mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 13:32:13 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into add-some-assertions-2
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <Access/Quota.h>
#include <Access/RowPolicy.h>
#include <Access/User.h>
#include <Access/Role.h>
#include <Access/SettingsProfile.h>
#include <Access/AccessControl.h>
#include <Access/resolveSetting.h>
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
#include <Core/Settings.h>
#include <Interpreters/executeQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/Access/ASTGrantQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/Access/ASTRolesOrUsersSet.h>
#include <Parsers/Access/ParserGrantQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/parseQuery.h>
#include <Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h>
@ -52,11 +54,64 @@ namespace
UUID generateID(const IAccessEntity & entity) { return generateID(entity.getType(), entity.getName()); }
template <typename T>
void parseGrant(T & entity, const String & string_query, const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_role_ids)
ParserGrantQuery parser;
String error_message;
const char * pos = string_query.data();
auto ast = tryParseQuery(parser, pos, pos + string_query.size(), error_message, false, "", false, 0, 0);
if (!ast)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Failed to parse grant query. Error: {}", error_message);
auto & query = ast->as<ASTGrantQuery &>();
if (query.roles && query.is_revoke)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Roles can't be revoked in config file");
if (!query.cluster.empty())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Can't grant on cluster using config file");
if (query.grantees)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "You can't specify grantees in query using config file");
for (auto & element : query.access_rights_elements)
if (query.is_revoke)
if (query.roles)
std::vector<UUID> roles_to_grant;
for (const auto & role_name : query.roles->names)
auto role_id = generateID(AccessEntityType::ROLE, role_name);
if (!allowed_role_ids.contains(role_id))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::THERE_IS_NO_PROFILE, "Role {} was not found", role_name);
if (query.admin_option)
UserPtr parseUser(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const String & user_name,
const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_profile_ids,
const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_role_ids,
bool allow_no_password,
bool allow_plaintext_password)
@ -241,37 +296,8 @@ namespace
if (grant_queries)
ParserGrantQuery parser;
for (const auto & string_query : *grant_queries)
String error_message;
const char * pos = string_query.data();
auto ast = tryParseQuery(parser, pos, pos + string_query.size(), error_message, false, "", false, 0, 0);
if (!ast)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Failed to parse grant query. Error: {}", error_message);
auto & query = ast->as<ASTGrantQuery &>();
if (query.roles)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Roles can't be granted in config file");
if (!query.cluster.empty())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Can't grant on cluster using config file");
if (query.grantees)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "You can't specify grantees in query using config file");
for (auto & element : query.access_rights_elements)
if (query.is_revoke)
parseGrant(*user, string_query, allowed_role_ids);
@ -321,6 +347,7 @@ namespace
std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> parseUsers(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_profile_ids,
const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_role_ids,
bool allow_no_password,
bool allow_plaintext_password)
@ -333,7 +360,7 @@ namespace
users.push_back(parseUser(config, user_name, allowed_profile_ids, allow_no_password, allow_plaintext_password));
users.push_back(parseUser(config, user_name, allowed_profile_ids, allowed_role_ids, allow_no_password, allow_plaintext_password));
catch (Exception & e)
@ -345,6 +372,55 @@ namespace
return users;
RolePtr parseRole(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const String & role_name,
const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_role_ids)
auto role = std::make_shared<Role>();
String role_config = "roles." + role_name;
const auto grants_config = role_config + ".grants";
if (config.has(grants_config))
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys keys;
config.keys(grants_config, keys);
for (const auto & key : keys)
const auto query = config.getString(grants_config + "." + key);
parseGrant(*role, query, allowed_role_ids);
return role;
std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> parseRoles(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const std::unordered_set<UUID> & allowed_role_ids)
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys role_names;
config.keys("roles", role_names);
std::vector<AccessEntityPtr> roles;
for (const auto & role_name : role_names)
roles.push_back(parseRole(config, role_name, allowed_role_ids));
catch (Exception & e)
e.addMessage(fmt::format("while parsing roles '{}' in users configuration file", role_name));
return roles;
QuotaPtr parseQuota(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & quota_name, const std::vector<UUID> & user_ids)
@ -635,14 +711,16 @@ namespace
return profiles;
std::unordered_set<UUID> getAllowedSettingsProfileIDs(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config)
std::unordered_set<UUID> getAllowedIDs(
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config,
const String & configuration_key,
const AccessEntityType type)
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys profile_names;
config.keys("profiles", profile_names);
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys keys;
config.keys(configuration_key, keys);
std::unordered_set<UUID> ids;
for (const auto & profile_name : profile_names)
ids.emplace(generateID(AccessEntityType::SETTINGS_PROFILE, profile_name));
for (const auto & key : keys)
ids.emplace(generateID(type, key));
return ids;
@ -693,12 +771,13 @@ void UsersConfigAccessStorage::parseFromConfig(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfigu
auto allowed_profile_ids = getAllowedSettingsProfileIDs(config);
auto allowed_profile_ids = getAllowedIDs(config, "profiles", AccessEntityType::SETTINGS_PROFILE);
auto allowed_role_ids = getAllowedIDs(config, "roles", AccessEntityType::ROLE);
bool no_password_allowed = access_control.isNoPasswordAllowed();
bool plaintext_password_allowed = access_control.isPlaintextPasswordAllowed();
std::vector<std::pair<UUID, AccessEntityPtr>> all_entities;
for (const auto & entity : parseUsers(config, allowed_profile_ids, no_password_allowed, plaintext_password_allowed))
for (const auto & entity : parseUsers(config, allowed_profile_ids, allowed_role_ids, no_password_allowed, plaintext_password_allowed))
all_entities.emplace_back(generateID(*entity), entity);
for (const auto & entity : parseQuotas(config))
all_entities.emplace_back(generateID(*entity), entity);
@ -706,6 +785,8 @@ void UsersConfigAccessStorage::parseFromConfig(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfigu
all_entities.emplace_back(generateID(*entity), entity);
for (const auto & entity : parseSettingsProfiles(config, allowed_profile_ids, access_control))
all_entities.emplace_back(generateID(*entity), entity);
for (const auto & entity : parseRoles(config, allowed_role_ids))
all_entities.emplace_back(generateID(*entity), entity);
catch (Exception & e)
@ -202,15 +202,16 @@ bool QueryNode::isEqualImpl(const IQueryTreeNode & rhs) const
return is_subquery == rhs_typed.is_subquery &&
is_cte == rhs_typed.is_cte &&
cte_name == rhs_typed.cte_name &&
projection_columns == rhs_typed.projection_columns &&
is_distinct == rhs_typed.is_distinct &&
is_limit_with_ties == rhs_typed.is_limit_with_ties &&
is_group_by_with_totals == rhs_typed.is_group_by_with_totals &&
is_group_by_with_rollup == rhs_typed.is_group_by_with_rollup &&
is_group_by_with_cube == rhs_typed.is_group_by_with_cube &&
is_group_by_with_grouping_sets == rhs_typed.is_group_by_with_grouping_sets &&
is_group_by_all == rhs_typed.is_group_by_all;
is_group_by_all == rhs_typed.is_group_by_all &&
cte_name == rhs_typed.cte_name &&
projection_columns == rhs_typed.projection_columns &&
settings_changes == rhs_typed.settings_changes;
void QueryNode::updateTreeHashImpl(HashState & state) const
@ -239,6 +240,18 @@ void QueryNode::updateTreeHashImpl(HashState & state) const
for (const auto & setting_change : settings_changes)
auto setting_change_value_dump = setting_change.value.dump();
QueryTreeNodePtr QueryNode::cloneImpl() const
@ -256,6 +269,7 @@ QueryTreeNodePtr QueryNode::cloneImpl() const
result_query_node->is_group_by_all = is_group_by_all;
result_query_node->cte_name = cte_name;
result_query_node->projection_columns = projection_columns;
result_query_node->settings_changes = settings_changes;
return result_query_node;
@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ target_link_libraries(clickhouse_common_io
@ -381,6 +381,9 @@ The server successfully detected this situation and will download merged part fr
M(CachedWriteBufferCacheWriteBytes, "Bytes written from source (remote fs, etc) to filesystem cache") \
M(CachedWriteBufferCacheWriteMicroseconds, "Time spent writing data into filesystem cache") \
M(FilesystemCacheEvictedBytes, "Number of bytes evicted from filesystem cache") \
M(FilesystemCacheEvictedFileSegments, "Number of file segments evicted from filesystem cache") \
M(RemoteFSSeeks, "Total number of seeks for async buffer") \
M(RemoteFSPrefetches, "Number of prefetches made with asynchronous reading from remote filesystem") \
M(RemoteFSCancelledPrefetches, "Number of cancelled prefecthes (because of seek)") \
@ -429,10 +432,10 @@ The server successfully detected this situation and will download merged part fr
M(AggregationPreallocatedElementsInHashTables, "How many elements were preallocated in hash tables for aggregation.") \
M(AggregationHashTablesInitializedAsTwoLevel, "How many hash tables were inited as two-level for aggregation.") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheGet, "Number of rocksdb reads(used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCachePut, "Number of rocksdb puts(used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheDelete, "Number of rocksdb deletes(used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheSeek, "Number of rocksdb seeks(used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheGet, "Number of rocksdb reads (used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCachePut, "Number of rocksdb puts (used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheDelete, "Number of rocksdb deletes (used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheSeek, "Number of rocksdb seeks (used for merge tree metadata cache)") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheHit, "Number of times the read of meta file was done from MergeTree metadata cache") \
M(MergeTreeMetadataCacheMiss, "Number of times the read of meta file was not done from MergeTree metadata cache") \
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ class IColumn;
M(Bool, optimize_trivial_count_query, true, "Process trivial 'SELECT count() FROM table' query from metadata.", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_respect_aliases, true, "If it is set to true, it will respect aliases in WHERE/GROUP BY/ORDER BY, that will help with partition pruning/secondary indexes/optimize_aggregation_in_order/optimize_read_in_order/optimize_trivial_count", 0) \
M(UInt64, mutations_sync, 0, "Wait for synchronous execution of ALTER TABLE UPDATE/DELETE queries (mutations). 0 - execute asynchronously. 1 - wait current server. 2 - wait all replicas if they exist.", 0) \
M(Bool, enable_lightweight_delete, true, "Enable lightweight DELETE mutations for mergetree tables.", 0) \
M(Bool, enable_lightweight_delete, true, "Enable lightweight DELETE mutations for mergetree tables.", 0) ALIAS(allow_experimental_lightweight_delete) \
M(Bool, optimize_move_functions_out_of_any, false, "Move functions out of aggregate functions 'any', 'anyLast'.", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_normalize_count_variants, true, "Rewrite aggregate functions that semantically equals to count() as count().", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_injective_functions_inside_uniq, true, "Delete injective functions of one argument inside uniq*() functions.", 0) \
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ class IColumn;
M(Bool, asterisk_include_alias_columns, false, "Include ALIAS columns for wildcard query", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_skip_merged_partitions, false, "Skip partitions with one part with level > 0 in optimize final", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_on_insert, true, "Do the same transformation for inserted block of data as if merge was done on this block.", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_use_projections, true, "Automatically choose projections to perform SELECT query", 0) \
M(Bool, optimize_use_projections, true, "Automatically choose projections to perform SELECT query", 0) ALIAS(allow_experimental_projection_optimization) \
M(Bool, force_optimize_projection, false, "If projection optimization is enabled, SELECT queries need to use projection", 0) \
M(Bool, async_socket_for_remote, true, "Asynchronously read from socket executing remote query", 0) \
M(Bool, async_query_sending_for_remote, true, "Asynchronously create connections and send query to shards in remote query", 0) \
@ -770,7 +770,6 @@ class IColumn;
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_database_atomic, true) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_bigint_types, true) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_window_functions, true) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_lightweight_delete, true) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_geo_types, true) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Milliseconds, async_insert_stale_timeout_ms, 0) \
@ -783,7 +782,6 @@ class IColumn;
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, UInt64, merge_tree_clear_old_parts_interval_seconds, 1) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, UInt64, partial_merge_join_optimizations, 0) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, MaxThreads, max_alter_threads, 0) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_projection_optimization, true) \
MAKE_OBSOLETE(M, Bool, allow_experimental_query_cache, true) \
/* moved to config.xml: see also src/Core/ServerSettings.h */ \
MAKE_DEPRECATED_BY_SERVER_CONFIG(M, UInt64, background_buffer_flush_schedule_pool_size, 16) \
@ -67,6 +67,51 @@ bool AzureObjectStorage::exists(const StoredObject & object) const
return false;
void AzureObjectStorage::listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const
auto client_ptr = client.get();
/// What a shame, no Exists method...
Azure::Storage::Blobs::ListBlobsOptions options;
options.Prefix = path;
if (max_keys)
options.PageSizeHint = max_keys;
options.PageSizeHint = settings.get()->list_object_keys_size;
Azure::Storage::Blobs::ListBlobsPagedResponse blob_list_response;
while (true)
blob_list_response = client_ptr->ListBlobs(options);
auto blobs_list = blob_list_response.Blobs;
for (const auto & blob : blobs_list)
if (max_keys)
int keys_left = max_keys - static_cast<int>(children.size());
if (keys_left <= 0)
options.PageSizeHint = keys_left;
if (blob_list_response.HasPage())
options.ContinuationToken = blob_list_response.NextPageToken;
std::unique_ptr<ReadBufferFromFileBase> AzureObjectStorage::readObject( /// NOLINT
const StoredObject & object,
const ReadSettings & read_settings,
@ -146,33 +191,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<WriteBufferFromFileBase> AzureObjectStorage::writeObject( /// NO
void AzureObjectStorage::findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const
auto client_ptr = client.get();
Azure::Storage::Blobs::ListBlobsOptions blobs_list_options;
blobs_list_options.Prefix = path;
if (max_keys)
blobs_list_options.PageSizeHint = max_keys;
blobs_list_options.PageSizeHint = settings.get()->list_object_keys_size;
auto blobs_list_response = client_ptr->ListBlobs(blobs_list_options);
for (;;)
auto blobs_list = blobs_list_response.Blobs;
for (const auto & blob : blobs_list)
children.emplace_back(blob.Name, blob.BlobSize);
if (max_keys && children.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(max_keys))
if (!blobs_list_response.HasPage())
/// Remove file. Throws exception if file doesn't exists or it's a directory.
void AzureObjectStorage::removeObject(const StoredObject & object)
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ public:
AzureClientPtr && client_,
SettingsPtr && settings_);
void listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const override;
DataSourceDescription getDataSourceDescription() const override { return data_source_description; }
std::string getName() const override { return "AzureObjectStorage"; }
@ -84,8 +86,6 @@ public:
size_t buf_size = DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE,
const WriteSettings & write_settings = {}) override;
void findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const override;
/// Remove file. Throws exception if file doesn't exists or it's a directory.
void removeObject(const StoredObject & object) override;
@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ std::unique_ptr<IObjectStorage> CachedObjectStorage::cloneObjectStorage(
return object_storage->cloneObjectStorage(new_namespace, config, config_prefix, context);
void CachedObjectStorage::findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const
void CachedObjectStorage::listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const
object_storage->findAllFiles(path, children, max_keys);
object_storage->listObjects(path, children, max_keys);
ObjectMetadata CachedObjectStorage::getObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public:
const std::string & config_prefix,
ContextPtr context) override;
void findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const override;
void listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const override;
ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const override;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ void DiskObjectStorageMetadata::deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf)
assertChar('\n', buf);
storage_objects[i].relative_path = object_relative_path;
storage_objects[i].bytes_size = object_size;
storage_objects[i].metadata.size_bytes = object_size;
readIntText(ref_count, buf);
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ void DiskObjectStorageMetadata::serialize(WriteBuffer & buf, bool sync) const
writeIntText(total_size, buf);
writeChar('\n', buf);
for (const auto & [object_relative_path, object_size] : storage_objects)
for (const auto & [object_relative_path, object_metadata] : storage_objects)
writeIntText(object_size, buf);
writeIntText(object_metadata.size_bytes, buf);
writeChar('\t', buf);
writeEscapedString(object_relative_path, buf);
writeChar('\n', buf);
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ DiskObjectStorageMetadata::DiskObjectStorageMetadata(
void DiskObjectStorageMetadata::addObject(const String & path, size_t size)
total_size += size;
storage_objects.emplace_back(path, size);
storage_objects.emplace_back(path, ObjectMetadata{size, {}, {}});
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ private:
const std::string & common_metadata_path;
/// Relative paths of blobs.
RelativePathsWithSize storage_objects;
RelativePathsWithMetadata storage_objects;
const std::string object_storage_root_path;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public:
return object_storage_root_path;
RelativePathsWithSize getBlobsRelativePaths() const
RelativePathsWithMetadata getBlobsRelativePaths() const
return storage_objects;
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void DiskObjectStorageRemoteMetadataRestoreHelper::restoreFiles(IObjectStorage *
LOG_INFO(disk->log, "Starting restore files for disk {}", disk->name);
std::vector<std::future<void>> results;
auto restore_files = [this, &source_object_storage, &restore_information, &results](const RelativePathsWithSize & objects)
auto restore_files = [this, &source_object_storage, &restore_information, &results](const RelativePathsWithMetadata & objects)
std::vector<String> keys_names;
for (const auto & object : objects)
@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ void DiskObjectStorageRemoteMetadataRestoreHelper::restoreFiles(IObjectStorage *
return true;
RelativePathsWithSize children;
source_object_storage->findAllFiles(restore_information.source_path, children, /* max_keys= */ 0);
RelativePathsWithMetadata children;
source_object_storage->listObjects(restore_information.source_path, children, /* max_keys= */ 0);
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ void DiskObjectStorageRemoteMetadataRestoreHelper::restoreFileOperations(IObject
|| disk->object_storage_root_path != restore_information.source_path;
std::set<String> renames;
auto restore_file_operations = [this, &source_object_storage, &restore_information, &renames, &send_metadata](const RelativePathsWithSize & objects)
auto restore_file_operations = [this, &source_object_storage, &restore_information, &renames, &send_metadata](const RelativePathsWithMetadata & objects)
const String rename = "rename";
const String hardlink = "hardlink";
@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ void DiskObjectStorageRemoteMetadataRestoreHelper::restoreFileOperations(IObject
return true;
RelativePathsWithSize children;
source_object_storage->findAllFiles(restore_information.source_path + "operations/", children, /* max_keys= */ 0);
RelativePathsWithMetadata children;
source_object_storage->listObjects(restore_information.source_path + "operations/", children, /* max_keys= */ 0);
if (restore_information.detached)
@ -16,15 +16,29 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
void IObjectStorage::findAllFiles(const std::string &, RelativePathsWithSize &, int) const
bool IObjectStorage::existsOrHasAnyChild(const std::string & path) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "findAllFiles() is not supported");
RelativePathsWithMetadata files;
listObjects(path, files, 1);
return !files.empty();
void IObjectStorage::getDirectoryContents(const std::string &,
RelativePathsWithSize &,
std::vector<std::string> &) const
void IObjectStorage::listObjects(const std::string &, RelativePathsWithMetadata &, int) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "getDirectoryContents() is not supported");
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "listObjects() is not supported");
std::optional<ObjectMetadata> IObjectStorage::tryGetObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const
return getObjectMetadata(path);
catch (...)
return {};
ThreadPool & IObjectStorage::getThreadPoolWriter()
@ -30,19 +30,6 @@ class WriteBufferFromFileBase;
using ObjectAttributes = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
struct RelativePathWithSize
String relative_path;
size_t bytes_size;
RelativePathWithSize() = default;
RelativePathWithSize(const String & relative_path_, size_t bytes_size_)
: relative_path(relative_path_), bytes_size(bytes_size_) {}
using RelativePathsWithSize = std::vector<RelativePathWithSize>;
struct ObjectMetadata
uint64_t size_bytes;
@ -50,6 +37,21 @@ struct ObjectMetadata
std::optional<ObjectAttributes> attributes;
struct RelativePathWithMetadata
String relative_path;
ObjectMetadata metadata{};
RelativePathWithMetadata() = default;
RelativePathWithMetadata(const String & relative_path_, const ObjectMetadata & metadata_)
: relative_path(relative_path_), metadata(metadata_)
using RelativePathsWithMetadata = std::vector<RelativePathWithMetadata>;
/// Base class for all object storages which implement some subset of ordinary filesystem operations.
/// Examples of object storages are S3, Azure Blob Storage, HDFS.
@ -65,36 +67,17 @@ public:
/// Object exists or not
virtual bool exists(const StoredObject & object) const = 0;
/// List all objects with specific prefix.
/// For example if you do this over filesystem, you should skip folders and
/// return files only, so something like on local filesystem:
/// find . -type f
/// @param children - out files (relative paths) with their sizes.
/// @param max_keys - return not more then max_keys children
/// NOTE: max_keys is not the same as list_object_keys_size (disk property)
/// - if max_keys is set not more then max_keys keys should be returned
/// - however list_object_keys_size determine the size of the batch and should return all keys
/// NOTE: It makes sense only for real object storages (S3, Azure), since
/// it is used only for one of the following:
/// - send_metadata (to restore metadata)
/// - see DiskObjectStorage::restoreMetadataIfNeeded()
/// - MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage - only for s3_plain disk
virtual void findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const;
/// Object exists or any child on the specified path exists.
/// We have this method because object storages are flat for example
/// /a/b/c/d may exist but /a/b/c may not. So this method will return true for
/// /, /a, /a/b, /a/b/c, /a/b/c/d while exists will return true only for /a/b/c/d
virtual bool existsOrHasAnyChild(const std::string & path) const;
/// Analog of directory content for object storage (object storage does not
/// have "directory" definition, but it can be emulated with usage of
/// "delimiter"), so this is analog of:
/// find . -maxdepth 1 $path
/// Return files in @files and directories in @directories
virtual void getDirectoryContents(const std::string & path,
RelativePathsWithSize & files,
std::vector<std::string> & directories) const;
virtual void listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const;
/// Get object metadata if supported. It should be possible to receive
/// at least size of object
virtual std::optional<ObjectMetadata> tryGetObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const;
/// Get object metadata if supported. It should be possible to receive
/// at least size of object
@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ StoredObjects MetadataStorageFromDisk::getStorageObjects(const std::string & pat
/// Relative paths -> absolute.
for (auto & [object_relative_path, size] : object_storage_relative_paths)
for (auto & [object_relative_path, object_meta] : object_storage_relative_paths)
auto object_path = fs::path(metadata->getBlobsCommonPrefix()) / object_relative_path;
StoredObject object{ object_path, size, path };
StoredObject object{ object_path, object_meta.size_bytes, path };
@ -10,11 +10,6 @@
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
ObjectStoragePtr object_storage_,
const std::string & object_storage_root_path_)
@ -39,11 +34,10 @@ std::filesystem::path MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::getAbsolutePath(con
bool MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::exists(const std::string & path) const
RelativePathsWithSize children;
/// NOTE: exists() cannot be used here since it works only for existing
/// key, and does not work for some intermediate path.
object_storage->findAllFiles(getAbsolutePath(path), children, 1);
return !children.empty();
std::string abs_path = getAbsolutePath(path);
return object_storage->existsOrHasAnyChild(abs_path);
bool MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::isFile(const std::string & path) const
@ -55,45 +49,50 @@ bool MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::isFile(const std::string & path) con
bool MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::isDirectory(const std::string & path) const
std::string directory = getAbsolutePath(path);
directory += "/";
if (!directory.ends_with('/'))
directory += '/';
/// NOTE: This check is far from ideal, since it work only if the directory
/// really has files, and has excessive API calls
RelativePathsWithSize files;
std::vector<std::string> directories;
object_storage->getDirectoryContents(directory, files, directories);
return !files.empty() || !directories.empty();
RelativePathsWithMetadata files;
object_storage->listObjects(directory, files, 1);
return !files.empty();
uint64_t MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::getFileSize(const String & path) const
RelativePathsWithSize children;
object_storage->findAllFiles(getAbsolutePath(path), children, 1);
if (children.empty())
return 0;
if (children.size() != 1)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "findAllFiles() return multiple paths ({}) for {}", children.size(), path);
return children.front().bytes_size;
RelativePathsWithMetadata children;
auto metadata = object_storage->tryGetObjectMetadata(getAbsolutePath(path));
if (metadata)
return metadata->size_bytes;
return 0;
std::vector<std::string> MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::listDirectory(const std::string & path) const
RelativePathsWithSize files;
std::vector<std::string> directories;
object_storage->getDirectoryContents(getAbsolutePath(path), files, directories);
RelativePathsWithMetadata files;
std::string abs_path = getAbsolutePath(path);
if (!abs_path.ends_with('/'))
abs_path += '/';
object_storage->listObjects(abs_path, files, 0);
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto & path_size : files)
for (const auto & directory : directories)
std::unordered_set<std::string> duplicates_filter;
for (auto & row : result)
row.erase(0, object_storage_root_path.size());
row.erase(0, abs_path.size());
auto slash_pos = row.find_first_of('/');
if (slash_pos != std::string::npos)
row.erase(slash_pos, row.size() - slash_pos);
return result;
return std::vector<std::string>(duplicates_filter.begin(), duplicates_filter.end());
DirectoryIteratorPtr MetadataStorageFromPlainObjectStorage::iterateDirectory(const std::string & path) const
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<WriteBufferFromFileBase> S3ObjectStorage::writeObject( /// NOLIN
void S3ObjectStorage::findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const
void S3ObjectStorage::listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const
auto settings_ptr = s3_settings.get();
auto client_ptr = client.get();
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ void S3ObjectStorage::findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSi
for (const auto & object : objects)
children.emplace_back(object.GetKey(), object.GetSize());
children.emplace_back(object.GetKey(), ObjectMetadata{static_cast<uint64_t>(object.GetSize()), Poco::Timestamp::fromEpochTime(object.GetLastModified().Seconds()), {}});
if (max_keys)
@ -225,54 +225,6 @@ void S3ObjectStorage::findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSi
} while (outcome.GetResult().GetIsTruncated());
void S3ObjectStorage::getDirectoryContents(const std::string & path,
RelativePathsWithSize & files,
std::vector<std::string> & directories) const
auto settings_ptr = s3_settings.get();
auto client_ptr = client.get();
S3::ListObjectsV2Request request;
/// NOTE: if you do "ls /foo" instead of "ls /foo/" over S3 with this API
/// it will return only "/foo" itself without any underlying nodes.
if (path.ends_with("/"))
request.SetPrefix(path + "/");
Aws::S3::Model::ListObjectsV2Outcome outcome;
outcome = client_ptr->ListObjectsV2(request);
auto result = outcome.GetResult();
auto result_objects = result.GetContents();
auto result_common_prefixes = result.GetCommonPrefixes();
if (result_objects.empty() && result_common_prefixes.empty())
for (const auto & object : result_objects)
files.emplace_back(object.GetKey(), object.GetSize());
for (const auto & common_prefix : result_common_prefixes)
std::string directory = common_prefix.GetPrefix();
/// Make it compatible with std::filesystem::path::filename()
trimRight(directory, '/');
} while (outcome.GetResult().GetIsTruncated());
void S3ObjectStorage::removeObjectImpl(const StoredObject & object, bool if_exists)
auto client_ptr = client.get();
@ -359,6 +311,22 @@ void S3ObjectStorage::removeObjectsIfExist(const StoredObjects & objects)
removeObjectsImpl(objects, true);
std::optional<ObjectMetadata> S3ObjectStorage::tryGetObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const
auto settings_ptr = s3_settings.get();
auto object_info = S3::getObjectInfo(*client.get(), bucket, path, {}, settings_ptr->request_settings, /* with_metadata= */ true, /* for_disk_s3= */ true, /* throw_on_error= */ false);
if (object_info.size == 0 && object_info.last_modification_time == 0 && object_info.metadata.empty())
return {};
ObjectMetadata result;
result.size_bytes = object_info.size;
result.last_modified = object_info.last_modification_time;
result.attributes = object_info.metadata;
return result;
ObjectMetadata S3ObjectStorage::getObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const
auto settings_ptr = s3_settings.get();
@ -100,10 +100,7 @@ public:
size_t buf_size = DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE,
const WriteSettings & write_settings = {}) override;
void findAllFiles(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithSize & children, int max_keys) const override;
void getDirectoryContents(const std::string & path,
RelativePathsWithSize & files,
std::vector<std::string> & directories) const override;
void listObjects(const std::string & path, RelativePathsWithMetadata & children, int max_keys) const override;
/// Uses `DeleteObjectRequest`.
void removeObject(const StoredObject & object) override;
@ -121,6 +118,8 @@ public:
ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const override;
std::optional<ObjectMetadata> tryGetObjectMetadata(const std::string & path) const override;
void copyObject( /// NOLINT
const StoredObject & object_from,
const StoredObject & object_to,
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event FilesystemCacheEvictedBytes;
extern const Event FilesystemCacheEvictedFileSegments;
@ -643,7 +649,9 @@ bool FileCache::tryReserve(FileSegment & file_segment, const size_t size)
return PriorityIterationResult::CONTINUE;
/// TODO: we can resize if partially downloaded instead.
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::FilesystemCacheEvictedBytes, segment->range().size());
locked_key.removeFileSegment(segment->offset(), segment->lock());
return PriorityIterationResult::REMOVE_AND_CONTINUE;
@ -721,6 +729,10 @@ bool FileCache::tryReserve(FileSegment & file_segment, const size_t size)
const auto * segment = candidate->file_segment.get();
ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::FilesystemCacheEvictedBytes, segment->range().size());
locked_key->removeFileSegment(segment->offset(), segment->lock());
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class ParserGrantQuery : public IParserBase
ParserGrantQuery & useAttachMode(bool attach_mode_ = true) { attach_mode = attach_mode_; return *this; }
ParserGrantQuery & parseWithoutGrantees(bool allow_no_grantees_ = true) { allow_no_grantees = allow_no_grantees_; return *this; }
ParserGrantQuery & setParseWithoutGrantees(bool allow_no_grantees_ = true) { allow_no_grantees = allow_no_grantees_; return *this; }
const char * getName() const override { return "GRANT or REVOKE query"; }
@ -14,5 +14,30 @@
<query>REVOKE CREATE ON system.*</query>
<query>GRANT admin_role</query>
<query>GRANT SHOW ON *.*</query>
<query>REVOKE SHOW ON system.*</query>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def test_allow_read_from_system_tables():
def test_grants_from_config():
def test_user_grants_from_config():
assert node.query("SHOW GRANTS FOR another") == TSV(
"GRANT SHOW ON *.* TO another",
@ -51,3 +51,19 @@ def test_grants_from_config():
assert node.query("SHOW GRANTS FOR admin_user") == TSV(
"GRANT admin_role TO admin_user",
def test_role_grants_from_config():
assert node.query("SHOW GRANTS FOR test_role") == TSV(
"GRANT SHOW ON *.* TO test_role",
"REVOKE SHOW ON system.* FROM test_role",
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ DROP TABLE t_proj;
CREATE TABLE merge_table_standard_delete(id Int32, name String) ENGINE = MergeTree order by id settings min_bytes_for_wide_part=0;
SET allow_experimental_lightweight_delete = false;
DELETE FROM merge_table_standard_delete WHERE id = 10; -- allow_experimental_lightweight_delete=false is now ignored
DELETE FROM merge_table_standard_delete WHERE id = 10; -- { serverError SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED }
SET enable_lightweight_delete = false;
DELETE FROM merge_table_standard_delete WHERE id = 10; -- { serverError SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED }
DROP TABLE merge_table_standard_delete;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user