[Interprets](../../sql-reference/functions/type-conversion-functions.md#type_conversion_functions-reinterpretAsString) all the input parameters as strings and calculates the [MD5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) hash value for each of them. Then combines hashes, takes the first 8 bytes of the hash of the resulting string, and interprets them as `UInt64` in big-endian byte order.
The function takes a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
Function [interprets](../../sql-reference/functions/type-conversion-functions.md#type_conversion_functions-reinterpretAsString) all the input parameters as strings and calculates the hash value for each of them. Then combines hashes by the following algorithm:
1. After hashing all the input parameters, the function gets the array of hashes.
2. Function takes the first and the second elements and calculates a hash for the array of them.
3. Then the function takes the hash value, calculated at the previous step, and the third element of the initial hash array, and calculates a hash for the array of them.
4. The previous step is repeated for all the remaining elements of the initial hash array.
The function takes a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
Produces a 128-bit [SipHash](https://131002.net/siphash/) hash value. Differs from [sipHash64](#hash_functions-siphash64) in that the final xor-folding state is done up to 128 bits.
The function takes a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
This is a fast non-cryptographic hash function. It uses the CityHash algorithm for string parameters and implementation-specific fast non-cryptographic hash function for parameters with other data types. The function uses the CityHash combinator to get the final results.
The function takes a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
The function works fairly slowly (SHA-1 processes about 5 million short strings per second per processor core, while SHA-224 and SHA-256 process about 2.2 million).
Even in these cases, we recommend applying the function offline and pre-calculating values when inserting them into the table, instead of applying it in `SELECT` queries.
- SHA hash as a hex-unencoded FixedString. SHA-1 returns as FixedString(20), SHA-224 as FixedString(28), SHA-256 — FixedString(32), SHA-512 — FixedString(64).
Calculates BLAKE3 hash string and returns the resulting set of bytes as [FixedString](../data-types/fixedstring.md).
This cryptographic hash-function is integrated into ClickHouse with BLAKE3 Rust library. The function is rather fast and shows approximately two times faster performance compared to SHA-2, while generating hashes of the same length as SHA-256.
- s - input string for BLAKE3 hash calculation. [String](../data-types/string.md).
**Return value**
- BLAKE3 hash as a byte array with type FixedString(32).
A fast, decent-quality non-cryptographic hash function for a string obtained from a URL using some type of normalization.
`URLHash(s)`– Calculates a hash from a string without one of the trailing symbols `/`,`?` or `#` at the end, if present.
`URLHash(s, N)`– Calculates a hash from a string up to the N level in the URL hierarchy, without one of the trailing symbols `/`,`?` or `#` at the end, if present.
Produces a 64-bit [FarmHash](https://github.com/google/farmhash) or Fingerprint value. `farmFingerprint64` is preferred for a stable and portable value.
These functions use the `Fingerprint64` and `Hash64` methods respectively from all [available methods](https://github.com/google/farmhash/blob/master/src/farmhash.h).
The function takes a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data)..
Calculates [JavaHash](http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u/jdk/file/478a4add975b/src/share/classes/java/lang/String.java#l1452) from a string. This hash function is neither fast nor having a good quality. The only reason to use it is when this algorithm is already used in another system and you have to calculate exactly the same result.
Calculates [JavaHash](http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u/jdk/file/478a4add975b/src/share/classes/java/lang/String.java#l1452) from a string, assuming it contains bytes representing a string in UTF-16LE encoding.
This is just [JavaHash](#hash_functions-javahash) with zeroed out sign bit. This function is used in [Apache Hive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Hive) for versions before 3.0. This hash function is neither fast nor having a good quality. The only reason to use it is when this algorithm is already used in another system and you have to calculate exactly the same result.
The function takes a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
Both functions take a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
Calculates a 64-bit [MurmurHash2](https://github.com/aappleby/smhasher) hash value using the same hash seed as [gcc](https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/41d6b10e96a1de98e90a7c0378437c3255814b16/libstdc%2B%2B-v3/include/bits/functional_hash.h#L191). It is portable between CLang and GCC builds.
Both functions take a variable number of input parameters. Arguments can be any of the [supported data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md). For some data types calculated value of hash function may be the same for the same values even if types of arguments differ (integers of different size, named and unnamed `Tuple` with the same data, `Map` and the corresponding `Array(Tuple(key, value))` type with the same data).
Splits a ASCII string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-gram `simhash`. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
Splits a ASCII string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-gram `simhash`. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
Splits a UTF-8 string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-gram `simhash`. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
Splits a UTF-8 string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-gram `simhash`. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
Splits a ASCII string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and returns the word shingle `simhash`. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
SELECT wordShingleSimHash('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Hash;
Splits a ASCII string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and returns the word shingle `simhash`. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
SELECT wordShingleSimHashCaseInsensitive('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Hash;
Splits a UTF-8 string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and returns the word shingle `simhash`. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optinal. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
SELECT wordShingleSimHashUTF8('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Hash;
Splits a UTF-8 string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and returns the word shingle `simhash`. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [bitHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/bit-functions.md#bithammingdistance). The smaller is the [Hamming Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance) of the calculated `simhashes` of two strings, the more likely these strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
SELECT wordShingleSimHashCaseInsensitiveUTF8('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Hash;
Splits a ASCII string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and calculates hash values for each n-gram. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
Splits a ASCII string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and calculates hash values for each n-gram. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
Splits a UTF-8 string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and calculates hash values for each n-gram. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
Splits a UTF-8 string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and calculates hash values for each n-gram. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
Splits a ASCII string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-grams with minimum and maximum hashes, calculated by the [ngramMinHash](#ngramminhash) function with the same input. Is case sensitive.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` n-grams each.
Splits a ASCII string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-grams with minimum and maximum hashes, calculated by the [ngramMinHashCaseInsensitive](#ngramminhashcaseinsensitive) function with the same input. Is case insensitive.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` n-grams each.
Splits a UTF-8 string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-grams with minimum and maximum hashes, calculated by the [ngramMinHashUTF8](#ngramminhashutf8) function with the same input. Is case sensitive.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` n-grams each.
Splits a UTF-8 string into n-grams of `ngramsize` symbols and returns the n-grams with minimum and maximum hashes, calculated by the [ngramMinHashCaseInsensitiveUTF8](#ngramminhashcaseinsensitiveutf8) function with the same input. Is case insensitive.
-`ngramsize` — The size of an n-gram. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` n-grams each.
Splits a ASCII string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and calculates hash values for each word shingle. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
SELECT wordShingleMinHash('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Tuple;
Splits a ASCII string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and calculates hash values for each word shingle. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashCaseInsensitive('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Tuple;
Splits a UTF-8 string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and calculates hash values for each word shingle. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case sensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashUTF8('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Tuple;
Splits a UTF-8 string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words and calculates hash values for each word shingle. Uses `hashnum` minimum hashes to calculate the minimum hash and `hashnum` maximum hashes to calculate the maximum hash. Returns a tuple with these hashes. Is case insensitive.
Can be used for detection of semi-duplicate strings with [tupleHammingDistance](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-functions.md#tuplehammingdistance). For two strings: if one of the returned hashes is the same for both strings, we think that those strings are the same.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two hashes — the minimum and the maximum.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashCaseInsensitiveUTF8('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).') AS Tuple;
Splits a ASCII string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words each and returns the shingles with minimum and maximum word hashes, calculated by the [wordshingleMinHash](#wordshingleminhash) function with the same input. Is case sensitive.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` word shingles each.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashArg('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).', 1, 3) AS Tuple;
Splits a ASCII string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words each and returns the shingles with minimum and maximum word hashes, calculated by the [wordShingleMinHashCaseInsensitive](#wordshingleminhashcaseinsensitive) function with the same input. Is case insensitive.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` word shingles each.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashArgCaseInsensitive('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).', 1, 3) AS Tuple;
Splits a UTF-8 string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words each and returns the shingles with minimum and maximum word hashes, calculated by the [wordShingleMinHashUTF8](#wordshingleminhashutf8) function with the same input. Is case sensitive.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` word shingles each.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashArgUTF8('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).', 1, 3) AS Tuple;
Splits a UTF-8 string into parts (shingles) of `shinglesize` words each and returns the shingles with minimum and maximum word hashes, calculated by the [wordShingleMinHashCaseInsensitiveUTF8](#wordshingleminhashcaseinsensitiveutf8) function with the same input. Is case insensitive.
-`shinglesize` — The size of a word shingle. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `3`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
-`hashnum` — The number of minimum and maximum hashes used to calculate the result. Optional. Possible values: any number from `1` to `25`. Default value: `6`. [UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
**Returned value**
- Tuple with two tuples with `hashnum` word shingles each.
SELECT wordShingleMinHashArgCaseInsensitiveUTF8('ClickHouse® is a column-oriented database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing of queries (OLAP).', 1, 3) AS Tuple;