Example: `INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('a', 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1`, where `on_duplicate_clause` is `UPDATE c2 = c2 + 1`. See MySQL documentation to find which `on_duplicate_clause` you can use with `ON DUPLICATE KEY` clause.
To specify `on_duplicate_clause` you need to pass `0` to the `replace_query` parameter. If you simultaneously pass `replace_query = 1` and `on_duplicate_clause`, ClickHouse generates an exception.
At this time, simple `WHERE` clauses such as ` =, !=, >, >=, <, <=` are executed on the MySQL server.
The `MySQL` engine does not support the [Nullable](../../data_types/nullable.md) data type, so when reading data from MySQL tables, `NULL` is converted to default values for the specified column type (usually 0 or an empty string).