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synced 2024-11-07 16:14:52 +00:00
467 lines
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467 lines
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import os
import uuid
import time
import string
import random
import textwrap
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmltree
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
import testflows.settings as settings
from testflows.core import *
from testflows.asserts import error
def getuid():
return str(uuid.uuid1()).replace('-', '_')
xml_with_utf8 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
def xml_indent(elem, level=0, by=" "):
i = "\n" + level * by
if len(elem):
if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
elem.text = i + by
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
for elem in elem:
xml_indent(elem, level + 1)
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
elem.tail = i
def xml_append(root, tag, text):
element = xmltree.Element(tag)
element.text = text
return element
Config = namedtuple("Config", "content path name uid preprocessed_name")
ASCII_CHARS = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
def randomword(length, chars=ASCII_CHARS):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length))
def restart(node=None, safe=False, timeout=60):
"""Restart ClickHouse server and wait for config to be reloaded.
with When("I restart ClickHouse server node"):
if node is None:
node = current().context.node
with node.cluster.shell(node.name) as bash:
with By("closing terminal to the node to be restarted"):
with And("getting current log size"):
logsize = \
node.command("stat --format=%s /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log").output.split(" ")[
with And("restarting ClickHouse server"):
with Then("tailing the log file from using previous log size as the offset"):
bash.prompt = bash.__class__.prompt
bash.send(f"tail -c +{logsize} -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log")
with And("waiting for config reload message in the log file"):
f"ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml', performed update on configuration",
def add_config(config, timeout=60, restart=False, modify=False):
"""Add dynamic configuration file to ClickHouse.
:param node: node
:param config: configuration file description
:param timeout: timeout, default: 20 sec
node = current().context.node
def check_preprocessed_config_is_updated(after_removal=False):
"""Check that preprocessed config is updated.
started = time.time()
command = f"cat /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/{config.preprocessed_name} | grep {config.uid}{' > /dev/null' if not settings.debug else ''}"
while time.time() - started < timeout:
exitcode = node.command(command, steps=False).exitcode
if after_removal:
if exitcode == 1:
if exitcode == 0:
if settings.debug:
node.command(f"cat /var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/{config.preprocessed_name}")
if after_removal:
assert exitcode == 1, error()
assert exitcode == 0, error()
def wait_for_config_to_be_loaded():
"""Wait for config to be loaded.
if restart:
with When("I close terminal to the node to be restarted"):
with And("I stop ClickHouse to apply the config changes"):
with And("I get the current log size"):
cmd = node.cluster.command(None,
f"stat --format=%s {os.environ['CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR']}/_instances/{node.name}/logs/clickhouse-server.log")
logsize = cmd.output.split(" ")[0].strip()
with And("I start ClickHouse back up"):
with Then("I tail the log file from using previous log size as the offset"):
bash.prompt = bash.__class__.prompt
bash.send(f"tail -c +{logsize} -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log")
with Then("I wait for config reload message in the log file"):
if restart:
f"ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml', performed update on configuration",
f"ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/etc/clickhouse-server/{config.preprocessed_name}', performed update on configuration",
with Given(f"{config.name}"):
if settings.debug:
with When("I output the content of the config"):
with node.cluster.shell(node.name) as bash:
bash.send("tail -n 0 -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log")
with When("I add the config", description=config.path):
command = f"cat <<HEREDOC > {config.path}\n{config.content}\nHEREDOC"
node.command(command, steps=False, exitcode=0)
with Then(f"{config.preprocessed_name} should be updated", description=f"timeout {timeout}"):
with And("I wait for config to be reloaded"):
if not modify:
with Finally(f"I remove {config.name}"):
with node.cluster.shell(node.name) as bash:
bash.send("tail -n 0 -f /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log")
with By("removing the config file", description=config.path):
node.command(f"rm -rf {config.path}", exitcode=0)
with Then(f"{config.preprocessed_name} should be updated", description=f"timeout {timeout}"):
with And("I wait for config to be reloaded"):
def create_ldap_servers_config_content(servers, config_d_dir="/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d", config_file="ldap_servers.xml"):
"""Create LDAP servers configuration content.
uid = getuid()
path = os.path.join(config_d_dir, config_file)
name = config_file
root = xmltree.fromstring("<yandex><ldap_servers></ldap_servers></yandex>")
xml_servers = root.find("ldap_servers")
xml_servers.append(xmltree.Comment(text=f"LDAP servers {uid}"))
for _name, server in list(servers.items()):
xml_server = xmltree.Element(_name)
for key, value in list(server.items()):
xml_append(xml_server, key, value)
content = xml_with_utf8 + str(xmltree.tostring(root, short_empty_elements=False, encoding="utf-8"), "utf-8")
return Config(content, path, name, uid, "config.xml")
def modify_config(config, restart=False):
"""Apply updated configuration file.
return add_config(config, restart=restart, modify=True)
def ldap_servers(servers, config_d_dir="/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d", config_file="ldap_servers.xml",
timeout=60, restart=False, config=None):
"""Add LDAP servers configuration.
if config is None:
config = create_ldap_servers_config_content(servers, config_d_dir, config_file)
return add_config(config, restart=restart)
def create_ldap_users_config_content(*users, config_d_dir="/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d", config_file="ldap_users.xml"):
"""Create LDAP users configuration file content.
uid = getuid()
path = os.path.join(config_d_dir, config_file)
name = config_file
root = xmltree.fromstring("<yandex><users></users></yandex>")
xml_users = root.find("users")
xml_users.append(xmltree.Comment(text=f"LDAP users {uid}"))
for user in users:
xml_user = xmltree.Element(user['username'])
xml_user_server = xmltree.Element("ldap")
xml_append(xml_user_server, "server", user["server"])
content = xml_with_utf8 + str(xmltree.tostring(root, short_empty_elements=False, encoding="utf-8"), "utf-8")
return Config(content, path, name, uid, "users.xml")
def add_users_identified_with_ldap(*users):
"""Add one or more users that are identified via
an ldap server using RBAC.
node = current().context.node
with Given("I create users"):
for user in users:
node.query(f"CREATE USER '{user['username']}' IDENTIFIED WITH ldap_server BY '{user['server']}'")
with Finally("I remove users"):
for user in users:
with By(f"dropping user {user['username']}", flags=TE):
node.query(f"DROP USER IF EXISTS '{user['username']}'")
def ldap_authenticated_users(*users, config_d_dir="/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d",
config_file=None, timeout=60, restart=True, config=None, rbac=False):
"""Add LDAP authenticated users.
if rbac:
return add_users_identified_with_ldap(*users)
if config_file is None:
config_file = f"ldap_users_{getuid()}.xml"
if config is None:
config = create_ldap_users_config_content(*users, config_d_dir=config_d_dir, config_file=config_file)
return add_config(config, restart=restart)
def invalid_server_config(servers, message=None, tail=13, timeout=60):
"""Check that ClickHouse errors when trying to load invalid LDAP servers configuration file.
node = current().context.node
if message is None:
message = "Exception: Failed to merge config with '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/ldap_servers.xml'"
config = create_ldap_servers_config_content(servers)
node.command("echo -e \"%s\" > /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log" % ("-\\n" * tail))
with When("I add the config", description=config.path):
command = f"cat <<HEREDOC > {config.path}\n{config.content}\nHEREDOC"
node.command(command, steps=False, exitcode=0)
with Then("server shall fail to merge the new config"):
started = time.time()
command = f"tail -n {tail} /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log | grep \"{message}\""
while time.time() - started < timeout:
exitcode = node.command(command, steps=False).exitcode
if exitcode == 0:
assert exitcode == 0, error()
with Finally(f"I remove {config.name}"):
with By("removing the config file", description=config.path):
node.command(f"rm -rf {config.path}", exitcode=0)
def invalid_user_config(servers, config, message=None, tail=13, timeout=60):
"""Check that ClickHouse errors when trying to load invalid LDAP users configuration file.
node = current().context.node
if message is None:
message = "Exception: Failed to merge config with '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/ldap_users.xml'"
with ldap_servers(servers):
node.command("echo -e \"%s\" > /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log" % ("\\n" * tail))
with When("I add the config", description=config.path):
command = f"cat <<HEREDOC > {config.path}\n{config.content}\nHEREDOC"
node.command(command, steps=False, exitcode=0)
with Then("server shall fail to merge the new config"):
started = time.time()
command = f"tail -n {tail} /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log | grep \"{message}\""
while time.time() - started < timeout:
exitcode = node.command(command, steps=False).exitcode
if exitcode == 0:
assert exitcode == 0, error()
with Finally(f"I remove {config.name}"):
with By("removing the config file", description=config.path):
node.command(f"rm -rf {config.path}", exitcode=0)
def add_user_to_ldap(cn, userpassword, givenname=None, homedirectory=None, sn=None, uid=None, uidnumber=None, node=None):
"""Add user entry to LDAP."""
if node is None:
node = current().context.ldap_node
if uid is None:
uid = cn
if givenname is None:
givenname = "John"
if homedirectory is None:
homedirectory = "/home/users"
if sn is None:
sn = "User"
if uidnumber is None:
uidnumber = 2000
user = {
"dn": f"cn={cn},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com",
"cn": cn,
"gidnumber": 501,
"givenname": givenname,
"homedirectory": homedirectory,
"objectclass": ["inetOrgPerson", "posixAccount", "top"],
"sn": sn,
"uid": uid,
"uidnumber": uidnumber,
"userpassword": userpassword,
"_server": node.name
lines = []
for key, value in list(user.items()):
if key.startswith("_"):
elif key == "objectclass":
for cls in value:
lines.append(f"objectclass: {cls}")
lines.append(f"{key}: {value}")
ldif = "\n".join(lines)
r = node.command(
f"echo -e \"{ldif}\" | ldapadd -x -H ldap://localhost -D \"cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com\" -w admin")
assert r.exitcode == 0, error()
return user
def delete_user_from_ldap(user, node=None, exitcode=0):
"""Delete user entry from LDAP."""
if node is None:
node = current().context.ldap_node
r = node.command(
f"ldapdelete -x -H ldap://localhost -D \"cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com\" -w admin \"{user['dn']}\"")
if exitcode is not None:
assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error()
def change_user_password_in_ldap(user, new_password, node=None, exitcode=0):
"""Change user password in LDAP."""
if node is None:
node = current().context.ldap_node
ldif = (f"dn: {user['dn']}\n"
"changetype: modify\n"
"replace: userpassword\n"
f"userpassword: {new_password}")
r = node.command(
f"echo -e \"{ldif}\" | ldapmodify -x -H ldap://localhost -D \"cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com\" -w admin")
if exitcode is not None:
assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error()
def change_user_cn_in_ldap(user, new_cn, node=None, exitcode=0):
"""Change user password in LDAP."""
if node is None:
node = current().context.ldap_node
new_user = dict(user)
new_user['dn'] = f"cn={new_cn},ou=users,dc=company,dc=com"
new_user['cn'] = new_cn
ldif = (
f"dn: {user['dn']}\n"
"changetype: modrdn\n"
f"newrdn: cn = {new_user['cn']}\n"
f"deleteoldrdn: 1\n"
r = node.command(
f"echo -e \"{ldif}\" | ldapmodify -x -H ldap://localhost -D \"cn=admin,dc=company,dc=com\" -w admin")
if exitcode is not None:
assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error()
return new_user
def ldap_user(cn, userpassword, givenname=None, homedirectory=None, sn=None, uid=None, uidnumber=None, node=None):
"""Add new user to the LDAP server."""
user = None
with Given(f"I add user {cn} to LDAP"):
user = add_user_to_ldap(cn, userpassword, givenname, homedirectory, sn, uid, uidnumber, node=node)
yield user
with Finally(f"I delete user {cn} from LDAP"):
if user is not None:
delete_user_from_ldap(user, node=node)
def ldap_users(*users, node=None):
"""Add multiple new users to the LDAP server."""
_users = []
with Given("I add users to LDAP"):
for user in users:
with By(f"adding user {user['cn']}"):
_users.append(add_user_to_ldap(**user, node=node))
yield _users
with Finally(f"I delete users from LDAP"):
for _user in _users:
delete_user_from_ldap(_user, node=node)
def login(servers, *users, config=None):
"""Configure LDAP server and LDAP authenticated users and
try to login and execute a query"""
with ldap_servers(servers):
with ldap_authenticated_users(*users, restart=True, config=config):
for user in users:
if user.get("login", False):
with When(f"I login as {user['username']} and execute query"):
current().context.node.query("SELECT 1",
settings=[("user", user["username"]), ("password", user["password"])],
exitcode=user.get("exitcode", None),
message=user.get("message", None))