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#include <Storages/StorageFactory.h>
#include <Storages/StorageMergeTree.h>
#include <Storages/StorageReplicatedMergeTree.h>
namespace DB
static void create(
ASTs & args,
const String & data_path,
const String & table_name,
const String & database_name,
Context & local_context,
Context & context,
const NamesAndTypesList & columns,
const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns,
const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns,
const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults,
bool attach,
bool has_force_restore_data_flag)
/** [Replicated][|Summing|Collapsing|Aggregating|Replacing|Graphite]MergeTree (2 * 7 combinations) engines
* The argument for the engine should be:
* - (for Replicated) The path to the table in ZooKeeper
* - (for Replicated) Replica name in ZooKeeper
* - the name of the column with the date;
* - (optional) expression for sampling
* (the query with `SAMPLE x` will select rows that have a lower value in this column than `x * UINT32_MAX`);
* - an expression for sorting (either a scalar expression or a tuple of several);
* - index_granularity;
* - (for Collapsing) the name of Int8 column that contains `sign` type with the change of "visit" (taking values 1 and -1).
* For example: ENGINE = ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree('/tables/mytable', 'rep02', EventDate, (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UniqID), VisitID), 8192, Sign).
* - (for Summing, optional) a tuple of columns to be summed. If not specified, all numeric columns that are not included in the primary key are used.
* - (for Replacing, optional) the column name of one of the UInt types, which stands for "version"
* For example: ENGINE = ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree('/tables/mytable', 'rep02', EventDate, (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UniqID), VisitID), 8192, Sign).
* - (for Graphite) the parameter name in config file with settings of thinning rules.
* MergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity)
* CollapsingMergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity, sign)
* SummingMergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity, [columns_to_sum])
* AggregatingMergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity)
* ReplacingMergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity, [version_column])
* GraphiteMergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity, 'config_element')
* Alternatively, you can specify:
* - Partitioning expression in the PARTITION BY clause;
* - Primary key in the ORDER BY clause;
* - Sampling expression in the SAMPLE BY clause;
* - Additional MergeTreeSettings in the SETTINGS clause;
bool is_extended_storage_def =
storage_def.partition_by || storage_def.order_by || storage_def.sample_by || storage_def.settings;
String name_part = name.substr(0, name.size() - strlen("MergeTree"));
bool replicated = startsWith(name_part, "Replicated");
if (replicated)
name_part = name_part.substr(strlen("Replicated"));
MergeTreeData::MergingParams merging_params;
merging_params.mode = MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Ordinary;
if (name_part == "Collapsing")
merging_params.mode = MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Collapsing;
else if (name_part == "Summing")
merging_params.mode = MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Summing;
else if (name_part == "Aggregating")
merging_params.mode = MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Aggregating;
else if (name_part == "Replacing")
merging_params.mode = MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Replacing;
else if (name_part == "Graphite")
merging_params.mode = MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Graphite;
else if (!name_part.empty())
throw Exception(
"Unknown storage " + name + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
/// NOTE Quite complicated.
size_t min_num_params = 0;
size_t max_num_params = 0;
String needed_params;
auto add_mandatory_param = [&](const char * desc)
needed_params += needed_params.empty() ? "\n" : ",\n";
needed_params += desc;
auto add_optional_param = [&](const char * desc)
needed_params += needed_params.empty() ? "\n" : ",\n[";
needed_params += desc;
needed_params += "]";
if (replicated)
add_mandatory_param("path in ZooKeeper");
add_mandatory_param("replica name");
if (!is_extended_storage_def)
add_mandatory_param("name of column with date");
add_optional_param("sampling element of primary key");
add_mandatory_param("primary key expression");
add_mandatory_param("index granularity");
switch (merging_params.mode)
case MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Summing:
add_optional_param("list of columns to sum");
case MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Replacing:
case MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Collapsing:
add_mandatory_param("sign column");
case MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Graphite:
if (args.size() < min_num_params || args.size() > max_num_params)
String msg;
if (is_extended_storage_def)
msg += "With extended storage definition syntax storage " + name + " requires ";
msg += "Storage " + name + " requires ";
if (max_num_params)
if (min_num_params == max_num_params)
msg += toString(min_num_params) + " parameters: ";
msg += toString(min_num_params) + " to " + toString(max_num_params) + " parameters: ";
msg += needed_params;
msg += "no parameters";
msg += getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def);
throw Exception(msg, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);
/// For Replicated.
String zookeeper_path;
String replica_name;
if (replicated)
auto ast = typeid_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args[0]);
if (ast && ast->value.getType() == Field::Types::String)
zookeeper_path = safeGet<String>(ast->value);
throw Exception(
"Path in ZooKeeper must be a string literal" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
ast = typeid_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args[1]);
if (ast && ast->value.getType() == Field::Types::String)
replica_name = safeGet<String>(ast->value);
throw Exception(
"Replica name must be a string literal" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
if (replica_name.empty())
throw Exception(
"No replica name in config" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
args.erase(args.begin(), args.begin() + 2);
if (merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Collapsing)
if (auto ast = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(&*args.back()))
merging_params.sign_column = ast->name;
throw Exception(
"Sign column name must be an unquoted string" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
else if (merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Replacing)
/// If the last element is not index_granularity or replica_name (a literal), then this is the name of the version column.
if (!args.empty() && !typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(&*args.back()))
if (auto ast = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(&*args.back()))
merging_params.version_column = ast->name;
throw Exception(
"Version column name must be an unquoted string" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
else if (merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Summing)
/// If the last element is not index_granularity or replica_name (a literal), then this is a list of summable columns.
if (!args.empty() && !typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(&*args.back()))
merging_params.columns_to_sum = extractColumnNames(args.back());
else if (merging_params.mode == MergeTreeData::MergingParams::Graphite)
String graphite_config_name;
String error_msg = "Last parameter of GraphiteMergeTree must be name (in single quotes) of element in configuration file with Graphite options";
error_msg += getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def);
if (auto ast = typeid_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args.back()))
if (ast->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
throw Exception(error_msg, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
graphite_config_name = ast->value.get<String>();
throw Exception(error_msg, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
setGraphitePatternsFromConfig(context, graphite_config_name, merging_params.graphite_params);
String date_column_name;
ASTPtr partition_expr_list;
ASTPtr primary_expr_list;
ASTPtr sampling_expression;
MergeTreeSettings storage_settings = context.getMergeTreeSettings();
if (is_extended_storage_def)
if (storage_def.partition_by)
partition_expr_list = extractKeyExpressionList(*storage_def.partition_by);
if (storage_def.order_by)
primary_expr_list = extractKeyExpressionList(*storage_def.order_by);
if (storage_def.sample_by)
sampling_expression = storage_def.sample_by->ptr();
/// If there is an expression for sampling. MergeTree(date, [sample_key], primary_key, index_granularity)
if (args.size() == 4)
sampling_expression = args[1];
args.erase(args.begin() + 1);
/// Now only three parameters remain - date (or partitioning expression), primary_key, index_granularity.
if (auto ast = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(args[0].get()))
date_column_name = ast->name;
throw Exception(
"Date column name must be an unquoted string" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
primary_expr_list = extractKeyExpressionList(*args[1]);
auto ast = typeid_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args.back());
if (ast && ast->value.getType() == Field::Types::UInt64)
storage_settings.index_granularity = safeGet<UInt64>(ast->value);
throw Exception(
"Index granularity must be a positive integer" + getMergeTreeVerboseHelp(is_extended_storage_def),
if (replicated)
return StorageReplicatedMergeTree::create(
zookeeper_path, replica_name, attach, data_path, database_name, table_name,
columns, materialized_columns, alias_columns, column_defaults,
context, primary_expr_list, date_column_name, partition_expr_list,
sampling_expression, merging_params, storage_settings,
return StorageMergeTree::create(
data_path, database_name, table_name,
columns, materialized_columns, alias_columns, column_defaults, attach,
context, primary_expr_list, date_column_name, partition_expr_list,
sampling_expression, merging_params, storage_settings,
void registerStorageMergeTree(StorageFactory & factory)
factory.registerStorage("MergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("CollapsingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplacingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("AggregatingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("SummingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("GraphiteMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplicatedMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplicatedAggregatingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplicatedSummingMergeTree", create);
factory.registerStorage("ReplicatedGraphiteMergeTree", create);