2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
set -ex
set -o pipefail
trap "exit" INT TERM
trap "kill 0" EXIT
2019-12-26 19:16:36 +00:00
script_dir = " $( cd " $( dirname " ${ BASH_SOURCE [0] } " ) " >/dev/null 2>& 1 && pwd ) "
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
mkdir db0 || :
left_pr = $1
left_sha = $2
right_pr = $3
right_sha = $4
function download
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
rm -r left || :
mkdir left || :
rm -r right || :
mkdir right || :
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
la = " $left_pr - $left_sha .tgz "
ra = " $right_pr - $right_sha .tgz "
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
wget -q -nd -c " https://clickhouse-builds.s3.yandex.net/ $left_pr / $left_sha /performance/performance.tgz " -O " $la " && tar -C left --strip-components= 1 -zxvf " $la " &
wget -q -nd -c " https://clickhouse-builds.s3.yandex.net/ $right_pr / $right_sha /performance/performance.tgz " -O " $ra " && tar -C right --strip-components= 1 -zxvf " $ra " &
cd db0 && wget -q -nd -c "https://s3.mds.yandex.net/clickhouse-private-datasets/hits_10m_single/partitions/hits_10m_single.tar" && tar -xvf hits_10m_single.tar &
cd db0 && wget -q -nd -c "https://s3.mds.yandex.net/clickhouse-private-datasets/hits_100m_single/partitions/hits_100m_single.tar" && tar -xvf hits_100m_single.tar &
cd db0 && wget -q -nd -c "https://clickhouse-datasets.s3.yandex.net/hits/partitions/hits_v1.tar" && tar -xvf hits_v1.tar &
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
# Use hardlinks instead of copying
cp -al db0/ left/db/
cp -al db0/ right/db/
2019-12-26 19:16:36 +00:00
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
function configure
sed -i 's/<tcp_port>9000/<tcp_port>9001/g' right/config/config.xml
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
cat > right/config/config.d/zz-perf-test-tweaks.xml <<EOF
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
<text_log remove = "remove" >
<table remove = "remove" />
<metric_log remove = "remove" >
<table remove = "remove" />
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
cp right/config/config.d/zz-perf-test-tweaks.xml left/config/config.d/zz-perf-test-tweaks.xml
rm left/config/config.d/metric_log.xml || :
rm left/config/config.d/text_log.xml || :
rm right/config/config.d/metric_log.xml || :
rm right/config/config.d/text_log.xml || :
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
function restart
while killall clickhouse ; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
# Spawn servers in their own process groups
set -m
left/clickhouse server --config-file= left/config/config.xml -- --path left/db & > left/log.txt &
left_pid = $!
kill -0 $left_pid
disown $left_pid
right/clickhouse server --config-file= right/config/config.xml -- --path right/db & > right/log.txt &
right_pid = $!
kill -0 $right_pid
disown $right_pid
set +m
while ! left/clickhouse client --query "select 1" ; do kill -0 $left_pid ; echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo left ok
while ! right/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select 1" ; do kill -0 $right_pid ; echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo right ok
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
right/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "create database test" || :
right/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "rename table datasets.hits_v1 to test.hits" || :
left/clickhouse client --port 9000 --query "create database test" || :
left/clickhouse client --port 9000 --query "rename table datasets.hits_v1 to test.hits" || :
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
2019-12-26 19:16:36 +00:00
function run_tests
# Just check that the script runs at all
" $script_dir /perf.py " --help > /dev/null
# Run the tests
for test in left/performance/*.xml
test_name = $( basename $test ".xml" )
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
" $script_dir /perf.py " " $test " > " $test_name -raw.tsv " 2> " $test_name -err.log " || continue
2019-12-26 19:16:36 +00:00
right/clickhouse local --file " $test_name -raw.tsv " --structure 'query text, run int, version UInt32, time float' --query " $( cat $script_dir /eqmed.sql) " > " $test_name -report.tsv "
2019-12-26 17:35:41 +00:00
2019-12-26 19:16:36 +00:00
# Analyze results
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
result_structure = "left float, right float, diff float, rd Array(float), query text"
2019-12-26 19:16:36 +00:00
right/clickhouse local --file '*-report.tsv' -S " $result_structure " --query "select * from table where rd[3] > 0.05 order by rd[3] desc" > flap-prone.tsv
2019-12-26 21:33:10 +00:00
right/clickhouse local --file '*-report.tsv' -S " $result_structure " --query "select * from table where diff > 0.05 and diff > rd[3] order by diff desc" > bad-perf.tsv
grep Exception:[ ^:] *-err.log > run-errors.log