add setting tests/performance/all_join_opt.xml

This commit is contained in:
kevinyhzou 2024-08-12 18:01:40 +08:00
parent 37c3f4a870
commit 29c94195e1
4 changed files with 11 additions and 683 deletions

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@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ static std::initializer_list<std::pair<ClickHouseVersion, SettingsChangesHistory
{"join_output_by_rowlist_perkey_rows_threshold", 0, 5, "The lower limit of per-key average rows in the right table to determine whether to output by row list in hash join."},
{"allow_experimental_vector_similarity_index", false, false, "Added new setting to allow experimental vector similarity indexes"},
{"input_format_try_infer_datetimes_only_datetime64", true, false, "Allow to infer DateTime instead of DateTime64 in data formats"}
{"join_to_sort_perkey_rows_threshold", 0, 40, "The lower limit of per-key average rows in the right table to determine whether to sort it in hash join."},
{"join_to_sort_table_rows_threshold", 0, 10000, "The upper limit of rows in the right table to determine whether to sort it in hash join."},
@ -516,259 +518,6 @@ static std::initializer_list<std::pair<ClickHouseVersion, SettingsChangesHistory
{"enable_optimize_predicate_expression", 0, 1, "Optimize predicates to subqueries by default"}
{"24.7", {{"output_format_parquet_write_page_index", false, true, "Add a possibility to write page index into parquet files."},
{"optimize_functions_to_subcolumns", false, true, "Enable optimization by default"},
{"input_format_json_ignore_key_case", false, false, "Ignore json key case while read json field from string."},
{"optimize_trivial_insert_select", true, false, "The optimization does not make sense in many cases."},
{"lightweight_mutation_projection_mode", "throw", "throw", "When lightweight delete happens on a table with projection(s), the possible operations include throw the exception as projection exists, or drop all projection related to this table then do lightweight delete."},
{"database_replicated_allow_heavy_create", true, false, "Long-running DDL queries (CREATE AS SELECT and POPULATE) for Replicated database engine was forbidden"},
{"query_plan_merge_filters", false, false, "Allow to merge filters in the query plan"},
{"azure_sdk_max_retries", 10, 10, "Maximum number of retries in azure sdk"},
{"azure_sdk_retry_initial_backoff_ms", 10, 10, "Minimal backoff between retries in azure sdk"},
{"azure_sdk_retry_max_backoff_ms", 1000, 1000, "Maximal backoff between retries in azure sdk"},
{"join_to_sort_perkey_rows_threshold", 0, 2, "The lower limit of per-key average rows in the right table to determine whether to sort it in hash join." },
{"join_to_sort_perkey_rows_threshold", 0, 40, "The lower limit of per-key average rows in the right table to determine whether to sort it in hash join." },
{"join_to_sort_table_rows_threshold", 0, 10000, "The upper limit of rows in the right table to determine whether to sort it in hash join." },
{"merge_tree_min_bytes_per_task_for_remote_reading", 4194304, 2097152, "Value is unified with `filesystem_prefetch_min_bytes_for_single_read_task`"},
{"ignore_on_cluster_for_replicated_named_collections_queries", false, false, "Ignore ON CLUSTER clause for replicated named collections management queries."},
{"backup_restore_s3_retry_attempts", 1000,1000, "Setting for Aws::Client::RetryStrategy, Aws::Client does retries itself, 0 means no retries. It takes place only for backup/restore."},
{"postgresql_connection_attempt_timeout", 2, 2, "Allow to control 'connect_timeout' parameter of PostgreSQL connection."},
{"postgresql_connection_pool_retries", 2, 2, "Allow to control the number of retries in PostgreSQL connection pool."}
{"24.6", {{"materialize_skip_indexes_on_insert", true, true, "Added new setting to allow to disable materialization of skip indexes on insert"},
{"materialize_statistics_on_insert", true, true, "Added new setting to allow to disable materialization of statistics on insert"},
{"input_format_parquet_use_native_reader", false, false, "When reading Parquet files, to use native reader instead of arrow reader."},
{"hdfs_throw_on_zero_files_match", false, false, "Allow to throw an error when ListObjects request cannot match any files in HDFS engine instead of empty query result"},
{"azure_throw_on_zero_files_match", false, false, "Allow to throw an error when ListObjects request cannot match any files in AzureBlobStorage engine instead of empty query result"},
{"s3_validate_request_settings", true, true, "Allow to disable S3 request settings validation"},
{"allow_experimental_full_text_index", false, false, "Enable experimental full-text index"},
{"azure_skip_empty_files", false, false, "Allow to skip empty files in azure table engine"},
{"hdfs_ignore_file_doesnt_exist", false, false, "Allow to return 0 rows when the requested files don't exist instead of throwing an exception in HDFS table engine"},
{"azure_ignore_file_doesnt_exist", false, false, "Allow to return 0 rows when the requested files don't exist instead of throwing an exception in AzureBlobStorage table engine"},
{"s3_ignore_file_doesnt_exist", false, false, "Allow to return 0 rows when the requested files don't exist instead of throwing an exception in S3 table engine"},
{"s3_max_part_number", 10000, 10000, "Maximum part number number for s3 upload part"},
{"s3_max_single_operation_copy_size", 32 * 1024 * 1024, 32 * 1024 * 1024, "Maximum size for a single copy operation in s3"},
{"input_format_parquet_max_block_size", 8192, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, "Increase block size for parquet reader."},
{"input_format_parquet_prefer_block_bytes", 0, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 256, "Average block bytes output by parquet reader."},
{"enable_blob_storage_log", true, true, "Write information about blob storage operations to system.blob_storage_log table"},
{"allow_deprecated_snowflake_conversion_functions", true, false, "Disabled deprecated functions snowflakeToDateTime[64] and dateTime[64]ToSnowflake."},
{"allow_statistic_optimize", false, false, "Old setting which popped up here being renamed."},
{"allow_experimental_statistic", false, false, "Old setting which popped up here being renamed."},
{"allow_statistics_optimize", false, false, "The setting was renamed. The previous name is `allow_statistic_optimize`."},
{"allow_experimental_statistics", false, false, "The setting was renamed. The previous name is `allow_experimental_statistic`."},
{"enable_vertical_final", false, true, "Enable vertical final by default again after fixing bug"},
{"parallel_replicas_custom_key_range_lower", 0, 0, "Add settings to control the range filter when using parallel replicas with dynamic shards"},
{"parallel_replicas_custom_key_range_upper", 0, 0, "Add settings to control the range filter when using parallel replicas with dynamic shards. A value of 0 disables the upper limit"},
{"output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_names", 0, 1, "Add a setting to display column names in the footer if there are many rows. Threshold value is controlled by output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_names_min_rows."},
{"output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_names_min_rows", 0, 50, "Add a setting to control the threshold value for setting output_format_pretty_display_footer_column_names_min_rows. Default 50."},
{"output_format_csv_serialize_tuple_into_separate_columns", true, true, "A new way of how interpret tuples in CSV format was added."},
{"input_format_csv_deserialize_separate_columns_into_tuple", true, true, "A new way of how interpret tuples in CSV format was added."},
{"input_format_csv_try_infer_strings_from_quoted_tuples", true, true, "A new way of how interpret tuples in CSV format was added."},
{"24.5", {{"allow_deprecated_error_prone_window_functions", true, false, "Allow usage of deprecated error prone window functions (neighbor, runningAccumulate, runningDifferenceStartingWithFirstValue, runningDifference)"},
{"allow_experimental_join_condition", false, false, "Support join with inequal conditions which involve columns from both left and right table. e.g. t1.y < t2.y."},
{"input_format_tsv_crlf_end_of_line", false, false, "Enables reading of CRLF line endings with TSV formats"},
{"output_format_parquet_use_custom_encoder", false, true, "Enable custom Parquet encoder."},
{"cross_join_min_rows_to_compress", 0, 10000000, "Minimal count of rows to compress block in CROSS JOIN. Zero value means - disable this threshold. This block is compressed when any of the two thresholds (by rows or by bytes) are reached."},
{"cross_join_min_bytes_to_compress", 0, 1_GiB, "Minimal size of block to compress in CROSS JOIN. Zero value means - disable this threshold. This block is compressed when any of the two thresholds (by rows or by bytes) are reached."},
{"http_max_chunk_size", 0, 0, "Internal limitation"},
{"prefer_external_sort_block_bytes", 0, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 256, "Prefer maximum block bytes for external sort, reduce the memory usage during merging."},
{"input_format_force_null_for_omitted_fields", false, false, "Disable type-defaults for omitted fields when needed"},
{"cast_string_to_dynamic_use_inference", false, false, "Add setting to allow converting String to Dynamic through parsing"},
{"allow_experimental_dynamic_type", false, false, "Add new experimental Dynamic type"},
{"azure_max_blocks_in_multipart_upload", 50000, 50000, "Maximum number of blocks in multipart upload for Azure."},
{"24.4", {{"input_format_json_throw_on_bad_escape_sequence", true, true, "Allow to save JSON strings with bad escape sequences"},
{"max_parsing_threads", 0, 0, "Add a separate setting to control number of threads in parallel parsing from files"},
{"ignore_drop_queries_probability", 0, 0, "Allow to ignore drop queries in server with specified probability for testing purposes"},
{"lightweight_deletes_sync", 2, 2, "The same as 'mutation_sync', but controls only execution of lightweight deletes"},
{"query_cache_system_table_handling", "save", "throw", "The query cache no longer caches results of queries against system tables"},
{"input_format_json_ignore_unnecessary_fields", false, true, "Ignore unnecessary fields and not parse them. Enabling this may not throw exceptions on json strings of invalid format or with duplicated fields"},
{"input_format_hive_text_allow_variable_number_of_columns", false, true, "Ignore extra columns in Hive Text input (if file has more columns than expected) and treat missing fields in Hive Text input as default values."},
{"allow_experimental_database_replicated", false, true, "Database engine Replicated is now in Beta stage"},
{"temporary_data_in_cache_reserve_space_wait_lock_timeout_milliseconds", (10 * 60 * 1000), (10 * 60 * 1000), "Wait time to lock cache for sapce reservation in temporary data in filesystem cache"},
{"optimize_rewrite_sum_if_to_count_if", false, true, "Only available for the analyzer, where it works correctly"},
{"azure_allow_parallel_part_upload", "true", "true", "Use multiple threads for azure multipart upload."},
{"max_recursive_cte_evaluation_depth", DBMS_RECURSIVE_CTE_MAX_EVALUATION_DEPTH, DBMS_RECURSIVE_CTE_MAX_EVALUATION_DEPTH, "Maximum limit on recursive CTE evaluation depth"},
{"query_plan_convert_outer_join_to_inner_join", false, true, "Allow to convert OUTER JOIN to INNER JOIN if filter after JOIN always filters default values"},
{"24.3", {{"s3_connect_timeout_ms", 1000, 1000, "Introduce new dedicated setting for s3 connection timeout"},
{"allow_experimental_shared_merge_tree", false, true, "The setting is obsolete"},
{"use_page_cache_for_disks_without_file_cache", false, false, "Added userspace page cache"},
{"read_from_page_cache_if_exists_otherwise_bypass_cache", false, false, "Added userspace page cache"},
{"page_cache_inject_eviction", false, false, "Added userspace page cache"},
{"default_table_engine", "None", "MergeTree", "Set default table engine to MergeTree for better usability"},
{"input_format_json_use_string_type_for_ambiguous_paths_in_named_tuples_inference_from_objects", false, false, "Allow to use String type for ambiguous paths during named tuple inference from JSON objects"},
{"traverse_shadow_remote_data_paths", false, false, "Traverse shadow directory when query system.remote_data_paths."},
{"throw_if_deduplication_in_dependent_materialized_views_enabled_with_async_insert", false, true, "Deduplication is dependent materialized view cannot work together with async inserts."},
{"parallel_replicas_allow_in_with_subquery", false, true, "If true, subquery for IN will be executed on every follower replica"},
{"log_processors_profiles", false, true, "Enable by default"},
{"function_locate_has_mysql_compatible_argument_order", false, true, "Increase compatibility with MySQL's locate function."},
{"allow_suspicious_primary_key", true, false, "Forbid suspicious PRIMARY KEY/ORDER BY for MergeTree (i.e. SimpleAggregateFunction)"},
{"filesystem_cache_reserve_space_wait_lock_timeout_milliseconds", 1000, 1000, "Wait time to lock cache for sapce reservation in filesystem cache"},
{"max_parser_backtracks", 0, 1000000, "Limiting the complexity of parsing"},
{"analyzer_compatibility_join_using_top_level_identifier", false, false, "Force to resolve identifier in JOIN USING from projection"},
{"distributed_insert_skip_read_only_replicas", false, false, "If true, INSERT into Distributed will skip read-only replicas"},
{"keeper_max_retries", 10, 10, "Max retries for general keeper operations"},
{"keeper_retry_initial_backoff_ms", 100, 100, "Initial backoff timeout for general keeper operations"},
{"keeper_retry_max_backoff_ms", 5000, 5000, "Max backoff timeout for general keeper operations"},
{"s3queue_allow_experimental_sharded_mode", false, false, "Enable experimental sharded mode of S3Queue table engine. It is experimental because it will be rewritten"},
{"allow_experimental_analyzer", false, true, "Enable analyzer and planner by default."},
{"merge_tree_read_split_ranges_into_intersecting_and_non_intersecting_injection_probability", 0.0, 0.0, "For testing of `PartsSplitter` - split read ranges into intersecting and non intersecting every time you read from MergeTree with the specified probability."},
{"allow_get_client_http_header", false, false, "Introduced a new function."},
{"output_format_pretty_row_numbers", false, true, "It is better for usability."},
{"output_format_pretty_max_value_width_apply_for_single_value", true, false, "Single values in Pretty formats won't be cut."},
{"output_format_parquet_string_as_string", false, true, "ClickHouse allows arbitrary binary data in the String data type, which is typically UTF-8. Parquet/ORC/Arrow Strings only support UTF-8. That's why you can choose which Arrow's data type to use for the ClickHouse String data type - String or Binary. While Binary would be more correct and compatible, using String by default will correspond to user expectations in most cases."},
{"output_format_orc_string_as_string", false, true, "ClickHouse allows arbitrary binary data in the String data type, which is typically UTF-8. Parquet/ORC/Arrow Strings only support UTF-8. That's why you can choose which Arrow's data type to use for the ClickHouse String data type - String or Binary. While Binary would be more correct and compatible, using String by default will correspond to user expectations in most cases."},
{"output_format_arrow_string_as_string", false, true, "ClickHouse allows arbitrary binary data in the String data type, which is typically UTF-8. Parquet/ORC/Arrow Strings only support UTF-8. That's why you can choose which Arrow's data type to use for the ClickHouse String data type - String or Binary. While Binary would be more correct and compatible, using String by default will correspond to user expectations in most cases."},
{"output_format_parquet_compression_method", "lz4", "zstd", "Parquet/ORC/Arrow support many compression methods, including lz4 and zstd. ClickHouse supports each and every compression method. Some inferior tools, such as 'duckdb', lack support for the faster `lz4` compression method, that's why we set zstd by default."},
{"output_format_orc_compression_method", "lz4", "zstd", "Parquet/ORC/Arrow support many compression methods, including lz4 and zstd. ClickHouse supports each and every compression method. Some inferior tools, such as 'duckdb', lack support for the faster `lz4` compression method, that's why we set zstd by default."},
{"output_format_pretty_highlight_digit_groups", false, true, "If enabled and if output is a terminal, highlight every digit corresponding to the number of thousands, millions, etc. with underline."},
{"geo_distance_returns_float64_on_float64_arguments", false, true, "Increase the default precision."},
{"azure_max_inflight_parts_for_one_file", 20, 20, "The maximum number of a concurrent loaded parts in multipart upload request. 0 means unlimited."},
{"azure_strict_upload_part_size", 0, 0, "The exact size of part to upload during multipart upload to Azure blob storage."},
{"azure_min_upload_part_size", 16*1024*1024, 16*1024*1024, "The minimum size of part to upload during multipart upload to Azure blob storage."},
{"azure_max_upload_part_size", 5ull*1024*1024*1024, 5ull*1024*1024*1024, "The maximum size of part to upload during multipart upload to Azure blob storage."},
{"azure_upload_part_size_multiply_factor", 2, 2, "Multiply azure_min_upload_part_size by this factor each time azure_multiply_parts_count_threshold parts were uploaded from a single write to Azure blob storage."},
{"azure_upload_part_size_multiply_parts_count_threshold", 500, 500, "Each time this number of parts was uploaded to Azure blob storage, azure_min_upload_part_size is multiplied by azure_upload_part_size_multiply_factor."},
{"output_format_csv_serialize_tuple_into_separate_columns", true, true, "A new way of how interpret tuples in CSV format was added."},
{"input_format_csv_deserialize_separate_columns_into_tuple", true, true, "A new way of how interpret tuples in CSV format was added."},
{"input_format_csv_try_infer_strings_from_quoted_tuples", true, true, "A new way of how interpret tuples in CSV format was added."},
{"24.2", {{"allow_suspicious_variant_types", true, false, "Don't allow creating Variant type with suspicious variants by default"},
{"validate_experimental_and_suspicious_types_inside_nested_types", false, true, "Validate usage of experimental and suspicious types inside nested types"},
{"output_format_values_escape_quote_with_quote", false, false, "If true escape ' with '', otherwise quoted with \\'"},
{"output_format_pretty_single_large_number_tip_threshold", 0, 1'000'000, "Print a readable number tip on the right side of the table if the block consists of a single number which exceeds this value (except 0)"},
{"input_format_try_infer_exponent_floats", true, false, "Don't infer floats in exponential notation by default"},
{"query_plan_optimize_prewhere", true, true, "Allow to push down filter to PREWHERE expression for supported storages"},
{"async_insert_max_data_size", 1000000, 10485760, "The previous value appeared to be too small."},
{"async_insert_poll_timeout_ms", 10, 10, "Timeout in milliseconds for polling data from asynchronous insert queue"},
{"async_insert_use_adaptive_busy_timeout", false, true, "Use adaptive asynchronous insert timeout"},
{"async_insert_busy_timeout_min_ms", 50, 50, "The minimum value of the asynchronous insert timeout in milliseconds; it also serves as the initial value, which may be increased later by the adaptive algorithm"},
{"async_insert_busy_timeout_max_ms", 200, 200, "The minimum value of the asynchronous insert timeout in milliseconds; async_insert_busy_timeout_ms is aliased to async_insert_busy_timeout_max_ms"},
{"async_insert_busy_timeout_increase_rate", 0.2, 0.2, "The exponential growth rate at which the adaptive asynchronous insert timeout increases"},
{"async_insert_busy_timeout_decrease_rate", 0.2, 0.2, "The exponential growth rate at which the adaptive asynchronous insert timeout decreases"},
{"format_template_row_format", "", "", "Template row format string can be set directly in query"},
{"format_template_resultset_format", "", "", "Template result set format string can be set in query"},
{"split_parts_ranges_into_intersecting_and_non_intersecting_final", true, true, "Allow to split parts ranges into intersecting and non intersecting during FINAL optimization"},
{"split_intersecting_parts_ranges_into_layers_final", true, true, "Allow to split intersecting parts ranges into layers during FINAL optimization"},
{"azure_max_single_part_copy_size", 256*1024*1024, 256*1024*1024, "The maximum size of object to copy using single part copy to Azure blob storage."},
{"min_external_table_block_size_rows", DEFAULT_INSERT_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_INSERT_BLOCK_SIZE, "Squash blocks passed to external table to specified size in rows, if blocks are not big enough"},
{"min_external_table_block_size_bytes", DEFAULT_INSERT_BLOCK_SIZE * 256, DEFAULT_INSERT_BLOCK_SIZE * 256, "Squash blocks passed to external table to specified size in bytes, if blocks are not big enough."},
{"parallel_replicas_prefer_local_join", true, true, "If true, and JOIN can be executed with parallel replicas algorithm, and all storages of right JOIN part are *MergeTree, local JOIN will be used instead of GLOBAL JOIN."},
{"optimize_time_filter_with_preimage", true, true, "Optimize Date and DateTime predicates by converting functions into equivalent comparisons without conversions (e.g. toYear(col) = 2023 -> col >= '2023-01-01' AND col <= '2023-12-31')"},
{"extract_key_value_pairs_max_pairs_per_row", 0, 0, "Max number of pairs that can be produced by the `extractKeyValuePairs` function. Used as a safeguard against consuming too much memory."},
{"default_view_definer", "CURRENT_USER", "CURRENT_USER", "Allows to set default `DEFINER` option while creating a view"},
{"default_materialized_view_sql_security", "DEFINER", "DEFINER", "Allows to set a default value for SQL SECURITY option when creating a materialized view"},
{"default_normal_view_sql_security", "INVOKER", "INVOKER", "Allows to set default `SQL SECURITY` option while creating a normal view"},
{"mysql_map_string_to_text_in_show_columns", false, true, "Reduce the configuration effort to connect ClickHouse with BI tools."},
{"mysql_map_fixed_string_to_text_in_show_columns", false, true, "Reduce the configuration effort to connect ClickHouse with BI tools."},
{"24.1", {{"print_pretty_type_names", false, true, "Better user experience."},
{"input_format_json_read_bools_as_strings", false, true, "Allow to read bools as strings in JSON formats by default"},
{"output_format_arrow_use_signed_indexes_for_dictionary", false, true, "Use signed indexes type for Arrow dictionaries by default as it's recommended"},
{"allow_experimental_variant_type", false, false, "Add new experimental Variant type"},
{"use_variant_as_common_type", false, false, "Allow to use Variant in if/multiIf if there is no common type"},
{"output_format_arrow_use_64_bit_indexes_for_dictionary", false, false, "Allow to use 64 bit indexes type in Arrow dictionaries"},
{"parallel_replicas_mark_segment_size", 128, 128, "Add new setting to control segment size in new parallel replicas coordinator implementation"},
{"ignore_materialized_views_with_dropped_target_table", false, false, "Add new setting to allow to ignore materialized views with dropped target table"},
{"output_format_compression_level", 3, 3, "Allow to change compression level in the query output"},
{"output_format_compression_zstd_window_log", 0, 0, "Allow to change zstd window log in the query output when zstd compression is used"},
{"enable_zstd_qat_codec", false, false, "Add new ZSTD_QAT codec"},
{"enable_vertical_final", false, true, "Use vertical final by default"},
{"output_format_arrow_use_64_bit_indexes_for_dictionary", false, false, "Allow to use 64 bit indexes type in Arrow dictionaries"},
{"max_rows_in_set_to_optimize_join", 100000, 0, "Disable join optimization as it prevents from read in order optimization"},
{"output_format_pretty_color", true, "auto", "Setting is changed to allow also for auto value, disabling ANSI escapes if output is not a tty"},
{"function_visible_width_behavior", 0, 1, "We changed the default behavior of `visibleWidth` to be more precise"},
{"max_estimated_execution_time", 0, 0, "Separate max_execution_time and max_estimated_execution_time"},
{"iceberg_engine_ignore_schema_evolution", false, false, "Allow to ignore schema evolution in Iceberg table engine"},
{"optimize_injective_functions_in_group_by", false, true, "Replace injective functions by it's arguments in GROUP BY section in analyzer"},
{"update_insert_deduplication_token_in_dependent_materialized_views", false, false, "Allow to update insert deduplication token with table identifier during insert in dependent materialized views"},
{"azure_max_unexpected_write_error_retries", 4, 4, "The maximum number of retries in case of unexpected errors during Azure blob storage write"},
{"split_parts_ranges_into_intersecting_and_non_intersecting_final", false, true, "Allow to split parts ranges into intersecting and non intersecting during FINAL optimization"},
{"split_intersecting_parts_ranges_into_layers_final", true, true, "Allow to split intersecting parts ranges into layers during FINAL optimization"}}},
{"23.12", {{"allow_suspicious_ttl_expressions", true, false, "It is a new setting, and in previous versions the behavior was equivalent to allowing."},
{"input_format_parquet_allow_missing_columns", false, true, "Allow missing columns in Parquet files by default"},
{"input_format_orc_allow_missing_columns", false, true, "Allow missing columns in ORC files by default"},
{"input_format_arrow_allow_missing_columns", false, true, "Allow missing columns in Arrow files by default"}}},
{"23.11", {{"parsedatetime_parse_without_leading_zeros", false, true, "Improved compatibility with MySQL DATE_FORMAT/STR_TO_DATE"}}},
{"23.9", {{"optimize_group_by_constant_keys", false, true, "Optimize group by constant keys by default"},
{"input_format_json_try_infer_named_tuples_from_objects", false, true, "Try to infer named Tuples from JSON objects by default"},
{"input_format_json_read_numbers_as_strings", false, true, "Allow to read numbers as strings in JSON formats by default"},
{"input_format_json_read_arrays_as_strings", false, true, "Allow to read arrays as strings in JSON formats by default"},
{"input_format_json_infer_incomplete_types_as_strings", false, true, "Allow to infer incomplete types as Strings in JSON formats by default"},
{"input_format_json_try_infer_numbers_from_strings", true, false, "Don't infer numbers from strings in JSON formats by default to prevent possible parsing errors"},
{"http_write_exception_in_output_format", false, true, "Output valid JSON/XML on exception in HTTP streaming."}}},
{"23.8", {{"rewrite_count_distinct_if_with_count_distinct_implementation", false, true, "Rewrite countDistinctIf with count_distinct_implementation configuration"}}},
{"23.7", {{"function_sleep_max_microseconds_per_block", 0, 3000000, "In previous versions, the maximum sleep time of 3 seconds was applied only for `sleep`, but not for `sleepEachRow` function. In the new version, we introduce this setting. If you set compatibility with the previous versions, we will disable the limit altogether."}}},
{"23.6", {{"http_send_timeout", 180, 30, "3 minutes seems crazy long. Note that this is timeout for a single network write call, not for the whole upload operation."},
{"http_receive_timeout", 180, 30, "See http_send_timeout."}}},
{"23.5", {{"input_format_parquet_preserve_order", true, false, "Allow Parquet reader to reorder rows for better parallelism."},
{"parallelize_output_from_storages", false, true, "Allow parallelism when executing queries that read from file/url/s3/etc. This may reorder rows."},
{"use_with_fill_by_sorting_prefix", false, true, "Columns preceding WITH FILL columns in ORDER BY clause form sorting prefix. Rows with different values in sorting prefix are filled independently"},
{"output_format_parquet_compliant_nested_types", false, true, "Change an internal field name in output Parquet file schema."}}},
{"23.4", {{"allow_suspicious_indices", true, false, "If true, index can defined with identical expressions"},
{"allow_nonconst_timezone_arguments", true, false, "Allow non-const timezone arguments in certain time-related functions like toTimeZone(), fromUnixTimestamp*(), snowflakeToDateTime*()."},
{"connect_timeout_with_failover_ms", 50, 1000, "Increase default connect timeout because of async connect"},
{"connect_timeout_with_failover_secure_ms", 100, 1000, "Increase default secure connect timeout because of async connect"},
{"hedged_connection_timeout_ms", 100, 50, "Start new connection in hedged requests after 50 ms instead of 100 to correspond with previous connect timeout"},
{"formatdatetime_f_prints_single_zero", true, false, "Improved compatibility with MySQL DATE_FORMAT()/STR_TO_DATE()"},
{"formatdatetime_parsedatetime_m_is_month_name", false, true, "Improved compatibility with MySQL DATE_FORMAT/STR_TO_DATE"}}},
{"23.3", {{"output_format_parquet_version", "1.0", "2.latest", "Use latest Parquet format version for output format"},
{"input_format_json_ignore_unknown_keys_in_named_tuple", false, true, "Improve parsing JSON objects as named tuples"},
{"input_format_native_allow_types_conversion", false, true, "Allow types conversion in Native input forma"},
{"output_format_arrow_compression_method", "none", "lz4_frame", "Use lz4 compression in Arrow output format by default"},
{"output_format_parquet_compression_method", "snappy", "lz4", "Use lz4 compression in Parquet output format by default"},
{"output_format_orc_compression_method", "none", "lz4_frame", "Use lz4 compression in ORC output format by default"},
{"async_query_sending_for_remote", false, true, "Create connections and send query async across shards"}}},
{"23.2", {{"output_format_parquet_fixed_string_as_fixed_byte_array", false, true, "Use Parquet FIXED_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY type for FixedString by default"},
{"output_format_arrow_fixed_string_as_fixed_byte_array", false, true, "Use Arrow FIXED_SIZE_BINARY type for FixedString by default"},
{"query_plan_remove_redundant_distinct", false, true, "Remove redundant Distinct step in query plan"},
{"optimize_duplicate_order_by_and_distinct", true, false, "Remove duplicate ORDER BY and DISTINCT if it's possible"},
{"insert_keeper_max_retries", 0, 20, "Enable reconnections to Keeper on INSERT, improve reliability"}}},
{"23.1", {{"input_format_json_read_objects_as_strings", 0, 1, "Enable reading nested json objects as strings while object type is experimental"},
{"input_format_json_defaults_for_missing_elements_in_named_tuple", false, true, "Allow missing elements in JSON objects while reading named tuples by default"},
{"input_format_csv_detect_header", false, true, "Detect header in CSV format by default"},
{"input_format_tsv_detect_header", false, true, "Detect header in TSV format by default"},
{"input_format_custom_detect_header", false, true, "Detect header in CustomSeparated format by default"},
{"query_plan_remove_redundant_sorting", false, true, "Remove redundant sorting in query plan. For example, sorting steps related to ORDER BY clauses in subqueries"}}},
{"22.12", {{"max_size_to_preallocate_for_aggregation", 10'000'000, 100'000'000, "This optimizes performance"},
{"query_plan_aggregation_in_order", 0, 1, "Enable some refactoring around query plan"},
{"format_binary_max_string_size", 0, 1_GiB, "Prevent allocating large amount of memory"}}},
{"22.11", {{"use_structure_from_insertion_table_in_table_functions", 0, 2, "Improve using structure from insertion table in table functions"}}},
{"22.9", {{"force_grouping_standard_compatibility", false, true, "Make GROUPING function output the same as in SQL standard and other DBMS"}}},
{"22.7", {{"cross_to_inner_join_rewrite", 1, 2, "Force rewrite comma join to inner"},
{"enable_positional_arguments", false, true, "Enable positional arguments feature by default"},
{"format_csv_allow_single_quotes", true, false, "Most tools don't treat single quote in CSV specially, don't do it by default too"}}},
{"22.6", {{"output_format_json_named_tuples_as_objects", false, true, "Allow to serialize named tuples as JSON objects in JSON formats by default"},
{"input_format_skip_unknown_fields", false, true, "Optimize reading subset of columns for some input formats"}}},
{"22.5", {{"memory_overcommit_ratio_denominator", 0, 1073741824, "Enable memory overcommit feature by default"},
{"memory_overcommit_ratio_denominator_for_user", 0, 1073741824, "Enable memory overcommit feature by default"}}},
{"22.4", {{"allow_settings_after_format_in_insert", true, false, "Do not allow SETTINGS after FORMAT for INSERT queries because ClickHouse interpret SETTINGS as some values, which is misleading"}}},
{"22.3", {{"cast_ipv4_ipv6_default_on_conversion_error", true, false, "Make functions cast(value, 'IPv4') and cast(value, 'IPv6') behave same as toIPv4 and toIPv6 functions"}}},
{"21.12", {{"stream_like_engine_allow_direct_select", true, false, "Do not allow direct select for Kafka/RabbitMQ/FileLog by default"}}},
{"21.9", {{"output_format_decimal_trailing_zeros", true, false, "Do not output trailing zeros in text representation of Decimal types by default for better looking output"},
{"use_hedged_requests", false, true, "Enable Hedged Requests feature by default"}}},
{"21.7", {{"legacy_column_name_of_tuple_literal", true, false, "Add this setting only for compatibility reasons. It makes sense to set to 'true', while doing rolling update of cluster from version lower than 21.7 to higher"}}},
{"21.5", {{"async_socket_for_remote", false, true, "Fix all problems and turn on asynchronous reads from socket for remote queries by default again"}}},
{"21.3", {{"async_socket_for_remote", true, false, "Turn off asynchronous reads from socket for remote queries because of some problems"},
{"optimize_normalize_count_variants", false, true, "Rewrite aggregate functions that semantically equals to count() as count() by default"},
{"normalize_function_names", false, true, "Normalize function names to their canonical names, this was needed for projection query routing"}}},
{"21.2", {{"enable_global_with_statement", false, true, "Propagate WITH statements to UNION queries and all subqueries by default"}}},
{"21.1", {{"insert_quorum_parallel", false, true, "Use parallel quorum inserts by default. It is significantly more convenient to use than sequential quorum inserts"},
{"input_format_null_as_default", false, true, "Allow to insert NULL as default for input formats by default"},
{"optimize_on_insert", false, true, "Enable data optimization on INSERT by default for better user experience"},
{"use_compact_format_in_distributed_parts_names", false, true, "Use compact format for async INSERT into Distributed tables by default"}}},
{"20.10", {{"format_regexp_escaping_rule", "Escaped", "Raw", "Use Raw as default escaping rule for Regexp format to male the behaviour more like to what users expect"}}},
{"20.7", {{"show_table_uuid_in_table_create_query_if_not_nil", true, false, "Stop showing UID of the table in its CREATE query for Engine=Atomic"}}},
{"20.5", {{"input_format_with_names_use_header", false, true, "Enable using header with names for formats with WithNames/WithNamesAndTypes suffixes"},
{"allow_suspicious_codecs", true, false, "Don't allow to specify meaningless compression codecs"}}},
{"20.4", {{"validate_polygons", false, true, "Throw exception if polygon is invalid in function pointInPolygon by default instead of returning possibly wrong results"}}},
{"19.18", {{"enable_scalar_subquery_optimization", false, true, "Prevent scalar subqueries from (de)serializing large scalar values and possibly avoid running the same subquery more than once"}}},
{"19.14", {{"any_join_distinct_right_table_keys", true, false, "Disable ANY RIGHT and ANY FULL JOINs by default to avoid inconsistency"}}},
{"19.12", {{"input_format_defaults_for_omitted_fields", false, true, "Enable calculation of complex default expressions for omitted fields for some input formats, because it should be the expected behaviour"}}},
{"19.5", {{"max_partitions_per_insert_block", 0, 100, "Add a limit for the number of partitions in one block"}}},
{"18.12.17", {{"enable_optimize_predicate_expression", 0, 1, "Optimize predicates to subqueries by default"}}},

View File

@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ bool HashJoin::needUsedFlagsForPerRightTableRow(std::shared_ptr<TableJoin> table
template <JoinKind KIND, typename Map, JoinStrictness STRICTNESS>
void HashJoin::tryRerangeRightTableDataImpl(Map & map [[maybe_unused]])
constexpr JoinFeatures<KIND, STRICTNESS> join_features;
constexpr JoinFeatures<KIND, STRICTNESS, Map> join_features;
if constexpr (join_features.is_all_join && (join_features.left || join_features.inner))
auto merge_rows_into_one_block = [&](BlocksList & blocks, RowRefList & rows_ref)
@ -1433,13 +1433,12 @@ void HashJoin::tryRerangeRightTableData()
data->rows_to_join, data->keys_to_join, sample_block_with_columns_to_add.columns());
std::cout << "sort right table rows" << std::endl;
[&](auto kind_, auto strictness_, auto & map_) { tryRerangeRightTableDataImpl<kind_, decltype(map_), strictness_>(map_); });
std::cout << "sort right finished" << std::endl;
data->sorted = true;

View File

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ public:
const Block & block_with_columns_to_add,
const MapsTemplateVector & maps_,
bool is_join_get = false);
template <typename KeyGetter, bool is_asof_join>
static KeyGetter createKeyGetter(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, const Sizes & key_sizes);
@ -121,142 +120,7 @@ private:
std::vector<KeyGetter> && key_getter_vector,
const std::vector<const Map *> & mapv,
AddedColumns & added_columns,
JoinStuff::JoinUsedFlags & used_flags)
constexpr JoinFeatures<KIND, STRICTNESS> join_features;
size_t rows = added_columns.rows_to_add;
if constexpr (need_filter)
added_columns.filter = IColumn::Filter(rows, 0);
if constexpr (!flag_per_row && (STRICTNESS == JoinStrictness::All || (STRICTNESS == JoinStrictness::Semi && KIND == JoinKind::Right)))
added_columns.output_by_row_list = true;
Arena pool;
if constexpr (join_features.need_replication)
added_columns.offsets_to_replicate = std::make_unique<IColumn::Offsets>(rows);
IColumn::Offset current_offset = 0;
size_t max_joined_block_rows = added_columns.max_joined_block_rows;
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < rows; ++i)
if constexpr (join_features.need_replication)
if (unlikely(current_offset >= max_joined_block_rows))
bool right_row_found = false;
KnownRowsHolder<flag_per_row> known_rows;
for (size_t onexpr_idx = 0; onexpr_idx < added_columns.join_on_keys.size(); ++onexpr_idx)
const auto & join_keys = added_columns.join_on_keys[onexpr_idx];
if (join_keys.null_map && (*join_keys.null_map)[i])
bool row_acceptable = !join_keys.isRowFiltered(i);
using FindResult = typename KeyGetter::FindResult;
auto find_result = row_acceptable ? key_getter_vector[onexpr_idx].findKey(*(mapv[onexpr_idx]), i, pool) : FindResult();
if (find_result.isFound())
right_row_found = true;
auto & mapped = find_result.getMapped();
if constexpr (join_features.is_asof_join)
const IColumn & left_asof_key = added_columns.leftAsofKey();
auto row_ref = mapped->findAsof(left_asof_key, i);
if (row_ref && row_ref->block)
setUsed<need_filter>(added_columns.filter, i);
if constexpr (flag_per_row)
used_flags.template setUsed<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(row_ref->block, row_ref->row_num, 0);
used_flags.template setUsed<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(find_result);
added_columns.appendFromBlock(row_ref, join_features.add_missing);
addNotFoundRow<join_features.add_missing, join_features.need_replication>(added_columns, current_offset);
else if constexpr (join_features.is_all_join)
setUsed<need_filter>(added_columns.filter, i);
used_flags.template setUsed<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(find_result);
auto used_flags_opt = join_features.need_flags ? &used_flags : nullptr;
addFoundRowAll<Map, join_features.add_missing>(mapped, added_columns, current_offset, known_rows, used_flags_opt);
else if constexpr ((join_features.is_any_join || join_features.is_semi_join) && join_features.right)
/// Use first appeared left key + it needs left columns replication
bool used_once = used_flags.template setUsedOnce<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(find_result);
if (used_once)
auto used_flags_opt = join_features.need_flags ? &used_flags : nullptr;
setUsed<need_filter>(added_columns.filter, i);
addFoundRowAll<Map, join_features.add_missing>(
mapped, added_columns, current_offset, known_rows, used_flags_opt);
else if constexpr (join_features.is_any_join && KIND == JoinKind::Inner)
bool used_once = used_flags.template setUsedOnce<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(find_result);
/// Use first appeared left key only
if (used_once)
setUsed<need_filter>(added_columns.filter, i);
added_columns.appendFromBlock(&mapped, join_features.add_missing);
else if constexpr (join_features.is_any_join && join_features.full)
/// TODO
else if constexpr (join_features.is_anti_join)
if constexpr (join_features.right && join_features.need_flags)
used_flags.template setUsed<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(find_result);
else /// ANY LEFT, SEMI LEFT, old ANY (RightAny)
setUsed<need_filter>(added_columns.filter, i);
used_flags.template setUsed<join_features.need_flags, flag_per_row>(find_result);
added_columns.appendFromBlock(&mapped, join_features.add_missing);
if (join_features.is_any_or_semi_join)
if (!right_row_found)
if constexpr (join_features.is_anti_join && join_features.left)
setUsed<need_filter>(added_columns.filter, i);
addNotFoundRow<join_features.add_missing, join_features.need_replication>(added_columns, current_offset);
if constexpr (join_features.need_replication)
(*added_columns.offsets_to_replicate)[i] = current_offset;
return i;
JoinStuff::JoinUsedFlags & used_flags);
template <bool need_filter>
static void setUsed(IColumn::Filter & filter [[maybe_unused]], size_t pos [[maybe_unused]]);
@ -266,120 +130,7 @@ private:
size_t left_start_row,
const std::vector<const RowRef *> & selected_rows,
const std::vector<size_t> & row_replicate_offset,
AddedColumns & added_columns)
ColumnPtr result_column;
if (selected_rows.empty())
result_column = ColumnUInt8::create();
const Block & sample_right_block = *((*selected_rows.begin())->block);
if (!sample_right_block || !added_columns.additional_filter_expression)
auto filter = ColumnUInt8::create();
filter->insertMany(1, selected_rows.size());
result_column = std::move(filter);
auto required_cols = added_columns.additional_filter_expression->getRequiredColumnsWithTypes();
if (required_cols.empty())
Block block;
result_column = block.getByPosition(0).column->cloneResized(selected_rows.size());
NameSet required_column_names;
for (auto & col : required_cols)
Block executed_block;
size_t right_col_pos = 0;
for (const auto & col : sample_right_block.getColumnsWithTypeAndName())
if (required_column_names.contains(
auto new_col = col.column->cloneEmpty();
for (const auto & selected_row : selected_rows)
const auto & src_col = selected_row->block->getByPosition(right_col_pos);
new_col->insertFrom(*src_col.column, selected_row->row_num);
executed_block.insert({std::move(new_col), col.type,});
right_col_pos += 1;
if (!executed_block)
result_column = ColumnUInt8::create();
for (const auto & col_name : required_column_names)
const auto * src_col = added_columns.left_block.findByName(col_name);
if (!src_col)
auto new_col = src_col->column->cloneEmpty();
size_t prev_left_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < row_replicate_offset.size(); ++i)
const size_t & left_offset = row_replicate_offset[i];
size_t rows = left_offset - prev_left_offset;
if (rows)
new_col->insertManyFrom(*src_col->column, left_start_row + i - 1, rows);
prev_left_offset = left_offset;
executed_block.insert({std::move(new_col), src_col->type, col_name});
if (!executed_block)
throw Exception(
"required columns: [{}], but not found any in left/right table. right table: {}, left table: {}",
for (const auto & col : executed_block.getColumnsWithTypeAndName())
if (!col.column || !col.type)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Illegal nullptr column in input block: {}", executed_block.dumpStructure());
result_column = executed_block.getByPosition(0).column->convertToFullColumnIfConst();
} while (false);
result_column = result_column->convertToFullIfNeeded();
if (result_column->isNullable())
/// Convert Nullable(UInt8) to UInt8 ensuring that nulls are zeros
/// Trying to avoid copying data, since we are the only owner of the column.
ColumnPtr mask_column = assert_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(*result_column).getNullMapColumnPtr();
MutableColumnPtr mutable_column;
ColumnPtr nested_column = assert_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(*result_column).getNestedColumnPtr();
mutable_column = IColumn::mutate(std::move(nested_column));
auto & column_data = assert_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(*mutable_column).getData();
const auto & mask_column_data = assert_cast<const ColumnUInt8 &>(*mask_column).getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < column_data.size(); ++i)
if (mask_column_data[i])
column_data[i] = 0;
return mutable_column;
return result_column;
AddedColumns & added_columns);
/// First to collect all matched rows refs by join keys, then filter out rows which are not true in additional filter expression.
template <typename KeyGetter, typename Map, typename AddedColumns>
@ -389,177 +140,7 @@ private:
AddedColumns & added_columns,
JoinStuff::JoinUsedFlags & used_flags [[maybe_unused]],
bool need_filter [[maybe_unused]],
bool need_flags [[maybe_unused]],
bool add_missing [[maybe_unused]],
bool flag_per_row [[maybe_unused]])
size_t left_block_rows = added_columns.rows_to_add;
if (need_filter)
added_columns.filter = IColumn::Filter(left_block_rows, 0);
std::unique_ptr<Arena> pool;
if constexpr (need_replication)
added_columns.offsets_to_replicate = std::make_unique<IColumn::Offsets>(left_block_rows);
std::vector<size_t> row_replicate_offset;
using FindResult = typename KeyGetter::FindResult;
size_t max_joined_block_rows = added_columns.max_joined_block_rows;
size_t left_row_iter = 0;
PreSelectedRows selected_rows;
std::vector<FindResult> find_results;
bool exceeded_max_block_rows = false;
IColumn::Offset total_added_rows = 0;
IColumn::Offset current_added_rows = 0;
auto collect_keys_matched_rows_refs = [&]()
pool = std::make_unique<Arena>();
current_added_rows = 0;
for (; left_row_iter < left_block_rows; ++left_row_iter)
if constexpr (need_replication)
if (unlikely(total_added_rows + current_added_rows >= max_joined_block_rows))
KnownRowsHolder<true> all_flag_known_rows;
KnownRowsHolder<false> single_flag_know_rows;
for (size_t join_clause_idx = 0; join_clause_idx < added_columns.join_on_keys.size(); ++join_clause_idx)
const auto & join_keys = added_columns.join_on_keys[join_clause_idx];
if (join_keys.null_map && (*join_keys.null_map)[left_row_iter])
bool row_acceptable = !join_keys.isRowFiltered(left_row_iter);
auto find_result = row_acceptable
? key_getter_vector[join_clause_idx].findKey(*(mapv[join_clause_idx]), left_row_iter, *pool)
: FindResult();
if (find_result.isFound())
auto & mapped = find_result.getMapped();
if (flag_per_row)
addFoundRowAll<Map, false, true>(mapped, selected_rows, current_added_rows, all_flag_known_rows, nullptr);
addFoundRowAll<Map, false, false>(mapped, selected_rows, current_added_rows, single_flag_know_rows, nullptr);
auto copy_final_matched_rows = [&](size_t left_start_row, ColumnPtr filter_col)
const PaddedPODArray<UInt8> & filter_flags = assert_cast<const ColumnUInt8 &>(*filter_col).getData();
size_t prev_replicated_row = 0;
auto selected_right_row_it = selected_rows.begin();
size_t find_result_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 1, n = row_replicate_offset.size(); i < n; ++i)
bool any_matched = false;
/// For all right join, flag_per_row is true, we need mark used flags for each row.
if (flag_per_row)
for (size_t replicated_row = prev_replicated_row; replicated_row < row_replicate_offset[i]; ++replicated_row)
if (filter_flags[replicated_row])
any_matched = true;
added_columns.appendFromBlock(*selected_right_row_it, add_missing);
total_added_rows += 1;
if (need_flags)
used_flags.template setUsed<true, true>((*selected_right_row_it)->block, (*selected_right_row_it)->row_num, 0);
for (size_t replicated_row = prev_replicated_row; replicated_row < row_replicate_offset[i]; ++replicated_row)
if (filter_flags[replicated_row])
any_matched = true;
added_columns.appendFromBlock(*selected_right_row_it, add_missing);
total_added_rows += 1;
if (!any_matched)
if (add_missing)
addNotFoundRow<true, need_replication>(added_columns, total_added_rows);
addNotFoundRow<false, need_replication>(added_columns, total_added_rows);
if (!flag_per_row && need_flags)
used_flags.template setUsed<true, false>(find_results[find_result_index]);
if (need_filter)
setUsed<true>(added_columns.filter, left_start_row + i - 1);
if (add_missing)
find_result_index += (prev_replicated_row != row_replicate_offset[i]);
if constexpr (need_replication)
(*added_columns.offsets_to_replicate)[left_start_row + i - 1] = total_added_rows;
prev_replicated_row = row_replicate_offset[i];
while (left_row_iter < left_block_rows && !exceeded_max_block_rows)
auto left_start_row = left_row_iter;
if (selected_rows.size() != current_added_rows || row_replicate_offset.size() != left_row_iter - left_start_row + 1)
throw Exception(
"Sizes are mismatched. selected_rows.size:{}, current_added_rows:{}, row_replicate_offset.size:{}, left_row_iter: {}, "
"left_start_row: {}",
auto filter_col = buildAdditionalFilter(left_start_row, selected_rows, row_replicate_offset, added_columns);
copy_final_matched_rows(left_start_row, filter_col);
if constexpr (need_replication)
// Add a check for current_added_rows to avoid run the filter expression on too small size batch.
if (total_added_rows >= max_joined_block_rows || current_added_rows < 1024)
exceeded_max_block_rows = true;
if constexpr (need_replication)
return left_row_iter;
bool flag_per_row [[maybe_unused]]);
/// Cut first num_rows rows from block in place and returns block with remaining rows
static Block sliceBlock(Block & block, size_t num_rows);
@ -617,4 +198,3 @@ extern template class HashJoinMethods<JoinKind::Full, JoinStrictness::Semi, Hash
extern template class HashJoinMethods<JoinKind::Full, JoinStrictness::Anti, HashJoin::MapsOne>;
extern template class HashJoinMethods<JoinKind::Full, JoinStrictness::Asof, HashJoin::MapsAsof>;

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<fill_query>INSERT INTO test SELECT number % 10000, number % 10000, number % 10000 FROM numbers(10000000)</fill_query>
<fill_query>INSERT INTO test1 SELECT number % 1000 , number % 1000, number % 1000 FROM numbers(100000)</fill_query>
<query tag='INNER'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test INNER JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b</query>
<query tag='LEFT'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test LEFT JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b</query>
<query tag='RIGHT'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test RIGHT JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b</query>
<query tag='FULL'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test FULL JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b</query>
<query tag='INNER'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test INNER JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b SETTINGS join_to_sort_table_rows_threshold=100000</query>
<query tag='LEFT'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test LEFT JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b SETTINGS join_to_sort_table_rows_threshold=100000</query>
<query tag='RIGHT'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test RIGHT JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b SETTINGS join_to_sort_table_rows_threshold=100000</query>
<query tag='FULL'>SELECT MAX(test1.a) FROM test FULL JOIN test1 on test.b = test1.b SETTINGS join_to_sort_table_rows_threshold=100000</query>
<drop_query>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test</drop_query>
<drop_query>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test1</drop_query>