero(const String & file_name) const
auto checksum = checksums.files.find(file_name);
if (checksum == checksums.files.end())
return 0;
return checksum->second.file_size;
String IMergeTreeDataPart::getFullPath() const
if (relative_path.empty())
throw Exception("Part relative_path cannot be empty. It's bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return storage.getFullPathOnDisk(disk) + relative_path + "/";
UInt64 IMergeTreeDataPart::calculateTotalSizeOnDisk(const String & from)
Poco::File cur(from);
if (cur.isFile())
return cur.getSize();
std::vector<std::string> files;
UInt64 res = 0;
for (const auto & file : files)
res += calculateTotalSizeOnDisk(from + file);
return res;
void IMergeTreeDataPart::renameTo(const String & new_relative_path, bool remove_new_dir_if_exists) const
String from = getFullPath();
String to = storage.getFullPathOnDisk(disk) + new_relative_path + "/";
Poco::File from_file(from);
if (!from_file.exists())
throw Exception("Part directory " + from + " doesn't exist. Most likely it is logical error.", ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST);
Poco::File to_file(to);
if (to_file.exists())
if (remove_new_dir_if_exists)
Names files;
LOG_WARNING(storage.log, "Part directory " << to << " already exists"
<< " and contains " << files.size() << " files. Removing it.");
throw Exception("Part directory " + to + " already exists", ErrorCodes::DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS);
relative_path = new_relative_path;
String IMergeTreeDataPart::getRelativePathForDetachedPart(const String & prefix) const
/// Do not allow underscores in the prefix because they are used as separators.
assert(prefix.find_first_of('_') == String::npos);
String res;
/** If you need to detach a part, and directory into which we want to rename it already exists,
* we will rename to the directory with the name to which the suffix is added in the form of "_tryN".
* This is done only in the case of `to_detached`, because it is assumed that in this case the exact name does not matter.
* No more than 10 attempts are made so that there are not too many junk directories left.
for (int try_no = 0; try_no < 10; try_no++)
res = "detached/" + (prefix.empty() ? "" : prefix + "_")
+ name + (try_no ? "_try" + DB::toString(try_no) : "");
if (!Poco::File(storage.getFullPathOnDisk(disk) + res).exists())
return res;
LOG_WARNING(storage.log, "Directory " << res << " (to detach to) already exists."
" Will detach to directory with '_tryN' suffix.");
return res;
void IMergeTreeDataPart::renameToDetached(const String & prefix) const
void IMergeTreeDataPart::makeCloneInDetached(const String & prefix) const
LOG_INFO(storage.log, "Detaching " << relative_path);
Poco::Path src(getFullPath());
Poco::Path dst(storage.getFullPathOnDisk(disk) + getRelativePathForDetachedPart(prefix));
/// Backup is not recursive (max_level is 0), so do not copy inner directories
localBackup(src, dst, 0);
void IMergeTreeDataPart::makeCloneOnDiskDetached(const DiskSpace::ReservationPtr & reservation) const
auto & reserved_disk = reservation->getDisk();
if (reserved_disk->getName() == disk->getName())
throw Exception("Can not clone data part " + name + " to same disk " + disk->getName(), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
String path_to_clone = storage.getFullPathOnDisk(reserved_disk) + "detached/";
if (Poco::File(path_to_clone + relative_path).exists())
throw Exception("Path " + path_to_clone + relative_path + " already exists. Can not clone ", ErrorCodes::DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS);
Poco::File cloning_directory(getFullPath());