
1032 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnNullable.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <DataTypes/IDataType.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeDate.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeFixedString.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeFactory.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <DataStreams/IBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/IBlockOutputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/LimitBlockInputStream.h>
#include <Common/SipHash.h>
#include <Common/UTF8Helpers.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/HashMap.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <common/StringRef.h>
#include <common/DateLUT.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor.h>
#include <ext/bit_cast.h>
#include <memory>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
/// Model is used to transform columns with source data to columns
/// with similar by structure and by probability distributions but anonymized data.
class IModel
/// Call train iteratively for each block to train a model.
virtual void train(const IColumn & column);
/// Call finalize one time after training before generating.
virtual void finalize();
/// Call generate: pass source data column to obtain a column with anonymized data as a result.
virtual ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column);
virtual ~IModel() {}
using ModelPtr = std::unique_ptr<IModel>;
template <typename... Ts>
UInt64 hash(Ts... xs)
SipHash hash;
(hash.update(xs), ...);
return hash.get64();
UInt64 maskBits(UInt64 x, size_t num_bits)
return x & ((1 << num_bits) - 1);
/// Apply Feistel network round to least significant num_bits part of x.
UInt64 feistelRound(UInt64 x, size_t num_bits, UInt64 seed, size_t round)
size_t num_bits_left_half = num_bits / 2;
size_t num_bits_right_half = num_bits - num_bits_left_half;
UInt64 left_half = maskBits(x >> num_bits_right_half, num_bits_left_half);
UInt64 right_half = maskBits(x, num_bits_right_half);
UInt64 new_left_half = right_half;
UInt64 new_right_half = left_half ^ maskBits(hash(right_half, seed, round), num_bits_left_half);
return (new_left_half << num_bits_left_half) ^ new_right_half;
/// Apply Feistel network with num_rounds to least significant num_bits part of x.
UInt64 feistelNetwork(UInt64 x, size_t num_bits, UInt64 seed, size_t num_rounds = 4)
UInt64 bits = maskBits(x, num_bits);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rounds; ++i)
bits = feistelRound(bits, num_bits, seed, i);
return (x & ~((1 << num_bits) - 1)) ^ bits;
/// Pseudorandom permutation within set of numbers with the same log2(x).
UInt64 transform(UInt64 x, UInt64 seed)
/// Keep 0 and 1 as is.
if (x == 0 || x == 1)
return x;
/// Pseudorandom permutation of two elements.
if (x == 2 || x == 3)
return x ^ (seed & 1);
size_t num_leading_zeros = __builtin_clzll(x);
return feistelNetwork(x, 64 - num_leading_zeros - 1, seed);
class UnsignedIntegerModel : public IModel
const UInt64 seed;
UnsignedIntegerModel(UInt64 seed) : seed(seed) {}
void train(const IColumn &) override {}
void finalize() override {}
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
MutableColumnPtr res = column.cloneEmpty();
size_t size = column.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
res->insert(transform(column.getUInt(i), seed));
return res;
/// Keep sign and apply pseudorandom permutation after converting to unsigned as above.
Int64 transformSigned(Int64 x, UInt64 seed)
if (x >= 0)
return transform(x, seed);
return -transform(-x, seed); /// It works Ok even for minimum signed number.
class SignedIntegerModel : public IModel
const UInt64 seed;
SignedIntegerModel(UInt64 seed) : seed(seed) {}
void train(const IColumn &) override {}
void finalize() override {}
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
MutableColumnPtr res = column.cloneEmpty();
size_t size = column.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
res->insert(transformSigned(column.getInt(i), seed));
return res;
/// Pseudorandom permutation of mantissa.
template <typename Float>
Float transformFloatMantissa(Float x, UInt64 seed)
using UInt = std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<Float, Float32>, UInt32, UInt64>;
constexpr size_t mantissa_num_bits = std::is_same_v<Float, Float32> ? 23 : 52;
UInt x_uint = ext::bit_cast<UInt>(x);
x_uint = feistelNetwork(x_uint, mantissa_num_bits, seed);
return ext::bit_cast<Float>(x_uint);
/// Transform difference from previous number by applying pseudorandom permutation to mantissa part of it.
/// It allows to retain some continuouty property of source data.
template <typename Float>
class FloatModel : public IModel
const UInt64 seed;
Float src_prev_value = 0;
Float res_prev_value = 0;
FloatModel(UInt64 seed) : seed(seed) {}
void train(const IColumn &) override {}
void finalize() override {}
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
const auto & src_data = static_cast<const ColumnVector<Float> &>(column).getData();
size_t size = src_data.size();
auto res_column = ColumnVector<Float>::create(size);
auto & res_data = static_cast<ColumnVector<Float> &>(*res_column).getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
res_data[i] = res_prev_value + transformFloatMantissa(src_data[i] - src_prev_value, seed);
src_prev_value = src_data[i];
res_prev_value = res_data[i];
return res_column;
/// Leave all data as is. For example, it is used for columns of type Date.
class IdentityModel : public IModel
void train(const IColumn &) override {}
void finalize() override {}
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
return column.cloneResized(column.size());
/// Pseudorandom function, but keep word characters as word characters.
void transformFixedString(const UInt8 * src, UInt8 * dst, size_t size, UInt64 seed)
SipHash hash;
hash.update(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(src), size);
seed = hash.get64();
UInt8 * pos = dst;
UInt8 * end = dst + size;
size_t i = 0;
while (pos < end)
SipHash hash;
if (size >= 16)
char * dst = reinterpret_cast<char *>(std::min(pos, end - 16));
char value[16];
memcpy(dst, value, end - dst);
pos += 16;
for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j)
if (isWordCharASCII(src[j]))
static constexpr char word_chars[] = "_01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
dst[j] = word_chars[dst[j] % sizeof(word_chars)];
class FixedStringModel : public IModel
const UInt64 seed;
FixedStringModel(UInt64 seed) : seed(seed) {}
void train(const IColumn &) override {}
void finalize() override {}
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnFixedString & column_fixed_string = static_cast<const ColumnFixedString &>(column);
const size_t string_size = column_fixed_string.getN();
const auto & src_data = column_fixed_string.getChars();
size_t size = column_fixed_string.size();
auto res_column = ColumnFixedString::create(string_size);
auto & res_data = res_column->getChars();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
transformFixedString(&src_data[i * string_size], &res_data[i * string_size], string_size, seed);
return res_column;
/// Leave date part as is and apply pseudorandom permutation to time difference with previous value within the same log2 class.
class DateTimeModel : public IModel
const UInt64 seed;
UInt32 src_prev_value = 0;
UInt32 res_prev_value = 0;
const DateLUTImpl & date_lut;
DateTimeModel(UInt64 seed) : seed(seed), date_lut(DateLUT::instance()) {}
void train(const IColumn &) override {}
void finalize() override {}
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
const auto & src_data = static_cast<const ColumnVector<UInt32> &>(column).getData();
size_t size = src_data.size();
auto res_column = ColumnVector<UInt32>::create(size);
auto & res_data = static_cast<ColumnVector<UInt32> &>(*res_column).getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
UInt32 src_datetime = src_data[i];
UInt32 src_date = date_lut.toDate(src_datetime);
Int32 src_diff = src_datetime - src_prev_value;
Int32 res_diff = transformSigned(src_diff, seed);
UInt32 new_datetime = res_prev_value + res_diff;
UInt32 new_time = new_datetime - date_lut.toDate(new_datetime);
res_data[i] = src_date + new_time;
src_prev_value = src_datetime;
res_prev_value = res_data[i];
return res_column;
struct MarkovModelParameters
size_t order;
size_t frequency_cutoff;
size_t num_buckets_cutoff;
size_t frequency_add;
double frequency_desaturate;
/** Actually it's not an order-N model, but a mix of order-{0..N} models.
* We calculate code point counts for every context of 0..N previous code points.
* Then throw off some context with low amount of statistics.
* When generating data, we try to find statistics for a context of maximum order.
* And if not found - use context of smaller order, up to 0.
class MarkovModel
using CodePoint = UInt32;
using NGramHash = UInt32;
struct Histogram
UInt64 total = 0; /// Not including count_end.
UInt64 count_end = 0;
using Buckets = boost::container::flat_map<CodePoint, UInt64>;
Buckets buckets;
void add(CodePoint code)
void addEnd()
CodePoint sample(UInt64 random, double end_multiplier) const
UInt64 range = total + UInt64(count_end * end_multiplier);
if (range == 0)
return END;
random %= range;
UInt64 sum = 0;
for (const auto & elem : buckets)
sum += elem.second;
if (sum > random)
return elem.first;
return END;
using Table = HashMap<NGramHash, Histogram, TrivialHash>;
Table table;
MarkovModelParameters params;
std::vector<CodePoint> code_points;
/// Special code point to form context before beginning of string.
static constexpr CodePoint BEGIN = -1;
/// Special code point to indicate end of string.
static constexpr CodePoint END = -2;
NGramHash hashContext(const CodePoint * begin, const CodePoint * end) const
return CRC32Hash()(StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(begin), (end - begin) * sizeof(CodePoint)));
/// By the way, we don't have to use actual Unicode numbers. We use just arbitary bijective mapping.
CodePoint readCodePoint(const char *& pos, const char * end)
size_t length = UTF8::seqLength(*pos);
if (pos + length > end)
length = end - pos;
CodePoint res = 0;
memcpy(&res, pos, length);
pos += length;
return res;
bool writeCodePoint(CodePoint code, char *& pos, char * end)
size_t length
= (code & 0xFF000000) ? 4
: (code & 0xFFFF0000) ? 3
: (code & 0xFFFFFF00) ? 2
: 1;
if (pos + length > end)
return false;
memcpy(pos, &code, length);
pos += length;
return true;
MarkovModel(MarkovModelParameters params)
: params(std::move(params)), code_points(params.order, BEGIN) {}
void consume(const char * data, size_t size)
/// First 'order' number of code points are pre-filled with BEGIN.
const char * pos = data;
const char * end = data + size;
while (true)
const bool inside = pos < end;
CodePoint next_code_point {};
if (inside)
next_code_point = readCodePoint(pos, end);
for (size_t context_size = 0; context_size < params.order; ++context_size)
NGramHash context_hash = hashContext( + code_points.size() - context_size, + code_points.size());
if (inside)
else /// if (context_size != 0 || order == 0) /// Don't allow to break string without context (except order-0 model).
if (inside)
void finalize()
if (params.num_buckets_cutoff)
for (auto & elem : table)
Histogram & histogram = elem.second;
if (histogram.buckets.size() < params.num_buckets_cutoff)
histogram.buckets.clear(); = 0;
if (params.frequency_cutoff)
for (auto & elem : table)
Histogram & histogram = elem.second;
if ( + histogram.count_end < params.frequency_cutoff)
histogram.buckets.clear(); = 0;
Histogram::Buckets new_buckets;
UInt64 erased_count = 0;
for (const auto & bucket : histogram.buckets)
if (bucket.second >= params.frequency_cutoff)
erased_count += bucket.second;
histogram.buckets.swap(new_buckets); -= erased_count;
if (params.frequency_add)
for (auto & elem : table)
Histogram & histogram = elem.second;
for (auto & bucket : histogram.buckets)
bucket.second += params.frequency_add;
histogram.count_end += params.frequency_add; += params.frequency_add * histogram.buckets.size();
if (params.frequency_desaturate)
for (auto & elem : table)
Histogram & histogram = elem.second;
double average = / histogram.buckets.size();
UInt64 new_total = 0;
for (auto & bucket : histogram.buckets)
bucket.second = bucket.second * (1 - params.frequency_desaturate) + average * params.frequency_desaturate;
new_total += bucket.second;
} = new_total;
size_t generate(char * data, size_t desired_size, size_t buffer_size,
UInt64 seed, const char * determinator_data, size_t determinator_size)
char * pos = data;
char * end = data + buffer_size;
while (pos < end)
Table::iterator it = table.end();
size_t context_size = params.order;
while (true)
it = table.find(hashContext( + code_points.size() - context_size, + code_points.size()));
if (table.end() != it && it-> + it->second.count_end != 0)
if (context_size == 0)
if (table.end() == it)
throw Exception("Logical error in markov model");
size_t offset_from_begin_of_string = pos - data;
constexpr size_t determinator_sliding_window_size = 8;
size_t determinator_sliding_window_overflow = offset_from_begin_of_string + determinator_sliding_window_size > determinator_size
? offset_from_begin_of_string + determinator_sliding_window_size - determinator_size : 0;
const char * determinator_sliding_window_begin = determinator_data + offset_from_begin_of_string - determinator_sliding_window_overflow;
SipHash hash;
hash.update(determinator_sliding_window_begin, determinator_sliding_window_size);
UInt64 determinator = hash.get64();
/// If string is greater than desired_size, increase probability of end.
double end_probability_multiplier = 0;
Int64 num_bytes_after_desired_size = (pos - data) - desired_size;
if (num_bytes_after_desired_size)
end_probability_multiplier = std::pow(1.25, num_bytes_after_desired_size);
CodePoint code = it->second.sample(determinator, end_probability_multiplier);
if (code == END)
if (!writeCodePoint(code, pos, end))
return pos - data;
/// Generate length of strings as above.
/// To generate content of strings, use
/// order-N Markov model on Unicode code points,
/// and to generate next code point use deterministic RNG
/// determined by hash of 8-byte sliding window of source string.
/// This is intended to generate locally-similar strings from locally-similar sources.
class StringModel : public IModel
UInt64 seed;
MarkovModel markov_model;
StringModel(UInt64 seed, MarkovModelParameters params) : seed(seed), markov_model(std::move(params)) {}
void train(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnString & column_string = static_cast<const ColumnString &>(column);
size_t size = column_string.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StringRef string = column_string.getDataAt(i);
markov_model.consume(, string.size);
void finalize() override
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnString & column_string = static_cast<const ColumnString &>(column);
size_t size = column_string.size();
auto res_column = ColumnString::create();
std::string new_string;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StringRef src_string = column_string.getDataAt(i);
size_t desired_string_size = transform(src_string.size, seed);
new_string.resize(desired_string_size * 2);
size_t actual_size = 0;
if (desired_string_size != 0)
actual_size = markov_model.generate(, desired_string_size, new_string.size(), seed,, src_string.size);
res_column->insertData(, actual_size);
return res_column;
class ArrayModel : public IModel
ModelPtr nested_model;
ArrayModel(ModelPtr nested_model) : nested_model(std::move(nested_model)) {}
void train(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnArray & column_array = static_cast<const ColumnArray &>(column);
const IColumn & nested_column = column_array.getData();
void finalize() override
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnArray & column_array = static_cast<const ColumnArray &>(column);
const IColumn & nested_column = column_array.getData();
ColumnPtr new_nested_column = nested_model->generate(nested_column);
return ColumnArray::create((*std::move(new_nested_column)).mutate(), (*std::move(column_array.getOffsetsPtr())).mutate());
class NullableModel : public IModel
ModelPtr nested_model;
NullableModel(ModelPtr nested_model) : nested_model(std::move(nested_model)) {}
void train(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnNullable & column_nullable = static_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(column);
const IColumn & nested_column = column_nullable.getNestedColumn();
void finalize() override
ColumnPtr generate(const IColumn & column) override
const ColumnNullable & column_nullable = static_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(column);
const IColumn & nested_column = column_nullable.getNestedColumn();
ColumnPtr new_nested_column = nested_model->generate(nested_column);
return ColumnNullable::create((*std::move(new_nested_column)).mutate(), (*std::move(column_nullable.getNullMapColumnPtr())).mutate());
class ModelFactory
ModelPtr get(const IDataType & data_type, UInt64 seed, MarkovModelParameters markov_model_params) const
if (data_type.isInteger())
if (data_type.isUnsignedInteger())
return std::make_unique<UnsignedIntegerModel>(seed);
return std::make_unique<SignedIntegerModel>(seed);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat32 *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<FloatModel<Float32>>(seed);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFloat64 *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<FloatModel<Float64>>(seed);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<IdentityModel>();
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<DateTimeModel>(seed);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<StringModel>(seed, markov_model_params);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<FixedStringModel>(seed);
if (auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<ArrayModel>(get(*type->getNestedType(), seed, markov_model_params));
if (auto type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeNullable *>(&data_type))
return std::make_unique<NullableModel>(get(*type->getNestedType(), seed, markov_model_params));
throw Exception("Unsupported data type");
class Obfuscator
std::vector<ModelPtr> models;
Obfuscator(const Block & header, UInt64 seed, MarkovModelParameters markov_model_params)
ModelFactory factory;
size_t columns = header.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
models.emplace_back(factory.get(*header.getByPosition(i).type, hash(seed, i), markov_model_params));
void train(const Columns & columns)
size_t size = columns.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
void finalize()
for (auto & model : models)
Columns generate(const Columns & columns)
size_t size = columns.size();
Columns res(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
res[i] = models[i]->generate(*columns[i]);
return res;
int mainEntryClickHouseObfuscator(int argc, char ** argv)
using namespace DB;
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description description("Options");
("help", "produce help message")
("structure,S", po::value<std::string>(), "structure of the initial table (list of column and type names)")
("input-format", po::value<std::string>(), "input format of the initial table data")
("output-format", po::value<std::string>(), "default output format")
("seed", po::value<std::string>(), "seed (arbitary string), must be random string with at least 10 bytes length")
("limit", po::value<UInt64>(), "if specified - stop after generating that number of rows")
("silent", po::value<bool>()->default_value(false), "don't print information messages to stderr")
("order", po::value<UInt64>()->default_value(5), "order of markov model to generate strings")
("frequency-cutoff", po::value<UInt64>()->default_value(5), "frequency cutoff for markov model: remove all buckets with count less than specified")
("num-buckets-cutoff", po::value<UInt64>()->default_value(2), "cutoff for number of different possible continuations for a context: remove all histograms with less than specified number of buckets")
("frequency-add", po::value<UInt64>()->default_value(0), "add a constant to every count to lower probability distribution skew")
("frequency-desaturate", po::value<double>()->default_value(0), "0..1 - move every frequency towards average to lower probability distribution skew")
po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).run();
po::variables_map options;
po::store(parsed, options);
if (options.count("help")
|| !options.count("seed")
|| !options.count("structure")
|| !options.count("input-format")
|| !options.count("output-format"))
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] < in > out\n"
<< "\nInput must be seekable file (it will be read twice).\n"
<< "\n" << description << "\n"
<< "\nExample:\n " << argv[0] << " --seed \"$(head -c16 /dev/urandom)\" --input-format TSV --output-format TSV --structure 'CounterID UInt32, URLDomain String, URL String, SearchPhrase String, Title String' < stats.tsv\n";
return 0;
UInt64 seed = sipHash64(options["seed"].as<std::string>());
std::string structure = options["structure"].as<std::string>();
std::string input_format = options["input-format"].as<std::string>();
std::string output_format = options["output-format"].as<std::string>();
std::optional<UInt64> limit;
if (options.count("limit"))
limit = options["limit"].as<UInt64>();
bool silent = options["silent"].as<bool>();
MarkovModelParameters markov_model_params;
markov_model_params.order = options["order"].as<UInt64>();
markov_model_params.frequency_cutoff = options["frequency-cutoff"].as<UInt64>();
markov_model_params.num_buckets_cutoff = options["num-buckets-cutoff"].as<UInt64>();
markov_model_params.frequency_add = options["frequency-add"].as<UInt64>();
markov_model_params.frequency_desaturate = options["frequency-desaturate"].as<double>();
// Create header block
std::vector<std::string> structure_vals;
boost::split(structure_vals, structure, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" ,"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
if (structure_vals.size() % 2 != 0)
throw Exception("Odd number of elements in section structure: must be a list of name type pairs", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
Block header;
const DataTypeFactory & data_type_factory = DataTypeFactory::instance();
for (size_t i = 0, size = structure_vals.size(); i < size; i += 2)
ColumnWithTypeAndName column; = structure_vals[i];
column.type = data_type_factory.get(structure_vals[i + 1]);
column.column = column.type->createColumn();
Context context = Context::createGlobal();
ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor file_in(STDIN_FILENO);
WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor file_out(STDOUT_FILENO);
/// stdin must be seekable;
catch (Exception & e)
e.addMessage("Input must be seekable file (it will be read twice).");
Obfuscator obfuscator(header, seed, markov_model_params);
size_t max_block_size = 8192;
/// Train step
if (!silent)
std::cerr << "Training models\n";
BlockInputStreamPtr input = context.getInputFormat(input_format, file_in, header, max_block_size);
UInt64 processed_rows = 0;
while (Block block = input->read())
processed_rows += block.rows();
if (!silent)
std::cerr << "Processed " << processed_rows << " rows\n";
/// Generation step
if (!silent)
std::cerr << "Generating data\n";;
BlockInputStreamPtr input = context.getInputFormat(input_format, file_in, header, max_block_size);
BlockOutputStreamPtr output = context.getOutputFormat(output_format, file_out, header);
if (limit)
input = std::make_shared<LimitBlockInputStream>(input, *limit, 0);
UInt64 processed_rows = 0;
while (Block block = input->read())
Columns columns = obfuscator.generate(block.getColumns());
processed_rows += block.rows();
if (!silent)
std::cerr << "Processed " << processed_rows << " rows\n";
return 0;
catch (...)
std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << "\n";
auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode();
return code ? code : 1;