[Geohash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash) is the geocode system, which subdivides Earth’s surface into buckets of grid shape and encodes each cell into a short string of letters and digits. It is a hierarchical data structure, so the longer is the geohash string, the more precise is the geographic location.
Encodes latitude and longitude as a [geohash](#geohash)-string.
``` sql
geohashEncode(longitude, latitude, [precision])
**Input values**
- longitude - longitude part of the coordinate you want to encode. Floating in range`[-180°, 180°]`
- latitude - latitude part of the coordinate you want to encode. Floating in range `[-90°, 90°]`
- precision - Optional, length of the resulting encoded string, defaults to `12`. Integer in range `[1, 12]`. Any value less than `1` or greater than `12` is silently converted to `12`.
**Returned values**
- alphanumeric `String` of encoded coordinate (modified version of the base32-encoding alphabet is used).
Returns an array of [geohash](#geohash)-encoded strings of given precision that fall inside and intersect boundaries of given box, basically a 2D grid flattened into array.