Merge branch 'master' into boringssl2

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Milovidov 2020-12-17 22:09:30 +03:00
commit 3060743b9f
125 changed files with 2150 additions and 355 deletions

contrib/boost vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a7ceabe4747ecc3309dd3dcd9de4b29660dfd298
Subproject commit 0b98b443aa7bb77d65efd7b23b3b8c8a0ab5f1f3

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ find . -name '*.so.*' -print -exec mv '{}' /output \;
if [ "performance" == "$COMBINED_OUTPUT" ]
cp -r ../tests/performance /output
cp -r ../tests/config/top_level_domains /
cp -r ../docker/test/performance-comparison/config /output ||:
rm /output/unit_tests_dbms ||:
rm /output/clickhouse-odbc-bridge ||:

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ data_compressed_bytes: 499
**See also**
**See Also**
- [Distributed table engine](../../engines/table-engines/special/

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# system.replication_queue {#system_tables-replication_queue}
Contains information about tasks from replication queues stored in ZooKeeper for tables in the `ReplicatedMergeTree` family.
- `database` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Name of the database.
- `table` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Name of the table.
- `replica_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Replica name in ZooKeeper. Different replicas of the same table have different names.
- `position` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Position of the task in the queue.
- `node_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Node name in ZooKeeper.
- `type` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Type of the task in the queue: `GET_PARTS`, `MERGE_PARTS`, `DETACH_PARTS`, `DROP_PARTS`, or `MUTATE_PARTS`.
- `create_time` ([Datetime](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Date and time when the task was submitted for execution.
- `required_quorum` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of replicas waiting for the task to complete with confirmation of completion. This column is only relevant for the `GET_PARTS` task.
- `source_replica` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Name of the source replica.
- `new_part_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Name of the new part.
- `parts_to_merge` ([Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/ ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Names of parts to merge or update.
- `is_detach` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The flag indicates whether the `DETACH_PARTS` task is in the queue.
- `is_currently_executing` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The flag indicates whether a specific task is being performed right now.
- `num_tries` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of failed attempts to complete the task.
- `last_exception` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Text message about the last error that occurred (if any).
- `last_attempt_time` ([Datetime](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Date and time when the task was last attempted.
- `num_postponed` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of postponed tasks.
- `postpone_reason` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The reason why the task was postponed.
- `last_postpone_time` ([Datetime](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Date and time when the task was last postponed.
- `merge_type` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Type of the current merge. Empty if it's a mutation.
``` sql
SELECT * FROM system.replication_queue LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical;
``` text
Row 1:
database: merge
table: visits_v2
position: 15
node_name: queue-0009325559
create_time: 2020-12-07 14:04:21
required_quorum: 0
new_part_name: 20201130_121373_121384_2
parts_to_merge: ['20201130_121373_121378_1','20201130_121379_121379_0','20201130_121380_121380_0','20201130_121381_121381_0','20201130_121382_121382_0','20201130_121383_121383_0','20201130_121384_121384_0']
is_detach: 0
is_currently_executing: 0
num_tries: 36
last_exception: Code: 226, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Marks file '/opt/clickhouse/data/merge/visits_v2/tmp_fetch_20201130_121373_121384_2/CounterID.mrk' doesn't exist (version (official build))
last_attempt_time: 2020-12-08 17:35:54
num_postponed: 0
last_postpone_time: 1970-01-01 03:00:00
**See Also**
- [Managing ReplicatedMergeTree Tables](../../sql-reference/statements/
[Original article]( <!--hide-->

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@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ Example 2: `uniqArray(arr)` Counts the number of unique elements in all a
-If and -Array can be combined. However, Array must come first, then If. Examples: `uniqArrayIf(arr, cond)`, `quantilesTimingArrayIf(level1, level2)(arr, cond)`. Due to this order, the cond argument wont be an array.
## -SimpleState {#agg-functions-combinator-simplestate}
If you apply this combinator, the aggregate function returns the same value but with a different type. This is an `SimpleAggregateFunction(...)` that can be stored in a table to work with [AggregatingMergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ table engines.
## -State {#agg-functions-combinator-state}
If you apply this combinator, the aggregate function doesnt return the resulting value (such as the number of unique values for the [uniq](../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/ function), but an intermediate state of the aggregation (for `uniq`, this is the hash table for calculating the number of unique values). This is an `AggregateFunction(...)` that can be used for further processing or stored in a table to finish aggregating later.

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@ -1288,12 +1288,30 @@ Returns the index of the first element in the `arr1` array for which `func` retu
Note that the `arrayFirstIndex` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You must pass a lambda function to it as the first argument, and it cant be omitted.
## arrayMin(\[func,\] arr1, …) {#array-min}
Returns the sum of the `func` values. If the function is omitted, it just returns the min of the array elements.
Note that the `arrayMin` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
## arrayMax(\[func,\] arr1, …) {#array-max}
Returns the sum of the `func` values. If the function is omitted, it just returns the min of the array elements.
Note that the `arrayMax` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
## arraySum(\[func,\] arr1, …) {#array-sum}
Returns the sum of the `func` values. If the function is omitted, it just returns the sum of the array elements.
Note that the `arraySum` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
## arrayAvg(\[func,\] arr1, …) {#array-avg}
Returns the sum of the `func` values. If the function is omitted, it just returns the average of the array elements.
Note that the `arrayAvg` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/ You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
## arrayCumSum(\[func,\] arr1, …) {#arraycumsumfunc-arr1}
Returns an array of partial sums of elements in the source array (a running sum). If the `func` function is specified, then the values of the array elements are converted by this function before summing.

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@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ SYSTEM STOP MOVES [[db.]merge_tree_family_table_name]
## Managing ReplicatedMergeTree Tables {#query-language-system-replicated}
ClickHouse can manage background replication related processes in [ReplicatedMergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/replication/#table_engines-replication) tables.
ClickHouse can manage background replication related processes in [ReplicatedMergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ tables.
### STOP FETCHES {#query_language-system-stop-fetches}

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: General questions about ClickHouse
toc_hidden_folder: true
toc_priority: 1
toc_title: Общие вопросы
# Общие вопросы о ClickHouse {#obshchie-voprosy}
- Что такое ClickHouse?
- Почему ClickHouse такой быстрый?
- Кто пользуется ClickHouse?
- Что обозначает название “ClickHouse”?
- Что значит “Не тормозит”?
- Что такое OLAP?
- Что такое колоночная база данных?
- [Почему бы не использовать системы типа MapReduce?](
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Загляните в другие категории F.A.Q. или поищите в других разделах документации, ориентируйтесь по оглавлению слева.
{## [Original article]( ##}

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@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Общие вопросы {#obshchie-voprosy}
title: Why not use something like MapReduce?
toc_hidden: true
toc_priority: 110
## Почему бы не использовать системы типа MapReduce? {#pochemu-by-ne-ispolzovat-sistemy-tipa-mapreduce}
Системами типа MapReduce будем называть системы распределённых вычислений, в которых операция reduce сделана на основе распределённой сортировки. Наиболее распространённым opensource решением данного класса является [Apache Hadoop]( Яндекс использует собственное решение — YT.
Системами типа MapReduce будем называть системы распределённых вычислений, в которых операция reduce сделана на основе распределённой сортировки. Наиболее распространённым opensource решением данного класса является [Apache Hadoop]( Яндекс использует собственное решение — YT.
Такие системы не подходят для онлайн запросов в силу слишком большой latency. То есть, не могут быть использованы в качестве бэкенда для веб-интерфейса.
Такие системы не подходят для обновления данных в реальном времени.
@ -10,47 +14,3 @@
Распределённая сортировка является основной причиной тормозов при выполнении несложных map-reduce задач.
Большинство реализаций MapReduce позволяют выполнять произвольный код на кластере. Но для OLAP задач лучше подходит декларативный язык запросов, который позволяет быстро проводить исследования. Для примера, для Hadoop существует Hive и Pig. Также смотрите Cloudera Impala, Shark (устаревший) для Spark, а также Spark SQL, Presto, Apache Drill. Впрочем, производительность при выполнении таких задач является сильно неоптимальной по сравнению со специализированными системами, а сравнительно высокая latency не позволяет использовать эти системы в качестве бэкенда для веб-интерфейса.
## Что делать, если у меня проблема с кодировками при использовании Oracle через ODBC? {#oracle-odbc-encodings}
Если вы используете Oracle через драйвер ODBC в качестве источника внешних словарей, необходимо задать правильное значение для переменной окружения `NLS_LANG` в `/etc/default/clickhouse`. Подробнее читайте в [Oracle NLS_LANG FAQ](
``` sql
## Как экспортировать данные из ClickHouse в файл? {#how-to-export-to-file}
### Секция INTO OUTFILE {#sektsiia-into-outfile}
Добавьте секцию [INTO OUTFILE](../sql-reference/statements/select/ к своему запросу.
``` sql
По умолчанию, для выдачи данных ClickHouse использует формат [TabSeparated](../interfaces/ Чтобы выбрать [формат данных](../interfaces/, используйте [секцию FORMAT](../sql-reference/statements/select/
``` sql
### Таблица с движком File {#tablitsa-s-dvizhkom-file}
Смотрите [File](../engines/table-engines/special/
### Перенаправление в командой строке {#perenapravlenie-v-komandoi-stroke}
``` sql
$ clickhouse-client --query "SELECT * from table" --format FormatName > result.txt
Смотрите [clickhouse-client](../interfaces/
[Оригинальная статья]( <!--hide-->

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@ -4,3 +4,14 @@ toc_hidden: true
toc_priority: 76
# Содержание F.A.Q. {#soderzhanie}
В этом разделе документации собрали вопросы о ClickHouse, которые задают чаще всего.
- **[Общие вопросы](../faq/general/**
- **[Применение](../faq/use-cases/**
- **[Операции](../faq/operations/**
- **[Интеграция](../faq/integration/**

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
title: How do I export data from ClickHouse to a file?
toc_hidden: true
toc_priority: 10
## Как экспортировать данные из ClickHouse в файл? {#how-to-export-to-file-rus}
### Секция INTO OUTFILE {#sektsiia-into-outfile-rus}
Добавьте секцию [INTO OUTFILE](../../sql-reference/statements/select/ к своему запросу.
``` sql
По умолчанию, для выдачи данных ClickHouse использует формат [TabSeparated](../../interfaces/ Чтобы выбрать [формат данных](../../interfaces/, используйте секцию [FORMAT](../../sql-reference/statements/select/
``` sql
## Таблица с движком File {#using-a-file-engine-table}
Смотрите [File](../../engines/table-engines/special/
## Перенаправление в командой строке {#using-command-line-redirection}
``` bash
$ clickhouse-client --query "SELECT * from table" --format FormatName > result.txt
Смотрите [clickhouse-client](../../interfaces/

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Questions about integrating ClickHouse and other systems
toc_hidden_folder: true
toc_priority: 4
toc_title: Интеграция
# Вопросы об интеграции ClickHouse с другими системами {#question-about-integrating-clickhouse-and-other-systems-rus}
- [Как экспортировать данные из ClickHouse в файл?](
- Как импортировать JSON в ClickHouse?
- [Что делать, если у меня проблема с кодировками при использовании Oracle через ODBC?](
!!! info "Если вы не нашли то, что искали"
Загляните в другие подразделы F.A.Q. или поищите в остальных разделах документации, ориентируйтесь по оглавлению слева.
{## [Original article]( ##}

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: What if I have a problem with encodings when using Oracle via ODBC?
toc_hidden: true
toc_priority: 20
## Что делать, если у меня проблема с кодировками при использовании Oracle через ODBC? {#oracle-odbc-encodings-rus}
Если вы используете Oracle через драйвер ODBC в качестве источника внешних словарей, необходимо задать правильное значение для переменной окружения `NLS_LANG` в `/etc/default/clickhouse`. Подробнее читайте в [Oracle NLS_LANG FAQ](
``` sql

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
title: Question about operating ClickHouse servers and clusters
toc_hidden_folder: true
toc_priority: 3
toc_title: Операции
# Вопросы о производительности серверов и кластеров ClickHouse {#voprosy-ob-operating-clickhouse-servers-and-clusters}
- Which ClickHouse version to use in production?
- Is it possible to delete old records from a ClickHouse table?
!!! info "Dont see what you were looking for?"
Check out [other F.A.Q. categories](../../faq/ or browse around main documentation articles found in the left sidebar.
{## [Original article]( ##}

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: Questions about ClickHouse use cases
toc_hidden_folder: true
toc_priority: 2
toc_title: Применение
# Вопросы о применении ClickHouse {#voprosy-o-primenenii}
- Can I use ClickHouse as a time-series database?
- Can I use ClickHouse as a key-value storage?

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# system.replication_queue {#system_tables-replication_queue}
Содержит информацию о задачах из очередей репликации, хранящихся в ZooKeeper, для таблиц семейства `ReplicatedMergeTree`.
- `database` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имя базы данных.
- `table` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имя таблицы.
- `replica_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имя реплики в ZooKeeper. Разные реплики одной и той же таблицы имеют различные имена.
- `position` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — позиция задачи в очереди.
- `node_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имя узла в ZooKeeper.
- `type` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — тип задачи в очереди: `GET_PARTS`, `MERGE_PARTS`, `DETACH_PARTS`, `DROP_PARTS` или `MUTATE_PARTS`.
- `create_time` ([Datetime](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — дата и время отправки задачи на выполнение.
- `required_quorum` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — количество реплик, ожидающих завершения задачи, с подтверждением о завершении. Этот столбец актуален только для задачи `GET_PARTS`.
- `source_replica` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имя исходной реплики.
- `new_part_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имя нового куска.
- `parts_to_merge` ([Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/ ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — имена кусков, которые требуется смержить или обновить.
- `is_detach` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — флаг, указывающий на присутствие в очереди задачи `DETACH_PARTS`.
- `is_currently_executing` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — флаг, указывающий на выполнение конкретной задачи на данный момент.
- `num_tries` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — количество неудачных попыток выполнить задачу.
- `last_exception` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — текст сообщения о последней возникшей ошибке, если таковые имеются.
- `last_attempt_time` ([Datetime](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — дата и время последней попытки выполнить задачу.
- `num_postponed` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — количество отложенных задач.
- `postpone_reason` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — причина, по которой была отложена задача.
- `last_postpone_time` ([Datetime](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — дата и время, когда была отложена задача в последний раз.
- `merge_type` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — тип текущего слияния. Пусто, если это мутация.
``` sql
SELECT * FROM system.replication_queue LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical;
``` text
Row 1:
database: merge
table: visits_v2
position: 15
node_name: queue-0009325559
create_time: 2020-12-07 14:04:21
required_quorum: 0
new_part_name: 20201130_121373_121384_2
parts_to_merge: ['20201130_121373_121378_1','20201130_121379_121379_0','20201130_121380_121380_0','20201130_121381_121381_0','20201130_121382_121382_0','20201130_121383_121383_0','20201130_121384_121384_0']
is_detach: 0
is_currently_executing: 0
num_tries: 36
last_exception: Code: 226, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Marks file '/opt/clickhouse/data/merge/visits_v2/tmp_fetch_20201130_121373_121384_2/CounterID.mrk' doesn't exist (version (official build))
last_attempt_time: 2020-12-08 17:35:54
num_postponed: 0
last_postpone_time: 1970-01-01 03:00:00
**Смотрите также**
- [Управление таблицами ReplicatedMergeTree](../../sql-reference/statements/
[Оригинальная статья]( <!--hide-->

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@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ SOURCE(ODBC(
ClickHouse получает от ODBC-драйвера информацию о квотировании и квотирует настройки в запросах к драйверу, поэтому имя таблицы нужно указывать в соответствии с регистром имени таблицы в базе данных.
Если у вас есть проблемы с кодировками при использовании Oracle, ознакомьтесь с соответствующим разделом [FAQ](../../../faq/
Если у вас есть проблемы с кодировками при использовании Oracle, ознакомьтесь с соответствующим разделом [FAQ](../../../faq/integration/
### Выявленная уязвимость в функционировании ODBC словарей {#vyiavlennaia-uiazvimost-v-funktsionirovanii-odbc-slovarei}

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@ -9,19 +9,21 @@ toc_title: "\u5176\u4ED6"
## ATTACH {#attach}
这个查询是完全一样的 `CREATE`,但是
- 而不是这个词 `CREATE` 它使用这个词 `ATTACH`.
- 查询不会在磁盘上创建数据,但假定数据已经在适当的位置,只是将有关表的信息添加到服务器。
- 使用关键词 `ATTACH`
- 查询不会在磁盘上创建数据。但会假定数据已经在对应位置存放,同时将与表相关的信息添加到服务器。
执行 `ATTACH` 查询后,服务器将知道表已经被创建
如果表之前已分离 (`DETACH`),意味着其结构是已知的,可以使用速记而不限定该结构
如果表之前已分离 (`DETACH`),意味着其结构是已知的,可以使用简要的写法来建立表即不需要定义表结构的Schema细节
``` sql
启动服务器时使用此查询。 服务器将表元数据作为文件存储 `ATTACH` 查询,它只是在启动时运行(除了在服务器上显式创建的系统表)。
服务器将表的元数据作为文件存储 `ATTACH` 查询,它只是在启动时运行。有些表例外,如系统表,它们是在服务器上显式指定的。
## CHECK TABLE {#check-table}
@ -31,13 +33,12 @@ ATTACH TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db.]name [ON CLUSTER cluster]
CHECK TABLE [db.]name
`CHECK TABLE` 查询将实际文件大小与存储在服务器上的预期值进行比较。 如果文件大小与存储的值不匹配,则表示数据已损坏。 例如,这可能是由查询执行期间的系统崩溃引起的。
`CHECK TABLE` 查询会比较存储在服务器上的实际文件大小与预期值。 如果文件大小与存储的值不匹配,则表示数据已损坏。 例如,这可能是由查询执行期间的系统崩溃引起的。
查询响应包含 `result` 具有单行的列。 该行的值为
[布尔值](../../sql-reference/data-types/ 类型:
查询返回一行结果,列名为 `result`, 该行的值为 [布尔值](../../sql-reference/data-types/ 类型:
- 0-表中的数据已损坏
- 1-数据保持完整性
- 0-表中的数据已损坏
- 1-数据保持完整性
`CHECK TABLE` 查询支持下表引擎:
@ -56,13 +57,14 @@ CHECK TABLE [db.]name
如果表已损坏,则可以将未损坏的数据复制到另一个表。 要做到这一点:
1. 创建一个与损坏的表结构相同的新表。 要做到这一点,请执行查询 `CREATE TABLE <new_table_name> AS <damaged_table_name>`.
1. 创建一个与损坏的表结构相同的新表。 请执行查询 `CREATE TABLE <new_table_name> AS <damaged_table_name>`.
2. 将 [max_threads](../../operations/settings/ 值设置为1以在单个线程中处理下一个查询。 要这样做,请运行查询 `SET max_threads = 1`.
3. 执行查询 `INSERT INTO <new_table_name> SELECT * FROM <damaged_table_name>`. 此请求将未损坏的数据从损坏的表复制到另一个表。 只有损坏部分之前的数据才会被复制。
4. 重新启动 `clickhouse-client` 以重置 `max_threads` 值。
## DESCRIBE TABLE {#misc-describe-table}
``` sql
DESC|DESCRIBE TABLE [db.]table [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format]
@ -73,24 +75,25 @@ DESC|DESCRIBE TABLE [db.]table [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT format]
- `type`— 列的类型。
- `default_type` — [默认表达式]( (`DEFAULT`, `MATERIALIZED``ALIAS`)中使用的子句。 如果没有指定默认表达式,则列包含一个空字符串。
- `default_expression``DEFAULT` 子句中指定的值。
- `comment_expression` — 注释。
- `comment_expression` — 注释信息
嵌套数据结构以 “expanded” 格式输出。 每列分别显示,列名后加点号。
## DETACH {#detach}
从服务器中删除有关 name 表的信息。 服务器停止了解该表的存在。
从服务器中删除目标表信息(删除对象是表), 执行查询后,服务器视作该表已经不存在。
``` sql
这不会删除表的数据或元数据。 在下一次服务器启动时,服务器将读取元数据并再次查找该表。
同样,可以使用 `ATTACH` 查询重新连接一个 “detached” 的表(系统表除外,没有为它们存储元数据)。
也可以不停止服务器的情况下,使用前面介绍的 `ATTACH` 查询来重新关联该表(系统表除外,没有为它们存储元数据)。
## DROP {#drop}
删除已经存在的实体。如果指定 `IF EXISTS` 则如果实体不存在,则不返回错误。
建议使用时添加 `IF EXISTS` 修饰符。
## DROP DATABASE {#drop-database}
@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ DROP USER [IF EXISTS] name [,...] [ON CLUSTER cluster_name]
@ -199,6 +202,8 @@ EXISTS [TEMPORARY] [TABLE|DICTIONARY] [db.]name [INTO OUTFILE filename] [FORMAT
## KILL QUERY {#kill-query-statement}
``` sql
WHERE <where expression to SELECT FROM system.processes query>
@ -219,16 +224,17 @@ KILL QUERY WHERE query_id='2-857d-4a57-9ee0-327da5d60a90'
KILL QUERY WHERE user='username' SYNC
默认情况下,使用异步版本的查询 (`ASYNC`),不等待确认查询已停止。
默认情况下,使用异步版本的查询 (`ASYNC`),不需要等待确认查询已停止。
同步版本 (`SYNC`)等待所有查询停止,并在停止时显示有关每个进程的信息。
响应包含 `kill_status` 列,该列可以采用以下值:
而相对的,终止同步版本 (`SYNC`)的查询会显示每步停止时间。
返回信息包含 `kill_status` 列,该列可以采用以下值:
1. finished 查询已成功终止。
2. waiting 发送查询信号终止后,等待查询结束。
3. 其他值解释为什么查询不能停止。
3. 其他值,会解释为什么查询不能停止。
测试查询 (`TEST`)仅检查用户的权限,并显示要停止的查询列表。

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void ODBCColumnsInfoHandler::handleRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest & reques
std::string name = schema_name.empty() ? backQuoteIfNeed(table_name) : backQuoteIfNeed(schema_name) + "." + backQuoteIfNeed(table_name);
WriteBufferFromOwnString buf;
std::string input = "SELECT * FROM " + name + " WHERE 1 = 0";
ParserQueryWithOutput parser;
ParserQueryWithOutput parser( + input.size());
ASTPtr select = parseQuery(parser,, + input.size(), "", context_settings.max_query_size, context_settings.max_parser_depth);
IAST::FormatSettings settings(buf, true);

View File

@ -139,6 +139,28 @@ void setupTmpPath(Poco::Logger * log, const std::string & path)
int waitServersToFinish(std::vector<DB::ProtocolServerAdapter> & servers, size_t seconds_to_wait)
const int sleep_max_ms = 1000 * seconds_to_wait;
const int sleep_one_ms = 100;
int sleep_current_ms = 0;
int current_connections = 0;
while (sleep_current_ms < sleep_max_ms)
current_connections = 0;
for (auto & server : servers)
current_connections += server.currentConnections();
if (!current_connections)
sleep_current_ms += sleep_one_ms;
return current_connections;
namespace DB
@ -794,8 +816,29 @@ int Server::main(const std::vector<std::string> & /*args*/)
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Shut down storages.");
for (auto & server : servers_to_start_before_tables)
if (!servers_to_start_before_tables.empty())
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for current connections to servers for tables to finish.");
int current_connections = 0;
for (auto & server : servers_to_start_before_tables)
current_connections += server.currentConnections();
if (current_connections)
LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets. Waiting for {} outstanding connections.", current_connections);
LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets.");
if (current_connections > 0)
current_connections = waitServersToFinish(servers_to_start_before_tables, config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5));
if (current_connections)
LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections to servers for tables. But {} remain. Probably some tables of other users cannot finish their connections after context shutdown.", current_connections);
LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections to servers for tables.");
/** Explicitly destroy Context. It is more convenient than in destructor of Server, because logger is still available.
* At this moment, no one could own shared part of Context.
@ -1167,24 +1210,7 @@ int Server::main(const std::vector<std::string> & /*args*/)
if (current_connections)
const int sleep_max_ms = 1000 * config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5);
const int sleep_one_ms = 100;
int sleep_current_ms = 0;
while (sleep_current_ms < sleep_max_ms)
current_connections = 0;
for (auto & server : servers)
current_connections += server.currentConnections();
if (!current_connections)
sleep_current_ms += sleep_one_ms;
current_connections = waitServersToFinish(servers, config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5));
if (current_connections)
LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections. But {} remain."

View File

@ -156,6 +156,25 @@ bool SettingsConstraints::checkImpl(const Settings & current_settings, SettingCh
const String & setting_name =;
if (setting_name == "profile")
/// TODO Check profile settings in Context::setProfile(...), not here. It will be backward incompatible.
const String & profile_name = change.value.safeGet<String>();
const auto & profile_settings_changes = manager->getProfileSettings(profile_name);
/// NOTE We cannot use CLAMP_ON_VIOLATION here, because we cannot modify elements of profile_settings_changes
for (auto change_copy : *profile_settings_changes)
checkImpl(current_settings, change_copy, THROW_ON_VIOLATION);
catch (Exception & e)
e.addMessage(", while trying to set settings profile {}", profile_name);
return true;
bool cannot_cast;
auto cast_value = [&](const Field & x) -> Field

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <Poco/String.h>
#include "registerAggregateFunctions.h"
#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
namespace DB
@ -135,12 +136,17 @@ AggregateFunctionPtr AggregateFunctionFactory::getImpl(
return combinator->transformAggregateFunction(nested_function, out_properties, argument_types, parameters);
String extra_info;
if (FunctionFactory::instance().hasNameOrAlias(name))
extra_info = ". There is an ordinary function with the same name, but aggregate function is expected here";
auto hints = this->getHints(name);
if (!hints.empty())
throw Exception(fmt::format("Unknown aggregate function {}. Maybe you meant: {}", name, toString(hints)),
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION,
"Unknown aggregate function {}{}. Maybe you meant: {}", name, extra_info, toString(hints));
throw Exception(fmt::format("Unknown aggregate function {}", name), ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION, "Unknown aggregate function {}{}", name, extra_info);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionSimpleState.h>
namespace DB
class AggregateFunctionCombinatorSimpleState final : public IAggregateFunctionCombinator
String getName() const override { return "SimpleState"; }
DataTypes transformArguments(const DataTypes & arguments) const override { return arguments; }
AggregateFunctionPtr transformAggregateFunction(
const AggregateFunctionPtr & nested_function,
const AggregateFunctionProperties &,
const DataTypes & arguments,
const Array & params) const override
return std::make_shared<AggregateFunctionSimpleState>(nested_function, arguments, params);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorSimpleState(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory & factory)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#pragma once
#include <AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeCustomSimpleAggregateFunction.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeFactory.h>
namespace DB
/** Not an aggregate function, but an adapter of aggregate functions.
* Aggregate functions with the `SimpleState` suffix is almost identical to the corresponding ones,
* except the return type becomes DataTypeCustomSimpleAggregateFunction.
class AggregateFunctionSimpleState final : public IAggregateFunctionHelper<AggregateFunctionSimpleState>
AggregateFunctionPtr nested_func;
DataTypes arguments;
Array params;
AggregateFunctionSimpleState(AggregateFunctionPtr nested_, const DataTypes & arguments_, const Array & params_)
: IAggregateFunctionHelper<AggregateFunctionSimpleState>(arguments_, params_)
, nested_func(nested_)
, arguments(arguments_)
, params(params_)
String getName() const override { return nested_func->getName() + "SimpleState"; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override
// Need to make a clone because it'll be customized.
auto storage_type = DataTypeFactory::instance().get(nested_func->getReturnType()->getName());
DataTypeCustomNamePtr custom_name
= std::make_unique<DataTypeCustomSimpleAggregateFunction>(nested_func, DataTypes{nested_func->getReturnType()}, params);
storage_type->setCustomization(std::make_unique<DataTypeCustomDesc>(std::move(custom_name), nullptr));
return storage_type;
void create(AggregateDataPtr place) const override { nested_func->create(place); }
void destroy(AggregateDataPtr place) const noexcept override { nested_func->destroy(place); }
bool hasTrivialDestructor() const override { return nested_func->hasTrivialDestructor(); }
size_t sizeOfData() const override { return nested_func->sizeOfData(); }
size_t alignOfData() const override { return nested_func->alignOfData(); }
void add(AggregateDataPtr place, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num, Arena * arena) const override
nested_func->add(place, columns, row_num, arena);
void merge(AggregateDataPtr place, ConstAggregateDataPtr rhs, Arena * arena) const override { nested_func->merge(place, rhs, arena); }
void serialize(ConstAggregateDataPtr place, WriteBuffer & buf) const override { nested_func->serialize(place, buf); }
void deserialize(AggregateDataPtr place, ReadBuffer & buf, Arena * arena) const override
nested_func->deserialize(place, buf, arena);
void insertResultInto(AggregateDataPtr place, IColumn & to, Arena * arena) const override
nested_func->insertResultInto(place, to, arena);
bool allocatesMemoryInArena() const override { return nested_func->allocatesMemoryInArena(); }
AggregateFunctionPtr getNestedFunction() const { return nested_func; }

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory;
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorIf(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorArray(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorForEach(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorSimpleState(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorState(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorMerge(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorNull(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ void registerAggregateFunctions()

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ SRCS(

View File

@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ public:
return aliases.count(name) || case_insensitive_aliases.count(name);
bool hasNameOrAlias(const String & name) const
return getMap().count(name) || getCaseInsensitiveMap().count(name) || isAlias(name);
virtual ~IFactoryWithAliases() override {}

View File

@ -798,6 +798,21 @@ void TestKeeperStorage::clearDeadWatches(int64_t session_id)
if (watches_for_path.empty())
auto list_watch = list_watches.find(watch_path);
if (list_watch != list_watches.end())
auto & list_watches_for_path = list_watch->second;
for (auto w_it = list_watches_for_path.begin(); w_it != list_watches_for_path.end();)
if (w_it->session_id == session_id)
w_it = list_watches_for_path.erase(w_it);
if (list_watches_for_path.empty())

View File

@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ class IColumn;
* Almost all limits apply to each stream individually. \
*/ \
M(UInt64, limit, 0, "Limit on read rows from the most 'end' result for select query, default 0 means no limit length", 0) \
M(UInt64, offset, 0, "Offset on read rows from the most 'end' result for select query", 0) \
M(UInt64, max_rows_to_read, 0, "Limit on read rows from the most 'deep' sources. That is, only in the deepest subquery. When reading from a remote server, it is only checked on a remote server.", 0) \
M(UInt64, max_bytes_to_read, 0, "Limit on read bytes (after decompression) from the most 'deep' sources. That is, only in the deepest subquery. When reading from a remote server, it is only checked on a remote server.", 0) \
M(OverflowMode, read_overflow_mode, OverflowMode::THROW, "What to do when the limit is exceeded.", 0) \

View File

@ -25,10 +25,19 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
static const std::vector<String> supported_functions{"any", "anyLast", "min",
"max", "sum", "sumWithOverflow", "groupBitAnd", "groupBitOr", "groupBitXor",
"sumMap", "minMap", "maxMap", "groupArrayArray", "groupUniqArrayArray"};
void DataTypeCustomSimpleAggregateFunction::checkSupportedFunctions(const AggregateFunctionPtr & function)
static const std::vector<String> supported_functions{"any", "anyLast", "min",
"max", "sum", "sumWithOverflow", "groupBitAnd", "groupBitOr", "groupBitXor",
"sumMap", "minMap", "maxMap", "groupArrayArray", "groupUniqArrayArray"};
// check function
if (std::find(std::begin(supported_functions), std::end(supported_functions), function->getName()) == std::end(supported_functions))
throw Exception("Unsupported aggregate function " + function->getName() + ", supported functions are " + boost::algorithm::join(supported_functions, ","),
String DataTypeCustomSimpleAggregateFunction::getName() const
@ -114,12 +123,7 @@ static std::pair<DataTypePtr, DataTypeCustomDescPtr> create(const ASTPtr & argum
AggregateFunctionProperties properties;
function = AggregateFunctionFactory::instance().get(function_name, argument_types, params_row, properties);
// check function
if (std::find(std::begin(supported_functions), std::end(supported_functions), function->getName()) == std::end(supported_functions))
throw Exception("Unsupported aggregate function " + function->getName() + ", supported functions are " + boost::algorithm::join(supported_functions, ","),
DataTypePtr storage_type = DataTypeFactory::instance().get(argument_types[0]->getName());

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public:
const AggregateFunctionPtr getFunction() const { return function; }
String getName() const override;
static void checkSupportedFunctions(const AggregateFunctionPtr & function);

View File

@ -451,6 +451,7 @@ public:
static bool isSpecialCompressionAllowed(const SubstreamPath & path);
friend class DataTypeFactory;
friend class AggregateFunctionSimpleState;
/// Customize this DataType
void setCustomization(DataTypeCustomDescPtr custom_desc_) const;

View File

@ -217,6 +217,9 @@ void DatabaseAtomic::renameTable(const Context & context, const String & table_n
if (is_dictionary && !inside_database)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot move dictionary to other database");
if (!exchange)
other_db.checkMetadataFilenameAvailabilityUnlocked(to_table_name, inside_database ? db_lock : other_db_lock);
StoragePtr table = getTableUnlocked(table_name, db_lock);

View File

@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ void DatabaseLazy::loadStoredObjects(
iterateMetadataFiles(context, [this](const String & file_name)
const std::string table_name = file_name.substr(0, file_name.size() - 4);
auto detached_permanently_flag = Poco::File(getMetadataPath() + "/" + file_name + detached_suffix);
if (detached_permanently_flag.exists())
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Skipping permanently detached table {}.", backQuote(table_name));
attachTable(table_name, nullptr, {});

View File

@ -164,20 +164,38 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::createTable(
/// But there is protection from it - see using DDLGuard in InterpreterCreateQuery.
if (isDictionaryExist(table_name))
throw Exception("Dictionary " + backQuote(getDatabaseName()) + "." + backQuote(table_name) + " already exists.",
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DICTIONARY_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Dictionary {}.{} already exists", backQuote(getDatabaseName()), backQuote(table_name));
if (isTableExist(table_name, global_context))
throw Exception("Table " + backQuote(getDatabaseName()) + "." + backQuote(table_name) + " already exists.", ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Table {}.{} already exists", backQuote(getDatabaseName()), backQuote(table_name));
String table_metadata_path = getObjectMetadataPath(table_name);
if (create.attach_short_syntax)
/// Metadata already exists, table was detached
attachTable(table_name, table, getTableDataPath(create));
removeDetachedPermanentlyFlag(table_name, table_metadata_path);
String table_metadata_path = getObjectMetadataPath(table_name);
if (!create.attach)
if (create.attach && Poco::File(table_metadata_path).exists())
ASTPtr ast_detached = parseQueryFromMetadata(log, context, table_metadata_path);
auto & create_detached = ast_detached->as<ASTCreateQuery &>();
// either both should be Nil, either values should be equal
if (create.uuid != create_detached.uuid)
throw Exception(
"Table {}.{} already exist (detached permanently). To attach it back "
"you need to use short ATTACH syntax or a full statement with the same UUID",
backQuote(getDatabaseName()), backQuote(table_name));
String table_metadata_tmp_path = table_metadata_path + create_suffix;
String statement;
@ -194,6 +212,26 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::createTable(
commitCreateTable(create, table, table_metadata_tmp_path, table_metadata_path);
removeDetachedPermanentlyFlag(table_name, table_metadata_path);
/// If the table was detached permanently we will have a flag file with
/// .sql.detached extension, is not needed anymore since we attached the table back
void DatabaseOnDisk::removeDetachedPermanentlyFlag(const String & table_name, const String & table_metadata_path) const
auto detached_permanently_flag = Poco::File(table_metadata_path + detached_suffix);
if (detached_permanently_flag.exists())
catch (Exception & e)
e.addMessage("while trying to remove permanenty detached flag. Table {}.{} may still be marked as permanently detached, and will not be reattached during server restart.", backQuote(getDatabaseName()), backQuote(table_name));
void DatabaseOnDisk::commitCreateTable(const ASTCreateQuery & query, const StoragePtr & table,
@ -215,6 +253,22 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::commitCreateTable(const ASTCreateQuery & query, const Stora
void DatabaseOnDisk::detachTablePermanently(const String & table_name)
auto table = detachTable(table_name);
Poco::File detached_permanently_flag(getObjectMetadataPath(table_name) + detached_suffix);
catch (Exception & e)
e.addMessage("while trying to set permanenty detached flag. Table {}.{} may be reattached during server restart.", backQuote(getDatabaseName()), backQuote(table_name));
void DatabaseOnDisk::dropTable(const Context & context, const String & table_name, bool /*no_delay*/)
String table_metadata_path = getObjectMetadataPath(table_name);
@ -253,6 +307,27 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::dropTable(const Context & context, const String & table_nam
void DatabaseOnDisk::checkMetadataFilenameAvailability(const String & to_table_name) const
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);
checkMetadataFilenameAvailabilityUnlocked(to_table_name, lock);
void DatabaseOnDisk::checkMetadataFilenameAvailabilityUnlocked(const String & to_table_name, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &) const
String table_metadata_path = getObjectMetadataPath(to_table_name);
if (Poco::File(table_metadata_path).exists())
auto detached_permanently_flag = Poco::File(table_metadata_path + detached_suffix);
if (detached_permanently_flag.exists())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Table {}.{} already exists (detached permanently)", backQuote(database_name), backQuote(to_table_name));
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Table {}.{} already exists (detached)", backQuote(database_name), backQuote(to_table_name));
void DatabaseOnDisk::renameTable(
const Context & context,
const String & table_name,
@ -299,6 +374,9 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::renameTable(
if (from_atomic_to_ordinary)
create.uuid = UUIDHelpers::Nil;
if (auto * target_db = dynamic_cast<DatabaseOnDisk *>(&to_database))
/// Notify the table that it is renamed. It will move data to new path (if it stores data on disk) and update StorageID
table->rename(to_database.getTableDataPath(create), StorageID(create));
@ -328,6 +406,8 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::renameTable(
/// It returns create table statement (even if table is detached)
ASTPtr DatabaseOnDisk::getCreateTableQueryImpl(const String & table_name, const Context &, bool throw_on_error) const
ASTPtr ast;
@ -430,8 +510,11 @@ void DatabaseOnDisk::iterateMetadataFiles(const Context & context, const Iterati
if (endsWith(, ".sql.bak"))
static const char * tmp_drop_ext = ".sql.tmp_drop";
if (endsWith(, tmp_drop_ext))
/// Permanently detached table flag
if (endsWith(, ".sql.detached"))
if (endsWith(, ".sql.tmp_drop"))
/// There are files that we tried to delete previously
metadata_files.emplace(, false);

View File

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ public:
const StoragePtr & table,
const ASTPtr & query) override;
void detachTablePermanently(const String & table_name) override;
void dropTable(
const Context & context,
const String & table_name,
@ -67,9 +69,14 @@ public:
static ASTPtr parseQueryFromMetadata(Poco::Logger * log, const Context & context, const String & metadata_file_path, bool throw_on_error = true, bool remove_empty = false);
/// will throw when the table we want to attach already exists (in active / detached / detached permanently form)
void checkMetadataFilenameAvailability(const String & to_table_name) const;
void checkMetadataFilenameAvailabilityUnlocked(const String & to_table_name, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &) const;
static constexpr const char * create_suffix = ".tmp";
static constexpr const char * drop_suffix = ".tmp_drop";
static constexpr const char * detached_suffix = ".detached";
using IteratingFunction = std::function<void(const String &)>;
@ -87,6 +94,9 @@ protected:
const String metadata_path;
const String data_path;
void removeDetachedPermanentlyFlag(const String & table_name, const String & table_metadata_path) const;

View File

@ -135,6 +135,19 @@ void DatabaseOrdinary::loadStoredObjects(Context & context, bool has_force_resto
auto * create_query = ast->as<ASTCreateQuery>();
create_query->database = database_name;
auto detached_permanently_flag = Poco::File(full_path.string() + detached_suffix);
if (detached_permanently_flag.exists())
/// FIXME: even if we don't load the table we can still mark the uuid of it as taken.
/// if (create_query->uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
/// DatabaseCatalog::instance().addUUIDMapping(create_query->uuid);
const std::string table_name = file_name.substr(0, file_name.size() - 4);
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Skipping permanently detached table {}.", backQuote(table_name));
std::lock_guard lock{file_names_mutex};
file_names[file_name] = ast;
total_dictionaries += create_query->is_dictionary;

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ StoragePtr DatabaseWithOwnTablesBase::detachTableUnlocked(const String & table_n
auto it = tables.find(table_name);
if (it == tables.end())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {}.{} doesn't exist.",
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {}.{} doesn't exist",
backQuote(database_name), backQuote(table_name));
res = it->second;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ StoragePtr DatabaseWithOwnTablesBase::getTableUnlocked(const String & table_name
auto it = tables.find(table_name);
if (it != tables.end())
return it->second;
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {}.{} doesn't exist.",
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {}.{} doesn't exist",
backQuote(database_name), backQuote(table_name));

View File

@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ public:
/// Add a table to the database, but do not add it to the metadata. The database may not support this method.
/// Note: ATTACH TABLE statement actually uses createTable method.
virtual void attachTable(const String & /*name*/, const StoragePtr & /*table*/, [[maybe_unused]] const String & relative_table_path = {})
throw Exception("There is no ATTACH TABLE query for Database" + getEngineName(), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
@ -245,6 +247,13 @@ public:
throw Exception("There is no DETACH DICTIONARY query for Database" + getEngineName(), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/// Forget about the table without deleting it's data, but rename metadata file to prevent reloading it
/// with next restart. The database may not support this method.
virtual void detachTablePermanently(const String & /*name*/)
throw Exception("There is no DETACH TABLE PERMANENTLY query for Database" + getEngineName(), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
/// Rename the table and possibly move the table to another database.
virtual void renameTable(
const Context & /*context*/,

View File

@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ void DatabaseConnectionMySQL::loadStoredObjects(Context &, bool, bool /*force_at
void DatabaseConnectionMySQL::dropTable(const Context &, const String & table_name, bool /*no_delay*/)
void DatabaseConnectionMySQL::detachTablePermanently(const String & table_name)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock{mutex};
@ -429,6 +429,11 @@ void DatabaseConnectionMySQL::dropTable(const Context &, const String & table_na
table_iter->second.second->is_dropped = true;
void DatabaseConnectionMySQL::dropTable(const Context &, const String & table_name, bool /*no_delay*/)

View File

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ public:
StoragePtr detachTable(const String & table_name) override;
void detachTablePermanently(const String & table_name) override;
void dropTable(const Context &, const String & table_name, bool no_delay) override;
void attachTable(const String & table_name, const StoragePtr & storage, const String & relative_table_path) override;

View File

@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ public:
__msan_unpoison(dst_pos, outlen);
source += srclen + 1;
dst_pos += outlen + 1;
dst_pos += outlen;
*dst_pos = '\0';
dst_pos += 1;
dst_offsets[row] = dst_pos - dst;
src_offset_prev = src_offsets[row];

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionFactory.h>
namespace DB
@ -46,12 +48,15 @@ FunctionOverloadResolverImplPtr FunctionFactory::getImpl(
auto res = tryGetImpl(name, context);
if (!res)
String extra_info;
if (AggregateFunctionFactory::instance().hasNameOrAlias(name))
extra_info = ". There is an aggregate function with the same name, but ordinary function is expected here";
auto hints = this->getHints(name);
if (!hints.empty())
throw Exception("Unknown function " + name + ". Maybe you meant: " + toString(hints),
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FUNCTION, "Unknown function {}{}. Maybe you meant: {}", name, extra_info, toString(hints));
throw Exception("Unknown function " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FUNCTION);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FUNCTION, "Unknown function {}{}", name, extra_info);
return res;

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ enum class AggregateOperation
* During array aggregation we derive result type from operation.
* For array min or array max we use array element as result type.
* For array average we use Float64.
* For array sum for decimal numbers we use Decimal128, for floating point numbers Float64, for numeric unsigned Int64,
* and for numeric signed UInt64.
* For array sum for for big integers, we use same type representation, decimal numbers we use Decimal128,
* for floating point numbers Float64, for numeric unsigned Int64, and for numeric signed UInt64.
template <typename ArrayElement, AggregateOperation operation>
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ struct ArrayAggregateResultImpl<ArrayElement, AggregateOperation::average>
template <typename ArrayElement>
struct ArrayAggregateResultImpl<ArrayElement, AggregateOperation::sum>
using Result = std::conditional_t<
std::conditional_t<std::is_signed_v<ArrayElement>, Int64, UInt64>>>;
using Result =
std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<ArrayElement, Int128>, Int128,
std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<ArrayElement, Int256>, Int256,
std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<ArrayElement, UInt256>, UInt256,
std::conditional_t<IsDecimalNumber<ArrayElement>, Decimal128,
std::conditional_t<std::is_floating_point_v<ArrayElement>, Float64,
std::conditional_t<std::is_signed_v<ArrayElement>, Int64,
template <typename ArrayElement, AggregateOperation operation>
@ -126,12 +127,12 @@ struct ArrayAggregateImpl
using ColVecType = std::conditional_t<IsDecimalNumber<Element>, ColumnDecimal<Element>, ColumnVector<Element>>;
using ColVecResult = std::conditional_t<IsDecimalNumber<Result>, ColumnDecimal<Result>, ColumnVector<Result>>;
/// For average on decimal array we return Float64 as result,
/// but to keep decimal presisision we convert to Float64 as last step of average computation
static constexpr bool use_decimal_for_average_aggregation
= aggregate_operation == AggregateOperation::average && IsDecimalNumber<Element>;
/// For average of array we return Float64 as result, but we want to keep precision
/// so we convert to Float64 as last step, but intermediate sum is represented as result of sum operation
static constexpr bool is_average_operation = aggregate_operation == AggregateOperation::average;
using SummAggregationType = ArrayAggregateResult<Element, AggregateOperation::sum>;
using AggregationType = std::conditional_t<use_decimal_for_average_aggregation, Decimal128, Result>;
using AggregationType = std::conditional_t<is_average_operation, SummAggregationType, Result>;
const ColVecType * column = checkAndGetColumn<ColVecType>(&*mapped);
@ -246,12 +247,15 @@ struct ArrayAggregateImpl
if constexpr (aggregate_operation == AggregateOperation::average)
s = s / count;
if constexpr (use_decimal_for_average_aggregation)
res[i] = DecimalUtils::convertTo<Result>(s, data.getScale());
if constexpr (IsDecimalNumber<Element>)
s = s / count;
res[i] = DecimalUtils::convertTo<Result>(s, data.getScale());
res[i] = static_cast<Result>(s) / count;
@ -272,10 +276,13 @@ struct ArrayAggregateImpl
executeType<UInt16>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<UInt32>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<UInt64>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<UInt256>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Int8>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Int16>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Int32>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Int64>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Int128>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Int256>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Float32>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Float64>(mapped, offsets, res) ||
executeType<Decimal32>(mapped, offsets, res) ||

View File

@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ namespace DB
typename ColVecTo::Container & vec_to = col_to->getData();
ColumnUInt8::MutablePtr col_null_map_to;
ColumnUInt8::Container * vec_null_map_to [[maybe_unused]] = nullptr;
UInt8 * vec_null_map_to [[maybe_unused]] = nullptr;
if constexpr (nullOnErrors)
col_null_map_to = ColumnUInt8::create(input_rows_count);
vec_null_map_to = &col_null_map_to->getData();
vec_null_map_to = col_null_map_to->getData().data();
size_t current_offset = 0;
@ -83,12 +83,15 @@ namespace DB
const GregorianDate<> date(read_buffer);
vec_to[i] = date.toModifiedJulianDay<typename ToDataType::FieldType>();
(*vec_null_map_to)[i] = false;
vec_null_map_to[i] = false;
catch (const Exception & e)
if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_INPUT_ASSERTION_FAILED || e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE)
(*vec_null_map_to)[i] = true;
vec_to[i] = static_cast<Int32>(0);
vec_null_map_to[i] = true;

View File

@ -445,6 +445,8 @@ struct ContextShared
/// Stop trace collector if any
/// Stop zookeeper connection
/// Stop test_keeper storage

View File

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getTableImpl(
if (!table_id)
if (exception)
exception->emplace("Cannot find table: StorageID is empty", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE);
exception->emplace(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Cannot find table: StorageID is empty");
return {};
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getTableImpl(
assert(!db_and_table.first && !db_and_table.second);
if (exception)
exception->emplace("Table " + table_id.getNameForLogs() + " doesn't exist.", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE);
exception->emplace(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {} doesn't exist", table_id.getNameForLogs());
return {};
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getTableImpl(
/// If table_id has no UUID, then the name of database was specified by user and table_id was not resolved through context.
/// Do not allow access to TEMPORARY_DATABASE because it contains all temporary tables of all contexts and users.
if (exception)
exception->emplace("Direct access to `" + String(TEMPORARY_DATABASE) + "` database is not allowed.", ErrorCodes::DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED);
exception->emplace(ErrorCodes::DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED, "Direct access to `{}` database is not allowed", String(TEMPORARY_DATABASE));
return {};
@ -255,8 +255,7 @@ DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getTableImpl(
if (databases.end() == it)
if (exception)
exception->emplace("Database " + backQuoteIfNeed(table_id.getDatabaseName()) + " doesn't exist",
exception->emplace(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} doesn't exist", backQuoteIfNeed(table_id.getDatabaseName()));
return {};
database = it->second;
@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getTableImpl(
auto table = database->tryGetTable(table_id.table_name, context);
if (!table && exception)
exception->emplace("Table " + table_id.getNameForLogs() + " doesn't exist.", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE);
exception->emplace(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {} doesn't exist", table_id.getNameForLogs());
if (!table)
database = nullptr;

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ protected:
Block result_header;
SelectQueryOptions options;
size_t max_streams = 1;
bool settings_limit_offset_needed = false;
bool settings_limit_offset_done = false;

View File

@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ BlockIO InterpreterCreateQuery::createTable(ASTCreateQuery & create)
auto database = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(database_name);
bool if_not_exists = create.if_not_exists;
// Table SQL definition is available even if the table is detached
// Table SQL definition is available even if the table is detached (even permanently)
auto query = database->getCreateTableQuery(create.table, context);
create = query->as<ASTCreateQuery &>(); // Copy the saved create query, but use ATTACH instead of CREATE
if (create.is_dictionary)

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR;
extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE;
extern const int UNKNOWN_DICTIONARY;
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ BlockIO InterpreterDropQuery::execute()
if (!drop.is_dictionary)
return executeToTable(drop);
else if (drop.permanently && drop.kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Detach)
throw Exception("DETACH PERMANENTLY is not implemented for dictionaries", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return executeToDictionary(drop.database, drop.table, drop.kind, drop.if_exists, drop.temporary, drop.no_ddl_lock);
@ -128,8 +131,18 @@ BlockIO InterpreterDropQuery::executeToTableImpl(const ASTDropQuery & query, Dat
TableExclusiveLockHolder table_lock;
if (database->getUUID() == UUIDHelpers::Nil)
table_lock = table->lockExclusively(context.getCurrentQueryId(), context.getSettingsRef().lock_acquire_timeout);
/// Drop table from memory, don't touch data and metadata
if (query.permanently)
/// Drop table from memory, don't touch data, metadata file renamed and will be skipped during server restart
/// Drop table from memory, don't touch data and metadata
else if (query.kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Truncate)
@ -286,6 +299,9 @@ BlockIO InterpreterDropQuery::executeToDatabaseImpl(const ASTDropQuery & query,
bool drop = query.kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Drop;
context.checkAccess(AccessType::DROP_DATABASE, database_name);
if (query.kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Detach && query.permanently)
throw Exception("DETACH PERMANENTLY is not implemented for databases", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (database->getEngineName() == "MaterializeMySQL")

View File

@ -9,10 +9,14 @@
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/IQueryPlanStep.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/QueryPlan.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/UnionStep.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/LimitStep.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/OffsetStep.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Interpreters/InDepthNodeVisitor.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace DB
@ -130,10 +134,14 @@ InterpreterSelectWithUnionQuery::InterpreterSelectWithUnionQuery(
ASTSelectWithUnionQuery * ast = query_ptr->as<ASTSelectWithUnionQuery>();
const Settings & settings = context->getSettingsRef();
if (options.subquery_depth == 0 && (settings.limit > 0 || settings.offset > 0))
settings_limit_offset_needed = true;
/// Normalize AST Tree
if (!ast->is_normalized)
CustomizeASTSelectWithUnionQueryNormalizeVisitor::Data union_default_mode{context->getSettingsRef().union_default_mode};
CustomizeASTSelectWithUnionQueryNormalizeVisitor::Data union_default_mode{settings.union_default_mode};
/// After normalization, if it only has one ASTSelectWithUnionQuery child,
@ -186,6 +194,52 @@ InterpreterSelectWithUnionQuery::InterpreterSelectWithUnionQuery(
if (num_children == 1 && settings_limit_offset_needed)
const ASTPtr first_select_ast = ast->list_of_selects->;
ASTSelectQuery * select_query = first_select_ast->as<ASTSelectQuery>();
if (!select_query->withFill() && !select_query->limit_with_ties)
UInt64 limit_length = 0;
UInt64 limit_offset = 0;
const ASTPtr limit_offset_ast = select_query->limitOffset();
if (limit_offset_ast)
limit_offset = limit_offset_ast->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.safeGet<UInt64>();
UInt64 new_limit_offset = settings.offset + limit_offset;
limit_offset_ast->as<ASTLiteral &>().value = Field(new_limit_offset);
else if (settings.offset)
ASTPtr new_limit_offset_ast = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(Field(UInt64(settings.offset)));
select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_OFFSET, std::move(new_limit_offset_ast));
const ASTPtr limit_length_ast = select_query->limitLength();
if (limit_length_ast)
limit_length = limit_length_ast->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.safeGet<UInt64>();
UInt64 new_limit_length = 0;
if (settings.offset == 0)
new_limit_length = std::min(limit_length, UInt64(settings.limit));
else if (settings.offset < limit_length)
new_limit_length = settings.limit ? std::min(UInt64(settings.limit), limit_length - settings.offset) : (limit_length - settings.offset);
limit_length_ast->as<ASTLiteral &>().value = Field(new_limit_length);
else if (settings.limit)
ASTPtr new_limit_length_ast = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(Field(UInt64(settings.limit)));
select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_LENGTH, std::move(new_limit_length_ast));
settings_limit_offset_done = true;
for (size_t query_num = 0; query_num < num_children; ++query_num)
const Names & current_required_result_column_names
@ -293,39 +347,57 @@ void InterpreterSelectWithUnionQuery::buildQueryPlan(QueryPlan & query_plan)
// auto num_distinct_union = optimizeUnionList();
size_t num_plans = nested_interpreters.size();
const Settings & settings = context->getSettingsRef();
/// Skip union for single interpreter.
if (num_plans == 1)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QueryPlan>> plans(num_plans);
DataStreams data_streams(num_plans);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_plans; ++i)
plans[i] = std::make_unique<QueryPlan>();
data_streams[i] = plans[i]->getCurrentDataStream();
auto max_threads = context->getSettingsRef().max_threads;
auto union_step = std::make_unique<UnionStep>(std::move(data_streams), result_header, max_threads);
query_plan.unitePlans(std::move(union_step), std::move(plans));
const auto & query = query_ptr->as<ASTSelectWithUnionQuery &>();
if (query.union_mode == ASTSelectWithUnionQuery::Mode::DISTINCT)
/// Add distinct transform
SizeLimits limits(settings.max_rows_in_distinct, settings.max_bytes_in_distinct, settings.distinct_overflow_mode);
auto distinct_step
= std::make_unique<DistinctStep>(query_plan.getCurrentDataStream(), limits, 0, result_header.getNames(), false);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QueryPlan>> plans(num_plans);
DataStreams data_streams(num_plans);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_plans; ++i)
if (settings_limit_offset_needed && !settings_limit_offset_done)
plans[i] = std::make_unique<QueryPlan>();
data_streams[i] = plans[i]->getCurrentDataStream();
auto max_threads = context->getSettingsRef().max_threads;
auto union_step = std::make_unique<UnionStep>(std::move(data_streams), result_header, max_threads);
query_plan.unitePlans(std::move(union_step), std::move(plans));
const auto & query = query_ptr->as<ASTSelectWithUnionQuery &>();
if (query.union_mode == ASTSelectWithUnionQuery::Mode::DISTINCT)
/// Add distinct transform
const Settings & settings = context->getSettingsRef();
SizeLimits limits(settings.max_rows_in_distinct, settings.max_bytes_in_distinct, settings.distinct_overflow_mode);
auto distinct_step = std::make_unique<DistinctStep>(query_plan.getCurrentDataStream(), limits, 0, result_header.getNames(), false);
if (settings.limit > 0)
auto limit = std::make_unique<LimitStep>(query_plan.getCurrentDataStream(), settings.limit, settings.offset);
limit->setStepDescription("LIMIT OFFSET for SETTINGS");
auto offset = std::make_unique<OffsetStep>(query_plan.getCurrentDataStream(), settings.offset);
offset->setStepDescription("OFFSET for SETTINGS");

View File

@ -79,6 +79,26 @@ String InterpreterShowTablesQuery::getRewrittenQuery()
return rewritten_query.str();
if (query.m_settings)
WriteBufferFromOwnString rewritten_query;
rewritten_query << "SELECT name, type, value FROM system.settings";
if (query.changed)
rewritten_query << " WHERE changed = 1";
if (!
<< (query.changed ? " AND name " : " WHERE name ")
<< (query.case_insensitive_like ? "ILIKE " : "LIKE ")
<< DB::quote <<;
return rewritten_query.str();
if (query.temporary && !query.from.empty())
throw Exception("The `FROM` and `TEMPORARY` cannot be used together in `SHOW TABLES`", ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR);

View File

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ void loadMetadata(Context & context, const String & default_database_name)
if (!it->isDirectory())
if (endsWith(, ".sql"))
String db_name =, - 4);

View File

@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ void ASTDropQuery::formatQueryImpl(const FormatSettings & settings, FormatState
if (permanently)
settings.ostr << " PERMANENTLY";
if (no_delay)
settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << " NO DELAY" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");

View File

@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ public:
bool no_delay{false};
// We detach the object permanently, so it will not be reattached back during server restart.
bool permanently{false};
/** Get the text that identifies this element. */
String getID(char) const override;
ASTPtr clone() const override;

View File

@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ void ASTShowTablesQuery::formatQueryImpl(const FormatSettings & settings, Format
settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << "SHOW CLUSTER" << (settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
settings.ostr << " " << backQuoteIfNeed(cluster_str);
else if (m_settings)
settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << "SHOW " << (changed ? "CHANGED " : "") << "SETTINGS" <<
(settings.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
settings.ostr << (settings.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << "SHOW " << (temporary ? "TEMPORARY " : "") <<

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ public:
bool clusters{false};
bool cluster{false};
bool dictionaries{false};
bool m_settings{false};
bool changed{false};
bool temporary{false};
String cluster_str;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace DB
bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool optional_table_keyword = false)
bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, const ASTDropQuery::Kind kind)
ParserKeyword s_temporary("TEMPORARY");
ParserKeyword s_table("TABLE");
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool
ParserToken s_dot(TokenType::Dot);
ParserKeyword s_if_exists("IF EXISTS");
ParserIdentifier name_p;
ParserKeyword s_permanently("PERMANENTLY");
ParserKeyword s_no_delay("NO DELAY");
ParserKeyword s_sync("SYNC");
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool
bool is_dictionary = false;
bool is_view = false;
bool no_delay = false;
bool permanently = false;
if (s_database.ignore(pos, expected))
@ -40,15 +42,6 @@ bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool
if (!name_p.parse(pos, database, expected))
return false;
if (ParserKeyword{"ON"}.ignore(pos, expected))
if (!ASTQueryWithOnCluster::parse(pos, cluster_str, expected))
return false;
if (s_no_delay.ignore(pos, expected) || s_sync.ignore(pos, expected))
no_delay = true;
@ -59,7 +52,8 @@ bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool
else if (s_temporary.ignore(pos, expected))
temporary = true;
if (!is_view && !is_dictionary && (!s_table.ignore(pos, expected) && !optional_table_keyword))
/// for TRUNCATE queries TABLE keyword is assumed as default and can be skipped
if (!is_view && !is_dictionary && (!s_table.ignore(pos, expected) && kind != ASTDropQuery::Kind::Truncate))
return false;
@ -76,26 +70,32 @@ bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool
if (!name_p.parse(pos, table, expected))
return false;
if (ParserKeyword{"ON"}.ignore(pos, expected))
if (!ASTQueryWithOnCluster::parse(pos, cluster_str, expected))
return false;
if (s_no_delay.ignore(pos, expected) || s_sync.ignore(pos, expected))
no_delay = true;
/// common for tables / dictionaries / databases
if (ParserKeyword{"ON"}.ignore(pos, expected))
if (!ASTQueryWithOnCluster::parse(pos, cluster_str, expected))
return false;
if (kind == ASTDropQuery::Kind::Detach && s_permanently.ignore(pos, expected))
permanently = true;
/// actually for TRUNCATE NO DELAY / SYNC means nothing
if (s_no_delay.ignore(pos, expected) || s_sync.ignore(pos, expected))
no_delay = true;
auto query = std::make_shared<ASTDropQuery>();
node = query;
query->kind = ASTDropQuery::Kind::Drop;
query->kind = kind;
query->if_exists = if_exists;
query->temporary = temporary;
query->is_dictionary = is_dictionary;
query->is_view = is_view;
query->no_delay = no_delay;
query->permanently = permanently;
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(database, query->database);
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(table, query->table);
@ -105,28 +105,6 @@ bool parseDropQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected, bool
return true;
bool parseDetachQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (parseDropQuery(pos, node, expected))
auto * drop_query = node->as<ASTDropQuery>();
drop_query->kind = ASTDropQuery::Kind::Detach;
return true;
return false;
bool parseTruncateQuery(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (parseDropQuery(pos, node, expected, true))
auto * drop_query = node->as<ASTDropQuery>();
drop_query->kind = ASTDropQuery::Kind::Truncate;
return true;
return false;
bool ParserDropQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
@ -136,11 +114,11 @@ bool ParserDropQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword s_truncate("TRUNCATE");
if (s_drop.ignore(pos, expected))
return parseDropQuery(pos, node, expected);
return parseDropQuery(pos, node, expected, ASTDropQuery::Kind::Drop);
else if (s_detach.ignore(pos, expected))
return parseDetachQuery(pos, node, expected);
return parseDropQuery(pos, node, expected, ASTDropQuery::Kind::Detach);
else if (s_truncate.ignore(pos, expected))
return parseTruncateQuery(pos, node, expected);
return parseDropQuery(pos, node, expected, ASTDropQuery::Kind::Truncate);
return false;

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace DB
/** Query like this:
* Or:

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <Parsers/ParserCreateQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ParserSelectWithUnionQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ParserSetQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ParserQuery.h>
namespace DB
@ -51,7 +52,13 @@ bool ParserExplainQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected
ParserCreateTableQuery create_p;
ParserSelectWithUnionQuery select_p;
ASTPtr query;
if (select_p.parse(pos, query, expected) ||
if (kind == ASTExplainQuery::ExplainKind::ParsedAST)
ParserQuery p(end);
if (p.parse(pos, query, expected))
else if (select_p.parse(pos, query, expected) ||
create_p.parse(pos, query, expected))

View File

@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ namespace DB
class ParserExplainQuery : public IParserBase
const char * end;
const char * getName() const override { return "EXPLAIN"; }
bool parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) override;
ParserExplainQuery(const char* end_) : end(end_) {}

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace DB
bool ParserQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserQueryWithOutput query_with_output_p;
ParserQueryWithOutput query_with_output_p(end);
ParserInsertQuery insert_p(end);
ParserUseQuery use_p;
ParserSetQuery set_p;

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ bool ParserQueryWithOutput::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expec
ParserShowCreateAccessEntityQuery show_create_access_entity_p;
ParserShowGrantsQuery show_grants_p;
ParserShowPrivilegesQuery show_privileges_p;
ParserExplainQuery explain_p;
ParserExplainQuery explain_p(end);
ASTPtr query;

View File

@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ namespace DB
class ParserQueryWithOutput : public IParserBase
const char * end;
const char * getName() const override { return "Query with output"; }
bool parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) override;
ParserQueryWithOutput(const char * end_) : end(end_) {}

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ bool ParserShowTablesQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expec
ParserKeyword s_clusters("CLUSTERS");
ParserKeyword s_cluster("CLUSTER");
ParserKeyword s_dictionaries("DICTIONARIES");
ParserKeyword s_settings("SETTINGS");
ParserKeyword s_changed("CHANGED");
ParserKeyword s_from("FROM");
ParserKeyword s_in("IN");
ParserKeyword s_not("NOT");
@ -99,6 +101,29 @@ bool ParserShowTablesQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expec
query->cluster_str = std::move(cluster_str);
else if (bool changed = s_changed.ignore(pos); changed || s_settings.ignore(pos))
query->m_settings = true;
if (changed)
query->changed = true;
if (!s_settings.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
/// Not expected due to "SHOW SETTINGS PROFILES"
if (bool insensitive = s_ilike.ignore(pos); insensitive || s_like.ignore(pos))
if (insensitive)
query->case_insensitive_like = true;
if (!like_p.parse(pos, like, expected))
return false;
return false;
if (s_temporary.ignore(pos))

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ try
" INTO OUTFILE 'test.out'"
" FORMAT TabSeparated";
ParserQueryWithOutput parser;
ParserQueryWithOutput parser( + input.size());
ASTPtr ast = parseQuery(parser,, + input.size(), "", 0, 0);
std::cout << "Success." << std::endl;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ try
std::string input = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);
DB::ParserQueryWithOutput parser;
DB::ParserQueryWithOutput parser( + input.size());
DB::ASTPtr ast = parseQuery(parser,, + input.size(), "", 0, 0);
DB::formatAST(*ast, std::cerr);

View File

@ -419,28 +419,40 @@ Coordination::OpNum TestKeeperTCPHandler::receiveRequest()
Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestPtr request = Coordination::ZooKeeperRequestFactory::instance().get(opnum);
request->xid = xid;
int response_fd = poll_wrapper->getResponseFD();
auto promise = std::make_shared<std::promise<Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr>>();
zkutil::ResponseCallback callback = [response_fd, promise] (const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response)
if (opnum != Coordination::OpNum::Close)
[[maybe_unused]] int result = write(response_fd, &RESPONSE_BYTE, sizeof(RESPONSE_BYTE));
if (request->has_watch)
auto watch_promise = std::make_shared<std::promise<Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr>>();
zkutil::ResponseCallback watch_callback = [response_fd, watch_promise] (const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response)
int response_fd = poll_wrapper->getResponseFD();
zkutil::ResponseCallback callback = [response_fd, promise] (const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response)
[[maybe_unused]] int result = write(response_fd, &WATCH_RESPONSE_BYTE, sizeof(WATCH_RESPONSE_BYTE));
[[maybe_unused]] int result = write(response_fd, &RESPONSE_BYTE, sizeof(RESPONSE_BYTE));
test_keeper_storage->putRequest(request, session_id, callback, watch_callback);
if (request->has_watch)
auto watch_promise = std::make_shared<std::promise<Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr>>();
zkutil::ResponseCallback watch_callback = [response_fd, watch_promise] (const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response)
[[maybe_unused]] int result = write(response_fd, &WATCH_RESPONSE_BYTE, sizeof(WATCH_RESPONSE_BYTE));
test_keeper_storage->putRequest(request, session_id, callback, watch_callback);
test_keeper_storage->putRequest(request, session_id, callback);
zkutil::ResponseCallback callback = [promise] (const Coordination::ZooKeeperResponsePtr & response)
test_keeper_storage->putRequest(request, session_id, callback);

View File

@ -793,6 +793,7 @@ void AlterCommands::apply(StorageInMemoryMetadata & metadata, const Context & co
throw DB::Exception("Alter commands is not prepared. Cannot apply. It's a bug", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
auto metadata_copy = metadata;
for (const AlterCommand & command : *this)
if (!command.ignore)
command.apply(metadata_copy, context);
@ -823,6 +824,7 @@ void AlterCommands::apply(StorageInMemoryMetadata & metadata, const Context & co
/// Changes in columns may lead to changes in TTL expressions.
auto column_ttl_asts = metadata_copy.columns.getColumnTTLs();
for (const auto & [name, ast] : column_ttl_asts)
auto new_ttl_entry = TTLDescription::getTTLFromAST(ast, metadata_copy.columns, context, metadata_copy.primary_key);
@ -830,7 +832,7 @@ void AlterCommands::apply(StorageInMemoryMetadata & metadata, const Context & co
if (metadata_copy.table_ttl.definition_ast != nullptr)
metadata.table_ttl = TTLTableDescription::getTTLForTableFromAST(
metadata_copy.table_ttl = TTLTableDescription::getTTLForTableFromAST(
metadata_copy.table_ttl.definition_ast, metadata_copy.columns, context, metadata_copy.primary_key);
metadata = std::move(metadata_copy);

View File

@ -13,10 +13,16 @@ Block MergeTreeBlockOutputStream::getHeader() const
void MergeTreeBlockOutputStream::writePrefix()
/// Only check "too many parts" before write,
/// because interrupting long-running INSERT query in the middle is not convenient for users.
void MergeTreeBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block)
auto part_blocks = storage.writer.splitBlockIntoParts(block, max_parts_per_block, metadata_snapshot);
for (auto & current_block : part_blocks)

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public:
Block getHeader() const override;
void write(const Block & block) override;
void writePrefix() override;
StorageMergeTree & storage;

View File

@ -2380,8 +2380,6 @@ void MergeTreeData::delayInsertOrThrowIfNeeded(Poco::Event * until) const
const size_t parts_count_in_partition = getMaxPartsCountForPartition();
if (parts_count_in_partition < settings->parts_to_delay_insert)
if (parts_count_in_partition >= settings->parts_to_throw_insert)
@ -2389,6 +2387,9 @@ void MergeTreeData::delayInsertOrThrowIfNeeded(Poco::Event * until) const
throw Exception("Too many parts (" + toString(parts_count_in_partition) + "). Merges are processing significantly slower than inserts.", ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_PARTS);
if (parts_count_in_partition < settings->parts_to_delay_insert)
const size_t max_k = settings->parts_to_throw_insert - settings->parts_to_delay_insert; /// always > 0
const size_t k = 1 + parts_count_in_partition - settings->parts_to_delay_insert; /// from 1 to max_k
const double delay_milliseconds = ::pow(settings->max_delay_to_insert * 1000, static_cast<double>(k) / max_k);
@ -2406,24 +2407,6 @@ void MergeTreeData::delayInsertOrThrowIfNeeded(Poco::Event * until) const
void MergeTreeData::throwInsertIfNeeded() const
const auto settings = getSettings();
const size_t parts_count_in_total = getPartsCount();
if (parts_count_in_total >= settings->max_parts_in_total)
throw Exception("Too many parts (" + toString(parts_count_in_total) + ") in all partitions in total. This indicates wrong choice of partition key. The threshold can be modified with 'max_parts_in_total' setting in <merge_tree> element in config.xml or with per-table setting.", ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_PARTS);
const size_t parts_count_in_partition = getMaxPartsCountForPartition();
if (parts_count_in_partition >= settings->parts_to_throw_insert)
throw Exception("Too many parts (" + toString(parts_count_in_partition) + "). Merges are processing significantly slower than inserts.", ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_PARTS);
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr MergeTreeData::getActiveContainingPart(
const MergeTreePartInfo & part_info, MergeTreeData::DataPartState state, DataPartsLock & /*lock*/) const
@ -2451,6 +2434,7 @@ MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr MergeTreeData::getActiveContainingPart(
return nullptr;
void MergeTreeData::swapActivePart(MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr part_copy)
auto lock = lockParts();

View File

@ -423,7 +423,6 @@ public:
/// If the table contains too many active parts, sleep for a while to give them time to merge.
/// If until is non-null, wake up from the sleep earlier if the event happened.
void delayInsertOrThrowIfNeeded(Poco::Event * until = nullptr) const;
void throwInsertIfNeeded() const;
/// Renames temporary part to a permanent part and adds it to the parts set.
/// It is assumed that the part does not intersect with existing parts.

View File

@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ SelectPartsDecision MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::selectPartsToMerge(
/// Previous part only in boundaries of partition frame
const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr * prev_part = nullptr;
size_t parts_selected_precondition = 0;
for (const MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr & part : data_parts)
const String & partition_id = part->info.partition_id;
@ -282,6 +283,8 @@ SelectPartsDecision MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::selectPartsToMerge(
part_info.compression_codec_desc = part->default_codec->getFullCodecDesc();
part_info.shall_participate_in_merges = has_volumes_with_disabled_merges ? part->shallParticipateInMerges(storage_policy) : true;
/// Check for consistency of data parts. If assertion is failed, it requires immediate investigation.
@ -294,6 +297,13 @@ SelectPartsDecision MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::selectPartsToMerge(
prev_part = &part;
if (parts_selected_precondition == 0)
if (out_disable_reason)
*out_disable_reason = "No parts satisfy preconditions for merge";
return SelectPartsDecision::CANNOT_SELECT;
IMergeSelector::PartsRange parts_to_merge;
if (metadata_snapshot->hasAnyTTL() && merge_with_ttl_allowed && !ttl_merges_blocker.isCancelled())

View File

@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ void ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream::write(const Block & block)
last_block_is_duplicate = false;
auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
@ -524,7 +522,9 @@ void ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream::commitPart(
void ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream::writePrefix()
/// Only check "too many parts" before write,
/// because interrupting long-running INSERT query in the middle is not convenient for users.

View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ class ASTStorage;
M(Bool, persistent, true, "Disable setting to avoid the overhead of writing to disk for StorageSet", 0)
M(Bool, persistent, true, "Disable setting to avoid the overhead of writing to disk for StorageSet", 0) \
M(String, disk, "default", "Name of the disk used to persist set data", 0)

View File

@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ StorageDictionary::StorageDictionary(
void StorageDictionary::checkTableCanBeDropped() const
if (location == Location::SameDatabaseAndNameAsDictionary)
throw Exception("Cannot detach dictionary " + backQuote(dictionary_name) + " as table, use DETACH DICTIONARY query", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DETACH_DICTIONARY_AS_TABLE);
throw Exception("Cannot drop/detach dictionary " + backQuote(dictionary_name) + " as table, use DROP DICTIONARY or DETACH DICTIONARY query instead", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DETACH_DICTIONARY_AS_TABLE);
if (location == Location::DictionaryDatabase)
throw Exception("Cannot detach table " + getStorageID().getFullTableName() + " from a database with DICTIONARY engine", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DETACH_DICTIONARY_AS_TABLE);
throw Exception("Cannot drop/detach table " + getStorageID().getFullTableName() + " from a database with DICTIONARY engine", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_DETACH_DICTIONARY_AS_TABLE);
void StorageDictionary::checkTableCanBeDetached() const

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <Core/ColumnNumbers.h>
#include <DataStreams/IBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DataTypes/NestedUtils.h>
#include <Disks/IDisk.h>
#include <Interpreters/joinDispatch.h>
#include <Interpreters/TableJoin.h>
#include <Interpreters/castColumn.h>
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
DiskPtr disk_,
const String & relative_path_,
const StorageID & table_id_,
const Names & key_names_,
@ -45,9 +47,8 @@ StorageJoin::StorageJoin(
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
bool overwrite_,
const Context & context_,
bool persistent_)
: StorageSetOrJoinBase{relative_path_, table_id_, columns_, constraints_, context_, persistent_}
: StorageSetOrJoinBase{disk_, relative_path_, table_id_, columns_, constraints_, persistent_}
, key_names(key_names_)
, use_nulls(use_nulls_)
, limits(limits_)
@ -69,9 +70,9 @@ StorageJoin::StorageJoin(
void StorageJoin::truncate(
const ASTPtr &, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, const Context &, TableExclusiveLockHolder&)
Poco::File(path + "tmp/").createDirectories();
disk->createDirectories(path + "tmp/");
increment = 0;
join = std::make_shared<HashJoin>(table_join, metadata_snapshot->getSampleBlock().sortColumns(), overwrite);
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ void registerStorageJoin(StorageFactory & factory)
auto join_any_take_last_row = settings.join_any_take_last_row;
auto old_any_join = settings.any_join_distinct_right_table_keys;
bool persistent = true;
String disk_name = "default";
if (args.storage_def && args.storage_def->settings)
@ -141,6 +143,8 @@ void registerStorageJoin(StorageFactory & factory)
join_any_take_last_row = setting.value;
else if ( == "any_join_distinct_right_table_keys")
old_any_join = setting.value;
else if ( == "disk")
disk_name = setting.value.get<String>();
else if ( == "persistent")
auto join_settings = std::make_unique<JoinSettings>();
@ -148,12 +152,12 @@ void registerStorageJoin(StorageFactory & factory)
persistent = join_settings->persistent;
throw Exception(
"Unknown setting " + + " for storage " + args.engine_name,
throw Exception("Unknown setting " + + " for storage " + args.engine_name, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
DiskPtr disk = args.context.getDisk(disk_name);
if (engine_args.size() < 3)
throw Exception(
"Storage Join requires at least 3 parameters: Join(ANY|ALL|SEMI|ANTI, LEFT|INNER|RIGHT, keys...).",
@ -219,6 +223,7 @@ void registerStorageJoin(StorageFactory & factory)
return StorageJoin::create(
@ -229,7 +234,6 @@ void registerStorageJoin(StorageFactory & factory)

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ private:
DiskPtr disk_,
const String & relative_path_,
const StorageID & table_id_,
const Names & key_names_,
@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ protected:
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
bool overwrite,
const Context & context_,
bool persistent_);

View File

@ -6,12 +6,11 @@
#include <Compression/CompressedWriteBuffer.h>
#include <DataStreams/NativeBlockOutputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/NativeBlockInputStream.h>
#include <Disks/IDisk.h>
#include <Common/formatReadable.h>
#include <Common/escapeForFileName.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <Interpreters/Set.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Poco/DirectoryIterator.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTCreateQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ private:
String backup_path;
String backup_tmp_path;
String backup_file_name;
WriteBufferFromFile backup_buf;
std::unique_ptr<WriteBufferFromFileBase> backup_buf;
CompressedWriteBuffer compressed_backup_buf;
NativeBlockOutputStream backup_stream;
bool persistent;
@ -68,8 +67,8 @@ SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream::SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream(
, backup_path(backup_path_)
, backup_tmp_path(backup_tmp_path_)
, backup_file_name(backup_file_name_)
, backup_buf(backup_tmp_path + backup_file_name)
, compressed_backup_buf(backup_buf)
, backup_buf(table_.disk->writeFile(backup_tmp_path + backup_file_name))
, compressed_backup_buf(*backup_buf)
, backup_stream(compressed_backup_buf, 0, metadata_snapshot->getSampleBlock())
, persistent(persistent_)
@ -92,9 +91,10 @@ void SetOrJoinBlockOutputStream::writeSuffix()
Poco::File(backup_tmp_path + backup_file_name).renameTo(backup_path + backup_file_name);
table.disk->replaceFile(backup_tmp_path + backup_file_name, backup_path + backup_file_name);
@ -107,13 +107,14 @@ BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageSetOrJoinBase::write(const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const
DiskPtr disk_,
const String & relative_path_,
const StorageID & table_id_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
const Context & context_,
bool persistent_)
: IStorage(table_id_),
StorageInMemoryMetadata storage_metadata;
@ -125,19 +126,18 @@ StorageSetOrJoinBase::StorageSetOrJoinBase(
if (relative_path_.empty())
throw Exception("Join and Set storages require data path", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_FILE_NAME);
base_path = context_.getPath();
path = base_path + relative_path_;
path = relative_path_;
DiskPtr disk_,
const String & relative_path_,
const StorageID & table_id_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
const Context & context_,
bool persistent_)
: StorageSetOrJoinBase{relative_path_, table_id_, columns_, constraints_, context_, persistent_},
: StorageSetOrJoinBase{disk_, relative_path_, table_id_, columns_, constraints_, persistent_},
set(std::make_shared<Set>(SizeLimits(), false, true))
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ std::optional<UInt64> StorageSet::totalBytes(const Settings &) const { return se
void StorageSet::truncate(const ASTPtr &, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, const Context &, TableExclusiveLockHolder &)
Poco::File(path + "tmp/").createDirectories();
disk->createDirectories(path + "tmp/");
Block header = metadata_snapshot->getSampleBlock();
header = header.sortColumns();
@ -173,24 +173,23 @@ void StorageSet::truncate(const ASTPtr &, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_sn
void StorageSetOrJoinBase::restore()
Poco::File tmp_dir(path + "tmp/");
if (!tmp_dir.exists())
if (!disk->exists(path + "tmp/"))
disk->createDirectories(path + "tmp/");
static const char * file_suffix = ".bin";
static const auto file_suffix_size = strlen(".bin");
Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end;
for (Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_it(path); dir_end != dir_it; ++dir_it)
for (auto dir_it{disk->iterateDirectory(path)}; dir_it->isValid(); dir_it->next())
const auto & name =;
const auto & name = dir_it->name();
const auto & file_path = dir_it->path();
if (dir_it->isFile()
if (disk->isFile(file_path)
&& endsWith(name, file_suffix)
&& dir_it->getSize() > 0)
&& disk->getFileSize(file_path) > 0)
/// Calculate the maximum number of available files with a backup to add the following files with large numbers.
UInt64 file_num = parse<UInt64>(name.substr(0, name.size() - file_suffix_size));
@ -205,8 +204,8 @@ void StorageSetOrJoinBase::restore()
void StorageSetOrJoinBase::restoreFromFile(const String & file_path)
ReadBufferFromFile backup_buf(file_path);
CompressedReadBuffer compressed_backup_buf(backup_buf);
auto backup_buf = disk->readFile(file_path);
CompressedReadBuffer compressed_backup_buf(*backup_buf);
NativeBlockInputStream backup_stream(compressed_backup_buf, 0);
@ -226,10 +225,9 @@ void StorageSetOrJoinBase::restoreFromFile(const String & file_path)
void StorageSetOrJoinBase::rename(const String & new_path_to_table_data, const StorageID & new_table_id)
/// Rename directory with data.
String new_path = base_path + new_path_to_table_data;
disk->replaceFile(path, new_path_to_table_data);
path = new_path;
path = new_path_to_table_data;
@ -251,7 +249,8 @@ void registerStorageSet(StorageFactory & factory)
return StorageSet::create(args.relative_data_path, args.table_id, args.columns, args.constraints, args.context, set_settings->persistent);
DiskPtr disk = args.context.getDisk(set_settings->disk);
return StorageSet::create(disk, args.relative_data_path, args.table_id, args.columns, args.constraints, set_settings->persistent);
}, StorageFactory::StorageFeatures{ .supports_settings = true, });

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <ext/shared_ptr_helper.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Storages/IStorage.h>
#include <Storages/SetSettings.h>
@ -29,14 +30,14 @@ public:
DiskPtr disk_,
const String & relative_path_,
const StorageID & table_id_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
const Context & context_,
bool persistent_);
String base_path;
DiskPtr disk;
String path;
bool persistent;
@ -85,11 +86,11 @@ private:
DiskPtr disk_,
const String & relative_path_,
const StorageID & table_id_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
const Context & context_,
bool persistent_);

View File

@ -15,16 +15,6 @@ install (
COMPONENT clickhouse
PATTERN ".gitignore" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "top_level_domains" EXCLUDE
# Dereference symlink
get_filename_component(TOP_LEVEL_DOMAINS_ABS_DIR config/top_level_domains REALPATH)
install (
COMPONENT clickhouse
install (FILES server-test.xml DESTINATION ${CLICKHOUSE_ETC_DIR}/clickhouse-server COMPONENT clickhouse)

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
`context.setSetting` - для выставления `max_memory_usage` и других.
## Битовые операции для FixedString.
## + Битовые операции для FixedString.
bitAnd, bitOr, bitNot, bitXor для значения типа FixedString, интерпретируемого как набор бит.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void memoryBitAnd(const char * a, const char * b, char * result, size_t size);
Потом используйте их в вашей функции.
## Добавить generic вариант функций least, greatest.
## + Добавить generic вариант функций least, greatest.
`SELECT least(123, 456)` - работает.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void memoryBitAnd(const char * a, const char * b, char * result, size_t size);
Смотрим, что все файлы в прикрепляемых кусках от правильного пользователя.
## COLLATE должно работать для Nullable(String).
## + COLLATE должно работать для Nullable(String).
В ClickHouse есть возможность указать collation для сортировки строк. Это не работает для `Nullable(String)`.
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ void memoryBitAnd(const char * a, const char * b, char * result, size_t size);
Состояния агрегатных функций могут быть записаны в дамп и считаны из него. Но десериализация состояний агрегатных функций небезопасна. Аккуратно выбранные пользовательские данные могут привести к segfault или порче памяти. Поэтому нужно просто сделать настройку, которая запрещает читать AggregateFunction из пользовательских данных.
## В статистику jemalloc добавить информацию по arenas.
## + В статистику jemalloc добавить информацию по arenas.
В `system.asynchronous_metrics` - суммарный размер арен.
# Более сложные задачи
## Layout внешних словарей "direct".
## + Layout внешних словарей "direct".
Как cache, но без кэша — всегда прямой запрос в источник.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void memoryBitAnd(const char * a, const char * b, char * result, size_t size);
## Агрегатные функции для статистических тестов (e.g. тест нормальности распределения) и статистик.
## Функции создания и обновления состояния агрегатной функции по одному кортежу аргументов.
## + Функции создания и обновления состояния агрегатной функции по одному кортежу аргументов.
В ClickHouse есть понятие - состояние вычисления агрегатной функции. Состояния агрегатных функций можно записывать в таблицы, складывать, финализировать и т. п.
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void memoryBitAnd(const char * a, const char * b, char * result, size_t size);
`changeYear(datetime, 2019)`
## Исправить мерцание прогресс-бара в clickhouse-client.
## + Исправить мерцание прогресс-бара в clickhouse-client.
Это заметно при работе с серверами с большим пингом.
Прогресс бар не должен мерцать.
@ -107,15 +107,15 @@
position с конца строки.
## Функция indexOf должна поддерживать Enum-ы без cast-а.
## + Функция indexOf должна поддерживать Enum-ы без cast-а.
`indexOf(arr, 'hello')`, `indexOf(arr, 1)` должны работать, если arr имеет тип `Array(Enum8('hello' = 1, 'world' = 2))`
## Комбинатор агрегатных функций Distinct.
## + Комбинатор агрегатных функций Distinct.
Пример: `avgDistinct(x)` - вычислить среднее по всем различным переданным значениям.
## Метрики количества ошибок.
## + Метрики количества ошибок.
Добавляем счётчики всех ошибок (ErrorCodes) по аналогии с ProfileEvents. Кроме количества запоминаем также время последней ошибки, стек трейс, сообщение. Добавляем системную таблицу system.errors. Отправка в Graphite.
@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ position с конца строки.
Атомарно (под блокировкой) удаляет таблицу перед созданием новой, если такая была.
Атомарно удаляет таблицу перед созданием новой, если такая была.
## Приведение типов для IN (subquery).
## * Приведение типов для IN (subquery).
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
Подключить одну из key-value БД как источник.
## Движок таблиц Mongo, табличная функция mongo.
## + Движок таблиц Mongo, табличная функция mongo.
Возможность легко импортировать данные из MongoDB.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
## Настройка rollup_use_nulls.
## Настройка cast_keep_nullable.
## + Настройка cast_keep_nullable.
## Функция bitEquals для сравнения произвольных типов данных побитово.

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<networks incl="networks" replace="replace">

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import logging
import sys
import pytest
from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster
def cluster():
cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__)
main_configs=["configs/minio.xml", "configs/ssl.xml", "configs/config.d/log_conf.xml"],
with_minio=True, stay_alive=True)"Starting cluster...")
cluster.start()"Cluster started")
yield cluster
def assert_objects_count(cluster, objects_count, path='data/'):
minio = cluster.minio_client
s3_objects = list(minio.list_objects(cluster.minio_bucket, path))
if objects_count != len(s3_objects):
for s3_object in s3_objects:
object_meta = minio.stat_object(cluster.minio_bucket, s3_object.object_name)"Existing S3 object: %s", str(object_meta))
assert objects_count == len(s3_objects)
def test_set_s3(cluster):
node = cluster.instances["node"]
node.query("CREATE TABLE testLocalSet (n UInt64) Engine = Set")
node.query("CREATE TABLE testS3Set (n UInt64) Engine = Set SETTINGS disk='s3'")
node.query("INSERT INTO TABLE testLocalSet VALUES (1)")
node.query("INSERT INTO TABLE testS3Set VALUES (1)")
assert node.query("SELECT number in testLocalSet, number in testS3Set FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "0\t0\n1\t1\n0\t0\n"
assert_objects_count(cluster, 1)
node.query("INSERT INTO TABLE testLocalSet VALUES (2)")
node.query("INSERT INTO TABLE testS3Set VALUES (2)")
assert node.query("SELECT number in testLocalSet, number in testS3Set FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "0\t0\n1\t1\n1\t1\n"
assert_objects_count(cluster, 2)
assert node.query("SELECT number in testLocalSet, number in testS3Set FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "0\t0\n1\t1\n1\t1\n"
node.query("TRUNCATE TABLE testLocalSet")
node.query("TRUNCATE TABLE testS3Set")
assert node.query("SELECT number in testLocalSet, number in testS3Set FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "0\t0\n0\t0\n0\t0\n"
assert_objects_count(cluster, 0)
node.query("DROP TABLE testLocalSet")
node.query("DROP TABLE testS3Set")
def test_join_s3(cluster):
node = cluster.instances["node"]
node.query("CREATE TABLE testLocalJoin(`id` UInt64, `val` String) ENGINE = Join(ANY, LEFT, id)")
node.query("CREATE TABLE testS3Join(`id` UInt64, `val` String) ENGINE = Join(ANY, LEFT, id) SETTINGS disk='s3'")
node.query("INSERT INTO testLocalJoin VALUES (1, 'a')")
node.query("INSERT INTO testS3Join VALUES (1, 'a')")
assert node.query("SELECT joinGet('testLocalJoin', 'val', number) as local, joinGet('testS3Join', 'val', number) as s3 FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "\t\na\ta\n\t\n"
assert_objects_count(cluster, 1)
node.query("INSERT INTO testLocalJoin VALUES (2, 'b')")
node.query("INSERT INTO testS3Join VALUES (2, 'b')")
assert node.query("SELECT joinGet('testLocalJoin', 'val', number) as local, joinGet('testS3Join', 'val', number) as s3 FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "\t\na\ta\nb\tb\n"
assert_objects_count(cluster, 2)
assert node.query("SELECT joinGet('testLocalJoin', 'val', number) as local, joinGet('testS3Join', 'val', number) as s3 FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "\t\na\ta\nb\tb\n"
node.query("TRUNCATE TABLE testLocalJoin")
node.query("TRUNCATE TABLE testS3Join")
assert node.query("SELECT joinGet('testLocalJoin', 'val', number) as local, joinGet('testS3Join', 'val', number) as s3 FROM system.numbers LIMIT 3") == "\t\n\t\n\t\n"
assert_objects_count(cluster, 0)
node.query("DROP TABLE testLocalJoin")
node.query("DROP TABLE testS3Join")

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def test_python_client(server_address):
cur.execute('select name from tables;')
assert exc_info.value.args == (
"Query execution failed.\nDB::Exception: Table default.tables doesn't exist.\nSSL connection has been closed unexpectedly\n",)
"Query execution failed.\nDB::Exception: Table default.tables doesn't exist\nSSL connection has been closed unexpectedly\n",)
ch = py_psql.connect(host=server_address, port=server_port, user='default', password='123', database='')
cur = ch.cursor()

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import os
import time
cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__)
node = cluster.add_instance('node', main_configs=['configs/enable_test_keeper.xml'], with_zookeeper=True)
node = cluster.add_instance('node', main_configs=['configs/enable_test_keeper.xml', 'configs/logs_conf.xml'], with_zookeeper=True)
from kazoo.client import KazooClient
_genuine_zk_instance = None
@ -400,3 +400,44 @@ def test_end_of_session(started_cluster):
def test_end_of_watches_session(started_cluster):
fake_zk1 = None
fake_zk2 = None
fake_zk1 = KazooClient(hosts=cluster.get_instance_ip("node") + ":9181")
fake_zk2 = KazooClient(hosts=cluster.get_instance_ip("node") + ":9181")
dummy_set = 0
def dummy_callback(event):
nonlocal dummy_set
dummy_set += 1
for child_node in range(100):
fake_zk1.create("/test_end_of_watches_session/" + str(child_node))
fake_zk1.get_children("/test_end_of_watches_session/" + str(child_node), watch=dummy_callback)
fake_zk2.get_children("/test_end_of_watches_session/" + str(0), watch=dummy_callback)
fake_zk2.get_children("/test_end_of_watches_session/" + str(1), watch=dummy_callback)
for child_node in range(100):
fake_zk2.create("/test_end_of_watches_session/" + str(child_node) + "/" + str(child_node), b"somebytes")
assert dummy_set == 2
for zk in [fake_zk1, fake_zk2]:
if zk:

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ CREATE TABLE rename2 (p Int64, i Int64, v UInt64) ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMe
INSERT INTO rename1 VALUES (0, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO rename1 VALUES (0, 1, 1);
SELECT * FROM rename1;
RENAME TABLE rename2 TO rename3;

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
. "$CURDIR"/../
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ordinary_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE ordinary_00682(k UInt32) ENGINE MergeTree ORDER BY k"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE ordinary_00682(k UInt32) ENGINE MergeTree ORDER BY k SETTINGS remove_empty_parts=0"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO ordinary_00682(k) VALUES (1)"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO ordinary_00682(k) VALUES (1)"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="SELECT '*** Vertical merge ***'"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vertical_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE vertical_00682(k UInt32, v UInt32) ENGINE MergeTree ORDER BY k \
SETTINGS enable_vertical_merge_algorithm=1, \
SETTINGS enable_vertical_merge_algorithm=1, remove_empty_parts=0, \
vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate=0, \
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE vertical_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE summing_00682(k UInt32, v UInt32) ENGINE SummingMergeTree ORDER BY k"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE summing_00682(k UInt32, v UInt32) ENGINE SummingMergeTree ORDER BY k SETTINGS remove_empty_parts=0"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO summing_00682(k, v) VALUES (1, 1)"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO summing_00682(k, v) VALUES (1, 2)"
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE summing_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS aggregating_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE aggregating_00682(k UInt32, v AggregateFunction(count)) ENGINE AggregatingMergeTree ORDER BY k"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE aggregating_00682(k UInt32, v AggregateFunction(count)) ENGINE AggregatingMergeTree ORDER BY k SETTINGS remove_empty_parts=0"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO aggregating_00682(k) VALUES (1)"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO aggregating_00682(k) VALUES (1)"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE aggregating_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replacing_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE replacing_00682(k UInt32, v String) ENGINE ReplacingMergeTree ORDER BY k"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE replacing_00682(k UInt32, v String) ENGINE ReplacingMergeTree ORDER BY k SETTINGS remove_empty_parts=0"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO replacing_00682(k, v) VALUES (1, 'a')"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO replacing_00682(k, v) VALUES (1, 'b')"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE replacing_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS collapsing_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE collapsing_00682(k UInt32, v String, s Int8) ENGINE CollapsingMergeTree(s) ORDER BY k"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE collapsing_00682(k UInt32, v String, s Int8) ENGINE CollapsingMergeTree(s) ORDER BY k SETTINGS remove_empty_parts=0"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO collapsing_00682(k, v, s) VALUES (1, 'a', 1)"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO collapsing_00682(k, v, s) VALUES (2, 'b', 1)"
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE collapsing_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS versioned_collapsing_00682"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE versioned_collapsing_00682(k UInt32, val String, ver UInt32, s Int8) ENGINE VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(s, ver) ORDER BY k"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="CREATE TABLE versioned_collapsing_00682(k UInt32, val String, ver UInt32, s Int8) ENGINE VersionedCollapsingMergeTree(s, ver) ORDER BY k SETTINGS remove_empty_parts=0"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO versioned_collapsing_00682(k, val, ver, s) VALUES (1, 'a', 0, 1)"
${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query="INSERT INTO versioned_collapsing_00682(k, val, ver, s) VALUES (2, 'b', 0, 1)"

View File

@ -98,6 +98,6 @@ timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c thread6 2>&1 | grep "was not completely removed from Zo
for i in {0..9}; do
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS alter_table_$i" 2>&1 | grep "was not completely removed from ZooKeeper" &

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Table dictdb.dict_invalidate doesn\'t exist.
Table dictdb.dict_invalidate doesn\'t exist

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function check_exception_detected()
export -f check_exception_detected;
timeout 30 bash -c check_exception_detected 2> /dev/null
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "SELECT last_exception FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = 'dictdb' AND name = 'invalidate'" 2>&1 | grep -Eo "Table dictdb.dict_invalidate .* exist."
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "SELECT last_exception FROM system.dictionaries WHERE database = 'dictdb' AND name = 'invalidate'" 2>&1 | grep -Eo "Table dictdb.dict_invalidate .* exist"
CREATE TABLE dictdb.dict_invalidate

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More