The `CHECK TABLE` query in ClickHouse is used to perform a validation check on a specific table or its partitions. It ensures the integrity of the data by verifying the checksums and other internal data structures.
Particularly it compares actual file sizes with the expected values which are stored on the server. If the file sizes do not match the stored values, it means the data is corrupted. This can be caused, for example, by a system crash during query execution.
The `CHECK TABLE`` query may read all the data in the table and hold some resources, making it resource-intensive.
Consider the potential impact on performance and resource utilization before executing this query.
- Other settings can be applied as well. If you don't require a deterministic order for the results, you can set max_threads to a value greater than one to speed up the query.
The query response depends on the value of contains `check_query_single_value_result` setting.
In case of `check_query_single_value_result = 1` only `result` column with a single row is returned. Value inside this row is `1` if the integrity check is passed and `0` if data is corrupted.
Disclaimer: The procedure described here, including the manual manipulating or removing files directly from the data directory, is for experimental or development environments only. Do **not** attempt this on a production server, as it may lead to data loss or other unintended consequences.
If the checksums.txt file is missing, it can be restored. It will be recalculated and rewritten during the execution of the CHECK TABLE command for the specific partition, and the status will still be reported as 'success.'"
3. Execute the query `INSERT INTO <new_table_name> SELECT * FROM <damaged_table_name>`. This request copies the non-corrupted data from the damaged table to another table. Only the data before the corrupted part will be copied.
4. Restart the `clickhouse-client` to reset the `max_threads` value.