-`busy_periods` (`UInt64`) - The total number of deactivations of this node.
-`vruntime` (`Nullable(Float64)`) - For children of `fair` nodes only. Virtual runtime of a node used by SFQ algorithm to select the next child to process in a max-min fair manner.
-`system_vruntime` (`Nullable(Float64)`) - For `fair` nodes only. Virtual runtime showing `vruntime` of the last processed resource request. Used during child activation as the new value of `vruntime`.
-`queue_length` (`Nullable(UInt64)`) - For `fifo` nodes only. Current number of resource requests residing in the queue.
-`queue_cost` (`Nullable(UInt64)`) - For `fifo` nodes only. Sum of costs (e.g. size in bytes) of all requests residing in the queue.
-`budget` (`Nullable(Int64)`) - For `fifo` nodes only. The number of available "cost units" for new resource requests. Can appear in case of discrepancy of estimated and real costs of resource requests (e.g. after read/write failure)
-`is_satisfied` (`Nullable(UInt8)`) - For constraint nodes only (e.g. `inflight_limit`). Equals `1` if all the constraint of this node are satisfied.
-`inflight_requests` (`Nullable(Int64)`) - For `inflight_limit` nodes only. The number of resource requests dequeued from this node, that are currently in consumption state.
-`inflight_cost` (`Nullable(Int64)`) - For `inflight_limit` nodes only. The sum of costs (e.g. bytes) of all resource requests dequeued from this node, that are currently in consumption state.
-`max_requests` (`Nullable(Int64)`) - For `inflight_limit` nodes only. Upper limit for `inflight_requests` leading to constraint violation.
-`max_cost` (`Nullable(Int64)`) - For `inflight_limit` nodes only. Upper limit for `inflight_cost` leading to constraint violation.