@ -8,62 +8,74 @@ CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
function create_db()
SHARD=$(($RANDOM % 2))
SUFFIX=$(($RANDOM % 16))
# Multiple database replicas on one server are actually not supported (until we have namespaces).
# So CREATE TABLE queries will fail on all replicas except one. But it's still makes sense for a stress test.
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_experimental_database_replicated=1 --query \
"create database if not exists ${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}_repl_$SUFFIX engine=Replicated('/test/01111/$CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX', '$SHARD', '$REPLICA')" \
2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv "REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_EXIST" | grep -Fiv "Will not try to start it up" | grep -Fv "Coordination::Exception"
sleep 0.$RANDOM
while true; do
SHARD=$(($RANDOM % 2))
SUFFIX=$(($RANDOM % 16))
# Multiple database replicas on one server are actually not supported (until we have namespaces).
# So CREATE TABLE queries will fail on all replicas except one. But it's still makes sense for a stress test.
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_experimental_database_replicated=1 --query \
"create database if not exists ${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}_repl_$SUFFIX engine=Replicated('/test/01111/$CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX', '$SHARD', '$REPLICA')" \
2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv "REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_EXIST" | grep -Fiv "Will not try to start it up" | grep -Fv "Coordination::Exception"
sleep 0.$RANDOM
function drop_db()
database=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name from system.databases where name like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [[ "$database" == "$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE" ]]; then return; fi
if [ -z "$database" ]; then return; fi
"drop database if exists $database" 2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: "
sleep 0.$RANDOM
while true; do
database=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name from system.databases where name like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [[ "$database" == "$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE" ]]; then return; fi
if [ -z "$database" ]; then return; fi
"drop database if exists $database" 2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: "
sleep 0.$RANDOM
function sync_db()
database=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name from system.databases where name like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$database" ]; then return; fi
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --receive_timeout=1 -q \
"system sync database replica $database" 2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED | grep -Fv "only with Replicated engine" | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE
sleep 0.$RANDOM
while true; do
database=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name from system.databases where name like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$database" ]; then return; fi
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --receive_timeout=1 -q \
"system sync database replica $database" 2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED | grep -Fv "only with Replicated engine" | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE
sleep 0.$RANDOM
function create_table()
database=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name from system.databases where name like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$database" ]; then return; fi
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --distributed_ddl_task_timeout=0 -q \
"create table $database.rmt_$RANDOM (n int) engine=ReplicatedMergeTree order by tuple() -- suppress CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX" \
2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv "Macro 'uuid' and empty arguments" | grep -Fv "Cannot enqueue query" | grep -Fv "ZooKeeper session expired" | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE
sleep 0.$RANDOM
while true; do
database=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name from system.databases where name like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$database" ]; then return; fi
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --distributed_ddl_task_timeout=0 -q \
"create table $database.rmt_$RANDOM (n int) engine=ReplicatedMergeTree order by tuple() -- suppress CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX" \
2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv "Macro 'uuid' and empty arguments" | grep -Fv "Cannot enqueue query" | grep -Fv "ZooKeeper session expired" | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE
sleep 0.$RANDOM
function alter_table()
table=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select database || '.' || name from system.tables where database like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$table" ]; then return; fi
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --distributed_ddl_task_timeout=0 -q \
"alter table $table update n = n + (select max(n) from merge(REGEXP('${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}.*'), '.*')) where 1 settings allow_nondeterministic_mutations=1" \
2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv "Cannot enqueue query" | grep -Fv "ZooKeeper session expired" | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_TABLE | grep -Fv TABLE_IS_READ_ONLY
sleep 0.$RANDOM
while true; do
table=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select database || '.' || name from system.tables where database like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$table" ]; then return; fi
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --distributed_ddl_task_timeout=0 -q \
"alter table $table on cluster $database update n = n + (select max(n) from merge(REGEXP('${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}.*'), '.*')) where 1 settings allow_nondeterministic_mutations=1" \
2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv "Cannot enqueue query" | grep -Fv "ZooKeeper session expired" | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_TABLE | grep -Fv TABLE_IS_READ_ONLY
sleep 0.$RANDOM
function insert()
table=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select database || '.' || name from system.tables where database like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$table" ]; then return; fi
"insert into $table values ($RANDOM)" 2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_TABLE | grep -Fv TABLE_IS_READ_ONLY
while true; do
table=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select database || '.' || name from system.tables where database like '${CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE}%' order by rand() limit 1")
if [ -z "$table" ]; then return; fi
"insert into $table values ($RANDOM)" 2>&1| grep -Fa "Exception: " | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_DATABASE | grep -Fv UNKNOWN_TABLE | grep -Fv TABLE_IS_READ_ONLY
@ -77,14 +89,14 @@ export -f insert
clickhouse_client_loop_timeout $TIMEOUT create_db &
clickhouse_client_loop_timeout $TIMEOUT sync_db &
clickhouse_client_loop_timeout $TIMEOUT create_table &
clickhouse_client_loop_timeout $TIMEOUT alter_table &
clickhouse_client_loop_timeout $TIMEOUT insert &
timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c create_db &
timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c sync_db &
timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c create_table &
timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c alter_table &
timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c insert &
sleep 1 # give other queries a head start
clickhouse_client_loop_timeout $TIMEOUT drop_db &
timeout $TIMEOUT bash -c drop_db &