2024-08-20 03:28:26 +00:00
import pytest
import logging
import time
from helpers . cluster import ClickHouseCluster
from helpers . test_tools import TSV
from helpers . test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry
cluster = ClickHouseCluster ( __file__ )
node1 = cluster . add_instance ( " node1 " , stay_alive = True , with_zookeeper = True )
node2 = cluster . add_instance ( " node2 " , with_zookeeper = True )
instance = node1
q = node1 . query
path_to_data = " /var/lib/clickhouse/ "
@pytest.fixture ( scope = " module " )
def started_cluster ( ) :
try :
cluster . start ( )
yield cluster
finally :
cluster . shutdown ( )
def wait_merged_part ( table , part_name , retries = 100 ) :
q ( " OPTIMIZE TABLE {} FINAL " . format ( table ) )
for i in range ( retries ) :
result = q (
" SELECT name FROM system.parts where table= ' {} ' AND name= ' {} ' " . format (
table , part_name
if result :
return True
time . sleep ( 0.5 )
else :
return False
def test_make_clone_covered_by_broken_detached_dir_exists ( started_cluster ) :
2024-08-29 16:56:37 +00:00
q ( " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_make_clone_cvbdde SYNC " )
2024-08-20 03:28:26 +00:00
q (
" CREATE TABLE test_make_clone_cvbdde(n int, m String) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree( ' /test_make_clone_cvbdde ' , ' 1 ' ) ORDER BY n SETTINGS old_parts_lifetime=3600, min_age_to_force_merge_seconds=1, min_age_to_force_merge_on_partition_only=0 "
path = path_to_data + " data/default/test_make_clone_cvbdde/ "
q ( " INSERT INTO test_make_clone_cvbdde VALUES (0, ' hbl ' ) " )
q ( " INSERT INTO test_make_clone_cvbdde VALUES (1, ' hbl ' ) " )
if not ( wait_merged_part ( " test_make_clone_cvbdde " , " all_0_1_1 " ) ) :
assert False , " Part all_0_1_1 doesn ' t appeared in system.parts "
q ( " INSERT INTO test_make_clone_cvbdde VALUES (2, ' hbl ' ) " )
if not ( wait_merged_part ( " test_make_clone_cvbdde " , " all_0_2_2 " ) ) :
assert False , " Part all_0_2_2 doesn ' t appeared in system.parts "
q ( " INSERT INTO test_make_clone_cvbdde VALUES (3, ' hbl ' ) " )
if not ( wait_merged_part ( " test_make_clone_cvbdde " , " all_0_3_3 " ) ) :
assert False , " Part all_0_3_3 doesn ' t appeared in system.parts "
res = str ( instance . exec_in_container ( [ " ls " , path ] ) . strip ( ) . split ( " \n " ) )
# broke the merged parts
instance . exec_in_container (
" bash " ,
" -c " ,
" echo ' broken ' > {} " . format ( path + " all_0_1_1/data.bin " ) ,
instance . exec_in_container (
" bash " ,
" -c " ,
" echo ' broken ' > {} " . format ( path + " all_0_2_2/data.bin " ) ,
instance . exec_in_container (
" bash " ,
" -c " ,
" echo ' broken ' > {} " . format ( path + " all_0_3_3/data.bin " ) ,
instance . restart_clickhouse ( kill = True )
assert [
" broken-on-start_all_0_1_1 " ,
" broken-on-start_all_0_2_2 " ,
" broken-on-start_all_0_3_3 " ,
" covered-by-broken_all_0_0_0 " ,
" covered-by-broken_all_1_1_0 " ,
" covered-by-broken_all_2_2_0 " ,
" covered-by-broken_all_3_3_0 " ,
] == sorted (
instance . exec_in_container ( [ " ls " , path + " detached/ " ] ) . strip ( ) . split ( " \n " )