Outputs data in JSON format. Besides data tables, it also outputs column names and types, along with some additional information - the total number of output rows, and the number of rows that could have been output if there weren't a LIMIT. Example:
JSON is compatible with JavaScript. For this purpose, certain symbols are additionally escaped: the forward slash ``/`` is escaped as ``\/``; alternative line breaks ``U+2028`` and ``U+2029``, which don't work in some browsers, are escaped as \uXXXX-sequences. ASCII control characters are escaped: backspace, form feed, line feed, carriage return, and horizontal tab as ``\b``, ``\f``, ``\n``, ``\r``, and ``\t`` respectively, along with the rest of the bytes from the range 00-1F using \uXXXX-sequences. Invalid UTF-8 sequences are changed to the replacement character ``<EFBFBD>`` and, thus, the output text will consist of valid UTF-8 sequences. UInt64 and Int64 numbers are output in double quotes for compatibility with JavaScript.