- Make sure your target machine meet the QPL required [Prerequisites](https://intel.github.io/qpl/documentation/get_started_docs/installation.html#prerequisites)
- Pass the following flag to CMake when building ClickHouse, depending on the capabilities of your target machine:
``` bash
``` bash
cmake -DENABLE_AVX512=1 -DENABLE_QPL=1 ..
- For generic requirements, please refer to Clickhouse generic [build instructions](/docs/en/development/build.md)
The folders `benchmark_sample` under [qpl-cmake](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/tree/master/contrib/qpl-cmake) give example to run benchmark with python scripts:
-`queries_ssb.sql`: The file lists all queries for [Star Schema Benchmark](https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/getting-started/example-datasets/star-schema/)
-`allin1_ssb.sh`: This shell script executes benchmark workflow all in one automatically.
- OS Requirements refer to [System Requirements for QPL](https://intel.github.io/qpl/documentation/get_started_docs/installation.html#system-requirements)
- IAA Setup refer to [Accelerator Configuration](https://intel.github.io/qpl/documentation/get_started_docs/installation.html#accelerator-configuration)
- For client side, you need launch clickhouse with the assigned port during table creation and data insertion.
- For server side, you need launch clickhouse with the specific xml config file in which port has been assigned. All customized xml config files for multi-instances has been provided under ./server_config.
Here we assume there are 60 cores per socket and take 2 instances for example.
Launch server for first instance
``` bash
$ cd ./database_dir/lz4
$ numactl -C 0-29,120-149 [CLICKHOUSE_EXE] server -C config_lz4.xml >&/dev/null&
``` bash
$ cd ./database_dir/zstd
$ numactl -C 0-29,120-149 [CLICKHOUSE_EXE] server -C config_zstd.xml >&/dev/null&
IAA Deflate:
``` bash
$ cd ./database_dir/deflate
$ numactl -C 0-29,120-149 [CLICKHOUSE_EXE] server -C config_deflate.xml >&/dev/null&
[Launch server for second instance]
``` bash
$ cd ./database_dir && mkdir lz4_s2 && cd lz4_s2
$ cp ../../server_config/config_lz4_s2.xml ./
$ numactl -C 30-59,150-179 [CLICKHOUSE_EXE] server -C config_lz4_s2.xml >&/dev/null&
``` bash
$ cd ./database_dir && mkdir zstd_s2 && cd zstd_s2
$ cp ../../server_config/config_zstd_s2.xml ./
$ numactl -C 30-59,150-179 [CLICKHOUSE_EXE] server -C config_zstd_s2.xml >&/dev/null&
IAA Deflate:
``` bash
$ cd ./database_dir && mkdir deflate_s2 && cd deflate_s2
$ cp ../../server_config/config_deflate_s2.xml ./
$ numactl -C 30-59,150-179 [CLICKHOUSE_EXE] server -C config_deflate_s2.xml >&/dev/null&
Creating tables && Inserting data for second instance
- [TBL_FILE_NAME] represents the name of a file named with the regular expression: *. tbl under `./benchmark_sample/rawdata_dir/ssb-dbgen`.
-`--port=9001` stands for the assigned port for server instance which is also defined in config_lz4_s2.xml/config_zstd_s2.xml/config_deflate_s2.xml. For even more instances, you need replace it with the value: 9002/9003 which stand for s3/s4 instance respectively. If you don't assign it, the port is 9000 by default which has been used by first instance.
Here the last argument: `2` of client_stressing_test.py stands for the number of instances. For more instances, you need replace it with the value: 3 or 4. This script support up to 4 instances/
By comparing the query list in ./client_scripts/queries_ssb.sql with official [Star Schema Benchmark](https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/getting-started/example-datasets/star-schema), you will find 3 queries are not included: Q1.2/Q1.3/Q3.4 . This is because cpu utilization% is very low <10%forthesequerieswhichmeanscannotdemonstrateperformancedifferences.