
763 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnDecimal.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnNullable.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Common/UTF8Helpers.h>
#include "IArraySource.h"
#include "IValueSource.h"
#include "Slices.h"
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
namespace GatherUtils
template <typename T>
struct NumericArraySource : public ArraySourceImpl<NumericArraySource<T>>
using ColVecType = std::conditional_t<IsDecimalNumber<T>, ColumnDecimal<T>, ColumnVector<T>>;
using Slice = NumericArraySlice<T>;
using Column = ColumnArray;
const typename ColVecType::Container & elements;
const typename ColumnArray::Offsets & offsets;
size_t row_num = 0;
ColumnArray::Offset prev_offset = 0;
explicit NumericArraySource(const ColumnArray & arr)
: elements(typeid_cast<const ColVecType &>(arr.getData()).getData()), offsets(arr.getOffsets())
void next()
prev_offset = offsets[row_num];
bool isEnd() const
return row_num == offsets.size();
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
const typename ColumnArray::Offsets & getOffsets() const override
return offsets;
/// Get size for corresponding call or Sink::reserve to reserve memory for elements.
size_t getSizeForReserve() const override
return elements.size();
size_t getColumnSize() const override
return offsets.size();
size_t getElementSize() const
return offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
Slice getWhole() const
return {&elements[prev_offset], offsets[row_num] - prev_offset};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset >= elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], 0};
return {&elements[prev_offset + offset], elem_size - offset};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset, size_t length) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset >= elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], 0};
return {&elements[prev_offset + offset], std::min(length, elem_size - offset)};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset > elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], elem_size};
return {&elements[offsets[row_num] - offset], offset};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset, size_t length) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset > elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], length + elem_size > offset ? std::min(elem_size, length + elem_size - offset) : 0};
return {&elements[offsets[row_num] - offset], std::min(length, offset)};
template <typename Base>
struct ConstSource : public Base
using Slice = typename Base::Slice;
using Column = ColumnConst;
size_t total_rows;
size_t row_num = 0;
explicit ConstSource(const ColumnConst & col_)
: Base(static_cast<const typename Base::Column &>(col_.getDataColumn())), total_rows(col_.size())
template <typename ColumnType>
ConstSource(const ColumnType & col_, size_t total_rows_) : Base(col_), total_rows(total_rows_)
template <typename ColumnType>
ConstSource(const ColumnType & col_, const NullMap & null_map_, size_t total_rows_) : Base(col_, null_map_), total_rows(total_rows_)
ConstSource(const ConstSource &) = default;
virtual ~ConstSource() = default;
virtual void accept(ArraySourceVisitor & visitor) // override
if constexpr (std::is_base_of<IArraySource, Base>::value)
throw Exception(
"accept(ArraySourceVisitor &) is not implemented for " + demangle(typeid(ConstSource<Base>).name())
+ " because " + demangle(typeid(Base).name()) + " is not derived from IArraySource", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
virtual void accept(ValueSourceVisitor & visitor) // override
if constexpr (std::is_base_of<IValueSource, Base>::value)
throw Exception(
"accept(ValueSourceVisitor &) is not implemented for " + demangle(typeid(ConstSource<Base>).name())
+ " because " + demangle(typeid(Base).name()) + " is not derived from IValueSource", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
void next()
bool isEnd() const
return row_num == total_rows;
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
size_t getSizeForReserve() const
return total_rows * Base::getSizeForReserve();
size_t getColumnSize() const
return total_rows;
bool isConst() const
return true;
struct StringSource
using Slice = NumericArraySlice<UInt8>;
using Column = ColumnString;
const typename ColumnString::Chars & elements;
const typename ColumnString::Offsets & offsets;
size_t row_num = 0;
ColumnString::Offset prev_offset = 0;
explicit StringSource(const ColumnString & col)
: elements(col.getChars()), offsets(col.getOffsets())
void next()
prev_offset = offsets[row_num];
bool isEnd() const
return row_num == offsets.size();
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
size_t getSizeForReserve() const
return elements.size();
size_t getElementSize() const
return offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
Slice getWhole() const
return {&elements[prev_offset], offsets[row_num] - prev_offset - 1};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset - 1;
if (offset >= elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], 0};
return {&elements[prev_offset + offset], elem_size - offset};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset, size_t length) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset - 1;
if (offset >= elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], 0};
return {&elements[prev_offset + offset], std::min(length, elem_size - offset)};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset - 1;
if (offset > elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], elem_size};
return {&elements[prev_offset + elem_size - offset], offset};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset, size_t length) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset - 1;
if (offset > elem_size)
return {&elements[prev_offset], length + elem_size > offset ? std::min(elem_size, length + elem_size - offset) : 0};
return {&elements[prev_offset + elem_size - offset], std::min(length, offset)};
/// Differs to StringSource by having 'offest' and 'length' in code points instead of bytes in getSlice* methods.
2019-04-12 00:52:24 +00:00
/** NOTE: The behaviour of substring and substringUTF8 is inconsistent when negative offset is greater than string size:
* substring:
* hello
* ^-----^ - offset -10, length 7, result: "he"
* substringUTF8:
* hello
* ^-----^ - offset -10, length 7, result: "hello"
* This may be subject for change.
struct UTF8StringSource : public StringSource
using StringSource::StringSource;
static const ColumnString::Char * skipCodePointsForward(const ColumnString::Char * pos, size_t size, const ColumnString::Char * end)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size && pos < end; ++i)
pos += UTF8::seqLength(*pos); /// NOTE pos may become greater than end. It is Ok due to padding in PaddedPODArray.
return pos;
static const ColumnString::Char * skipCodePointsBackward(const ColumnString::Char * pos, size_t size, const ColumnString::Char * begin)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size && pos > begin; ++i)
if (pos == begin)
UTF8::syncBackward(pos, begin);
return pos;
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset) const
auto begin = &elements[prev_offset];
auto end = + offsets[row_num] - 1;
auto res_begin = skipCodePointsForward(begin, offset, end);
if (res_begin >= end)
return {begin, 0};
return {res_begin, size_t(end - res_begin)};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset, size_t length) const
auto begin = &elements[prev_offset];
auto end = + offsets[row_num] - 1;
auto res_begin = skipCodePointsForward(begin, offset, end);
if (res_begin >= end)
return {begin, 0};
auto res_end = skipCodePointsForward(res_begin, length, end);
if (res_end >= end)
return {res_begin, size_t(end - res_begin)};
return {res_begin, size_t(res_end - res_begin)};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset) const
auto begin = &elements[prev_offset];
auto end = + offsets[row_num] - 1;
auto res_begin = skipCodePointsBackward(end, offset, begin);
return {res_begin, size_t(end - res_begin)};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset, size_t length) const
auto begin = &elements[prev_offset];
auto end = + offsets[row_num] - 1;
auto res_begin = skipCodePointsBackward(end, offset, begin);
auto res_end = skipCodePointsForward(res_begin, length, end);
if (res_end >= end)
return {res_begin, size_t(end - res_begin)};
return {res_begin, size_t(res_end - res_begin)};
struct FixedStringSource
using Slice = NumericArraySlice<UInt8>;
using Column = ColumnFixedString;
const UInt8 * pos;
const UInt8 * end;
size_t string_size;
size_t row_num = 0;
explicit FixedStringSource(const ColumnFixedString & col)
: string_size(col.getN())
const auto & chars = col.getChars();
pos =;
end = pos + chars.size();
void next()
pos += string_size;
bool isEnd() const
return pos == end;
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
size_t getSizeForReserve() const
return end - pos;
size_t getElementSize() const
return string_size;
Slice getWhole() const
return {pos, string_size};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset) const
if (offset >= string_size)
return {pos, 0};
return {pos + offset, string_size - offset};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset, size_t length) const
if (offset >= string_size)
return {pos, 0};
return {pos + offset, std::min(length, string_size - offset)};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset) const
if (offset > string_size)
return {pos, string_size};
return {pos + string_size - offset, offset};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset, size_t length) const
if (offset > string_size)
return {pos, length + string_size > offset ? std::min(string_size, length + string_size - offset) : 0};
return {pos + string_size - offset, std::min(length, offset)};
struct IStringSource
using Slice = NumericArraySlice<UInt8>;
virtual void next() = 0;
virtual bool isEnd() const = 0;
virtual size_t getSizeForReserve() const = 0;
virtual Slice getWhole() const = 0;
virtual ~IStringSource() {}
template <typename Impl>
struct DynamicStringSource final : IStringSource
Impl impl;
explicit DynamicStringSource(const IColumn & col) : impl(static_cast<const typename Impl::Column &>(col)) {}
void next() override {; }
bool isEnd() const override { return impl.isEnd(); }
size_t getSizeForReserve() const override { return impl.getSizeForReserve(); }
Slice getWhole() const override { return impl.getWhole(); }
inline std::unique_ptr<IStringSource> createDynamicStringSource(const IColumn & col)
if (checkColumn<ColumnString>(&col))
return std::make_unique<DynamicStringSource<StringSource>>(col);
if (checkColumn<ColumnFixedString>(&col))
return std::make_unique<DynamicStringSource<FixedStringSource>>(col);
if (checkColumnConst<ColumnString>(&col))
return std::make_unique<DynamicStringSource<ConstSource<StringSource>>>(col);
if (checkColumnConst<ColumnFixedString>(&col))
return std::make_unique<DynamicStringSource<ConstSource<FixedStringSource>>>(col);
throw Exception("Unexpected type of string column: " + col.getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
using StringSources = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IStringSource>>;
struct GenericArraySource : public ArraySourceImpl<GenericArraySource>
using Slice = GenericArraySlice;
using Column = ColumnArray;
const IColumn & elements;
const typename ColumnArray::Offsets & offsets;
size_t row_num = 0;
ColumnArray::Offset prev_offset = 0;
explicit GenericArraySource(const ColumnArray & arr)
: elements(arr.getData()), offsets(arr.getOffsets())
void next()
prev_offset = offsets[row_num];
bool isEnd() const
return row_num == offsets.size();
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
const typename ColumnArray::Offsets & getOffsets() const override
return offsets;
size_t getSizeForReserve() const override
return elements.size();
size_t getColumnSize() const override
return elements.size();
size_t getElementSize() const
return offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
Slice getWhole() const
return {&elements, prev_offset, offsets[row_num] - prev_offset};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset >= elem_size)
return {&elements, prev_offset, 0};
return {&elements, prev_offset + offset, elem_size - offset};
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset, size_t length) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset >= elem_size)
return {&elements, prev_offset, 0};
return {&elements, prev_offset + offset, std::min(length, elem_size - offset)};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset > elem_size)
return {&elements, prev_offset, elem_size};
return {&elements, offsets[row_num] - offset, offset};
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset, size_t length) const
size_t elem_size = offsets[row_num] - prev_offset;
if (offset > elem_size)
return {&elements, prev_offset, length + elem_size > offset ? std::min(elem_size, length + elem_size - offset) : 0};
return {&elements, offsets[row_num] - offset, std::min(length, offset)};
template <typename ArraySource>
struct NullableArraySource : public ArraySource
using Slice = NullableSlice<typename ArraySource::Slice>;
using ArraySource::prev_offset;
using ArraySource::row_num;
using ArraySource::offsets;
const NullMap & null_map;
2019-08-03 11:02:40 +00:00
NullableArraySource(const ColumnArray & arr, const NullMap & null_map_)
: ArraySource(arr), null_map(null_map_)
void accept(ArraySourceVisitor & visitor) override { visitor.visit(*this); }
Slice getWhole() const
Slice slice = ArraySource::getWhole();
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset];
return slice;
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset) const
Slice slice = ArraySource::getSliceFromLeft(offset);
if (offsets[row_num] > prev_offset + offset)
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset + offset];
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset];
return slice;
Slice getSliceFromLeft(size_t offset, size_t length) const
Slice slice = ArraySource::getSliceFromLeft(offset, length);
if (offsets[row_num] > prev_offset + offset)
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset + offset];
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset];
return slice;
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset) const
Slice slice = ArraySource::getSliceFromRight(offset);
if (offsets[row_num] > prev_offset + offset)
slice.null_map = &null_map[offsets[row_num] - offset];
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset];
return slice;
Slice getSliceFromRight(size_t offset, size_t length) const
Slice slice = ArraySource::getSliceFromRight(offset, length);
if (offsets[row_num] > prev_offset + offset)
slice.null_map = &null_map[offsets[row_num] - offset];
slice.null_map = &null_map[prev_offset];
return slice;
2018-01-22 09:59:54 +00:00
bool isNullable() const override
return true;
template <typename T>
struct NumericValueSource : ValueSourceImpl<NumericValueSource<T>>
using Slice = NumericValueSlice<T>;
using Column = std::conditional_t<IsDecimalNumber<T>, ColumnDecimal<T>, ColumnVector<T>>;
const T * begin;
size_t total_rows;
size_t row_num = 0;
explicit NumericValueSource(const Column & col)
const auto & container = col.getData();
begin =;
total_rows = container.size();
void next()
bool isEnd() const
return row_num == total_rows;
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
size_t getSizeForReserve() const
return total_rows;
Slice getWhole() const
Slice slice;
slice.value = begin[row_num];
return slice;
struct GenericValueSource : public ValueSourceImpl<GenericValueSource>
using Slice = GenericValueSlice;
const IColumn * column;
size_t total_rows;
size_t row_num = 0;
explicit GenericValueSource(const IColumn & col)
column = &col;
total_rows = col.size();
void next()
bool isEnd() const
return row_num == total_rows;
size_t rowNum() const
return row_num;
size_t getSizeForReserve() const
return total_rows;
Slice getWhole() const
Slice slice;
slice.elements = column;
slice.position = row_num;
return slice;
template <typename ValueSource>
struct NullableValueSource : public ValueSource
using Slice = NullableSlice<typename ValueSource::Slice>;
using ValueSource::row_num;
const NullMap & null_map;
template <typename Column>
2019-08-03 11:02:40 +00:00
explicit NullableValueSource(const Column & col, const NullMap & null_map_) : ValueSource(col), null_map(null_map_) {}
void accept(ValueSourceVisitor & visitor) override { visitor.visit(*this); }
Slice getWhole() const
Slice slice = ValueSource::getWhole();
slice.null_map = + row_num;
return slice;