f"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='{log_comment}' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type = 'QueryStart'"
f"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='{log_comment}' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type = 'ExceptionWhileProcessing'"
f"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='{log_comment}' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type != 'QueryStart' and type != 'ExceptionWhileProcessing'"
f"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='{log_comment}' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type = 'ExceptionBeforeStart'"
f"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='{log_comment}' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type != 'ExceptionBeforeStart'"
instance.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt SYNC")
"CREATE TABLE tt (KeyID UInt32) Engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/test_insert_exception_over_http/tt', 'r1') ORDER BY (KeyID)"
"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='02988_66a57d6f-d1cc-4693-8bf4-206848edab87' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type = 'QueryStart'"
"select count() from system.query_log where log_comment ='02988_66a57d6f-d1cc-4693-8bf4-206848edab87' and current_database = currentDatabase() and event_date >= yesterday() and type = 'QueryFinish'"