* [**ClickHouse Spring Meetup in Manhattan**](https://www.meetup.com/clickhouse-new-york-user-group/events/292517734) - April 26 - It's spring, and it's time to meet again in the city! Talks include: "Building a domain specific query language on top of Clickhouse", "A Galaxy of Information", "Our Journey to ClickHouse Cloud from Redshift", and a ClickHouse update!
* [**v23.4 Release Webinar**](https://clickhouse.com/company/events/v23-4-release-webinar?utm_source=github&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=release-webinar-2023-04) - April 26 - 23.4 is rapidly approaching. Original creator, co-founder, and CTO of ClickHouse Alexey Milovidov will walk us through the highlights of the release.
* **Recent Meetup Videos**: [Meetup Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Z2YDlm0b3iNDUzpY1S3L_iV4nARda_U) Whenever possible recordings of the ClickHouse Community Meetups are edited and presented as individual talks. Current featuring "Modern SQL in 2023", "Fast, Concurrent, and Consistent Asynchronous INSERTS in ClickHouse", and "Full-Text Indices: Design and Experiments"
* **Recording available**: [**v23.3 Release Webinar**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISaGUjvBNao) UNDROP TABLE, server settings introspection, nested dynamic disks, MySQL compatibility, parseDate Time, Lightweight Deletes, Parallel Replicas, integrations updates, and so much more! Watch it now!