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#pragma once
#include <Core/UUID.h>
#include <Formats/ProtobufSimpleWriter.h>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <Common/PODArray.h>
#include <Common/UInt128.h>
#include <common/DayNum.h>
namespace google
namespace protobuf
class Descriptor;
class FieldDescriptor;
namespace DB
class IAggregateFunction;
using AggregateFunctionPtr = std::shared_ptr<IAggregateFunction>;
using ConstAggregateDataPtr = const char *;
/** Serializes a protobuf, tries to cast types if necessarily.
class ProtobufWriter : private boost::noncopyable
ProtobufWriter(WriteBuffer & out, const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type);
/// Returns fields of the protobuf schema sorted by their numbers.
const std::vector<const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *> & fieldsInWriteOrder() const;
/// Should be called when we start writing a new message.
void newMessage();
/// Should be called when we start writing a new field.
/// Returns false if there is no more fields in the message type.
bool nextField();
/// Returns the current field of the message type.
/// The value returned by this function changes after calling nextField() or newMessage().
const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * currentField() const { return current_field; }
void writeNumber(Int8 value);
void writeNumber(UInt8 value);
void writeNumber(Int16 value);
void writeNumber(UInt16 value);
void writeNumber(Int32 value);
void writeNumber(UInt32 value);
void writeNumber(Int64 value);
void writeNumber(UInt64 value);
void writeNumber(UInt128 value);
void writeNumber(Float32 value);
void writeNumber(Float64 value);
void writeString(const StringRef & value);
void prepareEnumMapping(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int8>> & name_value_pairs);
void prepareEnumMapping(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int16>> & name_value_pairs);
void writeEnum(Int8 value);
void writeEnum(Int16 value);
void writeUUID(const UUID & value);
void writeDate(DayNum date);
void writeDateTime(time_t tm);
void writeDecimal(Decimal32 decimal, UInt32 scale);
void writeDecimal(Decimal64 decimal, UInt32 scale);
void writeDecimal(const Decimal128 & decimal, UInt32 scale);
void writeAggregateFunction(const AggregateFunctionPtr & function, ConstAggregateDataPtr place);
void enumerateFieldsInWriteOrder(const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type);
void createConverters();
void finishCurrentMessage();
void finishCurrentField();
ProtobufSimpleWriter simple_writer;
std::vector<const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *> fields_in_write_order;
size_t current_field_index = -1;
const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * current_field = nullptr;
class Converter;
class ToStringConverter;
template <typename T>
class ToNumberConverter;
class ToBoolConverter;
class ToEnumConverter;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Converter>> converters;
Converter * current_converter = nullptr;