* [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/clickhousedb/shared_invite/zt-rxm3rdrk-lIUmhLC3V8WTaL0TGxsOmg) and [Telegram](https://telegram.me/clickhouse_en) allow chatting with ClickHouse users in real-time.
* [**v22.12 Release Webinar**](https://clickhouse.com/company/events/v22-12-release-webinar) Original creator, co-founder, and CTO of ClickHouse Alexey Milovidov will walk us through the highlights of the release, provide live demos, and share vision into what is coming in the roadmap.
* [**ClickHouse Meetup at the CHEQ office in Tel Aviv**](https://www.meetup.com/clickhouse-tel-aviv-user-group/events/289599423/) - Jan 16 - We are very excited to be holding our next in-person ClickHouse meetup at the CHEQ office in Tel Aviv! Hear from CHEQ, ServiceNow and Contentsquare, as well as a deep dive presentation from ClickHouse CTO Alexey Milovidov. Join us for a fun evening of talks, food and discussion!
* **ClickHouse Meetup in Seattle* - Keep an eye on this space as we will be announcing a January meetup in Seattle soon!