
182 lines
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- 'Введение':
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Обзор': ''
- 'Отличительные возможности ClickHouse': 'introduction/'
- 'Особенности ClickHouse, которые могут считаться недостатками': 'introduction/'
- 'Производительность': 'introduction/'
- 'Постановка задачи в Яндекс.Метрике': 'introduction/'
- 'Начало работы':
- 'Установка и запуск': 'getting_started/'
- 'Тестовые наборы данных':
- 'OnTime': 'getting_started/example_datasets/'
- 'Данные о такси в Нью-Йорке': 'getting_started/example_datasets/'
- 'AMPLab Big Data Benchmark': 'getting_started/example_datasets/'
- 'WikiStat': 'getting_started/example_datasets/'
- 'Терабайт логов кликов от Criteo': 'getting_started/example_datasets/'
- 'Схема «Звезда»': 'getting_started/example_datasets/'
- 'Интерфейсы':
- 'Введение': 'interfaces/'
- 'Клиент командной строки': 'interfaces/'
- 'HTTP-интерфейс': 'interfaces/'
- 'JDBC-драйвер': 'interfaces/'
- 'Родной интерфейс (TCP)': 'interfaces/'
- 'Библиотеки от сторонних разработчиков': 'interfaces/'
- 'Визуальные интерфейсы от сторонних разработчиков': 'interfaces/'
- 'Форматы входных и выходных данных': 'interfaces/'
- 'Типы данных':
- 'Введение': 'data_types/'
- 'UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64': 'data_types/'
- 'Float32, Float64': 'data_types/'
- 'Булевы значения': 'data_types/'
- 'String': 'data_types/'
- 'FixedString(N)': 'data_types/'
- 'Date': 'data_types/'
- 'DateTime': 'data_types/'
- 'Enum': 'data_types/'
- 'Array(T)': 'data_types/'
- 'AggregateFunction(name, types_of_arguments...)': 'data_types/nested_data_structures/'
- 'Tuple(T1, T2, ...)': 'data_types/'
- 'Nullable': 'data_types/'
- 'Вложенные структуры данных':
- 'hidden': 'data_types/nested_data_structures/'
- 'Nested(Name1 Type1, Name2 Type2, ...)': 'data_types/nested_data_structures/'
- 'Служебные типы данных':
- 'hidden': 'data_types/special_data_types/'
- 'Expression': 'data_types/special_data_types/'
- 'Set': 'data_types/special_data_types/'
- 'Nothing': 'data_types/special_data_types/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Справка по SQL':
- 'hidden': 'query_language/'
- 'SELECT': 'query_language/'
- 'INSERT INTO': 'query_language/'
- 'CREATE': 'query_language/'
- 'ALTER': 'query_language/'
- 'Прочие виды запросов': 'query_language/'
- 'Функции':
- 'Введение': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Арифметические функции': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции сравнения': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Логические функции': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции преобразования типов': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы с датами и временем': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы со строками': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции поиска в строках': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции поиска и замены в строках': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Условные функции': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Математические функции': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции округления': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции по работе с массивами': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции разбиения и слияния строк и массивов': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Битовые функции': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции хэширования': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции генерации псевдослучайных чисел': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции кодирования': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы с URL': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы с IP-адресами': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы с JSON.': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции высшего порядка': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Прочие функции': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы с внешними словарями': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы со словарями Яндекс.Метрики': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для реализации оператора IN.': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функция arrayJoin': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции для работы с географическими координатами': 'query_language/functions/'
- 'Функции c Nullable агрументами': 'query_language/functions/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Агрегатные функции':
- 'Введение': 'query_language/agg_functions/'
- 'Справочник функций': 'query_language/agg_functions/'
- 'Комбинаторы агрегатных функций': 'query_language/agg_functions/'
- 'Параметрические агрегатные функции': 'query_language/agg_functions/'
- 'Табличные функции':
- 'Введение': 'query_language/table_functions/'
- 'file': 'query_language/table_functions/'
- 'merge': 'query_language/table_functions/'
- 'numbers': 'query_language/table_functions/'
- 'remote': 'query_language/table_functions/'
- 'url': 'query_language/table_functions/'
- 'Словари':
- 'Введение': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Внешние словари':
- 'Общее описание': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Настройка внешнего словаря': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Хранение словарей в памяти': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Обновление словарей': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Источники внешних словарей': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Ключ и поля словаря': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Встроенные словари': 'query_language/dicts/'
- 'Операторы': 'query_language/'
- 'Общий синтаксис': 'query_language/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Эксплуатация':
- 'hidden': 'operations/'
- 'Движки таблиц':
- 'Введение': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Семейство MergeTree':
- 'MergeTree': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Репликация данных': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Произвольный ключ партиционирования': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'ReplacingMergeTree': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'SummingMergeTree': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'AggregatingMergeTree': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'CollapsingMergeTree': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'GraphiteMergeTree': 'operations/table_engines/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Для небольших объемов данных':
- 'TinyLog': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Log': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Memory': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Buffer': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Внешние данные': 'operations/table_engines/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Особые':
- 'Distributed': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Dictionary': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Merge': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'File': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Null': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Set': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Join': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'URL': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'View': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'MaterializedView': 'operations/table_engines/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Интеграции':
- 'Kafka': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'MySQL': 'operations/table_engines/'
- 'Права доступа': 'operations/'
- 'Конфигурационные файлы': 'operations/'
- 'Квоты': 'operations/'
- 'Системные таблицы': 'operations/'
- 'Советы по эксплуатации': 'operations/'
- 'Конфигурационные параметры сервера':
- 'Введение': 'operations/server_settings/'
- 'Серверные настройки': 'operations/server_settings/'
- 'Настройки':
- 'Введение': 'operations/settings/'
- 'Ограничения на сложность запроса': 'operations/settings/'
- 'Настройки': 'operations/settings/'
- 'Профили настроек': 'operations/settings/'
- 'Утилиты':
- 'Введение': 'operations/utils/'
- 'clickhouse-copier': 'operations/utils/'
- 'clickhouse-local': 'operations/utils/'
- 'F.A.Q.':
- 'Общие вопросы': 'faq/'
WIP on documentation (#2692) * Additional .gitignore entries * Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one * Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one * Adapt table with formats to English docs too * Add SPb meetup link to main page * Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles * Merge into * Move Data types higher in ToC * Publish changelog on website alongside documentation * Few fixes for en/table_engines/ * Use smaller header sizes in changelogs * Group up table engines inside ToC * Move table engines out of top level too * Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye. * Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder * Move table functions lower in ToC * Lost redirects.txt update * Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles * Extract major parts of into separate articles * has been supposed to be removed * Fix weird translation * Fix a bunch of links * There is only table of contents left * "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation * Change filename in too * fix mistype * s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g * Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing * Empty article was supposed to be hidden * At least change incorrect title * Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them * Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too * Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction * Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier * Some introduction text refactoring * Some docs introduction refactoring * Use admonitions instead of divs * Additional .gitignore * Treat .gif as images too * Clarify ToC item
2018-07-20 17:35:34 +00:00
- 'Разработка':
- 'hidden': 'development/'
- 'Overview of ClickHouse architecture': 'development/'
- 'Как собрать ClickHouse на Linux': 'development/'
- 'Как собрать ClickHouse на Mac OS X': 'development/'
- 'Как писать код на C++': 'development/'
- 'Как запустить тесты': 'development/'
- 'Roadmap': ''
- 'Changelog': ''
- 'Security changelog': ''