run_format_both 'insert into foo format tsv settings max_threads=1' --allow_settings_after_format_in_insert
run_format 'insert into foo settings max_threads=1 format tsv settings max_threads=1' --allow_settings_after_format_in_insert 2> >(grep -m1 -F -o "You have SETTINGS before and after FORMAT")
# and via server (since this is a separate code path)
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q 'drop table if exists data_02263'
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_settings_after_format_in_insert=1 -q 'insert into data_02263 format TSV settings max_threads=1 1'
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q 'select * from data_02263'
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_settings_after_format_in_insert=1 -q 'insert into data_02263 settings max_threads=1 format tsv settings max_threads=1' 2> >(grep -m1 -F -o "You have SETTINGS before and after FORMAT")