Functions `multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive`, `multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8` and `multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8` provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
Functions `multiSearchFirstIndexCaseInsensitive`, `multiSearchFirstIndexUTF8` and `multiSearchFirstIndexCaseInsensitiveUTF8` provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
Functions `multiSearchAnyCaseInsensitive`, `multiSearchAnyUTF8` and `multiSearchAnyCaseInsensitiveUTF8` provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
If you only want to search substrings in a string, you can use functions [like](#like) or [position](#position) instead - they work much faster than this function.
Functions in the `multi[Fuzzy]Match*()` family use the the (Vectorscan)[] library. As such, they are only enabled if ClickHouse is compiled with support for vectorscan.
If you only want to search multiple substrings in a string, you can use function [multiSearchAny](#multisearchany) instead - it works much faster than this function.
Like `multiMatchAny` but returns 1 if any pattern matches the haystack within a constant [edit distance]( This function relies on the experimental feature of [hyperscan]( library, and can be slow for some corner cases. The performance depends on the edit distance value and patterns used, but it's always more expensive compared to a non-fuzzy variants.
`multiFuzzyMatch*()` function family do not support UTF-8 regular expressions (it threats them as a sequence of bytes) due to restrictions of hyperscan.
For regex without subpatterns, the function uses the fragment that matches the entire regex. Otherwise, it uses the fragment that matches the first subpattern.
Matches all groups of the `haystack` string using the `pattern` regular expression. Returns an array of arrays, where the first array includes all fragments matching the first group, the second array - matching the second group, etc.
-`pattern` — Regular expression with [re2 syntax]( Must contain groups, each group enclosed in parentheses. If `pattern` contains no groups, an exception is thrown. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/
Matches all groups of the `haystack` string using the `pattern` regular expression. Returns an array of arrays, where each array includes matching fragments from every group. Fragments are grouped in order of appearance in the `haystack`.
-`pattern` — Regular expression with [re2 syntax]( Must contain groups, each group enclosed in parentheses. If `pattern` contains no groups, an exception is thrown. Type: [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/
No automatic Unicode normalization is performed, you can use the [normalizeUTF8*()]( functions for that.
To match against literal `%`, `_` and `/` (which are LIKE metacharacters), prepend them with a backslash: `\%`, `\_` and `\\`.
The backslash loses its special meaning (i.e. is interpreted literally) if it prepends a character different than `%`, `_` or `\`.
Note that ClickHouse requires backslashes in strings [to be quoted as well](../, so you would actually need to write `\\%`, `\\_` and `\\\\`.
Calculates the 4-gram distance between a `haystack` string and a `needle` string. For this, it counts the symmetric difference between two multisets of 4-grams and normalizes it by the sum of their cardinalities. Returns a [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ between 0 and 1. The smaller the result is, the more similar the strings are to each other.
Functions [`ngramDistanceCaseInsensitive`](#ngramdistancecaseinsensitive), [`ngramDistanceUTF8`](#ngramdistanceutf8), [`ngramDistanceCaseInsensitiveUTF8`](#ngramdistancecaseinsensitiveutf8) provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
-`haystack`: First comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
-`needle`: Second comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
**Returned value**
- Value between 0 and 1 representing the similarity between the two strings. [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/
**Implementation details**
This function will throw an exception if constant `needle` or `haystack` arguments are more than 32Kb in size. If any non-constant `haystack` or `needle` arguments are more than 32Kb in size, then the distance is always 1.
The more similar two strings are to each other, the closer the result will be to 0 (identical).
SELECT ngramDistance('ClickHouse','ClickHouse!');
The less similar two strings are to each, the larger the result will be.
SELECT ngramDistance('ClickHouse','House');
## ngramDistanceCaseInsensitive
Provides a case-insensitve variant of [ngramDistance](#ngramdistance).
ngramDistanceCaseInsensitive(haystack, needle)
-`haystack`: First comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
-`needle`: Second comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
**Returned value**
- Value between 0 and 1 representing the similarity between the two strings. [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/
With [ngramDistance](#ngramdistance) differences in case will drive up the similarity score:
SELECT ngramDistance('ClickHouse','clickhouse');
With [ngramDistanceCaseInsensitive](#ngramdistancecaseinsensitive) case is ignored so two identical strings differing only in case will now read as identical:
Like `ngramDistance` but calculates the non-symmetric difference between a `needle` string and a `haystack` string, i.e. the number of n-grams from the needle minus the common number of n-grams normalized by the number of `needle` n-grams. Returns a [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ between 0 and 1. The bigger the result is, the more likely `needle` is in the `haystack`. This function is useful for fuzzy string search. Also see function [`soundex`](../../sql-reference/functions/string-functions#soundex).
Functions [`ngramSearchCaseInsensitive`](#ngramsearchcaseinsensitive), [`ngramSearchUTF8`](#ngramsearchutf8), [`ngramSearchCaseInsensitiveUTF8`](#ngramsearchcaseinsensitiveutf8) provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
ngramSearch(haystack, needle)
-`haystack`: First comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
-`needle`: Second comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
**Returned value**
- Value between 0 and 1 representing the likelihood of the `needle` being in the `haystack`. [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/
The UTF-8 variants use the 3-gram distance. These are not perfectly fair n-gram distances. We use 2-byte hashes to hash n-grams and then calculate the (non-)symmetric difference between these hash tables – collisions may occur. With UTF-8 case-insensitive format we do not use fair `tolower` function – we zero the 5-th bit (starting from zero) of each codepoint byte and first bit of zeroth byte if bytes more than one – this works for Latin and mostly for all Cyrillic letters.
-`haystack`: First comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
-`needle`: Second comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
**Returned value**
- Value between 0 and 1 representing the likelihood of the `needle` being in the `haystack`. [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/
The bigger the result is, the more likely `needle` is in the `haystack`.
Provides a UTF-8 variant of [ngramSearch](#ngramsearch) in which `needle` and `haystack` are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded strings.
ngramSearchUTF8(haystack, needle)
-`haystack`: First UTF-8 encoded comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
-`needle`: Second UTF-8 encoded comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
**Returned value**
- Value between 0 and 1 representing the likelihood of the `needle` being in the `haystack`. [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/
The bigger the result is, the more likely `needle` is in the `haystack`.
SELECT ngramSearchUTF8('абвгдеёжз', 'гдеёзд');
## ngramSearchCaseInsensitiveUTF8
Provides a case-insensitive variant of [ngramSearchUTF8](#ngramsearchutf8) in which `needle` and `haystack`.
ngramSearchCaseInsensitiveUTF8(haystack, needle)
-`haystack`: First UTF-8 encoded comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
-`needle`: Second UTF-8 encoded comparison string. [String literal](../syntax#syntax-string-literal)
**Returned value**
- Value between 0 and 1 representing the likelihood of the `needle` being in the `haystack`. [Float32](../../sql-reference/data-types/
The bigger the result is, the more likely `needle` is in the `haystack`.
Functions `countSubstringsCaseInsensitive` and `countSubstringsCaseInsensitiveUTF8` provide a case-insensitive and case-insensitive + UTF-8 variants of this function.
-`haystack` — String, in which regexp pattern will to be matched. [String](../../sql-reference/
-`pattern` — String, regexp expression, must be constant. [String](../../sql-reference/
-`index`– An integer number greater or equal 0 with default 1. It represents which regex group to extract. [UInt or Int](../../sql-reference/data-types/ Optional.
`pattern` may contain multiple regexp groups, `index` indicates which regex group to extract. An index of 0 means matching the entire regular expression.
Returns 1 if needle is a subsequence of haystack, or 0 otherwise.
A subsequence of a string is a sequence that can be derived from the given string by deleting zero or more elements without changing the order of the remaining elements.
``` sql
hasSubsequence(haystack, needle)
-`haystack` — String in which the search is performed. [String](../../sql-reference/