ClickHouse Keeper provides the coordination system for data [replication](../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ and [distributed DDL](../sql-reference/ queries execution. ClickHouse Keeper is compatible with ZooKeeper.
ZooKeeper is one of the first well-known open-source coordination systems. It's implemented in Java, and has quite a simple and powerful data model. ZooKeeper's coordination algorithm, ZooKeeper Atomic Broadcast (ZAB), doesn't provide linearizability guarantees for reads, because each ZooKeeper node serves reads locally. Unlike ZooKeeper ClickHouse Keeper is written in C++ and uses the [RAFT algorithm]( [implementation]( This algorithm allows linearizability for reads and writes, and has several open-source implementations in different languages.
By default, ClickHouse Keeper provides the same guarantees as ZooKeeper (linearizable writes, non-linearizable reads). It has a compatible client-server protocol, so any standard ZooKeeper client can be used to interact with ClickHouse Keeper. Snapshots and logs have an incompatible format with ZooKeeper, but the `clickhouse-keeper-converter` tool enables the conversion of ZooKeeper data to ClickHouse Keeper snapshots. The interserver protocol in ClickHouse Keeper is also incompatible with ZooKeeper so a mixed ZooKeeper / ClickHouse Keeper cluster is impossible.
ClickHouse Keeper supports Access Control Lists (ACLs) the same way as [ZooKeeper]( does. ClickHouse Keeper supports the same set of permissions and has the identical built-in schemes: `world`, `auth` and `digest`. The digest authentication scheme uses the pair `username:password`, the password is encoded in Base64.
ClickHouse Keeper can be used as a standalone replacement for ZooKeeper or as an internal part of the ClickHouse server. In both cases the configuration is almost the same `.xml` file. The main ClickHouse Keeper configuration tag is `<keeper_server>`. Keeper configuration has the following parameters:
-`election_timeout_lower_bound_ms` — If the follower does not receive a heartbeat from the leader in this interval, then it can initiate leader election (default: 1000).
-`election_timeout_upper_bound_ms` — If the follower does not receive a heartbeat from the leader in this interval, then it must initiate leader election (default: 2000).
The only parameter for the whole quorum is `secure`, which enables encrypted connection for communication between quorum participants. The parameter can be set `true` if SSL connection is required for internal communication between nodes, or left unspecified otherwise.
In the case of a change in the topology of your ClickHouse Keeper cluster (e.g., replacing a server), please make sure to keep the mapping of `server_id` to `hostname` consistent and avoid shuffling or reusing an existing `server_id` for different servers (e.g., it can happen if your rely on automation scripts to deploy ClickHouse Keeper)
Examples of configuration for quorum with three nodes can be found in [integration tests]( with `test_keeper_` prefix. Example configuration for server #1:
ClickHouse Keeper is bundled into the ClickHouse server package, just add configuration of `<keeper_server>` and start ClickHouse server as always. If you want to run standalone ClickHouse Keeper you can start it in a similar way with:
ClickHouse Keeper also provides 4lw commands which are almost the same with Zookeeper. Each command is composed of four letters such as `mntr`, `stat` etc. There are some more interesting commands: `stat` gives some general information about the server and connected clients, while `srvr` and `cons` give extended details on server and connections respectively.
The 4lw commands has a white list configuration `four_letter_word_white_list` which has default value `conf,cons,crst,envi,ruok,srst,srvr,stat,wchc,wchs,dirs,mntr,isro,csnp`.
-`ruok`: Tests if server is running in a non-error state. The server will respond with `imok` if it is running. Otherwise it will not respond at all. A response of `imok` does not necessarily indicate that the server has joined the quorum, just that the server process is active and bound to the specified client port. Use "stat" for details on state wrt quorum and client connection information.
-`cons`: List full connection/session details for all clients connected to this server. Includes information on numbers of packets received/sent, session id, operation latencies, last operation performed, etc...
-`dirs`: Shows the total size of snapshot and log files in bytes
snapshot_dir_size: 0
log_dir_size: 3875
-`isro`: Tests if server is running in read-only mode. The server will respond with "ro" if in read-only mode or "rw" if not in read-only mode.
-`wchs`: Lists brief information on watches for the server.
1 connections watching 1 paths
Total watches:1
-`wchc`: Lists detailed information on watches for the server, by session. This outputs a list of sessions (connections) with associated watches (paths). Note, depending on the number of watches this operation may be expensive (ie impact server performance), use it carefully.
-`wchp`: Lists detailed information on watches for the server, by path. This outputs a list of paths (znodes) with associated sessions. Note, depending on the number of watches this operation may be expensive (i. e. impact server performance), use it carefully.
-`dump`: Lists the outstanding sessions and ephemeral nodes. This only works on the leader.
-`csnp`: Schedule a snapshot creation task. Return `"Snapshot creation scheduled."` if successfully scheduled or Fail to scheduled snapshot creation.` if failed.
Seamlessly migration from ZooKeeper to ClickHouse Keeper is impossible you have to stop your ZooKeeper cluster, convert data and start ClickHouse Keeper. `clickhouse-keeper-converter` tool allows converting ZooKeeper logs and snapshots to ClickHouse Keeper snapshot. It works only with ZooKeeper > 3.4. Steps for migration:
4. Copy snapshot to ClickHouse server nodes with a configured `keeper` or start ClickHouse Keeper instead of ZooKeeper. The snapshot must persist on all nodes, otherwise, empty nodes can be faster and one of them can become a leader.
1. Pick a single Keeper node to be your new leader. Be aware that the data of that node will be used for the entire cluster so we recommend to use a node with the most up to date state.
2. Before doing anything else, make a backup of the `log_storage_path` and `snapshot_storage_path` folders of the picked node.
3. Reconfigure the cluster on all of the nodes you want to use.
4. Send the four letter command `rcvr` to the node you picked which will move the node to the recovery mode OR stop Keeper instance on the picked node and start it again with the `--force-recovery` argument.
5. One by one, start Keeper instances on the new nodes making sure that `mntr` returns `follower` for the `zk_server_state` before starting the next one.
6. While in the recovery mode, the leader node will return error message for `mntr` command until it achieves quorum with the new nodes and refuse any requests from the client and the followers.
7. After quorum is achieved, the leader node will return to the normal mode of operation, accepting all the requests using Raft - verify with `mntr` which should return `leader` for the `zk_server_state`.