Merge branch 'master' of into CLICKHOUSE-2720

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Blinkov 2017-08-26 09:11:15 +03:00
commit 3a652f9430
499 changed files with 43960 additions and 8495 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ vgcore*

119 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# ClickHouse release 1.1.54282
This is a bugfix release. The following bugs were fixed:
* `DB::Exception: Assertion violation: !_path.empty()` error when inserting into a Distributed table.
* Error when parsing inserted data in RowBinary format if the data begins with ';' character.
* Errors during runtime compilation of certain aggregate functions (e.g. `groupArray()`).
# ClickHouse release 1.1.54276
## New features:
* You can use an optional WITH clause in a SELECT query. Example query: `WITH 1+1 AS a SELECT a, a*a`
* INSERT can be performed synchronously in a Distributed table: OK is returned only after all the data is saved on all the shards. This is activated by the setting insert_distributed_sync=1.
* Added the UUID data type for working with 16-byte identifiers.
* Added aliases of CHAR, FLOAT and other types for compatibility with the Tableau.
* Added the functions toYYYYMM, toYYYYMMDD, and toYYYYMMDDhhmmss for converting time into numbers.
* You can use IP addresses (together with the hostname) to identify servers for clustered DDL queries.
* Added support for non-constant arguments and negative offsets in the function `substring(str, pos, len).`
* Added the max_size parameter for the `groupArray(max_size)(column)` aggregate function, and optimized its performance.
## Major changes:
* Improved security: all server files are created with 0640 permissions.
* Improved error messages for queries with invalid syntax.
* Significantly reduced memory consumption and improved performance when merging large sections of MergeTree data.
* Significantly increased the performance of data merges for the ReplacingMergeTree engine.
* Improved performance for asynchronous inserts from a Distributed table by batching multiple source inserts. To enable this functionality, use the setting distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts=1.
## Backward incompatible changes:
* Changed the binary format of aggregate states of `groupArray(array_column)` functions for arrays.
## Complete list of changes:
* Added the `output_format_json_quote_denormals` setting, which enables outputting nan and inf values in JSON format.
* Optimized thread allocation when reading from a Distributed table.
* Settings can be modified in readonly mode if the value doesn't change.
* Added the ability to read fractional granules of the MergeTree engine in order to meet restrictions on the block size specified in the preferred_block_size_bytes setting. The purpose is to reduce the consumption of RAM and increase cache locality when processing queries from tables with large columns.
* Efficient use of indexes that contain expressions like `toStartOfHour(x)` for conditions like `toStartOfHour(x) op сonstexpr.`
* Added new settings for MergeTree engines (the merge_tree section in config.xml):
- replicated_deduplication_window_seconds sets the size of deduplication window in seconds for Replicated tables.
- cleanup_delay_period sets how often to start cleanup to remove outdated data.
- replicated_can_become_leader can prevent a replica from becoming the leader (and assigning merges).
* Accelerated cleanup to remove outdated data from ZooKeeper.
* Multiple improvements and fixes for clustered DDL queries. Of particular interest is the new setting distributed_ddl_task_timeout, which limits the time to wait for a response from the servers in the cluster.
* Improved display of stack traces in the server logs.
* Added the "none" value for the compression method.
* You can use multiple dictionaries_config sections in config.xml.
* It is possible to connect to MySQL through a socket in the file system.
* The `` table has a new column with information about the size of marks, in bytes.
## Bug fixes:
* Distributed tables using a Merge table now work correctly for a SELECT query with a condition on the _table field.
* Fixed a rare race condition in ReplicatedMergeTree when checking data parts.
* Fixed possible freezing on "leader election" when starting a server.
* The max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries setting was ignored when using a local replica of the data source. This has been fixed.
* Fixed incorrect behavior of `ALTER TABLE CLEAR COLUMN IN PARTITION` when attempting to clean a non-existing column.
* Fixed an exception in the multiIf function when using empty arrays or strings.
* Fixed excessive memory allocations when deserializing Native format.
* Fixed incorrect auto-update of Trie dictionaries.
* Fixed an exception when running queries with a GROUP BY clause from a Merge table when using SAMPLE.
* Fixed a crash of GROUP BY when using distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient=1.
* Now you can specify the database.table in the right side of IN and JOIN.
* Too many threads were used for parallel aggregation. This has been fixed.
* Fixed how the "if" function works with FixedString arguments.
* SELECT worked incorrectly from a Distributed table for shards with a weight of 0. This has been fixed.
* Crashes no longer occur when running `CREATE VIEW IF EXISTS.`
* Fixed incorrect behavior when input_format_skip_unknown_fields=1 is set and there are negative numbers.
* Fixed an infinite loop in the `dictGetHierarchy()` function if there is some invalid data in the dictionary.
* Fixed `Syntax error: unexpected (...)` errors when running distributed queries with subqueries in an IN or JOIN clause and Merge tables.
* Fixed the incorrect interpretation of a SELECT query from Dictionary tables.
* Fixed the "Cannot mremap" error when using arrays in IN and JOIN clauses with more than 2 billion elements.
* Fixed the failover for dictionaries with MySQL as the source.
## Improved workflow for developing and assembling ClickHouse:
* Builds can be assembled in Arcadia.
* You can use gcc 7 to compile ClickHouse.
* Parallel builds using ccache+distcc are faster now.
# ClickHouse release 1.1.54245
## New features:
* Distributed DDL (for example, `CREATE TABLE ON CLUSTER`).
* The engine for Dictionary tables (access to dictionary data in the form of a table).
* Dictionary database engine (this type of database automatically has Dictionary tables available for all the connected external dictionaries).
* You can check for updates to the dictionary by sending a request to the source.
* Qualified column names
* Quoting identifiers using double quotation marks.
* Sessions in the HTTP interface.
* The OPTIMIZE query for a Replicated table can can run not only on the leader.
## Backward incompatible changes:
* Removed SET GLOBAL.
## Minor changes:
* If an alert is triggered, the full stack trace is printed into the log.
* Relaxed the verification of the number of damaged or extra data parts at startup (there were too many false positives).
## Bug fixes:
* Fixed a bad connection "sticking" when inserting into a Distributed table.
* GLOBAL IN now works for a query from a Merge table that looks at a Distributed table.
* The incorrect number of cores was detected on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine. This has been fixed.
* Changes in how an executable source of cached external dictionaries works.
* Fixed the comparison of strings containing null characters.
* Fixed the comparison of Float32 primary key fields with constants.
* Previously, an incorrect estimate of the size of a field could lead to overly large allocations. This has been fixed.
* Fixed a crash when querying a Nullable column added to a table using ALTER.
* Fixed a crash when sorting by a Nullable column, if the number of rows is less than LIMIT.
* Fixed an ORDER BY subquery consisting of only constant values.
* Previously, a Replicated table could remain in the invalid state after a failed DROP TABLE.
* Aliases for scalar subqueries with empty results are no longer lost.
* Now a query that used compilation does not fail with an error if the .so file gets damaged.

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# Релиз ClickHouse 1.1.54282
Релиз содержит исправления к предыдущему релизу 1.1.54276:
* Исправлена ошибка `DB::Exception: Assertion violation: !_path.empty()` при вставке в Distributed таблицу.
* Исправлен парсинг при вставке в формате RowBinary, если входные данные начинаются с ';'.
* Исправлена ошибка при рантайм-компиляции некоторых агрегатных функций (например, `groupArray()`).
# Релиз ClickHouse 1.1.54276
## Новые возможности:
* Добавлена опциональная секция WITH запроса SELECT. Пример запроса: `WITH 1+1 AS a SELECT a, a*a`
* Добавлена возможность синхронной вставки в Distributed таблицу: выдается Ok только после того как все данные записались на все шарды. Активируется настройкой insert_distributed_sync=1
* Добавлен тип данных UUID для работы с 16-байтовыми идентификаторами
* Добавлены алиасы типов CHAR, FLOAT и т.д. для совместимости с Tableau
* Добавлены функции toYYYYMM, toYYYYMMDD, toYYYYMMDDhhmmss для перевода времени в числа
* Добавлена возможность использовать IP адреса (совместно с hostname) для идентификации сервера при работе с кластерными DDL запросами
* Добавлена поддержка неконстантных аргументов и отрицательных смещений в функции `substring(str, pos, len)`
* Добавлен параметр max_size для агрегатной функции `groupArray(max_size)(column)`, и оптимизирована её производительность
## Основные изменения:
* Улучшение безопасности: все файлы сервера создаются с правами 0640
* Улучшены сообщения об ошибках в случае синтаксически неверных запросов
* Значительно уменьшен расход оперативной памяти и улучшена производительность слияний больших MergeTree-кусков данных
* Значительно увеличена производительность слияний данных для движка ReplacingMergeTree
* Улучшена производительность асинхронных вставок из Distributed таблицы за счет объединения нескольких исходных вставок. Функциональность включается настройкой distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts=1.
## Обратно несовместимые изменения:
* Изменился бинарный формат агрегатных состояний функции `groupArray(array_column)` для массивов
## Полный список изменений:
* Добавлена настройка `output_format_json_quote_denormals`, включающая вывод nan и inf значений в формате JSON
* Более оптимальное выделение потоков при чтении из Distributed таблиц
* Разрешено задавать настройки в режиме readonly, если их значение не изменяется
* Добавлена возможность считывать нецелые гранулы движка MergeTree для выполнения ограничений на размер блока, задаваемый настройкой preferred_block_size_bytes - для уменьшения потребления оперативной памяти и увеличения кэш-локальности при обработке запросов из таблиц со столбцами большого размера
* Эффективное использование индекса, содержащего выражения типа `toStartOfHour(x)`, для условий вида `toStartOfHour(x) op сonstexpr`
* Добавлены новые настройки для MergeTree движков (секция merge_tree в config.xml):
- replicated_deduplication_window_seconds позволяет задать интервал дедупликации вставок в Replicated-таблицы в секундах
- cleanup_delay_period - периодичность запуска очистки неактуальных данных
- replicated_can_become_leader - запретить реплике становиться лидером (и назначать мержи)
* Ускорена очистка неактуальных данных из ZooKeeper
* Множественные улучшения и исправления работы кластерных DDL запросов. В частности, добавлена настройка distributed_ddl_task_timeout, ограничивающая время ожидания ответов серверов кластера.
* Улучшено отображение стэктрейсов в логах сервера
* Добавлен метод сжатия none
* Возможность использования нескольких секций dictionaries_config в config.xml
* Возможность подключения к MySQL через сокет на файловой системе
* В таблицу добавлен столбец с информацией о размере marks в байтах
## Исправления багов:
* Исправлена некорректная работа Distributed таблиц, использующих Merge таблицы, при SELECT с условием на поле _table
* Исправлен редкий race condition в ReplicatedMergeTree при проверке кусков данных
* Исправлено возможное зависание процедуры leader election при старте сервера
* Исправлено игнорирование настройки max_replica_delay_for_distributed_queries при использовании локальной реплики в качестве источника данных
* Исправлено некорректное поведение `ALTER TABLE CLEAR COLUMN IN PARTITION` при попытке очистить несуществующую колонку
* Исправлено исключение в функции multiIf при использовании пустых массивов или строк
* Исправлено чрезмерное выделение памяти при десериализации формата Native
* Исправлено некорректное автообновление Trie словарей
* Исправлено исключение при выполнении запросов с GROUP BY из Merge-таблицы при использовании SAMPLE
* Исправлено падение GROUP BY при использовании настройки distributed_aggregation_memory_efficient=1
* Добавлена возможность указывать database.table в правой части IN и JOIN
* Исправлено использование слишком большого количества потоков при параллельной агрегации
* Исправлена работа функции if с аргументами FixedString
* Исправлена некорректная работа SELECT из Distributed-таблицы для шардов с весом 0
* Исправлено падение запроса `CREATE VIEW IF EXISTS`
* Исправлено некорректное поведение при input_format_skip_unknown_fields=1 в случае отрицательных чисел
* Исправлен бесконечный цикл в функции `dictGetHierarchy()` в случае некоторых некорректных данных словаря
* Исправлены ошибки типа `Syntax error: unexpected (...)` при выполнении распределенных запросов с подзапросами в секции IN или JOIN, в случае использования совместно с Merge таблицами
* Исправлена неправильная интерпретация SELECT запроса из таблиц типа Dictionary
* Исправлена ошибка "Cannot mremap" при использовании множеств в секциях IN, JOIN, содержащих более 2 млрд. элементов
* Исправлен failover для словарей с источником MySQL
## Улучшения процесса разработки и сборки ClickHouse:
* Добавлена возмозможность сборки в Arcadia
* Добавлена возможность сборки с помощью gcc 7
* Ускорена параллельная сборка с помощью ccache+distcc
# Релиз ClickHouse 1.1.54245
## Новые возможности:
* Распределённые DDL (например, `CREATE TABLE ON CLUSTER`)
* Движок таблиц Dictionary (доступ к данным словаря в виде таблицы)
* Движок баз данных Dictionary (в такой базе автоматически доступны Dictionary-таблицы для всех подключённых внешних словарей)
* Возможность проверки необходимости обновления словаря путём отправки запроса в источник
* Qualified имена столбцов
* Квотирование идентификаторов двойными кавычками
* Сессии в HTTP интерфейсе
* Запрос OPTIMIZE для Replicated таблицы теперь можно выполнять не только на лидере
## Обратно несовместимые изменения:
* Убрана команда SET GLOBAL
## Мелкие изменения:
* Теперь после получения сигнала в лог печатается полный стектрейс
* Ослаблена проверка на количество повреждённых/лишних кусков при старте (было слишком много ложных срабатываний)
## Исправления багов:
* Исправлено залипание плохого соединения при вставке в Distributed таблицу
* GLOBAL IN теперь работает при запросе из таблицы Merge, смотрящей в Distributed
* Теперь правильно определяется количество ядер на виртуалках Google Compute Engine
* Исправления в работе executable источника кэшируемых внешних словарей
* Исправлены сравнения строк, содержащих нулевые символы
* Исправлено сравнение полей первичного ключа типа Float32 с константами
* Раньше неправильная оценка размера поля могла приводить к слишком большим аллокациям
* Исправлено падение при запросе Nullable столбца, добавленного в таблицу ALTER-ом
* Исправлено падение при сортировке по Nullable столбцу, если количество строк меньше LIMIT
* Исправлен ORDER BY подзапроса, состоящего только из константных значений
* Раньше Replicated таблица могла остаться в невалидном состоянии после неудавшегося DROP TABLE
* Алиасы для скалярных подзапросов с пустым результатом теперь не теряются
* Теперь запрос, в котором использовалась компиляция, не завершается ошибкой, если .so файл повреждается

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@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ endif ()
cmake_policy (SET CMP0014 OLD) # Ignore warning about CMakeLists.txt in each directory
cmake_policy (SET CMP0012 NEW) # Don't dereference TRUE and FALSE
find_program(CCACHE_FOUND ccache)
find_program (CCACHE_FOUND ccache)
set_property (GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "ccache")
endif ()
message (STATUS "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is not set, set to default = RELWITHDEBINFO")
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ message (STATUS "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: " ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} )
set (CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "RelWithDebInfo;Debug;Release;MinSizeRel;ASan;UBSan" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
set (AARCH64 1)
set (ARCH_AARCH64 1)
endif ()
set (ARM 1)
set (ARCH_ARM 1)
endif ()
set (COMMON_WARNING_FLAGS "-Wall") # -Werror is also added inside directories with our own code.
@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ if (NOT OPENSSL_FOUND)
message (FATAL_ERROR "Need openssl for build. debian tip: sudo apt install libssl-dev")
endif ()
include (cmake/lib_name.cmake)
include (cmake/find_icu4c.cmake)
include (cmake/find_boost.cmake)
# openssl, zlib before poco
@ -183,19 +184,24 @@ include (cmake/find_zstd.cmake)
include (cmake/find_poco.cmake)
include (cmake/find_lz4.cmake)
include (cmake/find_sparsehash.cmake)
include (cmake/find_libtool.cmake)
include (cmake/find_rt.cmake)
include (cmake/find_readline_edit.cmake)
include (cmake/find_zookeeper.cmake)
include (cmake/find_double-conversion.cmake)
include (cmake/find_re2.cmake)
include (cmake/find_contrib_lib.cmake)
# Need to process before "contrib" dir:
include (libs/libcommon/cmake/find_gperftools.cmake)
include (libs/libcommon/cmake/find_jemalloc.cmake)
include (libs/libcommon/cmake/find_cctz.cmake)
include (libs/libmysqlxx/cmake/find_mysqlclient.cmake)
include (libs/libdaemon/cmake/find_unwind.cmake)
include (cmake/lib_name.cmake)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## How to increase maxfiles on Mac OS X
## How to increase maxfiles on macOS
To increase maxfiles on MacOS, create the following file:
To increase maxfiles on macOS, create the following file:
(Note: you'll need to use sudo)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# - Try to find btrie headers and libraries.
# Usage of this module as follows:
# find_package(btrie)
# Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need
# to be set before calling find_package:
# BTRIE_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of
# btrie if the module has problems finding
# the proper installation path.
# Variables defined by this module:
# BTRIE_FOUND System has btrie libs/headers
# BTRIE_LIBRARIES The btrie library/libraries
# BTRIE_INCLUDE_DIR The location of btrie headers
NAMES include/btrie.h
NAMES btrie
NAMES btrie.h
find_package_handle_standard_args(btrie DEFAULT_MSG

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# - Try to find cityhash headers and libraries.
# Usage of this module as follows:
# find_package(cityhash)
# Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need
# to be set before calling find_package:
# CITYHASH_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of
# cityhash if the module has problems finding
# the proper installation path.
# Variables defined by this module:
# CITYHASH_FOUND System has cityhash libs/headers
# CITYHASH_LIBRARIES The cityhash library/libraries
# CITYHASH_INCLUDE_DIR The location of cityhash headers
NAMES include/city.h
NAMES cityhash
NAMES city.h
find_package_handle_standard_args(cityhash DEFAULT_MSG

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# - Try to find double-conversion headers and libraries.
# Usage of this module as follows:
# find_package(double-conversion)
# Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need
# to be set before calling find_package:
# DOUBLE_CONVERSION_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of
# double-conversion if the module has problems finding
# the proper installation path.
# Variables defined by this module:
# DOUBLE_CONVERSION_FOUND System has double-conversion libs/headers
# DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARIES The double-conversion library/libraries
# DOUBLE_CONVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR The location of double-conversion headers
NAMES include/double-conversion/double-conversion.h
NAMES double-conversion
NAMES double-conversion/double-conversion.h
find_package_handle_standard_args(double_conversion DEFAULT_MSG

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# - Try to find farmhash headers and libraries.
# Usage of this module as follows:
# find_package(farmhash)
# Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need
# to be set before calling find_package:
# FARMHASH_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of
# farmhash if the module has problems finding
# the proper installation path.
# Variables defined by this module:
# FARMHASH_FOUND System has farmhash libs/headers
# FARMHASH_LIBRARIES The farmhash library/libraries
# FARMHASH_INCLUDE_DIR The location of farmhash headers
NAMES include/farmhash.h
NAMES farmhash
NAMES farmhash.h
find_package_handle_standard_args(farmhash DEFAULT_MSG

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# - Try to find metrohash headers and libraries.
# Usage of this module as follows:
# find_package(metrohash)
# Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need
# to be set before calling find_package:
# METROHASH_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of
# metrohash if the module has problems finding
# the proper installation path.
# Variables defined by this module:
# METROHASH_FOUND System has metrohash libs/headers
# METROHASH_LIBRARIES The metrohash library/libraries
# METROHASH_INCLUDE_DIR The location of metrohash headers
NAMES include/metrohash.h
NAMES metrohash
NAMES metrohash.h
find_package_handle_standard_args(metrohash DEFAULT_MSG

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
# Adding test output on failure
enable_testing ()
add_custom_target (check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}
--force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure --build-config "$<CONFIGURATION>"
else ()
add_custom_target (check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}
--force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure
if (NOT TARGET check)
add_custom_target (check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}
--force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure --build-config "$<CONFIGURATION>"
else ()
add_custom_target (check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}
--force-new-ctest-process --output-on-failure
endif ()
endif ()
macro (add_check target)

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@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ if (NOT USE_INTERNAL_BOOST_LIBRARY)
set (Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY "")
endif ()
include_directories (${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
endif ()
endif ()
@ -28,7 +25,6 @@ if (NOT Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY)
set (Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY boost_system_internal)
set (Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY boost_filesystem_internal)
set (Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libboost/boost_1_62_0/")
include_directories (BEFORE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
endif ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
macro(find_contrib_lib LIB_NAME)
string(REPLACE "-" "_" LIB_NAME_UC ${LIB_NAME_UC})
option (USE_INTERNAL_${LIB_NAME_UC}_LIBRARY "Use bundled library ${LIB_NAME} instead of system" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED})
find_package ("${LIB_NAME}")
endif ()
endif ()

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
option (USE_INTERNAL_DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system double-conversion library instead of bundled" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED})
find_library (DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARY double-conversion)
endif ()
include_directories (${DOUBLE_CONVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR})
else ()
set (DOUBLE_CONVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libdouble-conversion")
set (DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARY double-conversion)
endif ()

View File

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ if (LZ4_LIBRARY AND LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR)
include_directories (${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR})
else ()
set (LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/liblz4/include/lz4")
include_directories (BEFORE ${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR})
set (LZ4_LIBRARY lz4)
endif ()

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ else ()
include (${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/find_ltdl.cmake)
include (${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libpoco/cmake/FindODBC.cmake)
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ else ()
set (Poco_DataODBC_FOUND 1)
set (Poco_DataODBC_LIBRARY PocoDataODBC)
list (APPEND Poco_INCLUDE_DIRS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libpoco/Data/ODBC/include/")
endif ()

View File

@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ if (RE2_LIBRARY AND RE2_INCLUDE_DIR)
else ()
set (RE2_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libre2")
set (RE2_ST_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_BINARY_DIR}/contrib/libre2")
include_directories (BEFORE ${RE2_INCLUDE_DIR})
include_directories (BEFORE ${RE2_ST_INCLUDE_DIR})
set (RE2_LIBRARY re2)
set (RE2_ST_LIBRARY re2_st)
set (USE_RE2_ST 1)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ if (SPARCEHASH_INCLUDE_DIR)
else ()
set (SPARCEHASH_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libsparsehash")
include_directories (BEFORE ${SPARCEHASH_INCLUDE_DIR})
endif ()
message (STATUS "Using sparsehash: ${SPARCEHASH_INCLUDE_DIR}")

View File

@ -2,15 +2,11 @@ option (USE_INTERNAL_ZLIB_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system zlib library inste
find_package (ZLIB)
include_directories (${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS})
endif ()
endif ()
set (ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libzlib-ng")
include_directories (BEFORE ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR})
set (ZLIB_LIBRARIES zlibstatic)
else ()

View File

include_directories (${ZOOKEEPER_INCLUDE_DIR})
else ()
set (ZOOKEEPER_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libzookeeper/include")
include_directories (BEFORE ${ZOOKEEPER_INCLUDE_DIR})
set (ZOOKEEPER_LIBRARY zookeeper_mt)
endif ()

View File

include_directories (${ZSTD_INCLUDE_DIR})
else ()
set (ZSTD_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libzstd/include/zstd")
include_directories (BEFORE ${ZSTD_INCLUDE_DIR})
set (ZSTD_LIBRARY zstd)
endif ()

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
set(CITYHASH_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libcityhash/include)
set(CPUID_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libcpuid/include)
set(DIVIDE_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libdivide)
set(BTRIE_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libbtrie/include)
set(CITYHASH_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libcityhash/include)
set(MYSQLXX_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/libmysqlxx/include)
set(POCOEXT_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/libpocoext/include)
set(CITYHASH_CONTRIB_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libcityhash/include)
set(COMMON_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/libcommon/include ${ClickHouse_BINARY_DIR}/libs/libcommon/include)
set(DBMS_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/dbms/src ${ClickHouse_BINARY_DIR}/dbms/src)
set(DOUBLE_CONVERSION_CONTRIB_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/libdouble-conversion)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
# TODO? Maybe recursive collect on all deps
list(APPEND dirs ${dirs1})
list(APPEND dirs ${dirs1})
list(APPEND dirs ${dirs1})
endif ()
file (WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include_directories.txt "")
foreach (dir ${dirs})

View File

@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
include (CheckCXXSourceCompiles)
include (CMakePushCheckState)
cmake_push_check_state ()
# clang4 : -no-pie cause error
# clang6 : -no-pie cause warning
else ()
set (TEST_FLAG "-no-pie")
cmake_push_check_state ()
int main() {
return 0;
set (TEST_FLAG "-no-pie")
int main() {
return 0;
endif ()
cmake_pop_check_state ()
endif ()
cmake_pop_check_state ()

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ check_cxx_source_compiles("
endif ()

View File

@ -28,10 +28,21 @@ if (USE_INTERNAL_ZOOKEEPER_LIBRARY)
add_subdirectory (libzookeeper)
endif ()
add_subdirectory (libcityhash)
add_subdirectory (libfarmhash)
add_subdirectory (libmetrohash)
add_subdirectory (libbtrie)
add_subdirectory (libcityhash)
endif ()
add_subdirectory (libfarmhash)
endif ()
add_subdirectory (libmetrohash)
endif ()
add_subdirectory (libbtrie)
endif ()
add_subdirectory (libunwind)
add_subdirectory (libtcmalloc)
endif ()
if (NOT ARM)
add_subdirectory (libcpuid)
endif ()

View File

@ -48,3 +48,8 @@ boost_1_62_0/libs/test/src/unit_test_monitor.cpp
target_include_directories (boost_program_options_internal BEFORE PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_include_directories (boost_filesystem_internal BEFORE PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_include_directories (boost_system_internal BEFORE PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_include_directories (boost_test_internal BEFORE PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
include_directories (BEFORE include)
add_library (btrie
target_include_directories (btrie PUBLIC include)

View File

@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
include_directories (include)
# yes, need linux, because bsd check inside linux in
add_definitions (-D__USE_BSD -Dlinux -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600)
endif ()
@ -24,3 +18,10 @@ add_library(cctz
# yes, need linux, because bsd check inside linux in
target_compile_definitions (cctz PRIVATE __USE_BSD linux _XOPEN_SOURCE=600)
endif ()
target_include_directories (cctz PUBLIC include)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
include_directories (include src)
target_include_directories (cityhash PUBLIC include)
target_include_directories (cityhash PRIVATE src)

View File

@ -16,3 +16,5 @@ include/cpuid/rdtsc.h
target_include_directories (cpuid PUBLIC include)

View File

@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ double-conversion/
target_include_directories (double-conversion PUBLIC .)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
target_include_directories (farmhash PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
include_directories (BEFORE include)
add_library (lz4
@ -8,3 +6,4 @@ add_library (lz4
target_include_directories(lz4 PUBLIC include/lz4)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
if (HAVE_SSE42) # Not used. Pretty easy to port.
set (SOURCES_SSE42_ONLY src/metrohash128crc.cpp)
endif ()
@ -11,3 +9,5 @@ add_library(metrohash
target_include_directories(metrohash PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})

View File

@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ set (re2_sources
# re2 changes its state during matching of regular expression, e.g. creates temporary DFA.
# It uses RWLock to process the same regular expression object from different threads.
# In order to avoid redundant locks in some cases, we use not thread-safe version of the library (re2_st).
add_definitions (-DNDEBUG)
include_directories (BEFORE .)
add_library (re2 ${re2_sources})
add_library (re2_st ${re2_sources})
set_target_properties (re2_st PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "NO_THREADS;re2=re2_st")
target_compile_definitions (re2 PRIVATE NDEBUG)
target_compile_definitions (re2_st PRIVATE NDEBUG NO_THREADS re2=re2_st)
target_include_directories (re2 PUBLIC .)
target_include_directories (re2_st PRIVATE . PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
foreach (FILENAME filtered_re2.h re2.h set.h stringpiece.h variadic_function.h)

View File

@ -1,39 +1,5 @@
add_definitions( -Wno-dynamic-exception-spec )
include_directories (include src)
message(STATUS "Building: tcmalloc_minimal_internal")
message (STATUS "Building: tcmalloc_minimal_internal")
add_library (tcmalloc_minimal_internal
@ -71,3 +37,40 @@ add_library (tcmalloc_minimal_internal
target_compile_options (tcmalloc_minimal_internal PUBLIC
target_compile_options(tcmalloc_minimal_internal PUBLIC -Wno-dynamic-exception-spec )
endif ()
target_compile_options(tcmalloc_minimal_internal PUBLIC -Wno-unused-but-set-variable)
endif ()
target_compile_definitions(tcmalloc_minimal_internal PUBLIC _GNU_SOURCE)
endif ()
target_include_directories (tcmalloc_minimal_internal PUBLIC include)
target_include_directories (tcmalloc_minimal_internal PRIVATE src)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wno-visibility -Wno-header-guard)
include_directories(include include/tdep src)
@ -55,3 +52,10 @@ src/elf64.c
target_compile_definitions (unwind PRIVATE HAVE_CONFIG_H=1 _XOPEN_SOURCE _GNU_SOURCE)
target_compile_options (unwind PRIVATE -Wno-visibility -Wno-header-guard)
target_include_directories (unwind PUBLIC include)
target_include_directories (unwind PRIVATE include/tdep)
target_include_directories (unwind PRIVATE src)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DTHREADED)
add_library (zookeeper_mt
@ -15,8 +10,14 @@ src/hashtable/hashtable.c
target_compile_definitions (zookeeper_mt PRIVATE HAVE_CONFIG_H THREADED)
target_compile_options (zookeeper_mt PRIVATE -Wno-unused-but-set-variable)
target_include_directories (zookeeper_mt
PRIVATE include/zookeeper
PRIVATE include/zookeeper

View File

@ -84,11 +96,25 @@ IF (ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT)
SET(Sources ${Sources}
SET(Headers ${Headers}
ADD_LIBRARY(zstd ${Sources} ${Headers})
target_include_directories (zstd PUBLIC include/zstd)

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Part of FSE library
header file (to include)
Copyright (C) 2013-2016, Yann Collet.
Copyright (C) 2013-2017, Yann Collet.
BSD 2-Clause License (
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
extern "C" {
* This API consists of small unitary functions, which must be inlined for best performance.
* Since link-time-optimization is not available for all compilers,
@ -53,6 +52,18 @@ extern "C" {
#include "error_private.h" /* error codes and messages */
* Debug
#if defined(BIT_DEBUG) && (BIT_DEBUG>=1)
# include <assert.h>
# ifndef assert
# define assert(condition) ((void)0)
# endif
* Target specific
@ -60,6 +71,10 @@ extern "C" {
# include <immintrin.h> /* support for bextr (experimental) */
* bitStream encoding API (write forward)
@ -71,7 +86,7 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct
size_t bitContainer;
int bitPos;
unsigned bitPos;
char* startPtr;
char* ptr;
char* endPtr;
@ -109,6 +124,7 @@ typedef struct
unsigned bitsConsumed;
const char* ptr;
const char* start;
const char* limitPtr;
} BIT_DStream_t;
typedef enum { BIT_DStream_unfinished = 0,
@ -160,7 +176,10 @@ MEM_STATIC unsigned BIT_highbit32 (register U32 val)
# elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3) /* Use GCC Intrinsic */
return 31 - __builtin_clz (val);
# else /* Software version */
static const unsigned DeBruijnClz[32] = { 0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29, 11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30, 8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7, 19, 27, 23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31 };
static const unsigned DeBruijnClz[32] = { 0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29,
11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30,
8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7,
19, 27, 23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31 };
U32 v = val;
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
@ -172,31 +191,36 @@ MEM_STATIC unsigned BIT_highbit32 (register U32 val)
/*===== Local Constants =====*/
static const unsigned BIT_mask[] = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF, 0x1FFFF, 0x3FFFF, 0x7FFFF, 0xFFFFF, 0x1FFFFF, 0x3FFFFF, 0x7FFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF }; /* up to 26 bits */
static const unsigned BIT_mask[] = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F,
0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF,
0xFFFF, 0x1FFFF, 0x3FFFF, 0x7FFFF, 0xFFFFF, 0x1FFFFF, 0x3FFFFF, 0x7FFFFF,
0xFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF }; /* up to 26 bits */
* bitStream encoding
/*! BIT_initCStream() :
* `dstCapacity` must be > sizeof(void*)
* `dstCapacity` must be > sizeof(size_t)
* @return : 0 if success,
otherwise an error code (can be tested using ERR_isError() ) */
MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_initCStream(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, void* startPtr, size_t dstCapacity)
MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_initCStream(BIT_CStream_t* bitC,
void* startPtr, size_t dstCapacity)
bitC->bitContainer = 0;
bitC->bitPos = 0;
bitC->startPtr = (char*)startPtr;
bitC->ptr = bitC->startPtr;
bitC->endPtr = bitC->startPtr + dstCapacity - sizeof(bitC->ptr);
if (dstCapacity <= sizeof(bitC->ptr)) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
bitC->endPtr = bitC->startPtr + dstCapacity - sizeof(bitC->bitContainer);
if (dstCapacity <= sizeof(bitC->bitContainer)) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
return 0;
/*! BIT_addBits() :
can add up to 26 bits into `bitC`.
Does not check for register overflow ! */
MEM_STATIC void BIT_addBits(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, size_t value, unsigned nbBits)
MEM_STATIC void BIT_addBits(BIT_CStream_t* bitC,
size_t value, unsigned nbBits)
bitC->bitContainer |= (value & BIT_mask[nbBits]) << bitC->bitPos;
bitC->bitPos += nbBits;
@ -204,34 +228,42 @@ MEM_STATIC void BIT_addBits(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, size_t value, unsigned nbBits)
/*! BIT_addBitsFast() :
* works only if `value` is _clean_, meaning all high bits above nbBits are 0 */
MEM_STATIC void BIT_addBitsFast(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, size_t value, unsigned nbBits)
MEM_STATIC void BIT_addBitsFast(BIT_CStream_t* bitC,
size_t value, unsigned nbBits)
assert((value>>nbBits) == 0);
bitC->bitContainer |= value << bitC->bitPos;
bitC->bitPos += nbBits;
/*! BIT_flushBitsFast() :
* assumption : bitContainer has not overflowed
* unsafe version; does not check buffer overflow */
MEM_STATIC void BIT_flushBitsFast(BIT_CStream_t* bitC)
size_t const nbBytes = bitC->bitPos >> 3;
assert( bitC->bitPos <= (sizeof(bitC->bitContainer)*8) );
MEM_writeLEST(bitC->ptr, bitC->bitContainer);
bitC->ptr += nbBytes;
assert(bitC->ptr <= bitC->endPtr);
bitC->bitPos &= 7;
bitC->bitContainer >>= nbBytes*8; /* if bitPos >= sizeof(bitContainer)*8 --> undefined behavior */
bitC->bitContainer >>= nbBytes*8;
/*! BIT_flushBits() :
* assumption : bitContainer has not overflowed
* safe version; check for buffer overflow, and prevents it.
* note : does not signal buffer overflow. This will be revealed later on using BIT_closeCStream() */
* note : does not signal buffer overflow.
* overflow will be revealed later on using BIT_closeCStream() */
MEM_STATIC void BIT_flushBits(BIT_CStream_t* bitC)
size_t const nbBytes = bitC->bitPos >> 3;
assert( bitC->bitPos <= (sizeof(bitC->bitContainer)*8) );
MEM_writeLEST(bitC->ptr, bitC->bitContainer);
bitC->ptr += nbBytes;
if (bitC->ptr > bitC->endPtr) bitC->ptr = bitC->endPtr;
bitC->bitPos &= 7;
bitC->bitContainer >>= nbBytes*8; /* if bitPos >= sizeof(bitContainer)*8 --> undefined behavior */
bitC->bitContainer >>= nbBytes*8;
/*! BIT_closeCStream() :
@ -241,9 +273,7 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_closeCStream(BIT_CStream_t* bitC)
BIT_addBitsFast(bitC, 1, 1); /* endMark */
if (bitC->ptr >= bitC->endPtr) return 0; /* doesn't fit within authorized budget : cancel */
if (bitC->ptr >= bitC->endPtr) return 0; /* overflow detected */
return (bitC->ptr - bitC->startPtr) + (bitC->bitPos > 0);
@ -261,26 +291,39 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_initDStream(BIT_DStream_t* bitD, const void* srcBuffer, si
if (srcSize < 1) { memset(bitD, 0, sizeof(*bitD)); return ERROR(srcSize_wrong); }
bitD->start = (const char*)srcBuffer;
bitD->limitPtr = bitD->start + sizeof(bitD->bitContainer);
if (srcSize >= sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)) { /* normal case */
bitD->start = (const char*)srcBuffer;
bitD->ptr = (const char*)srcBuffer + srcSize - sizeof(bitD->bitContainer);
bitD->bitContainer = MEM_readLEST(bitD->ptr);
{ BYTE const lastByte = ((const BYTE*)srcBuffer)[srcSize-1];
bitD->bitsConsumed = lastByte ? 8 - BIT_highbit32(lastByte) : 0;
bitD->bitsConsumed = lastByte ? 8 - BIT_highbit32(lastByte) : 0; /* ensures bitsConsumed is always set */
if (lastByte == 0) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* endMark not present */ }
} else {
bitD->start = (const char*)srcBuffer;
bitD->ptr = bitD->start;
bitD->bitContainer = *(const BYTE*)(bitD->start);
case 7: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[6]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 16);
case 6: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[5]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 24);
case 5: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[4]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 32);
case 4: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[3]) << 24;
case 3: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[2]) << 16;
case 2: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[1]) << 8;
case 7: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[6]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 16);
/* fall-through */
case 6: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[5]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 24);
/* fall-through */
case 5: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[4]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 32);
/* fall-through */
case 4: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[3]) << 24;
/* fall-through */
case 3: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[2]) << 16;
/* fall-through */
case 2: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[1]) << 8;
/* fall-through */
default: break;
{ BYTE const lastByte = ((const BYTE*)srcBuffer)[srcSize-1];
bitD->bitsConsumed = lastByte ? 8 - BIT_highbit32(lastByte) : 0;
@ -298,7 +341,7 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_getUpperBits(size_t bitContainer, U32 const start)
MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_getMiddleBits(size_t bitContainer, U32 const start, U32 const nbBits)
#if defined(__BMI__) && defined(__GNUC__) /* experimental */
#if defined(__BMI__) && defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__*1000+__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4008 /* experimental */
# if defined(__x86_64__)
if (sizeof(bitContainer)==8)
return _bextr_u64(bitContainer, start, nbBits);
@ -327,17 +370,18 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_getLowerBits(size_t bitContainer, U32 const nbBits)
#if defined(__BMI__) && defined(__GNUC__) /* experimental; fails if bitD->bitsConsumed + nbBits > sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 */
return BIT_getMiddleBits(bitD->bitContainer, (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8) - bitD->bitsConsumed - nbBits, nbBits);
U32 const bitMask = sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 1;
return ((bitD->bitContainer << (bitD->bitsConsumed & bitMask)) >> 1) >> ((bitMask-nbBits) & bitMask);
U32 const regMask = sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 1;
return ((bitD->bitContainer << (bitD->bitsConsumed & regMask)) >> 1) >> ((regMask-nbBits) & regMask);
/*! BIT_lookBitsFast() :
* unsafe version; only works only if nbBits >= 1 */
* unsafe version; only works if nbBits >= 1 */
MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_lookBitsFast(const BIT_DStream_t* bitD, U32 nbBits)
U32 const bitMask = sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 1;
return (bitD->bitContainer << (bitD->bitsConsumed & bitMask)) >> (((bitMask+1)-nbBits) & bitMask);
U32 const regMask = sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 1;
assert(nbBits >= 1);
return (bitD->bitContainer << (bitD->bitsConsumed & regMask)) >> (((regMask+1)-nbBits) & regMask);
MEM_STATIC void BIT_skipBits(BIT_DStream_t* bitD, U32 nbBits)
@ -362,21 +406,22 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_readBits(BIT_DStream_t* bitD, U32 nbBits)
MEM_STATIC size_t BIT_readBitsFast(BIT_DStream_t* bitD, U32 nbBits)
size_t const value = BIT_lookBitsFast(bitD, nbBits);
assert(nbBits >= 1);
BIT_skipBits(bitD, nbBits);
return value;
/*! BIT_reloadDStream() :
* Refill `BIT_DStream_t` from src buffer previously defined (see BIT_initDStream() ).
* Refill `bitD` from buffer previously set in BIT_initDStream() .
* This function is safe, it guarantees it will not read beyond src buffer.
* @return : status of `BIT_DStream_t` internal register.
if status == unfinished, internal register is filled with >= (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 7) bits */
if status == BIT_DStream_unfinished, internal register is filled with >= (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 7) bits */
MEM_STATIC BIT_DStream_status BIT_reloadDStream(BIT_DStream_t* bitD)
if (bitD->bitsConsumed > (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8)) /* should not happen => corruption detected */
return BIT_DStream_overflow;
if (bitD->bitsConsumed > (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8)) /* overflow detected, like end of stream */
return BIT_DStream_overflow;
if (bitD->ptr >= bitD->start + sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)) {
if (bitD->ptr >= bitD->limitPtr) {
bitD->ptr -= bitD->bitsConsumed >> 3;
bitD->bitsConsumed &= 7;
bitD->bitContainer = MEM_readLEST(bitD->ptr);
@ -386,6 +431,7 @@ MEM_STATIC BIT_DStream_status BIT_reloadDStream(BIT_DStream_t* bitD)
if (bitD->bitsConsumed < sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8) return BIT_DStream_endOfBuffer;
return BIT_DStream_completed;
/* start < ptr < limitPtr */
{ U32 nbBytes = bitD->bitsConsumed >> 3;
BIT_DStream_status result = BIT_DStream_unfinished;
if (bitD->ptr - nbBytes < bitD->start) {
@ -394,7 +440,7 @@ MEM_STATIC BIT_DStream_status BIT_reloadDStream(BIT_DStream_t* bitD)
bitD->ptr -= nbBytes;
bitD->bitsConsumed -= nbBytes*8;
bitD->bitContainer = MEM_readLEST(bitD->ptr); /* reminder : srcSize > sizeof(bitD) */
bitD->bitContainer = MEM_readLEST(bitD->ptr); /* reminder : srcSize > sizeof(bitD->bitContainer), otherwise bitD->ptr == bitD->start */
return result;

View File

@ -43,27 +43,21 @@
#include "huf.h"
* FSE Error Management
unsigned FSE_isError(size_t code) { return ERR_isError(code); }
/*=== Version ===*/
unsigned FSE_versionNumber(void) { return FSE_VERSION_NUMBER; }
/*=== Error Management ===*/
unsigned FSE_isError(size_t code) { return ERR_isError(code); }
const char* FSE_getErrorName(size_t code) { return ERR_getErrorName(code); }
/* **************************************************************
* HUF Error Management
unsigned HUF_isError(size_t code) { return ERR_isError(code); }
const char* HUF_getErrorName(size_t code) { return ERR_getErrorName(code); }
* FSE NCount encoding-decoding
static short FSE_abs(short a) { return (short)(a<0 ? -a : a); }
size_t FSE_readNCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned* maxSVPtr, unsigned* tableLogPtr,
const void* headerBuffer, size_t hbSize)
@ -117,21 +111,21 @@ size_t FSE_readNCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned* maxSVPtr, unsigned* t
} else {
bitStream >>= 2;
} }
{ short const max = (short)((2*threshold-1)-remaining);
short count;
{ int const max = (2*threshold-1) - remaining;
int count;
if ((bitStream & (threshold-1)) < (U32)max) {
count = (short)(bitStream & (threshold-1));
bitCount += nbBits-1;
count = bitStream & (threshold-1);
bitCount += nbBits-1;
} else {
count = (short)(bitStream & (2*threshold-1));
count = bitStream & (2*threshold-1);
if (count >= threshold) count -= max;
bitCount += nbBits;
bitCount += nbBits;
count--; /* extra accuracy */
remaining -= FSE_abs(count);
normalizedCounter[charnum++] = count;
remaining -= count < 0 ? -count : count; /* -1 means +1 */
normalizedCounter[charnum++] = (short)count;
previous0 = !count;
while (remaining < threshold) {
@ -159,6 +153,7 @@ size_t FSE_readNCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned* maxSVPtr, unsigned* t
/*! HUF_readStats() :
Read compact Huffman tree, saved by HUF_writeCTable().
`huffWeight` is destination buffer.
`rankStats` is assumed to be a table of at least HUF_TABLELOG_MAX U32.
@return : size read from `src` , or an error Code .
Note : Needed by HUF_readCTable() and HUF_readDTableX?() .
@ -168,9 +163,11 @@ size_t HUF_readStats(BYTE* huffWeight, size_t hwSize, U32* rankStats,
U32 weightTotal;
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) src;
size_t iSize = ip[0];
size_t iSize;
size_t oSize;
if (!srcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
iSize = ip[0];
/* memset(huffWeight, 0, hwSize); *//* is not necessary, even though some analyzer complain ... */
if (iSize >= 128) { /* special header */
@ -185,23 +182,25 @@ size_t HUF_readStats(BYTE* huffWeight, size_t hwSize, U32* rankStats,
huffWeight[n+1] = ip[n/2] & 15;
} } }
else { /* header compressed with FSE (normal case) */
FSE_DTable fseWorkspace[FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(6)]; /* 6 is max possible tableLog for HUF header (maybe even 5, to be tested) */
if (iSize+1 > srcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
oSize = FSE_decompress(huffWeight, hwSize-1, ip+1, iSize); /* max (hwSize-1) values decoded, as last one is implied */
oSize = FSE_decompress_wksp(huffWeight, hwSize-1, ip+1, iSize, fseWorkspace, 6); /* max (hwSize-1) values decoded, as last one is implied */
if (FSE_isError(oSize)) return oSize;
/* collect weight stats */
memset(rankStats, 0, (HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX + 1) * sizeof(U32));
memset(rankStats, 0, (HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1) * sizeof(U32));
weightTotal = 0;
{ U32 n; for (n=0; n<oSize; n++) {
if (huffWeight[n] >= HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
if (huffWeight[n] >= HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
weightTotal += (1 << huffWeight[n]) >> 1;
} }
if (weightTotal == 0) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
/* get last non-null symbol weight (implied, total must be 2^n) */
{ U32 const tableLog = BIT_highbit32(weightTotal) + 1;
if (tableLog > HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
if (tableLog > HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
*tableLogPtr = tableLog;
/* determine last weight */
{ U32 const total = 1 << tableLog;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* The purpose of this file is to have a single list of error strings embedded in binary */
#include "error_private.h"
const char* ERR_getErrorString(ERR_enum code)
static const char* const notErrorCode = "Unspecified error code";
switch( code )
case PREFIX(no_error): return "No error detected";
case PREFIX(GENERIC): return "Error (generic)";
case PREFIX(prefix_unknown): return "Unknown frame descriptor";
case PREFIX(version_unsupported): return "Version not supported";
case PREFIX(parameter_unknown): return "Unknown parameter type";
case PREFIX(frameParameter_unsupported): return "Unsupported frame parameter";
case PREFIX(frameParameter_unsupportedBy32bits): return "Frame parameter unsupported in 32-bits mode";
case PREFIX(frameParameter_windowTooLarge): return "Frame requires too much memory for decoding";
case PREFIX(compressionParameter_unsupported): return "Compression parameter is not supported";
case PREFIX(compressionParameter_outOfBound): return "Compression parameter is out of bound";
case PREFIX(init_missing): return "Context should be init first";
case PREFIX(memory_allocation): return "Allocation error : not enough memory";
case PREFIX(stage_wrong): return "Operation not authorized at current processing stage";
case PREFIX(dstSize_tooSmall): return "Destination buffer is too small";
case PREFIX(srcSize_wrong): return "Src size is incorrect";
case PREFIX(corruption_detected): return "Corrupted block detected";
case PREFIX(checksum_wrong): return "Restored data doesn't match checksum";
case PREFIX(tableLog_tooLarge): return "tableLog requires too much memory : unsupported";
case PREFIX(maxSymbolValue_tooLarge): return "Unsupported max Symbol Value : too large";
case PREFIX(maxSymbolValue_tooSmall): return "Specified maxSymbolValue is too small";
case PREFIX(dictionary_corrupted): return "Dictionary is corrupted";
case PREFIX(dictionary_wrong): return "Dictionary mismatch";
case PREFIX(dictionaryCreation_failed): return "Cannot create Dictionary from provided samples";
case PREFIX(frameIndex_tooLarge): return "Frame index is too large";
case PREFIX(seekableIO): return "An I/O error occurred when reading/seeking";
case PREFIX(maxCode):
default: return notErrorCode;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ extern "C" {
* Dependencies
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include "error_public.h" /* enum list */
#include "zstd_errors.h" /* enum list */
/* ****************************************
@ -62,35 +62,7 @@ ERR_STATIC ERR_enum ERR_getErrorCode(size_t code) { if (!ERR_isError(code)) retu
* Error Strings
ERR_STATIC const char* ERR_getErrorString(ERR_enum code)
static const char* notErrorCode = "Unspecified error code";
switch( code )
case PREFIX(no_error): return "No error detected";
case PREFIX(GENERIC): return "Error (generic)";
case PREFIX(prefix_unknown): return "Unknown frame descriptor";
case PREFIX(version_unsupported): return "Version not supported";
case PREFIX(parameter_unknown): return "Unknown parameter type";
case PREFIX(frameParameter_unsupported): return "Unsupported frame parameter";
case PREFIX(frameParameter_unsupportedBy32bits): return "Frame parameter unsupported in 32-bits mode";
case PREFIX(compressionParameter_unsupported): return "Compression parameter is out of bound";
case PREFIX(init_missing): return "Context should be init first";
case PREFIX(memory_allocation): return "Allocation error : not enough memory";
case PREFIX(stage_wrong): return "Operation not authorized at current processing stage";
case PREFIX(dstSize_tooSmall): return "Destination buffer is too small";
case PREFIX(srcSize_wrong): return "Src size incorrect";
case PREFIX(corruption_detected): return "Corrupted block detected";
case PREFIX(checksum_wrong): return "Restored data doesn't match checksum";
case PREFIX(tableLog_tooLarge): return "tableLog requires too much memory : unsupported";
case PREFIX(maxSymbolValue_tooLarge): return "Unsupported max Symbol Value : too large";
case PREFIX(maxSymbolValue_tooSmall): return "Specified maxSymbolValue is too small";
case PREFIX(dictionary_corrupted): return "Dictionary is corrupted";
case PREFIX(dictionary_wrong): return "Dictionary mismatch";
case PREFIX(maxCode):
default: return notErrorCode;
const char* ERR_getErrorString(ERR_enum code); /* error_private.c */
ERR_STATIC const char* ERR_getErrorName(size_t code)

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/*===== dependency =====*/
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
* error codes list
typedef enum {
} ZSTD_ErrorCode;
/*! ZSTD_getErrorCode() :
convert a `size_t` function result into a `ZSTD_ErrorCode` enum type,
which can be used to compare directly with enum list published into "error_public.h" */
ZSTD_ErrorCode ZSTD_getErrorCode(size_t functionResult);
const char* ZSTD_getErrorString(ZSTD_ErrorCode code);
#if defined (__cplusplus)

View File

@ -45,6 +45,32 @@ extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t, ptrdiff_t */
* FSE_PUBLIC_API : control library symbols visibility
#if defined(FSE_DLL_EXPORT) && (FSE_DLL_EXPORT==1) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
# define FSE_PUBLIC_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#elif defined(FSE_DLL_EXPORT) && (FSE_DLL_EXPORT==1) /* Visual expected */
# define FSE_PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined(FSE_DLL_IMPORT) && (FSE_DLL_IMPORT==1)
# define FSE_PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllimport) /* It isn't required but allows to generate better code, saving a function pointer load from the IAT and an indirect jump.*/
/*------ Version ------*/
#define FSE_QUOTE(str) #str
FSE_PUBLIC_API unsigned FSE_versionNumber(void); /**< library version number; to be used when checking dll version */
* FSE simple functions
@ -56,8 +82,8 @@ extern "C" {
if return == 1, srcData is a single byte symbol * srcSize times. Use RLE compression instead.
if FSE_isError(return), compression failed (more details using FSE_getErrorName())
size_t FSE_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize);
/*! FSE_decompress():
Decompress FSE data from buffer 'cSrc', of size 'cSrcSize',
@ -69,18 +95,18 @@ size_t FSE_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
Why ? : making this distinction requires a header.
Header management is intentionally delegated to the user layer, which can better manage special cases.
size_t FSE_decompress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_decompress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
* Tool functions
size_t FSE_compressBound(size_t size); /* maximum compressed size */
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_compressBound(size_t size); /* maximum compressed size */
/* Error Management */
unsigned FSE_isError(size_t code); /* tells if a return value is an error code */
const char* FSE_getErrorName(size_t code); /* provides error code string (useful for debugging) */
FSE_PUBLIC_API unsigned FSE_isError(size_t code); /* tells if a return value is an error code */
FSE_PUBLIC_API const char* FSE_getErrorName(size_t code); /* provides error code string (useful for debugging) */
@ -94,7 +120,7 @@ const char* FSE_getErrorName(size_t code); /* provides error code string (usef
if return == 1, srcData is a single byte symbol * srcSize times. Use RLE compression.
if FSE_isError(return), it's an error code.
size_t FSE_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
@ -127,50 +153,50 @@ or to save and provide normalized distribution using external method.
@return : the count of the most frequent symbol (which is not identified).
if return == srcSize, there is only one symbol.
Can also return an error code, which can be tested with FSE_isError(). */
size_t FSE_count(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_count(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
/*! FSE_optimalTableLog():
dynamically downsize 'tableLog' when conditions are met.
It saves CPU time, by using smaller tables, while preserving or even improving compression ratio.
@return : recommended tableLog (necessarily <= 'maxTableLog') */
unsigned FSE_optimalTableLog(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
FSE_PUBLIC_API unsigned FSE_optimalTableLog(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
/*! FSE_normalizeCount():
normalize counts so that sum(count[]) == Power_of_2 (2^tableLog)
'normalizedCounter' is a table of short, of minimum size (maxSymbolValue+1).
@return : tableLog,
or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError() */
size_t FSE_normalizeCount(short* normalizedCounter, unsigned tableLog, const unsigned* count, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_normalizeCount(short* normalizedCounter, unsigned tableLog, const unsigned* count, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
/*! FSE_NCountWriteBound():
Provides the maximum possible size of an FSE normalized table, given 'maxSymbolValue' and 'tableLog'.
Typically useful for allocation purpose. */
size_t FSE_NCountWriteBound(unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_NCountWriteBound(unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
/*! FSE_writeNCount():
Compactly save 'normalizedCounter' into 'buffer'.
@return : size of the compressed table,
or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError(). */
size_t FSE_writeNCount (void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_writeNCount (void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
/*! Constructor and Destructor of FSE_CTable.
Note that FSE_CTable size depends on 'tableLog' and 'maxSymbolValue' */
typedef unsigned FSE_CTable; /* don't allocate that. It's only meant to be more restrictive than void* */
FSE_CTable* FSE_createCTable (unsigned tableLog, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
void FSE_freeCTable (FSE_CTable* ct);
FSE_PUBLIC_API FSE_CTable* FSE_createCTable (unsigned tableLog, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
FSE_PUBLIC_API void FSE_freeCTable (FSE_CTable* ct);
/*! FSE_buildCTable():
Builds `ct`, which must be already allocated, using FSE_createCTable().
@return : 0, or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError() */
size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
/*! FSE_compress_usingCTable():
Compress `src` using `ct` into `dst` which must be already allocated.
@return : size of compressed data (<= `dstCapacity`),
or 0 if compressed data could not fit into `dst`,
or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError() */
size_t FSE_compress_usingCTable (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize, const FSE_CTable* ct);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_compress_usingCTable (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize, const FSE_CTable* ct);
Tutorial :
@ -223,25 +249,25 @@ If there is an error, the function will return an ErrorCode (which can be tested
@return : size read from 'rBuffer',
or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError().
maxSymbolValuePtr[0] and tableLogPtr[0] will also be updated with their respective values */
size_t FSE_readNCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, unsigned* tableLogPtr, const void* rBuffer, size_t rBuffSize);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_readNCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, unsigned* tableLogPtr, const void* rBuffer, size_t rBuffSize);
/*! Constructor and Destructor of FSE_DTable.
Note that its size depends on 'tableLog' */
typedef unsigned FSE_DTable; /* don't allocate that. It's just a way to be more restrictive than void* */
FSE_DTable* FSE_createDTable(unsigned tableLog);
void FSE_freeDTable(FSE_DTable* dt);
FSE_PUBLIC_API FSE_DTable* FSE_createDTable(unsigned tableLog);
FSE_PUBLIC_API void FSE_freeDTable(FSE_DTable* dt);
/*! FSE_buildDTable():
Builds 'dt', which must be already allocated, using FSE_createDTable().
return : 0, or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError() */
size_t FSE_buildDTable (FSE_DTable* dt, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_buildDTable (FSE_DTable* dt, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
/*! FSE_decompress_usingDTable():
Decompress compressed source `cSrc` of size `cSrcSize` using `dt`
into `dst` which must be already allocated.
@return : size of regenerated data (necessarily <= `dstCapacity`),
or an errorCode, which can be tested using FSE_isError() */
size_t FSE_decompress_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const FSE_DTable* dt);
FSE_PUBLIC_API size_t FSE_decompress_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const FSE_DTable* dt);
Tutorial :
@ -286,45 +312,84 @@ If there is an error, the function will return an error code, which can be teste
#define FSE_BLOCKBOUND(size) (size + (size>>7))
#define FSE_COMPRESSBOUND(size) (FSE_NCOUNTBOUND + FSE_BLOCKBOUND(size)) /* Macro version, useful for static allocation */
/* It is possible to statically allocate FSE CTable/DTable as a table of unsigned using below macros */
/* It is possible to statically allocate FSE CTable/DTable as a table of FSE_CTable/FSE_DTable using below macros */
#define FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog, maxSymbolValue) (1 + (1<<(maxTableLog-1)) + ((maxSymbolValue+1)*2))
#define FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog) (1 + (1<<maxTableLog))
/* or use the size to malloc() space directly. Pay attention to alignment restrictions though */
#define FSE_CTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog, maxSymbolValue) (FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog, maxSymbolValue) * sizeof(FSE_CTable))
#define FSE_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog) (FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog) * sizeof(FSE_DTable))
/* *****************************************
* FSE advanced API
/* FSE_count_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_count(), but using an externally provided scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` size must be table of >= `1024` unsigned
size_t FSE_count_wksp(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* source, size_t sourceSize, unsigned* workSpace);
/** FSE_countFast() :
* same as FSE_count(), but blindly trusts that all byte values within src are <= *maxSymbolValuePtr
size_t FSE_countFast(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
/**< same as FSE_count(), but blindly trusts that all byte values within src are <= *maxSymbolValuePtr */
/* FSE_countFast_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_countFast(), but using an externally provided scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` must be a table of minimum `1024` unsigned
size_t FSE_countFast_wksp(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned* workSpace);
/*! FSE_count_simple
* Same as FSE_countFast(), but does not use any additional memory (not even on stack).
* This function is unsafe, and will segfault if any value within `src` is `> *maxSymbolValuePtr` (presuming it's also the size of `count`).
size_t FSE_count_simple(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
unsigned FSE_optimalTableLog_internal(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned minus);
/**< same as FSE_optimalTableLog(), which used `minus==2` */
/* FSE_compress_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_compress2(), but using an externally allocated scratch buffer (`workSpace`).
* FSE_WKSP_SIZE_U32() provides the minimum size required for `workSpace` as a table of FSE_CTable.
#define FSE_WKSP_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog, maxSymbolValue) ( FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxTableLog, maxSymbolValue) + ((maxTableLog > 12) ? (1 << (maxTableLog - 2)) : 1024) )
size_t FSE_compress_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
size_t FSE_buildCTable_raw (FSE_CTable* ct, unsigned nbBits);
/**< build a fake FSE_CTable, designed to not compress an input, where each symbol uses nbBits */
/**< build a fake FSE_CTable, designed for a flat distribution, where each symbol uses nbBits */
size_t FSE_buildCTable_rle (FSE_CTable* ct, unsigned char symbolValue);
/**< build a fake FSE_CTable, designed to compress always the same symbolValue */
/* FSE_buildCTable_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_buildCTable(), but using an externally allocated scratch buffer (`workSpace`).
* `wkspSize` must be >= `(1<<tableLog)`.
size_t FSE_buildCTable_wksp(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
size_t FSE_buildDTable_raw (FSE_DTable* dt, unsigned nbBits);
/**< build a fake FSE_DTable, designed to read an uncompressed bitstream where each symbol uses nbBits */
/**< build a fake FSE_DTable, designed to read a flat distribution where each symbol uses nbBits */
size_t FSE_buildDTable_rle (FSE_DTable* dt, unsigned char symbolValue);
/**< build a fake FSE_DTable, designed to always generate the same symbolValue */
size_t FSE_decompress_wksp(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, FSE_DTable* workSpace, unsigned maxLog);
/**< same as FSE_decompress(), using an externally allocated `workSpace` produced with `FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxLog)` */
/* *****************************************
* FSE symbol compression API
This API consists of small unitary functions, which highly benefit from being inlined.
You will want to enable link-time-optimization to ensure these functions are properly inlined in your binary.
Visual seems to do it automatically.
For gcc or clang, you'll need to add -flto flag at compilation and linking stages.
If none of these solutions is applicable, include "fse.c" directly.
Hence their body are included in next section.
typedef struct
typedef struct {
ptrdiff_t value;
const void* stateTable;
const void* symbolTT;
@ -384,8 +449,7 @@ If there is an error, it returns an errorCode (which can be tested using FSE_isE
/* *****************************************
* FSE symbol decompression API
typedef struct
typedef struct {
size_t state;
const void* table; /* precise table may vary, depending on U16 */
} FSE_DState_t;
@ -490,9 +554,9 @@ MEM_STATIC void FSE_initCState2(FSE_CState_t* statePtr, const FSE_CTable* ct, U3
MEM_STATIC void FSE_encodeSymbol(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, FSE_CState_t* statePtr, U32 symbol)
const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform symbolTT = ((const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform*)(statePtr->symbolTT))[symbol];
FSE_symbolCompressionTransform const symbolTT = ((const FSE_symbolCompressionTransform*)(statePtr->symbolTT))[symbol];
const U16* const stateTable = (const U16*)(statePtr->stateTable);
U32 nbBitsOut = (U32)((statePtr->value + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16);
U32 const nbBitsOut = (U32)((statePtr->value + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16);
BIT_addBits(bitC, statePtr->value, nbBitsOut);
statePtr->value = stateTable[ (statePtr->value >> nbBitsOut) + symbolTT.deltaFindState];
@ -503,6 +567,7 @@ MEM_STATIC void FSE_flushCState(BIT_CStream_t* bitC, const FSE_CState_t* statePt
/* ====== Decompression ====== */
typedef struct {
@ -581,14 +646,19 @@ MEM_STATIC unsigned FSE_endOfDState(const FSE_DState_t* DStatePtr)
* Increasing memory usage improves compression ratio
* Reduced memory usage can improve speed, due to cache effect
* Recommended max value is 14, for 16KB, which nicely fits into Intel x86 L1 cache */
* Maximum symbol value authorized.
* Required for proper stack allocation */
/* **************************************************************
* template functions type & suffix

View File

@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free, qsort */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memset */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf (debug) */
#include "bitstream.h"
#include "fse.h"
@ -75,12 +74,6 @@
#define CHECK_F(f) { size_t const e = f; if (FSE_isError(e)) return e; }
/* **************************************************************
* Complex types
typedef U32 DTable_max_t[FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(FSE_MAX_TABLELOG)];
/* **************************************************************
* Templates
@ -300,28 +293,34 @@ size_t FSE_decompress_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t originalSize,
size_t FSE_decompress(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t FSE_decompress_wksp(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, FSE_DTable* workSpace, unsigned maxLog)
const BYTE* const istart = (const BYTE*)cSrc;
const BYTE* ip = istart;
short counting[FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE+1];
DTable_max_t dt; /* Static analyzer seems unable to understand this table will be properly initialized later */
unsigned tableLog;
unsigned maxSymbolValue = FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE;
if (cSrcSize<2) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong); /* too small input size */
/* normal FSE decoding mode */
{ size_t const NCountLength = FSE_readNCount (counting, &maxSymbolValue, &tableLog, istart, cSrcSize);
if (FSE_isError(NCountLength)) return NCountLength;
if (NCountLength >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong); /* too small input size */
ip += NCountLength;
cSrcSize -= NCountLength;
size_t const NCountLength = FSE_readNCount (counting, &maxSymbolValue, &tableLog, istart, cSrcSize);
if (FSE_isError(NCountLength)) return NCountLength;
//if (NCountLength >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong); /* too small input size; supposed to be already checked in NCountLength, only remaining case : NCountLength==cSrcSize */
if (tableLog > maxLog) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
ip += NCountLength;
cSrcSize -= NCountLength;
CHECK_F( FSE_buildDTable (dt, counting, maxSymbolValue, tableLog) );
CHECK_F( FSE_buildDTable (workSpace, counting, maxSymbolValue, tableLog) );
return FSE_decompress_usingDTable (dst, maxDstSize, ip, cSrcSize, dt); /* always return, even if it is an error code */
return FSE_decompress_usingDTable (dst, dstCapacity, ip, cSrcSize, workSpace); /* always return, even if it is an error code */
typedef FSE_DTable DTable_max_t[FSE_DTABLE_SIZE_U32(FSE_MAX_TABLELOG)];
size_t FSE_decompress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
DTable_max_t dt; /* Static analyzer seems unable to understand this table will be properly initialized later */
return FSE_decompress_wksp(dst, dstCapacity, cSrc, cSrcSize, dt, FSE_MAX_TABLELOG);

View File

@ -43,6 +43,21 @@ extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/* *** library symbols visibility *** */
/* Note : when linking with -fvisibility=hidden on gcc, or by default on Visual,
* HUF symbols remain "private" (internal symbols for library only).
* Set macro FSE_DLL_EXPORT to 1 if you want HUF symbols visible on DLL interface */
#if defined(FSE_DLL_EXPORT) && (FSE_DLL_EXPORT==1) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
# define HUF_PUBLIC_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#elif defined(FSE_DLL_EXPORT) && (FSE_DLL_EXPORT==1) /* Visual expected */
# define HUF_PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined(FSE_DLL_IMPORT) && (FSE_DLL_IMPORT==1)
# define HUF_PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllimport) /* not required, just to generate faster code (saves a function pointer load from IAT and an indirect jump) */
/* *** simple functions *** */
HUF_compress() :
@ -55,42 +70,68 @@ HUF_compress() :
if return == 1, srcData is a single repeated byte symbol (RLE compression).
if HUF_isError(return), compression failed (more details using HUF_getErrorName())
size_t HUF_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize);
HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize);
HUF_decompress() :
Decompress HUF data from buffer 'cSrc', of size 'cSrcSize',
into already allocated buffer 'dst', of minimum size 'dstSize'.
`dstSize` : **must** be the ***exact*** size of original (uncompressed) data.
`originalSize` : **must** be the ***exact*** size of original (uncompressed) data.
Note : in contrast with FSE, HUF_decompress can regenerate
RLE (cSrcSize==1) and uncompressed (cSrcSize==dstSize) data,
because it knows size to regenerate.
@return : size of regenerated data (== dstSize),
@return : size of regenerated data (== originalSize),
or an error code, which can be tested using HUF_isError()
size_t HUF_decompress(void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_decompress(void* dst, size_t originalSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
/* ****************************************
* Tool functions
#define HUF_BLOCKSIZE_MAX (128 * 1024)
size_t HUF_compressBound(size_t size); /**< maximum compressed size (worst case) */
/* *** Tool functions *** */
#define HUF_BLOCKSIZE_MAX (128 * 1024) /**< maximum input size for a single block compressed with HUF_compress */
HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compressBound(size_t size); /**< maximum compressed size (worst case) */
/* Error Management */
unsigned HUF_isError(size_t code); /**< tells if a return value is an error code */
const char* HUF_getErrorName(size_t code); /**< provides error code string (useful for debugging) */
HUF_PUBLIC_API unsigned HUF_isError(size_t code); /**< tells if a return value is an error code */
HUF_PUBLIC_API const char* HUF_getErrorName(size_t code); /**< provides error code string (useful for debugging) */
/* *** Advanced function *** */
/* *** Advanced function *** */
/** HUF_compress2() :
* Same as HUF_compress(), but offers direct control over `maxSymbolValue` and `tableLog` */
size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
* Same as HUF_compress(), but offers direct control over `maxSymbolValue` and `tableLog`.
* `tableLog` must be `<= HUF_TABLELOG_MAX` . */
HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
/** HUF_compress4X_wksp() :
* Same as HUF_compress2(), but uses externally allocated `workSpace`.
* `workspace` must have minimum alignment of 4, and be at least as large as following macro */
#define HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE (6 << 10)
HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compress4X_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
* The minimum workspace size for the `workSpace` used in
* HUF_readDTableX2_wksp() and HUF_readDTableX4_wksp().
* The space used depends on HUF_TABLELOG_MAX, ranging from ~1500 bytes when
* HUF_TABLE_LOG_MAX=12 to ~1850 bytes when HUF_TABLE_LOG_MAX=15.
* Buffer overflow errors may potentially occur if code modifications result in
* a required workspace size greater than that specified in the following
* macro.
/* ******************************************************************
* The following section contains advanced and experimental definitions
* which shall never be used in the context of dll
* because they are not guaranteed to remain stable in the future.
* Only consider them in association with static linking.
/* *** Dependencies *** */
@ -98,10 +139,11 @@ size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize
/* *** Constants *** */
#define HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX 16 /* absolute limit of HUF_MAX_TABLELOG. Beyond that value, code does not work */
#define HUF_TABLELOG_MAX 12 /* max configured tableLog (for static allocation); can be modified up to HUF_ABSOLUTEMAX_TABLELOG */
#define HUF_TABLELOG_MAX 12 /* max configured tableLog (for static allocation); can be modified up to HUF_ABSOLUTEMAX_TABLELOG */
#define HUF_TABLELOG_DEFAULT 11 /* tableLog by default, when not specified */
#define HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX 15 /* absolute limit of HUF_MAX_TABLELOG. Beyond that value, code does not work */
# error "HUF_TABLELOG_MAX is too large !"
@ -112,12 +154,14 @@ size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize
/* HUF buffer bounds */
#define HUF_BLOCKBOUND(size) (size + (size>>8) + 8) /* only true if incompressible pre-filtered with fast heuristic */
#define HUF_BLOCKBOUND(size) (size + (size>>8) + 8) /* only true when incompressible is pre-filtered with fast heuristic */
#define HUF_COMPRESSBOUND(size) (HUF_CTABLEBOUND + HUF_BLOCKBOUND(size)) /* Macro version, useful for static allocation */
/* static allocation of HUF's Compression Table */
#define HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxSymbolValue) ((maxSymbolValue)+1) /* Use tables of U32, for proper alignment */
#define HUF_CTABLE_SIZE(maxSymbolValue) (HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxSymbolValue) * sizeof(U32))
#define HUF_CREATE_STATIC_CTABLE(name, maxSymbolValue) \
U32 name##hb[maxSymbolValue+1]; \
U32 name##hb[HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxSymbolValue)]; \
void* name##hv = &(name##hb); \
HUF_CElt* name = (HUF_CElt*)(name##hv) /* no final ; */
@ -125,9 +169,9 @@ size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize
typedef U32 HUF_DTable;
#define HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog) (1 + (1<<(maxTableLog)))
#define HUF_CREATE_STATIC_DTABLEX2(DTable, maxTableLog) \
HUF_DTable DTable[HUF_DTABLE_SIZE((maxTableLog)-1)] = { ((U32)((maxTableLog)-1)*0x1000001) }
HUF_DTable DTable[HUF_DTABLE_SIZE((maxTableLog)-1)] = { ((U32)((maxTableLog)-1) * 0x01000001) }
#define HUF_CREATE_STATIC_DTABLEX4(DTable, maxTableLog) \
HUF_DTable DTable[HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog)] = { ((U32)(maxTableLog)*0x1000001) }
HUF_DTable DTable[HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog)] = { ((U32)(maxTableLog) * 0x01000001) }
/* ****************************************
@ -138,12 +182,11 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X4 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cS
size_t HUF_decompress4X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< decodes RLE and uncompressed */
size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< considers RLE and uncompressed as errors */
size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /**< considers RLE and uncompressed as errors */
size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< single-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /**< single-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< double-symbols decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< single-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< double-symbols decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /**< double-symbols decoder */
/* ****************************************
@ -168,6 +211,23 @@ size_t HUF_buildCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, const unsigned* count, unsigned maxSym
size_t HUF_writeCTable (void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog);
size_t HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable);
typedef enum {
HUF_repeat_none, /**< Cannot use the previous table */
HUF_repeat_check, /**< Can use the previous table but it must be checked. Note : The previous table must have been constructed by HUF_compress{1, 4}X_repeat */
HUF_repeat_valid /**< Can use the previous table and it is asumed to be valid */
} HUF_repeat;
/** HUF_compress4X_repeat() :
* Same as HUF_compress4X_wksp(), but considers using hufTable if *repeat != HUF_repeat_none.
* If it uses hufTable it does not modify hufTable or repeat.
* If it doesn't, it sets *repeat = HUF_repeat_none, and it sets hufTable to the table used.
* If preferRepeat then the old table will always be used if valid. */
size_t HUF_compress4X_repeat(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, HUF_CElt* hufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat); /**< `workSpace` must be a table of at least HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE_U32 unsigned */
/** HUF_buildCTable_wksp() :
* Same as HUF_buildCTable(), but using externally allocated scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` must be aligned on 4-bytes boundaries, and be at least as large as a table of 1024 unsigned.
size_t HUF_buildCTable_wksp (HUF_CElt* tree, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U32 maxNbBits, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
/*! HUF_readStats() :
Read compact Huffman tree, saved by HUF_writeCTable().
@ -198,7 +258,9 @@ HUF_decompress() does the following:
U32 HUF_selectDecoder (size_t dstSize, size_t cSrcSize);
size_t HUF_readDTableX2 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
size_t HUF_readDTableX2_wksp (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
size_t HUF_readDTableX4 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
size_t HUF_readDTableX4_wksp (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
size_t HUF_decompress4X_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
size_t HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
@ -208,16 +270,29 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X4_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* c
/* single stream variants */
size_t HUF_compress1X (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
size_t HUF_compress1X_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /**< `workSpace` must be a table of at least HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE_U32 unsigned */
size_t HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable);
/** HUF_compress1X_repeat() :
* Same as HUF_compress1X_wksp(), but considers using hufTable if *repeat != HUF_repeat_none.
* If it uses hufTable it does not modify hufTable or repeat.
* If it doesn't, it sets *repeat = HUF_repeat_none, and it sets hufTable to the table used.
* If preferRepeat then the old table will always be used if valid. */
size_t HUF_compress1X_repeat(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, HUF_CElt* hufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat); /**< `workSpace` must be a table of at least HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE_U32 unsigned */
size_t HUF_decompress1X2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /* single-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X4 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /* double-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx_wksp (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< single-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /**< single-symbol decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /**< double-symbols decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /**< double-symbols decoder */
size_t HUF_decompress1X_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable); /**< automatic selection of sing or double symbol decoder, based on DTable */
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ extern "C" {
/* code only tested on 32 and 64 bits systems */
#define MEM_STATIC_ASSERT(c) { enum { XXH_static_assert = 1/(int)(!!(c)) }; }
#define MEM_STATIC_ASSERT(c) { enum { MEM_static_assert = 1/(int)(!!(c)) }; }
MEM_STATIC void MEM_check(void) { MEM_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(size_t)==4) || (sizeof(size_t)==8)); }
@ -48,21 +48,25 @@ MEM_STATIC void MEM_check(void) { MEM_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(size_t)==4) || (size
#if !defined (__VMS) && (defined (__cplusplus) || (defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) /* C99 */) )
# include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
typedef uint16_t U16;
typedef int16_t S16;
typedef uint32_t U32;
typedef int32_t S32;
typedef uint64_t U64;
typedef int64_t S64;
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
typedef uint16_t U16;
typedef int16_t S16;
typedef uint32_t U32;
typedef int32_t S32;
typedef uint64_t U64;
typedef int64_t S64;
typedef intptr_t iPtrDiff;
typedef uintptr_t uPtrDiff;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short U16;
typedef signed short S16;
typedef unsigned int U32;
typedef signed int S32;
typedef unsigned long long U64;
typedef signed long long S64;
typedef ptrdiff_t iPtrDiff;
typedef size_t uPtrDiff;
@ -74,19 +78,18 @@ MEM_STATIC void MEM_check(void) { MEM_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(size_t)==4) || (size
* Unfortunately, on some target/compiler combinations, the generated assembly is sub-optimal.
* The below switch allow to select different access method for improved performance.
* Method 0 (default) : use `memcpy()`. Safe and portable.
* Method 1 : `__packed` statement. It depends on compiler extension (ie, not portable).
* Method 1 : `__packed` statement. It depends on compiler extension (i.e., not portable).
* This method is safe if your compiler supports it, and *generally* as fast or faster than `memcpy`.
* Method 2 : direct access. This method is portable but violate C standard.
* It can generate buggy code on targets depending on alignment.
* In some circumstances, it's the only known way to get the most performance (ie GCC + ARMv6)
* In some circumstances, it's the only known way to get the most performance (i.e. GCC + ARMv6)
* See for details.
* Prefer these methods in priority order (0 > 1 > 2)
#ifndef MEM_FORCE_MEMORY_ACCESS /* can be defined externally, on command line for example */
# if defined(__GNUC__) && ( defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__) )
# elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) /*|| defined(_MSC_VER)*/ || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && ( defined(__ARM_ARCH_7__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7S__) ))
# elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__GNUC__)
# endif
@ -118,7 +121,7 @@ MEM_STATIC void MEM_write64(void* memPtr, U64 value) { *(U64*)memPtr = value; }
/* __pack instructions are safer, but compiler specific, hence potentially problematic for some compilers */
/* currently only defined for gcc and icc */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(WIN32))
__pragma( pack(push, 1) )
__pragma( pack(push, 1) )
typedef union { U16 u16; U32 u32; U64 u64; size_t st; } unalign;
__pragma( pack(pop) )
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ MEM_STATIC U32 MEM_swap32(U32 in)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* Visual Studio */
return _byteswap_ulong(in);
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
#elif defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 403)
return __builtin_bswap32(in);
return ((in << 24) & 0xff000000 ) |
@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ MEM_STATIC U64 MEM_swap64(U64 in)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* Visual Studio */
return _byteswap_uint64(in);
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
#elif defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 403)
return __builtin_bswap64(in);
return ((in << 56) & 0xff00000000000000ULL) |
@ -349,20 +352,6 @@ MEM_STATIC void MEM_writeBEST(void* memPtr, size_t val)
/* function safe only for comparisons */
MEM_STATIC U32 MEM_readMINMATCH(const void* memPtr, U32 length)
switch (length)
default :
case 4 : return MEM_read32(memPtr);
case 3 : if (MEM_isLittleEndian())
return MEM_read32(memPtr)<<8;
return MEM_read32(memPtr)>>8;
#if defined (__cplusplus)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* ====== Dependencies ======= */
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, calloc, free */
#include "pool.h"
/* ====== Compiler specifics ====== */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(disable : 4204) /* disable: C4204: non-constant aggregate initializer */
#include "threading.h" /* pthread adaptation */
/* A job is a function and an opaque argument */
typedef struct POOL_job_s {
POOL_function function;
void *opaque;
} POOL_job;
struct POOL_ctx_s {
/* Keep track of the threads */
pthread_t *threads;
size_t numThreads;
/* The queue is a circular buffer */
POOL_job *queue;
size_t queueHead;
size_t queueTail;
size_t queueSize;
/* The mutex protects the queue */
pthread_mutex_t queueMutex;
/* Condition variable for pushers to wait on when the queue is full */
pthread_cond_t queuePushCond;
/* Condition variables for poppers to wait on when the queue is empty */
pthread_cond_t queuePopCond;
/* Indicates if the queue is shutting down */
int shutdown;
/* POOL_thread() :
Work thread for the thread pool.
Waits for jobs and executes them.
@returns : NULL on failure else non-null.
static void* POOL_thread(void* opaque) {
POOL_ctx* const ctx = (POOL_ctx*)opaque;
if (!ctx) { return NULL; }
for (;;) {
/* Lock the mutex and wait for a non-empty queue or until shutdown */
while (ctx->queueHead == ctx->queueTail && !ctx->shutdown) {
pthread_cond_wait(&ctx->queuePopCond, &ctx->queueMutex);
/* empty => shutting down: so stop */
if (ctx->queueHead == ctx->queueTail) {
return opaque;
/* Pop a job off the queue */
{ POOL_job const job = ctx->queue[ctx->queueHead];
ctx->queueHead = (ctx->queueHead + 1) % ctx->queueSize;
/* Unlock the mutex, signal a pusher, and run the job */
/* Unreachable */
POOL_ctx *POOL_create(size_t numThreads, size_t queueSize) {
POOL_ctx *ctx;
/* Check the parameters */
if (!numThreads || !queueSize) { return NULL; }
/* Allocate the context and zero initialize */
ctx = (POOL_ctx *)calloc(1, sizeof(POOL_ctx));
if (!ctx) { return NULL; }
/* Initialize the job queue.
* It needs one extra space since one space is wasted to differentiate empty
* and full queues.
ctx->queueSize = queueSize + 1;
ctx->queue = (POOL_job *)malloc(ctx->queueSize * sizeof(POOL_job));
ctx->queueHead = 0;
ctx->queueTail = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->queueMutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&ctx->queuePushCond, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&ctx->queuePopCond, NULL);
ctx->shutdown = 0;
/* Allocate space for the thread handles */
ctx->threads = (pthread_t *)malloc(numThreads * sizeof(pthread_t));
ctx->numThreads = 0;
/* Check for errors */
if (!ctx->threads || !ctx->queue) { POOL_free(ctx); return NULL; }
/* Initialize the threads */
{ size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
if (pthread_create(&ctx->threads[i], NULL, &POOL_thread, ctx)) {
ctx->numThreads = i;
return NULL;
} }
ctx->numThreads = numThreads;
return ctx;
/*! POOL_join() :
Shutdown the queue, wake any sleeping threads, and join all of the threads.
static void POOL_join(POOL_ctx *ctx) {
/* Shut down the queue */
ctx->shutdown = 1;
/* Wake up sleeping threads */
/* Join all of the threads */
{ size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ctx->numThreads; ++i) {
pthread_join(ctx->threads[i], NULL);
} }
void POOL_free(POOL_ctx *ctx) {
if (!ctx) { return; }
if (ctx->queue) free(ctx->queue);
if (ctx->threads) free(ctx->threads);
size_t POOL_sizeof(POOL_ctx *ctx) {
if (ctx==NULL) return 0; /* supports sizeof NULL */
return sizeof(*ctx)
+ ctx->queueSize * sizeof(POOL_job)
+ ctx->numThreads * sizeof(pthread_t);
void POOL_add(void *ctxVoid, POOL_function function, void *opaque) {
POOL_ctx *ctx = (POOL_ctx *)ctxVoid;
if (!ctx) { return; }
{ POOL_job const job = {function, opaque};
/* Wait until there is space in the queue for the new job */
size_t newTail = (ctx->queueTail + 1) % ctx->queueSize;
while (ctx->queueHead == newTail && !ctx->shutdown) {
pthread_cond_wait(&ctx->queuePushCond, &ctx->queueMutex);
newTail = (ctx->queueTail + 1) % ctx->queueSize;
/* The queue is still going => there is space */
if (!ctx->shutdown) {
ctx->queue[ctx->queueTail] = job;
ctx->queueTail = newTail;
#else /* ZSTD_MULTITHREAD not defined */
/* No multi-threading support */
/* We don't need any data, but if it is empty malloc() might return NULL. */
struct POOL_ctx_s {
int data;
POOL_ctx *POOL_create(size_t numThreads, size_t queueSize) {
return (POOL_ctx *)malloc(sizeof(POOL_ctx));
void POOL_free(POOL_ctx *ctx) {
if (ctx) free(ctx);
void POOL_add(void *ctx, POOL_function function, void *opaque) {
size_t POOL_sizeof(POOL_ctx *ctx) {
if (ctx==NULL) return 0; /* supports sizeof NULL */
return sizeof(*ctx);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef POOL_H
#define POOL_H
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
typedef struct POOL_ctx_s POOL_ctx;
/*! POOL_create() :
Create a thread pool with at most `numThreads` threads.
`numThreads` must be at least 1.
The maximum number of queued jobs before blocking is `queueSize`.
`queueSize` must be at least 1.
@return : The POOL_ctx pointer on success else NULL.
POOL_ctx *POOL_create(size_t numThreads, size_t queueSize);
/*! POOL_free() :
Free a thread pool returned by POOL_create().
void POOL_free(POOL_ctx *ctx);
/*! POOL_sizeof() :
return memory usage of pool returned by POOL_create().
size_t POOL_sizeof(POOL_ctx *ctx);
/*! POOL_function :
The function type that can be added to a thread pool.
typedef void (*POOL_function)(void *);
/*! POOL_add_function :
The function type for a generic thread pool add function.
typedef void (*POOL_add_function)(void *, POOL_function, void *);
/*! POOL_add() :
Add the job `function(opaque)` to the thread pool.
Possibly blocks until there is room in the queue.
Note : The function may be executed asynchronously, so `opaque` must live until the function has been completed.
void POOL_add(void *ctx, POOL_function function, void *opaque);
#if defined (__cplusplus)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 Tino Reichardt
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* You can contact the author at:
* - zstdmt source repository:
* This file will hold wrapper for systems, which do not support pthreads
/* When ZSTD_MULTITHREAD is not defined, this file would become an empty translation unit.
* Include some ISO C header code to prevent this and portably avoid related warnings.
* (Visual C++: C4206 / GCC: -Wpedantic / Clang: -Wempty-translation-unit)
#include <stddef.h>
#if defined(ZSTD_MULTITHREAD) && defined(_WIN32)
* Windows minimalist Pthread Wrapper, based on :
/* === Dependencies === */
#include <process.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "threading.h"
/* === Implementation === */
static unsigned __stdcall worker(void *arg)
pthread_t* const thread = (pthread_t*) arg;
thread->arg = thread->start_routine(thread->arg);
return 0;
int pthread_create(pthread_t* thread, const void* unused,
void* (*start_routine) (void*), void* arg)
thread->arg = arg;
thread->start_routine = start_routine;
thread->handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, worker, thread, 0, NULL);
if (!thread->handle)
return errno;
return 0;
int _pthread_join(pthread_t * thread, void **value_ptr)
DWORD result;
if (!thread->handle) return 0;
result = WaitForSingleObject(thread->handle, INFINITE);
switch (result) {
if (value_ptr) *value_ptr = thread->arg;
return 0;
return EINVAL;
return GetLastError();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 Tino Reichardt
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* You can contact the author at:
* - zstdmt source repository:
#ifndef THREADING_H_938743
#define THREADING_H_938743
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined(ZSTD_MULTITHREAD) && defined(_WIN32)
* Windows minimalist Pthread Wrapper, based on :
#ifdef WINVER
# undef WINVER
#define WINVER 0x0600
#ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
# undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include <windows.h>
/* mutex */
#define pthread_mutex_t CRITICAL_SECTION
#define pthread_mutex_init(a,b) InitializeCriticalSection((a))
#define pthread_mutex_destroy(a) DeleteCriticalSection((a))
#define pthread_mutex_lock(a) EnterCriticalSection((a))
#define pthread_mutex_unlock(a) LeaveCriticalSection((a))
/* condition variable */
#define pthread_cond_t CONDITION_VARIABLE
#define pthread_cond_init(a, b) InitializeConditionVariable((a))
#define pthread_cond_destroy(a) /* No delete */
#define pthread_cond_wait(a, b) SleepConditionVariableCS((a), (b), INFINITE)
#define pthread_cond_signal(a) WakeConditionVariable((a))
#define pthread_cond_broadcast(a) WakeAllConditionVariable((a))
/* pthread_create() and pthread_join() */
typedef struct {
HANDLE handle;
void* (*start_routine)(void*);
void* arg;
} pthread_t;
int pthread_create(pthread_t* thread, const void* unused,
void* (*start_routine) (void*), void* arg);
#define pthread_join(a, b) _pthread_join(&(a), (b))
int _pthread_join(pthread_t* thread, void** value_ptr);
* add here more wrappers as required
#elif defined(ZSTD_MULTITHREAD) /* posix assumed ; need a better detection method */
/* === POSIX Systems === */
# include <pthread.h>
#else /* ZSTD_MULTITHREAD not defined */
/* No multithreading support */
#define pthread_mutex_t int /* #define rather than typedef, as sometimes pthread support is implicit, resulting in duplicated symbols */
#define pthread_mutex_init(a,b)
#define pthread_mutex_destroy(a)
#define pthread_mutex_lock(a)
#define pthread_mutex_unlock(a)
#define pthread_cond_t int
#define pthread_cond_init(a,b)
#define pthread_cond_destroy(a)
#define pthread_cond_wait(a,b)
#define pthread_cond_signal(a)
#define pthread_cond_broadcast(a)
/* do not use pthread_t */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* THREADING_H_938743 */

View File

@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ static void XXH_free (void* p) { free(p); }
#include <string.h>
static void* XXH_memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { return memcpy(dest,src,size); }
#include "xxhash.h"

View File

@ -64,16 +64,12 @@ XXH64 13.8 GB/s 1.9 GB/s
XXH32 6.8 GB/s 6.0 GB/s
#ifndef XXHASH_H_5627135585666179
#define XXHASH_H_5627135585666179 1
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# define XXH_NAMESPACE ZSTD_ /* Zstandard specific */
#ifndef XXHASH_H_5627135585666179
#define XXHASH_H_5627135585666179 1
/* ****************************
@ -242,6 +238,11 @@ XXH_PUBLIC_API void XXH64_copyState(XXH64_state_t* restrict dst_state, const XXH
/* **************************
* Canonical representation
/* Default result type for XXH functions are primitive unsigned 32 and 64 bits.
* The canonical representation uses human-readable write convention, aka big-endian (large digits first).
* These functions allow transformation of hash result into and from its canonical format.
* This way, hash values can be written into a file / memory, and remain comparable on different systems and programs.
typedef struct { unsigned char digest[4]; } XXH32_canonical_t;
typedef struct { unsigned char digest[8]; } XXH64_canonical_t;
@ -251,14 +252,9 @@ XXH_PUBLIC_API void XXH64_canonicalFromHash(XXH64_canonical_t* dst, XXH64_hash_t
XXH_PUBLIC_API XXH32_hash_t XXH32_hashFromCanonical(const XXH32_canonical_t* src);
XXH_PUBLIC_API XXH64_hash_t XXH64_hashFromCanonical(const XXH64_canonical_t* src);
/* Default result type for XXH functions are primitive unsigned 32 and 64 bits.
* The canonical representation uses human-readable write convention, aka big-endian (large digits first).
* These functions allow transformation of hash result into and from its canonical format.
* This way, hash values can be written into a file / memory, and remain comparable on different systems and programs.
#endif /* XXHASH_H_5627135585666179 */
/* ================================================================================================
This section contains definitions which are not guaranteed to remain stable.
@ -266,6 +262,8 @@ XXH_PUBLIC_API XXH64_hash_t XXH64_hashFromCanonical(const XXH64_canonical_t* src
They shall only be used with static linking.
Never use these definitions in association with dynamic linking !
=================================================================================================== */
#if defined(XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY) && !defined(XXH_STATIC_H_3543687687345)
#define XXH_STATIC_H_3543687687345
/* These definitions are only meant to allow allocation of XXH state
statically, on stack, or in a struct for example.
@ -299,11 +297,9 @@ XXH_PUBLIC_API XXH64_hash_t XXH64_hashFromCanonical(const XXH64_canonical_t* src
# include "xxhash.c" /* include xxhash functions as `static`, for inlining */
# endif
#endif /* XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY && XXH_STATIC_H_3543687687345 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* XXHASH_H_5627135585666179 */

View File

@ -12,17 +12,19 @@
* Dependencies
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, calloc, free */
#include <string.h> /* memset */
#include "error_private.h"
#include "zstd.h" /* declaration of ZSTD_isError, ZSTD_getErrorName, ZSTD_getErrorCode, ZSTD_getErrorString, ZSTD_versionNumber */
#include "zbuff.h" /* declaration of ZBUFF_isError, ZBUFF_getErrorName */
#include "zstd.h"
* Version
unsigned ZSTD_versionNumber (void) { return ZSTD_VERSION_NUMBER; }
unsigned ZSTD_versionNumber(void) { return ZSTD_VERSION_NUMBER; }
const char* ZSTD_versionString(void) { return ZSTD_VERSION_STRING; }
@ -42,42 +44,37 @@ ZSTD_ErrorCode ZSTD_getErrorCode(size_t code) { return ERR_getErrorCode(code); }
/*! ZSTD_getErrorString() :
* provides error code string from enum */
const char* ZSTD_getErrorString(ZSTD_ErrorCode code) { return ERR_getErrorName(code); }
/* **************************************************************
* ZBUFF Error Management
unsigned ZBUFF_isError(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_isError(errorCode); }
const char* ZBUFF_getErrorName(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_getErrorName(errorCode); }
const char* ZSTD_getErrorString(ZSTD_ErrorCode code) { return ERR_getErrorString(code); }
* Custom allocator
/* default uses stdlib */
void* ZSTD_defaultAllocFunction(void* opaque, size_t size)
void* address = malloc(size);
return address;
void ZSTD_defaultFreeFunction(void* opaque, void* address)
void* ZSTD_malloc(size_t size, ZSTD_customMem customMem)
return customMem.customAlloc(customMem.opaque, size);
if (customMem.customAlloc)
return customMem.customAlloc(customMem.opaque, size);
return malloc(size);
void* ZSTD_calloc(size_t size, ZSTD_customMem customMem)
if (customMem.customAlloc) {
/* calloc implemented as malloc+memset;
* not as efficient as calloc, but next best guess for custom malloc */
void* const ptr = customMem.customAlloc(customMem.opaque, size);
memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
return calloc(1, size);
void ZSTD_free(void* ptr, ZSTD_customMem customMem)
if (ptr!=NULL)
customMem.customFree(customMem.opaque, ptr);
if (ptr!=NULL) {
if (customMem.customFree)
customMem.customFree(customMem.opaque, ptr);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTD_ERRORS_H_398273423
#define ZSTD_ERRORS_H_398273423
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/*===== dependency =====*/
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/* ===== ZSTDERRORLIB_API : control library symbols visibility ===== */
# if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
# define ZSTDERRORLIB_VISIBILITY __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# else
# endif
#if defined(ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT) && (ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT==1)
#elif defined(ZSTD_DLL_IMPORT) && (ZSTD_DLL_IMPORT==1)
# define ZSTDERRORLIB_API __declspec(dllimport) ZSTDERRORLIB_VISIBILITY /* It isn't required but allows to generate better code, saving a function pointer load from the IAT and an indirect jump.*/
* error codes list
* note : this API is still considered unstable
* it should not be used with a dynamic library
* only static linking is allowed
typedef enum {
} ZSTD_ErrorCode;
/*! ZSTD_getErrorCode() :
convert a `size_t` function result into a `ZSTD_ErrorCode` enum type,
which can be used to compare with enum list published above */
ZSTDERRORLIB_API ZSTD_ErrorCode ZSTD_getErrorCode(size_t functionResult);
ZSTDERRORLIB_API const char* ZSTD_getErrorString(ZSTD_ErrorCode code);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTD_ERRORS_H_398273423 */

View File

@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual Studio */
# define FORCE_INLINE static __forceinline
# include <intrin.h> /* For Visual 2005 */
# pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
# pragma warning(disable : 4324) /* disable: C4324: padded structure */
# pragma warning(disable : 4100) /* disable: C4100: unreferenced formal parameter */
# pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
# pragma warning(disable : 4204) /* disable: C4204: non-constant aggregate initializer */
# pragma warning(disable : 4324) /* disable: C4324: padded structure */
# if defined (__cplusplus) || defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L /* C99 */
# ifdef __GNUC__
@ -31,6 +32,16 @@
# endif /* __STDC_VERSION__ */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define FORCE_NOINLINE static __declspec(noinline)
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define FORCE_NOINLINE static __attribute__((__noinline__))
# else
# define FORCE_NOINLINE static
# endif
* Dependencies
@ -39,11 +50,50 @@
#include "error_private.h"
#include "zstd.h"
# define XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* XXH64_state_t */
#include "xxhash.h" /* XXH_reset, update, digest */
* Debug
#if defined(ZSTD_DEBUG) && (ZSTD_DEBUG>=1)
# include <assert.h>
# ifndef assert
# define assert(condition) ((void)0)
# endif
#define ZSTD_STATIC_ASSERT(c) { enum { ZSTD_static_assert = 1/(int)(!!(c)) }; }
#if defined(ZSTD_DEBUG) && (ZSTD_DEBUG>=2)
# include <stdio.h>
/* recommended values for ZSTD_DEBUG display levels :
* 1 : no display, enables assert() only
* 2 : reserved for currently active debugging path
* 3 : events once per object lifetime (CCtx, CDict)
* 4 : events once per frame
* 5 : events once per block
* 6 : events once per sequence (*very* verbose) */
# define DEBUGLOG(l, ...) { \
if (l<=ZSTD_DEBUG) { \
fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ ": "); \
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(stderr, " \n"); \
} }
# define DEBUGLOG(l, ...) {} /* disabled */
* shared macros
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define CHECK_F(f) { size_t const errcod = f; if (ERR_isError(errcod)) return errcod; } /* check and Forward error code */
@ -54,7 +104,6 @@
* Common constants
#define ZSTD_OPT_NUM (1<<12)
#define ZSTD_DICT_MAGIC 0xEC30A437 /* v0.7+ */
#define ZSTD_REP_NUM 3 /* number of repcodes */
#define ZSTD_REP_CHECK (ZSTD_REP_NUM) /* number of repcodes to check by the optimal parser */
@ -90,7 +139,6 @@ typedef enum { set_basic, set_rle, set_compressed, set_repeat } symbolEncodingTy
#define LONGNBSEQ 0x7F00
#define MINMATCH 3
#define EQUAL_READ32 4
#define Litbits 8
#define MaxLit ((1<<Litbits) - 1)
@ -137,7 +185,7 @@ static void ZSTD_copy8(void* dst, const void* src) { memcpy(dst, src, 8); }
/*! ZSTD_wildcopy() :
* custom version of memcpy(), can copy up to 7 bytes too many (8 bytes if length==0) */
MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_wildcopy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t length)
MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_wildcopy(void* dst, const void* src, ptrdiff_t length)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)src;
BYTE* op = (BYTE*)dst;
@ -212,6 +260,7 @@ typedef struct {
U32 log2litSum;
U32 log2offCodeSum;
U32 factor;
U32 staticPrices;
U32 cachedPrice;
U32 cachedLitLength;
const BYTE* cachedLiterals;
@ -219,13 +268,10 @@ typedef struct {
const seqStore_t* ZSTD_getSeqStore(const ZSTD_CCtx* ctx);
void ZSTD_seqToCodes(const seqStore_t* seqStorePtr);
int ZSTD_isSkipFrame(ZSTD_DCtx* dctx);
/* custom memory allocation functions */
void* ZSTD_defaultAllocFunction(void* opaque, size_t size);
void ZSTD_defaultFreeFunction(void* opaque, void* address);
static const ZSTD_customMem defaultCustomMem = { ZSTD_defaultAllocFunction, ZSTD_defaultFreeFunction, NULL };
void* ZSTD_malloc(size_t size, ZSTD_customMem customMem);
void* ZSTD_calloc(size_t size, ZSTD_customMem customMem);
void ZSTD_free(void* ptr, ZSTD_customMem customMem);
@ -254,4 +300,35 @@ MEM_STATIC U32 ZSTD_highbit32(U32 val)
/* hidden functions */
/* ZSTD_invalidateRepCodes() :
* ensures next compression will not use repcodes from previous block.
* Note : only works with regular variant;
* do not use with extDict variant ! */
void ZSTD_invalidateRepCodes(ZSTD_CCtx* cctx);
/*! ZSTD_initCStream_internal() :
* Private use only. Init streaming operation.
* expects params to be valid.
* must receive dict, or cdict, or none, but not both.
* @return : 0, or an error code */
size_t ZSTD_initCStream_internal(ZSTD_CStream* zcs,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize,
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict,
ZSTD_parameters params, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize);
/*! ZSTD_compressStream_generic() :
* Private use only. To be called from zstdmt_compress.c in single-thread mode. */
size_t ZSTD_compressStream_generic(ZSTD_CStream* zcs,
ZSTD_outBuffer* output,
ZSTD_inBuffer* input,
ZSTD_EndDirective const flushMode);
/*! ZSTD_getParamsFromCDict() :
* as the name implies */
ZSTD_parameters ZSTD_getParamsFromCDict(const ZSTD_CDict* cdict);

View File

@ -70,12 +70,6 @@
#define FSE_STATIC_ASSERT(c) { enum { FSE_static_assert = 1/(int)(!!(c)) }; } /* use only *after* variable declarations */
/* **************************************************************
* Complex types
/* **************************************************************
* Templates
@ -100,7 +94,13 @@ typedef U32 CTable_max_t[FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(FSE_MAX_TABLELOG, FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VA
/* Function templates */
size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
/* FSE_buildCTable_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_buildCTable(), but using an externally allocated scratch buffer (`workSpace`).
* wkspSize should be sized to handle worst case situation, which is `1<<max_tableLog * sizeof(FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE)`
* workSpace must also be properly aligned with FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE requirements
size_t FSE_buildCTable_wksp(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
U32 const tableSize = 1 << tableLog;
U32 const tableMask = tableSize - 1;
@ -111,10 +111,11 @@ size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned
U32 const step = FSE_TABLESTEP(tableSize);
FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE tableSymbol[FSE_MAX_TABLESIZE]; /* memset() is not necessary, even if static analyzer complain about it */
FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE* const tableSymbol = (FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE*)workSpace;
U32 highThreshold = tableSize-1;
/* CTable header */
if (((size_t)1 << tableLog) * sizeof(FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE) > wkspSize) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
tableU16[-2] = (U16) tableLog;
tableU16[-1] = (U16) maxSymbolValue;
@ -181,6 +182,13 @@ size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned
size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
FSE_FUNCTION_TYPE tableSymbol[FSE_MAX_TABLESIZE]; /* memset() is not necessary, even if static analyzer complain about it */
return FSE_buildCTable_wksp(ct, normalizedCounter, maxSymbolValue, tableLog, tableSymbol, sizeof(tableSymbol));
@ -189,12 +197,10 @@ size_t FSE_buildCTable(FSE_CTable* ct, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned
size_t FSE_NCountWriteBound(unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
size_t maxHeaderSize = (((maxSymbolValue+1) * tableLog) >> 3) + 3;
size_t const maxHeaderSize = (((maxSymbolValue+1) * tableLog) >> 3) + 3;
return maxSymbolValue ? maxHeaderSize : FSE_NCOUNTBOUND; /* maxSymbolValue==0 ? use default */
static short FSE_abs(short a) { return (short)(a<0 ? -a : a); }
static size_t FSE_writeNCount_generic (void* header, size_t headerBufferSize,
const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog,
unsigned writeIsSafe)
@ -250,16 +256,16 @@ static size_t FSE_writeNCount_generic (void* header, size_t headerBufferSize,
bitStream >>= 16;
bitCount -= 16;
} }
{ short count = normalizedCounter[charnum++];
const short max = (short)((2*threshold-1)-remaining);
remaining -= FSE_abs(count);
if (remaining<1) return ERROR(GENERIC);
{ int count = normalizedCounter[charnum++];
int const max = (2*threshold-1)-remaining;
remaining -= count < 0 ? -count : count;
count++; /* +1 for extra accuracy */
if (count>=threshold) count += max; /* [0..max[ [max..threshold[ (...) [threshold+max 2*threshold[ */
bitStream += count << bitCount;
bitCount += nbBits;
bitCount -= (count<max);
previous0 = (count==1);
if (remaining<1) return ERROR(GENERIC);
while (remaining<threshold) nbBits--, threshold>>=1;
if (bitCount>16) {
@ -285,7 +291,7 @@ static size_t FSE_writeNCount_generic (void* header, size_t headerBufferSize,
size_t FSE_writeNCount (void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const short* normalizedCounter, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
if (tableLog > FSE_MAX_TABLELOG) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* Unsupported */
if (tableLog > FSE_MAX_TABLELOG) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge); /* Unsupported */
if (tableLog < FSE_MIN_TABLELOG) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* Unsupported */
if (bufferSize < FSE_NCountWriteBound(maxSymbolValue, tableLog))
@ -300,21 +306,20 @@ size_t FSE_writeNCount (void* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const short* normalized
* Counting histogram
/*! FSE_count_simple
This function just counts byte values within `src`,
and store the histogram into table `count`.
This function is unsafe : it doesn't check that all values within `src` can fit into `count`.
This function counts byte values within `src`, and store the histogram into table `count`.
It doesn't use any additional memory.
But this function is unsafe : it doesn't check that all values within `src` can fit into `count`.
For this reason, prefer using a table `count` with 256 elements.
@return : count of most numerous element
static size_t FSE_count_simple(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* src, size_t srcSize)
size_t FSE_count_simple(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* src, size_t srcSize)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)src;
const BYTE* const end = ip + srcSize;
unsigned maxSymbolValue = *maxSymbolValuePtr;
unsigned max=0;
memset(count, 0, (maxSymbolValue+1)*sizeof(*count));
if (srcSize==0) { *maxSymbolValuePtr = 0; return 0; }
@ -329,20 +334,24 @@ static size_t FSE_count_simple(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
static size_t FSE_count_parallel(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
/* FSE_count_parallel_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_count_parallel(), but using an externally provided scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` size must be a minimum of `1024 * sizeof(unsigned)`` */
static size_t FSE_count_parallel_wksp(
unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* source, size_t sourceSize,
unsigned checkMax)
unsigned checkMax, unsigned* const workSpace)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)source;
const BYTE* const iend = ip+sourceSize;
unsigned maxSymbolValue = *maxSymbolValuePtr;
unsigned max=0;
U32* const Counting1 = workSpace;
U32* const Counting2 = Counting1 + 256;
U32* const Counting3 = Counting2 + 256;
U32* const Counting4 = Counting3 + 256;
U32 Counting1[256] = { 0 };
U32 Counting2[256] = { 0 };
U32 Counting3[256] = { 0 };
U32 Counting4[256] = { 0 };
memset(Counting1, 0, 4*256*sizeof(unsigned));
/* safety checks */
if (!sourceSize) {
@ -388,31 +397,51 @@ static size_t FSE_count_parallel(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
if (Counting1[s]) return ERROR(maxSymbolValue_tooSmall);
} }
{ U32 s; for (s=0; s<=maxSymbolValue; s++) {
count[s] = Counting1[s] + Counting2[s] + Counting3[s] + Counting4[s];
if (count[s] > max) max = count[s];
{ U32 s; for (s=0; s<=maxSymbolValue; s++) {
count[s] = Counting1[s] + Counting2[s] + Counting3[s] + Counting4[s];
if (count[s] > max) max = count[s];
} }
while (!count[maxSymbolValue]) maxSymbolValue--;
*maxSymbolValuePtr = maxSymbolValue;
return (size_t)max;
/* FSE_countFast_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_countFast(), but using an externally provided scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` size must be table of >= `1024` unsigned */
size_t FSE_countFast_wksp(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* source, size_t sourceSize, unsigned* workSpace)
if (sourceSize < 1500) return FSE_count_simple(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize);
return FSE_count_parallel_wksp(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize, 0, workSpace);
/* fast variant (unsafe : won't check if src contains values beyond count[] limit) */
size_t FSE_countFast(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* source, size_t sourceSize)
if (sourceSize < 1500) return FSE_count_simple(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize);
return FSE_count_parallel(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize, 0);
unsigned tmpCounters[1024];
return FSE_countFast_wksp(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize, tmpCounters);
/* FSE_count_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_count(), but using an externally provided scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` size must be table of >= `1024` unsigned */
size_t FSE_count_wksp(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* source, size_t sourceSize, unsigned* workSpace)
if (*maxSymbolValuePtr < 255)
return FSE_count_parallel_wksp(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize, 1, workSpace);
*maxSymbolValuePtr = 255;
return FSE_countFast_wksp(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize, workSpace);
size_t FSE_count(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
const void* source, size_t sourceSize)
const void* src, size_t srcSize)
if (*maxSymbolValuePtr <255)
return FSE_count_parallel(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize, 1);
*maxSymbolValuePtr = 255;
return FSE_countFast(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, source, sourceSize);
unsigned tmpCounters[1024];
return FSE_count_wksp(count, maxSymbolValuePtr, src, srcSize, tmpCounters);
@ -428,14 +457,10 @@ size_t FSE_count(unsigned* count, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr,
`FSE_symbolCompressionTransform symbolTT[maxSymbolValue+1];` // This size is variable
Allocation is manual (C standard does not support variable-size structures).
size_t FSE_sizeof_CTable (unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
size_t size;
FSE_STATIC_ASSERT((size_t)FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(FSE_MAX_TABLELOG, FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE)*4 >= sizeof(CTable_max_t)); /* A compilation error here means FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32 is not large enough */
if (tableLog > FSE_MAX_TABLELOG) return ERROR(GENERIC);
size = FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32 (tableLog, maxSymbolValue) * sizeof(U32);
return size;
if (tableLog > FSE_MAX_TABLELOG) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
return FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32 (tableLog, maxSymbolValue) * sizeof(U32);
FSE_CTable* FSE_createCTable (unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
@ -451,20 +476,20 @@ void FSE_freeCTable (FSE_CTable* ct) { free(ct); }
/* provides the minimum logSize to safely represent a distribution */
static unsigned FSE_minTableLog(size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue)
U32 minBitsSrc = BIT_highbit32((U32)(srcSize - 1)) + 1;
U32 minBitsSymbols = BIT_highbit32(maxSymbolValue) + 2;
U32 minBits = minBitsSrc < minBitsSymbols ? minBitsSrc : minBitsSymbols;
return minBits;
U32 minBitsSrc = BIT_highbit32((U32)(srcSize - 1)) + 1;
U32 minBitsSymbols = BIT_highbit32(maxSymbolValue) + 2;
U32 minBits = minBitsSrc < minBitsSymbols ? minBitsSrc : minBitsSymbols;
return minBits;
unsigned FSE_optimalTableLog_internal(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned minus)
U32 maxBitsSrc = BIT_highbit32((U32)(srcSize - 1)) - minus;
U32 maxBitsSrc = BIT_highbit32((U32)(srcSize - 1)) - minus;
U32 tableLog = maxTableLog;
U32 minBits = FSE_minTableLog(srcSize, maxSymbolValue);
U32 minBits = FSE_minTableLog(srcSize, maxSymbolValue);
if (tableLog==0) tableLog = FSE_DEFAULT_TABLELOG;
if (maxBitsSrc < tableLog) tableLog = maxBitsSrc; /* Accuracy can be reduced */
if (minBits > tableLog) tableLog = minBits; /* Need a minimum to safely represent all symbol values */
if (maxBitsSrc < tableLog) tableLog = maxBitsSrc; /* Accuracy can be reduced */
if (minBits > tableLog) tableLog = minBits; /* Need a minimum to safely represent all symbol values */
if (tableLog < FSE_MIN_TABLELOG) tableLog = FSE_MIN_TABLELOG;
if (tableLog > FSE_MAX_TABLELOG) tableLog = FSE_MAX_TABLELOG;
return tableLog;
@ -481,12 +506,13 @@ unsigned FSE_optimalTableLog(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxS
static size_t FSE_normalizeM2(short* norm, U32 tableLog, const unsigned* count, size_t total, U32 maxSymbolValue)
short const NOT_YET_ASSIGNED = -2;
U32 s;
U32 distributed = 0;
U32 ToDistribute;
/* Init */
U32 lowThreshold = (U32)(total >> tableLog);
U32 const lowThreshold = (U32)(total >> tableLog);
U32 lowOne = (U32)((total * 3) >> (tableLog + 1));
for (s=0; s<=maxSymbolValue; s++) {
@ -506,7 +532,8 @@ static size_t FSE_normalizeM2(short* norm, U32 tableLog, const unsigned* count,
total -= count[s];
ToDistribute = (1 << tableLog) - distributed;
@ -514,7 +541,7 @@ static size_t FSE_normalizeM2(short* norm, U32 tableLog, const unsigned* count,
/* risk of rounding to zero */
lowOne = (U32)((total * 3) / (ToDistribute * 2));
for (s=0; s<=maxSymbolValue; s++) {
if ((norm[s] == -2) && (count[s] <= lowOne)) {
if ((norm[s] == NOT_YET_ASSIGNED) && (count[s] <= lowOne)) {
norm[s] = 1;
total -= count[s];
@ -534,17 +561,23 @@ static size_t FSE_normalizeM2(short* norm, U32 tableLog, const unsigned* count,
return 0;
U64 const vStepLog = 62 - tableLog;
if (total == 0) {
/* all of the symbols were low enough for the lowOne or lowThreshold */
for (s=0; ToDistribute > 0; s = (s+1)%(maxSymbolValue+1))
if (norm[s] > 0) ToDistribute--, norm[s]++;
return 0;
{ U64 const vStepLog = 62 - tableLog;
U64 const mid = (1ULL << (vStepLog-1)) - 1;
U64 const rStep = ((((U64)1<<vStepLog) * ToDistribute) + mid) / total; /* scale on remaining */
U64 tmpTotal = mid;
for (s=0; s<=maxSymbolValue; s++) {
if (norm[s]==-2) {
U64 end = tmpTotal + (count[s] * rStep);
U32 sStart = (U32)(tmpTotal >> vStepLog);
U32 sEnd = (U32)(end >> vStepLog);
U32 weight = sEnd - sStart;
if (norm[s]==NOT_YET_ASSIGNED) {
U64 const end = tmpTotal + (count[s] * rStep);
U32 const sStart = (U32)(tmpTotal >> vStepLog);
U32 const sEnd = (U32)(end >> vStepLog);
U32 const weight = sEnd - sStart;
if (weight < 1)
norm[s] = (short)weight;
@ -566,7 +599,6 @@ size_t FSE_normalizeCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned tableLog,
if (tableLog < FSE_minTableLog(total, maxSymbolValue)) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* Too small tableLog, compression potentially impossible */
{ U32 const rtbTable[] = { 0, 473195, 504333, 520860, 550000, 700000, 750000, 830000 };
U64 const scale = 62 - tableLog;
U64 const step = ((U64)1<<62) / total; /* <== here, one division ! */
U64 const vStep = 1ULL<<(scale-20);
@ -594,7 +626,7 @@ size_t FSE_normalizeCount (short* normalizedCounter, unsigned tableLog,
} }
if (-stillToDistribute >= (normalizedCounter[largest] >> 1)) {
/* corner case, need another normalization method */
size_t errorCode = FSE_normalizeM2(normalizedCounter, tableLog, count, total, maxSymbolValue);
size_t const errorCode = FSE_normalizeM2(normalizedCounter, tableLog, count, total, maxSymbolValue);
if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
else normalizedCounter[largest] += (short)stillToDistribute;
@ -643,17 +675,15 @@ size_t FSE_buildCTable_raw (FSE_CTable* ct, unsigned nbBits)
/* Build Symbol Transformation Table */
{ const U32 deltaNbBits = (nbBits << 16) - (1 << nbBits);
for (s=0; s<=maxSymbolValue; s++) {
symbolTT[s].deltaNbBits = deltaNbBits;
symbolTT[s].deltaFindState = s-1;
} }
return 0;
/* fake FSE_CTable, for rle (100% always same symbol) input */
/* fake FSE_CTable, for rle input (always same symbol) */
size_t FSE_buildCTable_rle (FSE_CTable* ct, BYTE symbolValue)
void* ptr = ct;
@ -685,14 +715,13 @@ static size_t FSE_compress_usingCTable_generic (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const BYTE* const iend = istart + srcSize;
const BYTE* ip=iend;
BIT_CStream_t bitC;
FSE_CState_t CState1, CState2;
/* init */
if (srcSize <= 2) return 0;
{ size_t const errorCode = BIT_initCStream(&bitC, dst, dstSize);
if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) return 0; }
{ size_t const initError = BIT_initCStream(&bitC, dst, dstSize);
if (FSE_isError(initError)) return 0; /* not enough space available to write a bitstream */ }
#define FSE_FLUSHBITS(s) (fast ? BIT_flushBitsFast(s) : BIT_flushBits(s))
@ -715,7 +744,7 @@ static size_t FSE_compress_usingCTable_generic (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
/* 2 or 4 encoding per loop */
for ( ; ip>istart ; ) {
while ( ip>istart ) {
FSE_encodeSymbol(&bitC, &CState2, *--ip);
@ -741,7 +770,7 @@ size_t FSE_compress_usingCTable (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const FSE_CTable* ct)
const unsigned fast = (dstSize >= FSE_BLOCKBOUND(srcSize));
unsigned const fast = (dstSize >= FSE_BLOCKBOUND(srcSize));
if (fast)
return FSE_compress_usingCTable_generic(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, ct, 1);
@ -752,58 +781,76 @@ size_t FSE_compress_usingCTable (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
size_t FSE_compressBound(size_t size) { return FSE_COMPRESSBOUND(size); }
size_t FSE_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
const BYTE* const istart = (const BYTE*) src;
const BYTE* ip = istart;
#define CHECK_V_F(e, f) size_t const e = f; if (ERR_isError(e)) return f
#define CHECK_F(f) { CHECK_V_F(_var_err__, f); }
/* FSE_compress_wksp() :
* Same as FSE_compress2(), but using an externally allocated scratch buffer (`workSpace`).
* `wkspSize` size must be `(1<<tableLog)`.
size_t FSE_compress_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*) dst;
BYTE* op = ostart;
BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstSize;
CTable_max_t ct;
size_t errorCode;
FSE_CTable* CTable = (FSE_CTable*)workSpace;
size_t const CTableSize = FSE_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(tableLog, maxSymbolValue);
void* scratchBuffer = (void*)(CTable + CTableSize);
size_t const scratchBufferSize = wkspSize - (CTableSize * sizeof(FSE_CTable));
/* init conditions */
if (srcSize <= 1) return 0; /* Uncompressible */
if (wkspSize < FSE_WKSP_SIZE_U32(tableLog, maxSymbolValue)) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
if (srcSize <= 1) return 0; /* Not compressible */
if (!maxSymbolValue) maxSymbolValue = FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE;
if (!tableLog) tableLog = FSE_DEFAULT_TABLELOG;
/* Scan input and build symbol stats */
errorCode = FSE_count (count, &maxSymbolValue, ip, srcSize);
if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
if (errorCode == srcSize) return 1;
if (errorCode == 1) return 0; /* each symbol only present once */
if (errorCode < (srcSize >> 7)) return 0; /* Heuristic : not compressible enough */
{ CHECK_V_F(maxCount, FSE_count_wksp(count, &maxSymbolValue, src, srcSize, (unsigned*)scratchBuffer) );
if (maxCount == srcSize) return 1; /* only a single symbol in src : rle */
if (maxCount == 1) return 0; /* each symbol present maximum once => not compressible */
if (maxCount < (srcSize >> 7)) return 0; /* Heuristic : not compressible enough */
tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(tableLog, srcSize, maxSymbolValue);
errorCode = FSE_normalizeCount (norm, tableLog, count, srcSize, maxSymbolValue);
if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
CHECK_F( FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, srcSize, maxSymbolValue) );
/* Write table description header */
errorCode = FSE_writeNCount (op, oend-op, norm, maxSymbolValue, tableLog);
if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
op += errorCode;
{ CHECK_V_F(nc_err, FSE_writeNCount(op, oend-op, norm, maxSymbolValue, tableLog) );
op += nc_err;
/* Compress */
errorCode = FSE_buildCTable (ct, norm, maxSymbolValue, tableLog);
if (FSE_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode;
errorCode = FSE_compress_usingCTable(op, oend - op, ip, srcSize, ct);
if (errorCode == 0) return 0; /* not enough space for compressed data */
op += errorCode;
CHECK_F( FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable, norm, maxSymbolValue, tableLog, scratchBuffer, scratchBufferSize) );
{ CHECK_V_F(cSize, FSE_compress_usingCTable(op, oend - op, src, srcSize, CTable) );
if (cSize == 0) return 0; /* not enough space for compressed data */
op += cSize;
/* check compressibility */
if ( (size_t)(op-ostart) >= srcSize-1 )
return 0;
if ( (size_t)(op-ostart) >= srcSize-1 ) return 0;
return op-ostart;
size_t FSE_compress (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
typedef struct {
BYTE scratchBuffer[1 << FSE_MAX_TABLELOG];
} fseWkspMax_t;
size_t FSE_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog)
return FSE_compress2(dst, dstSize, src, (U32)srcSize, FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE, FSE_DEFAULT_TABLELOG);
fseWkspMax_t scratchBuffer;
FSE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(scratchBuffer) >= FSE_WKSP_SIZE_U32(FSE_MAX_TABLELOG, FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE)); /* compilation failures here means scratchBuffer is not large enough */
if (tableLog > FSE_MAX_TABLELOG) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
return FSE_compress_wksp(dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, tableLog, &scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer));
size_t FSE_compress (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
return FSE_compress2(dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, FSE_MAX_SYMBOL_VALUE, FSE_DEFAULT_TABLELOG);

View File

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
* Error Management
#define HUF_STATIC_ASSERT(c) { enum { HUF_static_assert = 1/(int)(!!(c)) }; } /* use only *after* variable declarations */
#define CHECK_V_F(e, f) size_t const e = f; if (ERR_isError(e)) return f
#define CHECK_F(f) { CHECK_V_F(_var_err__, f); }
/* **************************************************************
@ -70,31 +72,73 @@ unsigned HUF_optimalTableLog(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxS
/* *******************************************************
* HUF : Huffman block compression
/* HUF_compressWeights() :
* Same as FSE_compress(), but dedicated to huff0's weights compression.
* The use case needs much less stack memory.
* Note : all elements within weightTable are supposed to be <= HUF_TABLELOG_MAX.
size_t HUF_compressWeights (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* weightTable, size_t wtSize)
BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*) dst;
BYTE* op = ostart;
BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstSize;
U32 maxSymbolValue = HUF_TABLELOG_MAX;
U32 count[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+1];
/* init conditions */
if (wtSize <= 1) return 0; /* Not compressible */
/* Scan input and build symbol stats */
{ CHECK_V_F(maxCount, FSE_count_simple(count, &maxSymbolValue, weightTable, wtSize) );
if (maxCount == wtSize) return 1; /* only a single symbol in src : rle */
if (maxCount == 1) return 0; /* each symbol present maximum once => not compressible */
tableLog = FSE_optimalTableLog(tableLog, wtSize, maxSymbolValue);
CHECK_F( FSE_normalizeCount(norm, tableLog, count, wtSize, maxSymbolValue) );
/* Write table description header */
{ CHECK_V_F(hSize, FSE_writeNCount(op, oend-op, norm, maxSymbolValue, tableLog) );
op += hSize;
/* Compress */
CHECK_F( FSE_buildCTable_wksp(CTable, norm, maxSymbolValue, tableLog, scratchBuffer, sizeof(scratchBuffer)) );
{ CHECK_V_F(cSize, FSE_compress_usingCTable(op, oend - op, weightTable, wtSize, CTable) );
if (cSize == 0) return 0; /* not enough space for compressed data */
op += cSize;
return op-ostart;
struct HUF_CElt_s {
U16 val;
BYTE nbBits;
}; /* typedef'd to HUF_CElt within "huf.h" */
typedef struct nodeElt_s {
U32 count;
U16 parent;
BYTE byte;
BYTE nbBits;
} nodeElt;
/*! HUF_writeCTable() :
`CTable` : huffman tree to save, using huf representation.
`CTable` : Huffman tree to save, using huf representation.
@return : size of saved CTable */
size_t HUF_writeCTable (void* dst, size_t maxDstSize,
const HUF_CElt* CTable, U32 maxSymbolValue, U32 huffLog)
BYTE bitsToWeight[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1];
BYTE bitsToWeight[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1]; /* precomputed conversion table */
BYTE* op = (BYTE*)dst;
U32 n;
/* check conditions */
if (maxSymbolValue > HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX) return ERROR(GENERIC);
if (maxSymbolValue > HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX) return ERROR(maxSymbolValue_tooLarge);
/* convert to weight */
bitsToWeight[0] = 0;
@ -103,38 +147,33 @@ size_t HUF_writeCTable (void* dst, size_t maxDstSize,
for (n=0; n<maxSymbolValue; n++)
huffWeight[n] = bitsToWeight[CTable[n].nbBits];
{ size_t const size = FSE_compress(op+1, maxDstSize-1, huffWeight, maxSymbolValue);
if (FSE_isError(size)) return size;
if ((size>1) & (size < maxSymbolValue/2)) { /* FSE compressed */
op[0] = (BYTE)size;
return size+1;
/* attempt weights compression by FSE */
{ CHECK_V_F(hSize, HUF_compressWeights(op+1, maxDstSize-1, huffWeight, maxSymbolValue) );
if ((hSize>1) & (hSize < maxSymbolValue/2)) { /* FSE compressed */
op[0] = (BYTE)hSize;
return hSize+1;
} }
/* raw values */
if (maxSymbolValue > (256-128)) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* should not happen */
/* write raw values as 4-bits (max : 15) */
if (maxSymbolValue > (256-128)) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* should not happen : likely means source cannot be compressed */
if (((maxSymbolValue+1)/2) + 1 > maxDstSize) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall); /* not enough space within dst buffer */
op[0] = (BYTE)(128 /*special case*/ + (maxSymbolValue-1));
huffWeight[maxSymbolValue] = 0; /* to be sure it doesn't cause issue in final combination */
huffWeight[maxSymbolValue] = 0; /* to be sure it doesn't cause msan issue in final combination */
for (n=0; n<maxSymbolValue; n+=2)
op[(n/2)+1] = (BYTE)((huffWeight[n] << 4) + huffWeight[n+1]);
return ((maxSymbolValue+1)/2) + 1;
size_t HUF_readCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, U32 maxSymbolValue, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
BYTE huffWeight[HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1]; /* init not required, even though some static analyzer may complain */
U32 rankVal[HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX + 1]; /* large enough for values from 0 to 16 */
U32 tableLog = 0;
size_t readSize;
U32 nbSymbols = 0;
/*memset(huffWeight, 0, sizeof(huffWeight));*/ /* is not necessary, even though some analyzer complain ... */
/* get symbol weights */
readSize = HUF_readStats(huffWeight, HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX+1, rankVal, &nbSymbols, &tableLog, src, srcSize);
if (HUF_isError(readSize)) return readSize;
CHECK_V_F(readSize, HUF_readStats(huffWeight, HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX+1, rankVal, &nbSymbols, &tableLog, src, srcSize));
/* check result */
if (tableLog > HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
@ -155,13 +194,14 @@ size_t HUF_readCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, U32 maxSymbolValue, const void* src, si
} }
/* fill val */
{ U16 nbPerRank[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+1] = {0};
U16 valPerRank[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+1] = {0};
{ U16 nbPerRank[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+2] = {0}; /* support w=0=>n=tableLog+1 */
U16 valPerRank[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+2] = {0};
{ U32 n; for (n=0; n<nbSymbols; n++) nbPerRank[CTable[n].nbBits]++; }
/* determine stating value per rank */
valPerRank[tableLog+1] = 0; /* for w==0 */
{ U16 min = 0;
U32 n; for (n=HUF_TABLELOG_MAX; n>0; n--) {
valPerRank[n] = min; /* get starting value within each rank */
U32 n; for (n=tableLog; n>0; n--) { /* start at n=tablelog <-> w=1 */
valPerRank[n] = min; /* get starting value within each rank */
min += nbPerRank[n];
min >>= 1;
} }
@ -173,6 +213,13 @@ size_t HUF_readCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, U32 maxSymbolValue, const void* src, si
typedef struct nodeElt_s {
U32 count;
U16 parent;
BYTE byte;
BYTE nbBits;
} nodeElt;
static U32 HUF_setMaxHeight(nodeElt* huffNode, U32 lastNonNull, U32 maxNbBits)
const U32 largestBits = huffNode[lastNonNull].nbBits;
@ -219,7 +266,8 @@ static U32 HUF_setMaxHeight(nodeElt* huffNode, U32 lastNonNull, U32 maxNbBits)
if (highTotal <= lowTotal) break;
} }
/* only triggered when no more rank 1 symbol left => find closest one (note : there is necessarily at least one !) */
while ((nBitsToDecrease<=HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) && (rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] == noSymbol)) /* HUF_MAX_TABLELOG test just to please gcc 5+; but it should not be necessary */
/* HUF_MAX_TABLELOG test just to please gcc 5+; but it should not be necessary */
while ((nBitsToDecrease<=HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) && (rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] == noSymbol))
nBitsToDecrease ++;
totalCost -= 1 << (nBitsToDecrease-1);
if (rankLast[nBitsToDecrease-1] == noSymbol)
@ -278,20 +326,26 @@ static void HUF_sort(nodeElt* huffNode, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue)
/** HUF_buildCTable_wksp() :
* Same as HUF_buildCTable(), but using externally allocated scratch buffer.
* `workSpace` must be aligned on 4-bytes boundaries, and be at least as large as a table of 1024 unsigned.
size_t HUF_buildCTable (HUF_CElt* tree, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U32 maxNbBits)
typedef nodeElt huffNodeTable[2*HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX+1 +1];
size_t HUF_buildCTable_wksp (HUF_CElt* tree, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U32 maxNbBits, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
nodeElt huffNode0[2*HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX+1 +1];
nodeElt* huffNode = huffNode0 + 1;
nodeElt* const huffNode0 = (nodeElt*)workSpace;
nodeElt* const huffNode = huffNode0+1;
U32 n, nonNullRank;
int lowS, lowN;
U16 nodeNb = STARTNODE;
U32 nodeRoot;
/* safety checks */
if (wkspSize < sizeof(huffNodeTable)) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* workSpace is not large enough */
if (maxNbBits == 0) maxNbBits = HUF_TABLELOG_DEFAULT;
if (maxSymbolValue > HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX) return ERROR(GENERIC);
memset(huffNode0, 0, sizeof(huffNode0));
memset(huffNode0, 0, sizeof(huffNodeTable));
/* sort, decreasing order */
HUF_sort(huffNode, count, maxSymbolValue);
@ -304,7 +358,7 @@ size_t HUF_buildCTable (HUF_CElt* tree, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U3
huffNode[lowS].parent = huffNode[lowS-1].parent = nodeNb;
nodeNb++; lowS-=2;
for (n=nodeNb; n<=nodeRoot; n++) huffNode[n].count = (U32)(1U<<30);
huffNode0[0].count = (U32)(1U<<31);
huffNode0[0].count = (U32)(1U<<31); /* fake entry, strong barrier */
/* create parents */
while (nodeNb <= nodeRoot) {
@ -347,6 +401,34 @@ size_t HUF_buildCTable (HUF_CElt* tree, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U3
return maxNbBits;
/** HUF_buildCTable() :
* Note : count is used before tree is written, so they can safely overlap
size_t HUF_buildCTable (HUF_CElt* tree, const U32* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U32 maxNbBits)
huffNodeTable nodeTable;
return HUF_buildCTable_wksp(tree, count, maxSymbolValue, maxNbBits, nodeTable, sizeof(nodeTable));
static size_t HUF_estimateCompressedSize(HUF_CElt* CTable, const unsigned* count, unsigned maxSymbolValue)
size_t nbBits = 0;
int s;
for (s = 0; s <= (int)maxSymbolValue; ++s) {
nbBits += CTable[s].nbBits * count[s];
return nbBits >> 3;
static int HUF_validateCTable(const HUF_CElt* CTable, const unsigned* count, unsigned maxSymbolValue) {
int bad = 0;
int s;
for (s = 0; s <= (int)maxSymbolValue; ++s) {
bad |= (count[s] != 0) & (CTable[s].nbBits == 0);
return !bad;
static void HUF_encodeSymbol(BIT_CStream_t* bitCPtr, U32 symbol, const HUF_CElt* CTable)
BIT_addBitsFast(bitCPtr, CTable[symbol].val, CTable[symbol].nbBits);
@ -374,20 +456,23 @@ size_t HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, si
/* init */
if (dstSize < 8) return 0; /* not enough space to compress */
{ size_t const errorCode = BIT_initCStream(&bitC, op, oend-op);
if (HUF_isError(errorCode)) return 0; }
{ size_t const initErr = BIT_initCStream(&bitC, op, oend-op);
if (HUF_isError(initErr)) return 0; }
n = srcSize & ~3; /* join to mod 4 */
switch (srcSize & 3)
case 3 : HUF_encodeSymbol(&bitC, ip[n+ 2], CTable);
/* fall-through */
case 2 : HUF_encodeSymbol(&bitC, ip[n+ 1], CTable);
/* fall-through */
case 1 : HUF_encodeSymbol(&bitC, ip[n+ 0], CTable);
case 0 :
default: ;
/* fall-through */
case 0 : /* fall-through */
default: break;
for (; n>0; n-=4) { /* note : n&3==0 at this stage */
@ -418,32 +503,28 @@ size_t HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, si
if (srcSize < 12) return 0; /* no saving possible : too small input */
op += 6; /* jumpTable */
{ size_t const cSize = HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, segmentSize, CTable);
if (HUF_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
{ CHECK_V_F(cSize, HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, segmentSize, CTable) );
if (cSize==0) return 0;
MEM_writeLE16(ostart, (U16)cSize);
op += cSize;
ip += segmentSize;
{ size_t const cSize = HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, segmentSize, CTable);
if (HUF_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
{ CHECK_V_F(cSize, HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, segmentSize, CTable) );
if (cSize==0) return 0;
MEM_writeLE16(ostart+2, (U16)cSize);
op += cSize;
ip += segmentSize;
{ size_t const cSize = HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, segmentSize, CTable);
if (HUF_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
{ CHECK_V_F(cSize, HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, segmentSize, CTable) );
if (cSize==0) return 0;
MEM_writeLE16(ostart+4, (U16)cSize);
op += cSize;
ip += segmentSize;
{ size_t const cSize = HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, iend-ip, CTable);
if (HUF_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
{ CHECK_V_F(cSize, HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend-op, ip, iend-ip, CTable) );
if (cSize==0) return 0;
op += cSize;
@ -452,20 +533,43 @@ size_t HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, si
static size_t HUF_compressCTable_internal(
BYTE* const ostart, BYTE* op, BYTE* const oend,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned singleStream, const HUF_CElt* CTable)
size_t const cSize = singleStream ?
HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend - op, src, srcSize, CTable) :
HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(op, oend - op, src, srcSize, CTable);
if (HUF_isError(cSize)) { return cSize; }
if (cSize==0) { return 0; } /* uncompressible */
op += cSize;
/* check compressibility */
if ((size_t)(op-ostart) >= srcSize-1) { return 0; }
return op-ostart;
/* `workSpace` must a table of at least 1024 unsigned */
static size_t HUF_compress_internal (
void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog,
unsigned singleStream)
unsigned singleStream,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize,
HUF_CElt* oldHufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat)
BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
BYTE* const oend = ostart + dstSize;
BYTE* op = ostart;
U32* count;
size_t const countSize = sizeof(U32) * (HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1);
HUF_CElt* CTable;
size_t const CTableSize = sizeof(HUF_CElt) * (HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1);
/* checks & inits */
if (wkspSize < sizeof(huffNodeTable) + countSize + CTableSize) return ERROR(GENERIC);
if (!srcSize) return 0; /* Uncompressed (note : 1 means rle, so first byte must be correct) */
if (!dstSize) return 0; /* cannot fit within dst budget */
if (srcSize > HUF_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong); /* current block size limit */
@ -473,59 +577,111 @@ static size_t HUF_compress_internal (
if (!maxSymbolValue) maxSymbolValue = HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX;
if (!huffLog) huffLog = HUF_TABLELOG_DEFAULT;
count = (U32*)workSpace;
workSpace = (BYTE*)workSpace + countSize;
wkspSize -= countSize;
CTable = (HUF_CElt*)workSpace;
workSpace = (BYTE*)workSpace + CTableSize;
wkspSize -= CTableSize;
/* Heuristic : If we don't need to check the validity of the old table use the old table for small inputs */
if (preferRepeat && repeat && *repeat == HUF_repeat_valid) {
return HUF_compressCTable_internal(ostart, op, oend, src, srcSize, singleStream, oldHufTable);
/* Scan input and build symbol stats */
{ size_t const largest = FSE_count (count, &maxSymbolValue, (const BYTE*)src, srcSize);
if (HUF_isError(largest)) return largest;
{ CHECK_V_F(largest, FSE_count_wksp (count, &maxSymbolValue, (const BYTE*)src, srcSize, (U32*)workSpace) );
if (largest == srcSize) { *ostart = ((const BYTE*)src)[0]; return 1; } /* single symbol, rle */
if (largest <= (srcSize >> 7)+1) return 0; /* Fast heuristic : not compressible enough */
/* Check validity of previous table */
if (repeat && *repeat == HUF_repeat_check && !HUF_validateCTable(oldHufTable, count, maxSymbolValue)) {
*repeat = HUF_repeat_none;
/* Heuristic : use existing table for small inputs */
if (preferRepeat && repeat && *repeat != HUF_repeat_none) {
return HUF_compressCTable_internal(ostart, op, oend, src, srcSize, singleStream, oldHufTable);
/* Build Huffman Tree */
huffLog = HUF_optimalTableLog(huffLog, srcSize, maxSymbolValue);
{ size_t const maxBits = HUF_buildCTable (CTable, count, maxSymbolValue, huffLog);
if (HUF_isError(maxBits)) return maxBits;
{ CHECK_V_F(maxBits, HUF_buildCTable_wksp (CTable, count, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, workSpace, wkspSize) );
huffLog = (U32)maxBits;
/* Zero the unused symbols so we can check it for validity */
memset(CTable + maxSymbolValue + 1, 0, CTableSize - (maxSymbolValue + 1) * sizeof(HUF_CElt));
/* Write table description header */
{ size_t const hSize = HUF_writeCTable (op, dstSize, CTable, maxSymbolValue, huffLog);
if (HUF_isError(hSize)) return hSize;
if (hSize + 12 >= srcSize) return 0; /* not useful to try compression */
{ CHECK_V_F(hSize, HUF_writeCTable (op, dstSize, CTable, maxSymbolValue, huffLog) );
/* Check if using the previous table will be beneficial */
if (repeat && *repeat != HUF_repeat_none) {
size_t const oldSize = HUF_estimateCompressedSize(oldHufTable, count, maxSymbolValue);
size_t const newSize = HUF_estimateCompressedSize(CTable, count, maxSymbolValue);
if (oldSize <= hSize + newSize || hSize + 12 >= srcSize) {
return HUF_compressCTable_internal(ostart, op, oend, src, srcSize, singleStream, oldHufTable);
/* Use the new table */
if (hSize + 12ul >= srcSize) { return 0; }
op += hSize;
if (repeat) { *repeat = HUF_repeat_none; }
if (oldHufTable) { memcpy(oldHufTable, CTable, CTableSize); } /* Save the new table */
/* Compress */
{ size_t const cSize = (singleStream) ?
HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(op, oend - op, src, srcSize, CTable) : /* single segment */
HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(op, oend - op, src, srcSize, CTable);
if (HUF_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
if (cSize==0) return 0; /* uncompressible */
op += cSize;
/* check compressibility */
if ((size_t)(op-ostart) >= srcSize-1)
return 0;
return op-ostart;
return HUF_compressCTable_internal(ostart, op, oend, src, srcSize, singleStream, CTable);
size_t HUF_compress1X_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
return HUF_compress_internal(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, 1 /* single stream */, workSpace, wkspSize, NULL, NULL, 0);
size_t HUF_compress1X_repeat (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize,
HUF_CElt* hufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat)
return HUF_compress_internal(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, 1 /* single stream */, workSpace, wkspSize, hufTable, repeat, preferRepeat);
size_t HUF_compress1X (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog)
return HUF_compress_internal(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, 1);
unsigned workSpace[1024];
return HUF_compress1X_wksp(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_compress4X_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
return HUF_compress_internal(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, 0 /* 4 streams */, workSpace, wkspSize, NULL, NULL, 0);
size_t HUF_compress4X_repeat (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize,
HUF_CElt* hufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat)
return HUF_compress_internal(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, 0 /* 4 streams */, workSpace, wkspSize, hufTable, repeat, preferRepeat);
size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog)
return HUF_compress_internal(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, 0);
unsigned workSpace[1024];
return HUF_compress4X_wksp(dst, dstSize, src, srcSize, maxSymbolValue, huffLog, workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_compress (void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
return HUF_compress2(dst, maxDstSize, src, (U32)srcSize, 255, HUF_TABLELOG_DEFAULT);

View File

@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* *************************************
* Dependencies
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "error_private.h"
#include "zstd_internal.h" /* MIN, ZSTD_BLOCKHEADERSIZE, defaultCustomMem */
#include "zbuff.h"
/* *************************************
* Constants
static size_t const ZBUFF_endFrameSize = ZSTD_BLOCKHEADERSIZE;
* Streaming compression
* A ZBUFF_CCtx object is required to track streaming operation.
* Use ZBUFF_createCCtx() and ZBUFF_freeCCtx() to create/release resources.
* Use ZBUFF_compressInit() to start a new compression operation.
* ZBUFF_CCtx objects can be reused multiple times.
* Use ZBUFF_compressContinue() repetitively to consume your input.
* *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr can be any size.
* The function will report how many bytes were read or written by modifying *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr.
* Note that it may not consume the entire input, in which case it's up to the caller to call again the function with remaining input.
* The content of dst will be overwritten (up to *dstCapacityPtr) at each function call, so save its content if it matters or change dst .
* @return : a hint to preferred nb of bytes to use as input for next function call (it's only a hint, to improve latency)
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* ZBUFF_compressFlush() can be used to instruct ZBUFF to compress and output whatever remains within its buffer.
* Note that it will not output more than *dstCapacityPtr.
* Therefore, some content might still be left into its internal buffer if dst buffer is too small.
* @return : nb of bytes still present into internal buffer (0 if it's empty)
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* ZBUFF_compressEnd() instructs to finish a frame.
* It will perform a flush and write frame epilogue.
* Similar to ZBUFF_compressFlush(), it may not be able to output the entire internal buffer content if *dstCapacityPtr is too small.
* @return : nb of bytes still present into internal buffer (0 if it's empty)
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* Hint : recommended buffer sizes (not compulsory)
* input : ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX (128 KB), internal unit size, it improves latency to use this value.
* output : ZSTD_compressBound(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize + ZBUFF_endFrameSize : ensures it's always possible to write/flush/end a full block at best speed.
* ***********************************************************/
typedef enum { ZBUFFcs_init, ZBUFFcs_load, ZBUFFcs_flush, ZBUFFcs_final } ZBUFF_cStage;
/* *** Resources *** */
struct ZBUFF_CCtx_s {
ZSTD_CCtx* zc;
char* inBuff;
size_t inBuffSize;
size_t inToCompress;
size_t inBuffPos;
size_t inBuffTarget;
size_t blockSize;
char* outBuff;
size_t outBuffSize;
size_t outBuffContentSize;
size_t outBuffFlushedSize;
ZBUFF_cStage stage;
U32 checksum;
U32 frameEnded;
ZSTD_customMem customMem;
}; /* typedef'd tp ZBUFF_CCtx within "zbuff.h" */
ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx(void)
return ZBUFF_createCCtx_advanced(defaultCustomMem);
ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem)
ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc;
if (!customMem.customAlloc && !customMem.customFree)
customMem = defaultCustomMem;
if (!customMem.customAlloc || !customMem.customFree)
return NULL;
zbc = (ZBUFF_CCtx*)customMem.customAlloc(customMem.opaque, sizeof(ZBUFF_CCtx));
if (zbc==NULL) return NULL;
memset(zbc, 0, sizeof(ZBUFF_CCtx));
memcpy(&zbc->customMem, &customMem, sizeof(ZSTD_customMem));
zbc->zc = ZSTD_createCCtx_advanced(customMem);
if (zbc->zc == NULL) { ZBUFF_freeCCtx(zbc); return NULL; }
return zbc;
size_t ZBUFF_freeCCtx(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc)
if (zbc==NULL) return 0; /* support free on NULL */
if (zbc->inBuff) zbc->customMem.customFree(zbc->customMem.opaque, zbc->inBuff);
if (zbc->outBuff) zbc->customMem.customFree(zbc->customMem.opaque, zbc->outBuff);
zbc->customMem.customFree(zbc->customMem.opaque, zbc);
return 0;
/* ====== Initialization ====== */
size_t ZBUFF_compressInit_advanced(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize,
ZSTD_parameters params, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize)
/* allocate buffers */
{ size_t const neededInBuffSize = (size_t)1 << params.cParams.windowLog;
if (zbc->inBuffSize < neededInBuffSize) {
zbc->inBuffSize = neededInBuffSize;
zbc->customMem.customFree(zbc->customMem.opaque, zbc->inBuff); /* should not be necessary */
zbc->inBuff = (char*)zbc->customMem.customAlloc(zbc->customMem.opaque, neededInBuffSize);
if (zbc->inBuff == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
zbc->blockSize = MIN(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX, neededInBuffSize);
if (zbc->outBuffSize < ZSTD_compressBound(zbc->blockSize)+1) {
zbc->outBuffSize = ZSTD_compressBound(zbc->blockSize)+1;
zbc->customMem.customFree(zbc->customMem.opaque, zbc->outBuff); /* should not be necessary */
zbc->outBuff = (char*)zbc->customMem.customAlloc(zbc->customMem.opaque, zbc->outBuffSize);
if (zbc->outBuff == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
{ size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(zbc->zc, dict, dictSize, params, pledgedSrcSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; }
zbc->inToCompress = 0;
zbc->inBuffPos = 0;
zbc->inBuffTarget = zbc->blockSize;
zbc->outBuffContentSize = zbc->outBuffFlushedSize = 0;
zbc->stage = ZBUFFcs_load;
zbc->checksum = params.fParams.checksumFlag > 0;
zbc->frameEnded = 0;
return 0; /* ready to go */
size_t ZBUFF_compressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, const void* dict, size_t dictSize, int compressionLevel)
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, 0, dictSize);
return ZBUFF_compressInit_advanced(zbc, dict, dictSize, params, 0);
size_t ZBUFF_compressInit(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, int compressionLevel)
return ZBUFF_compressInitDictionary(zbc, NULL, 0, compressionLevel);
/* internal util function */
MEM_STATIC size_t ZBUFF_limitCopy(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
size_t const length = MIN(dstCapacity, srcSize);
memcpy(dst, src, length);
return length;
/* ====== Compression ====== */
typedef enum { zbf_gather, zbf_flush, zbf_end } ZBUFF_flush_e;
static size_t ZBUFF_compressContinue_generic(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr,
ZBUFF_flush_e const flush)
U32 someMoreWork = 1;
const char* const istart = (const char*)src;
const char* const iend = istart + *srcSizePtr;
const char* ip = istart;
char* const ostart = (char*)dst;
char* const oend = ostart + *dstCapacityPtr;
char* op = ostart;
while (someMoreWork) {
case ZBUFFcs_init: return ERROR(init_missing); /* call ZBUFF_compressInit() first ! */
case ZBUFFcs_load:
/* complete inBuffer */
{ size_t const toLoad = zbc->inBuffTarget - zbc->inBuffPos;
size_t const loaded = ZBUFF_limitCopy(zbc->inBuff + zbc->inBuffPos, toLoad, ip, iend-ip);
zbc->inBuffPos += loaded;
ip += loaded;
if ( (zbc->inBuffPos==zbc->inToCompress) || (!flush && (toLoad != loaded)) ) {
someMoreWork = 0; break; /* not enough input to get a full block : stop there, wait for more */
} }
/* compress current block (note : this stage cannot be stopped in the middle) */
{ void* cDst;
size_t cSize;
size_t const iSize = zbc->inBuffPos - zbc->inToCompress;
size_t oSize = oend-op;
if (oSize >= ZSTD_compressBound(iSize))
cDst = op; /* compress directly into output buffer (avoid flush stage) */
cDst = zbc->outBuff, oSize = zbc->outBuffSize;
cSize = (flush == zbf_end) ?
ZSTD_compressEnd(zbc->zc, cDst, oSize, zbc->inBuff + zbc->inToCompress, iSize) :
ZSTD_compressContinue(zbc->zc, cDst, oSize, zbc->inBuff + zbc->inToCompress, iSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
if (flush == zbf_end) zbc->frameEnded = 1;
/* prepare next block */
zbc->inBuffTarget = zbc->inBuffPos + zbc->blockSize;
if (zbc->inBuffTarget > zbc->inBuffSize)
zbc->inBuffPos = 0, zbc->inBuffTarget = zbc->blockSize; /* note : inBuffSize >= blockSize */
zbc->inToCompress = zbc->inBuffPos;
if (cDst == op) { op += cSize; break; } /* no need to flush */
zbc->outBuffContentSize = cSize;
zbc->outBuffFlushedSize = 0;
zbc->stage = ZBUFFcs_flush; /* continue to flush stage */
case ZBUFFcs_flush:
{ size_t const toFlush = zbc->outBuffContentSize - zbc->outBuffFlushedSize;
size_t const flushed = ZBUFF_limitCopy(op, oend-op, zbc->outBuff + zbc->outBuffFlushedSize, toFlush);
op += flushed;
zbc->outBuffFlushedSize += flushed;
if (toFlush!=flushed) { someMoreWork = 0; break; } /* dst too small to store flushed data : stop there */
zbc->outBuffContentSize = zbc->outBuffFlushedSize = 0;
zbc->stage = ZBUFFcs_load;
case ZBUFFcs_final:
someMoreWork = 0; /* do nothing */
return ERROR(GENERIC); /* impossible */
*srcSizePtr = ip - istart;
*dstCapacityPtr = op - ostart;
if (zbc->frameEnded) return 0;
{ size_t hintInSize = zbc->inBuffTarget - zbc->inBuffPos;
if (hintInSize==0) hintInSize = zbc->blockSize;
return hintInSize;
size_t ZBUFF_compressContinue(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr)
return ZBUFF_compressContinue_generic(zbc, dst, dstCapacityPtr, src, srcSizePtr, zbf_gather);
/* ====== Finalize ====== */
size_t ZBUFF_compressFlush(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr)
size_t srcSize = 0;
ZBUFF_compressContinue_generic(zbc, dst, dstCapacityPtr, &srcSize, &srcSize, zbf_flush); /* use a valid src address instead of NULL */
return zbc->outBuffContentSize - zbc->outBuffFlushedSize;
size_t ZBUFF_compressEnd(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr)
BYTE* const ostart = (BYTE*)dst;
BYTE* const oend = ostart + *dstCapacityPtr;
BYTE* op = ostart;
if (zbc->stage != ZBUFFcs_final) {
/* flush whatever remains */
size_t outSize = *dstCapacityPtr;
size_t srcSize = 0;
size_t const notEnded = ZBUFF_compressContinue_generic(zbc, dst, &outSize, &srcSize, &srcSize, zbf_end); /* use a valid address instead of NULL */
size_t const remainingToFlush = zbc->outBuffContentSize - zbc->outBuffFlushedSize;
op += outSize;
if (remainingToFlush) {
*dstCapacityPtr = op-ostart;
return remainingToFlush + ZBUFF_endFrameSize + (zbc->checksum * 4);
/* create epilogue */
zbc->stage = ZBUFFcs_final;
zbc->outBuffContentSize = !notEnded ? 0 :
ZSTD_compressEnd(zbc->zc, zbc->outBuff, zbc->outBuffSize, NULL, 0); /* write epilogue into outBuff */
/* flush epilogue */
{ size_t const toFlush = zbc->outBuffContentSize - zbc->outBuffFlushedSize;
size_t const flushed = ZBUFF_limitCopy(op, oend-op, zbc->outBuff + zbc->outBuffFlushedSize, toFlush);
op += flushed;
zbc->outBuffFlushedSize += flushed;
*dstCapacityPtr = op-ostart;
if (toFlush==flushed) zbc->stage = ZBUFFcs_init; /* end reached */
return toFlush - flushed;
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCInSize(void) { return ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX; }
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCOutSize(void) { return ZSTD_compressBound(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX) + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize + ZBUFF_endFrameSize; }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Przemyslaw Skibinski, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
#define ZSTD_OPT_H_91842398743
#define ZSTD_FREQ_DIV 5
#define ZSTD_FREQ_DIV 4
#define ZSTD_MAX_PRICE (1<<30)
* Price functions for optimal parser
@ -30,22 +32,33 @@ FORCE_INLINE void ZSTD_setLog2Prices(seqStore_t* ssPtr)
MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_rescaleFreqs(seqStore_t* ssPtr)
MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_rescaleFreqs(seqStore_t* ssPtr, const BYTE* src, size_t srcSize)
unsigned u;
ssPtr->cachedLiterals = NULL;
ssPtr->cachedPrice = ssPtr->cachedLitLength = 0;
ssPtr->staticPrices = 0;
if (ssPtr->litLengthSum == 0) {
ssPtr->litSum = (2<<Litbits);
if (srcSize <= 1024) ssPtr->staticPrices = 1;
for (u=0; u<=MaxLit; u++)
ssPtr->litFreq[u] = 0;
for (u=0; u<srcSize; u++)
ssPtr->litSum = 0;
ssPtr->litLengthSum = MaxLL+1;
ssPtr->matchLengthSum = MaxML+1;
ssPtr->offCodeSum = (MaxOff+1);
ssPtr->matchSum = (2<<Litbits);
ssPtr->matchSum = (ZSTD_LITFREQ_ADD<<Litbits);
for (u=0; u<=MaxLit; u++)
ssPtr->litFreq[u] = 2;
for (u=0; u<=MaxLit; u++) {
ssPtr->litFreq[u] = 1 + (ssPtr->litFreq[u]>>ZSTD_FREQ_DIV);
ssPtr->litSum += ssPtr->litFreq[u];
for (u=0; u<=MaxLL; u++)
ssPtr->litLengthFreq[u] = 1;
for (u=0; u<=MaxML; u++)
@ -60,11 +73,11 @@ MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_rescaleFreqs(seqStore_t* ssPtr)
ssPtr->litSum = 0;
for (u=0; u<=MaxLit; u++) {
ssPtr->litFreq[u] = 1 + (ssPtr->litFreq[u]>>ZSTD_FREQ_DIV);
ssPtr->litFreq[u] = 1 + (ssPtr->litFreq[u]>>(ZSTD_FREQ_DIV+1));
ssPtr->litSum += ssPtr->litFreq[u];
for (u=0; u<=MaxLL; u++) {
ssPtr->litLengthFreq[u] = 1 + (ssPtr->litLengthFreq[u]>>ZSTD_FREQ_DIV);
ssPtr->litLengthFreq[u] = 1 + (ssPtr->litLengthFreq[u]>>(ZSTD_FREQ_DIV+1));
ssPtr->litLengthSum += ssPtr->litLengthFreq[u];
for (u=0; u<=MaxML; u++) {
@ -72,6 +85,7 @@ MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_rescaleFreqs(seqStore_t* ssPtr)
ssPtr->matchLengthSum += ssPtr->matchLengthFreq[u];
ssPtr->matchSum += ssPtr->matchLengthFreq[u] * (u + 3);
ssPtr->matchSum *= ZSTD_LITFREQ_ADD;
for (u=0; u<=MaxOff; u++) {
ssPtr->offCodeFreq[u] = 1 + (ssPtr->offCodeFreq[u]>>ZSTD_FREQ_DIV);
ssPtr->offCodeSum += ssPtr->offCodeFreq[u];
@ -86,6 +100,9 @@ FORCE_INLINE U32 ZSTD_getLiteralPrice(seqStore_t* ssPtr, U32 litLength, const BY
U32 price, u;
if (ssPtr->staticPrices)
return ZSTD_highbit32((U32)litLength+1) + (litLength*6);
if (litLength == 0)
return ssPtr->log2litLengthSum - ZSTD_highbit32(ssPtr->litLengthFreq[0]+1);
@ -120,11 +137,17 @@ FORCE_INLINE U32 ZSTD_getLiteralPrice(seqStore_t* ssPtr, U32 litLength, const BY
FORCE_INLINE U32 ZSTD_getPrice(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr, U32 litLength, const BYTE* literals, U32 offset, U32 matchLength)
FORCE_INLINE U32 ZSTD_getPrice(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr, U32 litLength, const BYTE* literals, U32 offset, U32 matchLength, const int ultra)
/* offset */
U32 price;
BYTE const offCode = (BYTE)ZSTD_highbit32(offset+1);
U32 price = offCode + seqStorePtr->log2offCodeSum - ZSTD_highbit32(seqStorePtr->offCodeFreq[offCode]+1);
if (seqStorePtr->staticPrices)
return ZSTD_getLiteralPrice(seqStorePtr, litLength, literals) + ZSTD_highbit32((U32)matchLength+1) + 16 + offCode;
price = offCode + seqStorePtr->log2offCodeSum - ZSTD_highbit32(seqStorePtr->offCodeFreq[offCode]+1);
if (!ultra && offCode >= 20) price += (offCode-19)*2;
/* match Length */
{ const BYTE ML_deltaCode = 36;
@ -141,9 +164,9 @@ MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_updatePrice(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr, U32 litLength, const B
U32 u;
/* literals */
seqStorePtr->litSum += litLength;
seqStorePtr->litSum += litLength*ZSTD_LITFREQ_ADD;
for (u=0; u < litLength; u++)
seqStorePtr->litFreq[literals[u]] += ZSTD_LITFREQ_ADD;
/* literal Length */
{ const BYTE LL_deltaCode = 19;
@ -153,10 +176,10 @@ MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_updatePrice(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr, U32 litLength, const B
/* match offset */
{ BYTE const offCode = (BYTE)ZSTD_highbit32(offset+1);
{ BYTE const offCode = (BYTE)ZSTD_highbit32(offset+1);
/* match Length */
{ const BYTE ML_deltaCode = 36;
@ -171,7 +194,7 @@ MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_updatePrice(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr, U32 litLength, const B
#define SET_PRICE(pos, mlen_, offset_, litlen_, price_) \
{ \
while (last_pos < pos) { opt[last_pos+1].price = 1<<30; last_pos++; } \
while (last_pos < pos) { opt[last_pos+1].price = ZSTD_MAX_PRICE; last_pos++; } \
opt[pos].mlen = mlen_; \
opt[pos].off = offset_; \
opt[pos].litlen = litlen_; \
@ -179,9 +202,23 @@ MEM_STATIC void ZSTD_updatePrice(seqStore_t* seqStorePtr, U32 litLength, const B
/* function safe only for comparisons */
MEM_STATIC U32 ZSTD_readMINMATCH(const void* memPtr, U32 length)
switch (length)
default :
case 4 : return MEM_read32(memPtr);
case 3 : if (MEM_isLittleEndian())
return MEM_read32(memPtr)<<8;
return MEM_read32(memPtr)>>8;
/* Update hashTable3 up to ip (excluded)
Assumption : always within prefix (ie. not within extDict) */
Assumption : always within prefix (i.e. not within extDict) */
U32 ZSTD_insertAndFindFirstIndexHash3 (ZSTD_CCtx* zc, const BYTE* ip)
@ -212,12 +249,12 @@ static U32 ZSTD_insertBtAndGetAllMatches (
const BYTE* const base = zc->base;
const U32 current = (U32)(ip-base);
const U32 hashLog = zc->params.cParams.hashLog;
const U32 hashLog = zc->appliedParams.cParams.hashLog;
const size_t h = ZSTD_hashPtr(ip, hashLog, mls);
U32* const hashTable = zc->hashTable;
U32 matchIndex = hashTable[h];
U32* const bt = zc->chainTable;
const U32 btLog = zc->params.cParams.chainLog - 1;
const U32 btLog = zc->appliedParams.cParams.chainLog - 1;
const U32 btMask= (1U << btLog) - 1;
size_t commonLengthSmaller=0, commonLengthLarger=0;
const BYTE* const dictBase = zc->dictBase;
@ -245,7 +282,7 @@ static U32 ZSTD_insertBtAndGetAllMatches (
if (match[bestLength] == ip[bestLength]) currentMl = ZSTD_count(ip, match, iLimit);
} else {
match = dictBase + matchIndex3;
if (MEM_readMINMATCH(match, MINMATCH) == MEM_readMINMATCH(ip, MINMATCH)) /* assumption : matchIndex3 <= dictLimit-4 (by table construction) */
if (ZSTD_readMINMATCH(match, MINMATCH) == ZSTD_readMINMATCH(ip, MINMATCH)) /* assumption : matchIndex3 <= dictLimit-4 (by table construction) */
currentMl = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+MINMATCH, match+MINMATCH, iLimit, dictEnd, prefixStart) + MINMATCH;
@ -338,6 +375,7 @@ static U32 ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_selectMLS (
default :
case 4 : return ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches(zc, ip, iHighLimit, maxNbAttempts, 4, matches, minMatchLen);
case 5 : return ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches(zc, ip, iHighLimit, maxNbAttempts, 5, matches, minMatchLen);
case 7 :
case 6 : return ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches(zc, ip, iHighLimit, maxNbAttempts, 6, matches, minMatchLen);
@ -365,6 +403,7 @@ static U32 ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_selectMLS_extDict (
default :
case 4 : return ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_extDict(zc, ip, iHighLimit, maxNbAttempts, 4, matches, minMatchLen);
case 5 : return ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_extDict(zc, ip, iHighLimit, maxNbAttempts, 5, matches, minMatchLen);
case 7 :
case 6 : return ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_extDict(zc, ip, iHighLimit, maxNbAttempts, 6, matches, minMatchLen);
@ -375,7 +414,7 @@ static U32 ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_selectMLS_extDict (
void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
const void* src, size_t srcSize)
const void* src, size_t srcSize, const int ultra)
seqStore_t* seqStorePtr = &(ctx->seqStore);
const BYTE* const istart = (const BYTE*)src;
@ -386,10 +425,10 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
const BYTE* const base = ctx->base;
const BYTE* const prefixStart = base + ctx->dictLimit;
const U32 maxSearches = 1U << ctx->params.cParams.searchLog;
const U32 sufficient_len = ctx->params.cParams.targetLength;
const U32 mls = ctx->params.cParams.searchLength;
const U32 minMatch = (ctx->params.cParams.searchLength == 3) ? 3 : 4;
const U32 maxSearches = 1U << ctx->appliedParams.cParams.searchLog;
const U32 sufficient_len = ctx->appliedParams.cParams.targetLength;
const U32 mls = ctx->appliedParams.cParams.searchLength;
const U32 minMatch = (ctx->appliedParams.cParams.searchLength == 3) ? 3 : 4;
ZSTD_optimal_t* opt = seqStorePtr->priceTable;
ZSTD_match_t* matches = seqStorePtr->matchTable;
@ -398,10 +437,9 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
/* init */
ctx->nextToUpdate3 = ctx->nextToUpdate;
ZSTD_rescaleFreqs(seqStorePtr, (const BYTE*)src, srcSize);
ip += (ip==prefixStart);
{ U32 i; for (i=0; i<ZSTD_REP_NUM; i++) rep[i]=ctx->rep[i]; }
inr = ip;
/* Match Loop */
while (ip < ilimit) {
@ -414,9 +452,9 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
/* check repCode */
{ U32 i, last_i = ZSTD_REP_CHECK + (ip==anchor);
for (i=(ip == anchor); i<last_i; i++) {
const S32 repCur = ((i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (ip==anchor)) ? (rep[0] - 1) : rep[i];
const S32 repCur = (i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) ? (rep[0] - 1) : rep[i];
if ( (repCur > 0) && (repCur < (S32)(ip-prefixStart))
&& (MEM_readMINMATCH(ip, minMatch) == MEM_readMINMATCH(ip - repCur, minMatch))) {
&& (ZSTD_readMINMATCH(ip, minMatch) == ZSTD_readMINMATCH(ip - repCur, minMatch))) {
mlen = (U32)ZSTD_count(ip+minMatch, ip+minMatch-repCur, iend) + minMatch;
if (mlen > sufficient_len || mlen >= ZSTD_OPT_NUM) {
best_mlen = mlen; best_off = i; cur = 0; last_pos = 1;
@ -424,7 +462,7 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
best_off = i - (ip == anchor);
do {
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (mlen > last_pos || price < opt[mlen].price)
SET_PRICE(mlen, mlen, i, litlen, price); /* note : macro modifies last_pos */
@ -449,7 +487,7 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
mlen = (u>0) ? matches[u-1].len+1 : best_mlen;
best_mlen = matches[u].len;
while (mlen <= best_mlen) {
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (mlen > last_pos || price < opt[mlen].price)
SET_PRICE(mlen, mlen, matches[u].off, litlen, price); /* note : macro modifies last_pos */
@ -496,12 +534,12 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
opt[cur].rep[0] = ((opt[cur].off==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (mlen != 1)) ? (opt[cur-mlen].rep[0] - 1) : (opt[cur-mlen].rep[opt[cur].off]);
best_mlen = minMatch;
best_mlen = minMatch;
{ U32 i, last_i = ZSTD_REP_CHECK + (mlen != 1);
for (i=(opt[cur].mlen != 1); i<last_i; i++) { /* check rep */
const S32 repCur = ((i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (opt[cur].mlen != 1)) ? (opt[cur].rep[0] - 1) : opt[cur].rep[i];
const S32 repCur = (i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) ? (opt[cur].rep[0] - 1) : opt[cur].rep[i];
if ( (repCur > 0) && (repCur < (S32)(inr-prefixStart))
&& (MEM_readMINMATCH(inr, minMatch) == MEM_readMINMATCH(inr - repCur, minMatch))) {
&& (ZSTD_readMINMATCH(inr, minMatch) == ZSTD_readMINMATCH(inr - repCur, minMatch))) {
mlen = (U32)ZSTD_count(inr+minMatch, inr+minMatch - repCur, iend) + minMatch;
if (mlen > sufficient_len || cur + mlen >= ZSTD_OPT_NUM) {
@ -510,21 +548,20 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
best_off = i - (opt[cur].mlen != 1);
if (mlen > best_mlen) best_mlen = mlen;
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
litlen = opt[cur].litlen;
if (cur > litlen) {
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, inr-litlen, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
} else
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
} else {
litlen = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
do {
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
litlen = opt[cur].litlen;
if (cur > litlen) {
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, inr-litlen, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
} else
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
} else {
litlen = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (mlen > best_mlen) best_mlen = mlen;
do {
if (cur + mlen > last_pos || price <= opt[cur + mlen].price)
SET_PRICE(cur + mlen, mlen, i, litlen, price);
@ -549,12 +586,12 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
litlen = opt[cur].litlen;
if (cur > litlen)
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, ip+cur-litlen, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, ip+cur-litlen, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
} else {
litlen = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (cur + mlen > last_pos || (price < opt[cur + mlen].price))
@ -600,7 +637,7 @@ _storeSequence: /* cur, last_pos, best_mlen, best_off have to be set */
} else {
if (offset != 0) {
best_off = ((offset==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (litLength==0)) ? (rep[0] - 1) : (rep[offset]);
best_off = (offset==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) ? (rep[0] - 1) : (rep[offset]);
if (offset != 1) rep[2] = rep[1];
rep[1] = rep[0];
rep[0] = best_off;
@ -614,7 +651,7 @@ _storeSequence: /* cur, last_pos, best_mlen, best_off have to be set */
} } /* for (cur=0; cur < last_pos; ) */
/* Save reps for next block */
{ int i; for (i=0; i<ZSTD_REP_NUM; i++) ctx->savedRep[i] = rep[i]; }
{ int i; for (i=0; i<ZSTD_REP_NUM; i++) ctx->repToConfirm[i] = rep[i]; }
/* Last Literals */
{ size_t const lastLLSize = iend - anchor;
@ -626,7 +663,7 @@ _storeSequence: /* cur, last_pos, best_mlen, best_off have to be set */
void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
const void* src, size_t srcSize)
const void* src, size_t srcSize, const int ultra)
seqStore_t* seqStorePtr = &(ctx->seqStore);
const BYTE* const istart = (const BYTE*)src;
@ -641,10 +678,10 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
const BYTE* const dictBase = ctx->dictBase;
const BYTE* const dictEnd = dictBase + dictLimit;
const U32 maxSearches = 1U << ctx->params.cParams.searchLog;
const U32 sufficient_len = ctx->params.cParams.targetLength;
const U32 mls = ctx->params.cParams.searchLength;
const U32 minMatch = (ctx->params.cParams.searchLength == 3) ? 3 : 4;
const U32 maxSearches = 1U << ctx->appliedParams.cParams.searchLog;
const U32 sufficient_len = ctx->appliedParams.cParams.targetLength;
const U32 mls = ctx->appliedParams.cParams.searchLength;
const U32 minMatch = (ctx->appliedParams.cParams.searchLength == 3) ? 3 : 4;
ZSTD_optimal_t* opt = seqStorePtr->priceTable;
ZSTD_match_t* matches = seqStorePtr->matchTable;
@ -655,9 +692,8 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
{ U32 i; for (i=0; i<ZSTD_REP_NUM; i++) rep[i]=ctx->rep[i]; }
ctx->nextToUpdate3 = ctx->nextToUpdate;
ZSTD_rescaleFreqs(seqStorePtr, (const BYTE*)src, srcSize);
ip += (ip==prefixStart);
inr = ip;
/* Match Loop */
while (ip < ilimit) {
@ -666,19 +702,18 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
U32 current = (U32)(ip-base);
memset(opt, 0, sizeof(ZSTD_optimal_t));
last_pos = 0;
inr = ip;
opt[0].litlen = (U32)(ip - anchor);
/* check repCode */
{ U32 i, last_i = ZSTD_REP_CHECK + (ip==anchor);
for (i = (ip==anchor); i<last_i; i++) {
const S32 repCur = ((i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (ip==anchor)) ? (rep[0] - 1) : rep[i];
const S32 repCur = (i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) ? (rep[0] - 1) : rep[i];
const U32 repIndex = (U32)(current - repCur);
const BYTE* const repBase = repIndex < dictLimit ? dictBase : base;
const BYTE* const repMatch = repBase + repIndex;
if ( (repCur > 0 && repCur <= (S32)current)
&& (((U32)((dictLimit-1) - repIndex) >= 3) & (repIndex>lowestIndex)) /* intentional overflow */
&& (MEM_readMINMATCH(ip, minMatch) == MEM_readMINMATCH(repMatch, minMatch)) ) {
&& (ZSTD_readMINMATCH(ip, minMatch) == ZSTD_readMINMATCH(repMatch, minMatch)) ) {
/* repcode detected we should take it */
const BYTE* const repEnd = repIndex < dictLimit ? dictEnd : iend;
mlen = (U32)ZSTD_count_2segments(ip+minMatch, repMatch+minMatch, iend, repEnd, prefixStart) + minMatch;
@ -691,7 +726,7 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
best_off = i - (ip==anchor);
litlen = opt[0].litlen;
do {
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (mlen > last_pos || price < opt[mlen].price)
SET_PRICE(mlen, mlen, i, litlen, price); /* note : macro modifies last_pos */
@ -721,7 +756,7 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
best_mlen = matches[u].len;
litlen = opt[0].litlen;
while (mlen <= best_mlen) {
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (mlen > last_pos || price < opt[mlen].price)
SET_PRICE(mlen, mlen, matches[u].off, litlen, price);
@ -765,17 +800,16 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
opt[cur].rep[0] = ((opt[cur].off==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (mlen != 1)) ? (opt[cur-mlen].rep[0] - 1) : (opt[cur-mlen].rep[opt[cur].off]);
best_mlen = 0;
best_mlen = minMatch;
{ U32 i, last_i = ZSTD_REP_CHECK + (mlen != 1);
for (i = (mlen != 1); i<last_i; i++) {
const S32 repCur = ((i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (opt[cur].mlen != 1)) ? (opt[cur].rep[0] - 1) : opt[cur].rep[i];
const S32 repCur = (i==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) ? (opt[cur].rep[0] - 1) : opt[cur].rep[i];
const U32 repIndex = (U32)(current+cur - repCur);
const BYTE* const repBase = repIndex < dictLimit ? dictBase : base;
const BYTE* const repMatch = repBase + repIndex;
if ( (repCur > 0 && repCur <= (S32)(current+cur))
&& (((U32)((dictLimit-1) - repIndex) >= 3) & (repIndex>lowestIndex)) /* intentional overflow */
&& (MEM_readMINMATCH(inr, minMatch) == MEM_readMINMATCH(repMatch, minMatch)) ) {
&& (ZSTD_readMINMATCH(inr, minMatch) == ZSTD_readMINMATCH(repMatch, minMatch)) ) {
/* repcode detected */
const BYTE* const repEnd = repIndex < dictLimit ? dictEnd : iend;
mlen = (U32)ZSTD_count_2segments(inr+minMatch, repMatch+minMatch, iend, repEnd, prefixStart) + minMatch;
@ -786,20 +820,20 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
best_off = i - (opt[cur].mlen != 1);
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
litlen = opt[cur].litlen;
if (cur > litlen) {
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, inr-litlen, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
} else
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
} else {
litlen = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH);
best_mlen = mlen;
if (mlen > best_mlen) best_mlen = mlen;
do {
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
litlen = opt[cur].litlen;
if (cur > litlen) {
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, inr-litlen, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
} else
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
} else {
litlen = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, best_off, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (cur + mlen > last_pos || price <= opt[cur + mlen].price)
SET_PRICE(cur + mlen, mlen, i, litlen, price);
@ -808,30 +842,28 @@ void ZSTD_compressBlock_opt_extDict_generic(ZSTD_CCtx* ctx,
match_num = ZSTD_BtGetAllMatches_selectMLS_extDict(ctx, inr, iend, maxSearches, mls, matches, minMatch);
if (match_num > 0 && matches[match_num-1].len > sufficient_len) {
if (match_num > 0 && (matches[match_num-1].len > sufficient_len || cur + matches[match_num-1].len >= ZSTD_OPT_NUM)) {
best_mlen = matches[match_num-1].len;
best_off = matches[match_num-1].off;
last_pos = cur + 1;
goto _storeSequence;
best_mlen = (best_mlen > minMatch) ? best_mlen : minMatch;
/* set prices using matches at position = cur */
for (u = 0; u < match_num; u++) {
mlen = (u>0) ? matches[u-1].len+1 : best_mlen;
best_mlen = (cur + matches[u].len < ZSTD_OPT_NUM) ? matches[u].len : ZSTD_OPT_NUM - cur;
best_mlen = matches[u].len;
while (mlen <= best_mlen) {
if (opt[cur].mlen == 1) {
litlen = opt[cur].litlen;
if (cur > litlen)
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, ip+cur-litlen, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = opt[cur - litlen].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, ip+cur-litlen, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, litlen, anchor, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
} else {
litlen = 0;
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH);
price = opt[cur].price + ZSTD_getPrice(seqStorePtr, 0, NULL, matches[u].off-1, mlen - MINMATCH, ultra);
if (cur + mlen > last_pos || (price < opt[cur + mlen].price))
@ -877,7 +909,7 @@ _storeSequence: /* cur, last_pos, best_mlen, best_off have to be set */
} else {
if (offset != 0) {
best_off = ((offset==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) && (litLength==0)) ? (rep[0] - 1) : (rep[offset]);
best_off = (offset==ZSTD_REP_MOVE_OPT) ? (rep[0] - 1) : (rep[offset]);
if (offset != 1) rep[2] = rep[1];
rep[1] = rep[0];
rep[0] = best_off;
@ -892,7 +924,7 @@ _storeSequence: /* cur, last_pos, best_mlen, best_off have to be set */
} } /* for (cur=0; cur < last_pos; ) */
/* Save reps for next block */
{ int i; for (i=0; i<ZSTD_REP_NUM; i++) ctx->savedRep[i] = rep[i]; }
{ int i; for (i=0; i<ZSTD_REP_NUM; i++) ctx->repToConfirm[i] = rep[i]; }
/* Last Literals */
{ size_t lastLLSize = iend - anchor;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* ====== Tuning parameters ====== */
/* ====== Compiler specifics ====== */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(disable : 4204) /* disable: C4204: non-constant aggregate initializer */
/* ====== Dependencies ====== */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy, memset */
#include "pool.h" /* threadpool */
#include "threading.h" /* mutex */
#include "zstd_internal.h" /* MIN, ERROR, ZSTD_*, ZSTD_highbit32 */
#include "zstdmt_compress.h"
/* ====== Debug ====== */
#if defined(ZSTD_DEBUG) && (ZSTD_DEBUG>=2)
# include <stdio.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/times.h>
# define DEBUGLOGRAW(l, ...) if (l<=ZSTD_DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); }
# define DEBUG_PRINTHEX(l,p,n) { \
unsigned debug_u; \
for (debug_u=0; debug_u<(n); debug_u++) \
DEBUGLOGRAW(l, "%02X ", ((const unsigned char*)(p))[debug_u]); \
DEBUGLOGRAW(l, " \n"); \
static unsigned long long GetCurrentClockTimeMicroseconds(void)
static clock_t _ticksPerSecond = 0;
if (_ticksPerSecond <= 0) _ticksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
{ struct tms junk; clock_t newTicks = (clock_t) times(&junk);
return ((((unsigned long long)newTicks)*(1000000))/_ticksPerSecond); }
#define PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) { \
unsigned long long const beforeTime = GetCurrentClockTimeMicroseconds(); \
pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); \
{ unsigned long long const afterTime = GetCurrentClockTimeMicroseconds(); \
unsigned long long const elapsedTime = (afterTime-beforeTime); \
if (elapsedTime > 1000) { /* or whatever threshold you like; I'm using 1 millisecond here */ \
DEBUGLOG(MUTEX_WAIT_TIME_DLEVEL, "Thread took %llu microseconds to acquire mutex %s \n", \
elapsedTime, #mutex); \
} } \
} else pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); \
# define PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(m) pthread_mutex_lock(m)
# define DEBUG_PRINTHEX(l,p,n) {}
/* ===== Buffer Pool ===== */
typedef struct buffer_s {
void* start;
size_t size;
} buffer_t;
static const buffer_t g_nullBuffer = { NULL, 0 };
typedef struct ZSTDMT_bufferPool_s {
unsigned totalBuffers;
unsigned nbBuffers;
ZSTD_customMem cMem;
buffer_t bTable[1]; /* variable size */
} ZSTDMT_bufferPool;
static ZSTDMT_bufferPool* ZSTDMT_createBufferPool(unsigned nbThreads, ZSTD_customMem cMem)
unsigned const maxNbBuffers = 2*nbThreads + 2;
ZSTDMT_bufferPool* const bufPool = (ZSTDMT_bufferPool*)ZSTD_calloc(
sizeof(ZSTDMT_bufferPool) + (maxNbBuffers-1) * sizeof(buffer_t), cMem);
if (bufPool==NULL) return NULL;
bufPool->totalBuffers = maxNbBuffers;
bufPool->nbBuffers = 0;
bufPool->cMem = cMem;
return bufPool;
static void ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool(ZSTDMT_bufferPool* bufPool)
unsigned u;
if (!bufPool) return; /* compatibility with free on NULL */
for (u=0; u<bufPool->totalBuffers; u++)
ZSTD_free(bufPool->bTable[u].start, bufPool->cMem);
ZSTD_free(bufPool, bufPool->cMem);
/* only works at initialization, not during compression */
static size_t ZSTDMT_sizeof_bufferPool(ZSTDMT_bufferPool* bufPool)
size_t const poolSize = sizeof(*bufPool)
+ (bufPool->totalBuffers - 1) * sizeof(buffer_t);
unsigned u;
size_t totalBufferSize = 0;
for (u=0; u<bufPool->totalBuffers; u++)
totalBufferSize += bufPool->bTable[u].size;
return poolSize + totalBufferSize;
/** ZSTDMT_getBuffer() :
* assumption : invocation from main thread only ! */
static buffer_t ZSTDMT_getBuffer(ZSTDMT_bufferPool* pool, size_t bSize)
if (pool->nbBuffers) { /* try to use an existing buffer */
buffer_t const buf = pool->bTable[--(pool->nbBuffers)];
size_t const availBufferSize = buf.size;
if ((availBufferSize >= bSize) & (availBufferSize <= 10*bSize))
/* large enough, but not too much */
return buf;
/* size conditions not respected : scratch this buffer, create new one */
ZSTD_free(buf.start, pool->cMem);
/* create new buffer */
{ buffer_t buffer;
void* const start = ZSTD_malloc(bSize, pool->cMem);
if (start==NULL) bSize = 0;
buffer.start = start; /* note : start can be NULL if malloc fails ! */
buffer.size = bSize;
return buffer;
/* store buffer for later re-use, up to pool capacity */
static void ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(ZSTDMT_bufferPool* pool, buffer_t buf)
if (buf.start == NULL) return; /* release on NULL */
if (pool->nbBuffers < pool->totalBuffers) {
pool->bTable[pool->nbBuffers++] = buf; /* store for later re-use */
/* Reached bufferPool capacity (should not happen) */
ZSTD_free(buf.start, pool->cMem);
/* ===== CCtx Pool ===== */
typedef struct {
unsigned totalCCtx;
unsigned availCCtx;
ZSTD_customMem cMem;
ZSTD_CCtx* cctx[1]; /* variable size */
} ZSTDMT_CCtxPool;
/* assumption : CCtxPool invocation only from main thread */
/* note : all CCtx borrowed from the pool should be released back to the pool _before_ freeing the pool */
static void ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* pool)
unsigned u;
for (u=0; u<pool->totalCCtx; u++)
ZSTD_freeCCtx(pool->cctx[u]); /* note : compatible with free on NULL */
ZSTD_free(pool, pool->cMem);
/* ZSTDMT_createCCtxPool() :
* implies nbThreads >= 1 , checked by caller ZSTDMT_createCCtx() */
static ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* ZSTDMT_createCCtxPool(unsigned nbThreads,
ZSTD_customMem cMem)
ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* const cctxPool = (ZSTDMT_CCtxPool*) ZSTD_calloc(
sizeof(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool) + (nbThreads-1)*sizeof(ZSTD_CCtx*), cMem);
if (!cctxPool) return NULL;
cctxPool->cMem = cMem;
cctxPool->totalCCtx = nbThreads;
cctxPool->availCCtx = 1; /* at least one cctx for single-thread mode */
cctxPool->cctx[0] = ZSTD_createCCtx_advanced(cMem);
if (!cctxPool->cctx[0]) { ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool(cctxPool); return NULL; }
DEBUGLOG(3, "cctxPool created, with %u threads", nbThreads);
return cctxPool;
/* only works during initialization phase, not during compression */
static size_t ZSTDMT_sizeof_CCtxPool(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* cctxPool)
unsigned const nbThreads = cctxPool->totalCCtx;
size_t const poolSize = sizeof(*cctxPool)
+ (nbThreads-1)*sizeof(ZSTD_CCtx*);
unsigned u;
size_t totalCCtxSize = 0;
for (u=0; u<nbThreads; u++)
totalCCtxSize += ZSTD_sizeof_CCtx(cctxPool->cctx[u]);
return poolSize + totalCCtxSize;
static ZSTD_CCtx* ZSTDMT_getCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* pool)
if (pool->availCCtx) {
return pool->cctx[pool->availCCtx];
return ZSTD_createCCtx(); /* note : can be NULL, when creation fails ! */
static void ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* pool, ZSTD_CCtx* cctx)
if (cctx==NULL) return; /* compatibility with release on NULL */
if (pool->availCCtx < pool->totalCCtx)
pool->cctx[pool->availCCtx++] = cctx;
/* pool overflow : should not happen, since totalCCtx==nbThreads */
/* ===== Thread worker ===== */
typedef struct {
buffer_t buffer;
size_t filled;
} inBuff_t;
typedef struct {
ZSTD_CCtx* cctx;
buffer_t src;
const void* srcStart;
size_t srcSize;
size_t dictSize;
buffer_t dstBuff;
size_t cSize;
size_t dstFlushed;
unsigned firstChunk;
unsigned lastChunk;
unsigned jobCompleted;
unsigned jobScanned;
pthread_mutex_t* jobCompleted_mutex;
pthread_cond_t* jobCompleted_cond;
ZSTD_parameters params;
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict;
unsigned long long fullFrameSize;
} ZSTDMT_jobDescription;
/* ZSTDMT_compressChunk() : POOL_function type */
void ZSTDMT_compressChunk(void* jobDescription)
ZSTDMT_jobDescription* const job = (ZSTDMT_jobDescription*)jobDescription;
const void* const src = (const char*)job->srcStart + job->dictSize;
buffer_t const dstBuff = job->dstBuff;
DEBUGLOG(5, "job (first:%u) (last:%u) : dictSize %u, srcSize %u",
job->firstChunk, job->lastChunk, (U32)job->dictSize, (U32)job->srcSize);
if (job->cdict) { /* should only happen for first segment */
size_t const initError = ZSTD_compressBegin_usingCDict_advanced(job->cctx, job->cdict, job->params.fParams, job->fullFrameSize);
DEBUGLOG(5, "using CDict");
if (ZSTD_isError(initError)) { job->cSize = initError; goto _endJob; }
} else { /* srcStart points at reloaded section */
if (!job->firstChunk) job->params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 0; /* ensure no srcSize control */
{ size_t const dictModeError = ZSTD_setCCtxParameter(job->cctx, ZSTD_p_forceRawDict, 1); /* Force loading dictionary in "content-only" mode (no header analysis) */
size_t const initError = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(job->cctx, job->srcStart, job->dictSize, job->params, job->fullFrameSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(initError) || ZSTD_isError(dictModeError)) { job->cSize = initError; goto _endJob; }
ZSTD_setCCtxParameter(job->cctx, ZSTD_p_forceWindow, 1);
} }
if (!job->firstChunk) { /* flush and overwrite frame header when it's not first segment */
size_t const hSize = ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, src, 0);
if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) { job->cSize = hSize; goto _endJob; }
DEBUGLOG(5, "Compressing : ");
DEBUG_PRINTHEX(4, job->srcStart, 12);
job->cSize = (job->lastChunk) ?
ZSTD_compressEnd (job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, src, job->srcSize) :
ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, src, job->srcSize);
DEBUGLOG(5, "compressed %u bytes into %u bytes (first:%u) (last:%u)",
(unsigned)job->srcSize, (unsigned)job->cSize, job->firstChunk, job->lastChunk);
DEBUGLOG(5, "dstBuff.size : %u ; => %s", (U32)dstBuff.size, ZSTD_getErrorName(job->cSize));
job->jobCompleted = 1;
job->jobScanned = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
/* ===== Multi-threaded compression ===== */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
struct ZSTDMT_CCtx_s {
POOL_ctx* factory;
ZSTDMT_jobDescription* jobs;
ZSTDMT_bufferPool* buffPool;
ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* cctxPool;
pthread_mutex_t jobCompleted_mutex;
pthread_cond_t jobCompleted_cond;
size_t targetSectionSize;
size_t marginSize;
size_t inBuffSize;
size_t dictSize;
size_t targetDictSize;
inBuff_t inBuff;
ZSTD_parameters params;
XXH64_state_t xxhState;
unsigned nbThreads;
unsigned jobIDMask;
unsigned doneJobID;
unsigned nextJobID;
unsigned frameEnded;
unsigned allJobsCompleted;
unsigned overlapRLog;
unsigned long long frameContentSize;
size_t sectionSize;
ZSTD_customMem cMem;
ZSTD_CDict* cdictLocal;
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict;
static ZSTDMT_jobDescription* ZSTDMT_allocJobsTable(U32* nbJobsPtr, ZSTD_customMem cMem)
U32 const nbJobsLog2 = ZSTD_highbit32(*nbJobsPtr) + 1;
U32 const nbJobs = 1 << nbJobsLog2;
*nbJobsPtr = nbJobs;
return (ZSTDMT_jobDescription*) ZSTD_calloc(
nbJobs * sizeof(ZSTDMT_jobDescription), cMem);
ZSTDMT_CCtx* ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced(unsigned nbThreads, ZSTD_customMem cMem)
ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx;
U32 nbJobs = nbThreads + 2;
DEBUGLOG(3, "ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced");
if ((nbThreads < 1) | (nbThreads > ZSTDMT_NBTHREADS_MAX)) return NULL;
if ((cMem.customAlloc!=NULL) ^ (cMem.customFree!=NULL))
/* invalid custom allocator */
return NULL;
mtctx = (ZSTDMT_CCtx*) ZSTD_calloc(sizeof(ZSTDMT_CCtx), cMem);
if (!mtctx) return NULL;
mtctx->cMem = cMem;
mtctx->nbThreads = nbThreads;
mtctx->allJobsCompleted = 1;
mtctx->sectionSize = 0;
mtctx->overlapRLog = 3;
mtctx->factory = POOL_create(nbThreads, 1);
mtctx->jobs = ZSTDMT_allocJobsTable(&nbJobs, cMem);
mtctx->jobIDMask = nbJobs - 1;
mtctx->buffPool = ZSTDMT_createBufferPool(nbThreads, cMem);
mtctx->cctxPool = ZSTDMT_createCCtxPool(nbThreads, cMem);
if (!mtctx->factory | !mtctx->jobs | !mtctx->buffPool | !mtctx->cctxPool) {
return NULL;
pthread_mutex_init(&mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex, NULL); /* Todo : check init function return */
pthread_cond_init(&mtctx->jobCompleted_cond, NULL);
DEBUGLOG(3, "mt_cctx created, for %u threads", nbThreads);
return mtctx;
ZSTDMT_CCtx* ZSTDMT_createCCtx(unsigned nbThreads)
return ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced(nbThreads, ZSTD_defaultCMem);
/* ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources() :
* note : ensure all workers are killed first ! */
static void ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx)
unsigned jobID;
DEBUGLOG(3, "ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources");
for (jobID=0; jobID <= mtctx->jobIDMask; jobID++) {
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[jobID].dstBuff);
mtctx->jobs[jobID].dstBuff = g_nullBuffer;
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[jobID].src);
mtctx->jobs[jobID].src = g_nullBuffer;
ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool, mtctx->jobs[jobID].cctx);
mtctx->jobs[jobID].cctx = NULL;
memset(mtctx->jobs, 0, (mtctx->jobIDMask+1)*sizeof(ZSTDMT_jobDescription));
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->inBuff.buffer);
mtctx->inBuff.buffer = g_nullBuffer;
mtctx->allJobsCompleted = 1;
size_t ZSTDMT_freeCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx)
if (mtctx==NULL) return 0; /* compatible with free on NULL */
if (!mtctx->allJobsCompleted) ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources(mtctx); /* stop workers first */
ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool(mtctx->buffPool); /* release job resources into pools first */
ZSTD_free(mtctx->jobs, mtctx->cMem);
ZSTD_free(mtctx, mtctx->cMem);
return 0;
size_t ZSTDMT_sizeof_CCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx)
if (mtctx == NULL) return 0; /* supports sizeof NULL */
return sizeof(*mtctx)
+ POOL_sizeof(mtctx->factory)
+ ZSTDMT_sizeof_bufferPool(mtctx->buffPool)
+ (mtctx->jobIDMask+1) * sizeof(ZSTDMT_jobDescription)
+ ZSTDMT_sizeof_CCtxPool(mtctx->cctxPool)
+ ZSTD_sizeof_CDict(mtctx->cdictLocal);
size_t ZSTDMT_setMTCtxParameter(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, ZSDTMT_parameter parameter, unsigned value)
case ZSTDMT_p_sectionSize :
mtctx->sectionSize = value;
return 0;
case ZSTDMT_p_overlapSectionLog :
DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTDMT_p_overlapSectionLog : %u", value);
mtctx->overlapRLog = (value >= 9) ? 0 : 9 - value;
return 0;
default :
return ERROR(compressionParameter_unsupported);
/* ------------------------------------------ */
/* ===== Multi-threaded compression ===== */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
static unsigned computeNbChunks(size_t srcSize, unsigned windowLog, unsigned nbThreads) {
size_t const chunkSizeTarget = (size_t)1 << (windowLog + 2);
size_t const chunkMaxSize = chunkSizeTarget << 2;
size_t const passSizeMax = chunkMaxSize * nbThreads;
unsigned const multiplier = (unsigned)(srcSize / passSizeMax) + 1;
unsigned const nbChunksLarge = multiplier * nbThreads;
unsigned const nbChunksMax = (unsigned)(srcSize / chunkSizeTarget) + 1;
unsigned const nbChunksSmall = MIN(nbChunksMax, nbThreads);
return (multiplier>1) ? nbChunksLarge : nbChunksSmall;
size_t ZSTDMT_compress_advanced(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict,
ZSTD_parameters const params,
unsigned overlapRLog)
size_t const overlapSize = (overlapRLog>=9) ? 0 : (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog - overlapRLog);
unsigned nbChunks = computeNbChunks(srcSize, params.cParams.windowLog, mtctx->nbThreads);
size_t const proposedChunkSize = (srcSize + (nbChunks-1)) / nbChunks;
size_t const avgChunkSize = ((proposedChunkSize & 0x1FFFF) < 0x7FFF) ? proposedChunkSize + 0xFFFF : proposedChunkSize; /* avoid too small last block */
const char* const srcStart = (const char*)src;
size_t remainingSrcSize = srcSize;
unsigned const compressWithinDst = (dstCapacity >= ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize)) ? nbChunks : (unsigned)(dstCapacity / ZSTD_compressBound(avgChunkSize)); /* presumes avgChunkSize >= 256 KB, which should be the case */
size_t frameStartPos = 0, dstBufferPos = 0;
DEBUGLOG(4, "nbChunks : %2u (chunkSize : %u bytes) ", nbChunks, (U32)avgChunkSize);
if (nbChunks==1) { /* fallback to single-thread mode */
ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = mtctx->cctxPool->cctx[0];
if (cdict) return ZSTD_compress_usingCDict_advanced(cctx, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, cdict, params.fParams);
return ZSTD_compress_advanced(cctx, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, NULL, 0, params);
assert(avgChunkSize >= 256 KB); /* condition for ZSTD_compressBound(A) + ZSTD_compressBound(B) <= ZSTD_compressBound(A+B), which is useful to avoid allocating extra buffers */
if (nbChunks > mtctx->jobIDMask+1) { /* enlarge job table */
U32 nbJobs = nbChunks;
ZSTD_free(mtctx->jobs, mtctx->cMem);
mtctx->jobIDMask = 0;
mtctx->jobs = ZSTDMT_allocJobsTable(&nbJobs, mtctx->cMem);
if (mtctx->jobs==NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
mtctx->jobIDMask = nbJobs - 1;
{ unsigned u;
for (u=0; u<nbChunks; u++) {
size_t const chunkSize = MIN(remainingSrcSize, avgChunkSize);
size_t const dstBufferCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(chunkSize);
buffer_t const dstAsBuffer = { (char*)dst + dstBufferPos, dstBufferCapacity };
buffer_t const dstBuffer = u < compressWithinDst ? dstAsBuffer : ZSTDMT_getBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, dstBufferCapacity);
ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool);
size_t dictSize = u ? overlapSize : 0;
if ((cctx==NULL) || (dstBuffer.start==NULL)) {
mtctx->jobs[u].cSize = ERROR(memory_allocation); /* job result */
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 1;
nbChunks = u+1; /* only wait and free u jobs, instead of initially expected nbChunks ones */
break; /* let's wait for previous jobs to complete, but don't start new ones */
mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart = srcStart + frameStartPos - dictSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].dictSize = dictSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].srcSize = chunkSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].cdict = mtctx->nextJobID==0 ? cdict : NULL;
mtctx->jobs[u].fullFrameSize = srcSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].params = params;
/* do not calculate checksum within sections, but write it in header for first section */
if (u!=0) mtctx->jobs[u].params.fParams.checksumFlag = 0;
mtctx->jobs[u].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
mtctx->jobs[u].cctx = cctx;
mtctx->jobs[u].firstChunk = (u==0);
mtctx->jobs[u].lastChunk = (u==nbChunks-1);
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 0;
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_mutex = &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex;
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_cond = &mtctx->jobCompleted_cond;
DEBUGLOG(5, "posting job %u (%u bytes)", u, (U32)chunkSize);
DEBUG_PRINTHEX(6, mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart, 12);
POOL_add(mtctx->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &mtctx->jobs[u]);
frameStartPos += chunkSize;
dstBufferPos += dstBufferCapacity;
remainingSrcSize -= chunkSize;
} }
/* collect result */
{ unsigned chunkID;
size_t error = 0, dstPos = 0;
for (chunkID=0; chunkID<nbChunks; chunkID++) {
DEBUGLOG(5, "waiting for chunk %u ", chunkID);
while (mtctx->jobs[chunkID].jobCompleted==0) {
DEBUGLOG(5, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from chunk %u", chunkID);
pthread_cond_wait(&mtctx->jobCompleted_cond, &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex);
DEBUGLOG(5, "ready to write chunk %u ", chunkID);
ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx);
mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx = NULL;
mtctx->jobs[chunkID].srcStart = NULL;
{ size_t const cSize = mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cSize;
if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) error = cSize;
if ((!error) && (dstPos + cSize > dstCapacity)) error = ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
if (chunkID) { /* note : chunk 0 is written directly at dst, which is correct position */
if (!error)
memmove((char*)dst + dstPos, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff.start, cSize); /* may overlap when chunk compressed within dst */
if (chunkID >= compressWithinDst) { /* chunk compressed into its own buffer, which must be released */
DEBUGLOG(5, "releasing buffer %u>=%u", chunkID, compressWithinDst);
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff);
mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff = g_nullBuffer;
dstPos += cSize ;
if (!error) DEBUGLOG(4, "compressed size : %u ", (U32)dstPos);
return error ? error : dstPos;
size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel)
U32 const overlapRLog = (compressionLevel >= ZSTD_maxCLevel()) ? 0 : 3;
ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, srcSize, 0);
params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;
return ZSTDMT_compress_advanced(mtctx, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, NULL, params, overlapRLog);
/* ====================================== */
/* ======= Streaming API ======= */
/* ====================================== */
static void ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs)
DEBUGLOG(4, "ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted");
while (zcs->doneJobID < zcs->nextJobID) {
unsigned const jobID = zcs->doneJobID & zcs->jobIDMask;
while (zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted==0) {
DEBUGLOG(5, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from chunk %u", zcs->doneJobID); /* we want to block when waiting for data to flush */
pthread_cond_wait(&zcs->jobCompleted_cond, &zcs->jobCompleted_mutex);
/** ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal() :
* internal usage only */
size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize, const ZSTD_CDict* cdict,
ZSTD_parameters params, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize)
DEBUGLOG(4, "ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal");
/* params are supposed to be fully validated at this point */
assert(!((dict) && (cdict))); /* either dict or cdict, not both */
if (zcs->nbThreads==1) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "single thread mode");
return ZSTD_initCStream_internal(zcs->cctxPool->cctx[0],
dict, dictSize, cdict,
params, pledgedSrcSize);
if (zcs->allJobsCompleted == 0) { /* previous compression not correctly finished */
zcs->allJobsCompleted = 1;
zcs->params = params;
zcs->frameContentSize = pledgedSrcSize;
if (dict) {
DEBUGLOG(4,"cdictLocal: %08X", (U32)(size_t)zcs->cdictLocal);
zcs->cdictLocal = ZSTD_createCDict_advanced(dict, dictSize,
0 /* byRef */, ZSTD_dm_auto, /* note : a loadPrefix becomes an internal CDict */
params.cParams, zcs->cMem);
zcs->cdict = zcs->cdictLocal;
if (zcs->cdictLocal == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
} else {
DEBUGLOG(4,"cdictLocal: %08X", (U32)(size_t)zcs->cdictLocal);
zcs->cdictLocal = NULL;
zcs->cdict = cdict;
zcs->targetDictSize = (zcs->overlapRLog>=9) ? 0 : (size_t)1 << (zcs->params.cParams.windowLog - zcs->overlapRLog);
DEBUGLOG(4, "overlapRLog : %u ", zcs->overlapRLog);
DEBUGLOG(4, "overlap Size : %u KB", (U32)(zcs->targetDictSize>>10));
zcs->targetSectionSize = zcs->sectionSize ? zcs->sectionSize : (size_t)1 << (zcs->params.cParams.windowLog + 2);
zcs->targetSectionSize = MAX(ZSTDMT_SECTION_SIZE_MIN, zcs->targetSectionSize);
zcs->targetSectionSize = MAX(zcs->targetDictSize, zcs->targetSectionSize);
DEBUGLOG(4, "Section Size : %u KB", (U32)(zcs->targetSectionSize>>10));
zcs->marginSize = zcs->targetSectionSize >> 2;
zcs->inBuffSize = zcs->targetDictSize + zcs->targetSectionSize + zcs->marginSize;
zcs->inBuff.buffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, zcs->inBuffSize);
if (zcs->inBuff.buffer.start == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
zcs->inBuff.filled = 0;
zcs->dictSize = 0;
zcs->doneJobID = 0;
zcs->nextJobID = 0;
zcs->frameEnded = 0;
zcs->allJobsCompleted = 0;
if (params.fParams.checksumFlag) XXH64_reset(&zcs->xxhState, 0);
return 0;
size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream_advanced(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize,
ZSTD_parameters params, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize)
DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTDMT_initCStream_advanced");
return ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal(mtctx, dict, dictSize, NULL, params, pledgedSrcSize);
size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream_usingCDict(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict,
ZSTD_frameParameters fParams,
unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize)
ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParamsFromCDict(cdict);
if (cdict==NULL) return ERROR(dictionary_wrong); /* method incompatible with NULL cdict */
params.fParams = fParams;
return ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal(mtctx, NULL, 0 /*dictSize*/, cdict,
params, pledgedSrcSize);
/* ZSTDMT_resetCStream() :
* pledgedSrcSize is optional and can be zero == unknown */
size_t ZSTDMT_resetCStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize)
if (zcs->nbThreads==1)
return ZSTD_resetCStream(zcs->cctxPool->cctx[0], pledgedSrcSize);
return ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal(zcs, NULL, 0, 0, zcs->params, pledgedSrcSize);
size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, int compressionLevel) {
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, 0, 0);
return ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal(zcs, NULL, 0, NULL, params, 0);
static size_t ZSTDMT_createCompressionJob(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, size_t srcSize, unsigned endFrame)
size_t const dstBufferCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
buffer_t const dstBuffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, dstBufferCapacity);
ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(zcs->cctxPool);
unsigned const jobID = zcs->nextJobID & zcs->jobIDMask;
if ((cctx==NULL) || (dstBuffer.start==NULL)) {
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 1;
return ERROR(memory_allocation);
DEBUGLOG(4, "preparing job %u to compress %u bytes with %u preload ",
zcs->nextJobID, (U32)srcSize, (U32)zcs->dictSize);
zcs->jobs[jobID].src = zcs->inBuff.buffer;
zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart = zcs->inBuff.buffer.start;
zcs->jobs[jobID].srcSize = srcSize;
zcs->jobs[jobID].dictSize = zcs->dictSize;
assert(zcs->inBuff.filled >= srcSize + zcs->dictSize);
zcs->jobs[jobID].params = zcs->params;
/* do not calculate checksum within sections, but write it in header for first section */
if (zcs->nextJobID) zcs->jobs[jobID].params.fParams.checksumFlag = 0;
zcs->jobs[jobID].cdict = zcs->nextJobID==0 ? zcs->cdict : NULL;
zcs->jobs[jobID].fullFrameSize = zcs->frameContentSize;
zcs->jobs[jobID].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
zcs->jobs[jobID].cctx = cctx;
zcs->jobs[jobID].firstChunk = (zcs->nextJobID==0);
zcs->jobs[jobID].lastChunk = endFrame;
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 0;
zcs->jobs[jobID].dstFlushed = 0;
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted_mutex = &zcs->jobCompleted_mutex;
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted_cond = &zcs->jobCompleted_cond;
/* get a new buffer for next input */
if (!endFrame) {
size_t const newDictSize = MIN(srcSize + zcs->dictSize, zcs->targetDictSize);
DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTDMT_createCompressionJob::endFrame = %u", endFrame);
zcs->inBuff.buffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, zcs->inBuffSize);
if (zcs->inBuff.buffer.start == NULL) { /* not enough memory to allocate next input buffer */
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 1;
return ERROR(memory_allocation);
DEBUGLOG(5, "inBuff currently filled to %u", (U32)zcs->inBuff.filled);
zcs->inBuff.filled -= srcSize + zcs->dictSize - newDictSize;
DEBUGLOG(5, "new job : inBuff filled to %u, with %u dict and %u src",
(U32)zcs->inBuff.filled, (U32)newDictSize,
(U32)(zcs->inBuff.filled - newDictSize));
(const char*)zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart + zcs->dictSize + srcSize - newDictSize,
DEBUGLOG(5, "new inBuff pre-filled");
zcs->dictSize = newDictSize;
} else { /* if (endFrame==1) */
DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTDMT_createCompressionJob::endFrame = %u", endFrame);
zcs->inBuff.buffer = g_nullBuffer;
zcs->inBuff.filled = 0;
zcs->dictSize = 0;
zcs->frameEnded = 1;
if (zcs->nextJobID == 0)
/* single chunk exception : checksum is calculated directly within worker thread */
zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag = 0;
DEBUGLOG(4, "posting job %u : %u bytes (end:%u) (note : doneJob = %u=>%u)",
zcs->doneJobID & zcs->jobIDMask);
POOL_add(zcs->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &zcs->jobs[jobID]); /* this call is blocking when thread worker pool is exhausted */
return 0;
/* ZSTDMT_flushNextJob() :
* output : will be updated with amount of data flushed .
* blockToFlush : if >0, the function will block and wait if there is no data available to flush .
* @return : amount of data remaining within internal buffer, 1 if unknown but > 0, 0 if no more, or an error code */
static size_t ZSTDMT_flushNextJob(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, unsigned blockToFlush)
unsigned const wJobID = zcs->doneJobID & zcs->jobIDMask;
if (zcs->doneJobID == zcs->nextJobID) return 0; /* all flushed ! */
while (zcs->jobs[wJobID].jobCompleted==0) {
DEBUGLOG(5, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from job %u", zcs->doneJobID);
if (!blockToFlush) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&zcs->jobCompleted_mutex); return 0; } /* nothing ready to be flushed => skip */
pthread_cond_wait(&zcs->jobCompleted_cond, &zcs->jobCompleted_mutex); /* block when nothing available to flush */
/* compression job completed : output can be flushed */
{ ZSTDMT_jobDescription job = zcs->jobs[wJobID];
if (!job.jobScanned) {
if (ZSTD_isError(job.cSize)) {
DEBUGLOG(5, "compression error detected ");
return job.cSize;
ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(zcs->cctxPool, job.cctx);
zcs->jobs[wJobID].cctx = NULL;
DEBUGLOG(5, "zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag : %u ", zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag);
if (zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag) {
XXH64_update(&zcs->xxhState, (const char*)job.srcStart + job.dictSize, job.srcSize);
if (zcs->frameEnded && (zcs->doneJobID+1 == zcs->nextJobID)) { /* write checksum at end of last section */
U32 const checksum = (U32)XXH64_digest(&zcs->xxhState);
DEBUGLOG(5, "writing checksum : %08X \n", checksum);
MEM_writeLE32((char*)job.dstBuff.start + job.cSize, checksum);
job.cSize += 4;
zcs->jobs[wJobID].cSize += 4;
} }
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(zcs->buffPool, job.src);
zcs->jobs[wJobID].srcStart = NULL;
zcs->jobs[wJobID].src = g_nullBuffer;
zcs->jobs[wJobID].jobScanned = 1;
{ size_t const toWrite = MIN(job.cSize - job.dstFlushed, output->size - output->pos);
DEBUGLOG(5, "Flushing %u bytes from job %u ", (U32)toWrite, zcs->doneJobID);
memcpy((char*)output->dst + output->pos, (const char*)job.dstBuff.start + job.dstFlushed, toWrite);
output->pos += toWrite;
job.dstFlushed += toWrite;
if (job.dstFlushed == job.cSize) { /* output buffer fully flushed => move to next one */
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(zcs->buffPool, job.dstBuff);
zcs->jobs[wJobID].dstBuff = g_nullBuffer;
zcs->jobs[wJobID].jobCompleted = 0;
} else {
zcs->jobs[wJobID].dstFlushed = job.dstFlushed;
/* return value : how many bytes left in buffer ; fake it to 1 if unknown but >0 */
if (job.cSize > job.dstFlushed) return (job.cSize - job.dstFlushed);
if (zcs->doneJobID < zcs->nextJobID) return 1; /* still some buffer to flush */
zcs->allJobsCompleted = zcs->frameEnded; /* frame completed and entirely flushed */
return 0; /* everything flushed */
} }
/** ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic() :
* internal use only
* assumption : output and input are valid (pos <= size)
* @return : minimum amount of data remaining to flush, 0 if none */
size_t ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
ZSTD_outBuffer* output,
ZSTD_inBuffer* input,
ZSTD_EndDirective endOp)
size_t const newJobThreshold = mtctx->dictSize + mtctx->targetSectionSize + mtctx->marginSize;
assert(output->pos <= output->size);
assert(input->pos <= input->size);
if ((mtctx->frameEnded) && (endOp==ZSTD_e_continue)) {
/* current frame being ended. Only flush/end are allowed. Or start new frame with init */
return ERROR(stage_wrong);
if (mtctx->nbThreads==1) {
return ZSTD_compressStream_generic(mtctx->cctxPool->cctx[0], output, input, endOp);
/* single-pass shortcut (note : this is blocking-mode) */
if ( (mtctx->nextJobID==0) /* just started */
&& (mtctx->inBuff.filled==0) /* nothing buffered */
&& (endOp==ZSTD_e_end) /* end order */
&& (output->size - output->pos >= ZSTD_compressBound(input->size - input->pos)) ) { /* enough room */
size_t const cSize = ZSTDMT_compress_advanced(mtctx,
(char*)output->dst + output->pos, output->size - output->pos,
(const char*)input->src + input->pos, input->size - input->pos,
mtctx->cdict, mtctx->params, mtctx->overlapRLog);
if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
input->pos = input->size;
output->pos += cSize;
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->inBuff.buffer); /* was allocated in initStream */
mtctx->allJobsCompleted = 1;
mtctx->frameEnded = 1;
return 0;
/* fill input buffer */
if ((input->src) && (mtctx->inBuff.buffer.start)) { /* support NULL input */
size_t const toLoad = MIN(input->size - input->pos, mtctx->inBuffSize - mtctx->inBuff.filled);
DEBUGLOG(2, "inBuff:%08X; inBuffSize=%u; ToCopy=%u", (U32)(size_t)mtctx->inBuff.buffer.start, (U32)mtctx->inBuffSize, (U32)toLoad);
memcpy((char*)mtctx->inBuff.buffer.start + mtctx->inBuff.filled, (const char*)input->src + input->pos, toLoad);
input->pos += toLoad;
mtctx->inBuff.filled += toLoad;
if ( (mtctx->inBuff.filled >= newJobThreshold) /* filled enough : let's compress */
&& (mtctx->nextJobID <= mtctx->doneJobID + mtctx->jobIDMask) ) { /* avoid overwriting job round buffer */
CHECK_F( ZSTDMT_createCompressionJob(mtctx, mtctx->targetSectionSize, 0 /* endFrame */) );
/* check for potential compressed data ready to be flushed */
CHECK_F( ZSTDMT_flushNextJob(mtctx, output, (mtctx->inBuff.filled == mtctx->inBuffSize) /* blockToFlush */) ); /* block if it wasn't possible to create new job due to saturation */
if (input->pos < input->size) /* input not consumed : do not flush yet */
endOp = ZSTD_e_continue;
case ZSTD_e_flush:
return ZSTDMT_flushStream(mtctx, output);
case ZSTD_e_end:
return ZSTDMT_endStream(mtctx, output);
case ZSTD_e_continue:
return 1;
return ERROR(GENERIC); /* invalid endDirective */
size_t ZSTDMT_compressStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, ZSTD_inBuffer* input)
CHECK_F( ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic(zcs, output, input, ZSTD_e_continue) );
/* recommended next input size : fill current input buffer */
return zcs->inBuffSize - zcs->inBuff.filled; /* note : could be zero when input buffer is fully filled and no more availability to create new job */
static size_t ZSTDMT_flushStream_internal(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, unsigned endFrame)
size_t const srcSize = zcs->inBuff.filled - zcs->dictSize;
if ( ((srcSize > 0) || (endFrame && !zcs->frameEnded))
&& (zcs->nextJobID <= zcs->doneJobID + zcs->jobIDMask) ) {
CHECK_F( ZSTDMT_createCompressionJob(zcs, srcSize, endFrame) );
/* check if there is any data available to flush */
return ZSTDMT_flushNextJob(zcs, output, 1 /* blockToFlush */);
size_t ZSTDMT_flushStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output)
DEBUGLOG(5, "ZSTDMT_flushStream");
if (zcs->nbThreads==1)
return ZSTD_flushStream(zcs->cctxPool->cctx[0], output);
return ZSTDMT_flushStream_internal(zcs, output, 0 /* endFrame */);
size_t ZSTDMT_endStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output)
DEBUGLOG(4, "ZSTDMT_endStream");
if (zcs->nbThreads==1)
return ZSTD_endStream(zcs->cctxPool->cctx[0], output);
return ZSTDMT_flushStream_internal(zcs, output, 1 /* endFrame */);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* Note : All prototypes defined in this file are labelled experimental.
* No guarantee of API continuity is provided on any of them.
* In fact, the expectation is that these prototypes will be replaced
* by ZSTD_compress_generic() API in the near future */
/* === Dependencies === */
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* ZSTD_parameters */
#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_inBuffer, ZSTD_outBuffer, ZSTDLIB_API */
/* === Memory management === */
typedef struct ZSTDMT_CCtx_s ZSTDMT_CCtx;
ZSTDLIB_API ZSTDMT_CCtx* ZSTDMT_createCCtx(unsigned nbThreads);
ZSTDLIB_API ZSTDMT_CCtx* ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced(unsigned nbThreads,
ZSTD_customMem cMem);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_freeCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_sizeof_CCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx);
/* === Simple buffer-to-butter one-pass function === */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel);
/* === Streaming functions === */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, int compressionLevel);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_resetCStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize); /**< pledgedSrcSize is optional and can be zero == unknown */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_compressStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, ZSTD_inBuffer* input);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_flushStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, ZSTD_outBuffer* output); /**< @return : 0 == all flushed; >0 : still some data to be flushed; or an error code (ZSTD_isError()) */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_endStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, ZSTD_outBuffer* output); /**< @return : 0 == all flushed; >0 : still some data to be flushed; or an error code (ZSTD_isError()) */
/* === Advanced functions and parameters === */
# define ZSTDMT_SECTION_SIZE_MIN (1U << 20) /* 1 MB - Minimum size of each compression job */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_compress_advanced(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict,
ZSTD_parameters const params,
unsigned overlapRLog);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream_advanced(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize, /* dict can be released after init, a local copy is preserved within zcs */
ZSTD_parameters params,
unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize); /* pledgedSrcSize is optional and can be zero == unknown */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream_usingCDict(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
const ZSTD_CDict* cdict,
ZSTD_frameParameters fparams,
unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize); /* note : zero means empty */
/* ZSDTMT_parameter :
* List of parameters that can be set using ZSTDMT_setMTCtxParameter() */
typedef enum {
ZSTDMT_p_sectionSize, /* size of input "section". Each section is compressed in parallel. 0 means default, which is dynamically determined within compression functions */
ZSTDMT_p_overlapSectionLog /* Log of overlapped section; 0 == no overlap, 6(default) == use 1/8th of window, >=9 == use full window */
} ZSDTMT_parameter;
/* ZSTDMT_setMTCtxParameter() :
* allow setting individual parameters, one at a time, among a list of enums defined in ZSTDMT_parameter.
* The function must be called typically after ZSTD_createCCtx().
* Parameters not explicitly reset by ZSTDMT_init*() remain the same in consecutive compression sessions.
* @return : 0, or an error code (which can be tested using ZSTD_isError()) */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_setMTCtxParameter(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx, ZSDTMT_parameter parameter, unsigned value);
/*! ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic() :
* Combines ZSTDMT_compressStream() with ZSTDMT_flushStream() or ZSTDMT_endStream()
* depending on flush directive.
* @return : minimum amount of data still to be flushed
* 0 if fully flushed
* or an error code */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
ZSTD_outBuffer* output,
ZSTD_inBuffer* input,
ZSTD_EndDirective endOp);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTDMT_COMPRESS_H */

View File

@ -35,16 +35,19 @@
/* **************************************************************
* Compiler specifics
#if defined (__cplusplus) || (defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) /* C99 */)
/* inline is defined */
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__GNUC__)
# define inline __inline
# define inline /* disable inline */
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual Studio */
# define FORCE_INLINE static __forceinline
# pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */
# if defined (__cplusplus) || defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L /* C99 */
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define FORCE_INLINE static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
# else
# define FORCE_INLINE static inline
# endif
# else
# define FORCE_INLINE static
# endif /* __STDC_VERSION__ */
@ -64,6 +67,12 @@
#define HUF_STATIC_ASSERT(c) { enum { HUF_static_assert = 1/(int)(!!(c)) }; } /* use only *after* variable declarations */
/* **************************************************************
* Byte alignment for workSpace management
#define HUF_ALIGN(x, a) HUF_ALIGN_MASK((x), (a) - 1)
#define HUF_ALIGN_MASK(x, mask) (((x) + (mask)) & ~(mask))
/* generic DTableDesc */
@ -84,16 +93,28 @@ static DTableDesc HUF_getDTableDesc(const HUF_DTable* table)
typedef struct { BYTE byte; BYTE nbBits; } HUF_DEltX2; /* single-symbol decoding */
size_t HUF_readDTableX2 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
size_t HUF_readDTableX2_wksp(HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
U32 rankVal[HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX + 1]; /* large enough for values from 0 to 16 */
U32 tableLog = 0;
U32 nbSymbols = 0;
size_t iSize;
void* const dtPtr = DTable + 1;
HUF_DEltX2* const dt = (HUF_DEltX2*)dtPtr;
U32* rankVal;
BYTE* huffWeight;
size_t spaceUsed32 = 0;
rankVal = (U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32;
huffWeight = (BYTE *)((U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32);
spaceUsed32 += HUF_ALIGN(HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1, sizeof(U32)) >> 2;
if ((spaceUsed32 << 2) > wkspSize)
return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
workSpace = (U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32;
wkspSize -= (spaceUsed32 << 2);
HUF_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(DTableDesc) == sizeof(HUF_DTable));
/* memset(huffWeight, 0, sizeof(huffWeight)); */ /* is not necessary, even though some analyzer complain ... */
@ -102,16 +123,16 @@ size_t HUF_readDTableX2 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
/* Table header */
{ DTableDesc dtd = HUF_getDTableDesc(DTable);
if (tableLog > (U32)(dtd.maxTableLog+1)) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge); /* DTable too small, huffman tree cannot fit in */
if (tableLog > (U32)(dtd.maxTableLog+1)) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge); /* DTable too small, Huffman tree cannot fit in */
dtd.tableType = 0;
dtd.tableLog = (BYTE)tableLog;
memcpy(DTable, &dtd, sizeof(dtd));
/* Prepare ranks */
/* Calculate starting value for each rank */
{ U32 n, nextRankStart = 0;
for (n=1; n<tableLog+1; n++) {
U32 current = nextRankStart;
U32 const current = nextRankStart;
nextRankStart += (rankVal[n] << (n-1));
rankVal[n] = current;
} }
@ -121,17 +142,24 @@ size_t HUF_readDTableX2 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
for (n=0; n<nbSymbols; n++) {
U32 const w = huffWeight[n];
U32 const length = (1 << w) >> 1;
U32 i;
U32 u;
D.byte = (BYTE)n; D.nbBits = (BYTE)(tableLog + 1 - w);
for (i = rankVal[w]; i < rankVal[w] + length; i++)
dt[i] = D;
for (u = rankVal[w]; u < rankVal[w] + length; u++)
dt[u] = D;
rankVal[w] += length;
} }
return iSize;
size_t HUF_readDTableX2(HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
return HUF_readDTableX2_wksp(DTable, src, srcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
static BYTE HUF_decodeSymbolX2(BIT_DStream_t* Dstream, const HUF_DEltX2* dt, const U32 dtLog)
@ -152,7 +180,7 @@ static BYTE HUF_decodeSymbolX2(BIT_DStream_t* Dstream, const HUF_DEltX2* dt, con
if (MEM_64bits()) \
HUF_DECODE_SYMBOLX2_0(ptr, DStreamPtr)
static inline size_t HUF_decodeStreamX2(BYTE* p, BIT_DStream_t* const bitDPtr, BYTE* const pEnd, const HUF_DEltX2* const dt, const U32 dtLog)
FORCE_INLINE size_t HUF_decodeStreamX2(BYTE* p, BIT_DStream_t* const bitDPtr, BYTE* const pEnd, const HUF_DEltX2* const dt, const U32 dtLog)
BYTE* const pStart = p;
@ -209,11 +237,13 @@ size_t HUF_decompress1X2_usingDTable(
return HUF_decompress1X2_usingDTable_internal(dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, DTable);
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx (HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) cSrc;
size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX2 (DCtx, cSrc, cSrcSize);
size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX2_wksp(DCtx, cSrc, cSrcSize, workSpace, wkspSize);
if (HUF_isError(hSize)) return hSize;
if (hSize >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
ip += hSize; cSrcSize -= hSize;
@ -221,6 +251,15 @@ size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx (HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, cons
return HUF_decompress1X2_usingDTable_internal (dst, dstSize, ip, cSrcSize, DCtx);
size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx(HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
return HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx_wksp(DCtx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_decompress1X2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
@ -332,11 +371,14 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable(
size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) cSrc;
size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX2 (dctx, cSrc, cSrcSize);
size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX2_wksp (dctx, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, wkspSize);
if (HUF_isError(hSize)) return hSize;
if (hSize >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
ip += hSize; cSrcSize -= hSize;
@ -344,6 +386,13 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, cons
return HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable_internal (dst, dstSize, ip, cSrcSize, dctx);
size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
return HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_decompress4X2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
@ -358,13 +407,15 @@ typedef struct { U16 sequence; BYTE nbBits; BYTE length; } HUF_DEltX4; /* doubl
typedef struct { BYTE symbol; BYTE weight; } sortedSymbol_t;
/* HUF_fillDTableX4Level2() :
* `rankValOrigin` must be a table of at least (HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1) U32 */
static void HUF_fillDTableX4Level2(HUF_DEltX4* DTable, U32 sizeLog, const U32 consumed,
const U32* rankValOrigin, const int minWeight,
const sortedSymbol_t* sortedSymbols, const U32 sortedListSize,
U32 nbBitsBaseline, U16 baseSeq)
HUF_DEltX4 DElt;
U32 rankVal[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1];
/* get pre-calculated rankVal */
memcpy(rankVal, rankValOrigin, sizeof(rankVal));
@ -398,14 +449,15 @@ static void HUF_fillDTableX4Level2(HUF_DEltX4* DTable, U32 sizeLog, const U32 co
} }
typedef U32 rankValCol_t[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1];
typedef rankValCol_t rankVal_t[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX];
static void HUF_fillDTableX4(HUF_DEltX4* DTable, const U32 targetLog,
const sortedSymbol_t* sortedList, const U32 sortedListSize,
const U32* rankStart, rankVal_t rankValOrigin, const U32 maxWeight,
const U32 nbBitsBaseline)
U32 rankVal[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1];
const int scaleLog = nbBitsBaseline - targetLog; /* note : targetLog >= srcLog, hence scaleLog <= 1 */
const U32 minBits = nbBitsBaseline - maxWeight;
U32 s;
@ -442,23 +494,46 @@ static void HUF_fillDTableX4(HUF_DEltX4* DTable, const U32 targetLog,
size_t HUF_readDTableX4 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
size_t HUF_readDTableX4_wksp(HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src,
size_t srcSize, void* workSpace,
size_t wkspSize)
sortedSymbol_t sortedSymbol[HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1];
U32 rankStats[HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX + 1] = { 0 };
U32 rankStart0[HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX + 2] = { 0 };
U32* const rankStart = rankStart0+1;
rankVal_t rankVal;
U32 tableLog, maxW, sizeOfSort, nbSymbols;
DTableDesc dtd = HUF_getDTableDesc(DTable);
U32 const maxTableLog = dtd.maxTableLog;
size_t iSize;
void* dtPtr = DTable+1; /* force compiler to avoid strict-aliasing */
HUF_DEltX4* const dt = (HUF_DEltX4*)dtPtr;
U32 *rankStart;
HUF_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(HUF_DEltX4) == sizeof(HUF_DTable)); /* if compilation fails here, assertion is false */
if (maxTableLog > HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
rankValCol_t* rankVal;
U32* rankStats;
U32* rankStart0;
sortedSymbol_t* sortedSymbol;
BYTE* weightList;
size_t spaceUsed32 = 0;
rankVal = (rankValCol_t *)((U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32);
spaceUsed32 += (sizeof(rankValCol_t) * HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) >> 2;
rankStats = (U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32;
spaceUsed32 += HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 1;
rankStart0 = (U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32;
spaceUsed32 += HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 2;
sortedSymbol = (sortedSymbol_t *)workSpace + (spaceUsed32 * sizeof(U32)) / sizeof(sortedSymbol_t);
spaceUsed32 += HUF_ALIGN(sizeof(sortedSymbol_t) * (HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1), sizeof(U32)) >> 2;
weightList = (BYTE *)((U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32);
spaceUsed32 += HUF_ALIGN(HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1, sizeof(U32)) >> 2;
if ((spaceUsed32 << 2) > wkspSize)
return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
workSpace = (U32 *)workSpace + spaceUsed32;
wkspSize -= (spaceUsed32 << 2);
rankStart = rankStart0 + 1;
memset(rankStats, 0, sizeof(U32) * (2 * HUF_TABLELOG_MAX + 2 + 1));
HUF_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(HUF_DEltX4) == sizeof(HUF_DTable)); /* if compiler fails here, assertion is wrong */
if (maxTableLog > HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge);
/* memset(weightList, 0, sizeof(weightList)); */ /* is not necessary, even though some analyzer complain ... */
iSize = HUF_readStats(weightList, HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1, rankStats, &nbSymbols, &tableLog, src, srcSize);
@ -522,6 +597,12 @@ size_t HUF_readDTableX4 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
return iSize;
size_t HUF_readDTableX4(HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
return HUF_readDTableX4_wksp(DTable, src, srcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
static U32 HUF_decodeSymbolX4(void* op, BIT_DStream_t* DStream, const HUF_DEltX4* dt, const U32 dtLog)
@ -540,7 +621,8 @@ static U32 HUF_decodeLastSymbolX4(void* op, BIT_DStream_t* DStream, const HUF_DE
if (DStream->bitsConsumed < (sizeof(DStream->bitContainer)*8)) {
BIT_skipBits(DStream, dt[val].nbBits);
if (DStream->bitsConsumed > (sizeof(DStream->bitContainer)*8))
DStream->bitsConsumed = (sizeof(DStream->bitContainer)*8); /* ugly hack; works only because it's the last symbol. Note : can't easily extract nbBits from just this symbol */
/* ugly hack; works only because it's the last symbol. Note : can't easily extract nbBits from just this symbol */
DStream->bitsConsumed = (sizeof(DStream->bitContainer)*8);
} }
return 1;
@ -557,7 +639,7 @@ static U32 HUF_decodeLastSymbolX4(void* op, BIT_DStream_t* DStream, const HUF_DE
if (MEM_64bits()) \
ptr += HUF_decodeSymbolX4(ptr, DStreamPtr, dt, dtLog)
static inline size_t HUF_decodeStreamX4(BYTE* p, BIT_DStream_t* bitDPtr, BYTE* const pEnd, const HUF_DEltX4* const dt, const U32 dtLog)
FORCE_INLINE size_t HUF_decodeStreamX4(BYTE* p, BIT_DStream_t* bitDPtr, BYTE* const pEnd, const HUF_DEltX4* const dt, const U32 dtLog)
BYTE* const pStart = p;
@ -621,11 +703,14 @@ size_t HUF_decompress1X4_usingDTable(
return HUF_decompress1X4_usingDTable_internal(dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, DTable);
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx (HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) cSrc;
size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX4 (DCtx, cSrc, cSrcSize);
size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX4_wksp(DCtx, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, wkspSize);
if (HUF_isError(hSize)) return hSize;
if (hSize >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
ip += hSize; cSrcSize -= hSize;
@ -633,6 +718,15 @@ size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx (HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, cons
return HUF_decompress1X4_usingDTable_internal (dst, dstSize, ip, cSrcSize, DCtx);
size_t HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx(HUF_DTable* DCtx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
return HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx_wksp(DCtx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_decompress1X4 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
@ -743,11 +837,14 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X4_usingDTable(
size_t HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) cSrc;
size_t hSize = HUF_readDTableX4 (dctx, cSrc, cSrcSize);
size_t hSize = HUF_readDTableX4_wksp(dctx, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, wkspSize);
if (HUF_isError(hSize)) return hSize;
if (hSize >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
ip += hSize; cSrcSize -= hSize;
@ -755,6 +852,15 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, cons
return HUF_decompress4X4_usingDTable_internal(dst, dstSize, ip, cSrcSize, dctx);
size_t HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
return HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_decompress4X4 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
@ -856,19 +962,32 @@ size_t HUF_decompress4X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const
size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
return HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));
size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst,
size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc,
size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace,
size_t wkspSize)
/* validation checks */
if (dstSize == 0) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
if ((cSrcSize >= dstSize) || (cSrcSize <= 1)) return ERROR(corruption_detected); /* invalid */
{ U32 const algoNb = HUF_selectDecoder(dstSize, cSrcSize);
return algoNb ? HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize) :
HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize) ;
return algoNb ? HUF_decompress4X4_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, workSpace, wkspSize):
HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize, workSpace, wkspSize);
size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize,
void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize)
/* validation checks */
if (dstSize == 0) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
@ -877,7 +996,17 @@ size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const
if (cSrcSize == 1) { memset(dst, *(const BYTE*)cSrc, dstSize); return dstSize; } /* RLE */
{ U32 const algoNb = HUF_selectDecoder(dstSize, cSrcSize);
return algoNb ? HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize) :
HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize) ;
return algoNb ? HUF_decompress1X4_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc,
cSrcSize, workSpace, wkspSize):
HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc,
cSrcSize, workSpace, wkspSize);
size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize,
const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize)
return HUF_decompress1X_DCtx_wksp(dctx, dst, dstSize, cSrc, cSrcSize,
workSpace, sizeof(workSpace));

View File

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* *************************************
* Dependencies
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "error_private.h"
#include "zstd_internal.h" /* MIN, ZSTD_blockHeaderSize, ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX */
#include "zbuff.h"
typedef enum { ZBUFFds_init, ZBUFFds_loadHeader,
ZBUFFds_read, ZBUFFds_load, ZBUFFds_flush } ZBUFF_dStage;
/* *** Resource management *** */
struct ZBUFF_DCtx_s {
ZSTD_DCtx* zd;
ZSTD_frameParams fParams;
ZBUFF_dStage stage;
char* inBuff;
size_t inBuffSize;
size_t inPos;
char* outBuff;
size_t outBuffSize;
size_t outStart;
size_t outEnd;
size_t blockSize;
size_t lhSize;
ZSTD_customMem customMem;
}; /* typedef'd to ZBUFF_DCtx within "zbuff.h" */
ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx(void)
return ZBUFF_createDCtx_advanced(defaultCustomMem);
ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem)
ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd;
if (!customMem.customAlloc && !customMem.customFree)
customMem = defaultCustomMem;
if (!customMem.customAlloc || !customMem.customFree)
return NULL;
zbd = (ZBUFF_DCtx*)customMem.customAlloc(customMem.opaque, sizeof(ZBUFF_DCtx));
if (zbd==NULL) return NULL;
memset(zbd, 0, sizeof(ZBUFF_DCtx));
memcpy(&zbd->customMem, &customMem, sizeof(ZSTD_customMem));
zbd->zd = ZSTD_createDCtx_advanced(customMem);
if (zbd->zd == NULL) { ZBUFF_freeDCtx(zbd); return NULL; }
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_init;
return zbd;
size_t ZBUFF_freeDCtx(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd)
if (zbd==NULL) return 0; /* support free on null */
if (zbd->inBuff) zbd->customMem.customFree(zbd->customMem.opaque, zbd->inBuff);
if (zbd->outBuff) zbd->customMem.customFree(zbd->customMem.opaque, zbd->outBuff);
zbd->customMem.customFree(zbd->customMem.opaque, zbd);
return 0;
/* *** Initialization *** */
size_t ZBUFF_decompressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd, const void* dict, size_t dictSize)
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_loadHeader;
zbd->lhSize = zbd->inPos = zbd->outStart = zbd->outEnd = 0;
return ZSTD_decompressBegin_usingDict(zbd->zd, dict, dictSize);
size_t ZBUFF_decompressInit(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd)
return ZBUFF_decompressInitDictionary(zbd, NULL, 0);
/* internal util function */
MEM_STATIC size_t ZBUFF_limitCopy(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize)
size_t const length = MIN(dstCapacity, srcSize);
memcpy(dst, src, length);
return length;
/* *** Decompression *** */
size_t ZBUFF_decompressContinue(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr)
const char* const istart = (const char*)src;
const char* const iend = istart + *srcSizePtr;
const char* ip = istart;
char* const ostart = (char*)dst;
char* const oend = ostart + *dstCapacityPtr;
char* op = ostart;
U32 someMoreWork = 1;
while (someMoreWork) {
case ZBUFFds_init :
return ERROR(init_missing);
case ZBUFFds_loadHeader :
{ size_t const hSize = ZSTD_getFrameParams(&(zbd->fParams), zbd->headerBuffer, zbd->lhSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) return hSize;
if (hSize != 0) { /* need more input */
size_t const toLoad = hSize - zbd->lhSize; /* if hSize!=0, hSize > zbd->lhSize */
if (toLoad > (size_t)(iend-ip)) { /* not enough input to load full header */
memcpy(zbd->headerBuffer + zbd->lhSize, ip, iend-ip);
zbd->lhSize += iend-ip;
*dstCapacityPtr = 0;
return (hSize - zbd->lhSize) + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize; /* remaining header bytes + next block header */
memcpy(zbd->headerBuffer + zbd->lhSize, ip, toLoad); zbd->lhSize = hSize; ip += toLoad;
} }
/* Consume header */
{ size_t const h1Size = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd); /* == ZSTD_frameHeaderSize_min */
size_t const h1Result = ZSTD_decompressContinue(zbd->zd, NULL, 0, zbd->headerBuffer, h1Size);
if (ZSTD_isError(h1Result)) return h1Result; /* should not happen : already checked */
if (h1Size < zbd->lhSize) { /* long header */
size_t const h2Size = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd);
size_t const h2Result = ZSTD_decompressContinue(zbd->zd, NULL, 0, zbd->headerBuffer+h1Size, h2Size);
if (ZSTD_isError(h2Result)) return h2Result;
} }
zbd->fParams.windowSize = MAX(zbd->fParams.windowSize, 1U << ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_ABSOLUTEMIN);
/* Frame header instruct buffer sizes */
{ size_t const blockSize = MIN(zbd->fParams.windowSize, ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX);
size_t const neededOutSize = zbd->fParams.windowSize + blockSize;
zbd->blockSize = blockSize;
if (zbd->inBuffSize < blockSize) {
zbd->customMem.customFree(zbd->customMem.opaque, zbd->inBuff);
zbd->inBuffSize = blockSize;
zbd->inBuff = (char*)zbd->customMem.customAlloc(zbd->customMem.opaque, blockSize);
if (zbd->inBuff == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
if (zbd->outBuffSize < neededOutSize) {
zbd->customMem.customFree(zbd->customMem.opaque, zbd->outBuff);
zbd->outBuffSize = neededOutSize;
zbd->outBuff = (char*)zbd->customMem.customAlloc(zbd->customMem.opaque, neededOutSize);
if (zbd->outBuff == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
} }
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_read;
/* pass-through */
case ZBUFFds_read:
{ size_t const neededInSize = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd);
if (neededInSize==0) { /* end of frame */
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_init;
someMoreWork = 0;
if ((size_t)(iend-ip) >= neededInSize) { /* decode directly from src */
const int isSkipFrame = ZSTD_isSkipFrame(zbd->zd);
size_t const decodedSize = ZSTD_decompressContinue(zbd->zd,
zbd->outBuff + zbd->outStart, (isSkipFrame ? 0 : zbd->outBuffSize - zbd->outStart),
ip, neededInSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(decodedSize)) return decodedSize;
ip += neededInSize;
if (!decodedSize && !isSkipFrame) break; /* this was just a header */
zbd->outEnd = zbd->outStart + decodedSize;
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_flush;
if (ip==iend) { someMoreWork = 0; break; } /* no more input */
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_load;
/* pass-through */
case ZBUFFds_load:
{ size_t const neededInSize = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd);
size_t const toLoad = neededInSize - zbd->inPos; /* should always be <= remaining space within inBuff */
size_t loadedSize;
if (toLoad > zbd->inBuffSize - zbd->inPos) return ERROR(corruption_detected); /* should never happen */
loadedSize = ZBUFF_limitCopy(zbd->inBuff + zbd->inPos, toLoad, ip, iend-ip);
ip += loadedSize;
zbd->inPos += loadedSize;
if (loadedSize < toLoad) { someMoreWork = 0; break; } /* not enough input, wait for more */
/* decode loaded input */
{ const int isSkipFrame = ZSTD_isSkipFrame(zbd->zd);
size_t const decodedSize = ZSTD_decompressContinue(zbd->zd,
zbd->outBuff + zbd->outStart, zbd->outBuffSize - zbd->outStart,
zbd->inBuff, neededInSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(decodedSize)) return decodedSize;
zbd->inPos = 0; /* input is consumed */
if (!decodedSize && !isSkipFrame) { zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_read; break; } /* this was just a header */
zbd->outEnd = zbd->outStart + decodedSize;
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_flush;
/* pass-through */
} }
case ZBUFFds_flush:
{ size_t const toFlushSize = zbd->outEnd - zbd->outStart;
size_t const flushedSize = ZBUFF_limitCopy(op, oend-op, zbd->outBuff + zbd->outStart, toFlushSize);
op += flushedSize;
zbd->outStart += flushedSize;
if (flushedSize == toFlushSize) { /* flush completed */
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_read;
if (zbd->outStart + zbd->blockSize > zbd->outBuffSize)
zbd->outStart = zbd->outEnd = 0;
/* cannot flush everything */
someMoreWork = 0;
default: return ERROR(GENERIC); /* impossible */
} }
/* result */
*srcSizePtr = ip-istart;
*dstCapacityPtr = op-ostart;
{ size_t nextSrcSizeHint = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd);
if (!nextSrcSizeHint) return (zbd->outEnd != zbd->outStart); /* return 0 only if fully flushed too */
nextSrcSizeHint += ZSTD_blockHeaderSize * (ZSTD_nextInputType(zbd->zd) == ZSTDnit_block);
if (zbd->inPos > nextSrcSizeHint) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* should never happen */
nextSrcSizeHint -= zbd->inPos; /* already loaded*/
return nextSrcSizeHint;
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize(void) { return ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize /* block header size*/ ; }
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize(void) { return ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX; }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -9,35 +9,52 @@
/* ***************************************************************
/* The streaming API defined here will soon be deprecated by the
* new one in 'zstd.h'; consider migrating towards newer streaming
* API. See 'lib/'.
/* The streaming API defined here is deprecated.
* Consider migrating towards ZSTD_compressStream() API in `zstd.h`
* See 'lib/'.
#ifndef ZSTD_BUFFERED_H_23987
#define ZSTD_BUFFERED_H_23987
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#ifndef ZSTD_BUFFERED_H_23987
#define ZSTD_BUFFERED_H_23987
/* *************************************
* Dependencies
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_CStream, ZSTD_DStream, ZSTDLIB_API */
/* ***************************************************************
* Compiler specifics
* Enable exporting of functions when building a Windows DLL */
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT) && (ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT==1)
# define ZSTDLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
/* Deprecation warnings */
/* Should these warnings be a problem,
it is generally possible to disable them,
typically with -Wno-deprecated-declarations for gcc
Otherwise, it's also possible to define ZBUFF_DISABLE_DEPRECATE_WARNINGS */
# define ZBUFF_DEPRECATED(message) ZSTDLIB_API /* disable deprecation warnings */
# define ZSTDLIB_API
# if defined (__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201402) /* C++14 or greater */
# define ZBUFF_DEPRECATED(message) [[deprecated(message)]] ZSTDLIB_API
# elif (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 5)) || defined(__clang__)
# define ZBUFF_DEPRECATED(message) ZSTDLIB_API __attribute__((deprecated(message)))
# elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)
# define ZBUFF_DEPRECATED(message) ZSTDLIB_API __attribute__((deprecated))
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define ZBUFF_DEPRECATED(message) ZSTDLIB_API __declspec(deprecated(message))
# else
# pragma message("WARNING: You need to implement ZBUFF_DEPRECATED for this compiler")
# endif
/* *************************************
@ -49,16 +66,16 @@ extern "C" {
* ZBUFF and ZSTD are 100% interoperable,
* frames created by one can be decoded by the other one */
typedef struct ZBUFF_CCtx_s ZBUFF_CCtx;
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_freeCCtx(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx);
typedef ZSTD_CStream ZBUFF_CCtx;
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_createCStream") ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx(void);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_freeCStream") size_t ZBUFF_freeCCtx(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressInit(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, int compressionLevel);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize, int compressionLevel);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_initCStream") size_t ZBUFF_compressInit(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, int compressionLevel);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_initCStream_usingDict") size_t ZBUFF_compressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize, int compressionLevel);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressContinue(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr, const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressFlush(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressEnd(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_compressStream") size_t ZBUFF_compressContinue(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr, const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_flushStream") size_t ZBUFF_compressFlush(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_endStream") size_t ZBUFF_compressEnd(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr);
* Streaming compression - howto
@ -101,14 +118,14 @@ ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressEnd(ZBUFF_CCtx* cctx, void* dst, size_t* dstCap
* **************************************************/
typedef struct ZBUFF_DCtx_s ZBUFF_DCtx;
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_freeDCtx(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx);
typedef ZSTD_DStream ZBUFF_DCtx;
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_createDStream") ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx(void);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_freeDStream") size_t ZBUFF_freeDCtx(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_decompressInit(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_decompressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_initDStream") size_t ZBUFF_decompressInit(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict") size_t ZBUFF_decompressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_decompressContinue(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx,
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_decompressStream") size_t ZBUFF_decompressContinue(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr);
@ -141,18 +158,22 @@ ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_decompressContinue(ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx,
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
ZSTDLIB_API unsigned ZBUFF_isError(size_t errorCode);
ZSTDLIB_API const char* ZBUFF_getErrorName(size_t errorCode);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_isError") unsigned ZBUFF_isError(size_t errorCode);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_getErrorName") const char* ZBUFF_getErrorName(size_t errorCode);
/** Functions below provide recommended buffer sizes for Compression or Decompression operations.
* These sizes are just hints, they tend to offer better latency */
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCInSize(void);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCOutSize(void);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize(void);
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize(void);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_CStreamInSize") size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCInSize(void);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_CStreamOutSize") size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCOutSize(void);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_DStreamInSize") size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize(void);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_DStreamOutSize") size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize(void);
#endif /* ZSTD_BUFFERED_H_23987 */
#ifndef ZBUFF_STATIC_H_30298098432
#define ZBUFF_STATIC_H_30298098432
/* ====================================================================================
* The definitions in this section are considered experimental.
@ -169,23 +190,23 @@ ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize(void);
/*--- Custom memory allocator ---*/
/*! ZBUFF_createCCtx_advanced() :
* Create a ZBUFF compression context using external alloc and free functions */
ZSTDLIB_API ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_createCStream_advanced") ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem);
/*! ZBUFF_createDCtx_advanced() :
* Create a ZBUFF decompression context using external alloc and free functions */
ZSTDLIB_API ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem);
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_createDStream_advanced") ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem);
/*--- Advanced Streaming Initialization ---*/
ZSTDLIB_API size_t ZBUFF_compressInit_advanced(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
ZBUFF_DEPRECATED("use ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict") size_t ZBUFF_compressInit_advanced(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize,
ZSTD_parameters params, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize);
#endif /* ZBUFF_STATIC_H_30298098432 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTD_BUFFERED_H_23987 */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* Dependencies
#include "error_private.h"
#include "zbuff.h"
* ZBUFF Error Management (deprecated)
/*! ZBUFF_isError() :
* tells if a return value is an error code */
unsigned ZBUFF_isError(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_isError(errorCode); }
/*! ZBUFF_getErrorName() :
* provides error code string from function result (useful for debugging) */
const char* ZBUFF_getErrorName(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_getErrorName(errorCode); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* *************************************
* Dependencies
#include "zbuff.h"
* Streaming compression
* A ZBUFF_CCtx object is required to track streaming operation.
* Use ZBUFF_createCCtx() and ZBUFF_freeCCtx() to create/release resources.
* Use ZBUFF_compressInit() to start a new compression operation.
* ZBUFF_CCtx objects can be reused multiple times.
* Use ZBUFF_compressContinue() repetitively to consume your input.
* *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr can be any size.
* The function will report how many bytes were read or written by modifying *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr.
* Note that it may not consume the entire input, in which case it's up to the caller to call again the function with remaining input.
* The content of dst will be overwritten (up to *dstCapacityPtr) at each function call, so save its content if it matters or change dst .
* @return : a hint to preferred nb of bytes to use as input for next function call (it's only a hint, to improve latency)
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* ZBUFF_compressFlush() can be used to instruct ZBUFF to compress and output whatever remains within its buffer.
* Note that it will not output more than *dstCapacityPtr.
* Therefore, some content might still be left into its internal buffer if dst buffer is too small.
* @return : nb of bytes still present into internal buffer (0 if it's empty)
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* ZBUFF_compressEnd() instructs to finish a frame.
* It will perform a flush and write frame epilogue.
* Similar to ZBUFF_compressFlush(), it may not be able to output the entire internal buffer content if *dstCapacityPtr is too small.
* @return : nb of bytes still present into internal buffer (0 if it's empty)
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* Hint : recommended buffer sizes (not compulsory)
* input : ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX (128 KB), internal unit size, it improves latency to use this value.
* output : ZSTD_compressBound(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) + ZSTD_blockHeaderSize + ZBUFF_endFrameSize : ensures it's always possible to write/flush/end a full block at best speed.
* ***********************************************************/
ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx(void)
return ZSTD_createCStream();
ZBUFF_CCtx* ZBUFF_createCCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem)
return ZSTD_createCStream_advanced(customMem);
size_t ZBUFF_freeCCtx(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc)
return ZSTD_freeCStream(zbc);
/* ====== Initialization ====== */
size_t ZBUFF_compressInit_advanced(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
const void* dict, size_t dictSize,
ZSTD_parameters params, unsigned long long pledgedSrcSize)
return ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(zbc, dict, dictSize, params, pledgedSrcSize);
size_t ZBUFF_compressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, const void* dict, size_t dictSize, int compressionLevel)
return ZSTD_initCStream_usingDict(zbc, dict, dictSize, compressionLevel);
size_t ZBUFF_compressInit(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, int compressionLevel)
return ZSTD_initCStream(zbc, compressionLevel);
/* ====== Compression ====== */
size_t ZBUFF_compressContinue(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr)
size_t result;
ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff;
ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff;
outBuff.dst = dst;
outBuff.pos = 0;
outBuff.size = *dstCapacityPtr;
inBuff.src = src;
inBuff.pos = 0;
inBuff.size = *srcSizePtr;
result = ZSTD_compressStream(zbc, &outBuff, &inBuff);
*dstCapacityPtr = outBuff.pos;
*srcSizePtr = inBuff.pos;
return result;
/* ====== Finalize ====== */
size_t ZBUFF_compressFlush(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr)
size_t result;
ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff;
outBuff.dst = dst;
outBuff.pos = 0;
outBuff.size = *dstCapacityPtr;
result = ZSTD_flushStream(zbc, &outBuff);
*dstCapacityPtr = outBuff.pos;
return result;
size_t ZBUFF_compressEnd(ZBUFF_CCtx* zbc, void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr)
size_t result;
ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff;
outBuff.dst = dst;
outBuff.pos = 0;
outBuff.size = *dstCapacityPtr;
result = ZSTD_endStream(zbc, &outBuff);
*dstCapacityPtr = outBuff.pos;
return result;
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCInSize(void) { return ZSTD_CStreamInSize(); }
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedCOutSize(void) { return ZSTD_CStreamOutSize(); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/* *************************************
* Dependencies
#include "zbuff.h"
ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx(void)
return ZSTD_createDStream();
ZBUFF_DCtx* ZBUFF_createDCtx_advanced(ZSTD_customMem customMem)
return ZSTD_createDStream_advanced(customMem);
size_t ZBUFF_freeDCtx(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd)
return ZSTD_freeDStream(zbd);
/* *** Initialization *** */
size_t ZBUFF_decompressInitDictionary(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd, const void* dict, size_t dictSize)
return ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(zbd, dict, dictSize);
size_t ZBUFF_decompressInit(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd)
return ZSTD_initDStream(zbd);
/* *** Decompression *** */
size_t ZBUFF_decompressContinue(ZBUFF_DCtx* zbd,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr)
ZSTD_outBuffer outBuff;
ZSTD_inBuffer inBuff;
size_t result;
outBuff.dst = dst;
outBuff.pos = 0;
outBuff.size = *dstCapacityPtr;
inBuff.src = src;
inBuff.pos = 0;
inBuff.size = *srcSizePtr;
result = ZSTD_decompressStream(zbd, &outBuff, &inBuff);
*dstCapacityPtr = outBuff.pos;
*srcSizePtr = inBuff.pos;
return result;
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize(void) { return ZSTD_DStreamInSize(); }
size_t ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize(void) { return ZSTD_DStreamOutSize(); }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
* Tuning parameters
#define MINRATIO 4 /* minimum nb of apparition to be selected in dictionary */
#define ZDICT_MAX_SAMPLES_SIZE (2000U << 20)
@ -36,12 +37,11 @@
#include <time.h> /* clock */
#include "mem.h" /* read */
#include "error_private.h"
#include "fse.h" /* FSE_normalizeCount, FSE_writeNCount */
#include "huf.h"
#include "huf.h" /* HUF_buildCTable, HUF_writeCTable */
#include "zstd_internal.h" /* includes zstd.h */
#include "xxhash.h"
#include "xxhash.h" /* XXH64 */
#include "divsufsort.h"
@ -60,11 +60,8 @@
#define NOISELENGTH 32
#define MINRATIO 4
static const int g_compressionLevel_default = 5;
static const int g_compressionLevel_default = 6;
static const U32 g_selectivity_default = 9;
static const size_t g_provision_entropySize = 200;
static const size_t g_min_fast_dictContent = 192;
@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ const char* ZDICT_getErrorName(size_t errorCode) { return ERR_getErrorName(error
unsigned ZDICT_getDictID(const void* dictBuffer, size_t dictSize)
if (dictSize < 8) return 0;
if (MEM_readLE32(dictBuffer) != ZSTD_DICT_MAGIC) return 0;
if (MEM_readLE32(dictBuffer) != ZSTD_MAGIC_DICTIONARY) return 0;
return MEM_readLE32((const char*)dictBuffer + 4);
@ -307,13 +304,13 @@ static dictItem ZDICT_analyzePos(
} while (length >=MINMATCHLENGTH);
/* look backward */
while ((length >= MINMATCHLENGTH) & (start > 0)) {
length = ZDICT_count(b + pos, b + suffix[start - 1]);
if (length >= LLIMIT) length = LLIMIT - 1;
if (length >= MINMATCHLENGTH) start--;
while ((length >= MINMATCHLENGTH) & (start > 0)) {
length = ZDICT_count(b + pos, b + suffix[start - 1]);
if (length >= LLIMIT) length = LLIMIT - 1;
if (length >= MINMATCHLENGTH) start--;
/* largest useful length */
memset(cumulLength, 0, sizeof(cumulLength));
@ -364,28 +361,43 @@ static dictItem ZDICT_analyzePos(
static int isIncluded(const void* in, const void* container, size_t length)
const char* const ip = (const char*) in;
const char* const into = (const char*) container;
size_t u;
for (u=0; u<length; u++) { /* works because end of buffer is a noisy guard band */
if (ip[u] != into[u]) break;
return u==length;
/*! ZDICT_checkMerge
check if dictItem can be merged, do it if possible
@return : id of destination elt, 0 if not merged
static U32 ZDICT_checkMerge(dictItem* table, dictItem elt, U32 eltNbToSkip)
static U32 ZDICT_tryMerge(dictItem* table, dictItem elt, U32 eltNbToSkip, const void* buffer)
const U32 tableSize = table->pos;
const U32 max = elt.pos + (elt.length-1);
const U32 eltEnd = elt.pos + elt.length;
const char* const buf = (const char*) buffer;
/* tail overlap */
U32 u; for (u=1; u<tableSize; u++) {
if (u==eltNbToSkip) continue;
if ((table[u].pos > elt.pos) && (table[u].pos < max)) { /* overlap */
if ((table[u].pos > elt.pos) && (table[u].pos <= eltEnd)) { /* overlap, existing > new */
/* append */
U32 addedLength = table[u].pos - elt.pos;
U32 const addedLength = table[u].pos - elt.pos;
table[u].length += addedLength;
table[u].pos = elt.pos;
table[u].savings += elt.savings * addedLength / elt.length; /* rough approx */
table[u].savings += elt.length / 8; /* rough approx */
table[u].savings += elt.length / 8; /* rough approx bonus */
elt = table[u];
/* sort : improve rank */
while ((u>1) && (table[u-1].savings < elt.savings))
table[u] = table[u-1], u--;
table[u] = table[u-1], u--;
table[u] = elt;
return u;
} }
@ -393,20 +405,33 @@ static U32 ZDICT_checkMerge(dictItem* table, dictItem elt, U32 eltNbToSkip)
/* front overlap */
for (u=1; u<tableSize; u++) {
if (u==eltNbToSkip) continue;
if ((table[u].pos + table[u].length > elt.pos) && (table[u].pos < elt.pos)) { /* overlap */
if ((table[u].pos + table[u].length >= elt.pos) && (table[u].pos < elt.pos)) { /* overlap, existing < new */
/* append */
int addedLength = (elt.pos + elt.length) - (table[u].pos + table[u].length);
table[u].savings += elt.length / 8; /* rough approx */
if (addedLength > 0) { /* otherwise, already included */
int const addedLength = (int)eltEnd - (table[u].pos + table[u].length);
table[u].savings += elt.length / 8; /* rough approx bonus */
if (addedLength > 0) { /* otherwise, elt fully included into existing */
table[u].length += addedLength;
table[u].savings += elt.savings * addedLength / elt.length; /* rough approx */
/* sort : improve rank */
elt = table[u];
while ((u>1) && (table[u-1].savings < elt.savings))
table[u] = table[u-1], u--;
table[u] = elt;
return u;
} }
if (MEM_read64(buf + table[u].pos) == MEM_read64(buf + elt.pos + 1)) {
if (isIncluded(buf + table[u].pos, buf + elt.pos + 1, table[u].length)) {
size_t const addedLength = MAX( (int)elt.length - (int)table[u].length , 1 );
table[u].pos = elt.pos;
table[u].savings += (U32)(elt.savings * addedLength / elt.length);
table[u].length = MIN(elt.length, table[u].length + 1);
return u;
return 0;
@ -424,14 +449,14 @@ static void ZDICT_removeDictItem(dictItem* table, U32 id)
static void ZDICT_insertDictItem(dictItem* table, U32 maxSize, dictItem elt)
static void ZDICT_insertDictItem(dictItem* table, U32 maxSize, dictItem elt, const void* buffer)
/* merge if possible */
U32 mergeId = ZDICT_checkMerge(table, elt, 0);
U32 mergeId = ZDICT_tryMerge(table, elt, 0, buffer);
if (mergeId) {
U32 newMerge = 1;
while (newMerge) {
newMerge = ZDICT_checkMerge(table, table[mergeId], mergeId);
newMerge = ZDICT_tryMerge(table, table[mergeId], mergeId, buffer);
if (newMerge) ZDICT_removeDictItem(table, mergeId);
mergeId = newMerge;
@ -462,7 +487,7 @@ static U32 ZDICT_dictSize(const dictItem* dictList)
static size_t ZDICT_trainBuffer(dictItem* dictList, U32 dictListSize,
static size_t ZDICT_trainBuffer_legacy(dictItem* dictList, U32 dictListSize,
const void* const buffer, size_t bufferSize, /* buffer must end with noisy guard band */
const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles,
U32 minRatio, U32 notificationLevel)
@ -479,7 +504,7 @@ static size_t ZDICT_trainBuffer(dictItem* dictList, U32 dictListSize,
# define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (notificationLevel>=l) { \
if (ZDICT_clockSpan(displayClock) > refreshRate) \
{ displayClock = clock(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
if (notificationLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } }
if (notificationLevel>=4) fflush(stderr); } }
/* init */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%70s\r", ""); /* clean display line */
@ -520,7 +545,7 @@ static size_t ZDICT_trainBuffer(dictItem* dictList, U32 dictListSize,
if (doneMarks[cursor]) { cursor++; continue; }
solution = ZDICT_analyzePos(doneMarks, suffix, reverseSuffix[cursor], buffer, minRatio, notificationLevel);
if (solution.length==0) { cursor++; continue; }
ZDICT_insertDictItem(dictList, dictListSize, solution);
ZDICT_insertDictItem(dictList, dictListSize, solution, buffer);
cursor += solution.length;
DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\r%4.2f %% \r", (double)cursor / bufferSize * 100);
} }
@ -551,7 +576,7 @@ typedef struct
ZSTD_CCtx* ref;
ZSTD_CCtx* zc;
void* workPlace; /* must be ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX allocated */
void* workPlace; /* must be ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX allocated */
} EStats_ress_t;
#define MAXREPOFFSET 1024
@ -560,15 +585,15 @@ static void ZDICT_countEStats(EStats_ress_t esr, ZSTD_parameters params,
U32* countLit, U32* offsetcodeCount, U32* matchlengthCount, U32* litlengthCount, U32* repOffsets,
const void* src, size_t srcSize, U32 notificationLevel)
size_t const blockSizeMax = MIN (ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX, 1 << params.cParams.windowLog);
size_t const blockSizeMax = MIN (ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX, 1 << params.cParams.windowLog);
size_t cSize;
if (srcSize > blockSizeMax) srcSize = blockSizeMax; /* protection vs large samples */
{ size_t const errorCode = ZSTD_copyCCtx(esr.zc, esr.ref, 0);
if (ZSTD_isError(errorCode)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "warning : ZSTD_copyCCtx failed \n"); return; }
cSize = ZSTD_compressBlock(esr.zc, esr.workPlace, ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX, src, srcSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "warning : could not compress sample size %u \n", (U32)srcSize); return; }
cSize = ZSTD_compressBlock(esr.zc, esr.workPlace, ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX, src, srcSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "warning : could not compress sample size %u \n", (U32)srcSize); return; }
if (cSize) { /* if == 0; block is not compressible */
const seqStore_t* seqStorePtr = ZSTD_getSeqStore(esr.zc);
@ -609,17 +634,6 @@ static void ZDICT_countEStats(EStats_ress_t esr, ZSTD_parameters params,
} } }
static size_t ZDICT_maxSampleSize(const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles)
unsigned u;
size_t max=0;
for (u=0; u<nbFiles; u++)
if (max < fileSizes[u]) max = fileSizes[u];
return max;
static size_t ZDICT_totalSampleSize(const size_t* fileSizes, unsigned nbFiles)
size_t total=0;
@ -675,26 +689,26 @@ static size_t ZDICT_analyzeEntropy(void* dstBuffer, size_t maxDstSize,
/* init */
esr.ref = ZSTD_createCCtx();
esr.zc = ZSTD_createCCtx();
esr.workPlace = malloc(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_ABSOLUTEMAX);
esr.workPlace = malloc(ZSTD_BLOCKSIZE_MAX);
if (!esr.ref || !esr.zc || !esr.workPlace) {
eSize = ERROR(memory_allocation);
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Not enough memory \n");
goto _cleanup;
if (offcodeMax>OFFCODE_MAX) { eSize = ERROR(dictionary_wrong); goto _cleanup; } /* too large dictionary */
for (u=0; u<256; u++) countLit[u]=1; /* any character must be described */
for (u=0; u<=offcodeMax; u++) offcodeCount[u]=1;
for (u=0; u<=MaxML; u++) matchLengthCount[u]=1;
for (u=0; u<=MaxLL; u++) litLengthCount[u]=1;
for (u=0; u<256; u++) countLit[u] = 1; /* any character must be described */
for (u=0; u<=offcodeMax; u++) offcodeCount[u] = 1;
for (u=0; u<=MaxML; u++) matchLengthCount[u] = 1;
for (u=0; u<=MaxLL; u++) litLengthCount[u] = 1;
memset(repOffset, 0, sizeof(repOffset));
repOffset[1] = repOffset[4] = repOffset[8] = 1;
memset(bestRepOffset, 0, sizeof(bestRepOffset));
if (compressionLevel==0) compressionLevel=g_compressionLevel_default;
if (compressionLevel==0) compressionLevel = g_compressionLevel_default;
params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, averageSampleSize, dictBufferSize);
{ size_t const beginResult = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(esr.ref, dictBuffer, dictBufferSize, params, 0);
if (ZSTD_isError(beginResult)) {
if (ZSTD_isError(beginResult)) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "error : ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced() failed : %s \n", ZSTD_getErrorName(beginResult));
DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "error : ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced failed \n");
goto _cleanup;
} }
@ -811,7 +825,6 @@ static size_t ZDICT_analyzeEntropy(void* dstBuffer, size_t maxDstSize,
MEM_writeLE32(dstPtr+4, repStartValue[1]);
MEM_writeLE32(dstPtr+8, repStartValue[2]);
dstPtr += 12;
eSize += 12;
@ -823,26 +836,66 @@ _cleanup:
size_t ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictContentSize, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_params_t params)
size_t ZDICT_finalizeDictionary(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* customDictContent, size_t dictContentSize,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_params_t params)
size_t hSize;
#define HBUFFSIZE 256 /* should prove large enough for all entropy headers */
int const compressionLevel = (params.compressionLevel <= 0) ? g_compressionLevel_default : params.compressionLevel;
U32 const notificationLevel = params.notificationLevel;
/* check conditions */
if (dictBufferCapacity < dictContentSize) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
if (dictContentSize < ZDICT_CONTENTSIZE_MIN) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
if (dictBufferCapacity < ZDICT_DICTSIZE_MIN) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
/* dictionary header */
MEM_writeLE32(dictBuffer, ZSTD_DICT_MAGIC);
{ U64 const randomID = XXH64((char*)dictBuffer + dictBufferCapacity - dictContentSize, dictContentSize, 0);
{ U64 const randomID = XXH64(customDictContent, dictContentSize, 0);
U32 const compliantID = (randomID % ((1U<<31)-32768)) + 32768;
U32 const dictID = params.dictID ? params.dictID : compliantID;
MEM_writeLE32((char*)dictBuffer+4, dictID);
MEM_writeLE32(header+4, dictID);
hSize = 8;
/* entropy tables */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%70s\r", ""); /* clean display line */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "statistics ... \n");
{ size_t const eSize = ZDICT_analyzeEntropy(header+hSize, HBUFFSIZE-hSize,
samplesBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
customDictContent, dictContentSize,
if (ZDICT_isError(eSize)) return eSize;
hSize += eSize;
/* copy elements in final buffer ; note : src and dst buffer can overlap */
if (hSize + dictContentSize > dictBufferCapacity) dictContentSize = dictBufferCapacity - hSize;
{ size_t const dictSize = hSize + dictContentSize;
char* dictEnd = (char*)dictBuffer + dictSize;
memmove(dictEnd - dictContentSize, customDictContent, dictContentSize);
memcpy(dictBuffer, header, hSize);
return dictSize;
size_t ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictContentSize, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_params_t params)
int const compressionLevel = (params.compressionLevel <= 0) ? g_compressionLevel_default : params.compressionLevel;
U32 const notificationLevel = params.notificationLevel;
size_t hSize = 8;
/* calculate entropy tables */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%70s\r", ""); /* clean display line */
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "statistics ... \n");
{ size_t const eSize = ZDICT_analyzeEntropy((char*)dictBuffer+hSize, dictBufferCapacity-hSize,
samplesBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
@ -852,6 +905,13 @@ size_t ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictCo
hSize += eSize;
/* add dictionary header (after entropy tables) */
{ U64 const randomID = XXH64((char*)dictBuffer + dictBufferCapacity - dictContentSize, dictContentSize, 0);
U32 const compliantID = (randomID % ((1U<<31)-32768)) + 32768;
U32 const dictID = params.dictID ? params.dictID : compliantID;
MEM_writeLE32((char*)dictBuffer+4, dictID);
if (hSize + dictContentSize < dictBufferCapacity)
memmove((char*)dictBuffer + hSize, (char*)dictBuffer + dictBufferCapacity - dictContentSize, dictContentSize);
@ -859,14 +919,14 @@ size_t ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictCo
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe() :
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe_legacy() :
* Warning : `samplesBuffer` must be followed by noisy guard band.
* @return : size of dictionary, or an error code which can be tested with ZDICT_isError()
size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe_legacy(
void* dictBuffer, size_t maxDictSize,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_params_t params)
ZDICT_legacy_params_t params)
U32 const dictListSize = MAX(MAX(DICTLISTSIZE_DEFAULT, nbSamples), (U32)(maxDictSize/16));
dictItem* const dictList = (dictItem*)malloc(dictListSize * sizeof(*dictList));
@ -875,33 +935,35 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
size_t const targetDictSize = maxDictSize;
size_t const samplesBuffSize = ZDICT_totalSampleSize(samplesSizes, nbSamples);
size_t dictSize = 0;
U32 const notificationLevel = params.notificationLevel;
U32 const notificationLevel = params.zParams.notificationLevel;
/* checks */
if (!dictList) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
if (maxDictSize <= g_provision_entropySize + g_min_fast_dictContent) { free(dictList); return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall); }
if (samplesBuffSize < ZDICT_MIN_SAMPLES_SIZE) { free(dictList); return 0; } /* not enough source to create dictionary */
if (maxDictSize < ZDICT_DICTSIZE_MIN) { free(dictList); return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall); } /* requested dictionary size is too small */
if (samplesBuffSize < ZDICT_MIN_SAMPLES_SIZE) { free(dictList); return ERROR(dictionaryCreation_failed); } /* not enough source to create dictionary */
/* init */
/* build dictionary */
ZDICT_trainBuffer(dictList, dictListSize,
samplesBuffer, samplesBuffSize,
samplesSizes, nbSamples,
minRep, notificationLevel);
ZDICT_trainBuffer_legacy(dictList, dictListSize,
samplesBuffer, samplesBuffSize,
samplesSizes, nbSamples,
minRep, notificationLevel);
/* display best matches */
if (params.notificationLevel>= 3) {
if (params.zParams.notificationLevel>= 3) {
U32 const nb = MIN(25, dictList[0].pos);
U32 const dictContentSize = ZDICT_dictSize(dictList);
U32 u;
DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\n %u segments found, of total size %u \n", dictList[0].pos, dictContentSize);
DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "list %u best segments \n", nb);
for (u=1; u<=nb; u++) {
U32 pos = dictList[u].pos;
U32 length = dictList[u].length;
U32 printedLength = MIN(40, length);
DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "\n %u segments found, of total size %u \n", dictList[0].pos-1, dictContentSize);
DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "list %u best segments \n", nb-1);
for (u=1; u<nb; u++) {
U32 const pos = dictList[u].pos;
U32 const length = dictList[u].length;
U32 const printedLength = MIN(40, length);
if ((pos > samplesBuffSize) || ((pos + length) > samplesBuffSize))
return ERROR(GENERIC); /* should never happen */
DISPLAYLEVEL(3, "%3u:%3u bytes at pos %8u, savings %7u bytes |",
u, length, pos, dictList[u].savings);
ZDICT_printHex((const char*)samplesBuffer+pos, printedLength);
@ -911,14 +973,15 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
/* create dictionary */
{ U32 dictContentSize = ZDICT_dictSize(dictList);
if (dictContentSize < targetDictSize/3) {
if (dictContentSize < ZDICT_CONTENTSIZE_MIN) { free(dictList); return ERROR(dictionaryCreation_failed); } /* dictionary content too small */
if (dictContentSize < targetDictSize/4) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! warning : selected content significantly smaller than requested (%u < %u) \n", dictContentSize, (U32)maxDictSize);
if (samplesBuffSize < 10 * targetDictSize)
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! consider increasing the number of samples (total size : %u MB)\n", (U32)(samplesBuffSize>>20));
if (minRep > MINRATIO) {
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! consider increasing selectivity to produce larger dictionary (-s%u) \n", selectivity+1);
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! note : larger dictionaries are not necessarily better, test its efficiency on samples \n");
if (samplesBuffSize < 10 * targetDictSize)
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! consider increasing the number of samples (total size : %u MB)\n", (U32)(samplesBuffSize>>20));
if ((dictContentSize > targetDictSize*3) && (nbSamples > 2*MINRATIO) && (selectivity>1)) {
@ -926,7 +989,7 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
while ((nbSamples >> proposedSelectivity) <= MINRATIO) { proposedSelectivity--; }
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! note : calculated dictionary significantly larger than requested (%u > %u) \n", dictContentSize, (U32)maxDictSize);
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! consider increasing dictionary size, or produce denser dictionary (-s%u) \n", proposedSelectivity);
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! always test dictionary efficiency on samples \n");
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "! always test dictionary efficiency on real samples \n");
/* limit dictionary size */
@ -952,7 +1015,7 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
dictSize = ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer_advanced(dictBuffer, dictContentSize, maxDictSize,
samplesBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
/* clean up */
@ -963,9 +1026,9 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
/* issue : samplesBuffer need to be followed by a noisy guard band.
* work around : duplicate the buffer, and add the noise */
size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_params_t params)
size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_legacy(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_legacy_params_t params)
size_t result;
void* newBuff;
@ -978,10 +1041,9 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacit
memcpy(newBuff, samplesBuffer, sBuffSize);
ZDICT_fillNoise((char*)newBuff + sBuffSize, NOISELENGTH); /* guard band, for end of buffer condition */
result = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe(
dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
newBuff, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
result =
ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_unsafe_legacy(dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity, newBuff,
samplesSizes, nbSamples, params);
return result;
@ -990,11 +1052,13 @@ size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacit
size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples)
ZDICT_params_t params;
ZDICT_cover_params_t params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
return ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
samplesBuffer, samplesSizes, nbSamples,
params.d = 8;
params.steps = 4;
return ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover(dictBuffer, dictBufferCapacity,
samplesBuffer, samplesSizes,
nbSamples, &params);
size_t ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictContentSize, size_t dictBufferCapacity,

View File

@ -19,30 +19,37 @@ extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/*====== Export for Windows ======*/
* Enable exporting of functions when building a Windows DLL
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT) && (ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT==1)
# define ZDICTLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
/* ===== ZDICTLIB_API : control library symbols visibility ===== */
# if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
# define ZDICTLIB_VISIBILITY __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# else
# endif
#if defined(ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT) && (ZSTD_DLL_EXPORT==1)
# define ZDICTLIB_API __declspec(dllexport) ZDICTLIB_VISIBILITY
#elif defined(ZSTD_DLL_IMPORT) && (ZSTD_DLL_IMPORT==1)
# define ZDICTLIB_API __declspec(dllimport) ZDICTLIB_VISIBILITY /* It isn't required but allows to generate better code, saving a function pointer load from the IAT and an indirect jump.*/
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer() :
Train a dictionary from an array of samples.
Samples must be stored concatenated in a single flat buffer `samplesBuffer`,
supplied with an array of sizes `samplesSizes`, providing the size of each sample, in order.
The resulting dictionary will be saved into `dictBuffer`.
@return : size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`)
or an error code, which can be tested with ZDICT_isError().
Tips : In general, a reasonable dictionary has a size of ~ 100 KB.
It's obviously possible to target smaller or larger ones, just by specifying different `dictBufferCapacity`.
In general, it's recommended to provide a few thousands samples, but this can vary a lot.
It's recommended that total size of all samples be about ~x100 times the target size of dictionary.
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer():
* Train a dictionary from an array of samples.
* Uses ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover() single-threaded, with d=8 and steps=4.
* Samples must be stored concatenated in a single flat buffer `samplesBuffer`,
* supplied with an array of sizes `samplesSizes`, providing the size of each sample, in order.
* The resulting dictionary will be saved into `dictBuffer`.
* @return: size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`)
* or an error code, which can be tested with ZDICT_isError().
* Note: ZDICT_trainFromBuffer() requires about 9 bytes of memory for each input byte.
* Tips: In general, a reasonable dictionary has a size of ~ 100 KB.
* It's obviously possible to target smaller or larger ones, just by specifying different `dictBufferCapacity`.
* In general, it's recommended to provide a few thousands samples, but this can vary a lot.
* It's recommended that total size of all samples be about ~x100 times the target size of dictionary.
ZDICTLIB_API size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples);
@ -64,42 +71,134 @@ ZDICTLIB_API const char* ZDICT_getErrorName(size_t errorCode);
* ==================================================================================== */
typedef struct {
unsigned selectivityLevel; /* 0 means default; larger => select more => larger dictionary */
int compressionLevel; /* 0 means default; target a specific zstd compression level */
unsigned notificationLevel; /* Write to stderr; 0 = none (default); 1 = errors; 2 = progression; 3 = details; 4 = debug; */
unsigned dictID; /* 0 means auto mode (32-bits random value); other : force dictID value */
unsigned reserved[2]; /* reserved space for future parameters */
} ZDICT_params_t;
/*! ZDICT_cover_params_t:
* For all values 0 means default.
* k and d are the only required parameters.
typedef struct {
unsigned k; /* Segment size : constraint: 0 < k : Reasonable range [16, 2048+] */
unsigned d; /* dmer size : constraint: 0 < d <= k : Reasonable range [6, 16] */
unsigned steps; /* Number of steps : Only used for optimization : 0 means default (32) : Higher means more parameters checked */
unsigned nbThreads; /* Number of threads : constraint: 0 < nbThreads : 1 means single-threaded : Only used for optimization : Ignored if ZSTD_MULTITHREAD is not defined */
ZDICT_params_t zParams;
} ZDICT_cover_params_t;
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced() :
Same as ZDICT_trainFromBuffer() with control over more parameters.
`parameters` is optional and can be provided with values set to 0 to mean "default".
@return : size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferSize`),
or an error code, which can be tested by ZDICT_isError().
note : ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced() will send notifications into stderr if instructed to, using notificationLevel>0.
size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_cover():
* Train a dictionary from an array of samples using the COVER algorithm.
* Samples must be stored concatenated in a single flat buffer `samplesBuffer`,
* supplied with an array of sizes `samplesSizes`, providing the size of each sample, in order.
* The resulting dictionary will be saved into `dictBuffer`.
* @return: size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`)
* or an error code, which can be tested with ZDICT_isError().
* Note: ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_cover() requires about 9 bytes of memory for each input byte.
* Tips: In general, a reasonable dictionary has a size of ~ 100 KB.
* It's obviously possible to target smaller or larger ones, just by specifying different `dictBufferCapacity`.
* In general, it's recommended to provide a few thousands samples, but this can vary a lot.
* It's recommended that total size of all samples be about ~x100 times the target size of dictionary.
ZDICTLIB_API size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_cover(
void *dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity, const void *samplesBuffer,
const size_t *samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_cover_params_t parameters);
/*! ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover():
* The same requirements as above hold for all the parameters except `parameters`.
* This function tries many parameter combinations and picks the best parameters.
* `*parameters` is filled with the best parameters found, and the dictionary
* constructed with those parameters is stored in `dictBuffer`.
* All of the parameters d, k, steps are optional.
* If d is non-zero then we don't check multiple values of d, otherwise we check d = {6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}.
* if steps is zero it defaults to its default value.
* If k is non-zero then we don't check multiple values of k, otherwise we check steps values in [16, 2048].
* @return: size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`)
* or an error code, which can be tested with ZDICT_isError().
* On success `*parameters` contains the parameters selected.
* Note: ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover() requires about 8 bytes of memory for each input byte and additionally another 5 bytes of memory for each byte of memory for each thread.
ZDICTLIB_API size_t ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_cover(
void *dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity, const void *samplesBuffer,
const size_t *samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_cover_params_t *parameters);
/*! ZDICT_finalizeDictionary():
* Given a custom content as a basis for dictionary, and a set of samples,
* finalize dictionary by adding headers and statistics.
* Samples must be stored concatenated in a flat buffer `samplesBuffer`,
* supplied with an array of sizes `samplesSizes`, providing the size of each sample in order.
* dictContentSize must be >= ZDICT_CONTENTSIZE_MIN bytes.
* maxDictSize must be >= dictContentSize, and must be >= ZDICT_DICTSIZE_MIN bytes.
* @return: size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`),
* or an error code, which can be tested by ZDICT_isError().
* Note: ZDICT_finalizeDictionary() will push notifications into stderr if instructed to, using notificationLevel>0.
* Note 2: dictBuffer and dictContent can overlap
ZDICTLIB_API size_t ZDICT_finalizeDictionary(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* dictContent, size_t dictContentSize,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples,
ZDICT_params_t parameters);
typedef struct {
unsigned selectivityLevel; /* 0 means default; larger => select more => larger dictionary */
ZDICT_params_t zParams;
} ZDICT_legacy_params_t;
/*! ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer() :
/*! ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_legacy():
* Train a dictionary from an array of samples.
* Samples must be stored concatenated in a single flat buffer `samplesBuffer`,
* supplied with an array of sizes `samplesSizes`, providing the size of each sample, in order.
* The resulting dictionary will be saved into `dictBuffer`.
* `parameters` is optional and can be provided with values set to 0 to mean "default".
* @return: size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`)
* or an error code, which can be tested with ZDICT_isError().
* Tips: In general, a reasonable dictionary has a size of ~ 100 KB.
* It's obviously possible to target smaller or larger ones, just by specifying different `dictBufferCapacity`.
* In general, it's recommended to provide a few thousands samples, but this can vary a lot.
* It's recommended that total size of all samples be about ~x100 times the target size of dictionary.
* Note: ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_legacy() will send notifications into stderr if instructed to, using notificationLevel>0.
ZDICTLIB_API size_t ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_legacy(
void *dictBuffer, size_t dictBufferCapacity, const void *samplesBuffer,
const size_t *samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples, ZDICT_legacy_params_t parameters);
Given a content-only dictionary (built using any 3rd party algorithm),
add entropy tables computed from an array of samples.
Samples must be stored concatenated in a flat buffer `samplesBuffer`,
supplied with an array of sizes `samplesSizes`, providing the size of each sample in order.
/* Deprecation warnings */
/* It is generally possible to disable deprecation warnings from compiler,
for example with -Wno-deprecated-declarations for gcc
Otherwise, it's also possible to manually define ZDICT_DISABLE_DEPRECATE_WARNINGS */
# define ZDICT_DEPRECATED(message) ZDICTLIB_API /* disable deprecation warnings */
# define ZDICT_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
# if defined (__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201402) /* C++14 or greater */
# define ZDICT_DEPRECATED(message) [[deprecated(message)]] ZDICTLIB_API
# elif (ZDICT_GCC_VERSION >= 405) || defined(__clang__)
# define ZDICT_DEPRECATED(message) ZDICTLIB_API __attribute__((deprecated(message)))
# elif (ZDICT_GCC_VERSION >= 301)
# define ZDICT_DEPRECATED(message) ZDICTLIB_API __attribute__((deprecated))
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define ZDICT_DEPRECATED(message) ZDICTLIB_API __declspec(deprecated(message))
# else
# pragma message("WARNING: You need to implement ZDICT_DEPRECATED for this compiler")
# endif
The input dictionary content must be stored *at the end* of `dictBuffer`.
Its size is `dictContentSize`.
The resulting dictionary with added entropy tables will be *written back to `dictBuffer`*,
starting from its beginning.
@return : size of dictionary stored into `dictBuffer` (<= `dictBufferCapacity`).
ZDICT_DEPRECATED("use ZDICT_finalizeDictionary() instead")
size_t ZDICT_addEntropyTablesFromBuffer(void* dictBuffer, size_t dictContentSize, size_t dictBufferCapacity,
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples);
const void* samplesBuffer, const size_t* samplesSizes, unsigned nbSamples);

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
/// Milovidov: we had only used version 6 in ClickHouse.
@ -22,8 +20,33 @@ extern "C" {
#include "mem.h" /* MEM_STATIC */
#include "error_private.h" /* ERROR */
#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_inBuffer, ZSTD_outBuffer */
#include "zstd_v06.h"
# include "zstd_v01.h"
# include "zstd_v02.h"
# include "zstd_v03.h"
# include "zstd_v04.h"
# include "zstd_v05.h"
# include "zstd_v06.h"
# include "zstd_v07.h"
/** ZSTD_isLegacy() :
@return : > 0 if supported by legacy decoder. 0 otherwise.
@ -36,7 +59,27 @@ MEM_STATIC unsigned ZSTD_isLegacy(const void* src, size_t srcSize)
magicNumberLE = MEM_readLE32(src);
case ZSTDv01_magicNumberLE:return 1;
case ZSTDv02_magicNumber : return 2;
case ZSTDv03_magicNumber : return 3;
case ZSTDv04_magicNumber : return 4;
case ZSTDv05_MAGICNUMBER : return 5;
case ZSTDv06_MAGICNUMBER : return 6;
case ZSTDv07_MAGICNUMBER : return 7;
default : return 0;
@ -45,12 +88,31 @@ MEM_STATIC unsigned ZSTD_isLegacy(const void* src, size_t srcSize)
MEM_STATIC unsigned long long ZSTD_getDecompressedSize_legacy(const void* src, size_t srcSize)
U32 const version = ZSTD_isLegacy(src, srcSize);
if (version < 5) return 0; /* no decompressed size in frame header, or not a legacy format */
if (version==5) {
ZSTDv05_parameters fParams;
size_t const frResult = ZSTDv05_getFrameParams(&fParams, src, srcSize);
if (frResult != 0) return 0;
return fParams.srcSize;
if (version==6) {
ZSTDv06_frameParams fParams;
size_t const frResult = ZSTDv06_getFrameParams(&fParams, src, srcSize);
if (frResult != 0) return 0;
return fParams.frameContentSize;
if (version==7) {
ZSTDv07_frameParams fParams;
size_t const frResult = ZSTDv07_getFrameParams(&fParams, src, srcSize);
if (frResult != 0) return 0;
return fParams.frameContentSize;
return 0; /* should not be possible */
@ -63,6 +125,33 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_decompressLegacy(
U32 const version = ZSTD_isLegacy(src, compressedSize);
case 1 :
return ZSTDv01_decompress(dst, dstCapacity, src, compressedSize);
case 2 :
return ZSTDv02_decompress(dst, dstCapacity, src, compressedSize);
case 3 :
return ZSTDv03_decompress(dst, dstCapacity, src, compressedSize);
case 4 :
return ZSTDv04_decompress(dst, dstCapacity, src, compressedSize);
case 5 :
{ size_t result;
ZSTDv05_DCtx* const zd = ZSTDv05_createDCtx();
if (zd==NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
result = ZSTDv05_decompress_usingDict(zd, dst, dstCapacity, src, compressedSize, dict, dictSize);
return result;
case 6 :
{ size_t result;
ZSTDv06_DCtx* const zd = ZSTDv06_createDCtx();
@ -71,19 +160,82 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_decompressLegacy(
return result;
case 7 :
{ size_t result;
ZSTDv07_DCtx* const zd = ZSTDv07_createDCtx();
if (zd==NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
result = ZSTDv07_decompress_usingDict(zd, dst, dstCapacity, src, compressedSize, dict, dictSize);
return result;
default :
return ERROR(prefix_unknown);
MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_findFrameCompressedSizeLegacy(const void *src,
size_t compressedSize)
U32 const version = ZSTD_isLegacy(src, compressedSize);
case 1 :
return ZSTDv01_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
case 2 :
return ZSTDv02_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
case 3 :
return ZSTDv03_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
case 4 :
return ZSTDv04_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
case 5 :
return ZSTDv05_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
case 6 :
return ZSTDv06_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
case 7 :
return ZSTDv07_findFrameCompressedSize(src, compressedSize);
default :
return ERROR(prefix_unknown);
MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_freeLegacyStreamContext(void* legacyContext, U32 version)
default :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
return ERROR(version_unsupported);
case 4 : return ZBUFFv04_freeDCtx((ZBUFFv04_DCtx*)legacyContext);
case 5 : return ZBUFFv05_freeDCtx((ZBUFFv05_DCtx*)legacyContext);
case 6 : return ZBUFFv06_freeDCtx((ZBUFFv06_DCtx*)legacyContext);
case 7 : return ZBUFFv07_freeDCtx((ZBUFFv07_DCtx*)legacyContext);
@ -95,7 +247,32 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_initLegacyStream(void** legacyContext, U32 prevVersion, U
default :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
return 0;
case 4 :
ZBUFFv04_DCtx* dctx = (prevVersion != newVersion) ? ZBUFFv04_createDCtx() : (ZBUFFv04_DCtx*)*legacyContext;
if (dctx==NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
ZBUFFv04_decompressWithDictionary(dctx, dict, dictSize);
*legacyContext = dctx;
return 0;
case 5 :
ZBUFFv05_DCtx* dctx = (prevVersion != newVersion) ? ZBUFFv05_createDCtx() : (ZBUFFv05_DCtx*)*legacyContext;
if (dctx==NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
ZBUFFv05_decompressInitDictionary(dctx, dict, dictSize);
*legacyContext = dctx;
return 0;
case 6 :
ZBUFFv06_DCtx* dctx = (prevVersion != newVersion) ? ZBUFFv06_createDCtx() : (ZBUFFv06_DCtx*)*legacyContext;
@ -104,6 +281,17 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_initLegacyStream(void** legacyContext, U32 prevVersion, U
*legacyContext = dctx;
return 0;
case 7 :
ZBUFFv07_DCtx* dctx = (prevVersion != newVersion) ? ZBUFFv07_createDCtx() : (ZBUFFv07_DCtx*)*legacyContext;
if (dctx==NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
ZBUFFv07_decompressInitDictionary(dctx, dict, dictSize);
*legacyContext = dctx;
return 0;
@ -115,7 +303,39 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_decompressLegacyStream(void* legacyContext, U32 version,
default :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
return ERROR(version_unsupported);
case 4 :
ZBUFFv04_DCtx* dctx = (ZBUFFv04_DCtx*) legacyContext;
const void* src = (const char*)input->src + input->pos;
size_t readSize = input->size - input->pos;
void* dst = (char*)output->dst + output->pos;
size_t decodedSize = output->size - output->pos;
size_t const hintSize = ZBUFFv04_decompressContinue(dctx, dst, &decodedSize, src, &readSize);
output->pos += decodedSize;
input->pos += readSize;
return hintSize;
case 5 :
ZBUFFv05_DCtx* dctx = (ZBUFFv05_DCtx*) legacyContext;
const void* src = (const char*)input->src + input->pos;
size_t readSize = input->size - input->pos;
void* dst = (char*)output->dst + output->pos;
size_t decodedSize = output->size - output->pos;
size_t const hintSize = ZBUFFv05_decompressContinue(dctx, dst, &decodedSize, src, &readSize);
output->pos += decodedSize;
input->pos += readSize;
return hintSize;
case 6 :
ZBUFFv06_DCtx* dctx = (ZBUFFv06_DCtx*) legacyContext;
@ -128,6 +348,21 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t ZSTD_decompressLegacyStream(void* legacyContext, U32 version,
input->pos += readSize;
return hintSize;
case 7 :
ZBUFFv07_DCtx* dctx = (ZBUFFv07_DCtx*) legacyContext;
const void* src = (const char*)input->src + input->pos;
size_t readSize = input->size - input->pos;
void* dst = (char*)output->dst + output->pos;
size_t decodedSize = output->size - output->pos;
size_t const hintSize = ZBUFFv07_decompressContinue(dctx, dst, &decodedSize, src, &readSize);
output->pos += decodedSize;
input->pos += readSize;
return hintSize;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTD_V01_H_28739879432
#define ZSTD_V01_H_28739879432
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* *************************************
* Includes
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/* *************************************
* Simple one-step function
ZSTDv01_decompress() : decompress ZSTD frames compliant with v0.1.x format
compressedSize : is the exact source size
maxOriginalSize : is the size of the 'dst' buffer, which must be already allocated.
It must be equal or larger than originalSize, otherwise decompression will fail.
return : the number of bytes decompressed into destination buffer (originalSize)
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv01_isError())
size_t ZSTDv01_decompress( void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv01_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame compliant with v0.1.x format
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv01_isError())
size_t ZSTDv01_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv01_isError() : tells if the result of ZSTDv01_decompress() is an error
unsigned ZSTDv01_isError(size_t code);
/* *************************************
* Advanced functions
typedef struct ZSTDv01_Dctx_s ZSTDv01_Dctx;
ZSTDv01_Dctx* ZSTDv01_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZSTDv01_freeDCtx(ZSTDv01_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv01_decompressDCtx(void* ctx,
void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/* *************************************
* Streaming functions
size_t ZSTDv01_resetDCtx(ZSTDv01_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv01_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(ZSTDv01_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv01_decompressContinue(ZSTDv01_Dctx* dctx, void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
Use above functions alternatively.
ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress() tells how much bytes to provide as 'srcSize' to ZSTD_decompressContinue().
ZSTD_decompressContinue() will use previous data blocks to improve compression if they are located prior to current block.
Result is the number of bytes regenerated within 'dst'.
It can be zero, which is not an error; it just means ZSTD_decompressContinue() has decoded some header.
/* *************************************
* Prefix - version detection
#define ZSTDv01_magicNumber 0xFD2FB51E /* Big Endian version */
#define ZSTDv01_magicNumberLE 0x1EB52FFD /* Little Endian version */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTD_V01_H_28739879432 */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTD_V02_H_4174539423
#define ZSTD_V02_H_4174539423
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* *************************************
* Includes
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/* *************************************
* Simple one-step function
ZSTDv02_decompress() : decompress ZSTD frames compliant with v0.2.x format
compressedSize : is the exact source size
maxOriginalSize : is the size of the 'dst' buffer, which must be already allocated.
It must be equal or larger than originalSize, otherwise decompression will fail.
return : the number of bytes decompressed into destination buffer (originalSize)
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv01_isError())
size_t ZSTDv02_decompress( void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv02_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame compliant with v0.2.x format
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv02_isError())
size_t ZSTDv02_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv02_isError() : tells if the result of ZSTDv02_decompress() is an error
unsigned ZSTDv02_isError(size_t code);
/* *************************************
* Advanced functions
typedef struct ZSTDv02_Dctx_s ZSTDv02_Dctx;
ZSTDv02_Dctx* ZSTDv02_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZSTDv02_freeDCtx(ZSTDv02_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv02_decompressDCtx(void* ctx,
void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/* *************************************
* Streaming functions
size_t ZSTDv02_resetDCtx(ZSTDv02_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv02_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(ZSTDv02_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv02_decompressContinue(ZSTDv02_Dctx* dctx, void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
Use above functions alternatively.
ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress() tells how much bytes to provide as 'srcSize' to ZSTD_decompressContinue().
ZSTD_decompressContinue() will use previous data blocks to improve compression if they are located prior to current block.
Result is the number of bytes regenerated within 'dst'.
It can be zero, which is not an error; it just means ZSTD_decompressContinue() has decoded some header.
/* *************************************
* Prefix - version detection
#define ZSTDv02_magicNumber 0xFD2FB522 /* v0.2 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTD_V02_H_4174539423 */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTD_V03_H_298734209782
#define ZSTD_V03_H_298734209782
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* *************************************
* Includes
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/* *************************************
* Simple one-step function
ZSTDv03_decompress() : decompress ZSTD frames compliant with v0.3.x format
compressedSize : is the exact source size
maxOriginalSize : is the size of the 'dst' buffer, which must be already allocated.
It must be equal or larger than originalSize, otherwise decompression will fail.
return : the number of bytes decompressed into destination buffer (originalSize)
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv01_isError())
size_t ZSTDv03_decompress( void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv03_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame compliant with v0.3.x format
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv03_isError())
size_t ZSTDv03_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv03_isError() : tells if the result of ZSTDv03_decompress() is an error
unsigned ZSTDv03_isError(size_t code);
/* *************************************
* Advanced functions
typedef struct ZSTDv03_Dctx_s ZSTDv03_Dctx;
ZSTDv03_Dctx* ZSTDv03_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZSTDv03_freeDCtx(ZSTDv03_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv03_decompressDCtx(void* ctx,
void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/* *************************************
* Streaming functions
size_t ZSTDv03_resetDCtx(ZSTDv03_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv03_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(ZSTDv03_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv03_decompressContinue(ZSTDv03_Dctx* dctx, void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
Use above functions alternatively.
ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress() tells how much bytes to provide as 'srcSize' to ZSTD_decompressContinue().
ZSTD_decompressContinue() will use previous data blocks to improve compression if they are located prior to current block.
Result is the number of bytes regenerated within 'dst'.
It can be zero, which is not an error; it just means ZSTD_decompressContinue() has decoded some header.
/* *************************************
* Prefix - version detection
#define ZSTDv03_magicNumber 0xFD2FB523 /* v0.3 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTD_V03_H_298734209782 */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTD_V04_H_91868324769238
#define ZSTD_V04_H_91868324769238
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* *************************************
* Includes
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/* *************************************
* Simple one-step function
ZSTDv04_decompress() : decompress ZSTD frames compliant with v0.4.x format
compressedSize : is the exact source size
maxOriginalSize : is the size of the 'dst' buffer, which must be already allocated.
It must be equal or larger than originalSize, otherwise decompression will fail.
return : the number of bytes decompressed into destination buffer (originalSize)
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv01_isError())
size_t ZSTDv04_decompress( void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv04_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame compliant with v0.4.x format
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv04_isError())
size_t ZSTDv04_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv04_isError() : tells if the result of ZSTDv04_decompress() is an error
unsigned ZSTDv04_isError(size_t code);
/* *************************************
* Advanced functions
typedef struct ZSTDv04_Dctx_s ZSTDv04_Dctx;
ZSTDv04_Dctx* ZSTDv04_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZSTDv04_freeDCtx(ZSTDv04_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv04_decompressDCtx(ZSTDv04_Dctx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t maxOriginalSize,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/* *************************************
* Direct Streaming
size_t ZSTDv04_resetDCtx(ZSTDv04_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv04_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(ZSTDv04_Dctx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv04_decompressContinue(ZSTDv04_Dctx* dctx, void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
Use above functions alternatively.
ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress() tells how much bytes to provide as 'srcSize' to ZSTD_decompressContinue().
ZSTD_decompressContinue() will use previous data blocks to improve compression if they are located prior to current block.
Result is the number of bytes regenerated within 'dst'.
It can be zero, which is not an error; it just means ZSTD_decompressContinue() has decoded some header.
/* *************************************
* Buffered Streaming
typedef struct ZBUFFv04_DCtx_s ZBUFFv04_DCtx;
ZBUFFv04_DCtx* ZBUFFv04_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZBUFFv04_freeDCtx(ZBUFFv04_DCtx* dctx);
size_t ZBUFFv04_decompressInit(ZBUFFv04_DCtx* dctx);
size_t ZBUFFv04_decompressWithDictionary(ZBUFFv04_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
size_t ZBUFFv04_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv04_DCtx* dctx, void* dst, size_t* maxDstSizePtr, const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr);
/** ************************************************
* Streaming decompression
* A ZBUFF_DCtx object is required to track streaming operation.
* Use ZBUFF_createDCtx() and ZBUFF_freeDCtx() to create/release resources.
* Use ZBUFF_decompressInit() to start a new decompression operation.
* ZBUFF_DCtx objects can be reused multiple times.
* Optionally, a reference to a static dictionary can be set, using ZBUFF_decompressWithDictionary()
* It must be the same content as the one set during compression phase.
* Dictionary content must remain accessible during the decompression process.
* Use ZBUFF_decompressContinue() repetitively to consume your input.
* *srcSizePtr and *maxDstSizePtr can be any size.
* The function will report how many bytes were read or written by modifying *srcSizePtr and *maxDstSizePtr.
* Note that it may not consume the entire input, in which case it's up to the caller to present remaining input again.
* The content of dst will be overwritten (up to *maxDstSizePtr) at each function call, so save its content if it matters or change dst.
* @return : a hint to preferred nb of bytes to use as input for next function call (it's only a hint, to improve latency)
* or 0 when a frame is completely decoded
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFF_isError().
* Hint : recommended buffer sizes (not compulsory) : ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize / ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize
* output : ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize==128 KB block size is the internal unit, it ensures it's always possible to write a full block when it's decoded.
* input : ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize==128Kb+3; just follow indications from ZBUFF_decompressContinue() to minimize latency. It should always be <= 128 KB + 3 .
* **************************************************/
unsigned ZBUFFv04_isError(size_t errorCode);
const char* ZBUFFv04_getErrorName(size_t errorCode);
/** The below functions provide recommended buffer sizes for Compression or Decompression operations.
* These sizes are not compulsory, they just tend to offer better latency */
size_t ZBUFFv04_recommendedDInSize(void);
size_t ZBUFFv04_recommendedDOutSize(void);
/* *************************************
* Prefix - version detection
#define ZSTDv04_magicNumber 0xFD2FB524 /* v0.4 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTD_V04_H_91868324769238 */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTDv05_H
#define ZSTDv05_H
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* Dependencies
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include "mem.h" /* U64, U32 */
/* *************************************
* Simple functions
/*! ZSTDv05_decompress() :
`compressedSize` : is the _exact_ size of the compressed blob, otherwise decompression will fail.
`dstCapacity` must be large enough, equal or larger than originalSize.
@return : the number of bytes decompressed into `dst` (<= `dstCapacity`),
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv05_isError()) */
size_t ZSTDv05_decompress( void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv05_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv05_isError())
size_t ZSTDv05_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/* *************************************
* Helper functions
/* Error Management */
unsigned ZSTDv05_isError(size_t code); /*!< tells if a `size_t` function result is an error code */
const char* ZSTDv05_getErrorName(size_t code); /*!< provides readable string for an error code */
/* *************************************
* Explicit memory management
/** Decompression context */
typedef struct ZSTDv05_DCtx_s ZSTDv05_DCtx;
ZSTDv05_DCtx* ZSTDv05_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZSTDv05_freeDCtx(ZSTDv05_DCtx* dctx); /*!< @return : errorCode */
/** ZSTDv05_decompressDCtx() :
* Same as ZSTDv05_decompress(), but requires an already allocated ZSTDv05_DCtx (see ZSTDv05_createDCtx()) */
size_t ZSTDv05_decompressDCtx(ZSTDv05_DCtx* ctx, void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
* Simple Dictionary API
/*! ZSTDv05_decompress_usingDict() :
* Decompression using a pre-defined Dictionary content (see dictBuilder).
* Dictionary must be identical to the one used during compression, otherwise regenerated data will be corrupted.
* Note : dict can be NULL, in which case, it's equivalent to ZSTDv05_decompressDCtx() */
size_t ZSTDv05_decompress_usingDict(ZSTDv05_DCtx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const void* dict,size_t dictSize);
* Advanced Streaming API
typedef enum { ZSTDv05_fast, ZSTDv05_greedy, ZSTDv05_lazy, ZSTDv05_lazy2, ZSTDv05_btlazy2, ZSTDv05_opt, ZSTDv05_btopt } ZSTDv05_strategy;
typedef struct {
U64 srcSize;
U32 windowLog; /* the only useful information to retrieve */
U32 contentLog; U32 hashLog; U32 searchLog; U32 searchLength; U32 targetLength; ZSTDv05_strategy strategy;
} ZSTDv05_parameters;
size_t ZSTDv05_getFrameParams(ZSTDv05_parameters* params, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
size_t ZSTDv05_decompressBegin_usingDict(ZSTDv05_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
void ZSTDv05_copyDCtx(ZSTDv05_DCtx* dstDCtx, const ZSTDv05_DCtx* srcDCtx);
size_t ZSTDv05_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(ZSTDv05_DCtx* dctx);
size_t ZSTDv05_decompressContinue(ZSTDv05_DCtx* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
typedef struct ZBUFFv05_DCtx_s ZBUFFv05_DCtx;
ZBUFFv05_DCtx* ZBUFFv05_createDCtx(void);
size_t ZBUFFv05_freeDCtx(ZBUFFv05_DCtx* dctx);
size_t ZBUFFv05_decompressInit(ZBUFFv05_DCtx* dctx);
size_t ZBUFFv05_decompressInitDictionary(ZBUFFv05_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
size_t ZBUFFv05_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv05_DCtx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr);
* Streaming decompression
* A ZBUFFv05_DCtx object is required to track streaming operations.
* Use ZBUFFv05_createDCtx() and ZBUFFv05_freeDCtx() to create/release resources.
* Use ZBUFFv05_decompressInit() to start a new decompression operation,
* or ZBUFFv05_decompressInitDictionary() if decompression requires a dictionary.
* Note that ZBUFFv05_DCtx objects can be reused multiple times.
* Use ZBUFFv05_decompressContinue() repetitively to consume your input.
* *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr can be any size.
* The function will report how many bytes were read or written by modifying *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr.
* Note that it may not consume the entire input, in which case it's up to the caller to present remaining input again.
* The content of @dst will be overwritten (up to *dstCapacityPtr) at each function call, so save its content if it matters or change @dst.
* @return : a hint to preferred nb of bytes to use as input for next function call (it's only a hint, to help latency)
* or 0 when a frame is completely decoded
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFFv05_isError().
* Hint : recommended buffer sizes (not compulsory) : ZBUFFv05_recommendedDInSize() / ZBUFFv05_recommendedDOutSize()
* output : ZBUFFv05_recommendedDOutSize==128 KB block size is the internal unit, it ensures it's always possible to write a full block when decoded.
* input : ZBUFFv05_recommendedDInSize==128Kb+3; just follow indications from ZBUFFv05_decompressContinue() to minimize latency. It should always be <= 128 KB + 3 .
* *******************************************************************************/
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
unsigned ZBUFFv05_isError(size_t errorCode);
const char* ZBUFFv05_getErrorName(size_t errorCode);
/** Functions below provide recommended buffer sizes for Compression or Decompression operations.
* These sizes are just hints, and tend to offer better latency */
size_t ZBUFFv05_recommendedDInSize(void);
size_t ZBUFFv05_recommendedDOutSize(void);
* Constants
#define ZSTDv05_MAGICNUMBER 0xFD2FB525 /* v0.5 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTDv0505_H */

View File

@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ static void ZSTDv06_copy8(void* dst, const void* src) { memcpy(dst, src, 8); }
/*! ZSTDv06_wildcopy() :
* custom version of memcpy(), can copy up to 7 bytes too many (8 bytes if length==0) */
MEM_STATIC void ZSTDv06_wildcopy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t length)
MEM_STATIC void ZSTDv06_wildcopy(void* dst, const void* src, ptrdiff_t length)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)src;
BYTE* op = (BYTE*)dst;
@ -910,13 +910,13 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BITv06_initDStream(BITv06_DStream_t* bitD, const void* srcBuff
bitD->bitContainer = *(const BYTE*)(bitD->start);
case 7: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[6]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 16);
case 6: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[5]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 24);
case 5: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[4]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 32);
case 4: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[3]) << 24;
case 3: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[2]) << 16;
case 2: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[1]) << 8;
case 7: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[6]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 16);/* fall-through */
case 6: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[5]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 24);/* fall-through */
case 5: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[4]) << (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 32);/* fall-through */
case 4: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[3]) << 24; /* fall-through */
case 3: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[2]) << 16; /* fall-through */
case 2: bitD->bitContainer += (size_t)(((const BYTE*)(srcBuffer))[1]) << 8; /* fall-through */
default: break;
{ BYTE const lastByte = ((const BYTE*)srcBuffer)[srcSize-1];
if (lastByte == 0) return ERROR(GENERIC); /* endMark not present */
@ -982,8 +982,8 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t BITv06_readBitsFast(BITv06_DStream_t* bitD, U32 nbBits)
if status == unfinished, internal register is filled with >= (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8 - 7) bits */
MEM_STATIC BITv06_DStream_status BITv06_reloadDStream(BITv06_DStream_t* bitD)
if (bitD->bitsConsumed > (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8)) /* should never happen */
return BITv06_DStream_overflow;
if (bitD->bitsConsumed > (sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)*8)) /* should never happen */
return BITv06_DStream_overflow;
if (bitD->ptr >= bitD->start + sizeof(bitD->bitContainer)) {
bitD->ptr -= bitD->bitsConsumed >> 3;
@ -1932,9 +1932,11 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t HUFv06_readStats(BYTE* huffWeight, size_t hwSize, U32* rankSta
U32 weightTotal;
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) src;
size_t iSize = ip[0];
size_t iSize;
size_t oSize;
if (!srcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
iSize = ip[0];
//memset(huffWeight, 0, hwSize); /* is not necessary, even though some analyzer complain ... */
if (iSize >= 128) { /* special header */
@ -1969,6 +1971,7 @@ MEM_STATIC size_t HUFv06_readStats(BYTE* huffWeight, size_t hwSize, U32* rankSta
weightTotal += (1 << huffWeight[n]) >> 1;
} }
if (weightTotal == 0) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
/* get last non-null symbol weight (implied, total must be 2^n) */
{ U32 const tableLog = BITv06_highbit32(weightTotal) + 1;
@ -2890,7 +2893,6 @@ struct ZSTDv06_DCtx_s
ZSTDv06_dStage stage;
U32 flagRepeatTable;
const BYTE* litPtr;
size_t litBufSize;
size_t litSize;
@ -3167,8 +3169,8 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decodeLiteralsBlock(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx,
return ERROR(corruption_detected);
dctx->litPtr = dctx->litBuffer;
dctx->litBufSize = ZSTDv06_BLOCKSIZE_MAX+8;
dctx->litSize = litSize;
memset(dctx->litBuffer + dctx->litSize, 0, WILDCOPY_OVERLENGTH);
return litCSize + lhSize;
case IS_PCH:
@ -3183,13 +3185,14 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decodeLiteralsBlock(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx,
litSize = ((istart[0] & 15) << 6) + (istart[1] >> 2);
litCSize = ((istart[1] & 3) << 8) + istart[2];
if (litCSize + lhSize > srcSize) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
{ size_t const errorCode = HUFv06_decompress1X4_usingDTable(dctx->litBuffer, litSize, istart+lhSize, litCSize, dctx->hufTableX4);
if (HUFv06_isError(errorCode)) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
dctx->litPtr = dctx->litBuffer;
dctx->litSize = litSize;
memset(dctx->litBuffer + dctx->litSize, 0, WILDCOPY_OVERLENGTH);
return litCSize + lhSize;
case IS_RAW:
@ -3213,13 +3216,12 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decodeLiteralsBlock(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx,
if (litSize+lhSize > srcSize) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
memcpy(dctx->litBuffer, istart+lhSize, litSize);
dctx->litPtr = dctx->litBuffer;
dctx->litBufSize = ZSTDv06_BLOCKSIZE_MAX+8;
dctx->litSize = litSize;
memset(dctx->litBuffer + dctx->litSize, 0, WILDCOPY_OVERLENGTH);
return lhSize+litSize;
/* direct reference into compressed stream */
dctx->litPtr = istart+lhSize;
dctx->litBufSize = srcSize-lhSize;
dctx->litSize = litSize;
return lhSize+litSize;
@ -3241,9 +3243,8 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decodeLiteralsBlock(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx,
if (litSize > ZSTDv06_BLOCKSIZE_MAX) return ERROR(corruption_detected);
memset(dctx->litBuffer, istart[lhSize], litSize);
memset(dctx->litBuffer, istart[lhSize], litSize + WILDCOPY_OVERLENGTH);
dctx->litPtr = dctx->litBuffer;
dctx->litSize = litSize;
return lhSize+1;
@ -3302,10 +3303,13 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decodeSeqHeaders(int* nbSeqPtr,
{ int nbSeq = *ip++;
if (!nbSeq) { *nbSeqPtr=0; return 1; }
if (nbSeq > 0x7F) {
if (nbSeq == 0xFF)
if (nbSeq == 0xFF) {
if (ip+2 > iend) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
nbSeq = MEM_readLE16(ip) + LONGNBSEQ, ip+=2;
} else {
if (ip >= iend) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
nbSeq = ((nbSeq-0x80)<<8) + *ip++;
*nbSeqPtr = nbSeq;
@ -3431,7 +3435,7 @@ static void ZSTDv06_decodeSequence(seq_t* seq, seqState_t* seqState)
size_t ZSTDv06_execSequence(BYTE* op,
BYTE* const oend, seq_t sequence,
const BYTE** litPtr, const BYTE* const litLimit_8,
const BYTE** litPtr, const BYTE* const litLimit,
const BYTE* const base, const BYTE* const vBase, const BYTE* const dictEnd)
BYTE* const oLitEnd = op + sequence.litLength;
@ -3444,7 +3448,7 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_execSequence(BYTE* op,
/* check */
if (oLitEnd > oend_8) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall); /* last match must start at a minimum distance of 8 from oend */
if (oMatchEnd > oend) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall); /* overwrite beyond dst buffer */
if (iLitEnd > litLimit_8) return ERROR(corruption_detected); /* over-read beyond lit buffer */
if (iLitEnd > litLimit) return ERROR(corruption_detected); /* over-read beyond lit buffer */
/* copy Literals */
ZSTDv06_wildcopy(op, *litPtr, sequence.litLength); /* note : oLitEnd <= oend-8 : no risk of overwrite beyond oend */
@ -3466,7 +3470,12 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_execSequence(BYTE* op,
op = oLitEnd + length1;
sequence.matchLength -= length1;
match = base;
if (op > oend_8 || sequence.matchLength < MINMATCH) {
while (op < oMatchEnd) *op++ = *match++;
return sequenceLength;
} }
/* Requirement: op <= oend_8 */
/* match within prefix */
if (sequence.offset < 8) {
@ -3494,7 +3503,7 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_execSequence(BYTE* op,
while (op < oMatchEnd) *op++ = *match++;
} else {
ZSTDv06_wildcopy(op, match, sequence.matchLength-8); /* works even if matchLength < 8 */
ZSTDv06_wildcopy(op, match, (ptrdiff_t)sequence.matchLength-8); /* works even if matchLength < 8 */
return sequenceLength;
@ -3511,7 +3520,6 @@ static size_t ZSTDv06_decompressSequences(
BYTE* const oend = ostart + maxDstSize;
BYTE* op = ostart;
const BYTE* litPtr = dctx->litPtr;
const BYTE* const litLimit_8 = litPtr + dctx->litBufSize - 8;
const BYTE* const litEnd = litPtr + dctx->litSize;
FSEv06_DTable* DTableLL = dctx->LLTable;
FSEv06_DTable* DTableML = dctx->MLTable;
@ -3555,7 +3563,7 @@ static size_t ZSTDv06_decompressSequences(
pos, (U32)sequence.litLength, (U32)sequence.matchLength, (U32)sequence.offset);
{ size_t const oneSeqSize = ZSTDv06_execSequence(op, oend, sequence, &litPtr, litLimit_8, base, vBase, dictEnd);
{ size_t const oneSeqSize = ZSTDv06_execSequence(op, oend, sequence, &litPtr, litEnd, base, vBase, dictEnd);
if (ZSTDv06_isError(oneSeqSize)) return oneSeqSize;
op += oneSeqSize;
} }
@ -3721,6 +3729,37 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decompress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t
size_t ZSTDv06_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize)
const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*)src;
size_t remainingSize = srcSize;
blockProperties_t blockProperties = { bt_compressed, 0 };
/* Frame Header */
{ size_t const frameHeaderSize = ZSTDv06_frameHeaderSize(src, ZSTDv06_frameHeaderSize_min);
if (ZSTDv06_isError(frameHeaderSize)) return frameHeaderSize;
if (MEM_readLE32(src) != ZSTDv06_MAGICNUMBER) return ERROR(prefix_unknown);
if (srcSize < frameHeaderSize+ZSTDv06_blockHeaderSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
ip += frameHeaderSize; remainingSize -= frameHeaderSize;
/* Loop on each block */
while (1) {
size_t const cBlockSize = ZSTDv06_getcBlockSize(ip, remainingSize, &blockProperties);
if (ZSTDv06_isError(cBlockSize)) return cBlockSize;
ip += ZSTDv06_blockHeaderSize;
remainingSize -= ZSTDv06_blockHeaderSize;
if (cBlockSize > remainingSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong);
if (cBlockSize == 0) break; /* bt_end */
ip += cBlockSize;
remainingSize -= cBlockSize;
return ip - (const BYTE*)src;
* Streaming Decompression API
@ -3750,7 +3789,7 @@ size_t ZSTDv06_decompressContinue(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstCapac
return 0;
dctx->expected = 0; /* not necessary to copy more */
/* fall-through */
case ZSTDds_decodeFrameHeader:
{ size_t result;
memcpy(dctx->headerBuffer + ZSTDv06_frameHeaderSize_min, src, dctx->expected);
@ -3822,9 +3861,10 @@ static size_t ZSTDv06_loadEntropy(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t d
dictSize -= hSize;
{ short offcodeNCount[MaxOff+1];
U32 offcodeMaxValue=MaxOff, offcodeLog=OffFSELog;
U32 offcodeMaxValue=MaxOff, offcodeLog;
offcodeHeaderSize = FSEv06_readNCount(offcodeNCount, &offcodeMaxValue, &offcodeLog, dict, dictSize);
if (FSEv06_isError(offcodeHeaderSize)) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted);
if (offcodeLog > OffFSELog) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted);
{ size_t const errorCode = FSEv06_buildDTable(dctx->OffTable, offcodeNCount, offcodeMaxValue, offcodeLog);
if (FSEv06_isError(errorCode)) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted); }
dict = (const char*)dict + offcodeHeaderSize;
@ -3832,9 +3872,10 @@ static size_t ZSTDv06_loadEntropy(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t d
{ short matchlengthNCount[MaxML+1];
unsigned matchlengthMaxValue = MaxML, matchlengthLog = MLFSELog;
unsigned matchlengthMaxValue = MaxML, matchlengthLog;
matchlengthHeaderSize = FSEv06_readNCount(matchlengthNCount, &matchlengthMaxValue, &matchlengthLog, dict, dictSize);
if (FSEv06_isError(matchlengthHeaderSize)) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted);
if (matchlengthLog > MLFSELog) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted);
{ size_t const errorCode = FSEv06_buildDTable(dctx->MLTable, matchlengthNCount, matchlengthMaxValue, matchlengthLog);
if (FSEv06_isError(errorCode)) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted); }
dict = (const char*)dict + matchlengthHeaderSize;
@ -3842,9 +3883,10 @@ static size_t ZSTDv06_loadEntropy(ZSTDv06_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t d
{ short litlengthNCount[MaxLL+1];
unsigned litlengthMaxValue = MaxLL, litlengthLog = LLFSELog;
unsigned litlengthMaxValue = MaxLL, litlengthLog;
litlengthHeaderSize = FSEv06_readNCount(litlengthNCount, &litlengthMaxValue, &litlengthLog, dict, dictSize);
if (FSEv06_isError(litlengthHeaderSize)) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted);
if (litlengthLog > LLFSELog) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted);
{ size_t const errorCode = FSEv06_buildDTable(dctx->LLTable, litlengthNCount, litlengthMaxValue, litlengthLog);
if (FSEv06_isError(errorCode)) return ERROR(dictionary_corrupted); }
@ -4066,7 +4108,7 @@ size_t ZBUFFv06_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv06_DCtx* zbd,
zbd->inBuff = (char*)malloc(blockSize);
if (zbd->inBuff == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
{ size_t const neededOutSize = ((size_t)1 << zbd->fParams.windowLog) + blockSize;
{ size_t const neededOutSize = ((size_t)1 << zbd->fParams.windowLog) + blockSize + WILDCOPY_OVERLENGTH * 2;
if (zbd->outBuffSize < neededOutSize) {
zbd->outBuffSize = neededOutSize;
@ -4074,7 +4116,7 @@ size_t ZBUFFv06_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv06_DCtx* zbd,
if (zbd->outBuff == NULL) return ERROR(memory_allocation);
} } }
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_read;
/* fall-through */
case ZBUFFds_read:
{ size_t const neededInSize = ZSTDv06_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd);
if (neededInSize==0) { /* end of frame */
@ -4096,7 +4138,7 @@ size_t ZBUFFv06_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv06_DCtx* zbd,
if (ip==iend) { notDone = 0; break; } /* no more input */
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_load;
/* fall-through */
case ZBUFFds_load:
{ size_t const neededInSize = ZSTDv06_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zbd->zd);
size_t const toLoad = neededInSize - zbd->inPos; /* should always be <= remaining space within inBuff */
@ -4117,8 +4159,9 @@ size_t ZBUFFv06_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv06_DCtx* zbd,
zbd->outEnd = zbd->outStart + decodedSize;
zbd->stage = ZBUFFds_flush;
// break; /* ZBUFFds_flush follows */
} }
/* fall-through */
case ZBUFFds_flush:
{ size_t const toFlushSize = zbd->outEnd - zbd->outStart;
size_t const flushedSize = ZBUFFv06_limitCopy(op, oend-op, zbd->outBuff + zbd->outStart, toFlushSize);

View File

@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ extern "C" {
ZSTDLIBv06_API size_t ZSTDv06_decompress( void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv06_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv06_isError())
size_t ZSTDv06_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/* *************************************
* Helper functions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#ifndef ZSTDv07_H_235446
#define ZSTDv07_H_235446
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/*====== Dependency ======*/
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
/*====== Export for Windows ======*/
* Enable exporting of functions when building a Windows DLL
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(ZSTDv07_DLL_EXPORT) && (ZSTDv07_DLL_EXPORT==1)
# define ZSTDLIBv07_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define ZSTDLIBv07_API
/* *************************************
* Simple API
/*! ZSTDv07_getDecompressedSize() :
* @return : decompressed size if known, 0 otherwise.
note 1 : if `0`, follow up with ZSTDv07_getFrameParams() to know precise failure cause.
note 2 : decompressed size could be wrong or intentionally modified !
always ensure results fit within application's authorized limits */
unsigned long long ZSTDv07_getDecompressedSize(const void* src, size_t srcSize);
/*! ZSTDv07_decompress() :
`compressedSize` : must be _exact_ size of compressed input, otherwise decompression will fail.
`dstCapacity` must be equal or larger than originalSize.
@return : the number of bytes decompressed into `dst` (<= `dstCapacity`),
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv07_isError()) */
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_decompress( void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
ZSTDv07_getFrameSrcSize() : get the source length of a ZSTD frame
compressedSize : The size of the 'src' buffer, at least as large as the frame pointed to by 'src'
return : the number of bytes that would be read to decompress this frame
or an errorCode if it fails (which can be tested using ZSTDv07_isError())
size_t ZSTDv07_findFrameCompressedSize(const void* src, size_t compressedSize);
/*====== Helper functions ======*/
ZSTDLIBv07_API unsigned ZSTDv07_isError(size_t code); /*!< tells if a `size_t` function result is an error code */
ZSTDLIBv07_API const char* ZSTDv07_getErrorName(size_t code); /*!< provides readable string from an error code */
* Explicit memory management
/** Decompression context */
typedef struct ZSTDv07_DCtx_s ZSTDv07_DCtx;
ZSTDLIBv07_API ZSTDv07_DCtx* ZSTDv07_createDCtx(void);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_freeDCtx(ZSTDv07_DCtx* dctx); /*!< @return : errorCode */
/** ZSTDv07_decompressDCtx() :
* Same as ZSTDv07_decompress(), requires an allocated ZSTDv07_DCtx (see ZSTDv07_createDCtx()) */
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_decompressDCtx(ZSTDv07_DCtx* ctx, void* dst, size_t dstCapacity, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
* Simple dictionary API
/*! ZSTDv07_decompress_usingDict() :
* Decompression using a pre-defined Dictionary content (see dictBuilder).
* Dictionary must be identical to the one used during compression.
* Note : This function load the dictionary, resulting in a significant startup time */
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_decompress_usingDict(ZSTDv07_DCtx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const void* dict,size_t dictSize);
* Advanced Dictionary API
/*! ZSTDv07_createDDict() :
* Create a digested dictionary, ready to start decompression operation without startup delay.
* `dict` can be released after creation */
typedef struct ZSTDv07_DDict_s ZSTDv07_DDict;
ZSTDLIBv07_API ZSTDv07_DDict* ZSTDv07_createDDict(const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_freeDDict(ZSTDv07_DDict* ddict);
/*! ZSTDv07_decompress_usingDDict() :
* Decompression using a pre-digested Dictionary
* Faster startup than ZSTDv07_decompress_usingDict(), recommended when same dictionary is used multiple times. */
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_decompress_usingDDict(ZSTDv07_DCtx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
const ZSTDv07_DDict* ddict);
typedef struct {
unsigned long long frameContentSize;
unsigned windowSize;
unsigned dictID;
unsigned checksumFlag;
} ZSTDv07_frameParams;
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZSTDv07_getFrameParams(ZSTDv07_frameParams* fparamsPtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize); /**< doesn't consume input */
/* *************************************
* Streaming functions
typedef struct ZBUFFv07_DCtx_s ZBUFFv07_DCtx;
ZSTDLIBv07_API ZBUFFv07_DCtx* ZBUFFv07_createDCtx(void);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZBUFFv07_freeDCtx(ZBUFFv07_DCtx* dctx);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZBUFFv07_decompressInit(ZBUFFv07_DCtx* dctx);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZBUFFv07_decompressInitDictionary(ZBUFFv07_DCtx* dctx, const void* dict, size_t dictSize);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZBUFFv07_decompressContinue(ZBUFFv07_DCtx* dctx,
void* dst, size_t* dstCapacityPtr,
const void* src, size_t* srcSizePtr);
* Streaming decompression howto
* A ZBUFFv07_DCtx object is required to track streaming operations.
* Use ZBUFFv07_createDCtx() and ZBUFFv07_freeDCtx() to create/release resources.
* Use ZBUFFv07_decompressInit() to start a new decompression operation,
* or ZBUFFv07_decompressInitDictionary() if decompression requires a dictionary.
* Note that ZBUFFv07_DCtx objects can be re-init multiple times.
* Use ZBUFFv07_decompressContinue() repetitively to consume your input.
* *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr can be any size.
* The function will report how many bytes were read or written by modifying *srcSizePtr and *dstCapacityPtr.
* Note that it may not consume the entire input, in which case it's up to the caller to present remaining input again.
* The content of `dst` will be overwritten (up to *dstCapacityPtr) at each function call, so save its content if it matters, or change `dst`.
* @return : a hint to preferred nb of bytes to use as input for next function call (it's only a hint, to help latency),
* or 0 when a frame is completely decoded,
* or an error code, which can be tested using ZBUFFv07_isError().
* Hint : recommended buffer sizes (not compulsory) : ZBUFFv07_recommendedDInSize() and ZBUFFv07_recommendedDOutSize()
* output : ZBUFFv07_recommendedDOutSize== 128 KB block size is the internal unit, it ensures it's always possible to write a full block when decoded.
* input : ZBUFFv07_recommendedDInSize == 128KB + 3;
* just follow indications from ZBUFFv07_decompressContinue() to minimize latency. It should always be <= 128 KB + 3 .
* *******************************************************************************/
/* *************************************
* Tool functions
ZSTDLIBv07_API unsigned ZBUFFv07_isError(size_t errorCode);
ZSTDLIBv07_API const char* ZBUFFv07_getErrorName(size_t errorCode);
/** Functions below provide recommended buffer sizes for Compression or Decompression operations.
* These sizes are just hints, they tend to offer better latency */
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZBUFFv07_recommendedDInSize(void);
ZSTDLIBv07_API size_t ZBUFFv07_recommendedDOutSize(void);
* Constants
#define ZSTDv07_MAGICNUMBER 0xFD2FB527 /* v0.7 */
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* ZSTDv07_H_235446 */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ add_subdirectory (src)
target_include_directories (string_utils PRIVATE ${DBMS_INCLUDE_DIR})
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug")
endif ()
if (NOT ARM)
set (LINK_LIBRARIES_ONLY_ON_X86_64 cpuid)
@ -163,12 +164,13 @@ endif()
target_link_libraries (dbms
cityhash farmhash metrohash
@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ target_link_libraries (dbms
if (Poco_DataODBC_FOUND)
@ -200,19 +202,18 @@ endif ()
target_link_libraries (dbms
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PRIVATE ${CPUID_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PUBLIC ${DIVIDE_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PRIVATE ${BTRIE_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PRIVATE ${CITYHASH_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms PUBLIC ${MYSQLXX_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms PRIVATE ${POCOEXT_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms PRIVATE ${COMMON_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PRIVATE ${DIVIDE_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PRIVATE ${SPARCEHASH_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms PUBLIC ${DBMS_INCLUDE_DIR})
# only for
target_include_directories (dbms PRIVATE ${COMMON_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (dbms BEFORE PRIVATE ${DOUBLE_CONVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR})
add_subdirectory (tests)
# attach all dbms gtest sources

View File

@ -3,14 +3,13 @@ option (ENABLE_VECTORCLASS "Faster math functions with vectorclass lib" OFF)
set (VECTORCLASS_INCLUDE_PATHS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/vectorclass" CACHE STRING "Path of vectorclass library")
set (VECTORCLASS_INCLUDE_PATHS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/vectorclass" CACHE STRING "Path of vectorclass library")
include_directories (BEFORE ${VECTORCLASS_INCLUDE_DIR})
endif ()
endif ()
endif ()

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# This strings autochanged from
set(VERSION_DESCRIBE v1.1.54265-testing)
set(VERSION_DESCRIBE v1.1.54281-testing)
# end of autochange

View File

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionFactory.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeAggregateFunction.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils.h>
#include <Poco/String.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Poco/String.h>
namespace DB

View File

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <ext/singleton.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace DB
class Context;
class IDataType;
using DataTypePtr = std::shared_ptr<IDataType>;
using DataTypes = std::vector<DataTypePtr>;
@ -19,22 +27,8 @@ class AggregateFunctionFactory final : public ext::singleton<AggregateFunctionFa
friend class StorageSystemFunctions;
/// No std::function, for smaller object size and less indirection.
using Creator = AggregateFunctionPtr(*)(const String & name, const DataTypes & argument_types, const Array & parameters);
using AggregateFunctions = std::unordered_map<String, Creator>;
AggregateFunctionPtr get(
const String & name,
const DataTypes & argument_types,
const Array & parameters = {},
int recursion_level = 0) const;
AggregateFunctionPtr tryGet(const String & name, const DataTypes & argument_types, const Array & parameters = {}) const;
bool isAggregateFunctionName(const String & name, int recursion_level = 0) const;
using Creator = std::function<AggregateFunctionPtr(const String &, const DataTypes &, const Array &)>;
/// For compatibility with SQL, it's possible to specify that certain aggregate function name is case insensitive.
enum CaseSensitiveness
@ -43,11 +37,29 @@ public:
/// Register an aggregate function by its name.
void registerFunction(const String & name, Creator creator, CaseSensitiveness case_sensitiveness = CaseSensitive);
/// Register a function by its name.
/// No locking, you must register all functions before usage of get.
void registerFunction(
const String & name,
Creator creator,
CaseSensitiveness case_sensitiveness = CaseSensitive);
/// Throws an exception if not found.
AggregateFunctionPtr get(
const String & name,
const DataTypes & argument_types,
const Array & parameters = {},
int recursion_level = 0) const;
/// Returns nullptr if not found.
AggregateFunctionPtr tryGet(
const String & name,
const DataTypes & argument_types,
const Array & parameters = {}) const;
bool isAggregateFunctionName(const String & name, int recursion_level = 0) const;
AggregateFunctionPtr getImpl(
const String & name,
const DataTypes & argument_types,
@ -55,6 +67,8 @@ private:
int recursion_level) const;
using AggregateFunctions = std::unordered_map<String, Creator>;
AggregateFunctions aggregate_functions;
/// Case insensitive aggregate functions will be additionally added here with lowercased name.

View File

@ -8,6 +8,28 @@ namespace DB
template <template <typename, typename> class AggregateFunctionTemplate, class Data, typename ... TArgs>
static IAggregateFunction * createWithNumericOrTimeType(const IDataType & argument_type, TArgs && ... args)
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDate *>(&argument_type)) return new AggregateFunctionTemplate<UInt16, Data>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(&argument_type)) return new AggregateFunctionTemplate<UInt32, Data>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
else return createWithNumericType<AggregateFunctionTemplate, Data, TArgs...>(argument_type, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
template <typename has_limit, typename ... TArgs>
inline AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionGroupArrayImpl(const DataTypePtr & argument_type, TArgs ... args)
if (auto res = createWithNumericOrTimeType<GroupArrayNumericImpl, has_limit>(*argument_type, argument_type, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...))
return AggregateFunctionPtr(res);
if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(argument_type.get()))
return std::make_shared<GroupArrayGeneralListImpl<GroupArrayListNodeString, has_limit::value>>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
return std::make_shared<GroupArrayGeneralListImpl<GroupArrayListNodeGeneral, has_limit::value>>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
static AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionGroupArray(const std::string & name, const DataTypes & argument_types, const Array & parameters)
if (argument_types.size() != 1)
@ -15,7 +37,7 @@ static AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionGroupArray(const std::string
bool limit_size = false;
UInt64 max_elems = 0;
UInt64 max_elems = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max();
if (parameters.empty())
@ -39,23 +61,9 @@ static AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionGroupArray(const std::string
if (!limit_size)
if (auto res = createWithNumericType<GroupArrayNumericImpl, std::false_type>(*argument_types[0]))
return AggregateFunctionPtr(res);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(argument_types[0].get()))
return std::make_shared<GroupArrayGeneralListImpl<NodeString, false>>();
return std::make_shared<GroupArrayGeneralListImpl<NodeGeneral, false>>();
return createAggregateFunctionGroupArrayImpl<std::false_type>(argument_types[0]);
if (auto res = createWithNumericType<GroupArrayNumericImpl, std::true_type>(*argument_types[0], max_elems))
return AggregateFunctionPtr(res);
else if (typeid_cast<const DataTypeString *>(argument_types[0].get()))
return std::make_shared<GroupArrayGeneralListImpl<NodeString, true>>(max_elems);
return std::make_shared<GroupArrayGeneralListImpl<NodeGeneral, true>>(max_elems);
return createAggregateFunctionGroupArrayImpl<std::true_type>(argument_types[0], max_elems);

View File

@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
/// A particular case is an implementation for numeric types.
template <typename T>
struct GroupArrayNumericData
@ -51,16 +48,18 @@ class GroupArrayNumericImpl final
: public IUnaryAggregateFunction<GroupArrayNumericData<T>, GroupArrayNumericImpl<T, Tlimit_num_elems>>
static constexpr bool limit_num_elems = Tlimit_num_elems::value;
DataTypePtr data_type;
UInt64 max_elems;
GroupArrayNumericImpl(UInt64 max_elems_ = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max()) : max_elems(max_elems_) {}
explicit GroupArrayNumericImpl(const DataTypePtr & data_type_, UInt64 max_elems_ = std::numeric_limits<UInt64>::max())
: data_type(data_type_), max_elems(max_elems_) {}
String getName() const override { return "groupArray"; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override
return std::make_shared<DataTypeArray>(std::make_shared<DataTypeNumber<T>>());
return std::make_shared<DataTypeArray>(data_type);
void setArgument(const DataTypePtr & argument) {}
@ -144,12 +143,10 @@ public:
/// General case
/// Nodes used to implement linked list for stoarge of groupArray states
struct NodeString;
struct NodeGeneral;
/// Nodes used to implement a linked list for storage of groupArray states
template <typename Node>
struct NodeBase
struct GroupArrayListNodeBase
Node * next;
UInt64 size; // size of payload
@ -157,7 +154,7 @@ struct NodeBase
/// Returns pointer to actual payload
char * data()
static_assert(sizeof(NodeBase) == sizeof(Node));
static_assert(sizeof(GroupArrayListNodeBase) == sizeof(Node));
return reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + sizeof(Node);
@ -187,9 +184,9 @@ struct NodeBase
struct NodeString : public NodeBase<NodeString>
struct GroupArrayListNodeString : public GroupArrayListNodeBase<GroupArrayListNodeString>
using Node = NodeString;
using Node = GroupArrayListNodeString;
/// Create node from string
static Node * allocate(const IColumn & column, size_t row_num, Arena * arena)
@ -210,9 +207,9 @@ struct NodeString : public NodeBase<NodeString>
struct NodeGeneral : public NodeBase<NodeGeneral>
struct GroupArrayListNodeGeneral : public GroupArrayListNodeBase<GroupArrayListNodeGeneral>
using Node = NodeGeneral;
using Node = GroupArrayListNodeGeneral;
static Node * allocate(const IColumn & column, size_t row_num, Arena * arena)
@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ public:
void setParameters(const Array & params) override
if (!limit_num_elems && !params.empty())
throw Exception("This instatintion of " + getName() + "aggregate function doesn't accept any parameters. It is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
throw Exception("This instantiation of " + getName() + "aggregate function doesn't accept any parameters. It is a bug.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
void setArgument(const DataTypePtr & argument)
@ -393,7 +390,7 @@ public:
auto & column_data = column_array.getData();
if (std::is_same<Node, NodeString>::value)
if (std::is_same<Node, GroupArrayListNodeString>::value)
auto & string_offsets = static_cast<ColumnString &>(column_data).getOffsets();
string_offsets.reserve(string_offsets.size() + data(place).elems);
@ -413,9 +410,6 @@ public:

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More