ShardPartitionPiece task added

This commit is contained in:
Nikita Mikhaylov 2020-02-11 21:34:48 +03:00
parent b481682a1e
commit 22789a3b55
7 changed files with 2052 additions and 1957 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
set(CLICKHOUSE_COPIER_LINK PRIVATE clickhouse_common_zookeeper clickhouse_parsers clickhouse_functions clickhouse_table_functions clickhouse_aggregate_functions clickhouse_dictionaries string_utils ${Poco_XML_LIBRARY} PUBLIC daemon)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
#include "ClusterCopierApp.h"
#include "ClusterCopier.h"
namespace DB
/// ClusterCopierApp
void ClusterCopierApp::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self)
is_help = config().has("help");
if (is_help)
config_xml_path = config().getString("config-file");
task_path = config().getString("task-path");
log_level = config().getString("log-level", "trace");
is_safe_mode = config().has("safe-mode");
if (config().has("copy-fault-probability"))
copy_fault_probability = std::max(std::min(config().getDouble("copy-fault-probability"), 1.0), 0.0);
base_dir = (config().has("base-dir")) ? config().getString("base-dir") : Poco::Path::current();
// process_id is '<hostname>#<start_timestamp>_<pid>'
time_t timestamp = Poco::Timestamp().epochTime();
auto curr_pid = Poco::Process::id();
process_id = std::to_string(DateLUT::instance().toNumYYYYMMDDhhmmss(timestamp)) + "_" + std::to_string(curr_pid);
host_id = escapeForFileName(getFQDNOrHostName()) + '#' + process_id;
process_path = Poco::Path(base_dir + "/clickhouse-copier_" + process_id).absolute().toString();
/// Override variables for BaseDaemon
if (config().has("log-level"))
config().setString("logger.level", config().getString("log-level"));
if (config().has("base-dir") || !config().has("logger.log"))
config().setString("logger.log", process_path + "/log.log");
if (config().has("base-dir") || !config().has("logger.errorlog"))
config().setString("logger.errorlog", process_path + "/log.err.log");
void ClusterCopierApp::handleHelp(const std::string &, const std::string &)
Poco::Util::HelpFormatter helpFormatter(options());
helpFormatter.setHeader("Copies tables from one cluster to another");
helpFormatter.setUsage("--config-file <config-file> --task-path <task-path>");
void ClusterCopierApp::defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options)
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("task-path", "", "path to task in ZooKeeper")
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("task-file", "", "path to task file for uploading in ZooKeeper to task-path")
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("task-upload-force", "", "Force upload task-file even node already exists")
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("safe-mode", "", "disables ALTER DROP PARTITION in case of errors")
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("copy-fault-probability", "", "the copying fails with specified probability (used to test partition state recovering)")
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("log-level", "", "sets log level")
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("base-dir", "", "base directory for copiers, consecutive copier launches will populate /base-dir/launch_id/* directories")
using Me = std::decay_t<decltype(*this)>;
options.addOption(Poco::Util::Option("help", "", "produce this help message").binding("help")
.callback(Poco::Util::OptionCallback<Me>(this, &Me::handleHelp)));
void ClusterCopierApp::mainImpl()
StatusFile status_file(process_path + "/status");
ThreadStatus thread_status;
auto log = &logger();
LOG_INFO(log, "Starting clickhouse-copier ("
<< "id " << process_id << ", "
<< "host_id " << host_id << ", "
<< "path " << process_path << ", "
<< "revision " << ClickHouseRevision::get() << ")");
auto context = std::make_unique<Context>(Context::createGlobal());
static const std::string default_database = "_local";
context->addDatabase(default_database, std::make_shared<DatabaseMemory>(default_database));
/// Initialize query scope just in case.
CurrentThread::QueryScope query_scope(*context);
auto copier = std::make_unique<ClusterCopier>(task_path, host_id, default_database, *context);
auto task_file = config().getString("task-file", "");
if (!task_file.empty())
copier->uploadTaskDescription(task_path, task_file, config().getBool("task-upload-force", false));
/// Reset ZooKeeper before removing ClusterCopier.
/// Otherwise zookeeper watch can call callback which use already removed ClusterCopier object.
int ClusterCopierApp::main(const std::vector<std::string> &)
if (is_help)
return 0;
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(&Poco::Logger::root(), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
auto code = getCurrentExceptionCode();
return (code) ? code : -1;
return 0;
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations"
int mainEntryClickHouseClusterCopier(int argc, char ** argv)
DB::ClusterCopierApp app;
return, argv);
catch (...)
std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << "\n";
auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode();
return (code) ? code : -1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#pragma once
#include <Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h>
#include <daemon/BaseDaemon.h>
/* clickhouse cluster copier util
* Copies tables data from one cluster to new tables of other (possibly the same) cluster in distributed fault-tolerant manner.
* See overview in the docs: docs/en/utils/
* Implementation details:
* cluster-copier workers pull each partition of each shard of the source cluster and push it to the destination cluster through
* Distributed table (to preform data resharding). So, worker job is a partition of a source shard.
* A job has three states: Active, Finished and Abandoned. Abandoned means that worker died and did not finish the job.
* If an error occurred during the copying (a worker failed or a worker did not finish the INSERT), then the whole partition (on
* all destination servers) should be dropped and refilled. So, copying entity is a partition of all destination shards.
* If a failure is detected a special /is_dirty node is created in ZooKeeper signalling that other workers copying the same partition
* should stop, after a refilling procedure should start.
* ZooKeeper task node has the following structure:
* /task/path_root - path passed in --task-path parameter
* /description - contains user-defined XML config of the task
* /task_active_workers - contains ephemeral nodes of all currently active workers, used to implement max_workers limitation
* /server_fqdn#PID_timestamp - cluster-copier worker ID
* ...
* /tables - directory with table tasks
* /cluster.db.table1 - directory of table_hits task
* /partition1 - directory for partition1
* /shards - directory for source cluster shards
* /1 - worker job for the first shard of partition1 of table test.hits
* Contains info about current status (Active or Finished) and worker ID.
* /2
* ...
* /partition_active_workers
* /1 - for each job in /shards a corresponding ephemeral node created in /partition_active_workers
* It is used to detect Abandoned jobs (if there is Active node in /shards and there is no node in
* /partition_active_workers).
* Also, it is used to track active workers in the partition (when we need to refill the partition we do
* not DROP PARTITION while there are active workers)
* /2
* ...
* /is_dirty - the node is set if some worker detected that an error occurred (the INSERT is failed or an Abandoned node is
* detected). If the node appeared workers in this partition should stop and start cleaning and refilling
* partition procedure.
* During this procedure a single 'cleaner' worker is selected. The worker waits for stopping all partition
* workers, removes /shards node, executes DROP PARTITION on each destination node and removes /is_dirty node.
* /cleaner- An ephemeral node used to select 'cleaner' worker. Contains ID of the worker.
* /cluster.db.table2
* ...
namespace DB
class ClusterCopierApp : public BaseDaemon
void initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) override;
void handleHelp(const std::string &, const std::string &);
void defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options) override;
int main(const std::vector<std::string> &) override;
using Base = BaseDaemon;
void mainImpl();
std::string config_xml_path;
std::string task_path;
std::string log_level = "trace";
bool is_safe_mode = false;
double copy_fault_probability = 0;
bool is_help = false;
std::string base_dir;
std::string process_path;
std::string process_id;
std::string host_id;

View File

@ -148,12 +148,14 @@ struct TaskStateWithOwner
/// Hierarchical description of the tasks
struct ShardPartitionPiece;
struct ShardPartition;
struct TaskShard;
struct TaskTable;
struct TaskCluster;
struct ClusterPartition;
using PartitionPieces = std::vector<ShardPartitionPiece>;
using TasksPartition = std::map<String, ShardPartition, std::greater<>>;
using ShardInfo = Cluster::ShardInfo;
using TaskShardPtr = std::shared_ptr<TaskShard>;
@ -162,22 +164,59 @@ using TasksTable = std::list<TaskTable>;
using ClusterPartitions = std::map<String, ClusterPartition, std::greater<>>;
struct ShardPartitionPiece
ShardPartitionPiece(ShardPartition & parent, size_t current_piece_number_, bool is_absent_piece_)
: is_absent_piece(is_absent_piece_)
, current_piece_number(current_piece_number_)
, shard_partition(parent) {}
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPiecePath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPieceCleanStartPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
[[maybe_unused]] String getCommonPartitionPieceIsDirtyPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
[[maybe_unused]] String getCommonPartitionPieceIsCleanedPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPieceActiveWorkersPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
[[maybe_unused]] String getActiveWorkerPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
/// On what shards do we have current partition.
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPieceShardsPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
[[maybe_unused]] String getShardStatusPath() const {return "Not implemented.";}
bool is_absent_piece;
const size_t current_piece_number;
ShardPartition & shard_partition;
/// Just destination partition of a shard
/// I don't know what this comment means.
/// In short, when we discovered what shards contain currently processing partition,
/// This class describes a partition (name) that is stored on the shard (parent).
struct ShardPartition
ShardPartition(TaskShard & parent, String name_quoted_) : task_shard(parent), name(std::move(name_quoted_)) {}
ShardPartition(TaskShard & parent, String name_quoted_, size_t number_of_splits = 10)
: task_shard(parent)
, name(std::move(name_quoted_))
{ pieces.reserve(number_of_splits); }
String getPartitionPath() const;
String getPartitionCleanStartPath() const;
String getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath() const;
String getCommonPartitionIsCleanedPath() const;
String getPartitionActiveWorkersPath() const;
String getActiveWorkerPath() const;
String getPartitionShardsPath() const;
String getShardStatusPath() const;
/*useful*/ String getPartitionPath() const;
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPiecePath(size_t current_piece_number) const;
/*useful*/ String getPartitionCleanStartPath() const;
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPieceCleanStartPath(size_t current_piece_number) const;
/*useful*/ String getCommonPartitionIsDirtyPath() const;
/*useful*/ String getCommonPartitionIsCleanedPath() const;
/*??????*/ String getPartitionActiveWorkersPath() const;
/*??????*/ String getActiveWorkerPath() const;
/*useful*/ String getPartitionShardsPath() const;
/*useful*/ String getShardStatusPath() const;
/// What partition pieces are present in current shard.
/// FYI: Piece is a part of partition which has modulo equals to concrete constant (less than number_of_splits obliously)
/// For example SELECT ... from ... WHERE partition=current_partition AND cityHash64(*) == const;
/// Absent pieces have field is_absent_piece equals to true.
PartitionPieces pieces;
TaskShard & task_shard;
String name;
@ -255,7 +294,7 @@ struct TaskTable
TaskCluster & task_cluster;
String getPartitionPath(const String & partition_name) const;
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPathWithPieceNumber(const String & partition_name, size_t current_piece_number) const;
[[maybe_unused]] String getPartitionPiecePath(const String & partition_name, size_t current_piece_number) const;
String getPartitionIsDirtyPath(const String & partition_name) const;
String getPartitionIsCleanedPath(const String & partition_name) const;
String getPartitionTaskStatusPath(const String & partition_name) const;
@ -422,8 +461,9 @@ String TaskTable::getPartitionPath(const String & partition_name) const
+ "/" + escapeForFileName(partition_name); // 201701
String TaskTable::getPartitionPathWithPieceNumber(const String & partition_name, size_t current_piece_number) const
String TaskTable::getPartitionPiecePath(const String & partition_name, size_t current_piece_number) const
assert(current_piece_number < number_of_splits);
return getPartitionPath(partition_name) + "/" + std::to_string(current_piece_number); // 1...number_of_splits
@ -432,11 +472,23 @@ String ShardPartition::getPartitionCleanStartPath() const
return getPartitionPath() + "/clean_start";
String ShardPartition::getPartitionPieceCleanStartPath(size_t current_piece_number) const
assert(current_piece_number < task_shard.task_table.number_of_splits);
return getPartitionPiecePath(current_piece_number) + "/clean_start";
String ShardPartition::getPartitionPath() const
return task_shard.task_table.getPartitionPath(name);
String ShardPartition::getPartitionPiecePath(size_t current_piece_number) const
assert(current_piece_number < task_shard.task_table.number_of_splits);
return task_shard.task_table.getPartitionPiecePath(name, current_piece_number);
String ShardPartition::getShardStatusPath() const
// schema: /<root...>/tables/<table>/<partition>/shards/<shard>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
#pragma once
/** Allows to compare two incremental counters of type UInt32 in presence of possible overflow.
* We assume that we compare values that are not too far away.
* For example, when we increment 0xFFFFFFFF, we get 0. So, 0xFFFFFFFF is less than 0.
class WrappingUInt32
UInt32 value;
explicit WrappingUInt32(UInt32 _value)
: value(_value)
bool operator<(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const
return value != other.value && *this <= other;
bool operator<=(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const
const UInt32 HALF = 1 << 31;
return (value <= other.value && other.value - value < HALF)
|| (value > other.value && value - other.value > HALF);
bool operator==(const WrappingUInt32 & other) const
return value == other.value;
/** Conforming Zxid definition.
* cf.
* But it is better to read this:
* Actually here is the definition of Zxid.
* Every change to the ZooKeeper state receives a stamp in the form of a zxid (ZooKeeper Transaction Id).
* This exposes the total ordering of all changes to ZooKeeper. Each change will have a unique zxid
* and if zxid1 is smaller than zxid2 then zxid1 happened before zxid2.
class Zxid
WrappingUInt32 epoch;
WrappingUInt32 counter;
explicit Zxid(UInt64 _zxid)
: epoch(_zxid >> 32)
, counter(_zxid)
bool operator<=(const Zxid & other) const
return (epoch < other.epoch)
|| (epoch == other.epoch && counter <= other.counter);
bool operator==(const Zxid & other) const
return epoch == other.epoch && counter == other.counter;
/* When multiple ClusterCopiers discover that the target partition is not empty,
* they will attempt to clean up this partition before proceeding to copying.
* Instead of purging is_dirty, the history of cleaning work is preserved and partition hygiene is established
* based on a happens-before relation between the events.
* This relation is encoded by LogicalClock based on the mzxid of the is_dirty ZNode and is_dirty/cleaned.
* The fact of the partition hygiene is encoded by CleanStateClock.
* For you to know what mzxid means:
* ZooKeeper Stat Structure:
* The Stat structure for each znode in ZooKeeper is made up of the following fields:
* -- czxid
* The zxid of the change that caused this znode to be created.
* -- mzxid
* The zxid of the change that last modified this znode.
* -- ctime
* The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was created.
* -- mtime
* The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was last modified.
* -- version
* The number of changes to the data of this znode.
* -- cversion
* The number of changes to the children of this znode.
* -- aversion
* The number of changes to the ACL of this znode.
* -- ephemeralOwner
* The session id of the owner of this znode if the znode is an ephemeral node.
* If it is not an ephemeral node, it will be zero.
* -- dataLength
* The length of the data field of this znode.
* -- numChildren
* The number of children of this znode.
* */
class LogicalClock
std::optional<Zxid> zxid;
LogicalClock() = default;
explicit LogicalClock(UInt64 _zxid)
: zxid(_zxid)
bool hasHappened() const
return bool(zxid);
/// happens-before relation with a reasonable time bound
bool happensBefore(const LogicalClock & other) const
return !zxid
|| (other.zxid && *zxid <= *other.zxid);
bool operator<=(const LogicalClock & other) const
return happensBefore(other);
/// strict equality check
bool operator==(const LogicalClock & other) const
return zxid == other.zxid;
class CleanStateClock
LogicalClock discovery_zxid;
std::optional<UInt32> discovery_version;
LogicalClock clean_state_zxid;
std::optional<UInt32> clean_state_version;
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> stale;
bool is_clean() const
&& (
|| (clean_state_zxid.hasHappened() && discovery_zxid <= clean_state_zxid));
bool is_stale() const
return stale->load();
const zkutil::ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper,
const String & discovery_path,
const String & clean_state_path)
: stale(std::make_shared<std::atomic_bool>(false))
Coordination::Stat stat{};
String _some_data;
auto watch_callback =
[stale = stale] (const Coordination::WatchResponse & rsp)
auto logger = &Poco::Logger::get("ClusterCopier");
if (rsp.error == Coordination::ZOK)
switch (rsp.type)
case Coordination::CREATED:
LOG_DEBUG(logger, "CleanStateClock change: CREATED, at " << rsp.path);
case Coordination::CHANGED:
LOG_DEBUG(logger, "CleanStateClock change: CHANGED, at" << rsp.path);
if (zookeeper->tryGetWatch(discovery_path, _some_data, &stat, watch_callback))
discovery_zxid = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid);
discovery_version = stat.version;
if (zookeeper->tryGetWatch(clean_state_path, _some_data, &stat, watch_callback))
clean_state_zxid = LogicalClock(stat.mzxid);
clean_state_version = stat.version;
bool operator==(const CleanStateClock & other) const
return !is_stale()
&& !other.is_stale()
&& discovery_zxid == other.discovery_zxid
&& discovery_version == other.discovery_version
&& clean_state_zxid == other.clean_state_zxid
&& clean_state_version == other.clean_state_version;
bool operator!=(const CleanStateClock & other) const
return !(*this == other);