Added another test [#CLICKHOUSE-3559].

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Milovidov 2018-02-05 21:15:47 +03:00
parent 8b010428a5
commit 4c46a89196
2 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
INSERT INTO `test`.`test_log`(`date`, `datetime`, `path`, `gtid`, `query_serial`, `row_serial`, `reqid`, `method`, `service`, `db`, `type`, `operation`, `old_fields`.`name`, `old_fields`.`value`, `old_fields`.`is_null`, `new_fields`.`name`, `new_fields`.`value`, `new_fields`.`is_null`, `record_source_type`, `record_source_timestamp`, `deleted`) FORMAT TabSeparated
run by native protocol
run by http protocol
run by native protocol
run by http protocol
run by native protocol
run by http protocol

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
. $CURDIR/../
set -e -o pipefail
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`test_log`
CREATE TABLE `test`.`test_log` (
date Date,
datetime DateTime,
path String,
gtid String,
query_serial UInt32,
row_serial UInt32,
reqid Int64,
method String,
service String,
db String,
type String,
operation Enum8('INSERT'=1, 'UPDATE'=2, 'DELETE'=3),
old_fields Nested(name String, value String, is_null Enum8('true'=1, 'false'=0)),
new_fields Nested(name String, value String, is_null Enum8('true'=1, 'false'=0)),
record_source_type Int8,
record_source_timestamp DateTime,
deleted Enum8('true'=1, 'false'=0)
) ENGINE = MergeTree(
(date, path, gtid, query_serial, row_serial),
DATA='2018-01-01\t2018-01-01 03:00:00\tclient:1-\tserveruuid:0\t0\t0\t0\t\t\ttest\ttest\tINSERT\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t1\t2018-02-02 15:54:10\tfalse\n'
QUERY='INSERT INTO `test`.`test_log`(`date`, `datetime`, `path`, `gtid`, `query_serial`, `row_serial`,
`reqid`, `method`, `service`, `db`, `type`, `operation`, `old_fields`.`name`,
`old_fields`.`value`, `old_fields`.`is_null`, `new_fields`.`name`, `new_fields`.`value`,
`new_fields`.`is_null`, `record_source_type`, `record_source_timestamp`, `deleted`) FORMAT TabSeparated'
QUERY="$(tr -d '\n' <<<"$QUERY")"
echo $QUERY
URL=$(python -c 'print "'${CLICKHOUSE_URL}'?query=" + __import__("urllib").quote("'"$QUERY"'")')
set +e
for i in 1 2 3; do
echo run by native protocol
printf "$DATA" | $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query "$QUERY"
echo run by http protocol
printf "$DATA" | $CLICKHOUSE_CURL -sS -X POST --data-binary @- "$URL"
echo 'Count:'
$CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query 'select count() from test.test_log'