change tests

This commit is contained in:
Han Fei 2023-02-15 11:42:15 +01:00
parent 937fade982
commit 051f551b6e
3 changed files with 20 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ select * from (select * from tab where (a + b) * c = 8 union all select * from t
select * from (explain plan actions = 1 select * from (select * from tab where (a + b) * c = 8 union all select * from tab3 where (a + b) * c = 18) order by sin(a / b)) where explain like '%sort description%' or explain like '%ReadType%';
Prefix sort description: sin(divide(a, b)) ASC
Result sort description: sin(divide(a, b)) ASC
ReadType: InOrder
ReadType: InOrder
ReadType: InOrder
ReadType: InOrder
select * from (select * from tab where (a + b) * c = 8 union all select * from tab4) order by sin(a / b);
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ select * from (select * from tab where (a + b) * c = 8 union all select * from t
select * from (explain plan actions = 1 select * from (select * from tab where (a + b) * c = 8 union all select * from tab4) order by sin(a / b)) where explain like '%sort description%' or explain like '%ReadType%';
Prefix sort description: sin(divide(a, b)) ASC
Result sort description: sin(divide(a, b)) ASC
ReadType: InOrder
ReadType: InOrder
ReadType: InOrder
select * from (select * from tab union all select * from tab5) order by (a + b) * c;
0 0 0 0
@ -403,3 +403,8 @@ select * from (explain plan actions = 1 select * from (select * from tab union a
Sort description: multiply(plus(a, b), c) ASC, sin(divide(a, b)) ASC, d ASC
Limit 3
ReadType: Default
drop table if exists tab;
drop table if exists tab2;
drop table if exists tab3;
drop table if exists tab4;
drop table if exists tab5;

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@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
SET optimize_read_in_order = 1, query_plan_read_in_order=1;
drop table if exists tab;
drop table if exists tab2;
drop table if exists tab3;
drop table if exists tab4;
drop table if exists tab5;
create table tab (a UInt32, b UInt32, c UInt32, d UInt32) engine = MergeTree order by ((a + b) * c, sin(a / b));
insert into tab select number, number, number, number from numbers(5);
insert into tab select number, number, number, number from numbers(5);
@ -142,3 +148,9 @@ select * from (explain plan actions = 1 select * from (select * from tab union a
-- In case of tab4, we do full sorting by ((a + b) * c, sin(a / b), d) with LIMIT. We can replace it to sorting by ((a + b) * c, sin(a / b)) and LIMIT WITH TIES, when sorting alog support it.
select * from (select * from tab union all select * from tab5 union all select * from tab4) order by (a + b) * c, sin(a / b), d limit 3;
select * from (explain plan actions = 1 select * from (select * from tab union all select * from tab5 union all select * from tab4) order by (a + b) * c, sin(a / b), d limit 3) where explain ilike '%sort description%' or explain like '%ReadType%' or explain like '%Limit%';
drop table if exists tab;
drop table if exists tab2;
drop table if exists tab3;
drop table if exists tab4;
drop table if exists tab5;

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@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ MergeTreeThread
Sorting (Stream): a ASC, b ASC
Sorting (Stream): a ASC, b ASC
Sorting (Stream): a ASC, b ASC
Sorting (Stream): a ASC, b ASC
-- check that reading in order optimization for ORDER BY and DISTINCT applied correctly in the same query
-- disabled, check that sorting description for ReadFromMergeTree match ORDER BY columns
Sorting (Stream): a ASC