This commit is contained in:
taiyang-li 2024-07-23 18:04:38 +08:00
parent aaf5412c71
commit 4978869d2f

View File

@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
#include <Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeEnum.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeString.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
#include <Functions/IFunction.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT;
extern const int ZERO_ARRAY_OR_TUPLE_INDEX;
/// If 'is_utf8' - measure offset and length in code points instead of bytes.
/// Syntax: overlay(input, replace, offset[, length])
template <bool is_utf8>
class FunctionOverlay : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = is_utf8 ? "OverlayUTF8" : "Overlay";
static FunctionPtr create(ContextPtr) { return std::make_shared<FunctionOverlay>(); }
String getName() const override { return name; }
bool isVariadic() const override { return true; }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 0; }
bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo & /*arguments*/) const override { return true; }
bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; }
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override
const size_t number_of_arguments = arguments.size();
if (number_of_arguments < 3 || number_of_arguments > 4)
throw Exception(
"Number of arguments for function {} doesn't match: "
"passed {}, should be 3 or 4",
/// first argument is string
if (!isString(arguments[0]))
throw Exception(
"Illegal type {} of first argument of function {}, expected String",
/// second argument is string
if (!isString(arguments[1]))
throw Exception(
"Illegal type {} of second argument of function {}, expected String",
if (!isNativeNumber(arguments[2]))
throw Exception(
"Illegal type {} of third argument of function {}, expected (U)Int8|16|32|64",
if (number_of_arguments == 4 && !isNativeNumber(arguments[3]))
throw Exception(
"Illegal type {} of second argument of function {}, expected (U)Int8|16|32|64",
return std::make_shared<DataTypeString>();
ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr &, size_t input_rows_count) const override
const size_t number_of_arguments = arguments.size();
ColumnPtr column_string = arguments[0].column;
ColumnPtr column_offset = arguments[1].column;
ColumnPtr column_length;
if (number_of_arguments == 3)
column_length = arguments[2].column;
const ColumnConst * column_offset_const = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnConst>(column_offset.get());
const ColumnConst * column_length_const = nullptr;
if (number_of_arguments == 3)
column_length_const = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnConst>(column_length.get());
Int64 offset = 0;
Int64 length = 0;
if (column_offset_const)
offset = column_offset_const->getInt(0);
if (column_length_const)
length = column_length_const->getInt(0);
auto res_col = ColumnString::create();
auto & res_data = res_col->getChars();
auto & res_offsets = res_col->getOffsets();
template <bool three_args = false, bool offset_is_const = false, bool length_is_const = false>
void constantConstant(
size_t rows,
const StringRef & input,
const StringRef & replace,
const ColumnPtr & column_offset,
const ColumnPtr & column_length,
Int64 const_offset,
Int64 const_length,
ColumnString::Chars & res_data,
ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
if (!three_args && length_is_const && const_length < 0)
constantConstant(input, replace, column_offset, column_length, const_offset, -1, res_data, res_offsets);
Int64 offset = 0; // start from 1, maybe negative
size_t valid_offset = 0; // start from 0, not negative
if constexpr (offset_is_const)
offset = const_offset;
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
size_t replace_size = replace.size;
Int64 length = 0; // maybe negative
size_t valid_length = 0; // not negative
if constexpr (!three_args && length_is_const)
assert(const_length >= 0);
valid_length = const_length;
else if constexpr (three_args)
valid_length = replace_size;
size_t res_offset = 0;
size_t input_size = input.size;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
if constexpr (!offset_is_const)
offset = column_offset->getInt(i);
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
if constexpr (!three_args && !length_is_const)
length = column_length->getInt(i);
valid_length = length >= 0 ? length : replace_size;
size_t prefix_size = valid_offset > input_size ? input_size : valid_offset;
size_t suffix_size = prefix_size + valid_length > input_size ? 0 : input_size - prefix_size - valid_length;
size_t new_res_size = res_data.size() + prefix_size + replace_size + suffix_size + 1; /// +1 for zero terminator
/// copy prefix before replaced region
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset],, prefix_size);
res_offset += prefix_size;
/// copy replace
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset],, replace_size);
res_offset += replace_size;
/// copy suffix after replaced region. It is not necessary to copy if suffix_size is zero.
if (suffix_size)
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], + prefix_size + valid_length, suffix_size);
res_offset += suffix_size;
/// add zero terminator
res_data[res_offset] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
template <bool three_args = false, bool offset_is_const = false, bool length_is_const = false>
void vectorConstant(
const ColumnString::Chars & input_data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & input_offsets,
const StringRef & replace,
const ColumnPtr & column_offset,
const ColumnPtr & column_length,
Int64 const_offset,
Int64 const_length,
ColumnString::Chars & res_data,
ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
if (!three_args && length_is_const && const_length < 0)
vectorConstant(input_data, input_offsets, replace, column_offset, column_length, const_offset, -1, res_data, res_offsets);
Int64 offset = 0; // start from 1, maybe negative
size_t valid_offset = 0; // start from 0, not negative
if constexpr (offset_is_const)
offset = const_offset;
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
size_t replace_size = replace.size;
Int64 length = 0; // maybe negative
size_t valid_length = 0; // not negative
if constexpr (!three_args && length_is_const)
assert(const_length >= 0);
valid_length = const_length;
else if constexpr (three_args)
valid_length = replace_size;
size_t rows = input_offsets.size();
size_t res_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
size_t input_offset = input_offsets[i - 1];
size_t input_size = input_offsets[i] - input_offsets[i - 1] - 1;
if constexpr (!offset_is_const)
offset = column_offset->getInt(i);
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
if constexpr (!three_args && !length_is_const)
length = column_length->getInt(i);
valid_length = length >= 0 ? length : replace_size;
size_t prefix_size = valid_offset > input_size ? input_size : valid_offset;
size_t suffix_size = prefix_size + valid_length > input_size ? 0 : input_size - prefix_size - valid_length;
size_t new_res_size = res_data.size() + prefix_size + replace_size + suffix_size + 1; /// +1 for zero terminator
/// copy prefix before replaced region
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], &input_data[input_offset], prefix_size);
res_offset += prefix_size;
/// copy replace
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset],, replace_size);
res_offset += replace_size;
/// copy suffix after replaced region. It is not necessary to copy if suffix_size is zero.
if (suffix_size)
&res_data[res_offset], &input_data[input_offset + prefix_size + valid_length], suffix_size);
res_offset += suffix_size;
/// add zero terminator
res_data[res_offset] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
template <bool three_args = false, bool offset_is_const = false, bool length_is_const = false>
void constantVector(
const StringRef & input,
const ColumnString::Chars & replace_data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & replace_offsets,
const ColumnPtr & column_offset,
const ColumnPtr & column_length,
Int64 const_offset,
Int64 const_length,
ColumnString::Chars & res_data,
ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
if (!three_args && length_is_const && const_length < 0)
constantVector(input, replace_data, replace_offsets, column_offset, column_length, const_offset, -1, res_data, res_offsets);
Int64 offset = 0; // start from 1, maybe negative
size_t valid_offset = 0; // start from 0, not negative
if constexpr (offset_is_const)
offset = const_offset;
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
Int64 length = 0; // maybe negative
size_t valid_length = 0; // not negative
if constexpr (!three_args && length_is_const)
assert(const_length >= 0);
valid_length = const_length;
size_t rows = replace_offsets.size();
size_t input_size = input.size;
size_t res_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
size_t replace_offset = replace_offsets[i - 1];
size_t replace_size = replace_offsets[i] - replace_offsets[i - 1] - 1;
if constexpr (!offset_is_const)
offset = column_offset->getInt(i);
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
if constexpr (three_args)
// length = replace_size;
valid_length = replace_size;
else if constexpr (!length_is_const)
length = column_length->getInt(i);
valid_length = length >= 0 ? length : replace_size;
size_t prefix_size = valid_offset > input_size ? input_size : valid_offset;
size_t suffix_size = prefix_size + valid_length > input_size ? 0 : input_size - prefix_size - valid_length;
size_t new_res_size = res_data.size() + prefix_size + replace_size + suffix_size + 1; /// +1 for zero terminator
/// copy prefix before replaced region
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset],, prefix_size);
res_offset += prefix_size;
/// copy replace
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], &replace_data[replace_offset], replace_size);
res_offset += replace_size;
/// copy suffix after replaced region. It is not necessary to copy if suffix_size is zero.
if (suffix_size)
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], + prefix_size + valid_length, suffix_size);
res_offset += suffix_size;
/// add zero terminator
res_data[res_offset] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
template <bool three_args, bool offset_is_const, bool length_is_const>
void vectorVector(
const ColumnString::Chars & input_data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & input_offsets,
const ColumnString::Chars & replace_data,
const ColumnString::Offsets & replace_offsets,
const ColumnPtr & column_offset,
const ColumnPtr & column_length,
Int64 const_offset,
Int64 const_length,
ColumnString::Chars & res_data,
ColumnString::Offsets & res_offsets)
if (!three_args && length_is_const && const_length < 0)
vectorVector<true, offset_is_const, true>(
Int64 offset = 0; // start from 1, maybe negative
size_t valid_offset = 0; // start from 0, not negative
if constexpr (offset_is_const)
offset = const_offset;
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
Int64 length = 0; // maybe negative
size_t valid_length = 0; // not negative
if constexpr (!three_args && length_is_const)
assert(const_length >= 0);
valid_length = const_length;
size_t rows = input_offsets.size();
size_t res_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
size_t input_offset = input_offsets[i - 1];
size_t input_size = input_offsets[i] - input_offsets[i - 1] - 1;
size_t replace_offset = replace_offsets[i - 1];
size_t replace_size = replace_offsets[i] - replace_offsets[i - 1] - 1;
if constexpr (!offset_is_const)
offset = column_offset->getInt(i);
valid_offset = offset > 0 ? (offset - 1) : (-offset);
if constexpr (three_args)
// length = replace_size;
valid_length = replace_size;
else if constexpr (!length_is_const)
length = column_length->getInt(i);
valid_length = length >= 0 ? length : replace_size;
size_t prefix_size = valid_offset > input_size ? input_size : valid_offset;
size_t suffix_size = prefix_size + valid_length > input_size ? 0 : input_size - prefix_size - valid_length;
size_t new_res_size = res_data.size() + prefix_size + replace_size + suffix_size + 1; /// +1 for zero terminator
/// copy prefix before replaced region
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], &input_data[input_offset], prefix_size);
res_offset += prefix_size;
/// copy replace
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_data[res_offset], &replace_data[replace_offset], replace_size);
res_offset += replace_size;
/// copy suffix after replaced region. It is not necessary to copy if suffix_size is zero.
if (suffix_size)
&res_data[res_offset], &input_data[input_offset + prefix_size + valid_length], suffix_size);
res_offset += suffix_size;
/// add zero terminator
res_data[res_offset] = 0;
res_offsets[i] = res_offset;
factory.registerFunction<FunctionOverlay<false>>({}, FunctionFactory::CaseInsensitive);
factory.registerFunction<FunctionOverlay<true>>({}, FunctionFactory::CaseSensitive);