-`HLL_precision`: The base-2 logarithm of the number of cells in [HyperLogLog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperLogLog). Optional, you can use the function as `uniqCombined(x[, ...])`. The default value for `HLL_precision` is 17, which is effectively 96 KiB of space (2^17 cells, 6 bits each).
-`X`: A variable number of parameters. Parameters can be `Tuple`, `Array`, `Date`, `DateTime`, `String`, or numeric types.
Since it uses a 32-bit hash for non-`String` types, the result will have very high error for cardinalities significantly larger than `UINT_MAX` (error will raise quickly after a few tens of billions of distinct values), hence in this case you should use [uniqCombined64](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqcombined64.md#agg_function-uniqcombined64).
- Usually has slightly lower performance. In some scenarios, `uniqCombined` can perform better than `uniq`, for example, with distributed queries that transmit a large number of aggregation states over the network.
See the example section of [uniqCombined64](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqcombined64.md#agg_function-uniqcombined64) for an example of the difference between `uniqCombined` and `uniqCombined64` for much larger inputs.