const int HelpFormatter::LINE_WIDTH = 78;

This commit is contained in:
Yatsishin Ilya 2023-02-28 16:20:15 +00:00
parent 76e7e15f67
commit 4f765ccbaa
2 changed files with 275 additions and 321 deletions

View File

@ -129,63 +129,57 @@ clickhouse compressor
Usage: clickhouse compressor [options] < INPUT > OUTPUT
Alternative usage: clickhouse compressor [options] INPUT OUTPUT
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--input INPUT input file
--output OUTPUT output file
-d [ --decompress ]
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--input INPUT input file
--output OUTPUT output file
-d [ --decompress ] decompress
--offset-in-compressed-file arg (=0)
offset to the compressed block (i.e.
physical file offset)
offset to the compressed block (i.e.
physical file offset)
--offset-in-decompressed-block arg (=0)
offset to the decompressed block (i.e.
virtual offset)
-b [ --block-size ] arg (=1048576)
compress in blocks of specified size
--hc use LZ4HC instead of LZ4
--zstd use ZSTD instead of LZ4
--deflate_qpl use deflate_qpl instead of LZ4
--codec arg use codecs combination instead of LZ4
--level arg compression level for codecs specified
via flags
--none use no compression instead of LZ4
--stat print block statistics of compressed
offset to the decompressed block (i.e.
virtual offset)
-b [ --block-size ] arg (=1048576) compress in blocks of specified size
--hc use LZ4HC instead of LZ4
--zstd use ZSTD instead of LZ4
--deflate_qpl use deflate_qpl instead of LZ4
--codec arg use codecs combination instead of LZ4
--level arg compression level for codecs specified
via flags
--none use no compression instead of LZ4
--stat print block statistics of compressed
clickhouse format
Usage: clickhouse format [options] < query
Allowed options:
--query arg query to format
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--hilite add syntax highlight with ANSI terminal
escape sequences
--oneline format in single line
-q [ --quiet ] just check syntax, no output on success
-n [ --multiquery ]
allow multiple queries in the same file
--obfuscate obfuscate instead of formatting
--backslash add a backslash at the end of each line
of the formatted query
--query arg query to format
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--hilite add syntax highlight with ANSI terminal
escape sequences
--oneline format in single line
-q [ --quiet ] just check syntax, no output on success
-n [ --multiquery ] allow multiple queries in the same file
--obfuscate obfuscate instead of formatting
--backslash add a backslash at the end of each line
of the formatted query
Allow SETTINGS after FORMAT, but note,
that this is not always safe
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string) that determines
the result of obfuscation
--max_query_size arg
Which part of the query can be read
into RAM for parsing (the remaining
data for INSERT, if any, is read later)
--max_parser_depth arg
Maximum parser depth (recursion depth
of recursive descend parser).
Allow SETTINGS after FORMAT, but note,
that this is not always safe
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string) that determines
the result of obfuscation
--max_query_size arg Which part of the query can be read
into RAM for parsing (the remaining
data for INSERT, if any, is read later)
--max_parser_depth arg Maximum parser depth (recursion depth
of recursive descend parser).
clickhouse copier
usage: clickhouse copier --config-file <config-file> --task-path
usage: clickhouse copier --config-file <config-file> --task-path <task-path>
Copies tables from one cluster to another
-C<file>, --config-file=<file>
@ -423,71 +417,64 @@ Usage: clickhouse obfuscator [options] < in > out
Input must be seekable file (it will be read twice).
--help produce help message
-S [ --structure ] arg
structure of the initial table (list of
column and type names)
--input-format arg
input format of the initial table data
--output-format arg
default output format
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string), must be random
string with at least 10 bytes length;
note that a seed for each column is
derived from this seed and a column
name: you can obfuscate data for
different tables and as long as you use
identical seed and identical column
names, the data for corresponding
non-text columns for different tables
will be transformed in the same way, so
the data for different tables can be
JOINed after obfuscation
--limit arg if specified - stop after generating
that number of rows; the limit can be
also greater than the number of source
dataset - in this case it will process
the dataset in a loop more than one
time, using different seeds on every
iteration, generating result as large
as needed
--silent arg (=0) don't print information messages to
--save arg save the models after training to the
specified file. You can use --limit 0
to skip the generation step. The file
is using binary, platform-dependent,
opaque serialization format. The model
parameters are saved, while the seed is
--load arg load the models instead of training
from the specified file. The table
structure must match the saved file.
The seed should be specified
separately, while other model
parameters are loaded.
--order arg (=5) order of markov model to generate
--frequency-cutoff arg (=5)
frequency cutoff for markov model:
remove all buckets with count less than
--num-buckets-cutoff arg (=0)
cutoff for number of different possible
continuations for a context: remove all
histograms with less than specified
number of buckets
--frequency-add arg (=0)
add a constant to every count to lower
probability distribution skew
--frequency-desaturate arg (=0)
0..1 - move every frequency towards
average to lower probability
distribution skew
--help produce help message
-S [ --structure ] arg structure of the initial table (list of
column and type names)
--input-format arg input format of the initial table data
--output-format arg default output format
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string), must be random
string with at least 10 bytes length;
note that a seed for each column is
derived from this seed and a column
name: you can obfuscate data for
different tables and as long as you use
identical seed and identical column
names, the data for corresponding
non-text columns for different tables
will be transformed in the same way, so
the data for different tables can be
JOINed after obfuscation
--limit arg if specified - stop after generating
that number of rows; the limit can be
also greater than the number of source
dataset - in this case it will process
the dataset in a loop more than one
time, using different seeds on every
iteration, generating result as large
as needed
--silent arg (=0) don't print information messages to
--save arg save the models after training to the
specified file. You can use --limit 0
to skip the generation step. The file
is using binary, platform-dependent,
opaque serialization format. The model
parameters are saved, while the seed is
--load arg load the models instead of training
from the specified file. The table
structure must match the saved file.
The seed should be specified
separately, while other model
parameters are loaded.
--order arg (=5) order of markov model to generate
--frequency-cutoff arg (=5) frequency cutoff for markov model:
remove all buckets with count less than
--num-buckets-cutoff arg (=0) cutoff for number of different possible
continuations for a context: remove all
histograms with less than specified
number of buckets
--frequency-add arg (=0) add a constant to every count to lower
probability distribution skew
--frequency-desaturate arg (=0) 0..1 - move every frequency towards
average to lower probability
distribution skew
--determinator-sliding-window-size arg (=8)
size of a sliding window in a source
string - its hash is used as a seed for
RNG in markov model
size of a sliding window in a source
string - its hash is used as a seed for
RNG in markov model
@ -645,34 +632,30 @@ clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO git.line_changes FORMAT TSV" < line_chang
Usage: clickhouse git-import
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--skip-commits-without-parents arg (=1)
Skip commits without parents (except
the initial commit). These commits are
usually erroneous but they can make
sense in very rare cases.
Skip commits without parents (except
the initial commit). These commits are
usually erroneous but they can make
sense in very rare cases.
--skip-commits-with-duplicate-diffs arg (=1)
Skip commits with duplicate diffs.
These commits are usually results of
cherry-pick or merge after rebase.
--skip-commit arg Skip commit with specified hash. The
option can be specified multiple times.
--skip-paths arg Skip paths that matches regular
expression (re2 syntax).
--skip-commits-with-messages arg
Skip commits whose messages matches
regular expression (re2 syntax).
--diff-size-limit arg (=100000)
Skip commits whose diff size (number of
added + removed lines) is larger than
specified threshold. Does not apply for
initial commit.
--stop-after-commit arg
Stop processing after specified commit
--threads arg (=8)
Number of concurrent git subprocesses
to spawn
Skip commits with duplicate diffs.
These commits are usually results of
cherry-pick or merge after rebase.
--skip-commit arg Skip commit with specified hash. The
option can be specified multiple times.
--skip-paths arg Skip paths that matches regular
expression (re2 syntax).
--skip-commits-with-messages arg Skip commits whose messages matches
regular expression (re2 syntax).
--diff-size-limit arg (=100000) Skip commits whose diff size (number of
added + removed lines) is larger than
specified threshold. Does not apply for
initial commit.
--stop-after-commit arg Stop processing after specified commit
--threads arg (=8) Number of concurrent git subprocesses
to spawn
@ -704,14 +687,11 @@ clickhouse keeper-converter
Usage: clickhouse keeper-converter --zookeeper-logs-dir /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2 --zookeeper-snapshots-dir /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2 --output-dir /var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/snapshots
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--zookeeper-logs-dir arg
Path to directory with ZooKeeper logs
--zookeeper-snapshots-dir arg
Path to directory with ZooKeeper
--output-dir arg Directory to place output
clickhouse-keeper snapshot
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--zookeeper-logs-dir arg Path to directory with ZooKeeper logs
--zookeeper-snapshots-dir arg Path to directory with ZooKeeper snapshots
--output-dir arg Directory to place output clickhouse-keeper
clickhouse install
@ -797,16 +777,15 @@ Usage: sudo clickhouse restart
clickhouse static
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--metadata-path arg
Metadata path (SELECT data_paths FROM
system.tables WHERE name = 'table_name'
AND database = 'database_name')
--test-mode Use test mode, which will put data on
given url via PUT
--link Create symlinks instead of copying
--url arg Web server url for test mode
--output-dir arg Directory to put files in non-test mode
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--metadata-path arg Metadata path (SELECT data_paths FROM system.tables
WHERE name = 'table_name' AND database =
--test-mode Use test mode, which will put data on given url via
--link Create symlinks instead of copying
--url arg Web server url for test mode
--output-dir arg Directory to put files in non-test mode
clickhouse su
@ -853,14 +832,12 @@ Path should be in format './' or './path' or 'path'
list-disks List disks names
-h [ --help ] Print common help message
-C [ --config-file ] arg
Set config file
--disk arg Set disk name
--command_name arg
Name for command to do
--save-logs Save logs to a file
--log-level arg Logging level
-h [ --help ] Print common help message
-C [ --config-file ] arg Set config file
--disk arg Set disk name
--command_name arg Name for command to do
--save-logs Save logs to a file
--log-level arg Logging level
@ -941,63 +918,57 @@ clickhouse-compressor
Usage: clickhouse compressor [options] < INPUT > OUTPUT
Alternative usage: clickhouse compressor [options] INPUT OUTPUT
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--input INPUT input file
--output OUTPUT output file
-d [ --decompress ]
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--input INPUT input file
--output OUTPUT output file
-d [ --decompress ] decompress
--offset-in-compressed-file arg (=0)
offset to the compressed block (i.e.
physical file offset)
offset to the compressed block (i.e.
physical file offset)
--offset-in-decompressed-block arg (=0)
offset to the decompressed block (i.e.
virtual offset)
-b [ --block-size ] arg (=1048576)
compress in blocks of specified size
--hc use LZ4HC instead of LZ4
--zstd use ZSTD instead of LZ4
--deflate_qpl use deflate_qpl instead of LZ4
--codec arg use codecs combination instead of LZ4
--level arg compression level for codecs specified
via flags
--none use no compression instead of LZ4
--stat print block statistics of compressed
offset to the decompressed block (i.e.
virtual offset)
-b [ --block-size ] arg (=1048576) compress in blocks of specified size
--hc use LZ4HC instead of LZ4
--zstd use ZSTD instead of LZ4
--deflate_qpl use deflate_qpl instead of LZ4
--codec arg use codecs combination instead of LZ4
--level arg compression level for codecs specified
via flags
--none use no compression instead of LZ4
--stat print block statistics of compressed
Usage: clickhouse format [options] < query
Allowed options:
--query arg query to format
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--hilite add syntax highlight with ANSI terminal
escape sequences
--oneline format in single line
-q [ --quiet ] just check syntax, no output on success
-n [ --multiquery ]
allow multiple queries in the same file
--obfuscate obfuscate instead of formatting
--backslash add a backslash at the end of each line
of the formatted query
--query arg query to format
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--hilite add syntax highlight with ANSI terminal
escape sequences
--oneline format in single line
-q [ --quiet ] just check syntax, no output on success
-n [ --multiquery ] allow multiple queries in the same file
--obfuscate obfuscate instead of formatting
--backslash add a backslash at the end of each line
of the formatted query
Allow SETTINGS after FORMAT, but note,
that this is not always safe
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string) that determines
the result of obfuscation
--max_query_size arg
Which part of the query can be read
into RAM for parsing (the remaining
data for INSERT, if any, is read later)
--max_parser_depth arg
Maximum parser depth (recursion depth
of recursive descend parser).
Allow SETTINGS after FORMAT, but note,
that this is not always safe
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string) that determines
the result of obfuscation
--max_query_size arg Which part of the query can be read
into RAM for parsing (the remaining
data for INSERT, if any, is read later)
--max_parser_depth arg Maximum parser depth (recursion depth
of recursive descend parser).
usage: clickhouse-copier --config-file <config-file> --task-path
usage: clickhouse-copier --config-file <config-file> --task-path <task-path>
Copies tables from one cluster to another
-C<file>, --config-file=<file>
@ -1235,71 +1206,64 @@ Usage: clickhouse obfuscator [options] < in > out
Input must be seekable file (it will be read twice).
--help produce help message
-S [ --structure ] arg
structure of the initial table (list of
column and type names)
--input-format arg
input format of the initial table data
--output-format arg
default output format
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string), must be random
string with at least 10 bytes length;
note that a seed for each column is
derived from this seed and a column
name: you can obfuscate data for
different tables and as long as you use
identical seed and identical column
names, the data for corresponding
non-text columns for different tables
will be transformed in the same way, so
the data for different tables can be
JOINed after obfuscation
--limit arg if specified - stop after generating
that number of rows; the limit can be
also greater than the number of source
dataset - in this case it will process
the dataset in a loop more than one
time, using different seeds on every
iteration, generating result as large
as needed
--silent arg (=0) don't print information messages to
--save arg save the models after training to the
specified file. You can use --limit 0
to skip the generation step. The file
is using binary, platform-dependent,
opaque serialization format. The model
parameters are saved, while the seed is
--load arg load the models instead of training
from the specified file. The table
structure must match the saved file.
The seed should be specified
separately, while other model
parameters are loaded.
--order arg (=5) order of markov model to generate
--frequency-cutoff arg (=5)
frequency cutoff for markov model:
remove all buckets with count less than
--num-buckets-cutoff arg (=0)
cutoff for number of different possible
continuations for a context: remove all
histograms with less than specified
number of buckets
--frequency-add arg (=0)
add a constant to every count to lower
probability distribution skew
--frequency-desaturate arg (=0)
0..1 - move every frequency towards
average to lower probability
distribution skew
--help produce help message
-S [ --structure ] arg structure of the initial table (list of
column and type names)
--input-format arg input format of the initial table data
--output-format arg default output format
--seed arg seed (arbitrary string), must be random
string with at least 10 bytes length;
note that a seed for each column is
derived from this seed and a column
name: you can obfuscate data for
different tables and as long as you use
identical seed and identical column
names, the data for corresponding
non-text columns for different tables
will be transformed in the same way, so
the data for different tables can be
JOINed after obfuscation
--limit arg if specified - stop after generating
that number of rows; the limit can be
also greater than the number of source
dataset - in this case it will process
the dataset in a loop more than one
time, using different seeds on every
iteration, generating result as large
as needed
--silent arg (=0) don't print information messages to
--save arg save the models after training to the
specified file. You can use --limit 0
to skip the generation step. The file
is using binary, platform-dependent,
opaque serialization format. The model
parameters are saved, while the seed is
--load arg load the models instead of training
from the specified file. The table
structure must match the saved file.
The seed should be specified
separately, while other model
parameters are loaded.
--order arg (=5) order of markov model to generate
--frequency-cutoff arg (=5) frequency cutoff for markov model:
remove all buckets with count less than
--num-buckets-cutoff arg (=0) cutoff for number of different possible
continuations for a context: remove all
histograms with less than specified
number of buckets
--frequency-add arg (=0) add a constant to every count to lower
probability distribution skew
--frequency-desaturate arg (=0) 0..1 - move every frequency towards
average to lower probability
distribution skew
--determinator-sliding-window-size arg (=8)
size of a sliding window in a source
string - its hash is used as a seed for
RNG in markov model
size of a sliding window in a source
string - its hash is used as a seed for
RNG in markov model
@ -1457,34 +1421,30 @@ clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO git.line_changes FORMAT TSV" < line_chang
Usage: clickhouse git-import
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--skip-commits-without-parents arg (=1)
Skip commits without parents (except
the initial commit). These commits are
usually erroneous but they can make
sense in very rare cases.
Skip commits without parents (except
the initial commit). These commits are
usually erroneous but they can make
sense in very rare cases.
--skip-commits-with-duplicate-diffs arg (=1)
Skip commits with duplicate diffs.
These commits are usually results of
cherry-pick or merge after rebase.
--skip-commit arg Skip commit with specified hash. The
option can be specified multiple times.
--skip-paths arg Skip paths that matches regular
expression (re2 syntax).
--skip-commits-with-messages arg
Skip commits whose messages matches
regular expression (re2 syntax).
--diff-size-limit arg (=100000)
Skip commits whose diff size (number of
added + removed lines) is larger than
specified threshold. Does not apply for
initial commit.
--stop-after-commit arg
Stop processing after specified commit
--threads arg (=8)
Number of concurrent git subprocesses
to spawn
Skip commits with duplicate diffs.
These commits are usually results of
cherry-pick or merge after rebase.
--skip-commit arg Skip commit with specified hash. The
option can be specified multiple times.
--skip-paths arg Skip paths that matches regular
expression (re2 syntax).
--skip-commits-with-messages arg Skip commits whose messages matches
regular expression (re2 syntax).
--diff-size-limit arg (=100000) Skip commits whose diff size (number of
added + removed lines) is larger than
specified threshold. Does not apply for
initial commit.
--stop-after-commit arg Stop processing after specified commit
--threads arg (=8) Number of concurrent git subprocesses
to spawn
@ -1516,29 +1476,25 @@ clickhouse-keeper-converter
Usage: clickhouse keeper-converter --zookeeper-logs-dir /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2 --zookeeper-snapshots-dir /var/lib/zookeeper/data/version-2 --output-dir /var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/snapshots
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--zookeeper-logs-dir arg
Path to directory with ZooKeeper logs
--zookeeper-snapshots-dir arg
Path to directory with ZooKeeper
--output-dir arg Directory to place output
clickhouse-keeper snapshot
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--zookeeper-logs-dir arg Path to directory with ZooKeeper logs
--zookeeper-snapshots-dir arg Path to directory with ZooKeeper snapshots
--output-dir arg Directory to place output clickhouse-keeper
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--metadata-path arg
Metadata path (SELECT data_paths FROM
system.tables WHERE name = 'table_name'
AND database = 'database_name')
--test-mode Use test mode, which will put data on
given url via PUT
--link Create symlinks instead of copying
--url arg Web server url for test mode
--output-dir arg Directory to put files in non-test mode
-h [ --help ] produce help message
--metadata-path arg Metadata path (SELECT data_paths FROM system.tables
WHERE name = 'table_name' AND database =
--test-mode Use test mode, which will put data on given url via
--link Create symlinks instead of copying
--url arg Web server url for test mode
--output-dir arg Directory to put files in non-test mode
@ -1576,12 +1532,10 @@ Path should be in format './' or './path' or 'path'
list-disks List disks names
-h [ --help ] Print common help message
-C [ --config-file ] arg
Set config file
--disk arg Set disk name
--command_name arg
Name for command to do
--save-logs Save logs to a file
--log-level arg Logging level
-h [ --help ] Print common help message
-C [ --config-file ] arg Set config file
--disk arg Set disk name
--command_name arg Name for command to do
--save-logs Save logs to a file
--log-level arg Logging level

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
# In CI there is no tty and we just ignore failed stty calls.
# Set 80 to have same as default size as in notty.
backup_stty_size=$(stty size 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}' ||:)
stty columns 60 2>/dev/null ||:
stty columns 78 2>/dev/null ||:
echo "================BINARY=========================="