Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/ setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/ subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole array column. The query `SELECT empty(arr) FROM TABLE;` transforms to `SELECT arr.size0 = 0 FROM TABLE;`.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/ setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/ subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole array column. The query `SELECT notEmpty(arr) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT arr.size0 != 0 FROM TABLE`.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/ setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/ subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole array column. The query `SELECT length(arr) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT arr.size0 FROM TABLE`.
Returns an array of numbers from `start` to `end - 1` by `step`. The supported types are [UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64](../data-types/
- All arguments `start`, `end`, `step` must be below data types: `UInt8`, `UInt16`, `UInt32`, `UInt64`,`Int8`, `Int16`, `Int32`, `Int64`, as well as elements of the returned array, which's type is a super type of all arguments.
- An exception is thrown if query results in arrays with a total length of more than number of elements specified by the [function_range_max_elements_in_block](../../operations/settings/ setting.
The arguments must be constants and have types that have the smallest common type. At least one argument must be passed, because otherwise it isn’t clear which type of array to create. That is, you can’t use this function to create an empty array (to do that, use the ‘emptyArray\*’ function described above).
Returns an ‘Array(T)’ type result, where ‘T’ is the smallest common type out of the passed arguments.
Negative indexes are supported. In this case, it selects the corresponding element numbered from the end. For example, `arr[-1]` is the last item in the array.
If the index falls outside of the bounds of an array, it returns some default value (0 for numbers, an empty string for strings, etc.), except for the case with a non-constant array and a constant index 0 (in this case there will be an error `Array indices are 1-based`).
Checks whether all the elements of array2 appear in array1 in the same exact order. Therefore, the function will return 1, if and only if `array1 = prefix + array2 + suffix`.
- The function will return `1` if `array2` is empty.
-`Null` processed as a value. In other words `hasSubstr([1, 2, NULL, 3, 4], [2,3])` will return `0`. However, `hasSubstr([1, 2, NULL, 3, 4], [2,NULL,3])` will return `1`
Returns the number of elements for which `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])` returns something other than 0. If `func` is not specified, it returns the number of non-zero elements in the array.
Note that the `arrayCount` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
In this example, Reaches is the number of conversions (the strings received after applying ARRAY JOIN), and Hits is the number of pageviews (strings before ARRAY JOIN). In this particular case, you can get the same result in an easier way:
In this example, each goal ID has a calculation of the number of conversions (each element in the Goals nested data structure is a goal that was reached, which we refer to as a conversion) and the number of sessions. Without ARRAY JOIN, we would have counted the number of sessions as sum(Sign). But in this particular case, the rows were multiplied by the nested Goals structure, so in order to count each session one time after this, we apply a condition to the value of the arrayEnumerateUniq(Goals.ID) function.
The arrayEnumerateUniq function can take multiple arrays of the same size as arguments. In this case, uniqueness is considered for tuples of elements in the same positions in all the arrays.
-`single_value`– A single value. Only numbers can be added to an array with numbers, and only strings can be added to an array of strings. When adding numbers, ClickHouse automatically sets the `single_value` type for the data type of the array. For more information about the types of data in ClickHouse, see “[Data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/”. Can be `NULL`. The function adds a `NULL` element to an array, and the type of array elements converts to `Nullable`.
-`single_value`– A single value. Only numbers can be added to an array with numbers, and only strings can be added to an array of strings. When adding numbers, ClickHouse automatically sets the `single_value` type for the data type of the array. For more information about the types of data in ClickHouse, see “[Data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/”. Can be `NULL`. The function adds a `NULL` element to an array, and the type of array elements converts to `Nullable`.
- If `size` is less than the original size of the array, the array is truncated from the right.
- If `size` is larger than the initial size of the array, the array is extended to the right with `extender` values or default values for the data type of the array items.
-`extender` — Value for extending an array. Can be `NULL`.
-`offset`– Indent from the edge of the array. A positive value indicates an offset on the left, and a negative value is an indent on the right. Numbering of the array items begins with 1.
-`length`– The length of the required slice. If you specify a negative value, the function returns an open slice `[offset, array_length - length]`. If you omit the value, the function returns the slice `[offset, the_end_of_array]`.
Sorts the elements of the `arr` array in ascending order. If the `func` function is specified, sorting order is determined by the result of the `func` function applied to the elements of the array. If `func` accepts multiple arguments, the `arraySort` function is passed several arrays that the arguments of `func` will correspond to. Detailed examples are shown at the end of `arraySort` description.
Note that `arraySort` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument. In this case, sorting order is determined by the result of the lambda function applied to the elements of the array.
For each element of the source array, the lambda function returns the sorting key, that is, \[1 –\> -1, 2 –\> -2, 3 –\> -3\]. Since the `arraySort` function sorts the keys in ascending order, the result is \[3, 2, 1\]. Thus, the `(x) –> -x` lambda function sets the [descending order](#array_functions-reverse-sort) in a sorting.
The lambda function can accept multiple arguments. In this case, you need to pass the `arraySort` function several arrays of identical length that the arguments of lambda function will correspond to. The resulting array will consist of elements from the first input array; elements from the next input array(s) specify the sorting keys. For example:
Here, the elements that are passed in the second array (\[2, 1\]) define a sorting key for the corresponding element from the source array (\[‘hello’, ‘world’\]), that is, \[‘hello’–\> 2, ‘world’–\> 1\]. Since the lambda function does not use `x`, actual values of the source array do not affect the order in the result. So, ‘hello’ will be the second element in the result, and ‘world’ will be the first.
Same as `arraySort` with additional `limit` argument allowing partial sorting. Returns an array of the same size as the original array where elements in range `[1..limit]` are sorted in ascending order. Remaining elements `(limit..N]` shall contain elements in unspecified order.
Sorts the elements of the `arr` array in descending order. If the `func` function is specified, `arr` is sorted according to the result of the `func` function applied to the elements of the array, and then the sorted array is reversed. If `func` accepts multiple arguments, the `arrayReverseSort` function is passed several arrays that the arguments of `func` will correspond to. Detailed examples are shown at the end of `arrayReverseSort` description.
Note that the `arrayReverseSort` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument. Example is shown below.
1. At first, the source array (\[1, 2, 3\]) is sorted according to the result of the lambda function applied to the elements of the array. The result is an array \[3, 2, 1\].
2. Array that is obtained on the previous step, is reversed. So, the final result is \[1, 2, 3\].
The lambda function can accept multiple arguments. In this case, you need to pass the `arrayReverseSort` function several arrays of identical length that the arguments of lambda function will correspond to. The resulting array will consist of elements from the first input array; elements from the next input array(s) specify the sorting keys. For example:
1. At first, the source array (\[‘hello’, ‘world’\]) is sorted according to the result of the lambda function applied to the elements of the arrays. The elements that are passed in the second array (\[2, 1\]), define the sorting keys for corresponding elements from the source array. The result is an array \[‘world’, ‘hello’\].
2. Array that was sorted on the previous step, is reversed. So, the final result is \[‘hello’, ‘world’\].
Same as `arrayReverseSort` with additional `limit` argument allowing partial sorting. Returns an array of the same size as the original array where elements in range `[1..limit]` are sorted in descending order. Remaining elements `(limit..N]` shall contain elements in unspecified order.
Calculates an array of differences between adjacent array elements. The first element of the result array will be 0, the second `a[1] - a[0]`, the third `a[2] - a[1]`, etc. The type of elements in the result array is determined by the type inference rules for subtraction (e.g. `UInt8` - `UInt8` = `Int16`).
Applies an aggregate function to array elements and returns its result. The name of the aggregation function is passed as a string in single quotes `'max'`, `'sum'`. When using parametric aggregate functions, the parameter is indicated after the function name in parentheses `'uniqUpTo(6)'`.
Applies an aggregate function to array elements in given ranges and returns an array containing the result corresponding to each range. The function will return the same result as multiple `arrayReduce(agg_func, arraySlice(arr1, index, length), ...)`.
-`agg_func` — The name of an aggregate function which should be a constant [string](../../sql-reference/data-types/
-`ranges` — The ranges to aggretate which should be an [array](../../sql-reference/data-types/ of [tuples](../../sql-reference/data-types/ which containing the index and the length of each range.
-`arr` — Any number of [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/ type columns as the parameters of the aggregation function.
Combines multiple arrays into a single array. The resulting array contains the corresponding elements of the source arrays grouped into tuples in the listed order of arguments.
- Array with elements from the source arrays grouped into [tuples](../../sql-reference/data-types/ Data types in the tuple are the same as types of the input arrays and in the same order as arrays are passed.
Calculate AUC (Area Under the Curve, which is a concept in machine learning, see more details: <>).
Returns an array obtained from the original arrays by application of `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])` for each element. Arrays `arr1` … `arrN` must have the same number of elements.
The following example shows how to create a tuple of elements from different arrays:
``` sql
SELECT arrayMap((x, y) -> (x, y), [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) AS res
``` text
│ [(1,4),(2,5),(3,6)] │
Note that the `arrayMap` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
SELECT arrayFilter(x -> x LIKE '%World%', ['Hello', 'abc World']) AS res
``` text
│ ['abc World'] │
``` sql
(i, x) -> x LIKE '%World%',
['Hello', 'abc World'] AS arr)
AS res
``` text
│ [2] │
Note that the `arrayFilter` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Scan through `arr1` from the first element to the last element and replace `arr1[i]` by `arr1[i - 1]` if `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])` returns 0. The first element of `arr1` will not be replaced.
SELECT arrayFill(x -> not isNull(x), [1, null, 3, 11, 12, null, null, 5, 6, 14, null, null]) AS res
``` text
│ [1,1,3,11,12,12,12,5,6,14,14,14] │
Note that the `arrayFill` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Scan through `arr1` from the last element to the first element and replace `arr1[i]` by `arr1[i + 1]` if `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])` returns 0. The last element of `arr1` will not be replaced.
Note that the `arrayReverseFill` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Split `arr1` into multiple arrays. When `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])` returns something other than 0, the array will be split on the left hand side of the element. The array will not be split before the first element.
SELECT arraySplit((x, y) -> y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) AS res
``` text
│ [[1,2,3],[4,5]] │
Note that the `arraySplit` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Split `arr1` into multiple arrays. When `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])` returns something other than 0, the array will be split on the right hand side of the element. The array will not be split after the last element.
SELECT arrayReverseSplit((x, y) -> y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) AS res
``` text
│ [[1],[2,3,4],[5]] │
Note that the `arrayReverseSplit` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Note that the `arrayExists` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Note that the `arrayAll` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Note that the `arrayFirst` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Note that the `arrayLast` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Note that the `arrayFirstIndex` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Note that the `arrayLastIndex` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it can’t be omitted.
Note that the `arrayMin` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Note that the `arrayMax` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Note that the `arraySum` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Type: for decimal numbers in source array (or for converted values, if `func` is specified) — [Decimal128](../../sql-reference/data-types/, for floating point numbers — [Float64](../../sql-reference/data-types/, for numeric unsigned — [UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/, and for numeric signed — [Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/
Note that the `arrayAvg` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Returns an array of the partial (running) sums of the elements in the source array `arr1`. If `func` is specified, then the sum is computed from applying `func` to `arr1`, `arr2`, ..., `arrN`, i.e. `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])`.
Note that the `arrayCumSum` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
Same as `arrayCumSum`, returns an array of the partial (running) sums of the elements in the source array. If `func` is specified, then the sum is computed from applying `func` to `arr1`, `arr2`, ..., `arrN`, i.e. `func(arr1[i], …, arrN[i])`. Unlike `arrayCumSum`, if the current running sum is smaller than `0`, it is replaced by `0`.
Note that the `arraySumNonNegative` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.