title: How to Build, Run and Debug ClickHouse on Linux for s390x (zLinux)
sidebar_label: Build on Linux for s390x (zLinux)
As of writing (2023/3/10) building for s390x considered to be experimental. Not all features can be enabled, has broken features and is currently under active development.
- By default, the s390x build will dynamically link to OpenSSL libraries. It will build OpenSSL shared objects, so it's not necessary to install OpenSSL beforehand. (This option is recommended in all cases.)
- Another option is to build OpenSSL in-tree. In this case two build flags need to be supplied to cmake
These instructions assume that the host machine is x86_64 and has all the tooling required to build natively based on the [build instructions](../development/build.md). It also assumes that the host is Ubuntu 22.04 but the following instructions should also work on Ubuntu 20.04.
In another shell run LLDB and attach, replace `<Clickhouse Parent Directory>` and `<build directory>` with the values corresponding to your environment.
- (CodeLLDB extension)[https://github.com/vadimcn/vscode-lldb] is required for visual debugging, the (Command Variable)[https://github.com/rioj7/command-variable] extension can help dynamic launches if using (cmake variants)[https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cmake-tools/blob/main/docs/variants.md].
- Make sure to set the backend to your llvm installation eg. `"lldb.library": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblldb-15.so"`