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#pragma once
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/setThreadName.h>
#include <Common/randomSeed.h>
#include <common/MultiVersion.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Poco/Event.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <chrono>
#include <pcg_random.hpp>
#include <Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h>
#include <Interpreters/IExternalLoadable.h>
namespace DB
class Context;
struct ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings
UInt64 check_period_sec = 5;
UInt64 backoff_initial_sec = 5;
/// 10 minutes
UInt64 backoff_max_sec = 10 * 60;
/* External configuration structure.
* <external_group>
* <external_config>
* <external_name>name</external_name>
* ....
* </external_config>
* </external_group>
struct ExternalLoaderConfigSettings
std::string external_config;
std::string external_name;
std::string path_setting_name;
/** Manages user-defined objects.
* Monitors configuration file and automatically reloads objects in a separate thread.
* The monitoring thread wakes up every @check_period_sec seconds and checks
* modification time of objects' configuration file. If said time is greater than
* @config_last_modified, the objects are created from scratch using configuration file,
* possibly overriding currently existing objects with the same name (previous versions of
* overridden objects will live as long as there are any users retaining them).
* Apart from checking configuration file for modifications, each object
* has a lifetime of its own and may be updated if it supportUpdates.
* The time of next update is calculated by choosing uniformly a random number
* distributed between lifetime.min_sec and lifetime.max_sec.
* If either of lifetime.min_sec and lifetime.max_sec is zero, such object is never updated.
class ExternalLoader
using Configuration = Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration;
using ObjectsMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, LoadableInfo>;
/// Dictionaries will be loaded immediately and then will be updated in separate thread, each 'reload_period' seconds.
ExternalLoader(const Configuration & config,
const ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings & update_settings,
const ExternalLoaderConfigSettings & config_settings,
Logger * log, const std::string & loadable_object_name, bool throw_on_error);
/// Forcibly reloads all loadable objects.
void reload();
/// Forcibly reloads specified loadable object.
void reload(const std::string & name);
LoadablePtr getLoadable(const std::string & name) const;
virtual LoadablePtr create(const std::string & name, const Configuration & config,
const std::string & config_prefix) = 0;
/// Direct access to objects.
std::tuple<std::lock_guard<std::mutex>, const ObjectsMap &> getObjectsMap()
return std::make_tuple(std::lock_guard<std::mutex>(map_mutex), std::cref(loadable_objects));
/// Protects only dictionaries map.
mutable std::mutex map_mutex;
/// Protects all data, currently used to avoid races between updating thread and SYSTEM queries
mutable std::mutex all_mutex;
using LoadablePtr = std::shared_ptr<IExternalLoadable>;
struct LoadableInfo final
LoadablePtr loadable;
std::string origin;
std::exception_ptr exception;
struct FailedLoadableInfo final
std::unique_ptr<IExternalLoadable> loadable;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point next_attempt_time;
UInt64 error_count;
/// name -> loadable.
ObjectsMap loadable_objects;
/** Here are loadable objects, that has been never loaded successfully.
* They are also in 'loadable_objects', but with nullptr as 'loadable'.
std::unordered_map<std::string, FailedLoadableInfo> failed_loadable_objects;
/** Both for dictionaries and failed_dictionaries.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point> update_times;
pcg64 rnd_engine{randomSeed()};
const Configuration & config;
const ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings & update_settings;
const ExternalLoaderConfigSettings & config_settings;
std::thread reloading_thread;
Poco::Event destroy;
Logger * log;
/// Loadable object name to use in log messages.
std::string object_name;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Poco::Timestamp> last_modification_times;
/// Check dictionaries definitions in config files and reload or/and add new ones if the definition is changed
/// If loadable_name is not empty, load only loadable object with name loadable_name
void reloadFromConfigFiles(bool throw_on_error, bool force_reload = false, const std::string & loadable_name = "");
void reloadFromConfigFile(const std::string & config_path, bool throw_on_error, bool force_reload,
const std::string & loadable_name);
/// Check config files and update expired loadable objects
void reloadAndUpdate(bool throw_on_error = false);
void reloadPeriodically();