# New York Public Library "What's on the Menu?" Dataset
The dataset is created by the New York Public Library. It contains historical data on the menus of hotels, restaurants and cafes with the dishes along with their prices.
clickhouse-client --format_csv_allow_single_quotes 0 --input_format_null_as_default 0 --query "INSERT INTO dish FORMAT CSVWithNames" <Dish.csv
clickhouse-client --format_csv_allow_single_quotes 0 --input_format_null_as_default 0 --query "INSERT INTO menu FORMAT CSVWithNames" <Menu.csv
clickhouse-client --format_csv_allow_single_quotes 0 --input_format_null_as_default 0 --query "INSERT INTO menu_page FORMAT CSVWithNames" <MenuPage.csv
clickhouse-client --format_csv_allow_single_quotes 0 --input_format_null_as_default 0 --date_time_input_format best_effort --query "INSERT INTO menu_item FORMAT CSVWithNames" <MenuItem.csv
We use `CSVWithNames` format as the data is represented by CSV with header.
We disable `format_csv_allow_single_quotes` as only double quotes are used for data fields and single quotes can be inside the values and should not confuse the CSV parser.
We disable `input_format_null_as_default` as our data does not have NULLs. Otherwise ClickHouse will try to parse `\N` sequences and can be confused with `\` in data.
The setting `--date_time_input_format best_effort` allows to parse `DateTime` fields in wide variety of formats. For example, ISO-8601 without seconds like '2000-01-01 01:02' will be recognized. Without this setting only fixed DateTime format is allowed.
## Denormalize the Data
Data is presented in multiple tables in normalized form. It means you have to perform JOINs if you want to query, e.g. dish names from menu items.
For typical analytical tasks it is way more efficient to deal with pre-JOINed data to avoid doing JOIN every time. It is called "denormalized" data.
We will create a table that will contain all the data JOINed together:
CREATE TABLE menu_item_denorm
ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (dish_name, created_at)
dish.id AS dish_id,
dish.name AS dish_name,
dish.description AS dish_description,
dish.menus_appeared AS dish_menus_appeared,
dish.times_appeared AS dish_times_appeared,
dish.first_appeared AS dish_first_appeared,
dish.last_appeared AS dish_last_appeared,
dish.lowest_price AS dish_lowest_price,
dish.highest_price AS dish_highest_price,
menu.id AS menu_id,
menu.name AS menu_name,
menu.sponsor AS menu_sponsor,
menu.event AS menu_event,
menu.venue AS menu_venue,
menu.place AS menu_place,
menu.physical_description AS menu_physical_description,
menu.occasion AS menu_occasion,
menu.notes AS menu_notes,
menu.call_number AS menu_call_number,
menu.keywords AS menu_keywords,
menu.language AS menu_language,
menu.date AS menu_date,
menu.location AS menu_location,
menu.location_type AS menu_location_type,
menu.currency AS menu_currency,
menu.currency_symbol AS menu_currency_symbol,
menu.status AS menu_status,
menu.page_count AS menu_page_count,
menu.dish_count AS menu_dish_count
FROM menu_item
JOIN dish ON menu_item.dish_id = dish.id
JOIN menu_page ON menu_item.menu_page_id = menu_page.id
JOIN menu ON menu_page.menu_id = menu.id
## Validate the Data
SELECT count() FROM menu_item_denorm
## Run Some Queries
Averaged historical prices of dishes:
round(toUInt32OrZero(extract(menu_date, '^\\d{4}')), -1) AS d,
round(avg(price), 2),
bar(avg(price), 0, 100, 100)
FROM menu_item_denorm
WHERE (menu_currency = 'Dollars') AND (d > 0) AND (d <2022)
│ 2010 │ 6 │ 15.58 │ ███████████████████████████████▏ │ "OYSTERS AND PEARLS" "Sabayon" of Pearl Tapioca with Island Creek Oysters and Russian Sevruga Caviar │
The data is uploaded to ClickHouse Playground, [example](https://gh-api.clickhouse.tech/play?user=play#U0VMRUNUCiAgICByb3VuZCh0b1VJbnQzMk9yWmVybyhleHRyYWN0KG1lbnVfZGF0ZSwgJ15cXGR7NH0nKSksIC0xKSBBUyBkLAogICAgY291bnQoKSwKICAgIHJvdW5kKGF2ZyhwcmljZSksIDIpLAogICAgYmFyKGF2ZyhwcmljZSksIDAsIDUwLCAxMDApLAogICAgYW55KGRpc2hfbmFtZSkKRlJPTSBtZW51X2l0ZW1fZGVub3JtCldIRVJFIChtZW51X2N1cnJlbmN5IElOICgnRG9sbGFycycsICcnKSkgQU5EIChkID4gMCkgQU5EIChkIDwgMjAyMikgQU5EIChkaXNoX25hbWUgSUxJS0UgJyVjYXZpYXIlJykKR1JPVVAgQlkgZApPUkRFUiBCWSBkIEFTQw==).