2020-09-30 22:28:23 +00:00
A d d c u s t o m c o m m a n d s t o p r o c e s s ` ` . p r o t o ` ` f i l e s t o C + + : :
protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp ( <SRCS> <HDRS>
[ D E S C R I P T O R S < D E S C > ] [ E X P O R T _ M A C R O < M A C R O > ] [ < A R G N > . . . ] )
` ` S R C S ` `
V a r i a b l e t o d e f i n e w i t h a u t o g e n e r a t e d s o u r c e f i l e s
` ` H D R S ` `
V a r i a b l e t o d e f i n e w i t h a u t o g e n e r a t e d h e a d e r f i l e s
` ` D E S C R I P T O R S ` `
V a r i a b l e t o d e f i n e w i t h a u t o g e n e r a t e d d e s c r i p t o r f i l e s , i f r e q u e s t e d .
` ` E X P O R T _ M A C R O ` `
i s a m a c r o w h i c h s h o u l d e x p a n d t o ` ` __declspec ( dllexport ) ` ` o r
` ` __declspec ( dllimport ) ` ` d e p e n d i n g o n w h a t i s b e i n g c o m p i l e d .
` ` A R G N ` `
` ` . p r o t o ` ` f i l e s
# Function to generate C++ files from .proto files.
# This function is a modified version of the function PROTOBUF_GENERATE_CPP() copied from https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Modules/FindProtobuf.cmake.
cmake_parse_arguments ( protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp "" "EXPORT_MACRO;DESCRIPTORS" "" ${ ARGN } )
set ( _proto_files "${protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" )
if ( NOT _proto_files )
message ( SEND_ERROR "Error: PROTOBUF_GENERATE_GRPC_CPP() called without any proto files" )
return ( )
endif ( )
set ( _append_arg APPEND_PATH )
endif ( )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS )
set ( _descriptors DESCRIPTORS )
endif ( )
endif ( )
set ( _import_arg IMPORT_DIRS ${ Protobuf_IMPORT_DIRS } )
endif ( )
set ( _outvar )
protobuf_generate_grpc ( ${ _append_arg } ${ _descriptors } LANGUAGE cpp EXPORT_MACRO ${ protobuf_generate_cpp_EXPORT_MACRO } OUT_VAR _outvar ${ _import_arg } PROTOS ${ _proto_files } )
set ( ${ SRCS } )
set ( ${ HDRS } )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS )
set ( ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS } )
endif ( )
foreach ( _file ${ _outvar } )
if ( _file MATCHES "cc$" )
list ( APPEND ${ SRCS } ${ _file } )
elseif ( _file MATCHES "desc$" )
list ( APPEND ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS } ${ _file } )
else ( )
list ( APPEND ${ HDRS } ${ _file } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
set ( ${ SRCS } ${ ${SRCS } } PARENT_SCOPE )
set ( ${ HDRS } ${ ${HDRS } } PARENT_SCOPE )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS )
set ( ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS } "${${protobuf_generate_grpc_cpp_DESCRIPTORS}}" PARENT_SCOPE )
endif ( )
endfunction ( )
# Helper function.
# This function is a modified version of the function protobuf_generate() copied from https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Modules/FindProtobuf.cmake.
function ( protobuf_generate_grpc )
if ( COMMAND target_sources )
list ( APPEND _singleargs TARGET )
endif ( )
cmake_parse_arguments ( protobuf_generate_grpc "${_options}" "${_singleargs}" "${_multiargs}" "${ARGN}" )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOS AND NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_TARGET )
message ( SEND_ERROR "Error: protobuf_generate_grpc called without any targets or source files" )
return ( )
endif ( )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_OUT_VAR AND NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_TARGET )
message ( SEND_ERROR "Error: protobuf_generate_grpc called without a target or output variable" )
return ( )
endif ( )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE )
set ( protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE cpp )
endif ( )
string ( TOLOWER ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE } protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOC_OUT_DIR )
set ( protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOC_OUT_DIR ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } )
endif ( )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_EXPORT_MACRO AND protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE STREQUAL cpp )
set ( _dll_export_decl "dllexport_decl=${protobuf_generate_grpc_EXPORT_MACRO}:" )
endif ( )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE STREQUAL cpp )
set ( protobuf_generate_grpc_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS .pb.h .pb.cc .grpc.pb.h .grpc.pb.cc )
elseif ( protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE STREQUAL python )
set ( protobuf_generate_grpc_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS _pb2.py )
else ( )
message ( SEND_ERROR "Error: protobuf_generate_grpc given unknown Language ${LANGUAGE}, please provide a value for GENERATE_EXTENSIONS" )
return ( )
endif ( )
endif ( )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_PLUGIN )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE STREQUAL cpp )
set ( protobuf_generate_grpc_PLUGIN "grpc_cpp_plugin" )
elseif ( protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE STREQUAL python )
set ( protobuf_generate_grpc_PLUGIN "grpc_python_plugin" )
else ( )
message ( SEND_ERROR "Error: protobuf_generate_grpc given unknown Language ${LANGUAGE}, please provide a value for PLUGIN" )
return ( )
endif ( )
endif ( )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_TARGET )
get_target_property ( _source_list ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_TARGET } SOURCES )
foreach ( _file ${ _source_list } )
if ( _file MATCHES "proto$" )
list ( APPEND protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOS ${ _file } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
endif ( )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOS )
message ( SEND_ERROR "Error: protobuf_generate_grpc could not find any .proto files" )
return ( )
endif ( )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_APPEND_PATH )
# Create an include path for each file specified
foreach ( _file ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOS } )
get_filename_component ( _abs_file ${ _file } ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component ( _abs_path ${ _abs_file } PATH )
list ( FIND _protobuf_include_path ${ _abs_path } _contains_already )
if ( ${ _contains_already } EQUAL -1 )
list ( APPEND _protobuf_include_path -I ${ _abs_path } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
else ( )
set ( _protobuf_include_path -I ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } )
endif ( )
foreach ( DIR ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_IMPORT_DIRS } )
get_filename_component ( ABS_PATH ${ DIR } ABSOLUTE )
list ( FIND _protobuf_include_path ${ ABS_PATH } _contains_already )
if ( ${ _contains_already } EQUAL -1 )
list ( APPEND _protobuf_include_path -I ${ ABS_PATH } )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
set ( _generated_srcs_all )
foreach ( _proto ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOS } )
get_filename_component ( _abs_file ${ _proto } ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component ( _abs_dir ${ _abs_file } DIRECTORY )
get_filename_component ( _basename ${ _proto } NAME_WE )
file ( RELATIVE_PATH _rel_dir ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } ${ _abs_dir } )
set ( _possible_rel_dir )
if ( NOT protobuf_generate_grpc_APPEND_PATH )
set ( _possible_rel_dir ${ _rel_dir } / )
endif ( )
set ( _generated_srcs )
foreach ( _ext ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_GENERATE_EXTENSIONS } )
list ( APPEND _generated_srcs "${protobuf_generate_grpc_PROTOC_OUT_DIR}/${_possible_rel_dir}${_basename}${_ext}" )
endforeach ( )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_DESCRIPTORS AND protobuf_generate_grpc_LANGUAGE STREQUAL cpp )
set ( _descriptor_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_basename}.desc" )
set ( _dll_desc_out "--descriptor_set_out=${_descriptor_file}" )
list ( APPEND _generated_srcs ${ _descriptor_file } )
endif ( )
list ( APPEND _generated_srcs_all ${ _generated_srcs } )
add_custom_command (
O U T P U T $ { _ g e n e r a t e d _ s r c s }
2021-10-11 03:58:08 +00:00
C O M M A N D $ < T A R G E T _ F I L E : p r o t o b u f : : p r o t o c >
2020-09-30 22:28:23 +00:00
A R G S - - $ { p r o t o b u f _ g e n e r a t e _ g r p c _ L A N G U A G E } _ o u t $ { _ d l l _ e x p o r t _ d e c l } $ { p r o t o b u f _ g e n e r a t e _ g r p c _ P R O T O C _ O U T _ D I R }
- - g r p c _ o u t $ { _ d l l _ e x p o r t _ d e c l } $ { p r o t o b u f _ g e n e r a t e _ g r p c _ P R O T O C _ O U T _ D I R }
- - p l u g i n = p r o t o c - g e n - g r p c = $ < T A R G E T _ F I L E : $ { p r o t o b u f _ g e n e r a t e _ g r p c _ P L U G I N } >
$ { _ d l l _ d e s c _ o u t } $ { _ p r o t o b u f _ i n c l u d e _ p a t h } $ { _ a b s _ f i l e }
D E P E N D S $ { _ a b s _ f i l e } p r o t o b u f : : p r o t o c $ { p r o t o b u f _ g e n e r a t e _ g r p c _ P L U G I N }
C O M M E N T " R u n n i n g $ { p r o t o b u f _ g e n e r a t e _ g r p c _ L A N G U A G E } p r o t o c o l b u f f e r c o m p i l e r o n $ { _ p r o t o } "
V E R B A T I M )
endforeach ( )
set_source_files_properties ( ${ _generated_srcs_all } PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_OUT_VAR )
set ( ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_OUT_VAR } ${ _generated_srcs_all } PARENT_SCOPE )
endif ( )
if ( protobuf_generate_grpc_TARGET )
target_sources ( ${ protobuf_generate_grpc_TARGET } PRIVATE ${ _generated_srcs_all } )
endif ( )
2021-10-11 03:58:08 +00:00
endfunction ( )