- Atomic: an INSERT succeeds or is rejected as a whole: if a confirmation is sent to the client, then all rows were inserted; if an error is sent to the client, then no rows were inserted.
- Consistent: if there are no table constraints violated, then all rows in an INSERT are inserted and the INSERT succeeds; if constraints are violated, then no rows are inserted.
- Isolated: concurrent clients observe a consistent snapshot of the table–the state of the table either as it was before the INSERT attempt, or after the successful INSERT; no partial state is seen
- Durable: a successful INSERT is written to the filesystem before answering to the client, on a single replica or multiple replicas (controlled by the `insert_quorum` setting), and ClickHouse can ask the OS to sync the filesystem data on the storage media (controlled by the `fsync_after_insert` setting).
- INSERT into multiple tables with one statement is possible if materialized views are involved (the INSERT from the client is to a table which has associate materialized views).
- INSERT into Distributed table is not transactional as a whole, while insertion into every shard is transactional
## Case 4: Using a Buffer table
- insert into Buffer tables is neither atomic nor isolated nor consistent nor durable
## Case 5: Using async_insert
Same as Case 1 above, with this detail:
- atomicity is ensured even if `async_insert` is enabled and `wait_for_async_insert` is set to 1 (the default), but if `wait_for_async_insert` is set to 0, then atomicity is not ensured.
- rows inserted from the client in some data format are packed into a single block when:
- the insert format is row-based (like CSV, TSV, Values, JSONEachRow, etc) and the data contains less then `max_insert_block_size` rows (~1 000 000 by default) or less then `min_chunk_bytes_for_parallel_parsing` bytes (10 MB by default) in case of parallel parsing is used (enabled by default)
- the insert format is column-based (like Native, Parquet, ORC, etc) and the data contains only one block of data
- the size of the inserted block in general may depend on many settings (for example: `max_block_size`, `max_insert_block_size`, `min_insert_block_size_rows`, `min_insert_block_size_bytes`, `preferred_block_size_bytes`, etc)
- if the client did not receive an answer from the server, the client does not know if the transaction succeeded, and it can repeat the transaction, using exactly-once insertion properties
- ClickHouse is using MVCC with snapshot isolation internally
- all ACID properties are valid even in the case of server kill/crash
- either insert_quorum into different AZ or fsync should be enabled to ensure durable inserts in the typical setup
- "consistency" in ACID terms does not cover the semantics of distributed systems, see https://jepsen.io/consistency which is controlled by different settings (select_sequential_consistency)
- this explanation does not cover a new transactions feature that allow to have full-featured transactions over multiple tables, materialized views, for multiple SELECTs, etc. (see the next section on Transactions, Commit, and Rollback)
In addition to the functionality described at the top of this document, ClickHouse has experimental support for transactions, commits, and rollback functionality.
### Requirements
- Deploy ClickHouse Keeper or ZooKeeper to track transactions
- Atomic DB only (Default)
- Non-Replicated MergeTree table engine only
- Enable experimental transaction support by adding this setting in `config.d/transactions.xml`:
- If an exception occurs during a transaction, you cannot commit the transaction. This includes all exceptions, including `UNKNOWN_FUNCTION` exceptions caused by typos.
See the [deployment](docs/en/deployment-guides/terminology.md) documentation for details on deploying ClickHouse server and a proper quorum of ClickHouse Keeper nodes. The configuration shown here is for experimental purposes.
Issue a `BEGIN TRANSACTION` or `START TRANSACTION` followed by a `ROLLBACK` to verify that experimental transactions are enabled, and that ClickHouse Keeper is enabled as it is used to track transactions.
If you see the following error, then check your configuration file to make sure that `allow_experimental_transactions` is set to `1` (or any value other than `0` or `false`).
Code: 48. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000.
See this [meta issue](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/48794) to find much more extensive tests and to keep up to date with the progress.