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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <Processors/Port.h>
class EventCounter;
namespace DB
2020-02-25 18:10:48 +00:00
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
class IProcessor;
using ProcessorPtr = std::shared_ptr<IProcessor>;
using Processors = std::vector<ProcessorPtr>;
/** Processor is an element (low level building block) of a query execution pipeline.
* It has zero or more input ports and zero or more output ports.
* Blocks of data are transferred over ports.
* Each port has fixed structure: names and types of columns and values of constants.
* Processors may pull data from input ports, do some processing and push data to output ports.
* Processor may indicate that it requires input data to proceed and indicate that it needs data from some ports.
* Synchronous work must only use CPU - don't do any sleep, IO wait, network wait.
* Processor may want to do work asynchronously (example: fetch data from remote server)
* - in this case it will initiate background job and allow to subscribe to it.
* Processor may throw an exception to indicate some runtime error.
* Different ports may have different structure. For example, ports may correspond to different resultsets
* or semantically different parts of result.
* Processor may modify its ports (create another processors and connect to them) on the fly.
* Example: first execute the subquery; on basis of subquery result
* determine how to execute the rest of query and build the corresponding pipeline.
* Processor may simply wait for another processor to execute without transferring any data from it.
* For this purpose it should connect its input port to another processor, and indicate need of data.
* Examples:
* Source. Has no input ports and single output port. Generates data itself and pushes it to its output port.
* Sink. Has single input port and no output ports. Consumes data that was passed to its input port.
* Empty source. Immediately says that data on its output port is finished.
* Null sink. Consumes data and does nothing.
* Simple transformation. Has single input and single output port. Pulls data, transforms it and pushes to output port.
* Example: expression calculator.
* TODO Better to make each function a separate processor. It's better for pipeline analysis. Also keep in mind 'sleep' and 'rand' functions.
* Squashing or filtering transformation. Pulls data, possibly accumulates it, and sometimes pushes it to output port.
* Examples: DISTINCT, WHERE, squashing of blocks for INSERT SELECT.
* Accumulating transformation. Pulls and accumulates all data from input until it it exhausted, then pushes data to output port.
* Examples: ORDER BY, GROUP BY.
* Limiting transformation. Pulls data from input and passes to output.
* When there was enough data, says that it doesn't need data on its input and that data on its output port is finished.
* Resize. Has arbitary number of inputs and arbitary number of outputs.
* Pulls data from whatever ready input and pushes it to randomly choosed free output.
* Examples:
* Union - merge data from number of inputs to one output in arbitary order.
* Split - read data from one input and pass it to arbitary output.
* Concat. Has many inputs and only one output. Pulls all data from first input until it is exhausted,
* then all data from second input, etc. and pushes all data to output.
* Ordered merge. Has many inputs but only one output. Pulls data from selected input in specific order, merges and pushes it to output.
* Fork. Has one input and many outputs. Pulls data from input and copies it to all outputs.
* Used to process multiple queries with common source of data.
* Select. Has one or multiple inputs and one output.
* Read blocks from inputs and check that blocks on inputs are "parallel": correspond to each other in number of rows.
* Construct a new block by selecting some subset (or all) of columns from inputs.
* Example: collect columns - function arguments before function execution.
* TODO Processors may carry algebraic properties about transformations they do.
* For example, that processor doesn't change number of rows; doesn't change order of rows, doesn't change the set of rows, etc.
* TODO Ports may carry algebraic properties about streams of data.
* For example, that data comes ordered by specific key; or grouped by specific key; or have unique values of specific key.
* And also simple properties, including lower and upper bound on number of rows.
* TODO Processor should have declarative representation, that is able to be serialized and parsed.
* Example: read_from_merge_tree(database, table, Columns(a, b, c), Piece(0, 10), Parts(Part('name', MarkRanges(MarkRange(0, 100), ...)), ...))
* It's reasonable to have an intermediate language for declaration of pipelines.
* TODO Processor with all its parameters should represent "pure" function on streams of data from its input ports.
* It's in question, what kind of "pure" function do we mean.
* For example, data streams are considered equal up to order unless ordering properties are stated explicitly.
* Another example: we should support the notion of "arbitary N-th of M substream" of full stream of data.
class IProcessor
InputPorts inputs;
OutputPorts outputs;
2019-02-05 13:01:40 +00:00
IProcessor() = default;
IProcessor(InputPorts inputs_, OutputPorts outputs_)
: inputs(std::move(inputs_)), outputs(std::move(outputs_))
for (auto & port : inputs)
port.processor = this;
for (auto & port : outputs)
port.processor = this;
virtual String getName() const = 0;
enum class Status
/// Processor needs some data at its inputs to proceed.
/// You need to run another processor to generate required input and then call 'prepare' again.
2019-02-07 18:51:53 +00:00
/// Processor cannot proceed because output port is full or not isNeeded().
/// You need to transfer data from output port to the input port of another processor and then call 'prepare' again.
2019-02-07 18:51:53 +00:00
/// All work is done (all data is processed or all output are closed), nothing more to do.
/// No one needs data on output ports.
2019-02-07 18:51:53 +00:00
/// Unneeded,
/// You may call 'work' method and processor will do some work synchronously.
/// You may call 'schedule' method and processor will initiate some background work.
/// Processor is doing some work in background.
/// You may wait for next event or do something else and then you should call 'prepare' again.
/// Processor wants to add other processors to pipeline.
/// New processors must be obtained by expandPipeline() call.
2019-02-08 16:10:57 +00:00
static std::string statusToName(Status status);
/** Method 'prepare' is responsible for all cheap ("instantenous": O(1) of data volume, no wait) calculations.
* It may access input and output ports,
* indicate the need for work by another processor by returning NeedData or PortFull,
* or indicate the absense of work by returning Finished or Unneeded,
* it may pull data from input ports and push data to output ports.
* The method is not thread-safe and must be called from a single thread in one moment of time,
* even for different connected processors.
* Instead of all long work (CPU calculations or waiting) it should just prepare all required data and return Ready or Async.
* Thread safety and parallel execution:
* - no methods (prepare, work, schedule) of single object can be executed in parallel;
* - method 'work' can be executed in parallel for different objects, even for connected processors;
* - method 'prepare' cannot be executed in parallel even for different objects,
* if they are connected (including indirectly) to each other by their ports;
virtual Status prepare()
throw Exception("Method 'prepare' is not implemented for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
using PortNumbers = std::vector<UInt64>;
/// Optimization for prepare in case we know ports were updated.
virtual Status prepare(const PortNumbers & /*updated_input_ports*/, const PortNumbers & /*updated_output_ports*/) { return prepare(); }
/** You may call this method if 'prepare' returned Ready.
* This method cannot access any ports. It should use only data that was prepared by 'prepare' method.
* Method work can be executed in parallel for different processors.
virtual void work()
2019-02-05 13:01:40 +00:00
throw Exception("Method 'work' is not implemented for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/** You may call this method if 'prepare' returned Async.
* This method cannot access any ports. It should use only data that was prepared by 'prepare' method.
* This method should return instantly and fire an event (or many events) when asynchronous job will be done.
* When the job is not done, method 'prepare' will return Wait and the user may block and wait for next event before checking again.
* Note that it can fire many events in EventCounter while doing its job,
* and you have to wait for next event (or do something else) every time when 'prepare' returned Wait.
virtual void schedule(EventCounter & /*watch*/)
2019-02-05 13:01:40 +00:00
throw Exception("Method 'schedule' is not implemented for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/** You must call this method if 'prepare' returned ExpandPipeline.
* This method cannot access any port, but it can create new ports for current processor.
* Method should return set of new already connected processors.
* All added processors must be connected only to each other or current processor.
* Method can't remove or reconnect existing ports, move data from/to port or perform calculations.
* 'prepare' should be called again after expanding pipeline.
virtual Processors expandPipeline()
throw Exception("Method 'expandPipeline' is not implemented for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/// In case if query was cancelled executor will wait till all processors finish their jobs.
/// Generally, there is no reason to check this flag. However, it may be reasonable for long operations (e.g. i/o).
bool isCancelled() const { return is_cancelled; }
2020-01-27 14:31:40 +00:00
void cancel()
is_cancelled = true;
2020-01-27 16:03:55 +00:00
2020-01-27 14:31:40 +00:00
2019-02-05 13:01:40 +00:00
virtual ~IProcessor() = default;
auto & getInputs() { return inputs; }
auto & getOutputs() { return outputs; }
UInt64 getInputPortNumber(const InputPort * input_port) const
UInt64 number = 0;
for (auto & port : inputs)
if (&port == input_port)
return number;
throw Exception("Can't find input port for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
UInt64 getOutputPortNumber(const OutputPort * output_port) const
UInt64 number = 0;
for (auto & port : outputs)
if (&port == output_port)
return number;
throw Exception("Can't find output port for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
const auto & getInputs() const { return inputs; }
const auto & getOutputs() const { return outputs; }
/// Debug output.
void dump() const;
2019-05-16 14:57:27 +00:00
/// Used to print pipeline.
2019-06-19 18:30:02 +00:00
void setDescription(const std::string & description_) { processor_description = description_; }
const std::string & getDescription() const { return processor_description; }
2019-09-02 14:49:05 +00:00
/// Helpers for pipeline executor.
2019-09-02 14:55:43 +00:00
void setStream(size_t value) { stream_number = value; }
size_t getStream() const { return stream_number; }
2019-09-02 14:49:05 +00:00
constexpr static size_t NO_STREAM = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
2019-12-26 16:15:31 +00:00
void enableQuota() { has_quota = true; }
bool hasQuota() const { return has_quota; }
2020-01-27 14:31:40 +00:00
2020-01-27 14:39:14 +00:00
virtual void onCancel() {}
2020-01-27 14:31:40 +00:00
std::atomic<bool> is_cancelled{false};
std::string processor_description;
2019-09-02 14:49:05 +00:00
2019-09-02 14:55:43 +00:00
size_t stream_number = NO_STREAM;
2019-12-26 16:15:31 +00:00
bool has_quota = false;