dbms: development [#CONV-2944].

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Milovidov 2011-10-10 06:10:49 +00:00
parent b27f904bd3
commit 0aa5f24113
3 changed files with 465 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -19,17 +19,16 @@ namespace DB
/** Функции работы со строками:
* length, concat, substring, left, right, insert, replace, lower, upper, repeat, reverse,
* escape, quote, strcmp, trim, trimLeft, trimRight, pad, padLeft
* length, concat, substring, left, right, insert, replace, lower, upper, reverse,
* escape, quote, unescape, unquote, trim, trimLeft, trimRight, pad, padLeft
* lengthUTF8, substringUTF8, leftUTF8, rightUTF8, insertUTF8, replaceUTF8, lowerUTF8, upperUTF8, reverseUTF8,
* padUTF8, padLeftUTF8.
* s -> UInt64: length, lengthUTF8
* s -> s: lower, upper, lowerUTF8, upperUTF8, reverse, reverseUTF8, escape, quote, trim, trimLeft, trimRight
* s, s -> Int8: strcmp
* s -> s: lower, upper, lowerUTF8, upperUTF8, reverse, reverseUTF8, escape, quote, unescape, unquote, trim, trimLeft, trimRight
* s, s -> s: concat
* s, c1, c2 -> s: substring, substringUTF8, pad, padLeft, padUTF8, padLeftUTF8
* s, c1 -> s: substring, substringUTF8, left, right, leftUTF8, rightUTF8, repeat
* s, c1 -> s: substring, substringUTF8, left, right, leftUTF8, rightUTF8
* s, c1, s2 -> s: insert, insertUTF8
* s, c1, c2, s2 -> s: replace, replaceUTF8
@ -211,6 +210,325 @@ private:
/** Разворачивает строку в байтах.
struct ReverseImpl
static void vector(const std::vector<UInt8> & data, const std::vector<size_t> & offsets,
std::vector<UInt8> & res_data, std::vector<size_t> & res_offsets)
res_offsets = offsets;
size_t size = offsets.size();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (size_t j = prev_offset; j < offsets[i] - 1; ++j)
res_data[j] = data[offsets[i] + prev_offset - 2 - j];
res_data[offsets[i] - 1] = 0;
prev_offset = offsets[i];
static void vector_fixed(const std::vector<UInt8> & data, size_t n,
std::vector<UInt8> & res_data)
size_t size = data.size() / n;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (size_t j = i * n; j < (i + 1) * n; ++j)
res_data[j] = data[(i * 2 + 1) * n - j - 1];
static void constant(const std::string & data, std::string & res_data)
for (size_t j = 0; j < data.size(); ++j)
res_data[j] = data[data.size() - j - 1];
/** Разворачивает последовательность кодовых точек в строке в кодировке UTF-8.
* Результат может не соответствовать ожидаемому, так как модифицирующие кодовые точки (например, диакритика) могут примениться не к тем символам.
* Если строка не в кодировке UTF-8, то поведение не определено.
struct ReverseUTF8Impl
static void vector(const std::vector<UInt8> & data, const std::vector<size_t> & offsets,
std::vector<UInt8> & res_data, std::vector<size_t> & res_offsets)
res_offsets = offsets;
size_t size = offsets.size();
size_t prev_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t j = prev_offset;
while (j < offsets[i] - 1)
if (data[j] < 0xBF)
res_data[offsets[i] + prev_offset - 2 - j] = data[j];
j += 1;
else if (data[j] < 0xE0)
memcpy(&res_data[offsets[i] + prev_offset - 2 - j - 1], &data[j], 2);
j += 2;
else if (data[j] < 0xF0)
memcpy(&res_data[offsets[i] + prev_offset - 2 - j - 2], &data[j], 3);
j += 3;
res_data[offsets[i] + prev_offset - 2 - j] = data[j];
j += 1;
res_data[offsets[i] - 1] = 0;
prev_offset = offsets[i];
static void vector_fixed(const std::vector<UInt8> & data, size_t n,
std::vector<UInt8> & res_data)
throw Exception("Cannot apply function reverseUTF8 to fixed string.", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
static void constant(const std::string & data, std::string & res_data)
size_t j = 0;
while (j < data.size())
if (static_cast<unsigned char>(data[j]) < 0xBF)
res_data[data.size() - 1 - j] = data[j];
j += 1;
else if (static_cast<unsigned char>(data[j]) < 0xE0)
memcpy(&res_data[data.size() - 1 - j - 1], &data[j], 2);
j += 2;
else if (static_cast<unsigned char>(data[j]) < 0xF0)
memcpy(&res_data[data.size() - 1 - j - 2], &data[j], 3);
j += 3;
res_data[data.size() - 1 - j] = data[j];
j += 1;
/** Склеивает две строки.
struct ConcatImpl
static void vector_vector(
const std::vector<UInt8> & a_data, const std::vector<size_t> & a_offsets,
const std::vector<UInt8> & b_data, const std::vector<size_t> & b_offsets,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data, std::vector<size_t> & c_offsets)
size_t size = a_offsets.size();
c_data.resize(a_data.size() + b_data.size() - size);
size_t offset = 0;
size_t a_offset = 0;
size_t b_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &a_data[a_offset], a_offsets[i] - a_offset - 1);
offset += a_offsets[i] - a_offset - 1;
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &b_data[b_offset], b_offsets[i] - b_offset);
offset += b_offsets[i] - b_offset;
a_offset = a_offsets[i];
b_offset = b_offsets[i];
c_offsets[i] = offset;
static void vector_fixed_vector(
const std::vector<UInt8> & a_data, const std::vector<size_t> & a_offsets,
const std::vector<UInt8> & b_data, size_t b_n,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data, std::vector<size_t> & c_offsets)
size_t size = a_offsets.size();
c_data.resize(a_data.size() + b_data.size());
size_t offset = 0;
size_t a_offset = 0;
size_t b_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &a_data[a_offset], a_offsets[i] - a_offset - 1);
offset += a_offsets[i] - a_offset - 1;
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &b_data[b_offset], b_n);
offset += b_n;
c_data[offset] = 0;
offset += 1;
a_offset = a_offsets[i];
b_offset += b_n;
c_offsets[i] = offset;
static void vector_constant(
const std::vector<UInt8> & a_data, const std::vector<size_t> & a_offsets,
const std::string & b,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data, std::vector<size_t> & c_offsets)
size_t size = a_offsets.size();
c_data.resize(a_data.size() + b.size() * size);
c_offsets = a_offsets;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c_offsets[i] += b.size();
size_t offset = 0;
size_t a_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &a_data[a_offset], a_offsets[i] - a_offset - 1);
offset += a_offsets[i] - a_offset - 1;
memcpy(&c_data[offset], b.data(), b.size() + 1);
offset += b.size() + 1;
a_offset = a_offsets[i];
static void fixed_vector_vector(
const std::vector<UInt8> & a_data, size_t a_n,
const std::vector<UInt8> & b_data, const std::vector<size_t> & b_offsets,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data, std::vector<size_t> & c_offsets)
size_t size = b_offsets.size();
c_data.resize(a_data.size() + b_data.size());
size_t offset = 0;
size_t a_offset = 0;
size_t b_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &a_data[a_offset], a_n);
offset += a_n;
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &b_data[b_offset], b_offsets[i] - b_offset);
offset += b_offsets[i] - b_offset;
a_offset = a_n;
b_offset += b_offsets[i];
c_offsets[i] = offset;
static void fixed_vector_fixed_vector(
const std::vector<UInt8> & a_data, size_t a_n,
const std::vector<UInt8> & b_data, size_t b_n,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data)
size_t size = a_data.size() / a_n;
c_data.resize(a_data.size() + b_data.size());
size_t c_n = a_n + b_n;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[i * c_n], &a_data[i * a_n], a_n);
memcpy(&c_data[i * c_n + a_n], &b_data[i * b_n], b_n);
static void fixed_vector_constant(
const std::vector<UInt8> & a_data, size_t a_n,
const std::string & b,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data)
size_t size = a_data.size() / a_n;
size_t b_n = b.size();
size_t c_n = a_n + b_n;
c_data.resize(a_data.size() + size * b_n);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[i * c_n], &a_data[i * a_n], a_n);
memcpy(&c_data[i * c_n + a_n], b.data(), b_n);
static void constant_vector(
const std::string & a,
const std::vector<UInt8> & b_data, const std::vector<size_t> & b_offsets,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data, std::vector<size_t> & c_offsets)
size_t size = b_offsets.size();
c_data.resize(b_data.size() + a.size() * size);
c_offsets = b_offsets;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c_offsets[i] += a.size();
size_t offset = 0;
size_t b_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[offset], a.data(), a.size());
offset += a.size();
memcpy(&c_data[offset], &b_data[b_offset], b_offsets[i] - b_offset);
offset += b_offsets[i] - b_offset;
b_offset = b_offsets[i];
static void constant_fixed_vector(
const std::string & a,
const std::vector<UInt8> & b_data, size_t b_n,
std::vector<UInt8> & c_data)
size_t size = b_data.size() / b_n;
size_t a_n = a.size();
size_t c_n = a_n + b_n;
c_data.resize(size * a_n + b_data.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
memcpy(&c_data[i * c_n], a.data(), a_n);
memcpy(&c_data[i * c_n + a_n], &b_data[i * b_n], b_n);
static void constant_constant(
const std::string & a,
const std::string & b,
std::string & c)
c = a + b;
template <typename Impl, typename Name>
class FunctionStringToUInt64 : public IFunction
@ -346,12 +664,147 @@ public:
template <typename Impl, typename Name>
class FunctionStringStringToString : public IFunction
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return Name::get();
/// Получить тип результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ Poco::NumberFormatter::format(arguments.size()) + ", should be 2.",
if (!dynamic_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[0]) && !dynamic_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(&*arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of first argument of function " + getName(),
if (!dynamic_cast<const DataTypeString *>(&*arguments[1]) && !dynamic_cast<const DataTypeFixedString *>(&*arguments[1]))
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[1]->getName() + " of second argument of function " + getName(),
return new DataTypeString;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
IColumn * c0 = &*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column;
IColumn * c1 = &*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column;
ColumnString * c0_string = dynamic_cast<ColumnString *>(c0);
ColumnString * c1_string = dynamic_cast<ColumnString *>(c1);
ColumnFixedString * c0_fixed_string = dynamic_cast<ColumnFixedString *>(c0);
ColumnFixedString * c1_fixed_string = dynamic_cast<ColumnFixedString *>(c1);
ColumnConstString * c0_const = dynamic_cast<ColumnConstString *>(c0);
ColumnConstString * c1_const = dynamic_cast<ColumnConstString *>(c1);
/// Результат - const string
if (c0_const && c1_const)
ColumnConstString * c_res = new ColumnConstString(c0_const->size(), "");
block.getByPosition(result).column = c_res;
Impl::constant_constant(c0_const->getData(), c1_const->getData(), c_res->getData());
/// Результат - fixed string
if ((c0_fixed_string || c0_const) && (c1_fixed_string || c1_const))
if (c0_fixed_string && c1_fixed_string)
ColumnFixedString * c_res = new ColumnFixedString(c0_fixed_string->getN() + c1_fixed_string->getN());
block.getByPosition(result).column = c_res;
ColumnUInt8::Container_t & vec_res = dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c_res->getData()).getData();
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c0_fixed_string->getData()).getData(), c0_fixed_string->getN(),
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c1_fixed_string->getData()).getData(), c1_fixed_string->getN(),
else if (c0_fixed_string && c1_const)
ColumnFixedString * c_res = new ColumnFixedString(c0_fixed_string->getN() + c1_const->getData().size());
block.getByPosition(result).column = c_res;
ColumnUInt8::Container_t & vec_res = dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c_res->getData()).getData();
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c0_fixed_string->getData()).getData(), c0_fixed_string->getN(),
else if (c0_const && c1_fixed_string)
ColumnFixedString * c_res = new ColumnFixedString(c1_fixed_string->getN() + c0_const->getData().size());
block.getByPosition(result).column = c_res;
ColumnUInt8::Container_t & vec_res = dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c_res->getData()).getData();
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c1_fixed_string->getData()).getData(), c1_fixed_string->getN(),
else /// Результат - string
ColumnString * c_res = new ColumnString;
block.getByPosition(result).column = c_res;
ColumnUInt8::Container_t & vec_res = dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c_res->getData()).getData();
ColumnString::Offsets_t & offsets_res = c_res->getOffsets();
if (c0_string && c1_string)
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c0_string->getData()).getData(), c0_string->getOffsets(),
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c1_string->getData()).getData(), c1_string->getOffsets(),
vec_res, offsets_res);
else if (c0_string && c1_fixed_string)
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c0_string->getData()).getData(), c0_string->getOffsets(),
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c1_fixed_string->getData()).getData(), c1_fixed_string->getN(),
vec_res, offsets_res);
else if (c0_string && c1_const)
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c0_string->getData()).getData(), c0_string->getOffsets(),
vec_res, offsets_res);
else if (c0_fixed_string && c1_string)
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c0_fixed_string->getData()).getData(), c0_fixed_string->getN(),
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c1_string->getData()).getData(), c1_string->getOffsets(),
vec_res, offsets_res);
else if (c0_const && c1_string)
dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(c1_string->getData()).getData(), c1_string->getOffsets(),
vec_res, offsets_res);
throw Exception("Illegal columns "
+ block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName() + " and "
+ block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column->getName()
+ " of arguments of function " + getName(),
struct NameLength { static const char * get() { return "length"; } };
struct NameLengthUTF8 { static const char * get() { return "lengthUTF8"; } };
struct NameLower { static const char * get() { return "lower"; } };
struct NameUpper { static const char * get() { return "upper"; } };
struct NameLowerUTF8 { static const char * get() { return "lowerUTF8"; } };
struct NameUpperUTF8 { static const char * get() { return "upperUTF8"; } };
struct NameReverse { static const char * get() { return "reverse"; } };
struct NameReverseUTF8 { static const char * get() { return "reverseUTF8"; } };
struct NameConcat { static const char * get() { return "concat"; } };
typedef FunctionStringToUInt64<LengthImpl, NameLength> FunctionLength;
typedef FunctionStringToUInt64<LengthUTF8Impl, NameLengthUTF8> FunctionLengthUTF8;
@ -359,6 +812,9 @@ typedef FunctionStringToString<LowerUpperImpl<tolower>, NameLower> FunctionL
typedef FunctionStringToString<LowerUpperImpl<toupper>, NameUpper> FunctionUpper;
typedef FunctionStringToString<LowerUpperUTF8Impl<Poco::Unicode::toLower>, NameLowerUTF8> FunctionLowerUTF8;
typedef FunctionStringToString<LowerUpperUTF8Impl<Poco::Unicode::toUpper>, NameUpperUTF8> FunctionUpperUTF8;
typedef FunctionStringToString<ReverseImpl, NameReverse> FunctionReverse;
typedef FunctionStringToString<ReverseUTF8Impl, NameReverseUTF8> FunctionReverseUTF8;
typedef FunctionStringStringToString<ConcatImpl, NameConcat> FunctionConcat;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
@ -204,5 +203,3 @@ inline void writeDateTimeText(time_t datetime, WriteBuffer & buf)

View File

@ -137,6 +137,9 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
(*context.functions)["upper"] = new DB::FunctionUpper;
(*context.functions)["lowerUTF8"] = new DB::FunctionLowerUTF8;
(*context.functions)["upperUTF8"] = new DB::FunctionUpperUTF8;
(*context.functions)["reverse"] = new DB::FunctionReverse;
(*context.functions)["reverseUTF8"] = new DB::FunctionReverseUTF8;
(*context.functions)["concat"] = new DB::FunctionConcat;
context.aggregate_function_factory = new DB::AggregateFunctionFactory;