No idea why nobody noticed this before, but it was completely not clear whet to get the data

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Blinkov 2017-06-19 12:41:30 +03:00
parent 9988cc0b98
commit 18dd8e2de2

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@ -402,16 +402,17 @@ ENGINE = MergeTree(FlightDate, (Year, FlightDate), 8192);
We store ad network banners impressions logs in ClickHouse. Each table entry looks like:
<pre>[Advertiser ID, Impression ID, attribute1, attribute2, &hellip;]</pre>
[Advertiser ID, Impression ID, attribute1, attribute2, &hellip;].
Let assume that our aim is to provide a set of reports for each advertiser. Common and frequently demanded query
would be to count impressions for a specific Advertiser ID. This means that table primary key should start with
<pre>Advertiser ID</pre>. In this case ClickHouse needs to read smaller amount of data to perform the query for a
<pre>Advertiser ID</pre>.
Advertiser ID. In this case ClickHouse needs to read smaller amount of data to perform the query for a
given Advertiser ID.
<h3>Load data</h3>
<pre>xz -v -c -d &lt; ontime.csv.xz | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO ontime FORMAT CSV"</pre>
<p>Download <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>, then feed it's contents to clickhouse-client:</p>
<pre>unzip -cq | sed -e 's/\.00//g' | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO ontime FORMAT CSVWithNames"</pre>
<p>ClickHouse INSERT query allows to load data in any <a href="docs/en/formats/index.html">supported
format</a>. Data load requires just O(1) RAM consumption. INSERT query can receive any data volume as input.
It's strongly recommended to insert data with <a