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import pytest
import os
import time
from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster
from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DICTIONARY_FILES = ['configs/dictionaries/cache_xypairs.xml', 'configs/dictionaries/executable.xml', 'configs/dictionaries/file.xml', 'configs/dictionaries/file.txt', 'configs/dictionaries/slow.xml']
cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__, base_configs_dir=os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'configs'))
instance = cluster.add_instance('instance', main_configs=DICTIONARY_FILES)
def started_cluster():
instance.query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test")
yield cluster
def get_status(dictionary_name):
return instance.query("SELECT status FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name='" + dictionary_name + "'").rstrip("\n")
def get_last_exception(dictionary_name):
return instance.query("SELECT last_exception FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name='" + dictionary_name + "'").rstrip("\n").replace("\\'", "'")
def get_loading_start_time(dictionary_name):
s = instance.query("SELECT loading_start_time FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name='" + dictionary_name + "'").rstrip("\n")
if s == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
return None
return time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def get_loading_duration(dictionary_name):
return float(instance.query("SELECT loading_duration FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name='" + dictionary_name + "'"))
def replace_in_file_in_container(file_name, what, replace_with):
instance.exec_in_container('sed -i "s/' + what + '/' + replace_with + '/g" ' + file_name)
def test_reload_while_loading(started_cluster):
query = instance.query
# dictionaries_lazy_load == false, so this dictionary is not loaded.
assert get_status('slow') == "NOT_LOADED"
assert get_loading_duration('slow') == 0
# It's not possible to get a value from the dictionary within 1.0 second, so the following query fails by timeout.
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('slow', 'a', toUInt64(5))", timeout = 1, ignore_error = True) == ""
# The dictionary is now loading.
assert get_status('slow') == "LOADING"
start_time, duration = get_loading_start_time('slow'), get_loading_duration('slow')
assert duration > 0
time.sleep(0.5) # Still loading.
assert get_status('slow') == "LOADING"
prev_start_time, prev_duration = start_time, duration
start_time, duration = get_loading_start_time('slow'), get_loading_duration('slow')
assert start_time == prev_start_time
assert duration >= prev_duration
# SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY should restart loading.
assert get_status('slow') == "LOADING"
prev_start_time, prev_duration = start_time, duration
start_time, duration = get_loading_start_time('slow'), get_loading_duration('slow')
assert start_time > prev_start_time
assert duration < prev_duration
time.sleep(0.5) # Still loading.
assert get_status('slow') == "LOADING"
prev_start_time, prev_duration = start_time, duration
start_time, duration = get_loading_start_time('slow'), get_loading_duration('slow')
assert start_time == prev_start_time
assert duration >= prev_duration
# SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARIES should restart loading again.
assert get_status('slow') == "LOADING"
prev_start_time, prev_duration = start_time, duration
start_time, duration = get_loading_start_time('slow'), get_loading_duration('slow')
assert start_time > prev_start_time
assert duration < prev_duration
# Changing the configuration file should restart loading one more time.
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/slow.xml', 'sleep 100', 'sleep 0')
time.sleep(5) # Configuration files are reloaded once in 5 seconds.
# This time loading should finish quickly.
assert get_status('slow') == "LOADED"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('slow', 'a', toUInt64(5))") == "6\n"
def test_reload_after_loading(started_cluster):
query = instance.query
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('executable', 'a', toUInt64(7))") == "8\n"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "10\n"
# Change the dictionaries' data.
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/executable.xml', '8', '81')
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/file.txt', '10', '101')
# SYSTEM RELOAD 'name' reloads only the specified dictionary.
query("SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY 'executable'")
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('executable', 'a', toUInt64(7))") == "81\n"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "10\n"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('executable', 'a', toUInt64(7))") == "81\n"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "101\n"
# SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARIES reloads all loaded dictionaries.
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/executable.xml', '81', '82')
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/file.txt', '101', '102')
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('executable', 'a', toUInt64(7))") == "82\n"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "102\n"
# Configuration files are reloaded and lifetimes are checked automatically once in 5 seconds.
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/executable.xml', '82', '83')
replace_in_file_in_container('/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/file.txt', '102', '103')
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "103\n"
assert query("SELECT dictGetInt32('executable', 'a', toUInt64(7))") == "83\n"
def test_reload_after_fail_by_system_reload(started_cluster):
query = instance.query
# dictionaries_lazy_load == false, so this dictionary is not loaded.
assert get_status("no_file") == "NOT_LOADED"
# We expect an error because the file source doesn't exist.
expected_error = "No such file"
assert expected_error in instance.query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file', 'a', toUInt64(9))")
assert get_status("no_file") == "FAILED"
# SYSTEM RELOAD should not change anything now, the status is still FAILED.
assert expected_error in instance.query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file', 'a', toUInt64(9))")
assert get_status("no_file") == "FAILED"
# Creating the file source makes the dictionary able to load.
instance.copy_file_to_container(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "configs/dictionaries/file.txt"), "/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/no_file.txt")
query("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "10\n"
assert get_status("no_file") == "LOADED"
# Removing the file source should not spoil the loaded dictionary.
instance.exec_in_container("rm /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/no_file.txt")
query("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "10\n"
assert get_status("no_file") == "LOADED"
def test_reload_after_fail_by_timer(started_cluster):
query = instance.query
# dictionaries_lazy_load == false, so this dictionary is not loaded.
assert get_status("no_file_2") == "NOT_LOADED"
# We expect an error because the file source doesn't exist.
expected_error = "No such file"
assert expected_error in instance.query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file_2', 'a', toUInt64(9))")
assert get_status("no_file_2") == "FAILED"
# Passed time should not change anything now, the status is still FAILED.
assert expected_error in instance.query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file_2', 'a', toUInt64(9))")
assert get_status("no_file_2") == "FAILED"
# Creating the file source makes the dictionary able to load.
instance.copy_file_to_container(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "configs/dictionaries/file.txt"), "/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/no_file_2.txt")
query("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file_2', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "10\n"
assert get_status("no_file_2") == "LOADED"
# Removing the file source should not spoil the loaded dictionary.
instance.exec_in_container("rm /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/no_file_2.txt")
query("SELECT dictGetInt32('no_file_2', 'a', toUInt64(9))") == "10\n"
assert get_status("no_file_2") == "LOADED"
def test_reload_after_fail_in_cache_dictionary(started_cluster):
query = instance.query
query_and_get_error = instance.query_and_get_error
# Can't get a value from the cache dictionary because the source (table `test.xypairs`) doesn't respond.
expected_error = "Table test.xypairs doesn't exist"
assert expected_error in query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetUInt64('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(1))")
assert get_status("cache_xypairs") == "LOADED"
assert expected_error in get_last_exception("cache_xypairs")
# Create table `test.xypairs`.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.xypairs;
CREATE TABLE test.xypairs (x UInt64, y UInt64) ENGINE=Log;
INSERT INTO test.xypairs VALUES (1, 56), (3, 78);
# Cache dictionary now works.
assert_eq_with_retry(instance, "SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(1))", "56", ignore_error=True)
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(2))") == "0"
assert get_last_exception("cache_xypairs") == ""
# Drop table `test.xypairs`.
query('DROP TABLE test.xypairs')
# Values are cached so we can get them.
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(1))") == "56"
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(2))") == "0"
assert get_last_exception("cache_xypairs") == ""
# But we can't get a value from the source table which isn't cached.
assert expected_error in query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetUInt64('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(3))")
assert expected_error in get_last_exception("cache_xypairs")
# Passed time should not spoil the cache.
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(1))") == "56"
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(2))") == "0"
assert expected_error in query_and_get_error("SELECT dictGetUInt64('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(3))")
assert expected_error in get_last_exception("cache_xypairs")
# Create table `test.xypairs` again with changed values.
CREATE TABLE test.xypairs (x UInt64, y UInt64) ENGINE=Log;
INSERT INTO test.xypairs VALUES (1, 57), (3, 79);
# The cache dictionary returns new values now.
assert_eq_with_retry(instance, "SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(1))", "57")
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(2))") == "0"
query("SELECT dictGet('cache_xypairs', 'y', toUInt64(3))") == "79"
assert get_last_exception("cache_xypairs") == ""