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#include <DB/Storages/AlterCommands.h>
#include <DB/Storages/IStorage.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeNested.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DB/Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <DB/Interpreters/ExpressionAnalyzer.h>
2014-11-12 10:37:47 +00:00
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
namespace DB
void AlterCommand::apply(NamesAndTypesList & columns,
NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns,
NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns,
ColumnDefaults & column_defaults) const
if (type == ADD)
2014-11-12 10:37:47 +00:00
const auto exists_in = [this] (const NamesAndTypesList & columns) {
return columns.end() != std::find_if(columns.begin(), columns.end(),
std::bind(namesEqual, std::cref(column_name), std::placeholders::_1));
2014-11-12 10:37:47 +00:00
if (exists_in(columns) ||
exists_in(materialized_columns) ||
throw Exception{
"Cannot add column " + column_name + ": column with this name already exisits.",
const auto add_column = [this] (NamesAndTypesList & columns) {
auto insert_it = columns.end();
if (!after_column.empty())
/// Пытаемся найти первую с конца колонку с именем column_name или с именем, начинающимся с column_name и ".".
/// Например "fruits.bananas"
/// одинаковыми считаются имена, если они совпадают целиком или name_without_dot совпадает с частью имени до точки
const auto reverse_insert_it = std::find_if(columns.rbegin(), columns.rend(),
std::bind(namesEqual, std::cref(after_column), std::placeholders::_1));
if (reverse_insert_it == columns.rend())
throw Exception("Wrong column name. Cannot find column " + column_name + " to insert after",
/// base возвращает итератор, уже смещенный на один элемент вправо
insert_it = reverse_insert_it.base();
columns.emplace(insert_it, column_name, data_type);
if (default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Default)
else if (default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Materialized)
else if (default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Alias)
throw Exception{"Unknown ColumnDefaultType value", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR};
if (default_expression)
column_defaults.emplace(column_name, ColumnDefault{default_type, default_expression});
/// Медленно, так как каждый раз копируется список
columns = *DataTypeNested::expandNestedColumns(columns);
else if (type == DROP)
/// look for a column in list and remove it if present, also removing corresponding entry from column_defaults
const auto remove_column = [&column_defaults, this] (NamesAndTypesList & columns) {
auto removed = false;
NamesAndTypesList::iterator column_it;
while (columns.end() != (column_it = std::find_if(columns.begin(), columns.end(),
std::bind(namesEqual, std::cref(column_name), std::placeholders::_1))))
removed = true;
column_it = columns.erase(column_it);
return removed;
if (!remove_column(columns) &&
!remove_column(materialized_columns) &&
throw Exception("Wrong column name. Cannot find column " + column_name + " to drop",
else if (type == MODIFY)
const auto it = column_defaults.find(column_name);
const auto had_default_expr = it != column_defaults.end();
const auto old_default_type = had_default_expr ? it->second.type : ColumnDefaultType{};
/// allow conversion between DEFAULT and MATERIALIZED
const auto default_materialized_conversion =
(old_default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Default && default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Materialized) ||
(old_default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Materialized && default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Default);
if (old_default_type != default_type && !default_materialized_conversion)
throw Exception{"Cannot change column default specifier from " + toString(old_default_type) +
" to " + toString(default_type), ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY};
/// find column or throw exception
const auto find_column = [this] (NamesAndTypesList & columns) {
const auto it = std::find_if(columns.begin(), columns.end(),
std::bind(namesEqual, std::cref(column_name), std::placeholders::_1) );
if (it == columns.end())
throw Exception("Wrong column name. Cannot find column " + column_name + " to modify.",
return it;
/// remove from the old list, add to the new list in case of DEFAULT <-> MATERIALIZED alteration
if (default_materialized_conversion)
const auto was_default = old_default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Default;
auto & old_columns = was_default ? columns : materialized_columns;
auto & new_columns = was_default ? materialized_columns : columns;
const auto column_it = find_column(old_columns);
/// do not forget to change the default type of old column
if (had_default_expr)
column_defaults[column_name].type = default_type;
/// find column in one of three column lists
const auto column_it = find_column(
default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Default ? columns :
default_type == ColumnDefaultType::Materialized ? materialized_columns :
column_it->type = data_type;
/// remove, add or update default_expression
if (!default_expression && had_default_expr)
else if (default_expression && !had_default_expr)
column_defaults.emplace(column_name, ColumnDefault{default_type, default_expression});
else if (had_default_expr)
column_defaults[column_name].expression = default_expression;
throw Exception("Wrong parameter type in ALTER query", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
void AlterCommands::apply(NamesAndTypesList & columns,
NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns,
NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns,
ColumnDefaults & column_defaults) const
auto new_columns = columns;
auto new_materialized_columns = materialized_columns;
auto new_alias_columns = alias_columns;
auto new_column_defaults = column_defaults;
for (const AlterCommand & command : *this)
command.apply(new_columns, new_materialized_columns, new_alias_columns, new_column_defaults);
columns = std::move(new_columns);
materialized_columns = std::move(new_materialized_columns);
alias_columns = std::move(new_alias_columns);
column_defaults = std::move(new_column_defaults);
void AlterCommands::validate(IStorage * table, const Context & context)
auto columns = table->getColumnsList();
columns.insert(std::end(columns), std::begin(table->alias_columns), std::end(table->alias_columns));
auto defaults = table->column_defaults;
std::vector<std::pair<String, AlterCommand *>> defaulted_columns{};
ASTPtr default_expr_list{new ASTExpressionList};
for (AlterCommand & command : *this)
if (command.type == AlterCommand::ADD || command.type == AlterCommand::MODIFY)
if (command.type == AlterCommand::MODIFY)
const auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(columns), std::end(columns),
std::bind(AlterCommand::namesEqual, std::cref(command.column_name), std::placeholders::_1));
if (it == std::end(columns))
throw Exception("Wrong column name. Cannot find column " + command.column_name + " to modify.",
/// we're creating dummy DataTypeUInt8 in order to prevent the NullPointerException in ExpressionActions
columns.emplace_back(command.column_name, command.data_type ? command.data_type : new DataTypeUInt8);
if (command.default_expression)
if (command.data_type)
const auto & column_name = command.column_name;
const auto tmp_column_name = column_name + "_tmp";
const auto conversion_function_name = "to" + command.data_type->getName();
makeASTFunction(conversion_function_name, ASTPtr{new ASTIdentifier{{}, tmp_column_name}}),
default_expr_list->children.emplace_back(setAlias(command.default_expression->clone(), tmp_column_name));
defaulted_columns.emplace_back(command.column_name, &command);
setAlias(command.default_expression->clone(), command.column_name));
defaulted_columns.emplace_back(command.column_name, &command);
else if (command.type == AlterCommand::DROP)
auto found = false;
for (auto it = std::begin(columns); it != std::end(columns);)
if (AlterCommand::namesEqual(command.column_name, *it))
found = true;
it = columns.erase(it);
for (auto it = std::begin(defaults); it != std::end(defaults);)
if (AlterCommand::namesEqual(command.column_name, { it->first, nullptr }))
it = defaults.erase(it);
if (!found)
throw Exception("Wrong column name. Cannot find column " + command.column_name + " to drop.",
/** Existing defaulted columns may require default expression extensions with a type conversion,
* therefore we add them to defaulted_columns to allow further processing */
for (const auto & col_def : defaults)
const auto & column_name = col_def.first;
const auto column_it = std::find_if(columns.begin(), columns.end(), [&] (const NameAndTypePair & name_type) {
return AlterCommand::namesEqual(column_name, name_type);
const auto tmp_column_name = column_name + "_tmp";
const auto conversion_function_name = "to" + column_it->type->getName();
makeASTFunction(conversion_function_name, ASTPtr{new ASTIdentifier{{}, tmp_column_name}}),
default_expr_list->children.emplace_back(setAlias(col_def.second.expression->clone(), tmp_column_name));
defaulted_columns.emplace_back(column_name, nullptr);
const auto actions = ExpressionAnalyzer{default_expr_list, context, columns}.getActions(true);
const auto block = actions->getSampleBlock();
/// set deduced types, modify default expression if necessary
for (auto & defaulted_column : defaulted_columns)
const auto & column_name = defaulted_column.first;
const auto command_ptr = defaulted_column.second;
const auto & column = block.getByName(column_name);
/// default expression on old column
if (!command_ptr)
const auto & tmp_column = block.getByName(column_name + "_tmp");
// column not specified explicitly in the ALTER query may require default_expression modification
if (column.type->getName() != tmp_column.type->getName())
const auto it = defaults.find(column_name);
AlterCommand::MODIFY, column_name, column.type, it->second.type,
makeASTFunction("to" + column.type->getName(), it->second.expression),
else if (command_ptr && command_ptr->data_type)
const auto & tmp_column = block.getByName(column_name + "_tmp");
/// type mismatch between explicitly specified and deduced type, add conversion
if (column.type->getName() != tmp_column.type->getName())
command_ptr->default_expression = makeASTFunction(
"to" + column.type->getName(),
/// just set deduced type
command_ptr->data_type = column.type;