mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 12:52:37 +00:00
1445 lines
57 KiB
1445 lines
57 KiB
![]() |
set -exu
set -o pipefail
trap "exit" INT TERM
# The watchdog is in the separate process group, so we have to kill it separately
# if the script terminates earlier.
trap 'kill $(jobs -pr) ${watchdog_pid:-} ||:' EXIT
script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
# upstream/master
# patched version
# abort_conf -- abort if some options is not recognized
# abort -- abort if something is not right in the env (i.e. per-cpu arenas does not work)
# narenas -- set them explicitly to avoid disabling per-cpu arena in env
# that returns different number of CPUs for some of the following
export MALLOC_CONF="abort_conf:true,abort:true,narenas:$(nproc --all)"
function wait_for_server # port, pid
for _ in {1..60}
if clickhouse-client --port "$1" --query "select 1" || ! kill -0 "$2"
sleep 1
if ! clickhouse-client --port "$1" --query "select 1"
echo "Cannot connect to ClickHouse server at $1"
return 1
if ! kill -0 "$2"
echo "Server pid '$2' is not running"
return 1
function left_or_right()
local from=$1 && shift
local basename=$1 && shift
if [ -e "$from/$basename" ]; then
echo "$from/$basename"
case "$from" in
left) echo "right/$basename" ;;
right) echo "left/$basename" ;;
function configure
cd /tmp/praktika/
# Use the new config for both servers, so that we can change it in a PR.
rm right/config/config.d/text_log.xml ||:
# backups disk uses absolute path, and this overlaps between servers, that could lead to errors
rm right/config/config.d/backups.xml ||:
rm left/config/config.d/backups.xml ||:
cp -rv right/config left ||:
# Start a temporary server to rename the tables
while pkill -f clickhouse-serv ; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
set -m # Spawn temporary in its own process groups
local setup_left_server_opts=(
# server options
# server *config* directives overrides
--path db0
--user_files_path db0/user_files
--top_level_domains_path "$(left_or_right right top_level_domains)"
--keeper_server.storage_path coordination0
--tcp_port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT
ls -l left/clickhouse-server
left/clickhouse-server "${setup_left_server_opts[@]}" &> setup-server-log.log &
kill -0 $left_pid
disown $left_pid
set +m
wait_for_server $LEFT_SERVER_PORT $left_pid
echo "Server for setup started"
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "create database test" ||:
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "rename table datasets.hits_v1 to test.hits" ||:
while pkill -f clickhouse-serv ; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
# Make copies of the original db for both servers. Use hardlinks instead
# of copying to save space. Before that, remove preprocessed configs and
# system tables, because sharing them between servers with hardlinks may
# lead to weird effects.
rm -r left/db ||:
rm -r right/db ||:
rm -r db0/preprocessed_configs ||:
rm -r db0/{data,metadata}/system ||:
rm db0/status ||:
cp -al db0/ left/db/
cp -R coordination0 left/coordination
cp -al db0/ right/db/
cp -R coordination0 right/coordination
function restart
while pkill -f clickhouse-serv ; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
set -m # Spawn servers in their own process groups
local left_server_opts=(
# server options
# server *config* directives overrides
--path left/db
--user_files_path left/db/user_files
--top_level_domains_path "$(left_or_right left top_level_domains)"
--tcp_port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT
--keeper_server.tcp_port $LEFT_SERVER_KEEPER_PORT
--keeper_server.raft_configuration.server.port $LEFT_SERVER_KEEPER_RAFT_PORT
--keeper_server.storage_path left/coordination
--zookeeper.node.port $LEFT_SERVER_KEEPER_PORT
--interserver_http_port $LEFT_SERVER_INTERSERVER_PORT
left/clickhouse-server "${left_server_opts[@]}" &>> left-server-log.log &
kill -0 $left_pid
disown $left_pid
local right_server_opts=(
# server options
# server *config* directives overrides
--path right/db
--user_files_path right/db/user_files
--top_level_domains_path "$(left_or_right right top_level_domains)"
--keeper_server.tcp_port $RIGHT_SERVER_KEEPER_PORT
--keeper_server.raft_configuration.server.port $RIGHT_SERVER_KEEPER_RAFT_PORT
--keeper_server.storage_path right/coordination
--zookeeper.node.port $RIGHT_SERVER_KEEPER_PORT
--interserver_http_port $RIGHT_SERVER_INTERSERVER_PORT
right/clickhouse-server "${right_server_opts[@]}" &>> right-server-log.log &
kill -0 $right_pid
disown $right_pid
set +m
wait_for_server $LEFT_SERVER_PORT $left_pid
echo left ok
wait_for_server $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT $right_pid
echo right ok
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.tables where database NOT IN ('system', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'information_schema')"
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.build_options"
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.tables where database NOT IN ('system', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'information_schema')"
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.build_options"
# Check again that both servers we started are running -- this is important
# for running locally, when there might be some other servers started and we
# will connect to them instead.
kill -0 $left_pid
kill -0 $right_pid
function run_tests
# Just check that the script runs at all
"$script_dir/perf.py" --help > /dev/null
# Find the directory with test files.
if [ -v CHPC_TEST_PATH ]
# Use the explicitly set path to directory with test files.
elif [ "$PR_TO_TEST" == "0" ]
# When testing commits from master, use the older test files. This
# allows the tests to pass even when we add new functions and tests for
# them, that are not supported in the old revision.
# For PRs, use newer test files so we can test these changes.
# Determine which tests to run.
if [ -v CHPC_TEST_GREP ]
# Run only explicitly specified tests, if any.
# shellcheck disable=SC2010
test_files=($(ls "$test_prefix" | rg "$CHPC_TEST_GREP" | xargs -I{} -n1 readlink -f "$test_prefix/{}"))
elif [ "$PR_TO_TEST" -ne 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < changed-test-definitions.txt)" -gt 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < other-changed-files.txt)" -eq 0 ]
# If only the perf tests were changed in the PR, we will run only these
# tests. The lists of changed files are prepared in entrypoint.sh because
# it has the repository.
test_files=($(sed "s/tests\/performance/${test_prefix//\//\\/}/" changed-test-definitions.txt))
# The default -- run all tests found in the test dir.
test_files=($(ls "$test_prefix"/*.xml))
# We can filter out certain tests
if [ -v CHPC_TEST_GREP_EXCLUDE ]; then
# filter tests array in bash https://stackoverflow.com/a/40375567
filtered_test_files=( $( for i in ${test_files[@]} ; do echo $i ; done | rg -v ${CHPC_TEST_GREP_EXCLUDE} ) )
# We split perf tests into multiple checks to make them faster
# filter tests array in bash https://stackoverflow.com/a/40375567
for index in "${!test_files[@]}"; do
unset -v 'test_files[$index]'
# to have sequential indexes...
if [ "$run_only_changed_tests" -ne 0 ]; then
if [ ${#test_files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
time "$script_dir/report.py" --no-tests-run > report.html
exit 0
# For PRs w/o changes in test definitions, test only a subset of queries,
# and run them less times. If the corresponding environment variables are
# already set, keep those values.
# NOTE: too high CHPC_RUNS/CHPC_MAX_QUERIES may hit internal CI timeout.
# NOTE: Currently we disabled complete run even for master branch
#if [ "$PR_TO_TEST" -ne 0 ] && [ "$(wc -l < changed-test-definitions.txt)" -eq 0 ]
export CHPC_RUNS
# Determine which concurrent benchmarks to run. For now, the only test
# we run as a concurrent benchmark is 'website'. Run it as benchmark if we
# are also going to run it as a normal test.
for test in ${test_files[@]}; do echo "$test"; done | sed -n '/website/p' > benchmarks-to-run.txt
# Delete old report files.
for x in {test-times,wall-clock-times}.tsv
rm -v "$x" ||:
touch "$x"
# Randomize test order. BTW, it's not an array no more.
test_files=$(for f in ${test_files[@]}; do echo "$f"; done | sort -R)
# Limit profiling time to 10 minutes, not to run for too long.
# Run the tests.
total_tests=$(echo "$test_files" | wc -w)
for test in $test_files
echo "$current_test of $total_tests tests complete" > status.txt
# Check that both servers are alive, and restart them if they die.
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select 1 format Null" \
|| { echo $test_name >> left-server-died.log ; restart ; }
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select 1 format Null" \
|| { echo $test_name >> right-server-died.log ; restart ; }
test_name=$(basename "$test" ".xml")
echo test "$test_name"
# Don't profile if we're past the time limit.
# Use awk because bash doesn't support floating point arithmetic.
profile_seconds=$(awk "BEGIN { print ($profile_seconds_left > 0 ? 10 : 0) }")
if rg --quiet "$(basename $test)" changed-test-definitions.txt
# Run all queries from changed test files to ensure that all new queries will be tested.
set +x
--host localhost localhost
--runs "$CHPC_RUNS"
--max-queries "$max_queries"
--profile-seconds "$profile_seconds"
TIMEFORMAT=$(printf "$test_name\t%%3R\t%%3U\t%%3S\n")
# one more subshell to suppress trace output for "set +x"
time "$script_dir/perf.py" "${argv[@]}" > "$test_name-raw.tsv" 2> "$test_name-err.log"
) 2>>wall-clock-times.tsv >/dev/null \
|| echo "Test $test_name failed with error code $?" >> "$test_name-err.log"
) 2>/dev/null
profile_seconds_left=$(awk -F' ' \
'BEGIN { s = '$profile_seconds_left'; } /^profile-total/ { s -= $2 } END { print s }' \
current_test=$((current_test + 1))
function get_profiles_watchdog
sleep 600
echo "The trace collection did not finish in time." >> profile-errors.log
for pid in $(pgrep -f clickhouse)
sudo gdb -p "$pid" --batch --ex "info proc all" --ex "thread apply all bt" --ex quit &> "$pid.gdb.log" &
for _ in {1..10}
if ! pkill -f clickhouse
sleep 1
function get_profiles
# Collect the profiles
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "system flush logs" &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "system flush logs" &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_log where type in ('QueryFinish', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing') format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-query-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.trace_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-trace-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select arrayJoin(trace) addr, concat(splitByChar('/', addressToLine(addr))[-1], '#', demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)) ) name from system.trace_log group by addr format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-addresses.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-metric-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.asynchronous_metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-async-metric-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_log where type in ('QueryFinish', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing') format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-query-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.trace_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-trace-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select arrayJoin(trace) addr, concat(splitByChar('/', addressToLine(addr))[-1], '#', demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)) ) name from system.trace_log group by addr format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-addresses.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-metric-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.asynchronous_metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-async-metric-log.tsv ||: &
# Just check that the servers are alive so that we return a proper exit code.
# We don't consistently check the return codes of the above background jobs.
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select 1"
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select 1"
# Build and analyze randomization distribution for all queries.
function analyze_queries
rm -v analyze-commands.txt analyze-errors.log all-queries.tsv unstable-queries.tsv ./*-report.tsv raw-queries.tsv ||:
rm -rf analyze ||:
mkdir analyze analyze/tmp ||:
# Split the raw test output into files suitable for analysis.
# To debug calculations only for a particular test, substitute a suitable
# wildcard here, e.g. `for test_file in modulo-raw.tsv`.
for test_file in *-raw.tsv
test_name=$(basename "$test_file" "-raw.tsv")
sed -n "s/^query\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/query-runs.tsv"
sed -n "s/^profile\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/query-profiles.tsv"
sed -n "s/^client-time\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/client-times.tsv"
sed -n "s/^report-threshold\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/report-thresholds.tsv"
sed -n "s/^skipped\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/skipped-tests.tsv"
sed -n "s/^display-name\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/query-display-names.tsv"
sed -n "s/^partial\t/$test_name\t/p" < "$test_file" >> "analyze/partial-queries.tsv"
# for each query run, prepare array of metrics from query log
clickhouse-local --query "
create view query_runs as select * from file('analyze/query-runs.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, query_id text, version UInt8, time float');
-- Separately process backward-incompatible ('partial') queries which we could only run on the new server
-- because they use new functions. We can't make normal stats for them, but still
-- have to show some stats so that the PR author can tweak them.
create view partial_queries as select test, query_index
from file('analyze/partial-queries.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, servers Array(int)');
create table partial_query_times engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
as select test, query_index, stddevPop(time) time_stddev, median(time) time_median
from query_runs
where (test, query_index) in partial_queries
group by test, query_index
-- Process queries that were run normally, on both servers.
create view left_query_log as select *
from file('left-query-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes);
create view right_query_log as select *
from file('right-query-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes);
create view query_logs as
select 0 version, query_id, ProfileEvents,
query_duration_ms, memory_usage from left_query_log
union all
select 1 version, query_id, ProfileEvents,
query_duration_ms, memory_usage from right_query_log
-- This is a single source of truth on all metrics we have for query runs. The
-- metrics include ProfileEvents from system.query_log, and query run times
-- reported by the perf.py test runner.
create table query_run_metric_arrays engine File(TSV, 'analyze/query-run-metric-arrays.tsv')
with (
-- sumMapState with the list of all keys with nullable '0' values because sumMap removes keys with default values
-- and 0::Nullable != NULL
with (select groupUniqArrayArray(mapKeys(ProfileEvents)) from query_logs) as all_names
select arrayReduce('sumMapState', [(all_names, arrayMap(x->0::Nullable(Float64), all_names))])
) as all_metrics
select test, query_index, version, query_id,
arrayMap(x->toNullable(toFloat64(x)), mapValues(ProfileEvents)))]
arrayReduce('sumMapState', [(
['client_time', 'server_time', 'memory_usage'],
[toNullable(toFloat64(query_runs.time)), toNullable(toFloat64(query_duration_ms / 1000.)), toNullable(toFloat64(memory_usage))]
)) as metrics_tuple).1 metric_names,
arrayMap(x->if(isNaN(x),0,x), metrics_tuple.2) metric_values
from query_logs
right join query_runs
on query_logs.query_id = query_runs.query_id
and query_logs.version = query_runs.version
where (test, query_index) not in partial_queries
-- This is just for convenience -- human-readable + easy to make plots.
create table query_run_metrics_denorm engine File(TSV, 'analyze/query-run-metrics-denorm.tsv')
as select test, query_index, metric_names, version, query_id, metric_values
from query_run_metric_arrays
array join metric_names, metric_values
order by test, query_index, metric_names, version, query_id
-- Filter out tests that don't have an even number of runs, to avoid breaking
-- the further calculations. This may happen if there was an error during the
-- test runs, e.g. the server died. It will be reported in test errors, so we
-- don't have to report it again.
create view broken_queries as
select test, query_index
from query_runs
group by test, query_index
having count(*) % 2 != 0
-- This is for statistical processing with eqmed.sql
create table query_run_metrics_for_stats engine File(
TSV, -- do not add header -- will parse with grep
as select test, query_index, 0 run, version,
-- For debugging, add a filter for a particular metric like this:
-- arrayFilter(m, n -> n = 'client_time', metric_values, metric_names)
-- metric_values
-- Note that further reporting may break, because the metric names are
-- not filtered.
from query_run_metric_arrays
where (test, query_index) not in broken_queries
order by test, query_index, run, version
-- This is the list of metric names, so that we can join them back after
-- statistical processing.
create table query_run_metric_names engine File(TSV, 'analyze/query-run-metric-names.tsv')
as select metric_names from query_run_metric_arrays limit 1
" 2> >(tee -a analyze/errors.log 1>&2)
# This is a lateral join in bash... please forgive me.
# We don't have arrayPermute(), so I have to make random permutations with
# `order by rand`, and it becomes really slow if I do it for more than one
# query. We also don't have lateral joins. So I just put all runs of each
# query into a separate file, and then compute randomization distribution
# for each file. I do this in parallel using GNU parallel.
( set +x # do not bloat the log
for prefix in $(cut -f1,2 "analyze/query-run-metrics-for-stats.tsv" | sort | uniq)
file="analyze/tmp/${prefix// /_}.tsv"
rg "^$prefix " "analyze/query-run-metrics-for-stats.tsv" > "$file" &
printf "%s\0\n" \
"clickhouse-local \
--file \"$file\" \
--structure 'test text, query text, run int, version UInt8, metrics Array(float)' \
--query \"$(cat "$script_dir/eqmed.sql")\" \
>> \"analyze/query-metric-stats.tsv\"" \
2>> analyze/errors.log \
>> analyze/commands.txt
unset IFS
# The comparison script might be bound to one NUMA node for better test
# stability, and the calculation runs out of memory because of this. Use
# all nodes.
numactl --show
numactl --cpunodebind=all --membind=all numactl --show
# Notes for parallel:
# Some queries can consume 8+ GB of memory, so it worth to limit amount of jobs
# that can be run in parallel.
# --memfree:
# will kill jobs, which is not good (and retried until --retries exceeded)
# --memsuspend:
# If the available memory falls below 2 * size, GNU parallel will suspend some of the running jobs.
numactl --cpunodebind=all --membind=all parallel -v --joblog analyze/parallel-log.txt --memsuspend 15G --null < analyze/commands.txt 2>> analyze/errors.log
clickhouse-local --query "
-- Join the metric names back to the metric statistics we've calculated, and make
-- a denormalized table of them -- statistics for all metrics for all queries.
-- The WITH, ARRAY JOIN and CROSS JOIN do not like each other:
-- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/11868
-- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/11757
-- Because of this, we make a view with arrays first, and then apply all the
-- array joins.
create view query_metric_stat_arrays as
with (select * from file('analyze/query-run-metric-names.tsv',
TSV, 'n Array(String)')) as metric_name
select test, query_index, metric_name, left, right, diff, stat_threshold
from file('analyze/query-metric-stats.tsv', TSV, 'left Array(float),
right Array(float), diff Array(float), stat_threshold Array(float),
test text, query_index int') reports
order by test, query_index, metric_name
create table query_metric_stats_denorm engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
as select test, query_index, metric_name, left, right, diff, stat_threshold
from query_metric_stat_arrays
left array join metric_name, left, right, diff, stat_threshold
order by test, query_index, metric_name
" 2> >(tee -a analyze/errors.log 1>&2)
# Fetch historical query variability thresholds from the CI database
set +x # Don't show password in the log
# Surprisingly, clickhouse-client doesn't understand --host
# so I have to extract host and port with clickhouse-local. I tried to use
# Poco URI parser to support this in the client, but it's broken and can't
# parse host:port.
$(clickhouse-local --query "with '${CLICKHOUSE_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON_DATABASE_URL}' as url select '--host ' || domain(url) || ' --port ' || toString(port(url)) format TSV")
--config "right/config/client_config.xml"
# Precision is going to be 1.5 times worse for PRs, because we run the queries
# less times. How do I know it? I ran this:
# SELECT quantilesExact(0., 0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1.)(p / m)
# (
# quantileIf(0.95)(stat_threshold, pr_number = 0) AS m,
# quantileIf(0.95)(stat_threshold, (pr_number != 0) AND (abs(diff) < stat_threshold)) AS p
# FROM query_metrics_v2
# WHERE (event_date > (today() - toIntervalMonth(1))) AND (metric = 'client_time')
# test,
# query_index,
# query_display_name
# HAVING count(*) > 100
# )
# The file can be empty if the server is inaccessible, so we can't use
# TSVWithNamesAndTypes.
"${client[@]}" --query "
select test, query_index,
quantileExact(0.99)(abs(diff)) * 1.5 AS max_diff,
quantileExactIf(0.99)(stat_threshold, abs(diff) < stat_threshold) * 1.5 AS max_stat_threshold,
from query_metrics_v2
-- We use results at least one week in the past, so that the current
-- changes do not immediately influence the statistics, and we have
-- some time to notice that something is wrong.
where event_date between now() - interval 1 month - interval 1 week
and now() - interval 1 week
and metric = 'client_time'
and pr_number = 0
group by test, query_index, query_display_name
having count(*) > 100
" > analyze/historical-thresholds.tsv
set -x
touch analyze/historical-thresholds.tsv
# Analyze results
function report
rm -r report ||:
mkdir report report/tmp ||:
rm ./*.{rep,svg} test-times.tsv test-dump.tsv unstable.tsv unstable-query-ids.tsv unstable-query-metrics.tsv changed-perf.tsv unstable-tests.tsv unstable-queries.tsv bad-tests.tsv all-queries.tsv run-errors.tsv ||:
cat analyze/errors.log >> report/errors.log ||:
cat profile-errors.log >> report/errors.log ||:
clickhouse-local --query "
create view query_display_names as select * from
file('analyze/query-display-names.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, query_display_name text')
create view partial_query_times as select * from
file('analyze/partial-query-times.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
'test text, query_index int, time_stddev float, time_median double')
-- Report for backward-incompatible ('partial') queries that we could only run on the new server (e.g.
-- queries with new functions added in the tested PR).
create table partial_queries_report engine File(TSV, 'report/partial-queries-report.tsv')
as select round(time_median, 3) time,
round(time_stddev / time_median, 3) relative_time_stddev,
test, query_index, query_display_name
from partial_query_times
join query_display_names using (test, query_index)
order by test, query_index
create view query_metric_stats as
select * from file('analyze/query-metric-stats-denorm.tsv',
'test text, query_index int, metric_name text, left float, right float,
diff float, stat_threshold float')
create table report_thresholds engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'report/thresholds.tsv')
as select
query_display_names.test test, query_display_names.query_index query_index,
ceil(greatest(0.1, historical_thresholds.max_diff,
test_thresholds.report_threshold), 2) changed_threshold,
ceil(greatest(0.2, historical_thresholds.max_stat_threshold,
test_thresholds.report_threshold + 0.1), 2) unstable_threshold,
query_display_names.query_display_name query_display_name
from query_display_names
left join file('analyze/historical-thresholds.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, max_diff float, max_stat_threshold float,
query_display_name text') historical_thresholds
on query_display_names.test = historical_thresholds.test
and query_display_names.query_index = historical_thresholds.query_index
and query_display_names.query_display_name = historical_thresholds.query_display_name
left join file('analyze/report-thresholds.tsv', TSV,
'test text, report_threshold float') test_thresholds
on query_display_names.test = test_thresholds.test
-- Main statistics for queries -- query time as reported in query log.
create table queries engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'report/queries.tsv')
as select
-- It is important to have a non-strict inequality with stat_threshold
-- here. The randomization distribution is actually discrete, and when
-- the number of runs is small, the quantile we need (e.g. 0.99) turns
-- out to be the maximum value of the distribution. We can also hit this
-- maximum possible value with our test run, and this obviously means
-- that we have observed the difference to the best precision possible
-- for the given number of runs. If we use a strict equality here, we
-- will miss such cases. This happened in the wild and lead to some
-- uncaught regressions, because for the default 7 runs we do for PRs,
-- the randomization distribution has only 16 values, so the max quantile
-- is actually 0.9375.
abs(diff) > changed_threshold and abs(diff) >= stat_threshold as changed_fail,
abs(diff) > changed_threshold - 0.05 and abs(diff) >= stat_threshold as changed_show,
not changed_fail and stat_threshold > unstable_threshold as unstable_fail,
not changed_show and stat_threshold > unstable_threshold - 0.05 as unstable_show,
left, right, diff, stat_threshold,
query_metric_stats.test test, query_metric_stats.query_index query_index,
query_display_names.query_display_name query_display_name
from query_metric_stats
left join query_display_names
on query_metric_stats.test = query_display_names.test
and query_metric_stats.query_index = query_display_names.query_index
left join report_thresholds
on query_display_names.test = report_thresholds.test
and query_display_names.query_index = report_thresholds.query_index
and query_display_names.query_display_name = report_thresholds.query_display_name
-- 'server_time' is rounded down to ms, which might be bad for very short queries.
-- Use 'client_time' instead.
where metric_name = 'client_time'
order by test, query_index, metric_name
create table changed_perf_report engine File(TSV, 'report/changed-perf.tsv')
as with
-- server_time is sometimes reported as zero (if it's less than 1 ms),
-- so we have to work around this to not get an error about conversion
-- of NaN to decimal.
(left > right ? left / right : right / left) as times_change_float,
isFinite(times_change_float) as times_change_finite,
round(times_change_finite ? times_change_float : 1., 3) as times_change_decimal,
? (left > right ? '-' : '+') || toString(times_change_decimal) || 'x'
: '--' as times_change_str
round(left, 3), round(right, 3), times_change_str,
round(diff, 3), round(stat_threshold, 3),
changed_fail, test, query_index, query_display_name
from queries where changed_show order by abs(diff) desc;
create table unstable_queries_report engine File(TSV, 'report/unstable-queries.tsv')
as select
round(left, 3), round(right, 3), round(diff, 3),
round(stat_threshold, 3), unstable_fail, test, query_index, query_display_name
from queries where unstable_show order by stat_threshold desc;
create view test_speedup as
exp2(avg(log2(left / right))) times_speedup,
count(*) queries,
unstable + changed bad,
sum(changed_show) changed,
sum(unstable_show) unstable
from queries
group by test
order by times_speedup desc
create view total_speedup as
'Total' test,
exp2(avg(log2(times_speedup))) times_speedup,
sum(queries) queries,
unstable + changed bad,
sum(changed) changed,
sum(unstable) unstable
from test_speedup
create table test_perf_changes_report engine File(TSV, 'report/test-perf-changes.tsv')
as with
(times_speedup >= 1
? '-' || toString(round(times_speedup, 3)) || 'x'
: '+' || toString(round(1 / times_speedup, 3)) || 'x')
as times_speedup_str
select test, times_speedup_str, queries, bad, changed, unstable
-- Not sure what's the precedence of UNION ALL vs WHERE & ORDER BY, hence all
-- the braces.
from (
select * from total_speedup
) union all (
select * from test_speedup
(times_speedup >= 1 ? times_speedup : (1 / times_speedup)) >= 1.005
or bad
order by test = 'Total' desc, times_speedup desc
create view total_client_time_per_query as select *
from file('analyze/client-times.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, client float, server float');
create table wall_clock_time_per_test engine Memory as select *
from file('wall-clock-times.tsv', TSV, 'test text, real float, user float, system float');
create table test_time engine Memory as
select test, sum(client) total_client_time,
max(client) query_max,
min(client) query_min,
count(*) queries
from total_client_time_per_query full join queries using (test, query_index)
group by test;
create view query_runs as select * from file('analyze/query-runs.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, query_id text, version UInt8, time float');
-- Guess the number of query runs used for this test. The number is required to
-- calculate and check the average query run time in the report.
-- We have to be careful, because we will encounter:
-- 1) backward-incompatible ('partial') queries which run only on one server
-- 3) some errors that make query run for a different number of times on a
-- particular server.
create view test_runs as
select test,
-- Default to 7 runs if there are only 'short' queries in the test, and
-- we can't determine the number of runs.
if((ceil(median(t.runs), 0) as r) != 0, r, 7) runs
from (
-- The query id is the same for both servers, so no need to divide here.
uniqExact(query_id) runs,
test, query_index
from query_runs
group by test, query_index
) t
group by test
create view test_times_view as
wall_clock_time_per_test.test test,
real / if(queries > 0, queries, 1) avg_real_per_query,
from test_time
-- wall clock times are also measured for skipped tests, so don't
-- do full join
left join wall_clock_time_per_test
on wall_clock_time_per_test.test = test_time.test
full join test_runs
on test_runs.test = test_time.test
-- WITH TOTALS doesn't work with INSERT SELECT, so we have to jump through these
-- hoops: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/15227
create view test_times_view_total as
'Total' test,
sum(real) / if(sum(queries) > 0, sum(queries), 1) avg_real_per_query,
-- Totaling the number of runs doesn't make sense, but use the max so
-- that the reporting script doesn't complain about queries being too
-- long.
from test_times_view
create table test_times_report engine File(TSV, 'report/test-times.tsv')
as select
round(real, 3),
round(total_client_time, 3),
round(query_max, 3),
round(avg_real_per_query, 3),
round(query_min, 3),
from (
select * from test_times_view
union all
select * from test_times_view_total
order by test = 'Total' desc, avg_real_per_query desc
-- report for all queries page, only main metric
create table all_tests_report engine File(TSV, 'report/all-queries.tsv')
as with
-- server_time is sometimes reported as zero (if it's less than 1 ms),
-- so we have to work around this to not get an error about conversion
-- of NaN to decimal.
(left > right ? left / right : right / left) as times_change_float,
isFinite(times_change_float) as times_change_finite,
round(times_change_finite ? times_change_float : 1., 3) as times_change_decimal,
? (left > right ? '-' : '+') || toString(times_change_decimal) || 'x'
: '--' as times_change_str
select changed_fail, unstable_fail,
round(left, 3), round(right, 3), times_change_str,
round(isFinite(diff) ? diff : 0, 3),
round(isFinite(stat_threshold) ? stat_threshold : 0, 3),
test, query_index, query_display_name
from queries order by test, query_index;
-- various compatibility data formats follow, not related to the main report
-- keep the table in old format so that we can analyze new and old data together
create table queries_old_format engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'queries.rep')
as select 0 short, changed_fail, unstable_fail, left, right, diff,
stat_threshold, test, query_display_name query
from queries
-- new report for all queries with all metrics (no page yet)
create table all_query_metrics_tsv engine File(TSV, 'report/all-query-metrics.tsv') as
select metric_name, left, right, diff,
floor(left > right ? left / right : right / left, 3),
stat_threshold, test, query_index, query_display_name
from query_metric_stats
left join query_display_names
on query_metric_stats.test = query_display_names.test
and query_metric_stats.query_index = query_display_names.query_index
order by test, query_index;
" 2> >(tee -a report/errors.log 1>&2)
# Prepare source data for metrics and flamegraphs for queries that were profiled
# by perf.py.
for version in {right,left}
rm -rf data
clickhouse-local --query "
create view query_profiles as
with 0 as left, 1 as right
select * from file('analyze/query-profiles.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, query_id text, version UInt8, time float')
where version = $version
create view query_display_names as select * from
file('analyze/query-display-names.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, query_display_name text')
create table unstable_query_runs engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
'unstable-query-runs.$version.rep') as
select query_profiles.test test, query_profiles.query_index query_index,
query_display_name, query_id
from query_profiles
left join query_display_names on
query_profiles.test = query_display_names.test
and query_profiles.query_index = query_display_names.query_index
create view query_log as select *
from file('$version-query-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes);
create table unstable_run_metrics engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
'unstable-run-metrics.$version.rep') as
select test, query_index, query_id, value, metric
from query_log
array join
mapValues(ProfileEvents) as value,
mapKeys(ProfileEvents) as metric
join unstable_query_runs using (query_id)
create table unstable_run_metrics_2 engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
'unstable-run-metrics-2.$version.rep') as
test, query_index, query_id,
v, n
from (
test, query_index, query_id,
['memory_usage', 'read_bytes', 'written_bytes', 'query_duration_ms'] n,
[memory_usage, read_bytes, written_bytes, query_duration_ms] v
from query_log
join unstable_query_runs using (query_id)
array join v, n;
create view trace_log as select *
from file('$version-trace-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes);
create view addresses_src as select addr,
-- Some functions change name between builds, e.g. '__clone' or 'clone' or
-- even '__GI__clone@@GLIBC_2.32'. This breaks differential flame graphs, so
-- filter them out here.
[name, 'clone.S (filtered by script)', 'pthread_cond_timedwait (filtered by script)']
-- this line is a subscript operator of the above array
[1 + multiSearchFirstIndex(name, ['clone.S', 'pthread_cond_timedwait'])] name
from file('$version-addresses.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes);
create table addresses_join_$version engine Join(any, left, address) as
select addr address, name from addresses_src;
create table unstable_run_traces engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
'unstable-run-traces.$version.rep') as
test, query_index, query_id,
count() value,
joinGet(addresses_join_$version, 'name', arrayJoin(trace))
|| '(' || toString(trace_type) || ')' metric
from trace_log
join unstable_query_runs using query_id
group by test, query_index, query_id, metric
order by count() desc
create table stacks engine File(TSV, 'report/stacks.$version.tsv') as
-- first goes the key used to split the file with grep
test, query_index, trace_type, any(query_display_name),
-- next go the stacks in flamegraph format: 'func1;...;funcN count'
addr -> joinGet(addresses_join_$version, 'name', addr),
) readable_trace,
count() c
from trace_log
join unstable_query_runs using query_id
group by test, query_index, trace_type, trace
order by test, query_index, trace_type, trace
" 2> >(tee -a report/errors.log 1>&2) &
# Create per-query flamegraphs
touch report/query-files.txt
for version in {right,left}
for query in $(cut -d' ' -f1-4 "report/stacks.$version.tsv" | sort | uniq)
query_file=$(echo "$query" | cut -c-120 | sed 's/[/ ]/_/g')
echo "$query_file" >> report/query-files.txt
# Build separate .svg flamegraph for each query.
# -F is somewhat unsafe because it might match not the beginning of the
# string, but this is unlikely and escaping the query for grep is a pain.
rg -F "$query " "report/stacks.$version.tsv" \
| cut -f 5- \
| sed 's/\t/ /g' \
| tee "report/tmp/$query_file.stacks.$version.tsv" \
| ~/fg/flamegraph.pl --hash > "$query_file.$version.svg" &
unset IFS
# Create differential flamegraphs.
while IFS= read -r query_file
~/fg/difffolded.pl "report/tmp/$query_file.stacks.left.tsv" \
"report/tmp/$query_file.stacks.right.tsv" \
| tee "report/tmp/$query_file.stacks.diff.tsv" \
| ~/fg/flamegraph.pl > "$query_file.diff.svg" &
done < report/query-files.txt
# Create per-query files with metrics. Note that the key is different from flamegraphs.
for version in {right,left}
for query in $(cut -d' ' -f1-3 "report/metric-deviation.$version.tsv" | sort | uniq)
query_file=$(echo "$query" | cut -c-120 | sed 's/[/ ]/_/g')
# Ditto the above comment about -F.
rg -F "$query " "report/metric-deviation.$version.tsv" \
| cut -f4- > "$query_file.$version.metrics.rep" &
unset IFS
# Prefer to grep for clickhouse_driver exception messages, but if there are none,
# just show a couple of lines from the log.
for log in *-err.log
test=$(basename "$log" "-err.log")
# The second grep is a heuristic for error messages like
# "socket.timeout: timed out".
rg --no-filename --max-count=2 -i '\(Exception\|Error\):[^:]' "$log" \
|| rg --no-filename --max-count=2 -i '^[^ ]\+: ' "$log" \
|| head -2 "$log"
} | sed "s/^/$test\t/" >> run-errors.tsv ||:
function report_metrics
rm -rf metrics ||:
mkdir metrics
clickhouse-local --query "
create view right_async_metric_log as
select * from file('right-async-metric-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes)
-- Use the right log as time reference because it may have higher precision.
create table metrics engine File(TSV, 'metrics/metrics.tsv') as
with (select min(event_time) from right_async_metric_log) as min_time
select metric, r.event_time - min_time event_time, l.value as left, r.value as right
from right_async_metric_log r
asof join file('left-async-metric-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes) l
on l.metric = r.metric and r.event_time <= l.event_time
order by metric, event_time
-- Show metrics that have changed
create table changes engine File(TSV, 'metrics/changes.tsv')
as select metric, left, right,
round(diff, 3), round(times_diff, 3)
from (
select metric, median(left) as left, median(right) as right,
(right - left) / left diff,
if(left > right, left / right, right / left) times_diff
from metrics
group by metric
having abs(diff) > 0.05 and isFinite(diff) and isFinite(times_diff)
order by diff desc
" 2> >(tee -a metrics/errors.log 1>&2)
for prefix in $(cut -f1 "metrics/metrics.tsv" | sort | uniq)
rg "^$prefix " "metrics/metrics.tsv" | cut -f2- > "$file"
gnuplot -e "
set datafile separator '\t';
set terminal png size 960,540;
set xtics time format '%tH:%tM';
set title '$prefix' noenhanced offset 0,-3;
set key left top;
'$file' using 1:2 with lines title 'Left'
, '$file' using 1:3 with lines title 'Right'
" \
| convert - -filter point -resize "200%" "metrics/$prefix.png" &
unset IFS
function upload_results
# Prepare info for the CI checks table.
rm -f ci-checks.tsv
clickhouse-local --query "
create view queries as select * from file('report/queries.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes);
create table ci_checks engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'ci-checks.tsv')
as select
$PR_TO_TEST :: UInt32 AS pull_request_number,
'$SHA_TO_TEST' :: LowCardinality(String) AS commit_sha,
'${CLICKHOUSE_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON_CHECK_NAME:-Performance}' :: LowCardinality(String) AS check_name,
'$(sed -n 's/.*<!--status: \(.*\)-->/\1/p' report.html)' :: LowCardinality(String) AS check_status,
(($(date +%s) - $CHPC_CHECK_START_TIMESTAMP) * 1000) :: UInt64 AS check_duration_ms,
fromUnixTimestamp($CHPC_CHECK_START_TIMESTAMP) check_start_time,
test_name :: LowCardinality(String) AS test_name ,
test_status :: LowCardinality(String) AS test_status,
test_duration_ms :: UInt64 AS test_duration_ms,
? 'https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/commit/$SHA_TO_TEST'
: 'https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/pull/$PR_TO_TEST' pull_request_url,
'' commit_url,
'' task_url,
'' base_ref,
'' base_repo,
'' head_ref,
'' head_repo
from (
select '' test_name,
'$(sed -n 's/.*<!--message: \(.*\)-->/\1/p' report.html)' test_status,
0 test_duration_ms,
'https://s3.amazonaws.com/clickhouse-test-reports/$PR_TO_TEST/$SHA_TO_TEST/${CLICKHOUSE_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON_CHECK_NAME_PREFIX}/report.html#fail1' report_url
union all
test || ' #' || toString(query_index) || '::' || test_desc_.1 test_name,
'slower' test_status,
test_desc_.2*1e3 test_duration_ms,
'https://s3.amazonaws.com/clickhouse-test-reports/$PR_TO_TEST/$SHA_TO_TEST/${CLICKHOUSE_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON_CHECK_NAME_PREFIX}/report.html#changes-in-performance.' || test || '.' || toString(query_index) report_url
from queries
array join map('old', left, 'new', right) as test_desc_
where changed_fail != 0 and diff > 0
union all
test || ' #' || toString(query_index) || '::' || test_desc_.1 test_name,
'unstable' test_status,
test_desc_.2*1e3 test_duration_ms,
'https://s3.amazonaws.com/clickhouse-test-reports/$PR_TO_TEST/$SHA_TO_TEST/${CLICKHOUSE_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON_CHECK_NAME_PREFIX}/report.html#unstable-queries.' || test || '.' || toString(query_index) report_url
from queries
array join map('old', left, 'new', right) as test_desc_
where unstable_fail != 0
echo Database for test results is not specified, will not upload them.
return 0
set +x # Don't show password in the log
# Surprisingly, clickhouse-client doesn't understand --host
# so I have to extract host and port with clickhouse-local. I tried to use
# Poco URI parser to support this in the client, but it's broken and can't
# parse host:port.
$(clickhouse-local --query "with '${CLICKHOUSE_PERFORMANCE_COMPARISON_DATABASE_URL}' as url select '--host ' || domain(url) || ' --port ' || toString(port(url)) format TSV")
--config "right/config/client_config.xml"
# CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS query_metrics_v2 (
# `event_date` Date,
# `event_time` DateTime,
# `pr_number` UInt32,
# `old_sha` String,
# `new_sha` String,
# `test` LowCardinality(String),
# `query_index` UInt32,
# `query_display_name` String,
# `metric` LowCardinality(String),
# `old_value` Float64,
# `new_value` Float64,
# `diff` Float64,
# `stat_threshold` Float64
# ) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree
# ORDER BY event_date
# CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS run_attributes_v1 (
# `old_sha` String,
# `new_sha` String,
# `metric` LowCardinality(String),
# `metric_value` String
# ) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree
# ORDER BY (old_sha, new_sha)
"${client[@]}" --query "
insert into query_metrics_v2
toDate(event_time) event_date,
toDateTime('$(cd right/ch && git show -s --format=%ci "$SHA_TO_TEST" | cut -d' ' -f-2)') event_time,
$PR_TO_TEST pr_number,
'$REF_SHA' old_sha,
'$SHA_TO_TEST' new_sha,
metric_name as metric,
from input('metric_name text, old_value float, new_value float, diff float,
ratio_display_text text, stat_threshold float,
test text, query_index int, query_display_name text')
format TSV
" < report/all-query-metrics.tsv # Don't leave whitespace after INSERT: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/16652
# Upload some run attributes. I use this weird form because it is the same
# form that can be used for historical data when you only have compare.log.
cat compare.log \
| sed -n '
s/.*Model name:[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/metric lscpu-model-name \1/p;
s/.*L1d cache:[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/metric lscpu-l1d-cache \1/p;
s/.*L1i cache:[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/metric lscpu-l1i-cache \1/p;
s/.*L2 cache:[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/metric lscpu-l2-cache \1/p;
s/.*L3 cache:[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/metric lscpu-l3-cache \1/p;
s/.*left_sha=\(.*\)$/old-sha \1/p;
s/.*right_sha=\(.*\)/new-sha \1/p' \
| awk '
BEGIN { FS = "\t"; OFS = "\t" }
/^old-sha/ { old_sha=$2 }
/^new-sha/ { new_sha=$2 }
/^metric/ { print old_sha, new_sha, $2, $3 }' \
| "${client[@]}" --query "INSERT INTO run_attributes_v1 FORMAT TSV"
# Grepping numactl results from log is too crazy, I'll just call it again.
"${client[@]}" --query "INSERT INTO run_attributes_v1 FORMAT TSV" <<EOF
$REF_SHA $SHA_TO_TEST $(numactl --show | sed -n 's/^cpubind:[[:space:]]\+/numactl-cpubind /p')
$REF_SHA $SHA_TO_TEST $(numactl --hardware | sed -n 's/^available:[[:space:]]\+/numactl-available /p')
# Also insert some data about the check into the CI checks table.
"${client[@]}" --query "INSERT INTO "'"'"default"'"'".checks FORMAT TSVWithNamesAndTypes" \
< ci-checks.tsv
set -x
# Check that local and client are in PATH
clickhouse-local --version > /dev/null
clickhouse-client --version > /dev/null
case "$stage" in
time configure
numactl --show ||:
numactl --hardware ||:
lscpu ||:
dmidecode -t 4 ||:
time restart
# Ignore the errors to collect the log and build at least some report, anyway
time run_tests ||:
# Check for huge pages.
cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled > thp-enabled.txt ||:
cat /proc/meminfo > meminfo.txt ||:
for pid in $(pgrep -f clickhouse-server)
cat "/proc/$pid/smaps" > "$pid-smaps.txt" ||:
# We had a bug where getting profiles froze sometimes, so try to save some
# logs if this happens again. Give the servers some time to collect all info,
# then trace and kill. Start in a subshell, so that both function don't
# interfere with each other's jobs through `wait`. Also make the subshell
# have its own process group, so that we can then kill it with all its child
# processes. Somehow it doesn't kill the children by itself when dying.
set -m
( get_profiles_watchdog ) &
set +m
# Check that the watchdog started OK.
kill -0 $watchdog_pid
# If the tests fail with OOM or something, still try to restart the servers
# to collect the logs. Prefer not to restart, because addresses might change
# and we won't be able to process trace_log data. Start in a subshell, so that
# it doesn't interfere with the watchdog through `wait`.
( get_profiles || { restart && get_profiles ; } ) ||:
# Kill the whole process group, because somehow when the subshell is killed,
# the sleep inside remains alive and orphaned.
while env kill -- -$watchdog_pid ; do sleep 1; done
# Stop the servers to free memory for the subsequent query analysis.
while pkill -f clickhouse-serv ; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo Servers stopped.
time analyze_queries ||:
time report ||:
time report_metrics ||:
cat metrics/errors.log >> report/errors.log ||:
time "$script_dir/report.py" --report=all-queries > all-queries.html 2> >(tee -a report/errors.log 1>&2) ||:
time "$script_dir/report.py" > report.html
time upload_results ||:
# Print some final debug info to help debug Weirdness, of which there is plenty.
pstree -apgT