
55 lines
1.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-02-19 20:51:44 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package parquet_create_table_columns;
use strict;
no warnings 'experimental';
use feature 'signatures';
use JSON::XS;
#use Data::Dumper;
sub file_read($file) {
open my $f, '<', $file or return;
local $/ = undef;
my $ret = <$f>;
close $f;
return $ret;
our $type_parquet_logical_to_clickhouse = {
DECIMAL => 'Decimal128(1)',
our $type_parquet_physical_to_clickhouse = {
BOOLEAN => 'UInt8',
INT32 => 'Int32',
INT64 => 'Int64',
FLOAT => 'Float32',
DOUBLE => 'Float64',
BYTE_ARRAY => 'String',
FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY => 'String', # Maybe FixedString?
INT96 => 'Int64', # TODO!
sub columns ($json) {
my @list;
my %uniq;
for my $column (@{$json->{Columns}}) {
#warn Data::Dumper::Dumper $column;
my $name = $column->{'Name'};
my $type = $type_parquet_logical_to_clickhouse->{$column->{'LogicalType'}} || $type_parquet_physical_to_clickhouse->{$column->{'PhysicalType'}};
unless ($type) {
warn "Unknown type [$column->{'PhysicalType'}:$column->{'LogicalType'}] of column [$name]";
$type = "Nullable($type)";
$name .= $column->{'Id'} if $uniq{$name}++; # Names can be non-unique
push @list, {name => $name, type => $type};
print join ', ', map {"$_->{name} $_->{type}"} @list;
sub columns_file ($file) {
return columns(JSON::XS::decode_json(file_read($file)));
columns_file(shift) unless caller;