- If the function is called without parameters it counts the number of rows.
- If the [expression](../../../sql-reference/syntax.md#syntax-expressions) is passed, then the function counts how many times this expression returned not null. If the expression returns a [Nullable](../../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)-type value, then the result of `count` stays not `Nullable`. The function returns 0 if the expression returned `NULL` for all the rows.
ClickHouse supports the `COUNT(DISTINCT ...)` syntax. The behavior of this construction depends on the [count_distinct_implementation](../../../operations/settings/settings.md#settings-count_distinct_implementation) setting. It defines which of the [uniq\*](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniq.md#agg_function-uniq) functions is used to perform the operation. The default is the [uniqExact](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/uniqexact.md#agg_function-uniqexact) function.
The `SELECT count() FROM table` query is optimized by default using metadata from MergeTree. If you need to use row-level security, disable optimization using the [optimize_trivial_count_query](../../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-trivial-count-query) setting.
However `SELECT count(nullable_column) FROM table` query can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [null](../../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole column data. The query `SELECT count(n) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT sum(NOT n.null) FROM table`.