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// Pair.h
// $Id: //poco/Main/Foundation/include/Poco/Dynamic/Pair.h#9 $
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Dynamic
// Module: Pair
// Definition of the Pair class.
// Copyright (c) 2007, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_Pair_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_Pair_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/Dynamic/Var.h"
#include "Poco/Dynamic/VarHolder.h"
#include <utility>
namespace Poco {
namespace Dynamic {
template <typename K>
class Pair
/// Pair allows to define a pair of values.
typedef typename std::pair<K, Var> Data;
Pair(): _data()
/// Creates an empty Pair
Pair(const Pair& other): _data(other._data)
/// Creates the Pair from another pair.
Pair(const Data& val): _data(val)
/// Creates the Pair from the given value.
template <typename T>
Pair(const std::pair<K, T>& val): _data(std::make_pair(val.first, val.second))
/// Creates Pair form standard pair.
template <typename T>
Pair(const K& first, const T& second): _data(std::make_pair(first, second))
/// Creates pair from two values.
virtual ~Pair()
/// Destroys the Pair.
Pair& swap(Pair& other)
/// Swaps the content of the two Pairs.
std::swap(_data, other._data);
return *this;
Pair& operator = (const Pair& other)
/// Copy constructs Pair from another pair.
return *this;
inline const K& first() const
/// Returns the first member of the pair.
return _data.first;
inline const Var& second() const
/// Returns the second member of the pair.
return _data.second;
std::string toString()
std::string str;
return str;
Data _data;
template <>
class VarHolderImpl<Pair<std::string> >: public VarHolder
VarHolderImpl(const Pair<std::string>& val): _val(val)
const std::type_info& type() const
return typeid(Pair<std::string>);
void convert(Int8& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int8");
void convert(Int16& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int16");
void convert(Int32& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int32");
void convert(Int64& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int64");
void convert(UInt8& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt8");
void convert(UInt16& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt16");
void convert(UInt32& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt32");
void convert(UInt64& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt64");
void convert(bool& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to bool");
void convert(float& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to float");
void convert(double& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to double");
void convert(char& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to char");
void convert(std::string& val) const
// Serialize in JSON format: equals an object
// JSON format definition: { string ':' value } string:value pair n-times, sep. by ','
val.append("{ ");
Var key(_val.first());
Impl::appendJSONKey(val, key);
val.append(" : ");
Impl::appendJSONValue(val, _val.second());
val.append(" }");
void convert(Poco::DateTime&) const
throw BadCastException("Pair -> Poco::DateTime");
void convert(Poco::LocalDateTime&) const
throw BadCastException("Pair -> Poco::LocalDateTime");
void convert(Poco::Timestamp&) const
throw BadCastException("Pair -> Poco::Timestamp");
VarHolder* clone(Placeholder<VarHolder>* pVarHolder = 0) const
return cloneHolder(pVarHolder, _val);
const Pair<std::string>& value() const
return _val;
bool isArray() const
return false;
bool isStruct() const
return false;
bool isInteger() const
return false;
bool isSigned() const
return false;
bool isNumeric() const
return false;
bool isString() const
return false;
Pair<std::string> _val;
template <>
class VarHolderImpl<Pair<int> >: public VarHolder
VarHolderImpl(const Pair<int>& val): _val(val)
const std::type_info& type() const
return typeid(Pair<int>);
void convert(Int8& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int8");
void convert(Int16& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int16");
void convert(Int32& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int32");
void convert(Int64& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to Int64");
void convert(UInt8& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt8");
void convert(UInt16& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt16");
void convert(UInt32& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt32");
void convert(UInt64& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to UInt64");
void convert(bool& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to bool");
void convert(float& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to float");
void convert(double& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to double");
void convert(char& val) const
throw BadCastException("Cannot cast Pair type to char");
void convert(std::string& val) const
// Serialize in JSON format: equals an object
// JSON format definition: { string ':' value } string:value pair n-times, sep. by ','
val.append("{ ");
Var key(_val.first());
Impl::appendJSONKey(val, key);
val.append(" : ");
Impl::appendJSONValue(val, _val.second());
val.append(" }");
void convert(Poco::DateTime&) const
throw BadCastException("Pair -> Poco::DateTime");
void convert(Poco::LocalDateTime&) const
throw BadCastException("Pair -> Poco::LocalDateTime");
void convert(Poco::Timestamp&) const
throw BadCastException("Pair -> Poco::Timestamp");
VarHolder* clone(Placeholder<VarHolder>* pVarHolder = 0) const
return cloneHolder(pVarHolder, _val);
const Pair<int>& value() const
return _val;
bool isArray() const
return false;
bool isStruct() const
return false;
bool isInteger() const
return false;
bool isSigned() const
return false;
bool isNumeric() const
return false;
bool isString() const
return false;
Pair<int> _val;
} // namespace Dynamic
} // namespace Poco
#endif // Foundation_Pair_INCLUDED